My problem with the BEFSR41 & Type of NAT Strict

This has probably been discussed so many times, but I am at my wits end. I have tried almost everything on the web on how to get a NAT for this router and nothing has worked. I try to get an open NAT to connect and join some games that host friends on the LIVE service. There are, I could join their games without a problem. Now, for about 3 months now, I can not join their sessions. She'll tell me that they are reachable, then tell me that the sessions are no longer available if I'm trying to reach. Cannot join their parties either. Strange thing is that, after a while I'll be randomly able to reach just 1 of their lobbies and hear only that person. I'm starting to think that I will always have this question. I changed a lot of things in the router I just reset it to the factory and compatible UPnP settings. Is that what I can do to fix this? I am desperate at this point. Sounds stupid, but it really gets to me. I can't understand for the life of me why I can't change.

EDIT: I should probably say that the problem is with an Xbox 360. The network settings are now automatic, as manual did not help either.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hear what you all have to say.


You can follow this link and it will help you set up a static IP address on the XBOX.

Tags: Linksys Routers

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     11    from emp;
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    If you want to present a DATE data type in a specific format, you will use TO_CHAR.
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    Under the direction of: naama on August 6, 2009 01:31

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    2 40 10 at_serv
    3 30 20 prod
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    PROCEDURE get_bkg_tot)
    p_colName IN VARCHAR2,
    p_refCursor OUT ref_cursor) AS

    v_query VARCHAR2 (4000);

    v_query: = ' select sum('|| p_colName ||'), bkg_type
    of week_tab
    where bkg_type like: x
    Bkg_type group ';

    P_refcursor OPEN FOR v_query 'than ';
    PROCEDURE get_total_val AS
    v_refCursor ref_cursor;
    v_sum NUMBER;
    v_week NUMBER;
    v_total NUMBER: = 0;
    STRARRAY v_colName: = STRARRAY ('BKG1', 'BKG2');


    I'm IN v_colName.FIRST... v_colName.Last LOOP

    get_bkg_tot ("bkg2", v_refcursor);
    EXTRACTION v_refCursor
    IN v_sum, v_week;
    EXIT WHEN v_refcursor % NOTFOUND;
    v_total: = v_total + v_sum;
    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' week ' | v_week |': ' | v_sum);
    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' total sales reservations :'|| v_total);

    END get_total_val;

    When I tried to run get_total_val, I get

    ORA-01722: invalid number
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT. GET_TOTAL", line 45
    ORA-06512: at line 2

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    Thanks in advance

    Well, look at the query behind your refcursor:

    v_query := 'select sum('||p_colName||'), bkg_type
    from week_tab
    where bkg_type like : x
    group by bkg_type';

    Based on your sample bkg_type is a string.

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    Hi, I have a problem with the definition of type boolean as output parameter and it must return true if the query procedure retrieves one line else it shouuld return false

    And what are the issues? Its simple.

    SQL> create or replace procedure is_emp_exist
      2  (
      3     p_empno  in  emp.empno%type
      4   , p_result out boolean
      5  )
      6  as
      7     l_empno emp.empno%type;
      8  begin
      9     select empno into l_empno
     10       from emp
     11      where empno = p_empno;
     13     p_result := true;
     14  exception
     15     when no_data_found then
     16        p_result := false;
     17  end;
     18  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> declare
      2     l_result boolean;
      3  begin
      4     is_emp_exist (7788, l_result);
      6     if l_result then
      7        dbms_output.put_line('Employee Exist');
      8     else
      9        dbms_output.put_line('Employee does not Exist');
     10     end if;
     11  end;
     12  /
    Employee Exist
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> declare
      2     l_result boolean;
      3  begin
      4     is_emp_exist (1000, l_result);
      6     if l_result then
      7        dbms_output.put_line('Employee Exist');
      8     else
      9        dbms_output.put_line('Employee does not Exist');
     10     end if;
     11  end;
     12  /
    Employee does not Exist
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  • Problem with the CLOB data type.


