Migration to a linux guest hosted on GSX 3.2.1 to ESX 4.0 host environment.


I currently intend to migrate a CentOS 5.2 Guest hosted on GSX 3.2.1 to our new ESX 4.0 environment.

The computer invited CentOS uses a HDD IDE instead of SCSI.

Issues related to the:

1. What do I have to convert the IDE drive first before migrating using guided Consolidation tool? Because the administration Server admin guideESX guide does not cover this for ESX 4.0...

1.1 is ESX 4 Supprt IDE drive for virtual guests?

2. I tried to use this document to convert http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC & docType = kc & externalId = 1881 & sliceId = 1 & docTypeID = DT_KB_1_1 & dialogID = 54840823 & stateId = 0% 200% 2054844788

However when that I start the system, I get a "Kernel Panic" error.

Someone can help me.

See you soon,.

Unlike ESX3.x, ESX4 supports virtual IDE drives, so you should not have to convert the disc before. I recommend using the free VMware Converter standalone (or if you have vCenter converter integrated company) to import the virtual machine to an ESX Server.

Tags: VMware

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  • Cannot change the entry door of the Linux guest OS by the perl script customization

    Default gateway Linux can be changed using script (modified from vmclone.pl) below.

    Someone at - it gives help on this?

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # Copyright (c) 2007 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use FindBin;
    use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../";
    use VMware::VIRuntime;
    use XML::LibXML;
    use AppUtil::VMUtil;
    use AppUtil::HostUtil;
    use AppUtil::XMLInputUtil;
    $Util::script_version = "1.0";
    sub check_missing_value;
    my %opts = (
       vmhost => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "The name of the host",
          required => 1,
       vmname => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "The name of the Virtual Machine",
          required => 1,
       vmname_destination => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "The name of the target virtual machine",
          required => 1,
       filename => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "The name of the configuration specification file",
          required => 0,
          default => "../sampledata/vmclone.xml",
       customize_guest => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "Flag to specify whether or not to customize guest: yes,no",
          required => 0,
          default => 'no',
       customize_vm => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "Flag to specify whether or not to customize virtual machine: "
                . "yes,no",
          required => 0,
          default => 'no',
       schema => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "The name of the schema file",
          required => 0,
          default => "../schema/vmclone.xsd",
       datastore => {
          type => "=s",
          help => "Name of the Datastore",
          required => 0,
    # Clone vm operation
    # Gets destination host, compute resource views, and
    # datastore info for creating the configuration
    # specification to help create a clone of an existing
    # virtual machine.
    # ====================================================
    sub clone_vm {
       my $vm_name = Opts::get_option('vmname');
       my $vm_views = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',
                                            filter => {'name' =>$vm_name});
       if(@$vm_views) {
          foreach (@$vm_views) {
             my $host_name =  Opts::get_option('vmhost');
             my $host_view = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => 'HostSystem',
                                             filter => {'name' => $host_name});
             if (!$host_view) {
                Util::trace(0, "Host '$host_name' not found\n");
             # bug 449530
             my $disk_size = get_disksize();
             if($disk_size eq -1 || $disk_size eq "") {
                $disk_size = 0;
                my $devices = $_->config->hardware->device;
                foreach my $device (@$devices) {
                   if (ref $device eq "VirtualDisk") {
                      $disk_size = $disk_size + $device->capacityInKB;
             if ($host_view) {
                my $comp_res_view = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => $host_view->parent);
                my $ds_name = Opts::get_option('datastore');
                my %ds_info = HostUtils::get_datastore(host_view => $host_view,
                                         datastore => $ds_name,
                                         disksize => $disk_size);
                if ($ds_info{mor} eq 0) {
                   if ($ds_info{name} eq 'datastore_error') {
                      Util::trace(0, "\nDatastore $ds_name not available.\n");
                   if ($ds_info{name} eq 'disksize_error') {
                      Util::trace(0, "\nThe free space available is less than the"
                                   . " specified disksize or the host"
                                   . " is not accessible.\n");
                my $relocate_spec =
                VirtualMachineRelocateSpec->new(datastore => $ds_info{mor},
                                              host => $host_view,
                                              pool => $comp_res_view->resourcePool);
                my $clone_name = Opts::get_option('vmname_destination');
                my $clone_spec ;
                my $config_spec;
                my $customization_spec;
                if ((Opts::get_option('customize_vm') eq "yes")
                    && (Opts::get_option('customize_guest') ne "yes")) {
                   $config_spec = get_config_spec();
