ListView, don't sort correctly

So I have a file xml with about 100 entries I want my listview to display. It is structured as:

        Hello world!!!
        Another comment

I use an attached listview object that sends a request for/comments/the point, however my data is not sorted correctly when there are a large number of these items. I tried to check the ascending sort, I haven't tried not to check it out. I get the same result be it. I'm really confused as to why... I also tried to use a key to sorting and ranking by the number of comments, which is available in my xml but does not either. I'd love to help.

My code for the listview is as follows:

            content: Container {
                layout: AbsoluteLayout {}
                ListView {

                    id: hnComments
                    dataModel: commentModel
                    maxHeight: 1000.0
                    layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                        positionY: 139.0

                    // Add appearance definitions for the list items using the
                    // listItemComponents list
                    listItemComponents: [
                        // The second ListItemComponent defines how "listItem" items
                        // should appear.
                        ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            CustomComment {
                                text: ListItemData.text
                                padding: ListItemData.indent
                                leftPadding: 5.0
                                topPadding: 5.0
                        } // end of second ListItemComponent
                    ] // end of listItemComponents list
                } // end of ListView
                attachedObjects: [
                    GroupDataModel {
                        id: commentModel
                        grouping: ItemGrouping.None
                        sortedAscending: false
                        //sortingKeys: ["commentNum"]
                    DataSource {
                        id: commentSource
                        source: "bigrss.xml"
                        query: "/comments/item"
                        onDataLoaded: {
                onCreationCompleted: {

I don't think that the data of the group model is able to leave your data in the initial order, so if I reason on which you would probably either necessary to add an additional field to control the sort order or change of ArrayDataModel if it will be suitable.

It seems that you have already tried to use commentNum to control the sorting? If so, it probably didn't work because of the treated data as a string. In this case, prefacing the numbers 0 would be a gross way to solve it... e.g. 01, 02, 03, etc (or three digits if you'll > 99 items, so 001, 002, etc.).

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    This is called "Intuitive" rather than the previous "literal" sort. The number 1173 is lower than 10091317, then it will appear first. First of all, this has been implemented in Windows XP.

    There is an available tweak which may be closest to your preference.

    How to enable or disable digital sorting in Windows Explorer:

    Alternatively, you can reverse the sort order by simply clicking on the column name header.

    Let us know if it works for you.


