Instantiation of class through mxml - definition of the properties


I am trying to create a reusable component with an actionscript class.

I would like to be able to put a handful of attributes of the class properties withmxml. So far I have had no success doing so.

I have my problem subset in a separate simplified project, in an attempt to exclude any of the other parts of the actual application interfere with what I seek to accomplish. Unfortunately, my simplified project gives the same result.

In my example, I'm just trying to set the value of the property "myValue"  Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? What Miss me?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Main application (TestProj.mxml)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
                  minWidth="955" minHeight="600" 
          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
     <pkg:TestClass myvalue="some value" />

ActionScript (pkg\ class

package pkg
     import mx.controls.Alert;
     import mx.core.UIComponent;

     public class TestClass extends UIComponent
          private var _myvalue:String;
          public function TestClass()
     "myvalue=" + this._myvalue);     

          public function get myvalue():String
               return _myvalue;

          public function set myvalue(value:String):void
               _myvalue = value;



The property is set correctly, but your class constructor always executes before the attributes - it is because Flex needs to create the instance and run the c - tor before it can set values on the instance.  Instead, try something like this:

This will run the when the component is initialized.  If you need to put an init code in the component itself and that the code is based on the values defined in MXML, then you can override the UIComponent public function initialize (): void.


Tags: Flex

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    You can get the instance of the component or use UIComponent.getAttributes () .put (attributeName, attributeValue); For example:

    theComponent.getAttributes().put("readOnly", Boolean.TRUE);

    Kind regards

    ~ Simon

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    Hey cubz,.

    script is great for debug it quickly.

    The problem is caused by the ChnHistogram 75 online. It happens in the 3rd iteration of the loop to the detour.

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    Another possible workaround solution, which I think you discussed previously, is to add the class to a new project file and change the properties of the class through this project. I change the properties in a new project will change the properties of your project to VI of 1200. However, you will not be able to change properties in the new draft, while the old project is still open.

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    pages: main.qml, CustomContainer.qml

    Page {
         id: myCustomContainer

    I want to use this

    Page {
      attachedObjects: [
        componentDefinition: {
           id: myCustomContainer
           source: "CustomContainer.qml"

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    Page {
         id: myCustomContainer
      onSomePropertyAliasChanged: {


    myCustomContainer.somePropertyAlias = somethingNew

    Although more sense, you should be able to access the standard way, if for example alias property in the component of property you want to edit and navigate through the object you created...

                            myPage.source = "Custom.qml";
                            var page = myPage.createObject();
                            page.myProperty = "test";
    // Custom.qml
    Page {
        property alias myProperty: lab.text
        Label {
            id: lab
            text: "Replace me"
  • "Initial Moveto in the definition of the missing path" is displayed on the console


    I have an AreaChart using by default, all styles... nothing is done on my side with respect to css styles.

    I see this message on the console

    "Initial Moveto missing in the definition of the path. "[Path: Path@fe315d[styleClass=chart-series-area-fill series0 by missing color0]."

    -What it means and how to fix it?

    Here is the code that you can run to see the message on the output...

    import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
    import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
    import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    to import java.util.logging.Logger;
    Import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer;
    Import javafx.animation.Timeline;
    Import javafx.application.Application;
    Import javafx.scene.Scene;
    Import javafx.scene.chart.AreaChart;
    Import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis;
    Import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Data;
    Import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Series;
    Import javafx.stage.Stage;

    * A table that fills the space between the line of data points and axes.
    * Good to compare the totals accumulated over time.
    * @see javafx.scene.chart.Chart
    * @see javafx.scene.chart.Axis
    * @see javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis
    * @related graphics/line/LineChart
    * @related graphics/clouds of points/ScatterChart
    SerializableAttribute public class AreaChartSample extends Application {}
    private static final int MAX_DATA_POINTS = 50;

    series privacy;
    private int xSeriesData = 0;
    private ConcurrentLinkedQueue < number > dataQ = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue < number > ();
    ExecutorService executor private;
    Private AddToQueue addToQueue;
    timeline2 private chronology;
    private NumberAxis xAxis;

    {} private void init (primaryStage stage)
    xAxis = new NumberAxis(0,MAX_DATA_POINTS,MAX_DATA_POINTS/10);
    xAxis.setForceZeroInRange (false);
    xAxis.setAutoRanging (false);

    NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
    yAxis.setAutoRanging (true);

    final AreaChart < number >, sc = new AreaChart <, number >(xAxis, yAxis) {}
    Replace to remove the symbols on each data point
    @Override protected void dataItemAdded (int itemIndex, < number >, series, data element < number >,) {}
    sc.setAnimated (false);
    sc.setId ("liveAreaChart");
    sc.setTitle ("graphic animation in areas");

    -Series of cards
    series = new AreaChart.Series < number >, ();
    series.setName ("graphic box series");
    sc.getData () .add (series);

    primaryStage.setScene (new Scene (sc));

    @Override public void start (point primaryStage) throws Exception {}
    init (primaryStage); ();

    -Services of executor to prepare
    the executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool ();
    addToQueue = new AddToQueue();
    Executor.Execute (addToQueue);
    -Prepare the timeline