                   $clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->new(powerOn => 1,template => 0,
                                                           location => $relocate_spec,
                                                           config => $config_spec,
                elsif ((Opts::get_option('customize_guest') eq "yes")
                    && (Opts::get_option('customize_vm') ne "yes")) {
                   $customization_spec = get_customization_spec
                   $clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->new(
                                                       powerOn => 1,
                                                       template => 0,
                                                       location => $relocate_spec,
                                                       customization => $customization_spec,
                elsif ((Opts::get_option('customize_guest') eq "yes")
                    && (Opts::get_option('customize_vm') eq "yes")) {
                   $customization_spec = get_customization_spec
                   $config_spec = get_config_spec();
                   $clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->new(
                                                       powerOn => 1,
                                                       template => 0,
                                                       location => $relocate_spec,
                                                       customization => $customization_spec,
                                                       config => $config_spec,
                else {
                   $clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->new(
                                                       powerOn => 1,
                                                       template => 0,
                                                       location => $relocate_spec,
                Util::trace (0, "\nCloning virtual machine '" . $vm_name . "' ...\n");
                eval {
                   $_->CloneVM(folder => $_->parent,
                                  name => Opts::get_option('vmname_destination'),
                                  spec => $clone_spec);
                   Util::trace (0, "\nClone '$clone_name' of virtual machine"
                                 . " '$vm_name' successfully created.");
                if ($@) {
                   if (ref($@) eq 'SoapFault') {
                      if (ref($@->detail) eq 'FileFault') {
                         Util::trace(0, "\nFailed to access the virtual "
                                        ." machine files\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'InvalidState') {
                         Util::trace(0,"The operation is not allowed "
                                       ."in the current state.\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'NotSupported') {
                         Util::trace(0," Operation is not supported by the "
                                       ."current agent \n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'VmConfigFault') {
                         "Virtual machine is not compatible with the destination host.\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'InvalidPowerState') {
                         "The attempted operation cannot be performed "
                         ."in the current state.\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'DuplicateName') {
                         "The name '$clone_name' already exists\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'NoDisksToCustomize') {
                         Util::trace(0, "\nThe virtual machine has no virtual disks that"
                                      . " are suitable for customization or no guest"
                                      . " is present on given virtual machine" . "\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'HostNotConnected') {
                         Util::trace(0, "\nUnable to communicate with the remote host, "
                                        ."since it is disconnected" . "\n");
                      elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'UncustomizableGuest') {
                         Util::trace(0, "\nCustomization is not supported "
                                        ."for the guest operating system" . "\n");
                      else {
                         Util::trace (0, "Fault" . $@ . ""   );
                   else {
                      Util::trace (0, "Fault" . $@ . ""   );
       else {
          Util::trace (0, "\nNo virtual machine found with name '$vm_name'\n");
    # It returns the customization spec as per the input XML file
    sub get_customization_spec {
       my ($filename) = @_;
       my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
       my $tree = $parser->parse_file($filename);
       my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
       my @cspec = $root->findnodes('Customization-Spec');
       # Default Values
       my $computername = "compname";
       #my $timezone = 190;
       #my $userpassword;
       my $domain;
       my $ipAddress;
       my @gateway;
       my $subnetMask;
       my @dnsServerList;
       foreach (@cspec) {
          if ($_->findvalue('Virtual-Machine-Name')) {
             $computername = $_->findvalue('Virtual-Machine-Name');
          if ($_->findvalue('Domain')) {
             $domain = $_->findvalue('Domain');
          if ($_->findvalue('ipAddress')) {
             $ipAddress = $_->findvalue('ipAddress');
          if ($_->findvalue('gateway')) {
             @gateway = split (',',$_->findvalue('gateway'));
          if ($_->findvalue('subnetMask')) {
             $subnetMask = $_->findvalue('subnetMask');
          if ($_->findvalue('dnsServerList')) {
