Insert into the table of servlet

Hi all

I use JDeveloper 11 g. I'm getting comfortable with the basics of the ADF, but now I'm over my head. I found a great blog of Biemond showing how to set up tasks scheduled using a bean from servlet. It works very well. But now I want to add a table and insert a record in the table, every time that the expiry of the timer. I'm puzzled. I tried to create a page PageDef and connections to the table, and using BindingsContext.getCurrent (), but this does not seem possible to the TimerServlet bean. I know I'm missing something simple. Can you please point me in the right direction to programmatically insert a record into a table from a bean from servlet?

Thank you

You need to ADF connections available to your servlet path.

Practically, this means add a filter mapping in the web.xml file:



You can watch 'sharing ADF with a Servlet context' in ADF Sample Code.

Tags: Java

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  • Extract the XML tags and insert into the table


    XML is under inert atmosphere in the table containing the xmltype column. Need to extract value from xml tag and insert into the table.
    Once the XML record Treaty must update the status as 'Y' in the base table

    There are multiple occurrences of some tags that need to be combined and stored in a single column to delineate the '-'. No. area of occurrence can vary for each record.
    There are a few encrypted column that I managed to convert decoded value. But used select distinct... XMLTYPE...
    GTT table is used to store the intermediate result and decoding and the concatenation of several tags occurred using TWG.

    1.No. multiple tag will vary how to extract those and concatenate them into a single column. I assumed his occrrence in 3 for example: < student >
    2. how to set the value NULL if no tag is not present. Tag in XML record number can vary. I know that the complete list of xmltags.
    3 data not found error for some xml documents.

    Kindly Assits how to achieve this.


    Table Base: temp_XML

    XML_ID NOT NULL NUMBER (28) - auto-increment using the sequence

    Sample XML: Includes all the brands mentioned in the common procedure below.

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "US-ASCII"? >

    "< event xmlns ="">."

    < data xmlns = "" >

    < object >


    < unit > TLAS < / unit >

    < unit > ATLAS < / unit >

    < / units >

    < receiverNetworks >

    < receiverNetwork > ABSAZAJ0XXXX < / receiverNetwork >

    < / receiverNetworks >

    < correspondentIds >

    < correspondentId > #SWF - ABSAZAJ0XXX < / correspondentId >

    < / correspondentIds >

    < comment >

    < comment / >

    < comment / >

    < comment / >

    < comment / >

    < / comment >

    < memo >

    < memo > 28 < / memo >

    < / memos >

    < tuxedoPriority > 20 < / tuxedoPriority >

    sender <>Mike < / sender >

    < typeReseauId > Message < / typeReseauId >

    < maxRetry > 4 < / maxRetry >

    < msgSecuLevel > CBA < / msgSecuLevel >

    < quantity >

    < amount > 12 < / amount >

    < amount > 34 < / amount >

    < amount > 56 < / amount >

    < / amounts >

    < currencys >

    < currency > $ < / currency >

    < currency > EUR < / currency >

    INR < currency > < / currency >

    < / currencys >

    < msgDateVal > ARST123 < / msgDateVal >

    wder < direction > < / direction >

    < eventType > 113 < / eventType >

    < date > 1407431619 < / date >

    < eventDate > 1407431624 < / eventDate >

    < management > R < / direction >

    < msgRef > R950140807AB6CBE < / msgRef >

    < format > SWF < / size >

    < type > 950 < / type >

    R950140807AB6CBE < WALL > < / WALL >

    < bankingPriority / >

    FSDS < field.20 > < / field.20 >

    < texteType > FSS < / texteType >

    < applicationCode > OHS < / applicationCode >

    < company > KETH < / company >

    < endFct > MOE < / endFct >

    < rate > BAM < / flow >

    < subtype / >

    < text > DQo6MjA6R0wxNDA4MDcwMDA1MTMNCjoyNTo3M == < / text >

    < msgHeaders > ezE6RjAxTE9ZRE5MMjBCWFhYMDAzMjAw = < / msgHeaders >

    < msgTrailer > ezU6e0NISzpEOUFFRUNCN0NBQTl9e1RORzp9fQ == < / msgTrailer >

    < / object >

    < / data >

    Procedure: This works very well for a few xml record and fails for some.

    CURSOR c1
    SELECT * FROM temp_XML;

    c1_cur c1% ROWTYPE;

    bamdata_sql VARCHAR2 (3000);
    d_text VARCHAR2 (3000);
    d_msgHeaders VARCHAR2 (3000);
    d_msgTrailer VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_text VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgHeaders VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgTrailer VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_eventType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_amount number (28.2).
    x_currency VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_state VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_units VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    X_TYPE VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_receiverNetworks VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_bankingPriority VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_applicationCode VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_processCounter VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_obsolescence VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_maxRetry VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_retries VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileSize VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_endFct VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_subType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_field20 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_sequenceNumber VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_requestorDn VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_responderDn VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_SWIFTNetService VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_transfertRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_nonrepudiation VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_transfertInfo VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileDesc VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_transfertDesc VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_logicalName VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_signIndicator VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_critId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_inFapId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_deliveryNotif VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comments VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgSecuLevel VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_dates VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_tuxedoPriority VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileDest VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_stkMsgPDEId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_EMTId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_LTRcptSyno VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_LTRcpt VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_LTEmis VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_flow VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_FINCopy VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgDateVal VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_eventDate VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_typeReseauId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_inFapSeq1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_inFapSeq2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_direction VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_priority VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ack VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_format VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_mur VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_TexteType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_creatingUser VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileinfo VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_company VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_language VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ackText VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_jaxbRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_jaxbElt VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memos VARCHAR2 (3000);
    xmlid number (28);
    x_msgRef1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgRef2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgRef3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgRef4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_sender VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_amlBehavior VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ownerServiceId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentName VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentCity VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentCountry VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentNetworkAddr VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_tested VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentNetwork VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_validatedPercentage VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_nbOfValid VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_requestRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_notifQueue VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_requestType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_secBpid VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_queue VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_receiverCode VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_receiverInd VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_validFlag VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ownerId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_dn VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_RMAOurBic VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_RMACorrespondentBic VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_RMAService VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileMsgRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    date of x_ext_date;
    x_correspondentAddress VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgrefs varchar2 (3000);
    d_ackText varchar2 (3000);
    ackText varchar2 (3000);
    date of x_extdate;


