LinkElement error?

In the latest version of Gumbo, LinkElements give me an error when I hover over them. The stack trace is as follows:
TypeError: Error #1009: cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
to flashx.textLayout.elements::LinkElement$/attachContainerEventHandlers()
to flashx.textLayout.elements::LinkElement$/addLinkToMouseInArray()
to flashx.textLayout.elements::LinkElement/mouseOverHandler()

Interestingly, not one of the entries in the stacktrace are any code I wrote.
Any ideas?
Thank you

There was a bug in our Build 392, integrated with the latest version of Flex. It has been fixed in our Build 393, so you'll see the next time that a new TLF is integrated.

Tags: Adobe Open Source

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    var conf:Configuration = new Configuration()

    var linkNormalFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat()

    conf.defaultLinkNormalFormat = linkNormalFormat;

    textFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow (value, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT, conf);

    trace (textFlow) / / null

    That's why zero?

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    textFlow is not null and everything works fine.

    When I use defaultLinkHoverFormat:

    conf.defaultLinkHoverFormat = linkNormalFormat;

    textFlow is created correctly bu sure I get error on roll:

    TypeError: Error #1034: Type coercion failed: cannot convert flashx.textLayout.formats::TextLayoutFormat@1423e881 to flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormatValueHolder.
    to flashx.textLayout.elements::LinkElement/computeLinkFormat() [C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\dev \output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\elements\]
    at flashx.textLayout.elements::LinkElement/get () [C:\Ve llum\branches\v1\1.1\dev\output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\elements\LinkE only .as: 458]
    to flashx.textLayout.elements::LinkElement/setToState() [C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\dev\output \openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\elements\]
    to flashx.textLayout.elements::LinkElement/mouseOverHandler() [C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\dev\ output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\elements\]

    Is this a bug?


    Which reads like 1.1 bug to me.  Try replacing:

    var linkNormalFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat()


    Import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormatValueHolder;

    var linkNormalFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormatValueHolder();

    Just FYI: class TextLayoutFormatValueHolder is hidden in 1.1 (the ExcludeClass metadata tag).  FWIW in it 2.0 replaces TextLayoutFormat.  It is a much more efficient formats representation where only a few are defined.

    Hope that helps,


  • Error of textLayout.swc in Flex SDK3.4


    I wrote the code using textLayout.swc in flex 3 Bulider (SDK3.4Ver)

    It generates the error with ParaGraphFormat, CharacterFormat, DisplayObjectContainerController and UpadateAllContainers

    These all are not supported if I use textLayout.swc, only if I use three textLayout_conversion.swc, textLayout_edit.swc and textLayout_core.swc then its working fine.

    Here is the code and the file is also find the attachment

    package XmlParser
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.FontStyle.
    import flash.text.engine.FontWeight;
    import flash.xml.XMLNode.

    Import flashx.textLayout.container.DisplayObjectContainerController;
    Import flashx.textLayout.elements.BreakElement;
    Import flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement;
    Import flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement;
    Import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    Import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    Import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    Import flashx.textLayout.formats.CharacterFormat;
    Import flashx.textLayout.formats.ParagraphFormat;
    Import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign;
    Import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextDecoration;

    public class TextFlowInfo
    private var paragraphNode:XMLNode = null;
    private var runPrntNode:XMLNode = null;
    private var paraIndex: int = 0;
    private var paraLineSize:Number = 0;
    private var paraMargin:Number = 0;
    private var paraIndent:Number = 0;
    private var paraTextAlign:String = null;

    private var runIndex:int = 0;
    private var runLanguage:String = null;
    private var txtLineBreak:Boolean = false;
    private var fontSize:Number = 0;
    private var fontName:String = null;
    private var textDecoration:Boolean = false;
    private var fontStyle:Boolean = false;
    private var fontWeight:Boolean = false;
    private var runColorType:String = null;
    private var fontColor:int = 0;

    private var innerText:String = null;

    private var insetNode:XMLNode;
    public function set {InsetNode(value:XMLNode):void}
    insetNode = value;

    private var paragraphPrntNode:XMLNode;
    public function set {ParagraphPrntNode(value:XMLNode):void}
    paragraphPrntNode = value;

    private var containerWidth:Number;
    public function set {ContainerWidth(value:Number):void}
    containerWidth = value;
    private var titleAlign:String;
    public function set {TitleAlign(value:String):void}

    titleAlign = value;

