
I wrote an application and included 2 KSOAP.  How to deliver in a packake?  When I do a Build All creates two files jad (myproject.jad and ksoap.jad).  How can I put these two files in a single jad file? If it is not possible, does anyone know what ksoap source files are required to add them to my project?

Thank you...

There are a lot of threads on the forum concerning the addition of COD library files in your JAD for distribution.

And here's one:


Tags: BlackBerry Developers

Similar Questions

  • KSOAP Library for Blackberry 9800 for the Java-based Soap service

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to the Blackberry development. I want to just suit of the Soap Services using Ksoap library. I added Ksoap library in my way of construction, but my application still won't start and it gives an error at the time of the complication for not finding Ksoap package Module. Please please one tell me how to use the library Ksoap for consumption of Web Service or refer me any sample project include pre-audit Ksoap library.

    Thank you very much.

    KSOAP use kxml components, you seem to have the source of ksoap (?) added to your project. delete these.

  • KSOAP... Once again

    I have read several posts on this with similar problems, but I am not able to solve. I'll try to be as clear as I can with my setup in the hope that someone will see my problem.


    BlackBerry JRE 4.5.0

    Eclipse 3.7.0

    I try to include ksoap2 in my application. My application consists of 2 projects and libraries 1 app project.

    -Depends of Lib1 lib2 (my lib ksoap)

    -MyApp depends on Lib1

    -Created my lib Ksoap by adding the ksoap2-j2me-core-prev - 2.1.2.jar in the classpath and that's all that is contained in the project.

    -Lib2 requires that the ksoap classes so I also have to add the ksoap2-j2me-core-prev - 2.1.2.jar to the classpath of the project. I read that I should just add the KSOAP project, but that does not work

    -When I package and sign my application, I have several files but more important I use are:








    -J' I rename '_full' files so that they are called MyApp.jad & Lib1.jad

    -Deploy my application OTA and Simulator: get the same result on both.

    Can not find the module ' ksoap2 j2me core prev - 2.1.2.jar'. Any help is appreciated.

    If anyone has the steps to run out of Eclipse, if you think it will help I'm all ears.

    right click on your project, properties, java build path, order and export, check the box next to your jar ksoap.


    Hey Hi all

    I'm trying my hands with KSOAP for the first time and after trying for a long time, I wrote here to help you.

    I need this post

    http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
            string        string        string            

    Here I've stuck with this Tag I do not know how to handle these requests with KSOAP
    Please help me in this.

    This is my Code

    CPP = new SoapObject SoapObject (space of names, MethodName);
    SoapObject CPP = new SoapObject ("", "AuthToken");
    rpc.addProperty ("CorporateId", "CID");
    rpc.addProperty ("Username", "one");
    rpc.addProperty ("Password", "PWD");
    RPC1. AddProperty ("", CPP);
    Envelope SoapSerializationEnvelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope (SoapEnvelope.VER11);
    envelope.bodyOut = rpc;
    envelope.dotNet = true;
    envelope.encodingStyle = SoapSerializationEnvelope.ENC;

    Ht HttpTransport = new HttpTransport (URL);

    HT. Debug = false;
    String result = null;
    HT. Call (SOAPAction, envelope);
    String s = ht.requestDump;
    s = ht.responseDump;

    result = (envelope.getResponse ()) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();
    Body of SoapObject = (SoapObject) envelope.bodyIn;
    result = (String) body.getProperty("verifyLoginResult").toString ();
    System.out.println ("result");
    catch (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException x 2)
    Dialog.Inform (EX2.getMessage ());
    catch (Exception ex)
    Dialog.Inform (ex.getMessage ());

    Problem solved

    Thanks for the Suggestions and help



  • complex customer KSOAP of web service with the data type

    I had created my client to the web service using ksoap sample. This works very well in the Simulator.

    Now, I am creating the web service to the complex data type client. For the same thing, I want any heel KSOAP generator tool. Please suggest any tool. If this type of tool is not available then please guide me standard procedure for the management of complex data types in ksoap.

    help will be appreciated.

    Have you tried the SUN WTK stub generation tool?