    FOR C1_CUR IN C1


    eventType, amount, currency, State, units, correspondentId, sender, receiverNetworks, bankingPriority, applicationCode, processCounter.
    obsolescence, maxRetry, reminders, fileSize, endFct, xsubType, field.20, sequenceNumber, requestorDn, responderDn, SWIFTNetService, non-repudiation,
    transfertRef, transfertInfo, fileDesc, transfertDesc, logicalName, signIndicator, critId, inFapId, deliveryNotif, comment1, comment2, comment3, comment4,
    Memo1, memo2, memo3, memo4, msgSecuLevel, dates, tuxedoPriority, fileDest, stkMsgPDEId, EMTId, LTRcptSyno, LTRcpt, LTEmis, flow, FINCopy, msgDateVal,
    eventDate, typeReseauId, inFapSeq1, inFapSeq2, direction, priority, ack,
    msgRef1, msgRef2, msgRef3, msgRef4, amlbehavior, correspondentName, ownerServiceId,
    correspondentAddress1, correspondentAddress2, correspondentAddress3, correspondentAddress4,
    correspondentCity, correspondentCountry, correspondentNetworkAddr, tested,
    correspondentNetwork, validatedPercentage, nbOfValid, requestRef, notifQueue,
    requestType, secBpid, xqueue, receiverCode, receiverInd, validFlag, ownerId, dn, RMAOurBic, RMACorrespondentBic, RMAService,
    fileMsgRef, format, xtype, wall, TexteType, creatingUser, fileinfo,
    company, text, xlanguage, ackText, msgHeaders, msgTrailer, jaxbRef, jaxbElt)
    x.eventType, x.amount, x.currency, x.state, x.units, x.correspondentId, x.sender, x.receiverNetworks, x.bankingPriority, x.applicationCode, x.processCounter,
    x.obsolescence, x.maxRetry, x.Retries, x.FileSize, x.endFct, x.xsubType, x.Field20, x.SequenceNumber, x.requestorDn, x.responderDn, x.SWIFTNetService, x.nonRepudiation,
    x.transfertRef, x.transfertInfo, x.fileDesc, x.transfertDesc, x.logicalName, x.signIndicator, x.critId, x.inFapId, x.deliveryNotif, x.comment1, x.comment2,
    x.comment3, x.comment4, x.Memo1, x.memo2, x.memo3, x.MEMO4, x.msgSecuLevel, x.dates, x.tuxedoPriority, x.fileDest, x.stkMsgPDEId, x.EMTId, x.LTRcptSyno,
    x.LTRcpt, x.LTEmis, x.flow, x.FINCopy, x.msgDateVal, x.eventDate, x.typeReseauId, x.inFapSeq1, x.inFapSeq2, x.direction, x.priority, x.ack,
    x.msgRef1, x.msgRef2, x.msgRef3, x.msgRef4, x.amlbehavior, x.correspondentName, x.ownerServiceId,
    x.correspondentAddress1, x.correspondentAddress2, x.correspondentAddress3, x.correspondentAddress4,
    x.correspondentCity, x.correspondentCountry, x.correspondentNetworkAddr, x.tested,
    x.correspondentNetwork, x.validatedPercentage, x.nbOfValid, x.requestRef, x.notifQueue,
    x.requestType, x.secBpid, x.xqueue, x.receiverCode, x.receiverInd, x.validFlag, x.ownerId, x.dn, x.RMAOurBic, x.RMACorrespondentBic, x.RMAService,
    x.fileMsgRef, x.format, x.xtype, x.mur, x.TexteType, x.creatingUser, x.fileinfo,
    x.Company, x.Text, x.xLanguage, x.ackText, x.msgHeaders, x.msgTrailer, x.jaxbRef, x.jaxbElt