    private var containerHeight:Number;
    public function set {ContainerHeight(value:Number):void}
    containerHeight = value;
    private var verAlign:String = null;
    / * public service value {VerAlign(value:String):void}
    verAlign = value;
    } */
    private var textFlow:TextFlow;
    private var paraElement: ParagraphElement = null;
    private var paraFormat: ParagraphFormat = null;
    private var spanElement:SpanElement = null;
    private var charFormat:CharacterFormat = null;
    private var brkElement: BreakElement = null;
    private var bulletType:String = null;
    private var bulletFont:String = null;
    private var bulletSize:Number = 0;
    private var bulletcolor:int = 0;
    private var bulletTxt:String = null;
    private var bulletImgPath:String = null;

    private var leftInset:Number = 0;
    private var rightInset:Number = 0;
    private var topInset:Number = 0;
    private var btmInset:Number = 0;

    private var linkRef:String = null;
    private var linkHref:String = null;
    private var isHyperlink:Boolean = false;

    public void LoadParagraphNode(textContainer:Sprite):void
    textFlow = new TextFlow();
    If (titleAlign! = null) {}
    trace ("Para align I:" + titleAlign);
    textFlow.textAlign = 'center ';
    If (insetNode! = null) {}
    If (insetNode.attributes ["linens"]! = undefined) {}
    textFlow.paddingLeft = parseFloat (insetNode.attributes ["linens"]);
    If (insetNode.attributes ["Rin"]! = undefined) {}
    textFlow.paddingRight = parseFloat (insetNode.attributes ["rIns"]);
    If (["bogus"] insetNode.attributes! = undefined) {}
    textFlow.paddingTop = parseFloat (insetNode.attributes ["tIns"]);
    If (insetNode.attributes ["bIns"]! = undefined) {}
    textFlow.paddingBottom = parseFloat (insetNode.attributes ["bIns"]);
    If (insetNode.attributes ["valign"]! = undefined) {}
    verAlign = insetNode.attributes ["valign"];
    If (verAlign! = null) {}
    trace ("Align:" + verAlign);
    textFlow.verticalAlign = "middle";
    trace ("node Medallion:" + insetNode.attributes ["linens"] + "," + insetNode.attributes ["rIns"] + "," + insetNode.attributes ["stood"] + "," + insetNod e.attributes ["bIns"]);

    var paraChildLength:int = paragraphPrntNode.childNodes.length;
    trace ("paranoid chart:" + paraChildLength);
    textFlow.verticalAlign = "middle";
    for (var i: int = 0; i < paraChildLength; i ++)
    paragraphNode = paragraphPrntNode.childNodes [i];

    If (paragraphNode.attributes ["index"]! = undefined)
    paraIndex = parseInt (paragraphNode.attributes ["index"]);
    If (paragraphNode.attributes ["linesize"]! = undefined)
    paraLineSize = parseFloat (paragraphNode.attributes ["linesize"]);
    If (paragraphNode.attributes ["marl"]! = undefined)
    paraMargin = parseFloat (paragraphNode.attributes ["marl"]);
    If (paragraphNode.attributes ["indent"]! = undefined)
    paraIndent = parseFloat (paragraphNode.attributes ["indent"]);

    If (paragraphNode.attributes ["algn"]! = undefined)
    paraTextAlign = paragraphNode.attributes ["algn"];
    paraElement = new ParagraphElement();
    textFlow.addChild (paraElement;)
    paraFormat = new ParagraphFormat();
    paraFormat.textIndent = paraMargin;
    paraFormat.marginLeft = paraMargin;

