mail form does not work

I use the form mail below.   When you press submit, it takes on a blank page and has in the address line.  Nothing will happen.  I'm new to web development.  I used the tutorials on website training Timothy to build my site.  Everything else works fine. GoDaddy host my site and I contacted and they state that there is no restriction on the form of mail.  Help, please.  I'm so confused.


$yourEmail = " " [email protected] "; the e-mail address that you wish to receive these emails by

$yourWebsite = " " "; the name of your site

$thanksPage = "thankyou.html"; URL to the page "thank you for sending mail." leave blank to keep the message on the same page

$maxPoints = 4; Max points, a person can hit before he refuses to submit - recommend 4


$error_msg = null;

$result = null;

function isBot() {}

$bots = array ("Indy", "Love", "Java", "libwww-perl", "Python", "OutfoxBot", "User-Agent", "PycURL", "Dec", "T8Abot", "Syntryx", "WinHttp", "WebBandit", "nicebot");

$isBot = false;

foreach ($bots as $bot)

If (strpos ($_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $bot)! == false)

$isBot = true;

If (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) | $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] == "'" ")

$isBot = true;

output ("Bots not allowed. < /p > ");"



clean function ($data) {}

$data = trim (stripslashes (strip_tags ($data)));

return $data;


$points = (int) 0;

foreach ($badwords as $word)

If (strpos ($_POST ['comment'], $word)! == false)

$points += 2;

foreach ($exploits as $exploit)

If (strpos ($_POST ['comment'], $exploit)! == false)

$points += 2;

If (strpos ($_POST ['comment'], "http://").) == false. strpos ($_POST ['comment'], "www."). == false)

$points += 2;

If (isset($_POST['nojs']))

$points += 1;

If (preg_match ("/ (<.)")) (*_>) / I ', $_POST ['comments']))

$points += 2;

If (strlen($_POST['name']) < 3)

$points += 1;

If (strlen($_POST['comments']) < 15 | strlen ($_POST ['comment'] > 1500))

$points += 2;

foreach ($_POST as $key = > $value)

$_POST [$key] = trim ($value);

If (empty($_POST['first_name']) | empty($_POST['last_name']) | empty($_POST['email']) | empty($_POST['comments'])) {}

$error_msg. = "name, email and comments are required fields. \n » ;

} else if (strlen($_POST['name']) > 15) {}

$error_msg. = "the name field is limited to 15 characters. Your first name or nickname will do the trick! \n » ;

} elseif (! preg_match ("/ ^ [a - zA - Z-'\s] ' * $/", stripslashes($_POST['name']) ")) {}

$error_msg. = "the name field should not contain special characters. \n » ;

(} else if ([! preg_match('/^([a-z0-9])(([-a-z0-9._])*([a-z0-9]))*\@([a-z0-9])(([a-z0-9-])*([a-z0-9])) +'. '(\. ([a-z0-9]) ([- a - z0 - 9_-]) ? ([a-z0-9]) +) + $/ i', strtolower($_POST['email']))) {}

$error_msg. = "is not a valid e-mail address. \n » ;

} else if (! empty($_POST['url']) & &! preg_match ('/ ^(http|https) :\/\/ (([A-Z0-9] [A-Z0-9_-] *) (\.)))) [A-z0-9] (([A-z0-9_-] *) +)(:(\d+))?) \ / ? ((/ i', $_POST ['url']))

$error_msg. = "invalid website url.";

If ($error_msg == NULL & & $points < = $maxPoints) {}

$subject = "email of the AutoShape.

$message = "you received this e-mail message through your Internet site: \n\n";

foreach ($_POST as $key = > $val) {}

$message. = ucwords ($key). ": " . Clean ($Val). « \r\n » ;


$message. = "IP:". $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']. » \r\n » ;

$message. = "browser: '." $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']. » \r\n » ;

$message. = "points: '." $points;

If (strstr ($_SERVER ["'SERVER_SOFTWARE"], "Win")) {}

$headers = "from: $yourEmail \r\n";

$headers. = "reply-To: {$_POST ['email']}";

} else {}

$headers = "from: $yourWebsite < $yourEmail > \r\n";

$headers. = "reply-To: {$_POST ['email']}";


If (mail ($yourEmail, $subject, $message, $headers)) {}

If (! empty ($thanksPage)) {}

Header ("Location: $thanksPage");


} else {}

$result = 'your message has been sent successfully.';


} else {}

$error_msg = 'your mail could not be sent this time.';


} else {}

If (empty ($error_msg))

$error_msg = ' your mail is too similar to spam and this time could not be sent. ['. $points.] "]" ;



function get_data ($var) {}

If (isset($_POST[$var]))

echo htmlspecialchars($_POST[$var]);


This is not a form of electronic mail.