  • net.rim.device.cldc.io.ippp.SocketBaseIOException in the ksoap plug-in


    I use ksoap for post user and password to the server for connection module,

    Here is the code for the same,

    SoapObject request =new SoapObject (methodname in the namespace,);

    request.addProperty ("username", "hello");

    request.addProperty ('password', 'Hi');

    Envelope of SoapSerializationEnvelope = SoapSerializationEnvelope (SoapEnvelope.VER11) new;

    envelope. bodyOut = request;

    envelope. dotNet = true;

    HttpTransport ht = HttpTransport (webserviceurl) new;

    HT. debug = true ;

    HT. Call (soapaction, envelope);

    result = envelope.getResponse ((SoapObject));

    I use mds and 4.5 os, however after ht.call (envelope soapaction), ;  I'm special suite


    net.rim.device.cldc.io.ippp.SocketBaseIOException: Connection timed out: connect

    Help, please

    Thanks in advance

    You can do this mark as resolved then?  If necessary, especially if it might help someone else, can tell us how you solved the problem?

  • KSOAP send string array


    Has anyone worked with ksoap and handed over an array of strings to the WebService using Ksoap? For example

    Purpose of accounts [] = new Object [] {"String1", "Word2", "3", "String4"};

    Can you give me directions?

    Thank you

    Hello, thank you for your interest. I found a very simple solution eventually. Apparently, it works if I create a simple vector rather than an array, ksoap send exactly what you need I guess.

    Create a vector

    Vector myVec = new Vector();
    for (int i = 0; i)< anarray.length;="" i++)="">
    myVec.addElement (anArray [i]);

    and set the property to

    request.addProperty ("objectName", myVec);

    Kind regards


  • Problem TestLogon Ksoap.

    Hello everyone. I'm newbie e.

    I installed Ksoap library correctly and a simple helloworld work very well, but my task is to the identification of Pentecost username and password. My source code is as follows:

    package KsoapTestLogin;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.*;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*;
    import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope;
    import org.ksoap2.SoapFault;
    import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject;
    import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapSerializationEnvelope;
    import org.ksoap2.transport.HttpTransport;
    public class TestLogon extends UiApplication
        public static void main(String args[])
            TestLogon kst = new TestLogon();
        public TestLogon()
            pushScreen(new kScreen());
    class kScreen extends MainScreen
        public LabelField lf_title;
        public RichTextField rf_results;
        public String results;
        public String Username = "Larry.Enderson";
        public String Password = "Password123";
        public MenuItem mi_runtest = new MenuItem("Hello World!",4390,10)
                public void run()
           public MenuItem testlogon = new MenuItem("Logon",4390,10)
                public void run()
        protected void makeMenu(Menu menu,int instance)
        public kScreen()
            LabelField title = new LabelField ("McKinneyRogers", LabelField.HCENTER| LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH);
            lf_title = new LabelField("ACME");
            rf_results = new RichTextField("Welcome");
            results = "";        
        public void RunTest() {
            String serviceURL = "https://www2.missionleadership.com/mlv4developmentmastek/WS/Blackberry.asmx;deviceside=true";
            String serviceNamespace = "http://www2.missionleadership.com/";
            String serviceMethod = "HelloWorld";
            String SoapAction = "http://www.missionleadership.com/HelloWorld";
            SoapObject SoapObj = new SoapObject(serviceNamespace,serviceMethod);
              SoapObj.newInstance ();
              SoapObj.addProperty ("a", "5");
              SoapObj.addProperty ("b", "6");
              SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
              envelope.bodyOut = SoapObj;
              envelope.dotNet = true;
              envelope.implicitTypes = true;
              envelope.encodingStyle = "utf-8";
              envelope.enc = SoapSerializationEnvelope.ENC2001;
              envelope.xsd = SoapEnvelope.XSD;
              envelope.xsi = SoapEnvelope.XSI;
              //Build connection
              HttpTransport ht = new HttpTransport(serviceURL);
              //Initiate Connection
              Object response = null;
                ht.debug = true;
                ht.call (SoapAction, envelope);
                //response = envelope.getResponse().toString();
                response = envelope.getResponse();
                //response =(envelope.getResponse()).toString();
                System.out.println (envelope.bodyIn);
              catch(SoapFault sfe)
              catch (Exception e)
                System.out.println (e);
                response = e.toString();
        public void TestLogon()
            String serviceURL = "https://www2.missionleadership.com/mlv4developmentmastek/WS/Blackberry.asmx;deviceside=true";
            String serviceNamespace = "http://www2.missionleadership.com/";
            String serviceMethod = "TestLogon";
            String SoapAction = "http://www.missionleadership.com/TestLogon";
            SoapObject SoapObj = new SoapObject(serviceNamespace,serviceMethod);
            //SoapObject SoapObj = new SoapObject ("urn:iControl:LocalLB/VirtualServer", "get_list");
            SoapObj.newInstance ();
            SoapObj.addProperty("Username", Username);
            SoapObj.addProperty("Password", Password); 
            SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
            envelope.bodyOut = SoapObj;
            envelope.dotNet = true;
            envelope.implicitTypes = true;
            envelope.encodingStyle = "utf-8";
            envelope.enc = SoapSerializationEnvelope.ENC2001;
            envelope.xsd = SoapEnvelope.XSD;
            envelope.xsi = SoapEnvelope.XSI;
            //Build connection
            HttpTransport ht = new HttpTransport(serviceURL);
            //Initiate Connection
            Object response = "nope";
                    ht.debug = true;
                    ht.call (SoapAction, envelope);
                    //response = envelope.getResponse().toString();
                    response = envelope.getResponse();
                    //response =(envelope.getResponse()).toString();
                    System.out.println (envelope.bodyIn);
            catch(SoapFault sfe)
            catch (NullPointerException e)
                    System.out.println (e);
                    response = e.toString();
            catch (Exception e)
                    System.out.println (e);
                    response = e.toString();

