Linux Guest network on the Windows host OS


I would like to give my comments dare a dedicated IP address. They are configured in the Windows adapter (Server 2003) and are operational, in addition, the bridge is configured correctly - and when I configure NAT in the network of the client (using DHCP), everything works fine. Could you tell me the settings of network guest OS for the device (eth0) Please?

I mean, definition of the IP address of one of them that is configured in the network adapter on Windows, using the same gateway, and the same name servers does not work. It is said that the interface is in place but does not work.

Advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

You have not need to assign the IPs on side Windows if you use bridged networking infact, by doing so, you are going to have caused a conflict of IP address with the Linux VM.

Let the VMNet adapters to their default values. Select mode bridged for the prompt, then assign an IP address for eth0, which should be.

Tags: VMware

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    the comment system is a Suse linux.

    I'm trying to start and stop the guest OS, but I continue to not

    Here are the commands I tried:

    vmrun t h / sdk Server - gu root - gp pwd start 'F:\Virtual Machines\server\SUSE.vmx '.

    Error: Unknown error

    vmrun t / sdk h u root otrs Pei Server start "F:\Virtual Machines\server\SUSE.vmx".

    Error: Not sufficient permissions in the host operating system

    no idea what I am doing wrong?

    Do not use '-gu ' and '-gp "in this command.

    The syntax must be the following (on a Windows host):

    the departure of https:// h vmrun t server ' [storage name] WinXP/WinXP.vmx.

    Use "u Administrator" instead of "-u root" because you are on a Windows host.

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    Linux VMWare reviews



    I tried to change the IP address using "Virtual Network Editor"-> NAT tab and selecting vmnet0 in the drop-down list. Choose 'Yes' to the popup window "you want to enable DHCP on this VMnet? Click on edit to enter an IP address in the same subnet as my router - assign, clicked OK to close this window and returns to the main window. However, the OK button is disabled. Then I tried to vmnet8 and vmnet1. I can only a message "click Apply. But there is no button apply.

    No idea what I am doing wrong? I download the latest version of vmware server.

    Appreciate any help,

    Thank you

    Why have not you tried to use a bridged interface?


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  • Cannot change the entry door of the Linux guest OS by the perl script customization

    Default gateway Linux can be changed using script (modified from below.

    Someone at - it gives help on this?