    If (paraTextAlign == "l") {}
    paraFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.LEFT;
    Else if (paraTextAlign == "r") {}
    paraFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.RIGHT;
    Else if (paraTextAlign == "j") {}
    paraFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.JUSTIFY;
    Else if (paraTextAlign == "ctr") {}
    trace ("Para: textA" + paraTextAlign);
    paraFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.CENTER;
    paraElement.paragraphFormat = paraFormat;
    trace ("form Para:" + paraIndex + "," + paraLineSize + "," + paraMargin + "," + paraIndent + "," + paraTextAlign);
    If (paragraphNode.childNodes.length > 0 & & paragraphNode.lastChild.nodeName == "runs")
    for each (var paraChildNd:XMLNode in paragraphNode.childNodes)
    Switch (paraChildNd.nodeName.toLowerCase ())
    case "works":
    runPrntNode = paragraphNode.lastChild;
    trace ("chart run:" + runPrntNode);
    for each (var runNode:XMLNode in runPrntNode.childNodes)
    trace ("run Para:" + runNode);
    If (runNode.attributes ["index"]! = undefined)
    runIndex = parseInt (runNode.attributes ["index"]);
    If (runNode.attributes ["linebreak"]! = undefined)
    var lnBreak:String = runNode.attributes ["linebreak"];
    If (lnBreak == "t") {}
    txtLineBreak = true;
    If (runNode.attributes ["fontsize"]! = undefined)
    fontSize = parseFloat (runNode.attributes ["fontsize"]);
    If (runNode.attributes ["lang"]! = undefined)
    runLanguage = runNode.attributes ["lang"];
    If (runNode.attributes ["fontname"]! = undefined)
    fontName = runNode.attributes ["fontname"];
    If (runNode.attributes ["i"]! = undefined)
    var tempStyle:String = runNode.attributes ["i"];
    If (tempStyle == "1") {}
    fontStyle = true;
    If (runNode.attributes ["b"]! = undefined)
    var tempwght:String = runNode.attributes ["b"];
    If (tempwght == "1") {}
    fontWeight = true;
    If (runNode.attributes ["b"]! = undefined)
    var tempDeco:String = runNode.attributes ["underline"];
    If (tempDeco == "sng") {}
    textDecoration = true;
    If (runNode.attributes ["underline"]! = undefined)
    textDecoration = runNode.attributes ["underline"];
    trace ("form run:" + fontSize + "," + fontColor + "," + FontName + "," + fontStyle + "," + fontWeight);
    / * If (runNode.lastChild.firstChild! = null)
    innerText = runNode.lastChild.firstChild. toString();
    } */
    for each {(var runChildNd:XMLNode in runNode.childNodes)
    trace ("Para graph <>:" + runChildNd);
    {Switch (runChildNd.nodeName.toLowerCase ())}
    case 'filler ':

    If (runChildNd.attributes ['type']! = undefined)
    runColorType = runChildNd.attributes ["type"];
    If (runNode.firstChild.attributes ["color"]! = undefined)
    fontColor = parseInt (runChildNd.attributes ["color"]);
    trace ("color:" + runColorType + "," + fontColor);
    case 'text ':
    If (runChildNd.firstChild! = null)
    innerText = runChildNd.firstChild. toString();
    trace ("InnerText graph" + innerText);
    spanElement = new SpanElement();
    paraElement.addChild (spanElement);

    spanElement.text = innerText;
    charFormat = new CharacterFormat();
    charFormat.fontFamily = fontName;
    if(FontStyle == true)
    charFormat.fontStyle = FontStyle.ITALIC;
    fontStyle = false;
    if(FontWeight == true)
    charFormat.fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD;
    fontWeight = false;
    if(TextDecoration == true)
    charFormat.textDecoration = TextDecoration.UNDERLINE;
    textDecoration = false;
    charFormat.fontSize = Number (fontSize);
    charFormat.fontSize = 18;
    trace ("Run Text" + spanElement.text + "," + charFormat.fontSize);
    charFormat.color = Number (fontColor);
    charFormat.color = 0xFFFFFF;

    spanElement.characterFormat = charFormat;
    if(txtLineBreak == true)
    brkElement = new BreakElement();
    paraElement.addChild (brkElement);
    txtLineBreak = false;
    trace ("text of the form:" fontName + "," + fontSize);
    case "bullet":

    else {}
    trace ("Break Para :");
    brkElement = new BreakElement();
    paraElement.addChild (brkElement);
    textFlow.addChild (paraElement;)
    this.dispatchEvent (new Event ("SuccessfullyAdded"));
    textFlow.flowComposer.addController (new DisplayObjectContainerController (textContainer, containerWidth, containerHeight));
    textFlow.flowComposer.updateAllContainers ();


    Also find the attachment! 1

    Please answer

    If you use textLayout.swc , then replace:

    ParaGraphFormat, CharacterFormat to TextLayoutFormat

    DisplayObjectContainerController for ContainerController

    UpadateAllContainers for UpdateAllControllers()

  • Uninstall software update Apple says error in seller contact package package unstaller

    Try to get itunes working to make a backup of my faulty iphone before repair.

    First-itunes does not start says error. I'm trying to fix it, who said success but same error when you try to start it.

    Then uninstall completely worked. Then reinstall that seemed to be over except for a message "an older version of Apple software update already exists" then he went down and install itunes apparently had not been completed.

    Then I try to remove the update from the apple software and executed by an error in the installation program - it says there is an error in the installation and contact the supplier of the installation package. Same error if I run the uninstall command line program.

    Try to repair the Apple Software Update of programs & features Control Panel and then try to update iTunes again.