    of temp_XML t, XMLTABLE (XMLNAMESPACES ('' as "ns0"), ' / ns0:event' )
    eventType varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, eventType' DEFAULT NULL,
    amount number (28.2) path data/object/amounts"."
    currency varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, currencys, currency' DEFAULT NULL,
    VARCHAR2 (3000) path "data/object / / state of ' DEFAULT NULL, State
    units varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/units' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/correspondentIds' DEFAULT NULL,
    sender varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, sender' DEFAULT NULL,
    receiverNetworks varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/receiverNetworks' DEFAULT NULL,
    bankingPriority varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/bankingPriority' DEFAULT NULL,
    applicationCode varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/applicationCode' DEFAULT NULL,
    processCounter varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/processCounter' DEFAULT NULL,
    obsolescence varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/obsolescence' DEFAULT NULL,
    maxRetry varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/maxRetry' DEFAULT NULL,
    attempts to varchar2 (3000) "data/object/attempts" DEFAULT NULL path,.
    size of the file varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/fileSize' DEFAULT NULL,
    endFct varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/endFct' DEFAULT NULL,
    xsubType varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/subtype' DEFAULT NULL,
    field.20 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/field.20' DEFAULT NULL,
    sequenceNumber varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/sequenceNumber" DEFAULT NULL,
    requestorDn varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/requestorDn' DEFAULT NULL,
    responderDn varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/responderDn' DEFAULT NULL,
    SWIFTNetService varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/SWIFTNetService' DEFAULT NULL,
    non-repudiation varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/repudiation' DEFAULT NULL,
    transfertRef varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/transfertRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    transfertInfo varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/transfertInfo' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileDesc varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/fileDesc' DEFAULT NULL,
    transfertDesc varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/transfertDesc' DEFAULT NULL,
    logicalName varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/logicalName" DEFAULT NULL,
    signIndicator varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/signIndicator' DEFAULT NULL,
    critId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/critId' DEFAULT NULL,
    inFapId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/inFapId' DEFAULT NULL,
    deliveryNotif varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/deliveryNotif' DEFAULT NULL,
    COMMENT1 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, subject, comments, comment [1] "DEFAULT NULL,
    comment2 varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, subject, comments, how [2]' DEFAULT NULL,
    comment3 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/observations/comments [3]" DEFAULT NULL,
    comment4, varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, subject, comments, comment [4] "DEFAULT NULL,
    Memo1 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/memos/memo [1]" DEFAULT NULL,
    Memo2 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/notes/Notes [2]" DEFAULT NULL,
    memo3 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/memos/memo [3]" DEFAULT NULL,
    MEMO4 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/memos/memo [4]" DEFAULT NULL,
    msgSecuLevel varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgSecuLevel' DEFAULT NULL,
    Date varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/date' DEFAULT NULL,
    tuxedoPriority varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/tuxedoPriority' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileDest varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/fileDest' DEFAULT NULL,
    stkMsgPDEId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/stkMsgPDEId' DEFAULT NULL,
    EMTId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/EMTId' DEFAULT NULL,
    LTRcptSyno varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/LTRcptSyno' DEFAULT NULL,
    LTRcpt varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/LTRcpt' DEFAULT NULL,
    LTEmis varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/LTEmis' DEFAULT NULL,
    flow varchar2 (3000) PATH "/ object/data flow ' DEFAULT NULL,
    FINCopy varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/FINCopy' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgDateVal varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgDateVal' DEFAULT NULL,
    eventDate varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/eventDate" DEFAULT NULL,
    typeReseauId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/typeReseauId' DEFAULT NULL,
    inFapSeq1 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/inFapSeq1' DEFAULT NULL,
    inFapSeq2 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/inFapSeq2' DEFAULT NULL,
    direction varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, direction' DEFAULT NULL,
    priority varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/priority' DEFAULT NULL,
    ACK varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/ack' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef1 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [1] "DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef2 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [2] "DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef3 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [3] "DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef4 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [4] "DEFAULT NULL,
    amlBehavior varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/amlBehavior' DEFAULT NULL,
    ownerServiceId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/ownerServiceId' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentName varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/correspondentName' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress1 ' object/data/correspondentLine1Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress2 ' object/data/correspondentLine2Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress3 ' object/data/correspondentLine3Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress4 ' object/data/correspondentLine4Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentCity PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentCity' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentCountry PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentCountry' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentNetworkAddr PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentNetworkAddr' DEFAULT NULL,
    tested VARCHAR2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/tested' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentNetwork PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentNetwork' DEFAULT NULL,
    validatedPercentage PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/validatedPercentage' DEFAULT NULL,
    nbOfValid PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/nbOfValid' DEFAULT NULL,
    requestRef VARCHAR2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/requestRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    notifQueue PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/notifQueue' DEFAULT NULL,
    requestType PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' data/object/requestType' DEFAULT NULL,
    secBpid PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/secBpid' DEFAULT NULL,
    xqueue PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' data/object/tail' DEFAULT NULL,
    receiverCode PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/receiverCode' DEFAULT NULL,
    receiverInd PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/receiverInd' DEFAULT NULL,
    validFlag PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/validFlag' DEFAULT NULL,
    ownerId PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' data/object/ownerId' DEFAULT NULL,
    DN VARCHAR2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/dn' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of RMAOurBic ' object/data/RMAOurBic' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of RMACorrespondentBic ' object/data/RMACorrespondentBic' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of RMAService ' object/data/RMAService' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileMsgRef PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/fileMsgRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    ackText varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/ackText' DEFAULT NULL,
    format varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object / ' DEFAULT NULL,
    xType varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/type' DEFAULT NULL,
    Wall varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/wall' DEFAULT NULL,
    texteType varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/texteType' DEFAULT NULL,
    creatingUser varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/creatingUser' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileInfo varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/fileInfo' DEFAULT NULL,
    VARCHAR2 (3000) path ' data/object/society' DEFAULT NULL, the company
    VARCHAR2 (3000) text ' data/object/text' DEFAULT NULL path.
    xLanguage varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/language' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgHeaders varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgHeaders' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgTrailer varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgTrailer' DEFAULT NULL,
    jaxbRef varchar2 (3000) PATH ' info/jaxbRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    jaxbElt varchar2 (3000) PATH "jaxbElt/info") x
    where t.XML_ID = c1_cur. XML_ID and t.status =' no;

    Select x.text, x.msgHeaders, x.msgTrailer in x_msgTrailer, x_msgHeaders, x_text of
    temp_XML t, XMLTABLE (XMLNAMESPACES ('' as "ns0"), ' / ns0:event' )
    text varchar2 (3000) PATH data/object/text"."
    msgHeaders varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgHeaders,"
    msgTrailer varchar2 (3000) PATH "object/data/msgTrailer.
    ) x
    where t.XML_ID = c1_cur. XML_ID;
    Select sysdate in double x_extdate;

    d_text: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (x_text)));
    d_msgHeaders: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (x_msgHeaders)));
    d_msgTrailer: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (x_msgTrailer)));
    -d_ackText: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (ackText)));