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # Copyright (c) 2007 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use FindBin;
    use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../";
    use VMware::VIRuntime;
    use XML::LibXML;
    use AppUtil::VMUtil;
    use AppUtil::HostUtil;
    use AppUtil::XMLInputUtil;
    $Util::script_version = "1.0";
    sub check_missing_value;
    my %opts = (
       vmhost => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "The name of the host",
          required => 1,
       vmname => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "The name of the Virtual Machine",
          required => 1,
       vmname_destination => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "The name of the target virtual machine",
          required => 1,
       filename => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "The name of the configuration specification file",
          required => 0,
          default => "../sampledata/vmclone.xml",
       customize_guest => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "Flag to specify whether or not to customize guest: yes,no",
          required => 0,
          default => 'no',
       customize_vm => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "Flag to specify whether or not to customize virtual machine: "
                . "yes,no",
          required => 0,
          default => 'no',
       schema => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "The name of the schema file",
          required => 0,
          default => "../schema/vmclone.xsd",
       datastore => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "Name of the Datastore",
          required => 0,
    # Clone vm operation
    # Gets destination host, compute resource views, and
    # datastore info for creating the configuration
    # specification to help create a clone of an existing
    # virtual machine.
    # ====================================================
    sub clone_vm {
       my $vm_name = Opts::get_option('vmname');
       my $vm_views = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',
                                            filter => {'name' =>$vm_name});
       if(@$vm_views) {
          foreach (@$vm_views) {
             my $host_name =  Opts::get_option('vmhost');
             my $host_view = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => 'HostSystem',
                                             filter => {'name' => $host_name});
             if (!$host_view) {
                Util::trace(0, "Host '$host_name' not found\n");
             # bug 449530
             my $disk_size = get_disksize();
             if($disk_size eq -1 || $disk_size eq "") {
                $disk_size = 0;
                my $devices = $_->config->hardware->device;
                foreach my $device (@$devices) {
                   if (ref $device eq "VirtualDisk") {
                      $disk_size = $disk_size + $device->capacityInKB;
             if ($host_view) {
                my $comp_res_view = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => $host_view->parent);
                my $ds_name = Opts::get_option('datastore');
                my %ds_info = HostUtils::get_datastore(host_view => $host_view,
                                         datastore => $ds_name,
                                         disksize => $disk_size);
                if ($ds_info{mor} eq 0) {
                   if ($ds_info{name} eq 'datastore_error') {
                      Util::trace(0, "\nDatastore $ds_name not available.\n");
                   if ($ds_info{name} eq 'disksize_error') {
                      Util::trace(0, "\nThe free space available is less than the"
                                   . " specified disksize or the host"
                                   . " is not accessible.\n");
                my $relocate_spec =
                VirtualMachineRelocateSpec->new(datastore => $ds_info{mor},
                                              host => $host_view,
                                              pool => $comp_res_view->resourcePool);
                my $clone_name = Opts::get_option('vmname_destination');
                my $clone_spec ;
                my $config_spec;
                my $customization_spec;
                if ((Opts::get_option('customize_vm') eq "yes")
                    && (Opts::get_option('customize_guest') ne "yes")) {
                   $config_spec = get_config_spec();
                   $clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->new(powerOn => 1,template => 0,
                                                           location => $relocate_spec,
                                                           config => $config_spec,
                elsif ((Opts::get_option('customize_guest') eq "yes")
                    && (Opts::get_option('customize_vm') ne "yes")) {
                   $customization_spec = get_customization_spec
                   $clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->new(
                                                       powerOn => 1,
                                                       template => 0,
                                                       location => $relocate_spec,
                                                       customization => $customization_spec,
                elsif ((Opts::get_option('customize_guest') eq "yes")
                    && (Opts::get_option('customize_vm') eq "yes")) {
                   $customization_spec = get_customization_spec
                   $config_spec = get_config_spec();
                   $clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->new(
                                                       powerOn => 1,
                                                       template => 0,
                                                       location => $relocate_spec,
                                                       customization => $customization_spec,
                                                       config => $config_spec,
                else {
                   $clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->new(
                                                       powerOn => 1,
                                                       template => 0,
                                                       location => $relocate_spec,
                Util::trace (0, "\nCloning virtual machine '" . $vm_name . "' ...\n");
                eval {
                   $_->CloneVM(folder => $_->parent,
                                  name => Opts::get_option('vmname_destination'),
                                  spec => $clone_spec);
                   Util::trace (0, "\nClone '$clone_name' of virtual machine"
                                 . " '$vm_name' successfully created.");
                if ($@) {
                   if (ref($@) eq 'SoapFault') {
                      if (ref($@->detail) eq 'FileFault') {
                         Util::trace(0, "\nFailed to access the virtual "
                                        ." machine files\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'InvalidState') {
                         Util::trace(0,"The operation is not allowed "
                                       ."in the current state.\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'NotSupported') {
                         Util::trace(0," Operation is not supported by the "
                                       ."current agent \n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'VmConfigFault') {
                         "Virtual machine is not compatible with the destination host.\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'InvalidPowerState') {
                         "The attempted operation cannot be performed "
                         ."in the current state.\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'DuplicateName') {
                         "The name '$clone_name' already exists\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'NoDisksToCustomize') {