             @dnsServerList = split (',',$_->findvalue('dnsServerList'));
       # globalIPSettings
       my @dnsSuffixList = [$domain];
       my $customization_global_settings = CustomizationGlobalIPSettings->new(dnsServerList => \@dnsServerList,
                                                                                dnsSuffixList =>@dnsSuffixList);
       my $customization_identity_settings = CustomizationIdentitySettings->new();
       # identity
       # my $password =
       #   CustomizationPassword->new(plainText=>"true", value=> $userpassword); $computername
       my $cust_fixname = CustomizationFixedName->new (name => $computername);
       my $cust_linuxprep =
          CustomizationLinuxPrep->new(domain => $domain,
                                    hostName => $cust_fixname,
                                    hwClockUTC =>"false",
                                    timeZone =>"Asia/Shanghai");
       # nicSettingMap
       my $customization_fixed_ip = CustomizationFixedIp->new(ipAddress => $ipAddress);
       my $cust_ip_settings =
          CustomizationIPSettings->new(ip => $customization_fixed_ip,
                                        dnsDomain => $domain,
                                        gateway => \@gateway,
                                        subnetMask => $subnetMask);
       my $cust_adapter_mapping =
          CustomizationAdapterMapping->new(adapter => $cust_ip_settings);
       my @cust_adapter_mapping_list = [$cust_adapter_mapping];
       # customization spec
       my $customization_spec =
          CustomizationSpec->new (identity=>$cust_linuxprep,
        #                          options=>$CustomizationOptions);
       return $customization_spec;
    #Gets the config_spec for customizing the memory, number of cpu's
    # and returns the spec
    sub get_config_spec() {
       my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
       my $tree = $parser->parse_file(Opts::get_option('filename'));
       my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
       my @cspec = $root->findnodes('Virtual-Machine-Spec');
       my $vmname ;
       my $vmhost  ;
       my $guestid;
       my $datastore;
       my $disksize = 4096;  # in KB;
       my $memory = 256;  # in MB;
       my $num_cpus = 1;
       my $nic_network;
       my $nic_poweron = 1;
       foreach (@cspec) {
          if ($_->findvalue('Guest-Id')) {
             $guestid = $_->findvalue('Guest-Id');
          if ($_->findvalue('Memory')) {
             $memory = $_->findvalue('Memory');
          if ($_->findvalue('Number-of-CPUS')) {
             $num_cpus = $_->findvalue('Number-of-CPUS');
          $vmname = Opts::get_option('vmname_destination');
       my $vm_config_spec = VirtualMachineConfigSpec->new(
                                                      name => $vmname,
                                                      memoryMB => $memory,
                                                      numCPUs => $num_cpus,
                                                      guestId => $guestid );
       return $vm_config_spec;
    sub get_disksize {
       my $disksize = -1;
       my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
       eval {
          my $tree = $parser->parse_file(Opts::get_option('filename'));
          my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
          my @cspec = $root->findnodes('Virtual-Machine-Spec');
          foreach (@cspec) {
             $disksize = $_->findvalue('Disksize');
       return $disksize;
    # check missing values of mandatory fields
    sub check_missing_value {
       my $valid= 1;
       my $filename = Opts::get_option('filename');
       my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
       my $tree = $parser->parse_file($filename);
       my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
       my @cust_spec = $root->findnodes('Customization-Spec');
       my $total = @cust_spec;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Virtual-Machine-Name')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n computername value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Domain')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n domain value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('ipAddress')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n ipAddress value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('gateway')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n gateway value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('subnetMask')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n subnetMask value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('dnsServerList')) {
          Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n dnsServerList value missing ");
          $valid = 0;
       return $valid;
    sub validate {
       my $valid= 1;
       if ((Opts::get_option('customize_vm') eq "yes")
                    || (Opts::get_option('customize_guest') eq "yes")) {
          $valid = XMLValidation::validate_format(Opts::get_option('filename'));
          if ($valid == 1) {
             $valid = XMLValidation::validate_schema(Opts::get_option('filename'),
             if ($valid == 1) {
                $valid = check_missing_value();
        if (Opts::option_is_set('customize_vm')) {
           if ((Opts::get_option('customize_vm') ne "yes")
                 && (Opts::get_option('customize_vm') ne "no")) {
              Util::trace(0,"\nMust specify 'yes' or 'no' for customize_vm option");
              $valid = 0;
        if (Opts::option_is_set('customize_guest')) {
           if ((Opts::get_option('customize_guest') ne "yes")
                 && (Opts::get_option('customize_guest') ne "no")) {
              Util::trace(0,"\nMust specify 'yes' or 'no' for customize_guest option");
              $valid = 0;
       return $valid;

