Library-path einer im Knoten zum call externer ermitteln libraries .dll

Hello people,

Dies ist mein first contribution Die of auf diesem Forum und ich der community support hope.

Should ich nicht sufficient information zur Lösung meines problems bereitstellen, bitte das for the mir says.

Zu meinem problem:

In a LabVIEW 2012-Projekt, über den LLB Manager gestartet wird, wird eine .dll which in einem "Knoten zum call externer libraries" verwendet. DAS Projekt wurde nicht von mir standing, sodass ich if necessary. nicht über essential verfuge information.

DAS besagte Projekt ist auf einem server sales und wird über eine operation auf dem Office of the "Mess-Rechners" aufgerufen und kommt yesterday zum Einsatz.

Before kein problem.

Wird besagtes Projekt der von einem Rechner aus gestartet, so wird eine Fehlermeldung displaying other.

Die Fehlermeldung year, dass die before erwahnte .dll found wird nicht gibt.

ES liegt die nahe, dass die .dll lokal sales ist assumption. ICH habe already eine Suche nach der auf dem Server .dll, sowie lokal auf dem "Mess-Rechner" specification, however ohne Erfolg. .Dll scheint die garnicht zu existieren... verwendet wird die .dll is.

IM "Knoten zum call externer libraries", welcher besagte verwendet, ist der Bibliotheksname hinterlegt active .dll.

There're eine possibility den Ort der zu ermitteln .dll?

DAS Problem konnte soeben info werden.

.. .kurz I said: Ich bin doof.

Die .dll war lokal sales und die Suche-Windows hat einfach nur sehr lange gebraucht, um eine Suchergebnis zu ermitteln.

Tags: NI Software

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  • calling external code (instead of dll lib)


    is it possible to call external functions that reside on a static library (.lib) and not a dynamic (.dll).

    The "call library function node" feature seems to allow only the dll and lib steps.

    Any suggestion?

    Thank you

    No it's not! It is because there is not a single lib format, but in fact each compiler uses its own format of lib. Namely COFF for MS C compiler and various flavors of OMF for Borland C, Symantex C, etc. and ELF for GCC unless you are using a version of target Windows such as MingW who TRIES to follow in the COFF format. So even if NEITHER would consider allowing to bind to libs via the library node call they would be in trouble on what format of compiler to support.

    But it is quite easy to create a DLL from a LIB using the same compiler that was used to create the LIB.

  • How to call external functions without one. DLL (just using a.) H and. LIB file)?

    Hi all

    in fact, I am facing difficulties on how to get an external function is called in CVI (Version 2009).

    I was delivered with a. H file and a. LIB file to call an external function of my project CVI. The. H file looks like this:

    void exportedFunction(double *parameter);

    As far as I know, the external function was written with MS Visual C++ 6.

    So, I tried to link statically to the al extern like this function:

    -Add the. H file and the. LIB file to the CVI project

    -#include the. Folder H when I needed to call the external function

    -do the external function call

    During construction I get unresolved CVI external function call error, so this seems not work.

    I did some research autour and stood up with two possible problems. Maybe one of you can help me get a bit further and do work things out.

    (1) of the code of the 'real' function inside the DLL file that was not delivered to me. Or y at - it a way to get concrete results (calling external functions) with just one. H and a. LIB file (with none. Included DLL file)?

    (2) the external function does not export according to the rules of Style 'C '. The signature of the function in the. H file shows some things don't like

    extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall ...

    Or maybe it's a combination of these two issues (missing. DLL + bad export style function)?

    I guess I could get around the incorrect service export style when I managed to write a wrapper around the original function that actually uses Style C exporters. But I guess I need to the. DLL file for this test as well.

    Thank you very much for your answers.

    Best regards


    There is no need for the stuff of dllexport. There is also the option of a static library without any DLL.  But the "extern"C"' is essential, because it forces the C++ compiler, which was probably used to compile the library to use the C calling convention.

    If you are unable to ask the library vendor to provide a version that was compiled using C calling convention is the way to write a wrapper with VC ++ 6 around this library that functions using C calling convertion reexports. Something like

    extern 'C' myfunc1 type0 (type1 arg1,...) {

    Back to func1 (arg1,...);


    for each function, you must use.

    BTW. "unresolved symbol" is the error message from the linker, you can expect if you try to bind the C code against a generation of library with the C++ calling convention.

  • Launch an application requiring java.library.path

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    I am creating an exe win32 wrapper to launch an application that requires native libraries - speficially a SWT application, if it matters. CreateJavaVM works, however, FindClass() always returns NULL when I try to load my class with the main() method.