This is code that is designed to validate a form.

Can you please tell me on the server where is your form? Alternatively, you can proceed as follows:

Create a web page with your navigation and everything, and in the code window, insert the following code:


Your name:

Your Email:

Your phone:


Please fill the form to send a message or you will be responsible to return to this page until the form is fully completed.


Now, create a new page and name it sendmail.php. It must be called sendmail.php, because that's what the form will look.

Now, in this page, in the code box paste the following:



$visitor = $_POST ['visitor'];

$visitormail = $_POST ['visitormail'];

$visitorphone = $_POST ['visitorphone'];

$notes = $_POST ['notes'];

$state = $_POST ['State'];

If (eregi ("http:", $notes)) {}

Die ("don't try that!");


If (! $visitormail == "" & (!)) strstr($visitormail,"@") | ! strstr($visitormail,".")))



Use Back - enter a valid e-mail

\n » ;

$badinput ="

Your message has NOT been submitted.

\n » ;

echo $badinput;

Die ("Go back!");


If (($Visitor) Empty | empty ($visitormail): ($visitorphone) empty | empty ($notes)) {}


Use your Back button - fill in all the fields, no message has been sent.

\n » ;

Die ("use back!");


$todayis = date ("' l, F j, Y, g: i a '");

$subject = New_Contact;

$notes = stripcslashes ($notes);

$message = "$todayis [IS] \n".

Message: $notes \n

From: $visitor ($visitormail) \n

Phone: $visitorphone ($visitorphone) \n


$from = "from: $visitormail\r\n";

mail ("[email protected]", $subject, $message, $from);



Merci : ( )


", $notes);

echo $notesout;? >


Now, download the two pages on your web server. Then test the result.

Please note that if you use GoDaddy hosting, good number of their servers do not support PHP. If you are on GoDaddy, it may not work. If it's not I spare myself any responsibility, because it was a bad idea for to host you with GoDaddy.


Tags: Dreamweaver

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    This is the code I used for the php class linked to the html file:

    <? PHP

    $to = " [email protected] "; "

    $subject = 'new message ';

    $nombre = $_POST ['number'];

    $apellido = $_POST ['apellido'];

    $message = $_POST ['message'];

    $headers = "from: ". " [email protected] \n";

    $headers. = "X-Mailer: PHP /'." phpversion();

    $headers. = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";

    $headers. = "content-Type: text/html;" charset = iso-8859-1\n ";

    $retval = mail ($to $subject, $message, $headers);

    If ($retval == true) {}

    echo "message Su will ha enviado.

    } else {}

    echo "Vuelva a intentarlo.


    ? >

    Well sorry that I forgot to ask about the action of form... you will need to rework this if you do not have to use the form of godaddy.

    a few things... first of all, you have the transformation code in the page, if you want that your action forms literally go anywhere.  ' change action = "? »

    Second, you'll need a 'trigger' in the form must be added a hidden as field

    Thirdly, finally, you have this block of code that I rewrote the process, if there is a request for 'process' then here is the code:


    form of process

    If (@$_REQUEST ['process']) {}

    $headers = "from: [email protected] \n";

    $to = "[email protected]";

    $subject = 'new message ';

    $body = "number:". "" $_REQUEST ['number']. »

    Apellido: ".." $_REQUEST ['apellido']. »

    Message: ".." $_REQUEST ['message']. »


    $retval = mail ($to $subject, $body, $headers);

    If ($retval == true) {}

    echo "message Su will ha enviado.

    } else {}

    echo "Vuelva a intentarlo.