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    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production
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    I think that the problem is related to the field of OPERATION.
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    TRANSACTION is defined as Varchar2 (4)
    select dtls.description
    , dtls.item
    , dtls.revision
    , upper(dtls.serial) as serial
    , dtls.wo_num
    , dtls.wo_line
    , dtls.operation
    , '' as priorOp
    , dtls.ccn
    , dtls.mas_loc
    , dtls.ord_qty
    , dtls.compl_qty
    , dtls.lab_seq
    , dtls.outside
    , trim(rt.oper_text) as oper_text
    select unique labor.description
    , labor.item
    , labor.revision
    , case when (trim(labor.serial) is null AND trim(cs.c_ss_serial) is not null) then cs.c_ss_serial
    when (trim(cs.c_ss_serial) is null AND trim(labor.serial) is not null) then labor.serial
    else labor.serial
    end as serial
    , labor.wo_num
    , labor.wo_line
    , trim(labor.operation) as operation
    , labor.ccn
    , labor.mas_loc
    , labor.ord_qty
    , labor.compl_qty
    , labor.lab_seq
    , labor.rtg_seq
    , labor.bcr_type
    , labor.outside
    select trim(head.description) as description
    , head.item
    , head.revision
    , head.serial
    , head.wo_num
    , head.wo_line
    , head.operation
    , head.ccn
    , head.mas_loc
    , head.ord_qty
    , l.lab_complete_qty as compl_qty
    , l.lab_seq
    , '0001' as rtg_seq
    , 'CUR' as bcr_type
    , '' as outside
    from (
    select lab.*, sr.serial
    from (
    select i.description, lb.*, wo.item, wo.revision, wo.ord_qty
    from (
    select lt.*, d.operation
    select c.wo_num, c.wo_line, max(c.lab_seq) as lab_seq
    ,c.ccn, c.mas_loc
    from lab_tim c
    where c.ccn = '1' and c.mas_loc = '1' and c.wo_num not like '%INDIRECT%' and c.lab_tran_date between to_date('3/1/2009', 'mm/dd/yyyy') and to_date('3/10/2009', 'mm/dd/yyyy') --and trim(c.wo_num) = '55302'
    group by c.ccn, c.mas_loc, c.wo_num, c.wo_line
    ) lt,
    lab_tim d
    WHERE lt.ccn = d.ccn
    and lt.mas_loc = d.mas_loc
    and lt.wo_num = d.wo_num
    and lt.wo_line = d.wo_line
    and lt.lab_seq = d.lab_seq
    order by lt.wo_num, lt.wo_line, d.operation asc
    ) lb
    ,wo , item i
    WHERE lb.ccn = wo.ccn
    and lb.mas_loc = wo.mas_loc
    and lb.wo_num = wo.wo_num
    and lb.wo_line = wo.wo_line
    AND wo.mfg_close_date is null
    AND wo.REL_DATE is not null
    AND (wo.ord_qty - wo.scrap_qty - wo.complete_qty) &gt; 0
    and wo.STATUS 'C'
    and wo.STATUS 'U'
    and wo.item = i.item
    and wo.revision = i.revision
    AND ( i.pc ='2050' ) ) lab, (
    select distinct i.description , wo.item,wo.revision, it.serial, wo.wo_num, wo.wo_line, wo.ccn, wo.mas_loc
    from itm_wosr it, wo, item i
    where it.ccn ='1' and it.mas_loc = '1' and it.wo=wo.wo_num
    and wo.wo_line = wo.wo_line
    and it.ccn = wo.ccn
    and it.mas_loc = wo.mas_loc
    and wo.status = 'I'
    and i.item = wo.item AND ( i.pc ='2050' ) group by wo.ccn, wo.mas_loc, wo.item, wo.revision, wo.wo_num, wo.wo_line, it.serial,i.description )sr
    WHERE lab.ccn = sr.ccn (+)
    and lab.mas_loc = sr.mas_loc (+)
    and lab.wo_num = sr.wo_num (+)
    and lab.wo_line = sr.wo_line (+)
    and lab.item = sr.item (+)
    and lab.revision = sr.revision (+)
    , lab_tim l
    WHERE head.ccn = l.ccn (+)
    and head.mas_loc = l.mas_loc (+)
    and head.wo_num = l.wo_num (+)
    and head.wo_line = l.wo_line (+)
    and head.operation = l.operation (+)
    and head.lab_seq = l.lab_seq (+)
    group by head.description
    , head.item
    , head.revision
    , head.wo_num
    , head.wo_line
    , head.ord_qty
    , head.operation
    , head.ccn
    , head.mas_loc
    , head.serial
    , l.lab_complete_qty
    , l.lab_seq
    ) labor
    ,c_ss cs
    WHERE labor.ccn = cs.ccn (+)
    and labor.mas_loc = cs.mas_loc (+)