    What is strange, is that FindClass() can load other classes that contain references to SWT in my fine application . I checked it will load classes for fine raw data structures, of course those who do not have my inside main() method. I also checked that it can load and run a simple "Hello World" - style Swing application. This makes me believe that I must do something to load, or point to the SWT DLL to get things to work.

    Any ideas? Something in the options when the CreateJavaVM call perhaps? Here's how I am the appellant currently, including a futile attempt to put java.library.path (fails with and without this part). Because now I'm just falling into a directory and pointing to the DLL, but I see that SWT apps can load embedded swt.jar in the DLL, which of course, I want to take the measure of the possible:
    JNIEnv *createVM(const TCHAR *installLoc)
         JNIEnv *env;
         JavaVMInitArgs args;
         JavaVMOption options[2];
         jint res;
         char classPath[MAX_PATH];
         char javaLibPath[MAX_PATH];
         if (-1==sprintf(classPath, "-Djava.class.path=%S\\%S;%S\\%s", installLoc, MAIN_JAR, installLoc, "swt.jar"))
              return NULL;
    #ifdef DEBUG
         MessageBoxA(NULL, classPath, "Classpath parameter:", MB_OK);
         sprintf(javaLibPath, "-Djava.library.path=%S\\native\\win32", installLoc);
    #ifdef DEBUG
         MessageBoxA(NULL, javaLibPath, "Library path parameter:", MB_OK);
         args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4;
         args.nOptions = 2;
         options[0].optionString = classPath;
         options[1].optionString = javaLibPath;
         args.options = options;
         args.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_FALSE;
         res = CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void **)&env, &args);
         return env;
    Thank you!

    It is a java exception. You do the same thing as in java - print the stack trace.

  • "no ocijdbc11 in java.library.path" error when you connect a commander AMT database


    "no ocijdbc11 in java.library.path" error when connecting to a connection of AMT database

    I have the same problem "error code" when to test the connection to a database, even if I have an APEX db which connects without a problem.

    I have re downloaded jre & SQL Developer just to make sure that all the files are where they should be in no chance.

    I also tried most of the suggestions in different threads.

    Does anyone know what can cause exactly this error?

    for example; should I be looking for a file called "ocijdbc11" & put it in the path "java.library.path"?

    Can someone explain to a beginner to db connections I have to do?

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    It is must connect as a TNS connection & was working fine until recently, the only change I can think is a moving files from the 'C' drive, but I thought developer redownloading SQL would slove this.

    Thank you

    user5833695 wrote:
    I do not have this access path to check on my PC & triued to find it, but could not.

    So what OS are you on?

    I also did a search for the file "ocijdbc11" on my hard drives & didn't find no match, this could simply be the problem, that I do not have the file?

    No, the sqldev comes with its own drivers. First try to enter said tnsnames.ora as thefurryone path and restart.
    If still no go, you can try to bypass the problematic environment settings by changing your ORACLE_HOME in a batch (inside the sqldev folder) file:

    set ORACLE_HOME = % CD
    Start sqldeveloper.exe

    Hope that helps,

  • UnsatisfiedLinkError: no libdbxml_java25 in java.library.path (2.5.16)

    I built 2.5.16 source in Windows XP Home Edition (32 bit). I left the debug settings. Binaries were thus placed in G:\dbxml*bin\debug* - G:\dbxml*bin* contained only zlib1.dll.
    :: dir /b G:\dbxml\bin\debug
    Now, I have this very simple program to test the installation:
    package milu.dbxml;
    import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
    import com.sleepycat.db.Environment;
    import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig;
    import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager;
    import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManagerConfig;
    public class Test
         public static void main( String[] args )
              throws FileNotFoundException, DatabaseException
              File home = new File("C:/temp");
              EnvironmentConfig envConv = new EnvironmentConfig();
              Environment env = new Environment(home, envConv);
              XmlManagerConfig mgrConf = new XmlManagerConfig();
              XmlManager mgr = new XmlManager(env, mgrConf);
    Unfortunately, it does not run. I'm java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError. Take a look at run configurations (where the classpath is always correct) the following:
    java.library.path = %DbXml%\bin\debug
    :: java -Djava.library.path=G:\dbxml\bin\debug milu.dbxml.Test
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no libdbxml_java25 in java.library.path
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
            at com.sleepycat.dbxml.dbxml_javaJNI.<clinit>(
            at com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager.<init>(
            at milu.dbxml.Test.main(
    java.library.path = %DbXml%\bin
    :: java -Djava.library.path=G:\dbxml\bin milu.dbxml.Test
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no libdb_java48 in java.library.path
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
            at com.sleepycat.db.internal.db_javaJNI.<clinit>(
            at com.sleepycat.db.internal.DbEnv.<init>(
            at com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig.createEnvironment(
            at com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig.openEnvironment(
            at com.sleepycat.db.Environment.<init>(
            at milu.dbxml.Test.main(
    java.library.path = %DbXml%\bin\debug + %DbXml%\bin
    :: java -Djava.library.path=G:\dbxml\bin\debug;G:\dbxml\bin milu.dbxml.Test
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no libdbxml_java25 in java.library.path
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
            at com.sleepycat.dbxml.dbxml_javaJNI.<clinit>(
            at com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager.<init>(
            at milu.dbxml.Test.main(
    java.library.path = %DbXml%\bin + %DbXml%\bin\debug
    :: java -Djava.library.path=G:\dbxml\bin;G:\dbxml\bin\debug milu.dbxml.Test
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no libdbxml_java25 in java.library.path
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
            at com.sleepycat.dbxml.dbxml_javaJNI.<clinit>(
            at com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager.<init>(
            at milu.dbxml.Test.main(
    What is the problem with this configuration? Thank you.