    EventType, amount, currency, State, units, correspondentid, sender, receivernetworks, bankingpriority,
    applicationcode, processcounter, obsolescence, maxretry, reminders, filesize, endfct, xsubtype, field.20, sequencenumber, requestordn,
    responderdn, swiftnetservice, non repudiation, transfertref, transfertinfo, filedesc, transfertdesc, logicalname, signindicator,
    critid, infapid, deliverynotif, comment1, comment2, comment3, comment4, memo1, memo2, memo3, memo4, msgseculevel, dates, tuxedopriority, filedest,
    stkmsgpdeid, emtid, ltrcptsyno, ltrcpt, ltemis, flow, fincopy, msgdateval, eventdate, typereseauid, infapseq1,
    infapseq2, direction, priority, ack, msgref1, msgref2, msgref3, msgref4, amlbehavior, ownerserviceid, correspondentname, correspondentaddress1, correspondentaddress2, correspondentaddress3, correspondentaddress4,
    correspondentcity, correspondentcountry, correspondentnetworkaddr, test, correspondentnetwork, validatedpercentage, nbofvalid,.
    requestref, notifqueue, requesttype, secbpid, xqueue, receivercode, receiverind, validflag, ownerid, dn, rmaourbic, rmacorrespondentbic, rmaservice, filemsgref,
    acktext, format, xtype, wall, textetype, creatinguser, fileinfo, society, text, xlanguage, msgheaders, msgtrailer, jaxbref, jaxbelt
    x_eventtype, x_amount, x_currency, x_state, x_units, x_correspondentid, x_sender, x_receivernetworks, x_bankingpriority, x_applicationcode, x_processcounter,
    x_obsolescence, x_maxretry, x_retries, x_filesize, x_endfct, x_subtype, x_field20, x_sequencenumber, x_requestordn, x_responderdn, x_swiftnetservice, x_nonrepudiation,
    x_transfertref, x_transfertinfo, x_filedesc, x_transfertdesc, x_logicalname, x_signindicator, x_critid, x_infapid, x_deliverynotif, x_comment1, x_comment2, x_comment3,
    x_comment4, x_memo1, x_memo2, x_memo3, x_memo4, x_msgseculevel, x_dates, x_tuxedopriority, x_filedest, x_stkmsgpdeid, x_emtid, x_ltrcptsyno, x_ltrcpt,
    x_ltemis, x_flow, x_fincopy, x_msgdateval, x_eventdate, x_typereseauid, x_infapseq1, x_infapseq2, x_direction, x_priority, x_ack, x_msgref1, x_msgref2,
    x_msgref3, x_msgref4, x_amlbehavior, x_ownerserviceid, x_correspondentname, x_correspondentaddress1, x_correspondentaddress2, x_correspondentaddress3,
    x_correspondentaddress4, x_correspondentcity, x_correspondentcountry, x_correspondentnetworkaddr, x_tested, x_correspondentnetwork, x_validatedpercentage,
    x_nbofvalid, x_requestref, x_notifqueue, x_requesttype, x_secbpid, x_queue, x_receivercode, x_receiverind, x_validflag, x_ownerid, x_dn, x_rmaourbic,
    x_rmacorrespondentbic, x_rmaservice, x_filemsgref, x_acktext, x_format, x_type, x_mur, x_textetype, x_creatinguser, x_fileinfo, x_company, x_text,
    x_language, x_msgheaders, x_msgtrailer, x_jaxbref, data_GTT_TEMP x_jaxbelt;

    x_memos: = x_memo1 | » -'|| x_memo2 | » -'|| x_memo3 | » -'|| x_memo4;
    x_comments: = x_comment1 | » -'|| x_comment2 | » -'|| x_comment3 | » -'|| x_comment4;
    x_correspondentAddress: = x_correspondentAddress1 | » -'|| x_correspondentAddress2 | » -'|| x_correspondentAddress3 | » -'|| x_correspondentAddress4;
    x_msgrefs: = x_msgRef1 | » -'|| x_msgRef2 | » -'|| x_msgRef3 | » -'|| x_msgRef4;


    insert into donnees_xml
    (xml_id, x_ext_date, eventtype, amount, currency, State, unit, correspondentid, sender, receivernetworks, bankingpriority, applicationcode,
    ProcessCounter, obsolescence, maxretry, reminders, filesize, endfct, xsubtype, field.20, sequencenumber, requestordn, responderdn,
    swiftnetservice, non repudiation, transfertref, transfertinfo, filedesc, transfertdesc, logicalname, signindicator, critid, infapid,
    deliverynotif, comments, notes, msgseculevel, dates, tuxedopriority, filedest, stkmsgpdeid, emtid, ltrcptsyno, ltrcpt, ltemis, flow,
    FINCopy, msgdateval, eventdate, typereseauid, infapseq1, infapseq2, direction, priority, ack, msgrefs, amlbehavior, ownerserviceid,
    correspondentName correspondentaddress, correspondentcity, correspondentcountry, correspondentnetworkaddr, tested,
    correspondentnetwork, validatedpercentage, nbofvalid, requestref, notifqueue, requesttype, secbpid, xqueue, receivercode,
    receiverind, validflag, ownerid, dn, rmaourbic, rmacorrespondentbic, rmaservice, filemsgref, acktext, format, xtype, wall,
    textetype, creatinguser, fileinfo, society, text, xlanguage, msgheaders, msgtrailer, jaxbref, jaxbelt)
    (xmlid, x_extdate, x_eventType, x_amount, x_currency, x_state, x_units, x_correspondentId, x_sender, x_receiverNetworks, x_bankingPriority, x_applicationCode,
    x_processCounter, x_obsolescence, x_maxRetry, x_retries, x_fileSize, x_endFct, x_subType, x_field20, x_sequenceNumber, x_requestorDn, x_responderDn,
    x_SWIFTNetService, x_nonRepudiation, x_transfertRef, x_transfertInfo, x_fileDesc, x_transfertDesc, x_logicalName, x_signIndicator, x_critId, x_inFapId,
    x_deliveryNotif, x_comments, x_memos, x_msgSecuLevel, x_dates, x_tuxedoPriority, x_fileDest, x_stkMsgPDEId, x_EMTId, x_LTRcptSyno, x_LTRcpt, x_LTEmis, x_flow,
    x_FINCopy, x_msgDateVal, x_eventDate, x_typeReseauId, x_inFapSeq1, x_inFapSeq2, x_direction, x_priority, x_ack, x_msgrefs, x_amlbehavior, x_ownerServiceId,
    x_correspondentName, x_correspondentAddress, x_correspondentCity, x_correspondentCountry, x_correspondentnetworkaddr, x_tested,
    x_correspondentNetwork, x_validatedPercentage, x_nbOfValid, x_requestRef, x_notifQueue, x_requestType, x_secBpid, x_queue, x_receiverCode,
    x_receiverInd, x_validFlag, x_ownerId, x_dn, x_RMAOurBic, x_RMACorrespondentBic, x_RMAService, x_fileMsgRef, ackText, x_format, x_type, x_mur,
    x_TexteType, x_creatingUser, x_fileinfo, x_company d_text, x_language, d_msgHeaders, d_msgTrailer, x_jaxbRef, x_jaxbElt);

    Update temp_XML set status = 'Y' where XML_ID = xmlid;


    1.No. multiple tag will vary how to extract those and concatenate them into a single column. I assumed that his occrrence in 3 for example:

    Use the fn:string-join() function:

    path varchar2 (4000) of comments 'string-join(comments/comment, "-").