    and labor.wo_num = cs.wo (+)
    and labor.wo_line = cs.wo_line (+)
    -----------------------END JUST LABOR -----
    -----------------------BEING OUTSIDE PROCESSING 
    select o.*
    ( --these are parts that are still in the realm the shipping/receiving department.
    Select distinct WOs. description, WOs.item, WOs.revision, WOs.serial, WOs.wo_num, WOs.wo_line
    ,WOs.operation, WOs.ccn, WOs.mas_loc, WOs.ord_qty, WOs.compl_qty
    , '0000' as lab_seq
    , '0001' as rtg_seq
    , 'CUR' as bcr_type
    , WOS.outside
    ( ---Max labor on these (potentially) outside parts
    select shp.description, shp.item, shp.revision,max(lt.operation) as operation
    ,shp.wo_num, shp.wo_line, shp.serial, shp.outside, shp.ccn, shp.mas_loc
    ( ---Outside Proc Only-----Used to get the Work Orders Of Interest
    select i.description, i.item, i.revision, wit.serial, wit.wo_num, wit.wo_line, max(wit.operation) as operation
    , wit.ccn, wit.mas_loc, wit.ord_qty, 1 as compl_qty, '0000' as lab_seq, '0001' as rtg_seq, 'CUR' as bcr_type
    , wit.outside
    from (
    select wo.wo_num, wo.wo_line,wo.item, wo.revision, wo.ord_qty, ot.ccn, ot.mas_loc, ot.operation
    ,ot.outside, ot.serial
    from (
    select a.*
    select c.ccn, c.mas_loc, c.wo as wo_num, c.wo_line,
    when trim(cs.operation) is null then '0'
    else cs.operation
    end as operation
    when trim(c.receiver) is null then '(Out)'
    else '(Rcvd)'
    end as outside
    , c.c_ss_serial as serial
    from c_ss c, c_shipop cs
    where c.c_ss_serial is not null
    and c.ccn = cs.pur_ccn
    and c.mas_loc = cs.mas_loc
    and trim(c.receiver) is null
    and c.ccn = '1' and c.mas_loc = '1' -- and cs.dat_shipped &gt; to_date('9/10/2008', 'mm/dd/yyyy')
    and c.c_shipop_ship_num = cs.c_shipop_ship_num
    and trim(cs.operation) '290.'
    -- and trim(c.wo) = '55302'
    ) a
    order by a.wo_num, a.wo_line, a.operation
    ) ot
    , wo
    WHERE ot.ccn = '1' and ot.ccn = wo.ccn and ot.mas_loc = wo.mas_loc
    and ot.wo_num = wo.wo_num
    and ot.wo_line = wo.wo_line
    AND wo.mfg_close_date is null AND wo.REL_DATE is not null
    AND (wo.ord_qty - wo.scrap_qty - wo.complete_qty) &gt; 0
    and wo.STATUS = 'I'
    order by wo.item, wo.revision, ot.operation ) wit
    ,item i
    WHERE wit.item = i.item
    and wit.revision = i.revision
    and i.pc 'boogayaagaa'
    AND ( i.pc ='2050' ) GROUP BY i.description, i.item, i.revision, wit.serial, wit.wo_num, wit.wo_line
    , wit.ccn, wit.mas_loc, wit.ord_qty, wit.outside
    order by i.item, i.revision, operation --&lt;--slows query to 13 seconds from 607ms
    --607 ms
    , lab_tim lt
    where shp.ccn = '1' and shp.mas_loc = '1' and shp.ccn = lt.ccn
    and shp.mas_loc = lt.mas_loc
    and shp.wo_num = lt.wo_num
    and shp.wo_line = lt.wo_line
    and shp.lab_seq &lt; lt.lab_seq
    and shp.ccn = lt.ccn
    and shp.mas_loc = lt.mas_loc
    and lt.wo_num not like '%INDIRECT%'
    and trim(lt.operation) is not null
    and trim(lt.operation) '9000' --2/27/09
    and trim(lt.operation) '9050' --2/27/09
    group by shp.ccn, shp.mas_loc, shp.wo_num, shp.wo_line, shp.operation, shp.item, shp.revision, shp.description
    , shp.outside , shp.serial
    ----*---*---*---*-------*---*---*---*--END OUTSIDE AND LABOR-----*---*---*---*-------*---*---*---*-------
    ----*---*---*---*-------*---*---*---*-BEING OUTSIDE NO LABOR------*---*---*---*-------*---*---*---*-------
    --Get largest operation sent out
    select i.description, i.item, i.revision, wit.serial, wit.wo_num, wit.wo_line, max(wit.operation) as operation
    , wit.ccn, wit.mas_loc, wit.ord_qty, 1 as compl_qty, '0000' as lab_seq, '0001' as rtg_seq, 'CUR' as bcr_type
    , wit.outside
    from (
    select wo.item, wo.wo_num, wo.wo_line, wo.revision, wo.ord_qty, ot.ccn, ot.mas_loc, ot.operation
    ,ot.outside, ot.serial
    from (
    select a.*
    select c.ccn, c.mas_loc, c.wo as wo_num, c.wo_line,