    Then I would probably try to write a small test program that loads XML DB lib or other libs (dll) using System.load call (...). Try to load via the full path as well as just by name (these libraries that are also in the path or in the java.library.path).
    I just look at the code. First, it loads a library without a suffix ', then if JVM up UnsatisfiedLinkError, then the suffix would be "is added and it tries to load it again..."

    Very weird.

  • How to call external programs?

    I've seen people to call external programs through LabVIEW and was curious to know what functions you could use to do this.

    I'm sure that his works using one of the ActiveX or maybe 'open application reference .vi.

    Can someone tell me (or show me) a small example of how to open an external program (that is to say, excellent, Notepad, etc.) by programming

    HI Cory,.

    Take a look using the > examples > communicate with external Applications > ActiveX > Excel > Table write to

    To take a step back and answer your Q in General.

    Required or possible methods to interact with external applications depends on of the external application and that she supported mechanisms.


    Used for tha programs can be called from a DOS command line.


    The app was to support this and that you are working with him to of peeks and pokes.


    Only available on Windows, methods, and properties that depend on all of the app.


    New version to interact with applications.

    Have fun!


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    You have to locate the files on your internal hard drive, using the Explorer, then drag and drop them on the hard drive.  If you don't know where they are on your hard drive, right click on the video file in the library and choose the location of the opened file.

  • : Error 35 call external function of the object

    I get "error 35: error when calling external object function driverinit on line 302 of the event open"and impossible to open a program. " A few solutions that I found for this search refer to an update to the SQL Server.  The only thing I tried to do lately is to update a printer driver, all was working fine before this.  I got an SQL error on a website trying to access the FAQ section.  I found an article to download an update to the original version of SQL Server 2005 SP2 but not sure if that's what I really do.  Can anyone help?


    Error 35 is not a common Windows error. It is very likely that the registry scanner above will only cause more problems.
    The error you get is from your application. Given that this is not generated by Windows, I highly recommend directly contacting the support of bookkeeper.

    Cody C
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    There're eine Android App zum der gespeicherten read a PDF?

    You can use Adobe Reader.

  • ODI to TimesTen failed to connect (no ttJdbcCS1122 in java.library.path)


    I have ODI 11 G(32bit) installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit). -Client(64bit) TT installed
    I'm trying to connect to TimesTen Exalytics).

    I am able to test the ODBC to TT connection on the windows machine and its working fine (able to connect to storage of data via SQL Developer TT)
    But connectivity fails to ODI for each database on a same TT DB. After you create a new database on the ODI server, when I try to test connectivity I get following error:

    java.sql.SQLException: problems with the native/lack of loading methods library: no ttJdbcCS1122 in java.library.path

    I took ttJdbcCS1122.dll file TT client directory on the windows machine and tried to put this file in various Java lib/bin folders. But it did not work.

    JDBC driver: com.timesten.jdbc.TimesTenDriver
    URL JDBC: jdbc:timesten:client:dsn = TT_AGGR_STORE

    We need help on this ASAP. Pointers would be appreciated.

