ListView trackpad navigation


I want to know if anyone tried to change with trackpad navigation in the listview.

I ListItemComponent now:

ListItemComponent {
    content: Container {
        CheckBox {
        Label {
            text: ListItemData.title

At startup, check box of the first line focuses, descendant of focus moves to etc box of the second row. Moving right door component the list from the previous row item and moving right emphasis again making up the list for the current line item.

Is it possible to change the path to:

at startup, list of first line component focused, moving down to the door of the box of the first line, move to the bottom of the list in the second row focus point component, move to the bottom of the box of the second row focuses, etc...?

Yes, it was my first idea. But this isn't what I want. I tried to remove the update and it is impossible to check the checkbox with trackpad and I want something different to do in onTriggered.

I solved it with the addition of ImageButton that does the same thing as onTriggered. So now with touch: checkebox + onTriggered, trackpad: checkbox + image button.

In any case thanks for the comment!

ListItemComponent {
    content: Container {
        CheckBox {
        Label {
            text: ListItemData.title
        ImageButton {

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Any thoughts are appreciated.

    Thank you!

    Say, if anyone can think of other keywords people might use for this research, please label.

    My apologies, my second statement how identified evil GridField.

    Amended return for Top GridField //if

    until //if substantive statement GridField

    Private boolean IsTouchScreen is Touchscreen.isSupported ();.
    private CustomButtonField CurrentFocusButtonField = null;

    {public focusChanged Sub (field field, int eventtype)

    If (!.) IsTouchScreen) {}

    If statement for Top GridField
    If (field == & eventtype == FOCUS_GAINED & CurrentFocusButtonField! = null) {}
    eventbutton = ((CustomButtonField) CurrentFocusButtonField) .getButton ();
    CurrentFocusButtonField = null;
    Switch (eventbutton) {}
    case CustomButtonField.BUTTON1:

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    "xmlns:RIM =""
    version = "".
    RIM: header = "" Widget-RIM: RIM/widget ">"
      nnn - nnn
      <>committees mode = "auto" / >

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    I'm sorry, I should have said something too.  Ripple itself does emule not the trackpad navigation.  So, you won't see focus moving in your content when you try to interact with the trackpad (it does nothing).

    However the Simulator certainly should allow you to test this feature.

    Is the snippet of code provided here work for you?

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    Thanks in advance for your help

    Not something that can be done directly from end of Muse, but you can try these alternative options:

    Thank you


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    I am surprised that the attachedobject method has failed. You can try attaching score.qml as a page and not a definition of component?

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    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Welcome on the support forums.

    you have several options.

    -Insert the item in sql, then reload the entire listview. You can do it by listening to the signal onTopChanged of the navigation pane.

    -inclusion of the item in the list or the model data (as well as in sql). It's a better solution in most cases, at least if the sorting is not done by sql or similar.

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    I would refresh my data model during the outbreak of the follow-up action. It would be just a matter of ListView redisplay with the new data model data.

    It is not in a Navigation pane so I can't push a ComponentDefinition.


    Have you tried clearing the datamodel and re - insert the data into it.

    Clear() -

    insertList() -

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    Thank you

    It is relatively easy to have a pointer that can move around the screen.  What's more complicated is to find where this point is in relation to the fields that you have on the screen, and so the fields that have the focus.  So of course what do you with this pointer while people type?  or if there was a pointer, users will need to click to select the input field?  Then once you have selected an input field, made the moving average of scrolling trackball with - in the area or that the bar has to be moved.  Everything becomes complicated.

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  • Navigation in Blackberry 10

    Hi all

    I have following Qml Code for navigation. It has three Pages and and works fine... but here's one

    small problem. that is to say;  I have defined all three pages in a single file called unique Qml 'main. QML. I want to write a separate Qml file for each page and attach them to 'hand. QML. Here is my code...