    when trim(cs.operation) is null then '0'
    else cs.operation
    end as operation
    when trim(c.receiver) is null then '(Out)'
    else '(Rcvd)'
    end as outside
    , c.c_ss_serial as serial
    from c_ss c, c_shipop cs
    where c.c_ss_serial is not null
    and c.ccn = cs.pur_ccn
    and c.mas_loc = cs.mas_loc
    and trim(c.receiver) is null
    and c.ccn = '1' and c.mas_loc = '1' -- and cs.dat_shipped &gt; to_date('9/10/2008', 'mm/dd/yyyy')
    and c.c_shipop_ship_num = cs.c_shipop_ship_num
    and trim(cs.operation) '290.'
    --and trim(c.wo) = '55302'
    ) a
    order by a.wo_num, a.wo_line, a.operation
    ) ot
    , wo
    WHERE ot.ccn = '1' and ot.ccn = wo.ccn and ot.mas_loc = wo.mas_loc
    and ot.wo_num = wo.wo_num
    and ot.wo_line = wo.wo_line
    AND wo.mfg_close_date is null AND wo.REL_DATE is not null
    AND (wo.ord_qty - wo.scrap_qty - wo.complete_qty) &gt; 0
    and wo.STATUS = 'I' -- in process
    order by wo.item, wo.revision, ot.operation ) wit
    ,item i
    WHERE wit.item = i.item
    and wit.revision = i.revision
    and i.pc 'boogayaagaa'
    AND ( i.pc ='2050' ) GROUP BY i.description, i.item, i.revision, wit.serial, wit.wo_num, wit.wo_line
    , wit.ccn, wit.mas_loc, wit.ord_qty, wit.outside
    order by i.item, i.revision, operation --&lt;--slows query to 13 seconds from 607ms
    --607 ms
    ) WOs -- outside items
    WHERE WOs.operation &gt; lab.operation
    and WOs.ccn = lab.ccn
    and WOs.mas_loc = lab.mas_loc
    and WOs.wo_num = lab.wo_num
    and WOs.wo_line = lab.wo_line
    and WOs.serial = lab.serial
    order by item, revision, wo_num, wo_line 
    ) dtls
    ,rtg_text rt
    where dtls.ccn = rt.ccn (+)
    and dtls.item = rt.item (+)
    and dtls.revision = rt.revision (+)
    and dtls.OPERATION = RT.OPERATION (+)
    and dtls.rtg_seq = rt.rtg_seq (+)
    and dtls.bcr_type = rt.bcr_type (+)
    order by dtls.item, rt.operation,dtls.wo_num desc
    Published by: NCR March 10, 2009 08:50


    Wow, 441 lines unformatted SQL.

    Why do you have several ORDER BY?

    Why do you use DISTINCT and GROUP BY at the same time?


    order by dtls.item, rt.operation, dtls.wo_num desc

    Simply means that dtls.wo_num is DESCENDING, rest is GROWING. That means that it is the same as

    order by dtls.item ASC, rt.operation ASC, dtls.wo_num DESC

    So maybe ORDER BY is sort properly after all? -Just a guess



    Published by: Peter on March 10, 2009 08:56
    -Added a note on ASC/DESC

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    I hope this helps.

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    If no downloads never go away and find themselves in the situation above, read this.

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    Protected mode is enabled by default in the Internet, intranet, Local and sensitive sites areas and an icon appears on the status bar to make you know it is running.

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    You can follow these steps: -.

    1. This could be caused because you can hepatitis user account control has changed. If not then

    Some DLLs must be re-registered. One of them can help:

    Restart Windows. And if this is the problem, this could be caused by an extra key created under Zones, by some third party software.

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    Please see screenshot

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    Have you checked the links I posted?

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    (Mac options)
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    Try following the steps described here: Web sites look bad or display differently they should

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    Kind regards

    Hey Sarah, try to follow these instructions: Web sites look bad or display differently they should

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