    This correctly program to connect to the server, but the site response cannot be the answer.

    Sorry pals. I fix my problem. The problem coming up with space names wrong... I have wrong address on namespace and the PPA exploded...

  • Using kSOAP with BIS

    Hello world. I developed an application that depends on web services.

    I use kSOAP, and I was able to connect to my web services using direct TCP, adding; deviceside = true to my sign in URL and set up the configuration of TCP on my blackberry. My question is if there is a way to connect my web services using BIS, which provides my career, because I think that if I use direct TCP there will be an extra charge.

    Thank you

    Use BIS connections to be a BlackBerry alliance partner and have your request approved for access to their servers. If your application is not approved connections are ignored by their servers. BlackBerry opens applications of the alliance on September 1.

  • Integrate ksoap jar in my project of BB

    Hello. I have download ksoap jar (ksoap2 j2me core prev - 2.1.2) and put in my build path. However, when I try to run my application I got "error from MyApp:Module ' ksoap2 j2me core prev - 2.1.2' not found" but he is here...! Included in the path of my generation!

    There is special attention for this pot?


    See a few posts below:

    feel free to look for a problem, often you will find that he had already answered

  • Unable to connect to my real device webservice (KSOAP)

    Hello friends of BB,

    I wrote an application for my black berry. My application to connect to a PHP Web service. I use the ksoap library to connect to my webservice. It works on my Simulator, but when I add my request on my real device does not connect to my webservice. I think I need to add something to my url. I call this URL:

    final String url = http://www.*****.de/webservice/dbservice.php
    final HttpTransport http = new HttpTransport(url);

    I hope someone can help me.



    See the sticky thread here.


    As you can guess, this question has been answered repeatedly asked.

    In short, the Simulator emualtes a device connected to BES (if MDS - CS is running), it is not necessary for URL parameters in this environment.

    However, once you get on a real device that is not connected to BES, you will need to do a bit of work to determine what types of connectivity are available and develop your parameters of connection accordingly.

    A direct TCP connection (for example) will require "; deviceside = true' + settings specific to the network of the AFN.

    See this article:


  • Background thread, kSoap, WAP 2.0 crashing

    My apologies for the title of the topic, I did not know how to phrase my question correctly!


    I created an application (partially) work that implements a timer started from a different point of entry.

    The timer calls a thread about every ten seconds. The thread running queries from web services to a remote server and analyzes the responses. This is done using the kSOAP library and and connector MDS on BES, WAP 2.0 so decommissioning the client uses not BES.


    Everything works a treat for the connection of BES and some suppliers of WAP 2.0. The majority of client machines using WAP 2.0 do not work.

    The error returned by the application is IllegalStateException: no instance of the application. It is thrown only with WAP 2.0. The error occurs directly after the execution of the method in the class of kSOAP HttpTransport.

    Ht HttpTransport = new HttpTransport (SERVICE_URL + ";" deviceside = true; ConnectionUID ="+ wapUid());

    HT. Call();

    I tested this thorougly but this is my first BlackBerry application and there is obviously something I am doing wrong.