    // Default empty project template
    import bb.cascades 1.0
    // To access Timer in QML, we need to import the CustomTimer library.
    //import CustomTimer 1.0
    NavigationPane {
        id: navigationPane
        Page {
            // The initial page
            id: tradeListPage
            Container {
                ListView {
                    id: tradeList
                    objectName: "tradeList"
                    layout: StackListLayout {
                    dataModel: GroupDataModel {
                        grouping: ItemGrouping.None
                    listItemComponents: [
                        ListItemComponent {
                            type: "header"
                            Header {
                                title: {
                        // The tradeList Item
                        ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            Container {
                                id: listItems
                                layout: AbsoluteLayout {
                                Label {
                                    id: symbol
                                    text: ListItemData.Symbol
                                    // Text Style and size etc
                                    textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                                    layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                                        positionX: 10.0
                                    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                                Label {
                                    id: bidprice
                                    text: ListItemData.BidPrice
                                    textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                                    layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                                        positionX: 100.0
                                    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                                Label {
                                    id: open
                                    text: ListItemData.Open
                                    textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                                    layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                                        positionX: 300.0
                                    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                                Label {
                                    id: askprice
                                    text: ListItemData.AskPrice
                                    textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                                    layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                                        positionX: 450.0
                                    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                                Label {
                                    id: close
                                    text: ListItemData.Close
                                    textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                                    layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                                        positionX: 600.0
                                    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                Button {
                    id: charts
                    text: "Charts"
                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
                    onClicked: {
                Button {
                    id: qiuckview
                    text: "Quickview"
                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
                    onClicked: {
        } //End of The initial page
        attachedObjects: [
            Page {
                id: chartsPage
                Container {
                    WebView {
                        id: chartview
                        url: "local:///assets/candlechart/bar.html"
                        // url: ""
                        settings.zoomToFitEnabled: true
                        settings.activeTextEnabled: true
                        objectName: "webview"
            }, // end of the chartsPage
            Page {
                id: quickViewPage
                Container {
                    layout: StackLayout {
                    Label {
                        text: "Prev Close :" + propertyMap.Close
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                        textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                    Label {
                        text: "Bid :" + propertyMap.BidPrice
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                        textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                    Label {
                        text: "Ask :" + propertyMap.AskPrice
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                        textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                    Label {
                        text: "Open :" + propertyMap.Open
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                        textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                    Label {
                        text: "Days of Range :" + propertyMap.AskPrice
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                        textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
            } // end of the quickViewPage
        ] // end of the attachedObject

    now, I want to create a Qml file, sepere as 'charts. QML"like below...

    Page {
                id: chartsPage
                Container {
                    WebView {
                        id: chartview
                        url: "local:///assets/candlechart/bar.html"
                        // url: ""
                        settings.zoomToFitEnabled: true
                        settings.activeTextEnabled: true
                        objectName: "webview"

    and "Quickview. QML"as...

     Page {
                id: quickViewPage
                Container {
                    layout: StackLayout {
                    Label {
                        text: "Prev Close :" + propertyMap.Close
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                        textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                    Label {
                        text: "Bid :" + propertyMap.BidPrice
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                        textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                    Label {
                        text: "Ask :" + propertyMap.AskPrice
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                        textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                    Label {
                        text: "Open :" + propertyMap.Open
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                        textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
                    Label {
                        text: "Days of Range :" + propertyMap.AskPrice
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SmallText
                        textStyle.fontSizeValue: 30.0
            } // end of the quickViewPage

    How to call these in pane (main.qml) navigation. Thanks in advance

    This will load in fact all pages at once. It is best to use a ComponentDefinition which allows to create objects at run and save some memory.

    ComponentDefinition {
        id: myPage
        source: "MyPage.qml"

    You can place these in the attachedObjects table. To create it just do:

    var page = myPage.createObject();

    Some additional information can be found in this lesson.

  • On the Navigation pane


    in my application consists of four different pages, so the navigation must occur one after another by clicking on the buttons in the navigation pane used pirticular page.i, using this I am able to navigate to the next page, after that how can I move to another page.

    Thank you.

    When the page is pushed into the NavigationPane, the NavigationPane becomes its parent.

    It can be accessed like this:


      id: secondPage
      secondPage.parent.push(thirdPage) // secondPage.parent is Page's NavigationPane


      id: thirdPage


    Also, you can access items in the hierarchy by their id-s even between QML files. Thus, a reference to the NavigationPane directly by id probably will also work. It will work in some cases, for example if there are the ListViews in the hierarchy. I like the previous approach, because the pages will be autonomous and they can be easily rearranged.

  • ListView / DataModel crash


    I'll have a consistent crash in my application and could not find a solution. Basically I have a GroupDataModel as a QProperty in my main class. Then, I have a page with three buttons. Each button creates and opens a page different qml. One of the qml pages contains a ListView that is connected to the above mentioned data model. The first time the page is opened there is no problem. Then when I go back (which causes the page to be destroyed) and re-enter the page, it crashes. No other pages are affected and can be opened infinite times. I know that it is GroupDataModel, because if I change the listview datamodel to point to a temp .xml file I open this page again for unlimited times. Here are a few pieces of code that I feel are important to this question:

    in class.hpp

    public :Q_PROPERTY(bb::cascades::GroupDataModel *expensesModel READ expensesModel CONSTANT);
    private :
    bb::cascades::GroupDataModel* expensesModel() const;
    bb::cascades::GroupDataModel* m_expensesModel;

    in class.cpp

    bb::cascades::GroupDataModel* ExpenseTracker::expensesModel() const {
        return m_expensesModel;

    in the page containing the buttons:

    Button {
                            text: "Loans"
                            onClicked: {
                                app.updateDataModel("", "Loan");
                                var page =loanPage.createObject();
                                page.type = "Loan"
                            attachedObjects: ComponentDefinition {
                                id: loanPage
                                source: "Expenses_QML/ExpensePage.qml"
                        Button {
                            text: "Reports"
                            onClicked: {
                                var page = reportPage.createObject();
                            attachedObjects: ComponentDefinition {
                                id: reportPage
                                source: "Reports_QML/ReportPage.qml"

    reportPage can be opened permanently, only expensePage.