    2. how to set the value NULL if no tag is not present. Tag in XML record number can vary.

    You don't have anything specific to do in this case.

    Missing tags with a projection in the COLUMNS clause will produce a column NULL by default.

  • Inserting into the table of the apex report log

    Hi all

    I have an interactive report with check boxes for each line, when I select a checkbox one according to the report and click the button submit that the first records of departure in the report are getting inserted into the table
    the lines that I select in the report is not getting inserted into the table.

    For example, if I select all 4 records in the box and click submit button 4 first records will be inserted into the table. Not the selected records.

    I put all the attributes attribute of standard report columns.

    Here is my code I wrote for the process to insert in the journal table.
    v_index varchar2(2000);
    --v_index := APEX_APPLICATION.G_F21(i);
    insert into eptlog(ptr , cat , pgroup , splptr,gisv ,
              mptr , hip , oml ,wa_type , stl_acc,last_updated_by )
    values(apex_application.g_f22(i), A-Cat,P-Group,
    For the report query
    apex_item.checkbox(21,'#ROWNUM#','UNCHECKED')||APEX_ITEM.HIDDEN(22,||'-'|| ptr,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(23,ptr.ecat, 'select catdesc,cat from ptrcatmst') cat1,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(24,ptr.partner_group, 'select pgroup,gid from APTNRGROUP') pgroup,
    apex_item.select_list(25,p.gisv,'Y;10,N;20') iv,
    apex_item.select_list(26,p.splptr,'Y;10,N;20')  splptr,
    from aptr p
    left outer join aptr_a s on = s.pname and =
    left outer join lcomp c on =
    where rate>0 and p.cat1<>'D' and ='10'
    group by rownum,p.row_id,,
    order by rate desc
    Please guide me on what I need on urgent basis.

    Thank you


    I have fixed the bothe insert and update now procs.

    Here's what I changed.

    Changed the sql report to render the rownum as the value for the column in the box.

    Edited the page processes to use the value of rownum.

    Please check and mark the correct answer

    Thank you

  • How the values to insert into the table with the command insertion

    Dear all
    can someone tell me how the values to insert into the table with the command insert, I want to say I always use command insert behind my forms on what shutter release button press the button of my save, but today I had a form of 6i, where controls (textbox, combo, etc.) are delineated with directly the table with I guess than the Properties Windows , I created 3 columns in tand 3 text on forms fields, now kindly tell me how to do this fields to fill and do not insert command, I mean directly defined with table column

    Please help me its urgent


    If the block is based on your database table, just committed the shape, then changes will be applied to the database.


  • increase the value of minute in 14 minutes, while the data is inserted into the table


    I'm having the asp page that connects with the DB to insert values into the table. One column is date data type. Value from this asp page must be incremented to 14 minutes before be inserted into the table.

    How can I do this?
    sqlG="INSERT INTO AEMU " &_
                                                      " (MSISDN,X,Y,TIME_STAMP,REQ_ID, " &_
                                                      "  COUNTRY_G)" &_
                                                      " VALUES " &_
                                                      "('"& msid &"'," &_
                                                      "'" & X & "'," &_
                                                      "' " & Y & " '," &_
                                                      "to_date('" & Day(TrueTimeStamp) & "-" & MonthName(Month(TrueTimeStamp), True) & "-" & Year(TrueTimeStamp) & " " & Hour(TrueTimeStamp) & ":" & Minute(TrueTimeStamp) & ":" & Second(TrueTimeStamp) & "', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')," &_
                                                      "' " & req_id & " '," &_
                                                      "'" & CountryName_G & "')"

    Try this way:

    sqlG="INSERT INTO AEMU " &_
         " (MSISDN,X,Y,TIME_STAMP,REQ_ID, " &_
         "  COUNTRY_G)" &_
         " VALUES " &_
         "('"& msid &"'," &_
         "'" & X & "'," &_
         "' " & Y & " '," &_
         "to_date('" & Day(TrueTimeStamp) & "-" & MonthName(Month(TrueTimeStamp), True) & "-" & Year(TrueTimeStamp) & " " & Hour(TrueTimeStamp) & ":" & Minute(TrueTimeStamp) & ":" & Second(TrueTimeStamp) & "', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')+14/(24*60)," &_
         "' " & req_id & " '," &_
         "'" & CountryName_G & "')"

    [My Italian blog Oracle |]

  • insert into the table

    Hello, I am new to using labview and I want to create a dataloger. I want to insert values into the table and keep only when buttom is press or if a Boolean value is true. The table works but not to conserve the values, delete it and replace.

    Thank you

    Avimar wrote:

    Hello, I am new to using labview and I want to create a dataloger. I want to insert values into the table and keep only when buttom is press or if a Boolean value is true. The table works but not to conserve the values, delete it and replace.

    Thank you

    First switch off the default use if Unwired on your tunnel to exit of the structure of the case.  Make sure that wire you your table straight through in the wrong case (the error you are going when you have disabled the default thread continues clearing).

  • FND_REQUEST. SUBMIT_REQUEST returns request_id, but documents are not inserted into the table AP_INVOICES_ALL

    simultaneous program returns request_id, but the lines are not inserted into the AP_INVOICES_ALL table.

    where can I check for errors? is there any error log written by simultaneous program?

    Please do not post any duplicates- FND_REQUEST. SUBMIT_REQUEST stores the error messages in the table

  • Insert into the table with restrictions


    I'm trying to insert into the rows of the table to a table, but this inserts are conditioned by the other table.

    The old table is:

    CREATE TABLE control)

    ID number 4 NOT NULL,.