                         Util::trace(0, "\nThe virtual machine has no virtual disks that"
                                      . " are suitable for customization or no guest"
                                      . " is present on given virtual machine" . "\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'HostNotConnected') {
                         Util::trace(0, "\nUnable to communicate with the remote host, "
                                        ."since it is disconnected" . "\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'UncustomizableGuest') {
                         Util::trace(0, "\nCustomization is not supported "
                                        ."for the guest operating system" . "\n");
                      else {
                         Util::trace (0, "Fault" . $@ . ""   );
                   else {
                      Util::trace (0, "Fault" . $@ . ""   );
       else {
          Util::trace (0, "\nNo virtual machine found with name '$vm_name'\n");
    # It returns the customization spec as per the input XML file
    sub get_customization_spec {
       my ($filename) = @_;
       my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
       my $tree = $parser->parse_file($filename);
       my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
       my @cspec = $root->findnodes('Customization-Spec');
       # Default Values
       my $computername = "compname";
       #my $timezone = 190;
       #my $userpassword;
       my $domain;
       my $ipAddress;
       my @gateway;
       my $subnetMask;
       my @dnsServerList;
       foreach (@cspec) {
          if ($_->findvalue('Virtual-Machine-Name')) {
             $computername = $_->findvalue('Virtual-Machine-Name');
          if ($_->findvalue('Domain')) {
             $domain = $_->findvalue('Domain');
          if ($_->findvalue('ipAddress')) {
             $ipAddress = $_->findvalue('ipAddress');
          if ($_->findvalue('gateway')) {
             @gateway = split (',',$_->findvalue('gateway'));
          if ($_->findvalue('subnetMask')) {
             $subnetMask = $_->findvalue('subnetMask');
          if ($_->findvalue('dnsServerList')) {
             @dnsServerList = split (',',$_->findvalue('dnsServerList'));
       # globalIPSettings
       my @dnsSuffixList = [$domain];
       my $customization_global_settings = CustomizationGlobalIPSettings->new(dnsServerList => \@dnsServerList,
                                                                                dnsSuffixList =>@dnsSuffixList);
       my $customization_identity_settings = CustomizationIdentitySettings->new();
       # identity
       # my $password =
       #   CustomizationPassword->new(plainText=>"true", value=> $userpassword); $computername
       my $cust_fixname = CustomizationFixedName->new (name => $computername);
       my $cust_linuxprep =
          CustomizationLinuxPrep->new(domain => $domain,
                                    hostName => $cust_fixname,
                                    hwClockUTC =>"false",
                                    timeZone =>"Asia/Shanghai");
       # nicSettingMap
       my $customization_fixed_ip = CustomizationFixedIp->new(ipAddress => $ipAddress);
       my $cust_ip_settings =
          CustomizationIPSettings->new(ip => $customization_fixed_ip,
                                        dnsDomain => $domain,
                                        gateway => \@gateway,
                                        subnetMask => $subnetMask);
       my $cust_adapter_mapping =
          CustomizationAdapterMapping->new(adapter => $cust_ip_settings);
       my @cust_adapter_mapping_list = [$cust_adapter_mapping];
       # customization spec
       my $customization_spec =
          CustomizationSpec->new (identity=>$cust_linuxprep,
        #                          options=>$CustomizationOptions);
       return $customization_spec;
    #Gets the config_spec for customizing the memory, number of cpu's
    # and returns the spec
    sub get_config_spec() {
       my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
       my $tree = $parser->parse_file(Opts::get_option('filename'));
       my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
       my @cspec = $root->findnodes('Virtual-Machine-Spec');
       my $vmname ;
       my $vmhost  ;
       my $guestid;
       my $datastore;
       my $disksize = 4096;  # in KB;
       my $memory = 256;  # in MB;
       my $num_cpus = 1;
       my $nic_network;
       my $nic_poweron = 1;
       foreach (@cspec) {
          if ($_->findvalue('Guest-Id')) {
             $guestid = $_->findvalue('Guest-Id');
          if ($_->findvalue('Memory')) {
             $memory = $_->findvalue('Memory');
          if ($_->findvalue('Number-of-CPUS')) {
             $num_cpus = $_->findvalue('Number-of-CPUS');
          $vmname = Opts::get_option('vmname_destination');
       my $vm_config_spec = VirtualMachineConfigSpec->new(
                                                      name => $vmname,
                                                      memoryMB => $memory,
                                                      numCPUs => $num_cpus,
                                                      guestId => $guestid );
       return $vm_config_spec;
    sub get_disksize {
       my $disksize = -1;
       my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
       eval {
          my $tree = $parser->parse_file(Opts::get_option('filename'));
          my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
          my @cspec = $root->findnodes('Virtual-Machine-Spec');
          foreach (@cspec) {
             $disksize = $_->findvalue('Disksize');
       return $disksize;
    # check missing values of mandatory fields
    sub check_missing_value {
       my $valid= 1;
       my $filename = Opts::get_option('filename');
       my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
       my $tree = $parser->parse_file($filename);
       my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
       my @cust_spec = $root->findnodes('Customization-Spec');
       my $total = @cust_spec;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Virtual-Machine-Name')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n computername value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Domain')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n domain value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('ipAddress')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n ipAddress value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('gateway')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n gateway value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('subnetMask')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n subnetMask value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('dnsServerList')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n dnsServerList value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       return $valid;
    sub validate {
       my $valid= 1;
       if ((Opts::get_option('customize_vm') eq "yes")
                    || (Opts::get_option('customize_guest') eq "yes")) {
          $valid = XMLValidation::validate_format(Opts::get_option('filename'));
          if ($valid == 1) {
             $valid = XMLValidation::validate_schema(Opts::get_option('filename'),
             if ($valid == 1) {
                $valid = check_missing_value();
        if (Opts::option_is_set('customize_vm')) {
           if ((Opts::get_option('customize_vm') ne "yes")
                 && (Opts::get_option('customize_vm') ne "no")) {
              Util::trace(0,"\nMust specify 'yes' or 'no' for customize_vm option");
              $valid = 0;
        if (Opts::option_is_set('customize_guest')) {
           if ((Opts::get_option('customize_guest') ne "yes")
                 && (Opts::get_option('customize_guest') ne "no")) {
              Util::trace(0,"\nMust specify 'yes' or 'no' for customize_guest option");
              $valid = 0;
       return $valid;

