Layer > Layer Styles > create a layer


I use this function for the first time and I wonder about a dialog box that appears and says:

"Some aspects of the effects can be reproduced with layers.

I tried the manual for what it means, but so far I have not found an answer.

I was wondering what exactly this means.

Just a warning that it is possible for some of the layer styles to not be created as a layer. This type of trial by error thing to see what styles will not be a layer. I've not seen anything in writing which sets out what will not styles or that he would cease to happen in a style.

Tags: Photoshop

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    Certainly not up to and including RH6. I don't think it can be done in RH7 either based on a recent post but have not yet checked.

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    You can do the same thing in photoshop cs2

    Layer > layer Style > create layers

    Or right click on the fx to the right of the thumbnail of the layer containing the layer for the same options style

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    In the layer Style dialog box, hold mouse pointer over model and it will show you the pixel dimensions in the pop up window. Pixels per inch resolution (Image > Image size > resolution) plays no role, dimensions in pixels only.

    Image/pattern scaling model when developing style won't style smaller in size as Photoshop will copy original and save with style. If your overlay image is saved as a template 4000x3000px it will be saved as well as other layer effects regardless of the fact that you may have climbed it up to 10% for your final style.

    I created and published tile seamless models that are 4, 8, 12x12px in size and they are good for the web and communities of the Layer Styles which usually appears on the web. Imagine if you create something to feel where going 300 pixels on an inch then 2 pixels will be lost.

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    Thank you very much.

    Of course, click on the button new Style create (once you have it as you wish):

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    Kind regards


    Do you mean how styles a copy of a database instance to another?

    If so (i.e. you've created styles in db1 using mapbuilder and now want to copy DB2 and I can't re-create them) then you can either
    (i) the MapBuilder for export and import, use or
    (ii) use exp/imp as follows
    In db1 connect you as the user (for example mvdemo) and
    -create the table temp_styles in select * from user_sdo_styles
    -do the same for the cards, the themes, the cached_maps if you want to
    -export the newly create arrays of temp_styles/cards/themes/cached_maps
    -import in db2.other_user
    -Insert in metadata views other_user
    insert into user_sdo_styles select * from temp_styles
    Ditto for the themes/maps/cached_maps

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    However, when I move the glow layer, it is not just float above and inside the letters below.  Of course, I know why and that's because the glow layer is above the text layer:


    So basically I want to be able to do is when move this layer glow, I want the light to float on the logo, but stay in the letters, so it seems that the logo has a glow about her.  If I knew how to do this, I create animated GIFs, and even export the files first or anything.

    Can someone tell me the best way to do this in CS4 PSD?

    Thank you

    Deaf guy

    Just add a Gradient Overlay layer style...

    Then choose layer > layer Style > create layer.

    Screenshot of CC, but it works the same in CS4:

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    If it's the same column (in the default theme) which is used as the column rule, then just create the dynamic style pro grammatically you do and MVThemeBasedFOI.setRenderingStyle () allows you to change the style based on the user's selection.
    If it's another column themes jdbc are the right choice.

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    Shape layer 2 are the lines.

    When you want to delve into problems the first thing we do is select all the layers that you have problems with, press the U key to reveal all changed properties and analyze what you see in the timeline panel. I guess right here because you don't have given us no indication of your workflow, but it makes sense that you have applied the two-tier drop shadow layer style. I'm just guessing that you used the Layer Styles and not the effect due to the title of your post.

    Since you already have the animation and now want to add a drop shadow the best thing to do would be to compose two layers prior shape and then apply a layer style or effect to the demo. Looks like you have the shadow applied to all text as layers so it would make sense to dial previously all layers, you want to have

    I probably would have used a rectangle rounded, converted the rectangle rounded for a Bézier path and the shape of the path of animation and used paths pads to get the circle to rectangle rounded on a layer of simple shape animation but I certainly would be made first before you add the same effect to all layers.

  • I would like to apply a layer style to a layer, but I want to apply as if the edges of the layer are at the edge of the layer

    for example a stroke like the one on the right

    Here's a way to do it:

    1. create a new layer on top and fill it with a solid color (any color, white will do).

    2. put the 'Fill' layer to 0% - not 'opacity', 'Fill '. See the image below.

    3. Add your layer style. Layer styles are not affected by the transparency of the fill.

    I hope this helps!


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    .Rectangle_3 {
      background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
      position: absolute;
      left: 15px;
      top: 470px;
      width: 427px;
      height: 175px;
      z-index: 102;

    Of course, this does contain none of these layer styles and contains only the basic shape information.

    Is there something that I simply forgot to turn it on? Exactly, what is happening?

    Well, you can not copy that does not support CSS. These things work completely differently when creating using web technologies. An outer glow is for example just a shadow double and some blend modes are not supported by browsers, too. I'm afraid it's one of those terrible misunderstandings "I can make impressive websites using the PS". You can just avoid reading on what actually works on the web before you go trigger happy on the design of things if you want to keep things dynamic and editable even in the design of your site. Not to say that some poor engineer PS could not write a lot of code just to give you a part of that kind of thing, but the web is still undermined by differences in rendering in different browsers as well as various support for some functions, it is an eternal battle and it can work just never completely.


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    Preset animations are the way to go. I have a library of more than 200 that I created to speed to the top of my work. Learn how to create them and use them by typing "create a preset" in the search help field in the upper right corner of the AE and dig through the resources you will find. The first link will get you started: using After Effects | Animation and effects presets overview

  • Need a written conditional script which involves layer styles and pixelation. Possible payment may be negotiated.