    FD varchar2 (10) NOT NULL,

    HD varchar2 (10) NOT NULL,

    Code number 4 NOT NULL,

    fcod varchar2 (10) NOT NULL,

    Type varchar2 (10) NOT NULL,

    invoice_text varchar2 (10) NOT NULL


    This table includes the following values:

    Fd hd place ID code fcod typ invocie

    So if you want to help change your original message and finish it. Otherwise, just mark the ANSWER thread.

  • Cannot insert into the table PS_TXN

    WebLogic Server Version:
    UNIX: HP B.11.31 U ia64
    node 1 database
    1 application node
    1 customized application - myApplication

    I get intermittent errors in the log for managedserver2 of a group of weblogic 2 managed servers. Our normal operation is managedserver1 be falling.

    We have an application custom (myApplication) installed on two managed servers

    It says an error intermittently when attempting to insert a row into the table PS_TXN saying that it that the table does not exist. The research I've done this table is a temporary table created by Weblogic to record the session information and the data that they are transitional.

    How can he say it does not exist when it seems be weblogic who creates it?

    I posted the error to the newspaper below.

    oracle.jbo.PCollException: Houston-28030: could not insert row into the table PS_TXN, the collection 3 956, persistent id id 1

    Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    Added keyKerberos of the server main HTTP/svc_weblogic_prod@***.***.*.***.**Key Version 3key EncryptionKey: keyType = 3 keyBytes (hex
    dump) =
    + 0000: 80 1 C 64 5B 5B 3D 8F A7 +.

    + [Krb5LoginModule] has added to the subject + Krb5Principal HTTP/svc_weblogic_prod@***.***.*.***.**
    Validation succeeded

    oracle.jbo.PCollException: Houston-28030: could not insert row into the table PS_TXN, the collection 3 956, persistent id id 1
    at oracle.jbo.PCollException.throwException(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager.insert(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateElem(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivate(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateBranch(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollection.passivate(
    at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
    at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateStateInternal(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateState(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationPoolMessageHandler.doPoolMessage(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.doPoolMessage(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.sendPoolMessage(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.manageReferencingState(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.finalizeResource(
    at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.removeResourceInternal(
    at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.setState(
    at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.gc(
    at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.wakeup(
    at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.wakeup(
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForRows(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.execute(
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PreparedStatement.execute(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager.insert(
    +... 21 plus +.
    + # # 0 in detail.
    java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForRows(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.execute(
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PreparedStatement.execute(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager.insert(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateElem(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivate(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateBranch(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollection.passivate(
    at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
    at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateStateInternal(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateState(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationPoolMessageHandler.doPoolMessage(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.doPoolMessage(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.sendPoolMessage(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.manageReferencingState(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.finalizeResource(
    at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.removeResourceInternal(
    at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.setState(
    at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.gc(
    at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.wakeup(
    at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.wakeup(
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(

    If someone could shed some light on this, I would be very grateful.

    Thank you.

    Using ADF? (I thought ps_txn belonged to this framework, correct me if I'm wrong).

    Some suggestions are given here:

    General info on PS_TXN -

  • insert into the table using the loop and permanently display


    I am trying to insert some values of loop loop run into two tables and trying to draw using Graph XY. I need values Joanie be inserted one by one in each iteration. But at the end of the iteration in the table, I get only last value... can someone help me?

    Hello Manu,

    use a shift register to store each table. BuildArray allows to add/Add (not Insert!) of new values in the table.

    Then you need not use an ExpressVI to create the chart, a knot simple bundle (as indicated in the context-sensitive help) is enough to create a field in a XY Chart...

    Example with a table:

    Keep in mind:

    It's not (memory/CPU time) effective to use for time of data acquisition time (giving rise to large Bay). Use different approaches then...

  • Attempt to create run time (dynamic) table and insert the data in this... The entrance is a flat file (txt file) which has the numbers and strings... I'm trying to convert them to a string and insert into the table. It is a matter of urgency for me please

    create or replace procedure Dynamic_Table AS

    iVal VARCHAR2 (32);

    iTemp varchar (200): = ";

    sql_stmt VARCHAR2 (200);


    l_file utl_file.file_type;


    l_file1: = UTL_FILE. FOPEN ('TEST', 'dinput.txt', 'R');

    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' CREATE TABLE baseline (Item_ID varchar2 (32))';



    UTL_FILE. GET_LINE (l_file1, iVal);

    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' insert into baseline values (: ival) "using ival;


    WHEN No_Data_Found THEN EXIT;

    While some OTHER THEN dbms_output.put_line (SQLERRM); * /


    end loop;


    You are approaching this the wrong way.  Create an external table based on the file.  External tables are CSV, fixed width data in a queryable table.

    You will need to create an oracle directory to put the file in (MY_ORA_DIR) I leave it for you to do, and then perform the following...

    create table BASELINE)

    ITEM_ID varchar2 (32)









    LOGFILE "dinput.log".

    BADFILE "dinput.bad."







    LOCATION ("dinput.txt")




    All the dubious records appear in dinput.bad. Dinput.log will give you information.

    External tables are read-only, so once you set up your file, you can create editable as a normal table.

    create table ITABLE_EDITABLE as

    Select * from BASELINE


    Work done, a few lines of code.

  • Parse XML and insert into the table Oracel

    Hi all

    I have an XML document, I need to analyze and take the respective tag data and inserting it into another table.

    This is the XML code that I have.