    For general advice, see troubleshooting problems with iTunes for Windows updates.

    The steps described in the second case are a guide to remove everything related to iTunes and then rebuild what is often a good starting point, unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach.

    Review the other boxes and other support documents list to the bottom of the page, in case one of them applies.

    The more information box has direct links with the current and recent if you have problems to download, must revert to an older version or want to try the version of iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) as a workaround for problems with installation or operation, or compatibility with third-party software.

    Backups of your library and device should be affected by these measures but there are links to backup and recovery advice there.


  • SUMIF error

    I'm new to apple and get a syntax error when you use SUMIF.  In my table, I just need column F to test the value of column E.  If it is greater than 0, then divide by 20.  Thank you!

    In cell F1

    = E1/if(E1>0, 20, 1)

    fill down as needed

  • An error in this Applescript that I can't understand

    Hi, I searched some forums and found this script below which I modified. It works great except for a single statement:

    runScript If = 1 then number error -128 I want the script to do is, when a USB drive is mounted and is in the ignoredVolumes as "USB Untitled" I want the script to stop. What I can't understand is, runScript is set to 1, "Untitled USB" Monte, runScript is not changed, why don't the script stops with an error "user cancelled"? On the other hand, if a key USB Monte is not in the ignoredVolumes, runScript is set to 2 and copy the file I want it. What hurts? It's probably something that will be very obvious when I see the answer.

    Thanks for any help with this problem,


    property ignoredVolumes: {'10,10 30 1. 5 't', 'files 1. 5 't', "Untitled USB"} - add if necessary

    property videoExtensions: {"avi", "mov", "mpg", "wmv", "mp4" and "mkv"}

    the value newVolume to the alias (POSIX file "/ Volumes/files 1.") ("5T / new")

    the value oldVolume to the alias (POSIX file "/ Volumes/files 1.") ("5T / old")

    game runScript to 1

                   tell application "System events".

    the value rootVolumes to disk (POSIX file ' / Volumes ' in the text)

    the value allVolumes to name of every element of disc of rootVolumes

    the value numofallVolumes to the County of allVolumes

    Repeat with the present book in allVolumes

    say application 'Finder '.

    if (the present book is not in ignoredVolumes and (this book as text) is not '. ') DS_Store') then

    if there are alias (POSIX (' / Volumes / "& the present book) as text file ) then game runScript to 2

    runScript If = 1 then number error -128 - it does not give a 'User cancelled' error when "Untitled USB" is mounted

    runScript If = 2 then


    duplicate (elements whose name is in the videoExtensions extension) in alias (POSIX file (' / Volumes / "& the present book &" / new ") as text) to newVolume

    on error number errorNumber errorMessage

    _error value of errorMessage

    _errorNum the value to errorNumber

    If errorNumber is -15267 then

    display the dialog box "This file already exists in folder a." buttons {"OK", "No"} default button 1 with the title "Film copy error?" giving upwards after 10

    If the returned button of result is 'No' then

    Error number-128

    on the other

    If the result is 'OK' or back button gave up lead and then of

    eject the present book

    display the dialog box "U S B D r i v e E j e c t e d - K O t o R e m o v e" {"no need to click on this button"} default button 1 button give up after 5


    end if

    end if

    end if

    end try


    duplicate (elements whose name is in the videoExtensions extension) in alias (POSIX file (' / Volumes / "& the present book &" / old ") as text) to oldVolume

    on error number errorNumber errorMessage

    _error value of errorMessage

    _errorNum the value to errorNumber

    If errorNumber is -15267 then

    display the dialog box "This file already exists in the folder B" buttons {"OK", "No"} default button 1 with the title "Film copy error?" giving upwards after 10

    If the returned button of result is 'No' then

    Error number-128

    on the other

    If the result is 'OK' or back button gave up lead and then of

    eject the present book

    display the dialog box "U S B D r i v e E j e c t e d - K O t o R e m o v e" {"no need to click on this button"} default button 1 button give up after 5


    end if

    end if

    end if

    end try

    display the dialog box "USB key will Auto Eject in 10 seconds or click OK... "buttons button 1 with the title"copy Complete - Eject? "default {'OK', 'No'} which gives after 10

    If the returned button of result is 'No' then

    Error number-128

    on the other

    If the button returned of result is "OK" or gave up a result then ejection of the this book

    display the dialog box "U S B D r i v e E j e c t e d - K O t o R e m o v e" {"no need to click on this button"} default button 1 button give up after 5

    end if

    end if

    end if

    end say

    end Repeat

              end say

    The way in which your external block If is currently based, the script can't do anything when this book is in the ignoredVolumes, it can not yet test the runScript value. Try something like this:

    If the present book is in the ignoredVolumes then

    game runScript to 1

    on the other

    if (the present book as text is not '. ') DS_Store') then

    if there are alias (POSIX (' / Volumes / "& the present book) as text file ) then game runScript to 2

    end if

    end if

    Of course, you need to remove a "end if' the end of the script.