    You get errors? I also recommend to check the customer that has been deployed, for linux guests, there is a log file of the customization specification and I want to say its somewhere in/var/log/vmware, but I don't remember the exact name of the file. You can see what happened in and if there is no error. Also, I assume that you have looked at the list of taken guestOSes supported for customization of comments?

  • VMwareTools, RH Linux guests, all in runlevel 3

    Installation and configuration, according to the instructions of VMware in RH Linux guests, some initial VMware Tools (on an ESX 3.5.0 Server Update 4) is well done, and there is no problem.  Systems are energised without problems, VMwareTools installed later, and then they remain at level 3 for all their functional work.

    How can I still manage the things for VMwareTools VMs with GUI VMwareTools are able to do?  For example, how to adjust the options in a prompt whether if the VM and VMwareTools will use VMwareTool features or NTP to sync'ing time?  Also, where is the documentation to explain all this to me?

    Thank you very much in advance for the helpful answers!

    R, Joe Wulf, senior AI engineer, ProSync Technology Group (VPC

    Have a look here: http://sanbarrow.com/vmx.html . You can set some parameters via the user interface, such as time and you will find the .vmx file settings correspondent we (tools.synctime = "true" for timesynchronisation with the host country). But don't overestimate what you can do through the UI.

    What you can do via the command-line comments shrinks virtual disks. To do that you need call a command console ESX or Storage vMotion.


    VCP 3 & 4


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  • Env var for linux guest DISPLAY


    I received a prompt linux on a host computer XP using VMWare Player with tools. The host is connected to a network that has attached linux machines.

    I can telnet from within the guest to other machines on the network linux successfully. What I can't do is run a graphical application on one of those remote machines. It basically boils down to be impossible to define the environment variable DISPLAY on the remote computer to something that will allow the remote computer display things on my linux guest.

    Is it possible to do what I'm doing?

    Thanks, Florin

    Using ssh with X 11 forwarding...


  • Windows & Linux VM hosted the last 7 days

    Hi all

    Help on getting Windows & Linux VM hosted since spent 7 days using Powercli Script.

    Adding an additional Where clause should limit the result to only the virtual machines that still exist.

    Get-VIEvent - maxsamples ([int]: MaxValue)-start (Get-Date). AddDays(-7) |

    where {"VmCreatedEvent", "VmClonedEvent", "VmDeployedEvent" - contains $_.} GetType(). Name} |

    where {Get-View-Id $_.} VM. VM - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} |

    Select Createduserid, userName,@{N="VM"; E={$_. VM. Name}},@{N='OS'; E = {(Get-View-Id $_.)} VM. VM). Config.GuestId}} |

    Group-object - property OS |

    Select Name,@{N='Count'; E={$_. Group.Count}}

  • How to remove a cpu from a linux guest


    I have a Linux guest (Centos 5.5 x 64) that has been set with 2 cpu. Now I would like to change to 1 CPU only, because there is no more need of 2 processors.

    It is necessary to work on the core, or simply turn off the vm, reconfigure it and restart it?

    VMware Vsphere with ESXi 4.1.

    Thank you


    Message modificato da BrunoCom

    It is up to you. If this is a production server and a little delicate, I would go with a clone too.

    On the other hand, to remove and on the errors of re - attach the second processor is not much.

    First linux kernels or manually compiled and listening to those who was the (i386-i586) processor-specific and separate single CPU and SMP. This was because the first SMP kernels had some overhead and have been slower on single CPU machines.

    But it really should be a few years. Hardly, I myself remember last time asked me on what kernel to install during installation on a linux.