    " < convertTo xsi: schemaLocation =" "> "

    < terms > < / terms >

    < privacy > < / privacy >

    < to > < /pour > USD

    < amount > 1.0 < / amount >

    < timestamp > 2015-10-25T 23: 00:00Z < / timestamp >

    < from >

    rate <>

    < currency > EUR < / currency >

    < e > 0.9075541422 < / mid >

    < / rates >

    rate <>

    INR < currency > < / currency >

    < e > 65.0313451105 < / mid >

    < / rates >

    rate <>

    < currency > CAD < / currency >

    < e > 1.3167560135 < / mid >

    < / rates >

    rate <>

    < currency > GBP < / currency >

    < e > 0.6528693249 < / mid >

    < / rates >

    < / from >

    < / convertTo >

    Here is the code I use to analyze the values


    XMLType x: = XMLType)

    ' ' < convertTo xsi: schemaLocation = " "> "

    < terms > < / terms >

    < privacy > < / privacy >

    < to > < /pour > USD

    < amount > 1.0 < / amount >

    < timestamp > 2015-10-25T 23: 00:00Z < / timestamp >

    < from >

    rate <>

    < currency > EUR < / currency >

    < e > 0.9075541422 < / mid >

    < / rates >

    rate <>

    INR < currency > < / currency >

    < e > 65.0313451105 < / mid >

    < / rates >

    rate <>

    < currency > CAD < / currency >

    < e > 1.3167560135 < / mid >

    < / rates >

    rate <>

    < currency > GBP < / currency >

    < e > 0.6528693249 < / mid >

    < / rates >

    < / from >

    < / convertTo > '



    FOR r IN



    Name of the AS ExtractValue (Value (p),'/ rate/currency/text () ')

    -, ExtractValue (value (p), '/ Row/Address/State/Text ()') State

    -, ExtractValue (value (p), '/ Row/Address/City/Text ()') city


    TABLE (XMLSequence (Extract(x,'convertTo/from/rate'))) p



    -do what you want with, r.state,

    dbms_output.put_line ('Name' | r.Name);



    I get the error message below

    Error report:

    ORA-31011: XML parsing failed

    ORA-19202: an error has occurred in the processing of XML

    LPX-00234: the 'xsi' namespace prefix is not declared

    Error on line 1

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." XMLTYPE", line 310

    ORA-06512: at line 2

    31011 00000 - "XML parsing failed"

    * Cause: XML parser returned an error trying to parse the document.

    * Action: Check whether the document to parse is valid.

    Any help on how to fix this would be really useful.

    Appreciate your time and your help.

    Thank you


    Have you even tried to do what we have suggested?

    SQL > ed
    A written file afiedt.buf

    1 with t as (select xmltype ('))
    "" 2 "xmlns: xsi =""" xsi: schemaLocation = "" > ""
    5 USD
    6    1.0
    7 2015-10 - 25 T 23: 00:00Z
    10 EUROS
    11 0.9075541422


    ") in XML of the double)"
    16 end of test data
    18 select x.*
    19 t
    20, xmltable (xmlnamespaces ("" as "xsi", default ''),)
    21 ' / convertTo/of/rate.
    22 passage t.xml
    path of VARCHAR2 (3) currency 23 columns '. / currency '
    24, half-way number '. / mid'
    25*                ) x
    SQL > /.
    --- ----------

    1 selected line.

  • Why am I not able to insert into the table object? Is this a bug? Probably not, but confused here

    Salvation of france

    Thank you for your intelligent help, but if you don't know about object types and tables of onject, just go your way.

    I use 12 c ( on OEL 6,7 in Virtual box

    Here's my use case

    drop table envparams;

    Drop type envparam_obj;

    Drop the params table;

    Drop type param_obj;

    create or replace type param_obj as an object


    PName varchar2 (32),

    RegExp varchar2 (128).

    GetName member function returns a varchar2.

    function GetRegexp return varchar2 Member,

    Member ToString function returns a varchar2.

    procedure Display of Member



    create or replace type body param_obj as

    member function GetName return varchar2 is


    return (PName);


    member function GetRegExp return varchar2 is


    return (RegExp);


    member function ToString return varchar2 is

    OutStr varchar2 (1000);


    OutStr: = 'parameter ' | PName;

    If (RegExp is not null) then OutStr: = OutStr | ' use control regexp ("|") RegExp | ')'; end if;

    return (OutStr |) '.');


    Members procedure display is


    dbms_output.put_line (self. (ToString());




    create table param_obj params (key primary pname) object identifier is a primary key;

    create an index only params_un01 on params (upper (pname));

    insert into values params (new param_obj ("nls_lang", null));

    Select * from params;

    Select params Ref (p) rparam p where p.pname = 'nls_lang. "

    drop table envparams;

    Drop type envparam_obj;

    create or replace type envparam_obj as an object


    paramref Ref param_obj,

    sys.ANYDATA pValue,

    REF. param_obj, GetParamRef member function return

    sys.ANYDATA, GetPValue member function return

    Member ToString function returns a varchar2.

    procedure Display of Member



    create or replace type body envparam_obj as

    REF param_obj is back from GetParamRef member function


    return (ParamRef);


    member function GetPValue return sys.anydata is


    return (PValue);


    member function ToString return varchar2 is

    OutStr varchar2 (200);

    TypeCode pls_integer;

    ValueType sys.anytype;

    Number num.

    Str varchar2 (20000);

    Dummy Pls_integer;


    Select deref (ParamRef). ToString() in double OutStr;

    If (PValue is not null) then

    TypeCode: = PValue.GetType (ValueType);

    case TypeCode

    When dbms_types.typecode_number then

    Dummy: = PValue.GetNumber (NB);

    Str: = to_char (Num);

    When dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 then

    Dummy: = PValue.GetVarchar2 (Str);

    end case;

    OutStr: OutStr = | "The value is (' |)" Str | ')';

    on the other

    OutStr: OutStr = | "The value is (NULL);

    end if;

    return (OutStr |) '.');


    Members procedure display is


    dbms_output.put_line (self. (ToString());





    create the table envparams to envparam_obj;

    create or replace procedure as

    ThisParamRef ref param_obj;

    ThisParam param_obj;

    ANYDATA ThisValue;

    ThisEnvParam envparam_obj;


    SELECT ref (p), value (p), anydata.convertvarchar2('FRENCH_FRANCE.) WE8ISO8859P1 ") in ThisParamRef, ThisParam, ThisValue"

    params p WHERE p.PName = 'nls_lang. "

    ThisEnvParam: = envparam_obj (ThisParamRef, ThisValue);

    ThisEnvParam.Display ();

    INSERT INTO envparams

    Envparam_obj SELECT (Ref (p), anydata.convertvarchar2('FRENCH_FRANCE.) WE8ISO8859P1'))

    OF params p

    WHERE p.PName = 'nls_lang. "






    test is what gives:

    RA-22979: impossible to insert a REF to a view object OU a REF defined by user (translation is below...)