  • error message when try to sync the iPhone, "invalid response from the device?

    What can I do when I receive this error message when you try to sync to my iPhone 5 s - "invalid response from the device?

    -What are your 5 updating to 10.0.2 iOS iPhone? If this is the case, you must have the latest version of iTunes on your computer, which is required for Mac OS X 10.9.5 12.5.1, or above. To meet these specifications will be receiving this error.

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    I wanted to know if there is a lasting solution to this problem.

    I'm using macOS Sierra on MacBook (13-inch, early 2015) Air with processor 1.6 Ghz Intel Core i5 and 8 GB memory DDR3 at 1600 MHz with 128 GB of storage.

    Hello PavanGJ,

    Thank you for using communities Support from Apple. I see that since upgrading to Mac OS Sierra problems of screen rotation. The preferences window does not. I know how it is important for your Mac to work reliably. I'll be more than happy to help.

    Great job to test mode without failure. In Safe Mode disables most of the third-party services, it could be a compatibility problem with an application that you have. Check out this article:

    OS X El Capitan: If you have problems with startup items

    You can not hold account that the title suggests it's to El Capitan. It applies to macOS Sierra as well.

    You can also test the issue in a new user account.

    How to test a question in another account on your Mac - Apple Support

    Let us know if that helps.

    Take care!

  • A fact error 4014 showing each time after all the steps

    One of my friends has an iPhone 5 s and he lowered his 10 9.3.5 iOS iOS iPhone it started and inquired "side update" to the rest of the new software update points, but suddenly her iPhone off and does not turn, does not yet show the Apple Logo. I tried to restore it with the new version of the iOS 10.0.2, I file the software theipsw and then restoring the iPhone, iTunes showed me the message "waiting for iPhone" and ultimately showed me a message by this sentence "iPhone" his name' siphons ' could not be restored.» An unknown error occurred (4014).

    I checked the list of steps that Apple suggests their, but nothing happened then, always showing me the same error number. What should I do?

    Thank you for your help and appreciate it.

    I found the solution. Just type here for others with the same problem to solve their problems.

    While the "iTunes with cable" sign is showing and in your computer, showing you "Waiting for iPhone" and things occur, you should restart your iPhone (hold sleep/wake low and low home together for a few seconds) implemented after this attempt to restore your iPhone again you should recover your iPhone software.

    Thank you for your support and more.

  • Playgrounds are learning to code 1 download error

    I recently bought an iPad Mini 2 specifically so that I could use the app to playgrounds to learn about Swift.  Whenever I try to download the playing field 'Learn to Code 1 - basics of the swift' I get an error that says: "not taken download error supported URL.  I uninstalled and reinstalled the soft playgrounds several times.  Other playgrounds (as 'learning to Code 2 - beyond the basics') download very well.  How can I bypass or fix this error and get the first playground of lesson?

    Finally, the playing field is downloaded successfully!

  • Error Java Run After downloading the new Sierra

    Java is up to date and I get this error message. A couple of times, I have "updated" restarted. Still happens.

    Hi cjshrad,

    Thank you for contributing to the communities of Apple Support. I see in your message you receive a Java error after upgrade to Sierra on your Mac. I'd be happy to help with this!

    First of all, try to install the Java for OS X package found here:

    Download Java for OS X 2015-001

    The next step, if you still see this error, I recommend that you completely uninstall Java from your Mac by following the steps listed here:

    How to uninstall Java on my Mac?

    Once you're done, use this link to download and install the latest version of Java for your Mac:
    Download Java for your Mac - Apple Support

    Take care!

  • "error recovery main area".


    I can not access my old video files of my 6 16 GB iPhone, I'm using iOS 10.  When I try to open the videos that I always meet the message 'area main-fetching error' I can't specify when this problem started, but I'm sure it was good when I was with iOS 9.3.3 However, recently filmed videos works perfectly.

    Same thing here. I bought the new iphone and took the backup from your old phone, but the videos do not work.

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    Here are the errors:

    1. Are you sure that you typed your password correctly 100%? (sry, but that would be classic
    2. have you tried to reset your password?
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