  • PowerShell to execute the shell script in Linux guest

    Is there a way of powershell to access a Linux VM in a domain environment and then run a Linux shell script to a guest Linux OS - for example to set the network settings of the virtual machine?

    Thank you!

    You can use the Invoke-VMScript cmdlet. It allows you to run a script bash inside the Linux guests supported.

    There is also the Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface cmdlet to configure NETWORK card. It is based in fact on the same technique as the Invoke-VMScript cmdlet, but PowerCLI Dev team provided the bash script to you.


    Blog: LucD notes

    Twitter: lucd22

  • What support VMware Windows 7 as a guest host and Windows Server 2003 as the operating system operating system?



    Because my laptop is preinstalled Windows 7 and cannot dual boot multiple operating systems. I need to install VMware in Windows 7 host and then install Windows Server 2003 as a guest operating system.

    I installed VMware Server 2.0.2 in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003 operating system as a guest host. Everything works fine for a while. But VMware Server Home Page https://mylaptop:8333 / IU cannot display more.

    I found that Windows 7 is not a host for VMware Server 2 and strange operating system might happen at any time. I found that 'VMware Player 3' is fully supported in Windows 7 as host operating system but is not taken in charge of Windows Server 2003 as a guest operating system.

    People knows what product VMware Windows 7 support as host operating system and Windows Server 2003 as the operating system prompted?

    Thanks in advance


    IMHO, I think that Workstation is the vmware product just for you, the requirements

    It supports Windows 7 as a facilitator and Windows 2003 as a host with no problems. You can be confident about it at 100%.

    Best wishes / Saludos.


    Please consider providing any useful answer. Thank you!! - Por favor considered premiar las useful responses. MUCHAS gracias!

    Virtually noob blog

  • vCenter 4 and Linux guest customization

    VCenter 4 does support Linux Guest customization?

    I can only find documentation for Virtual Center, and when you go to the download page of vSphere and search components of VMware's Open-Source, I can not find them

    Anyone done this?

    I'm looking to clone a server SUES 9

    See you soon


    Yes, vCenter 4 supports customization of Linux comments. You don't need additional software, just the VMware tools.

    Take a look at 'Basic System Administration'.


    VMware vExpert 2009


  • Unable to implemnet window modal plugin in apex 4.2 in hosted environment

    First, I installed the plugin by running the script.

    I have not copied the source file or the server... that available in plugin files...

    While I press my quote it touches donot display
    The modal window... It shows a small window but it is empty

    for example can be found here...


    If someone can guide. . What I need to copy these files to the location mentioned...
    (He is mentioned as an option in the documentation)...
    If yes how can I copy because I did not access ftp apex in the hosted environment

    Thank you

    Published by: susf on November 28, 2012 12:40 AM

    Hi Susf,

    you don't need to copy the files, but you can do it for performance reasons (so they can be cached) or if you want to customize, in that case you must set the location of the plugin in the modal plugin configuration.

    If I check your link I see an error in the browser console that says: "refused to see the document as display prohibited by X-Frame-Options.»

    I had this error several times and it was because in 4.2, you need to activate (I don't think it's the default""embed images "under" Application Definition"-'Security', set 'Allow' or 'Allow same origin')


  • Built in Flash Video and will NOT display in the hosted environment

    Built in Flash Video and will NOT display in the hosted environment. The files generated: work on the development computer. I posted the same files in the hosted environment and flash are not displayed. I first thought it was Vista 64 IE 7 so I switched to IE7 XP and the same results. Yet, it is strange that the falsh works locally. I'm sure it's something simple I'm missing. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


    What files download you?

  • Transfer of App a workspace to others in the hosted environment.


    I have two work space namely dev_application and prod_application in hosted environment.

    It's the first time that I have will transfer an application from development to production ( Note: I'm not a software engineer.) I am a GIS who works with excel and try my hand to convert excel database work at the Summit which proved to be a great great great success*).

    Can someone guide me to transfer my application to development of the production environment.

    My request: -.
    1. application
    2. a jquery filed in image direcory
    3. the table, sequences, indexes, functions associated with.