    You get errors? I also recommend to check the customer that has been deployed, for linux guests, there is a log file of the customization specification and I want to say its somewhere in/var/log/vmware, but I don't remember the exact name of the file. You can see what happened in and if there is no error. Also, I assume that you have looked at the list of taken guestOSes supported for customization of comments?

  • Installation of Hyperion for all foundation and weblogic admin server on Linux and HFM on the window


    We have planned the implementation of several node, where a server under Linux OS has foundation, OSH and weblogic domain.  Server B on window has HFM.  We know now that we can have single domain web-logic since HFM has no binary for Linux (and we must at least HFM web - app to install if we want common weblogic domain).  In this case, what is the common practice.  Should we local domain web-logic on the server HFM window?  Is there a better way?

    Thank you.

    My understanding is that you need one,

    #Separate Weblogic domain for the components installed on the Linux box (Foundation)

    #Separate Weblogic domain for the HFM components installed on the Windows machine

    Such as Weblogic in Linux can't talk to the components installed on the Windows machine.

    Kind regards

    Deker P.

  • How to connect virtual networks to the physical host network?

    I currently have 1 HP Microserver with IP that is on my home network which takes place in ESXi5 as the operating system.

    Then I have a separate network of the VM on the host with the IP addresses of 192.168.10.x. I have 2 x 2 Machines virtual ESXi Win Svr 2008 (DC & vCenter) and 1 WIn7.

    How, or even not at all, can set up a link to my VM network on ranges 192.168.10.x to my host's network?

    I currently have all advanced VM to my virtual domain as the default gateway on controller.

    Am I missing something really obvious? I am new to VM and network (that you can probably find).

    Any help appreciated.

    Thanks in advance. Questions please ask.

    Your default gateway there 192.168.0.x network access? You can get it... or, you can add a second nic all virtual machines, to a portgroup on the same vSwitch as the management what IP vmkernel resides.

  • Is there a correct configuration of network for the ESX host computers

    Have a VC server and 2 ESX 3.5 hosts. Each host is filled with 6 cards.

    Three VLANs are created:

    The VM network for traffic Server

    Vmotion: for Vmotion traffic

    Management VLan: For traffic management

    The network adapters on each host have been assigned as follows:

    2 network cards - the VM network

    2 NICs - Vmotion & Service Console

    2 NICs - ? How can I use them for? Service console?

    What I am doing wrong?

    Yes, #3 is required for vmotion vmkernel type. Then that VLAN allows them to route in the end, it is not necessary for them to communicate. and Yes, SC is the management network

  • cRIO RT-query of the Windows host by vi Server

    We have an installation program using two RT chassis: a 9082 and a 9146. I was looking for a way to check the connectivity between a PC Win admin. Drew some code for each chassis FTP a file (or - rt.ini) and it works and check the connectivity. Thinking that maybe I could go a step further, perhaps using VI server (?) and check the modules, or some other specific info chassis. Are there hooks for this? Is there a way to get more information from one RT chassis other than using FTP to get a copy of the ini file? The more information the better, but I do not know what is exposed. Pointers to appropriate documentation would be great, or just tell me my limits, that's cool too ;-)

    Cool - since it is a system that is distributed to a customer, I'm not sure that the browser OR network is the solution that we need, but the configuration API system looks the pointer that I was looking for - thanks a lot Outlaw

  • How to disable the automatic mapping of the network on the windows xp computer drives

    I have a win xp computer, where it has been installed a drive mapped automatically connect after logon.

    How can I stop it automatic mapping of the network after restarting the computer drive?

    At a command prompt:

    NET use / persistent: no
    NET use * / delete/y

    Removes the persistence of the connection and delete all network resources.

    You can be selective with this:

    NET use / persistent: no
    NET use x:/delete

    where x: is the drive letter of map you want to remove.

    Persistent readers are recorded to the:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network\Persistent connections


  • continues to tell me IES3H must be installed, and that the Windows Hosting Service does not work?

    IES3H no - where on the computer, continues to tell me host Service Windows does not work, and that Windows will notify me when a solution is found. Very confused.