    ORA-06512: at "MMN. "TEST", line 16

    ORA-06512: at line 3

    22979 00000 - "cannot INSERT object REF or REF user-defined view.

    * Cause: Attempt to insert a view of the REF or REF object defined by the user in one

    Column REF created to store the system generated REF values.

    * Action: Make sure that the REF to be inserted is not a view object

    or a REF configurable column *.

    If I change the test and write:

    INSERT INTO envparams values (ThisEnvParam); = > Get the same message

    ORA-22979: impossible to insert a REF to a view object OU a REF defined by user

    ORA-06512: at "MMN. "TEST", line 16

    ORA-06512: at line 3

    22979 00000 - "cannot INSERT object REF or REF user-defined view.

    * Cause: Attempt to insert a view of the REF or REF object defined by the user in one

    Column REF created to store the system generated REF values.

    * Action: Make sure that the REF to be inserted is not a view object

    or a column defined by the user REF

    If I modify the testing and writing

    insert into envparams values (envparam_obj (ThisParamref, ThisValue));

    ; = > Get the same message

    ORA-22979: impossible to insert a REF to a view object OU a REF defined by user

    ORA-06512: at "MMN. "TEST", line 16

    ORA-06512: at line 3

    22979 00000 - "cannot INSERT object REF or REF user-defined view.

    * Cause: Attempt to insert a view of the REF or REF object defined by the user in one

    Column REF created to store the system generated REF values.

    * Action: Make sure that the REF to be inserted is not a view object

    or a column defined by the user REF

    WELL, I'm stuck in the stuckhouse.

    How can I make the test work

    Thanks again for reading me


    Michel M - N

    The error message gives an indication of what is wrong:

    Failed to INSERT the object REF or REF user-defined view

    In this case, you have a REF user-defined because you based the table OID of PARAMS on the PK.

    Storage of such a REF is possible only if it is worn, as explained in the documentation:

    Like this:

    create the table envparam_obj envparams)

    scope for (paramref) params

    ) ;

    or on the existing table:

    ALTER table envparams Add (scope (paramref) params);

    SQL> INSERT INTO envparams
      2  SELECT envparam_obj (ref (p), anydata.convertvarchar2('FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8ISO8859P1'))
      3  FROM params p
      4  WHERE p.PName = 'nls_lang';
    1 row created.
    SQL> select t.paramref.getname() from envparams t;
  • insert into the table based on the difference in line (or using less)


    Oracle Version: 11g

    Operating system: Solaris 10.

    I was wondering if it is possible to insert data in a table based on the operator 'less' Please?

    We have a very large table in a database, we moved to a different database. The table is cleared by a line for a certain range of dates, and we wondered if it is possible to insert this line of data in the remote database using the difference of rank between the two tables.

    Here's the query that we are running:

    SELECT ID , TO_CHAR (creation_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
    from TABB10 
    where TO_CHAR (creation_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')='2014-03-18' 
    SELECT ID , TO_CHAR (creation_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
    from TABB10@TABB_LINK.APDB00 
    where TO_CHAR (creation_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')='2014-03-18'


    ---------------------- ----------

    2.4111E + 17-18 / 03 / 2014

    Any ideas please?

    Thank you

    If I don't get me wrong, you can insert as below


    SELECT ID, TO_CHAR (creation_datetime, "yyyy-mm-dd")

    of TABB10

    where TO_CHAR (creation_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd') ='' 2014-03-18


    SELECT ID, TO_CHAR (creation_datetime, "yyyy-mm-dd")


    where TO_CHAR (creation_datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd') ='' 2014-03-18


  • Divide the value and insert into the table

    create table mytab (a tank (25), b Varchar2 (50), Varchar2 (100)) C;

    I have a string like

    myStr:'A$bggoy#qwewewee@A$Qwe#zcxdf@A$po#xvcvxc@A$sdmy#sfdsdf @'

    I need to divide and insert into mytab

    That's what I tried

    declare p_str varchar2 (4000)


    long l_str p_str default. '$';

    number of l_n;

    myTableType l_data: = myTabletype();



    l_n: = instr (l_str, ",");

    When the output (nvl(l_n,0) = 0);


    l_data (l_data.count): =.

    LTRIM (rtrim (substr (l_str, 1, l_n - 1)));

    l_str: = substr (l_str, l_n + 1);

    -Connect mytab

    end loop;


    Shows below inf-s:

    describe the OBJ_SPLIT ;



    to view the result of the compilation

    CREATE OR REPLACE Function Fn_get_split (P_str VARCHAR2)

    return OBJ_SPLIT_table

    PIPELINED is type t_ref_cursor IS REF CURSOR;

    rf_c t_ref_cursor;

    r_out_rec OBJ_SPLIT: = OBJ_SPLIT (null, null, null, null);


    Open the rf_c for

    Select s,.

    REGEXP_SUBSTR (str, ' [^ $] +', 1, 1) s1,

    REGEXP_SUBSTR (str, ' [^ $#] +', 1, 2) s2,.

    REGEXP_SUBSTR (str, ' [^ $#] +' 1, 3) s3

    from (select s, REGEXP_SUBSTR (s, "[^ @] +', 1, rownum") str)

    (select s P_str of double)

    connect by instr (s, ' @', 1, level - 1) > 0)

    where str is not null;




    r_out_rec. Str,

    r_out_rec. Delimter1,

    r_out_rec. Delimter2,

    r_out_rec. Delimter3;


    PIPE ROW (r_out_rec);


    CLOSE Rf_c;


    and the result

    Select DELIMTER1, DELIMTER2, table DELIMTER3 (Fn_get_split('A$bggoy#qwewewee@A$qwe#zcxdf@A$po#xvcvxc@A$sdmy#sfdsdf@'));

    in SQLPLUS


    Ramin Hashimzade

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