Mail for specific days of the user and specific and time

Hello Experts,

I use the program below to email each daily hour. This was intended for one person.

Now I have to change my program to accommodate more than one person, and also, I should be able to send emails to people on time and different days. What is the best approach to
x_val               long;
x_cumm_val          long;
x_title             long;
x_cumm_title        long;
x_footer            long;
x_column_header     long;
x_column_line       long;
x_row_header        long;
x_row_line          long;
x_cumm_row_line     long;
x_total_header      long;
x_total_line        long;
x_row               long;
x_cumm_row          long;
l_rec_time          varchar2(25);
l_order_id          number;
l_amt               number;
l_cumm_amt          number;
l_instant_cumm_amt  number;
l_instant_game_id   number :=-1;
l_instant_col_val   number :=2;
l_instant_cumm_val  number :=0;--keep cummalative amt for instant
l_product           varchar2(25);
no_chance           exception;
x_cnt               number :=0;
l_date              date := trunc(sysdate);
x_to                long ;
c_cc                 long := '[email protected]';
x_recipient          long := '[email protected]';
x_exec_recipien      long := '[email protected]';
x_gamma_recipient long := '[email protected]';

CURSOR c_get_values IS
select nvl(sum(act_amt),0)
from hourly_sales
where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
and to_char(to_date(rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') = to_char(to_date(l_rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI')
and order_id =l_order_id;

CURSOR c_get_Instant_val IS
select nvl(sum(act_amt),0)
from hourly_sales
where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
and to_char(to_date(rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') = to_char(to_date(l_rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI')
and product='INSTANT';

CURSOR c_get_user IS
select email_address
from apex_user
where user_name =p_person
and default_schema ='LOTTO_BI';

     x_title := '<html><head> '
                ||'<h3 align="left"><u><font color="#000080"> Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY')
  x_cumm_title := '<html><head> '
                ||'<h3 align="left"><u><font color="#000080"> Cumulative Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY')
  x_column_header :=  '<table border="1" bordercolor="#000000" style="background-color:#ffffd2" width="400" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"> '
                       ||'<TR>  <TD>    </TD> ';
   x_footer := '<p>This Email is autogenerated. For any inquiry please '||
                    ' Email on <a '||
                    'href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p>'||
                    '<p> </p>'||
                    '<p> </p></body></html>';
    if p_person is not null then
        OPEN C_GET_USER;
        FETCH C_GET_USER INTO x_to;
          x_val := 'No email address defined for '||p_person;
          raise no_chance;
        END IF;
        x_cc := null;--do n0t copy operations when testing mail  
      if ltrim(rtrim(to_char(SYSDATE,'DAY'))) in('FRIDAY','SATURDAY') then     
       x_to := x_recipient||' , '||x_exec_recipient;
        if ltrim(rtrim(to_char(SYSDATE,'DAY'))) = 'SATURDAY' then
            x_to := x_to||' , '||x_gamma_recipient;
        end if;     
       x_to := x_recipient;
      end if;      
    end if;                 
   for c1 in( select game_id,product product_id,b.display_name product,b.ordering
              from hourly_sales a,
                   games b
              where a.game_id
              and = 'Y'                  --<< Addition of condtion for active games only
              and trunc(a.sys_date) =l_date
              and nvl(a.confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
              group by a.game_id,a.product,b.display_name,b.ordering
              select -1,'INSTANT','Instant',l_instant_col_val
              from dual
              order by 4

                    if c1.product is null then
                       x_val := 'Invalid or Unrecognized Product retrieved from database';
                       raise no_chance;                       
                    end if;

                    x_column_line := x_column_line|| '<TH> ' ||c1.product||' </TH>';
                    x_cnt := x_cnt +1;
                    update hourly_sales
                    set order_id  = x_cnt
                    where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                    and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y'
                    and game_id =c1.game_id
                    and product =c1.product_id;
                end loop;--c1

                x_column_line := x_column_line||' </TR>';
                if x_cnt =0 then
                    x_val := 'No Hourly sales data to send for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY');
                    raise no_chance;
               end if;
                for c2 in(select rec_time
                             from rec_time
                             group by rec_time
                             order by 1
                                l_rec_time := c2.rec_time;
                                x_row_header := ' <TR> <TH>'||c2.rec_time||'</TH> ';
                                        for i in 1..x_cnt
                                            l_order_id := i;
                                            l_cumm_amt := null;--reset of cummulatice amt for each game
                                           if l_order_id = l_instant_col_val then --INSTANT Total Sales
                                              OPEN c_get_Instant_val;
                                              FETCH c_get_Instant_val INTO l_amt;
                                              l_instant_cumm_val := l_instant_cumm_val + l_amt;
                                              IF c_get_Instant_val%NOTFOUND THEN
                                                x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center"> - </p></TD> ';
                                                l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                                x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';
                                               /* Assume @ this stage that if previous record <>0 for instant sales column
                                                  next record should have value else no hourly sales yet input.
                                                if l_amt = 0 then
                                                 l_cumm_amt := 0 ;
                                                 l_cumm_amt := l_instant_cumm_val;
                                                end if;
                                              END IF;
                                              CLOSE c_get_Instant_val;
                                            OPEN c_get_values;
                                            FETCH c_get_values INTO l_amt;
                                            IF c_get_values%NOTFOUND THEN
                                               x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center"> - </p></TD> ';
                                               l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                              x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';
                                             if l_amt <> 0 then  
                                               --save values into temp table for cummulative
                                              insert into cumm_hourly_sales
                                               select (sum(amt))
                                               into l_cumm_amt
                                               from cumm_hourly_sales
                                               where game_id = l_order_id;