    Here are things I've already tried.

    1. I wrote a separate application that passes the raw XML data to the web server, the response is rendered to the screen. It works on WAP 2.0 and has no problems or interference of the WAP gateways or transcoders.
    2. I wrapped the ht.call inside an executable invokeAndWait () function. I thought that maybe the kSOAP library was interfering with the user interface?

    Please note that the exception does occur in the instance of the application started by another entry point. Web services work very well on all WAP 2.0 providers (that have been tested) in the application of the user interface.

    Thanks in advance.


    invokeandwait is not solution (especially not when he dressed network code, never do this)

    You must catch a Throwable instead of an Exception. The traces are deleted on exceptions for performance reasons (per OS), only throwable objects have them.

    you did not really answer the question of what the other entry point did, I'll try to explain my question.

    you start the application UI about to enter normal.

    start an application when the autostart entry point is called? with xxxapp.enterEventDispatcher?

    If this is not the case, this might solve your problem.

    instead of closing a user interface application, you can use requestBackground. several applications of system use this mechanism. If you select 'Close' in the menu of the browser, for example, the browser is only put in the background.

  • PHP connection with ksoap and nusoap

    I got a problem here.

    I tried a simple code to connect php and java with ksoap and nusoap.

    When I run this program in the Simulator, just loading program and my Simulator cannot click more.

    and that never stopped loading...

    When I am trying to test the nusoap connection. I create phpclient.php and phpserver.php. and when I run phpclient.php, the web is responsible for long time, and finally an error showed...

    error on php:

    Warning: SoapClient:oapClient (http://localhost/phphack/helloworld.php) [soapclient.soapclient]: failed to open stream: a connection attempt failed because the connected party responded properly after a period of time, or an established connection failed because connected host has failed. in C:\xampp\htdocs\phphack\helloclient.php on line 3

    Warning: SoapClient:oapClient() [soapclient.soapclient]: I/O warning: failed to load external entity "http://localhost/phphack/helloworld.php" in C:\xampp\htdocs\phphack\helloclient.php on line 3

    Fatal error: Runtime Maximum of 60 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\phphack\helloclient.php on line 6

    like I said: use a thread separate from your network code.

  • KSOAP and BB JDE 4.5


    I am new to java.  I was working with the MDS and discovered that I need more than what it can offer. I had working nusoap, but MDS has no cards. So I'm trying here is my simple question and java.

    In java and 3rd BB JDE 4.5, how you understand a library to your project?  I get a message error "package org.ksoap does not exist.  I downloaded the project and unpacked, but now I'm lost.

    When I finished, how do the ksoap over the phone? Make ALX file?

    Thank you


    Try like this...

    C:\Program Research In Motion\BlackBerry JDE 4.6\bin > preverify - classpath 'C:\Program research in Motion\BlackBerry JDE 4.6\lib\net_rim_api.jar' ksoap2-j2me-core - 2.1.2.jar

    Where "ksoap2-j2me-core - 2.1.2.jar" is located in 'C:\Program looking in Motion\BlackBerry JDE 4.6\bin\' and 'exit' folder is created and you can find the pre-audit jar.

    For more details... Just check the use of "preverify" for its use.

  • AMD Ksoap Open Tunnel Timeout


    I have a problem with the JDE 4.3.  On the Simulator all code is executed according to the plan, but on my 1 2 blackberry phones, I get a "open tunnel - max timeout" when HttpTransport '(soapaction, envelope) ht.call' is called.

    -Phone settings and JDE info-

    JDE 4.3.01r

    On both phones Verizon

    Both phones 8830

    ksoap2-j2me-core - 2.1.2.jar

    1 phone by verizon v4.3.0.127 platform - "signal-90 dBm" running "1XEV" 'battery 100% ' - do not

    2nd phone gps is activated by running platform '-88 dBm signal' "1XEV" - works


    The first phone I can access the page nusoap via opera mini and BB browser. But receive an "open tunnel - max timeout' through my application. The 2nd phone works very well and retrieves the requested data.

    I put all the permissions to allow each phone. Do I need a different version of the ksoap as 2.1.1?

    Thank you for any ideas...

    ksoap2 uses only a httpconnection.

    I suggest to use the network diagnostics tool and check with a normal httpconnection.

Maybe you are looking for