    Thank you

    Published by: 980495 on March 17, 2013 23:26

    You cannot use a 64-bit with a 32-bit application client. Installation of 64-bit TimesTen client includes a 32-bit client installation as well. You configure the client 64-bit DSN by using the 64-bit Windows ODBC Data Sources and configuring 32-bit client DSN by using the ODBC 32-bit Data Sources. Then, use the 32-bit ODBC Data Sources applet to configure and test a 32-bit DSN, make sure that the path to the 32-bit client is included in your CLASSPATH and native.library.path for any substance as ODI Java and use the 32-bit DSN in the JDBC connection URL.

    That should solve this problem.


  • WebUtil gives no jacob in java.library.path when you try to read an Excel

    I'm trying to run an active WebUtil ( form. The form reads data from a MS Excel 2007 sheet excellent lines. We get this error
     java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jacob in java.library.path 
    When this line is executed in the code in the form.
    application: = Client_OLE2.create_obj ('Excel.Application');

    Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the Java settings.

    Should we add in the CLASSPATH and other configuration such as formsweb.cfg and webutil.cfg files?

    Any help would be grately appreciated.


    Copy the following files to...
    or to


    Run the form and check...


  • RSL Error 2046 when TERM-shared-library-path using Ant mxmlc


    I build my project using the ant mxmlc with SDK 3.4 target

    If I < flex: mxmlc...-link-TIME-shared-library static = 'false' static-RSLS = "false"... >

    It works very well. My SWF is a bit lighter but not enough!

    If in my mxmlc, I add the following nodes (all of them or one of them)

    < runtime-shared-library-path

    Path-Element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/Framework.swc" >

    "< url rsl-url="${contextroot}/client/framework_3.4.0.6955.swz "/ >

    "< url rsl-url="${contextroot}/client/framework_3.4.0.6955.swf "/ >

    < / DURATION-shared-library-path >

    < runtime-shared-library-path

    Path-Element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/RPC.swc" >

    "< url rsl-url="${contextroot}/client/rpc_3.4.0.6955.swz "/ >

    "< url rsl-url="${contextroot}/client/rpc_3.4.0.6955.swf "/ >

    < / DURATION-shared-library-path >

    < runtime-shared-library-path

    Path-Element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/DataVisualization.swc" >

    "< url rsl-url="${contextroot}/client/datavisualization_3.4.0.9271.swz "/ >

    "< url rsl-url="${contextroot}/client/datavisualization_3.4.0.9271.swf "/ >

    < / DURATION-shared-library-path >

    I have a: Error #2046: the loaded file did not have a valid signature

    I thought: why not add summaries check = false to my target mxmlx?

    = > Unfortunately the ant task does not support this option

    I also read somewhere that this may be caused by the Decree of the library.

    It is true that in the case of the flex plugin for eclipse

    I put the first framwork.swc
    DataVisualization.swc and configure rpc.swc
    the EFA resulting works

    = > This makes me think that my swz are duly signed

    = > I can't find a way to make the swz ordering the ant target

    So is my only solution use the mxmlc commed-line within the ant?

    What can possibly be wrong?

    Only builds "Milestone" should have signed to RSL. The stable and nightly versions have not signed RSL. All signed RSL you might find in an Add ons download "Adobe" is there by mistake and should be ignored.


  • When importing a flash animation in captivate flash won't call external files

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    Just for the follow-up of this. I got files from Marcus on the email and the problem is that the Flash file using ActionScript 3 (AS3) and Captivate 3 doesn't support the Flash AS3 files.

    That's why it would work as expected.

    / Michael

    Click here to visit the blog of

  • What is the right way to specify the location of the shared library in an a .lvlib function call library function node?

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    I do a lot of measures using spectrometers photo from several manufacturers.  Someone in my company developed a C DLL library, which provides a simple API for all the different spectrometers. To facilitate this DLL to use in LabVIEW, I wrote a .lvlib that wraps all the functions.  When I want to use the API, I simply include the .lvlib file in my project that allows me to drag and drop the wrapper s VI on my block diagram. When I created the .lvlib of VI, I specified the path in the call library node. /. * so it will always look in the local application to the DLL directory when I run.

    The problem is, when I load demand, LabVIEW you asks for the location of the DLL even if it's just there in the local directory! I tried to put copies of the DLL in the directory with the .lvlib, but he still refuses to find the DLL loading.  What I am doing wrong?

    You should in this simple case enter the full path to the DLL by navigating to it. If the DLL is on the same volume/drive that the VI containing the call library node LabVIEW will be internally store the relative path from the VI to the DLL (but still show the absolute path). If you move the DLL and screw together (so the relative location of the DLL to the VI remains the same) LabVIEW will always find the DLL.

    I don't think that the lvlib would add nothing to that.

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