    Please see this thread in the IE Group on this subject: Good luck, Rick Rogers, aka "Crazy" - Microsoft MVP Windows help -

  • How to connect a scanner of network including the Windows 7 firewall is blocking and adding an exception for the associated program to access the scanned files has no effect?


    I have recently upgraded to Windows 7 and the process for adding some of my old material has been an interesting question. Who made me stuck is to be able to access my network scanners "mailboxes shared" in order to recover my scans.

    The product in question is a large format Xerox 6204 printer/scanner. The installation process for the basic print server run the 6204 as a network printer went relatively smoothly and seems to work as expected. However, the problem arises when I want to use the functionality of scan of the 6204. Scans are stored in mailbox store ' ' on the 6204 and must be retrieved by a piece of software Xerox called "wide Format Scan Service. This program essentially connects to mailboxes mailbox via the IP address of the 6204 on the network and from there should allow me to download the scans on my Windows 7 computer. Unfortunately, in order to connect to the mailbox store I am currently disable the firewall of Windows 7 altogether.

    I tried to add the Service to Scan large Format to the list of allowed programs, which gives an "impossible to connect to 6204' error. I tried to add the program to inbound and outbound rules manually, even though my experience with this is limited, with the same error. So leave the default settings in the wizard, I also tried to use the technical netstat to find out what are the ports, the software used and adding them to specific ports in the properties of the rules - all without success.

    For now, I'm stuck the point of having to run my installation of Windows 7 without a firewall to use my scanner large format, which is obviously an undesirable situation. If anyone can offer help or advice on how I can solve this problem it would be greatly appreciated.

    Try this... This solves the problem

    netsh advfirewall set global disable StatefulFTP

  • connect and read data from the windows host's Web site

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    you would need a server component that uses the data, for example a web service soap or json.

  • Cannot delete the user (PCName) to network on the Windows 8.1 desktop locations


    I decided to build a new office and built once connected to my home network and "found" an old PC and quickly added 3 icons "Windows Media Player" under the network locations tab of the computer in Windows Explorer.

    Each icon is labeled with (pcname) username, where username is a user account on the old PC, for example Paul (OurOldPC).

    I am now trying to delete these 3 locations 'network' as this old PC is is more work, but try as I might I have not been able to do.

    It seemed that it would be easy, I right click and then clicked on 'remove the instrument. He asked if I was sure that I wanted to remove it and I clicked on Yes. However, it is still there!

    I had a glance through the registry and users/Paul/AppData but impossible to spot anything that had the air associated with the 3 locations.

    I'd appreciate help on what is frustrating to have these 3 places to hang out.

    When you connect under a different name, that the locations do not show, then it seems to be something specific to my account.

    How can I remove these 3 places?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you


    1. You are using cable or wireless network connection?
    2. You use a third-party antivirus program?
    3. You get the error message?

    Hi John,.

    In response to your questions above:

    I use a wired network

    I use AVG Antivirus

    I have an error message.

    While previously the solution I tried the regedit approach, but there is no profile other than the one that had an entry by name: ProfileName: data network.

    Have to admit that I was not deleted as I was a little hesitant that it would be useful.

    What I was doing well, it's once again try to remove office (x) via Windows Explorer.

    I already said that right-click on the icon and slide on "Remove the instrument" has not removed the device, but I have since found that the selection of the device then goes to the "Media access" icon and selecting 'Disconnect from the media server' work.

    I think I was probably made the wrong way before. My second approach has worked.

    Thank you very much for you help in this area and I'm sorry to have wasted your time.


  • ESXi 5 multiple networks on the same host

    Is it possible to have a host with multiple (three) cards of each on a separate network?  How would you configure the network adapters in vSphere?

    Welcome to the VMware forums communities.  It's not a problem seen ESXi on 3 separate networks.

    By dΘfaut of ESXi installation will create a virtual switch (vSwitch0) with a management port and the Virtual Machine port group.

    You'll want to create other vSwitches 2 with 2 other network cards.  Configuration > Networking tab, click Add Network.  In the Add Network Wizard you select the Virtual Machine as the Type of connection and on the next screen, you will be able to create a new vSwitch with one of the NIC ports.  You can repeat this process for the other NIC.

    When you configure your virtual machines, you will select a network tag which is appropriate for the physical network you want to connect to.

    Depending on your network needs you can configure things differently.  If you use a VLAN, then you can have a unique vSwitch with multiple virtual machine port groups (each linked to a specicifc VLAN).

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