    Note: My application is in the HOSTED ENVIRONMENT

    A link to a good tutorial or step by step assistance will be highly appreciated.

    Kind regards

    Create DDL scripts to configure each environment database in the way that suits you (create tables, indexes, packages, etc.). Use the Oracle database as export datapump utilities to export data from a database and import in another. JavaScript, you must specify your needs with precision in words where it is stored. Even with the images and css.

    If you create an application packaged for installation in many databases, you can create an installation script that goes along with the application. See the User Guide and the page objects supporting in Report Designer when you select an application. There are a lot of instructions throughout.


  • Disconnect Linux guests and Windows in Win7x64 host of sound

    I use a Dell OptiPlex 790 integrated with audio.

    Periodically a Windows prompt, or every time I try to use audio on Linux hosts, I get the "error opening audio device 0:  "A device ID has been used that is out of range of your system.  Sound will start disconnected. "

    (I don't have a control panel RealTek).

    On Win7x64 host:

    I downloaded and installed the audio driver of Dell (Realtek, ATI?).

    I disabled the ATI audio device high definition in the host and activated exclusive reading.  I also disabled the two microphones in sounds.

    Who took care of the issue of Windows and my Win7x64 guest comments can now read the audio data without disconnecting.

    However, the above has not set the same question on Linux.

    Under Linux, I went my Gnome settings, under his and turned off the microphones, closed the window settings of her Gnome and re-connected the audio device to the default sound in the virtual machine host.  That will allow me to hear the chirp in Linux system.  However, whenever I try to open the application of Gnome sound settings, or to say an audio app like Audacity, sound disconnects with the original error.

    There must be a solution out there.  Surely, after all these years people report these problems, some must have found an answer?

    Finally found the answer to my problem.  I have uninstalled the Realtek software and disabled audio all output devices.  Then I restarted and connected via USB a SoundBlaster X - fi Go! Adapter audio pro.  The software is installed on my host, rebooted it, and then reset all the guests computer virtual for the audio device by default.  Now, all of my guests, so Windows or Unix play sounds.

  • Host: Linux, guest: Windows 95. Virtual floppy drive is not accessible

    I have Windows 95 as a guest on an Ubuntu machine.  I have no physical floppy but drive you have "installed" a virtual floppy drive with the following text in the vmx file

    floppy0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    floppy0. FileName = ' / home/me/VM95/Windows95_A/ordflop.» IMA.

    floppy0.filetype = 'file '.

    floppy0.startConnected = 'TRUE '.

    where ordflop. IMA is a non bootable floppy drive disk image.  I got it mounted on my Ubuntu host computer so the file should be OK.

    However, when I start the W95 guest (after a clean restart of the host) and try to run Explorer on the A: drive, I get the 'helpful' message

    A:\ is not accessible

    Device is not ready

    How can I get rid of this "mistake"?

    Another thread (105764) that deals with a problem with a Windows startup NT referred to as modifying a registry key, but the key does not exist on my Windows 95 machine and it adding has no effect.

    Well, I wanted to test this for you yesterday, but my ubuntu host decided that he does not like the ATI card in it more for one reason or the other.

    Unfortunately do not have the time to solve the problems he (I could if I spent less time on the forums... hmmm...)

    I do not know you have triple checked this, but just in case...

    Are you sure that not only the box "connect at power on", but especially the "connected" box is checked?

    If this is the case, could join the vmware.log for this virtual machine file (please do not paste content just) your answer?




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  • Linux Guest network on the Windows host OS


    I would like to give my comments dare a dedicated IP address. They are configured in the Windows adapter (Server 2003) and are operational, in addition, the bridge is configured correctly - and when I configure NAT in the network of the client (using DHCP), everything works fine. Could you tell me the settings of network guest OS for the device (eth0) Please?

    I mean, definition of the IP address of one of them that is configured in the network adapter on Windows, using the same gateway, and the same name servers does not work. It is said that the interface is in place but does not work.

    Advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

    You have not need to assign the IPs on side Windows if you use bridged networking infact, by doing so, you are going to have caused a conflict of IP address with the Linux VM.

    Let the VMNet adapters to their default values. Select mode bridged for the prompt, then assign an IP address for eth0, which should be.

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