    I am facing a problem with the CLOB data type. I know that the CLOB data type is 4 GB (I use Oracle 9i). But in the Pl Sql procedure, I can only store 34305 size for a CLOB variable character data.

    This is the test script that I am trying to run.

    -Local variables here*.
    I have INTEGER;
    C_1 CLOB.
    C_1: = c_1 | Rec.Clo_1;
    Dbms_Output.put_line (SQLERRM);

    Here variable C_1 range value 34305 good character regardless of type CLOB. Now the above script fails if query my buckle - huge number of return values. It is throwing the exception "error during transfer of files ORA-06502: PL/SQL: digital error or value."

    He would be grateful if someone can help me on this.

    Thank you.

    You are probably better off using DBMS_LOB.append, instead of the concatenation of varchar2 (|).

    And... take off your when-other Manager exceptions, please...

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    When using my hotmail email today when I I closed it got stuck with the msn home page, I have managed to recover the firefox home page, but the search is made by BING, I don't want that I want as before google. It seems if be produced since firefox 18 was delivered

    Can any body help to get this back as before

    Try to reset default preferences with the SearchReset extension:

    Note that the SearchReset extension runs only once and then uninstalls automatically, so it will not appear on the page "> Firefox Add-ons" (topic: addons).

    You can check the pref (s) on the topic: config page to see if it has the value of Google by default.

    If there is a problem with the search through the default value: home page and then try to reset the search engine used on the subject: homepage.

    Reset the pref browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone through the context menu by default on the topic: config page and close and restart Firefox to restore the on: default home page.

    1. Open the topic: config page through the address bar
    2. Type in the filter bar: mstone
    3. Right-click on the browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone line, and then select: Reset
    4. Close and restart Firefox

    If this did not help, then remove the button Delete the chromeappsstore.sqlite file in the Firefox profile folder and repeat the foregoing.

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    Is the option 'Option match case' in the verified search bar? If so, uncheck it.

    If this answer solved your problem, please click 'Solved It' next to this response when connected to the forum.

    Not related to your question, but...

    You may need to update some plug-ins. Check your plug-ins and update if necessary:

  • Satellite A660 - message: WARNING: a problem with the cooling system

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    So I take it on the type of service (toshiba) and must answer for fan, Mo, HARD drive, he said. Is this possible? -J' I have extended warranty, but is ' t it much? not to mention that it takes a month to get things down.

    He also mentioned that I could use the machine with a cooling pad until then if I wish.

    Any feed back?

    > Yes the fan had stopped working and touchpad area was hot.

    In this case, there is really a hardware problem.
    But I m wondering why he should replace the HARD drive and the motherboard
    Perhaps only the cooling module began at malfunction of course this is just a speculation
    If the technician has checked the material, then they need to know what parts are not OK.
    So don t think you have no choice.

    But the guarantee is valid for all is free

  • Problem with the screen on IPAD curtain


    I'm a bad psychic, and I have a problem with the screen curtain.

    A longitudinal of Voice Over, the screen curtain is automatically activate.

    Normally to turn it off, you must type three times with three fingers. Only on my IPAD when I type three times with three fingers is "saying that turns off or preach. Find it me impossible to disable the screen curtain when voiceover is active.

    The latest version of IOS 9.2.1 is installed.

    I reset the Ipad and nothing changes.

    Can someone help me?

    Thank you

    Is is possible that the zoom is also on your iPad? If this is the case, try to use a quadruple 3 finger tap to turn off screen curtain.