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    I see what you mean now. Seems to be a problem with your phone field. Did you by chance change the email for a field phone field? I see that you do not have a field of electronic mail and an email field is required for the form to work. If I add an email to the contact number field, it works fine.

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    Thank you


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    Hi Alex,

    I guess that you are talking about the autoresponder email, which is sent to the sender of the form. The reason is 'Autoresponder send e-mail' is disabled on your form. To activate it, please log into the administration panel of your site, navigate to Site Manager > Web forms > open the form in question > autoresponder click email button and check the box "send email autoresponder".

    @Andiesam2004 > is the same with your site too.

    Kind regards


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    Here´s a part of the actionscript in the script main navigation.swf:

    If (mcForm.skickat eq 'Yes') {}
    gotoAndStop ("labelFinished");

    Here´s actionscript code on the button 'Send' in mcForm in navigation.swf:
    on (release) {}
    loadVariables ("", "", "GET");
    _parent. Play (); This statement is not the problem.

    The chronology in navigations.swf never reaches the label "finished."

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    If (mcForm.skickat eq 'Yes') {//this path is the problem
    gotoAndStop ("labelFinished");

    Here´s in php serverscript:
    (I have no problem here)

    $headline = "mail from your Homesite.
    $text = "$name sent email you from your homesite.
    It wrote:

    mail ($mymail, $headline, $text,
    "To: $email. (' \nReply-to:".$email);
    ECHO ("Send = Yes");
    ? >

    What could possible be wrong

    I appreciate every response.

    The root of the problem (look at the code you posted), it's that there is no event that determines what should happen when your data comes back from PHP. When you use loadvariables, you need an event for mcForm, like our:

    {mcForm.onData = function ()}
    do something

    The problem according to what I see is that on your main timeline code checks the value of mcForm.skickat, but you do not seem to define this variable anywhere. The php script returns a variable named 'send', but I do not see anywhere skickat. If it is not set, its value will be always "not defined".

    To make things more efficient, you should really use loadVars and a reponsed instead of loadVariables Manager. When you use loadVariables, all variables in the clip are sent to your php script that transfer really just data loss. Using loadVars, you specify what vars to send, making the process more efficient. See the docs... everything is in there (with examples).

    BTW... This is the Flash Media Server forum. In the future, you might want to ask questions like this in the general flash or actionscript forum, you will get more answers (more people read on these forums)

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    Hi fla_bill,

    The question you have posted is related to MSN and would be better suited in the MSN support center.

    Please visit the link below to find a community that will provide the support ask you:

    With regard to:

    Samhrutha G S - Microsoft technical support.

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    Hey Jake,

    I understand mail app does not work and you get a name @{

    This could be caused due to various reasons:

    • Latest updates.
    • Corrupted mail application.

    Please follow the article below and follow the suggestions and check if this may help:

    This article will help you with basic as sync licenses and uninstall troubleshooting...

    Hope this information helps, for assistance please answer.

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    What is the solution to have a form that will work as well on MAC and Windows?

    Thank you very much!

    The problem isn't the form, this is the PDF viewer who are using these users of Mac, which is the preview application. If they use Reader or Acrobat, everything works perfectly.

    Preview does not support JavaScript in PDF files, which is why none of the calculations or formatting work. It also corrupts form fields when a form is saved, which causes the contents of the field not visible. You can get the contents of the field to display if you export the form data to a file using Acrobat and then re - import data from the file. This will cancel all the damage that caused an excerpt, but it will get the contents of the field to display.

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    I am temp accommodation on Business Catalyst site before going live. All of the suggestions. Thanks, Jim

    Did you follow the suggestions in style and contact forms add form widgets in Adobe Muse.  ?

  • Related problem JRE | Oracle EBS 12.2.4 and Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.17631 | Forms does not work


    I'm having some problem with the JRE, the following are details.

    Oracle EBS: 12.2.4

    Internet Explorer: 11.0.9600.17631

    Windows: 8.1 (64)

    Now the problem is, the forms are not loaded in the browser.

    The default page while trying to open a form is telling to install file: oaj2se.exe which does not work.

    also I can use firefox (37.0.2) or chrome (42.0.2311.152 m) for EBS.

    Thank you.


    Hi Eric,.

    Please see - recommended browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 [389422.1 ID]

    Kind regards


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