    In the navigation pane:

        onPopTransitionEnded: {
            console.log("got here");

    In ExpensePage.qml (which cannot be opened once)

    ListView {
                onTriggered: {
                    var viewExpensePage = viewExpensePageDef.createObject();
                    viewExpensePage.expenseData =;
                layout: StackListLayout {
                /* with only this changed page can be opened infinite times
                 * dataModel: XmlDataModel {
                 * source: "models/sheetmodel.xml"
                 * } */
                dataModel: app.expensesModel
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "item"
                        id: listItemComponent
                        ExpenseListItemView {
                            id: thumbListView

    I absolutely need this page to be created and deleted everything being open/closed, because it is the key in my architecture. So I can't solve this problem the "cheating" way to not destroy the page and leaving always responsible. All suggestions are welcome! If more code is needed let me know and I'll add it.

    Thank you


    You cannot use the same datamodel on several lists, you try to do?

    In addition, when a page is destroyed, everything on the page gets destroyed, so when listview is destroyed, it removes also the datamodel, who so if you try and open the page again, you will be the datamodel of new listview to an address memory random with nothing there, it will crash.

  • Navigation by clicking of the manager that affect the present ActiveRichTextField in the Manager.

    Hi all

    I have a HorizontalFieldManager containing different custom fields, among which ActiveRichTextField is one of them. I gave a click of navigation for the Manager in the code:

    protected boolean navigationClick (int status, int time) {}
    {if (Touchscreen.IsSupported ())}
    Returns false;
    } else {}
    fieldChangeNotify (1);
    Returns true;
    protected boolean touchEvent (TouchEvent message)
    If (TouchEvent.DOWN is {message.getEvent ()})
    FieldChangeListener listener = getChangeListener();
    If (listener! = null)
    this.setFocus ();
    If (TouchEvent.CLICK == message.getEvent ())
    FieldChangeListener listener = getChangeListener();
    If (null! = earpiece)
    this.setFocus ();
    listener.fieldChanged (this, 1);
    Return super.touchEvent (message);

    and then treatment to the touch by using FieldChangeListener. When I click on the ActiveRichTextField contained in the horizontal field Manager, action for, click Manager is run. Please can someone tell how this can be avoided. Thanks in advance.

    "If this field with focus is instance of ActiveRichTextField I should call super.touchEvent ().

    No, if you put the code in navigationClick...!

    Putting this another way, I mean:

    Super. ();

    "I can't choose only one of the fields to handle the click event of the manager that my requirement is to treat the click, clicking anywhere on the Manager."

    I think you can do it, because the movement key or trackpad will move the focus in one of your fields, and assuming you have only two fields focusable in the Manager, then it will be your ActiveRichTextField or your field.  As mentioned, managers do not get then to enter a Manager, the BB a to move the focus to a focus scope.

  • ListView does not populate when entered second time

    Hi all

    It comes to my previous query:

    Now when opening the app, I can see the listview in the note.qml and after click on return of the navigation pane and enter the same page (note.qml) still I am not able to see the ListView.

    The code is available in the link above.

    I guess that groupDataModel is exposed via C++ right? Is Qt.objectCrypt.fetchNotes () who is to fill the data model?

    I think your problem might be that the ListView takes possession of the "groupDataModel". Then he destroyed it once the page is destroyed. And the second time, it does not appear because the data model is already destroyed.

    See the documentation of the ListView, as soon as you assign it a dataModel is supported if the datamodel does not have a previous parent. So your solution is perhaps here give the groupDataModel a parent existing if ListView does not try to take ownership.

  • How to access an item in the ListView

    I have a ListView with a GroupDataModel (a size). I have navigated to specific option when it appears. Unfortunatelly nor

    ListView {
      onCreationCompleted: {
          scrollToItem(QVariantList() << x, ScrollAnimation.None);


    ListView {
      onCreationCompleted: {
          select(QVariantList() << x, true);

    works. (x is a simple number) What can I do else?

    It's the C++ syntax. QML/JavaScript, it would be

    idOfListView.scrollToItem ([x], ScrollAnimation.None)
    idOfListView.scrollToItem ([0, x], ScrollAnimation.None)

Maybe you are looking for