    If the zoom is not active, try:

    1. Possessing the sleep/wake and home button until the Apple logo appears or 15-20 seconds.
    2. If, you can't remove the curtain of the screen, I would advise you reset the settings of the iPad. Settings > general > reset > reset all settings. It will be his turn VoiceOver off, but then you can use iTunes to turn on VoiceOver. Voice-over should return without the curtain of the screen automatically active. IOS - Apple Support using accessibility features

    The of is it possible that zoom is also active your iPad? In this case, you must use a valve 3 quadruple finger pour disable the screen curtain.

    try if the zoom is not enabled:
    1. While holding the button market / sleep and home to ' to the Apple logo, or 15-20 seconds.
    2. If you still can't delete the screen curtain, I recommend to RESET the settings on the iPad. Settings > General > RESET > RESET all settings. This turns off VoiceOver, but you can then use iTunes to turn on VoiceOver. Back to turn voiceOver should without the curtain automatically active screen. Use IOS - Apple support accessibility features


  • Satellite L750D-1FD - problems with the display driver

    I got this laptop from my uncle and it was filled with junk and crapwares so I did a clean reinstall and upgrade Windows 7 Home to ultimate. I have a problem with the GPU, windows does not recognize it, or doesn't fly chart AMD.
    Processor is AMD A8 - 3520 M APU, and I think that the GPU is a Radeon HD 6620 G or something before the re-installation. I can't change the resolution, it stuck at 800 x 600, memory shows by n/a, Direct X features are not available, not from the downloaded display driver Toshiba worked.
    Dxdiag appears to the:

    Name: Standard VGA Graphics adapt
    Manufacturer: Advance Micro Devices, Inc.
    Chiptype: AMD ATOMBIOS
    : Type DAC: 8 bit
    Memory Approx.Total: n/a
    Current display mode: 800 x 600 (1 Hz)

    It nothing and can do with this laptop now because the GPU does not work as expected. Please, help me to solve this problem.


    I found only Satellite L750D-1FD so I think you have this model. I want to help you on any other way. Here is the correct order of installation for Win7. Please check and install all the available stuff you can find on the download page of Toshiba -

    Win7 SP1 TOSHIBA supervisor password utility
    TOSHIBA HW Setup Utility
    TOSHIBA Assist 4.02.02
    TOSHIBA ReelTime 1.7.18
    AMD driver xHC
    8.834.1 - 110420 a-118118C-Toshiba AMD display driver
    TOSHIBA value added package
    ATI HDMI Audio Driver
    Conexant Audio Driver
    Wireless LAN driver
    Synaptics Touch Pad Driver
    V4.07 Bluetooth Monitor
    Atheros Bluetooth Driver Package v1.0.7 Filter
    Battery Bluetooth for Windows by Toshiba v8.00.06 (T)
    Atheros LAN Driver
    Card reader Realtek
    TOSHIBA 1.0.4 Wireless LAN indicator
    TOSHIBA Sleep utility
    3.1.8 TOSHIBA face recognition
    TOSHIBA eco Utility
    TOSHIBA PC Health Monitor
    ConfigFree 8.0.38
    TOSHIBA Web Camera Application V2.0.0.21
    TOSHIBA V4.00.7.01 VCR - HAS
    TOSHIBA resolution + plug-in for Windows Media Player 1.1.0
    TOSHIBA Disc Creator for x 64
    TOSHIBA Network Device ID registry setting tool - 16_wMSI
    TOSHIBA Media Controller
    TOSHIBA Media Controller plugin

    If you need assistance more let us know.

  • Smart Safari search bar, problem with the option 'include suggestions for Safari '.

    Hi all

    I am facing a problem with the search bar Safari Smart of yesterday (January 26, 2016).

    The search bar doesn't work anymore, I can't type, or search or write an http address either. I can only navigate by selecting a bookmark.

    Go to preferences I have all the people with reduced mobility and the disappearance of the problem.

    Then try to isolate the problem, I've found it comes to the "include suggestions of Safari" option in the smart search options.

    Anyone had a similar problem, or have any suggestions on how to get it back to life?

    I must say yesterday, everything working, I have not installed anything new on my Mac.

    Thank you very much!

    Kind regards

    S. Luca

    Try the following steps:

    A possible solution to the problem of address bar: disable the Safari Suggestions

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