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    (1) is the selected layer named "layer magic 1"?  Otherwise, go to the #2 line.  If Yes, go to the #8 line.

    (2) is the selected layer named "magic layer 2?  Otherwise, go to the #3 line.  If Yes, go to the #8 line.

    (3) is the selected layer named "layer Magic 3"?  Otherwise, go to the #4 line.  If Yes, go to the #8 line.

    (4) is the selected layer named "layer Magic 4?  Otherwise, go to line 5-7 bolt torque.  If Yes, go to the #8 line.

    (5) make the new layer.

    (6) new name "Layer1" layer magic

    (7) add the layer style (also nominated) "magical layer1.  Script concludes.

    (8) the layer is empty?  If Yes, go to the #9 line.  Otherwise, go to line 10-12 bolt torque.

    (9) queue dialog box: "the end of magic layers?  with the choice of the 'yes' or 'no '.

    • If "Yes" is selected, the layer is removed.  Script concludes.

    • If "no" is selected, the layer is kept (no change).  Script concludes.

    (10) rasterize layer.

    (11) rename the layer 'layer of paint '.

    (12) merge the layer down.  Go to the line of 5-7 bolt torque.

    I would prefer if possible javascript, because I will need for the script between my Mac desktop and my Windows Tablet of the Cintiq based on the port.  Any help would be greatly appreciated; It took me some time to try to learn the writing of scripts, but between labor day and the night in freelance, I managed only by creating extreme levels of frustration!  Laughing out loud!  PLEASE AND THANK YOU!

    Good guys, has been able to play a bit with what I learned between both of you and others and come to this:

    (1) function main() {}


    (3) var __indexOf = [] .indexOf | function (Item) {for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i)}< l;="" i++)="" {="" if="" (i="" in="" this="" &&="" this[i]="==" item)="" return="" i;="" }="" return="" -1;="">


    (5) var makeNewLayer = function() {}

    (6) var newLayer = doc.artLayers.add ();

    (7) = 'magic layer1.

    (8) newLayer.applyStyle('magic layer1');

    (9) doc.activeLayer = newLayer;

    10)            }


    (12) var doc = app.activeDocument;

    (13) lay = doc.activeLayer,

    (14) names = ['magic layer1',

    "(15) ' magical layer2.

    (16) ' magical layer3.

    ["(17) ' magic layer4"];


    (19) if ( (name,< 0="" )="">

    (20) newLayer = doc.artLayers.add ();

    (21) makeNewLayer();

    (22) return;

    23)            }


    (25) if (doc.activeLayer.kind == LayerKind.NORMAL & doc.activeLayer.bounds [2] == 0 & doc.activeLayer.bounds [3] == 0) {}

    (26) var dialog = confirm (the ' magical sleep end? ");

    (27) if (dialogue) {}

    (28) app.activeDocument.activeLayer.remove ();

    29)                }

    (30) return;

    31)            }

    (32) var idrasterizeLayer = stringIDToTypeID ("rasterizeLayer");

    (33) var desc5 = new ActionDescriptor();

    (34) var idnull = charIDToTypeID ("null");

    (35) ref4 var = new ActionReference();

    (36) var idLyr = charIDToTypeID ("Lyr");

    (37) var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID ('Ordn');

    (38) var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID ("Trgt");

    (39) ref4.putEnumerated (idLyr, idOrdn, idTrgt);

    (40) desc5.putReference (idnull, ref4);

    (41) var idWhat = charIDToTypeID ('what');

    (42) var idrasterizeItem = stringIDToTypeID ("rasterizeItem");

    (43) var idlayerStyle = stringIDToTypeID ("layerStyle");

    (44) desc5.putEnumerated (idWhat, idrasterizeItem, idlayerStyle);

    (45) executeAction (idrasterizeLayer, desc5, DialogModes.NO);


    (47) doc.activeLayer.merge ();

    (48) = 'base paint layer;

    (49) makeNewLayer();

    (50) return;


    52)        }


    (54) main();

    I know it's a little ugly code lines 32-45, but (through other channels, thank you JJMack & c.pfaffenbichler!), I realized that there is no way to script, the rasterization of a "layer Style" others that using ScriptingListener.plugin.  DBarranca  Yes... I realized a little I "screwed the dog" on the diaper change after that I played with him for a while.  Also a little, visited account that the "new layer" you were a little enough to add was not going to solve my problem. ended up having to add a "new layer" on line 20.  Everything seems to work exactly as I intended at the moment.  I DO, however, like the idea of having an error message "cannot find the magic layer1 Style".  How would I want to add that in?

    Thanks again,

    -Eric P

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    I can go through all the styles in the project and note each setting so I can rebuild in Captivate 8, but I'd rather not have to spend my time doing a lot of work.

    It's impossible, and I believe that it is because of lifestyle changes. If you

    look in the Style of the object manager, you will see that each style now has three

    settings: primary, Tablet and Mobile display.

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    GREP styles are the attributes at the level of the document that you should be able to load from an earlier document. Saved grep queries to search for? Change, however, are stored in the user preferences. You should find a folder named queries to search - replace in your profile or library in the same way where the preferences InDesign Defaults file is stored for each version. You can copy the entire folder to a new version, or only selected queries. For more information, see replace your preferences

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