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) {}
    Launch (args);

    private class AddToQueue implements Runnable {}
    public void run() {}
    try {}
    Add a piece of random data to the queue
    dataQ.add (Math.random ());
    Thread.Sleep (50);
    Executor.Execute (this);
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
    Logger.getLogger (AreaChartSample.class.getName ()) .log (Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    -Timeline is called in the main thread of JavaFX
    private void prepareTimeline() {}
    All images take all data in queue and add it to the chart
    new AnimationTimer() {}
    @Override public void handle (long) {}
    }. start();

    private void addDataToSeries() {}
    for (int i = 0; I < 20; i ++) {/ /-add 20 numbers to plot +}
    If (dataQ.isEmpty ()) break;
    series.getData () .add (new AreaChart.Data (xSeriesData ++, dataQ.remove ()));
    Remove points to keep us not more than MAX_DATA_POINTS
    If (series.getData () () .size > MAX_DATA_POINTS) {}
    series.getData () .remove (0, series.getData () .size () - MAX_DATA_POINTS);

    I just test this code and let it run for one minute. I've not seen this kind of message - I use JavaFX 2.2 b 13 - it may have already been fixed.

  • Safeguarding of documents through scripting: name of the active file Get and set save path/file type

    I am writing a script that will:

    -Do all the invisible layers

    -Make the layer visible ' background'

    -Remove all the invisible layers

    -Save the document as EPS file (leaving the original intact)

    I am new to scripting and I based my script by copying the code of other scripts.

    Here is my code:

    var doc = app.activeDocument;

    var name =;

    hide var = function () {/ / hide all layers (based on )}

    var L = doc.layers.length;

    for (j = 0; j < L; j ++) {doc.layers [j] .visible = false ;}



    loop through all layers

    for (var i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i ++) {}

    Create the illusrtratorSaveOptions object to set options to HAVE

    var saveOpts = new IllustratorSaveOptions();

    Definition of the IllustratorSaveOptions properties.

    saveOpts.embedLinkedFiles = true;

    saveOpts.fontSubsetThreshold = 0.0

    saveOpts.pdfCompatible = true

    Implemented Variable for the name of the access layer

    var currentLayer = app.activeDocument.layers [i];

    Loop through the layers and make the background layer visible

    If ( == 'Background') {}

    docName = name + + ".eps";

    currentLayer.visible = true;



    / / Remove the invisible layers (based on )

    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;

    var layerCount = myDoc.layers.length;

    for (var ii = layerCount - 1; ii > = 0; ii-) {}

    var currentLayer = myDoc.layers [ii];

    currentLayer.locked = false;

    var subCount = currentLayer.layers.length;

    for (var subCount - 1; ss = ss > = 0; ss-) {}

    Underlayment var = currentLayer.layers [ss];

    subLayer.locked = false;

    If (subLayer.visible == false) {}

    subLayer.visible = true;

    subLayer.remove ();



    If (currentLayer.visible == false) {}

    currentLayer.visible = true;

    currentLayer.remove ();



    Save the document with a new name

    var saveName = new queue (doc.path + "/" + Nomdoc);

    doc.saveAs (saveName, saveOpts);

    Everything works well except:

    (1) it saves the document under the name of AdobeIllustratorBackground rather than the name of the document

    In addition, I don't know how to tell the script to save in EPS and specify the save location.

    Could someone give me some advice?          Thank you!

    There is an example script in Adobe Illustrator Scripting/CSx/Sample Scripts/JavaScript/miscellaneous/Save as PDF that has all the parts except the EPS Options.

    Go here for the script Guides and references.

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    I have a requirement where in I need to add classes of objects to the user during the commissioning of Sun Directory Server. Exactly how should I implement my task of process for the same thing. I might add the object after the task of creating class is complete or until the user creating the task fires?

    Thank you

    Are you talking about adding classes of object customized for users? It would be a schema change and must be done before adding users since that would fail without the correct schema in place. To add new classes of objects you need to either manually create the admin Department page or import the definitions of objects and attributes of an ldif file. Once it is, you can then configure the workflow commissioning and add classes of objects when the user was created so that the system knows what classes of objects associated with each entry of the user.

  • Definition of the attributes of cells of labels

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    But how this can be done for all labels? In the definition of the label model there is no 'access' to the surrounding table cell.
    At the end there should be something like this:
    < class td = "yx" >
    < label >... < / label >
    < table >
    where the class attribute of the td element is defined at some point all the elements.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.


    The first option is not not to use a class at all: there are other CSS selectors. For example, all the generated APEX motor form layout tables are assigned to a class of *formlayout*. Page 7 of the sample Application, all labels are just aligned by giving their table cells containing an align = "right" attribute. So we can style these cells using a combo of descendant/attribute selector (assuming that IE7 is in standard mode for these):

    .formlayout td[align="right"] {
      padding: 0 0.5em;
      background-color: #ccc;

    However, if it is necessary to apply a class , creating a dynamic Action is a way to do this.


    Name: Add yx class
    Sequence: 10
    Action: Run the JavaScript Code

    Event: Page load

    Real actions:
    Action: Run the JavaScript Code


    This dynamic Action uses jQuery to apply a class of *yx* for all the table cells which are the parent of a label element when the page is loaded.

Maybe you are looking for