                                                l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                             end if;
                                            END IF;
                                            CLOSE c_get_values;
                                            end if;
                                               x_cumm_row_line := x_cumm_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_cumm_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';

                                        end loop;
                                   x_row := x_row||x_row_header||x_row_line;    
                                   x_cumm_row := x_cumm_row||x_row_header||x_cumm_row_line;    
                                   --reinitialise variables
                                   x_row_header := null;
                                   x_row_line := null;
                                   x_cumm_row_line := null;
                             end loop;--c2
                              x_total_header := ' <TR> <TH> Total </TH> ';
                             --Total count
                             for c3 in( select order_id,sum(act_amt)amt
                                        from hourly_sales
                                        where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                                        and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
                                        group by order_id
                                        union all
                                        select 2,sum(act_amt)amt--Total for Instant Sales (value 2 should be ok since order 2 do not exist on table) 
                                        from hourly_sales
                                        where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                                        and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y'
                                        and product ='INSTANT' 
                                        group by 2
                                        order by order_id)
                                         x_total_line := x_total_line||' <TD><p align="center"><strong><em>'||to_char(c3.amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.99')
                                                               ||'</em></strong></p></TD> ';
                                        end loop;
                                             x_row := x_row||x_total_header||x_total_line;                
                                             x_val  :=  x_title||x_column_header||x_column_line||x_row||' </TABLE> '||x_footer;
                                             x_cumm_val :=x_cumm_title||x_column_header||x_column_line||x_cumm_row||' </TABLE> '||x_footer;
    apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                                l_to => x_to,
                                l_body => x_val ,
                                l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                                l_cc => x_cc
    apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                                l_to =>  x_to,
                                l_body => x_cumm_val ,
                                l_subject => 'Cumulative Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                                l_cc => x_cc
when no_chance then 
--send mail
IF c_get_values%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_values;END IF;
IF c_get_user%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_user;END IF;
apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                           l_to =>'[email protected]',
                           l_body => x_val ,
                           l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                           l_cc => '[email protected]'
when others then
 --send mail
 IF c_get_values%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_values;END IF;
 IF c_get_user%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_user;END IF;
 x_val :='Unexpected Error '||sqlerrm;
apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                           l_to =>'[email protected]',
                           l_body => x_val ,
                           l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||sysdate,
                           l_cc => '[email protected]'

Hey Kevin,

If I understand your condition, you could do this with two tables:
something like this:

Table 1: Recipients_lookup

MONDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
TUESDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
WEDNESDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
THURSDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
FRIDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
SATURDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
SUNDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

First, you must select the recipients in table 1 to help 'day' of sysdate. store in a global variable for that particular day.

Insert date time records in table 2, something like this:

Table 2: date_time_lookup

DATE          TIME          SENT_FLAG
30-Apr-10     10:00 AM     Y
30-Apr-10     11:00 AM     Y
30-Apr-10     12:00 PM     Y
30-Apr-10     1:00 PM
30-Apr-10     2:00 PM
30-Apr-10     3:00 PM
30-Apr-10     4:00 PM

Once done, make your program (to generate/send by email) to run for the first hour of the day.
Use dbms_lock.sleep (3600) to sleep for 1 hour then call your procedure again
to do this, until you reach some "end time" (7 PM or so consider you want it to be sent only during working hours...) for the day, after which, your code still needs to wait until the next day.

Tip: just go through this link on dbms_lock.sleep and use accordingly:

* This is based on my initial understanding of your condition. Could be too long :)


Tags: Database

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    > I need to install a new router and need to change the user and password.

    Do you want to connect to your old router?  If Yes, most routers have built-in switch you tripping with a paper clip or similar to force a reset to the factory settings.  You can then access the default connection.

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    Hi Lisa,

    You were correct when you say that 'it seems to me that's not possible. ' The recurring appointment for some day of the week each month in the calendar on Surface RT cannot be done by date and not day.

    Good day!

  • Change the attributes of the user and configuration of resources


    For the first look, I have a simple question. Where can I see changing attributes of the user and information about the history that did? I can see a upa_fields of the table, but there is no information on directors who did it.
    And the same question on resources. I need to get a way how to display information on the directors who provided resources for different users and administrators who have made changes in these resources. Y at - it all tables that can help me in it?
    Is there other variants of this information?

    I use OIM 11 g R1.

    Thank you.

    If you need only to know which revoked a resource, you can use this:

    Select usr.usr_login, obj.obj_name, ost.ost_status, rev.usr_login 'Revoker.
    Ouedraogo, usr, obi, obj, ost, usr rev
    where oiu.usr_key = usr.usr_key
    and oiu.obi_key = obi.obi_key
    and obi.obj_key = obj.obj_key
    and oiu.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and oiu.oiu_updateby = rev.usr_key
    and ost.ost_status = 'revoked '.


Maybe you are looking for