Newbie Question - pixelation problem

Hi all

I taught myself a little and still, seem to know almost nothing about this product.  So well done to you all the gurus out there!

I created a logo in Photoshop and svaved as a JPG file and moved it in Illustrator or InDesign, when I do that, the resulting image is screwed up... i. e pixelated.  But I'll be back and just open the JPG file and of course the lines are smooth and crisp.  What gives?  Also tried to do in PDF format...

As I search for tutorials on this fundamental question... I'm... too basic voids, I guess.  PS to me pretty quickly... but I must be able to move the jobs finished in Illustrator and InDesign. Any help would be much appreciated.

Is there a specific way that one is supposed to export PS work into the program illustrator > etc...?

Thanks in advance!


If you place an image in indesign, by default, the image will not be seen in high resolution. InDesign displays things at a lower resolution, simply for the amount of photos you would normally use in a document type. When in Indesign to go see - display performance - and make sure it is of high quality. This will then give you a good indication on the quality of your image.

Tags: Photoshop

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    Because of your description, it is not easy to give you a proper answer. On my old laptop, I had two dead pixels and it was easy to see the boot process. At the beginning, you can see home screen Toshiba and dead pixels are usually green (the background is black).

    Sorry but there is nothing to do. You have to live with it because the display is very expensive.

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    Thank you.


    Hi and welcome to the Forums!

    Janimal wrote:

    (1) do I still need to install the desktop software?  Given that I can transfer files via Bluetooth from my laptop and my contacts/calendar/notes are stored on the Exchange Server, is there any point?

    There is not much need of DTM, but it is convenient to update the OS of your BB. Sometimes there will be releases of minor bugs corrections and such to your BB - DTM will be meaningless and install them, while updating wireless could not detect them. For a major OS update, you want DTM, as it will do a backup/complete restoration of your BB, including configuration settings, and others so that you don't have to redo those. But, to your e-mail, calendar, contacts, etc. - you are right, it is useless given that your Exchange Server is actually your master with your BB being actually a backup of that (in a sense).

    In addition, USB drivers (which are part of the package DTM) are necessary in order to charge your BB via your laptop USB. You can download and install all the USB drivers if this is the only part of the DTM you want.

    Janimal wrote:

    (2) if I do not need to install it, given that my email is already working with BES, and the Office installation configures email settings, how do I keep the new Desktop install to mess up the current configuration of e-mail?

    When you install it, it will ask if you are in a company - say Yes and it will install properly. Installation when your PC is connected to your corporate network and your Outlook is open. Who will get the best and fastest configuration. When you install, do not let it select the functions of auto-launch... If you wish, attach your BB and manually run the DTM.

    Of all the notes of support on the software, looks like more trouble whereas at this stage.  I really need to treat it?

    Thank you.


    Basically, on the whole, I vote 'YES'. You get the USB charging. You can save if you wish. You get the device OS and other updates. Most of the reported problems are people using it to synchronize via USB things - you won't do that because most of your stuff will be syncing via BES OTA. Other things, you can simply drag-and - drop (music, videos, etc.). .. .follow these instructions (use the latest 5.0 DTM):

    DL the latest version here:

    Good luck!

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    Your welcome hardnesses, I think you can try to re-insalling ESXi with the hostanme you want, or you can connect to the existing installation with an unsupported option and try the same thing.



    Save the planet, go for green

    If you have found my reply to be useful, feel free to mark it as useful or Correct.

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    Thanks in advance and do not hesitate to make fun of my madness

    craigdh wrote:

    Good answer Xandrex. However I'm still not clear as to the issue of equipment, I asked. The reason why I am wanting to buy "BOLD" a separate contract is.

    1. it will work a little cheaper over the life of a contract.

    2. I will get my "BOLD" much faster.

    3 UK networks have a reputation for crippling features in high-end etc phones then charge you more to get similar functionality via one of their services.

    4. they are very slow to provide updates of the firmware on their own brand of appliances.

    There was a little insinuation in my answer: basically, you buy a mobile phone, so you get a BIS/BES contract with a carrier who takes in charge that the mobile phone. A "BOLD" can be used like BIS or BES, it depends on the company.

    On the price, I'm sure the phone deal + contract is always cheaper than a "BOLD" (retail and not eBay from some guys) then a contract which is usable (that is, no GoDaddy or 0.01GBP / KB).

    for the speed, you are the one who knows.

    The thing of the cripping: the thing is, the updates are provided only by the suppliers (they get a barebone RIM OS, then add their stuff like facebook or AOL). Even if you buy a single "BOLD" without a contract, if you want to upgrade the regular way, you wait fot your carrier to publish the upgrade. Or you can do the regularly (which can be made with or without the purchase contract at the same time).


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    Media moving to my PC?: I went through the music store of Sprint comes with my camera, and two purchased songs. I want to know if I can get these songs out of my BlackBerry smart phone and my PC. Also, if anyone knows what format they are in (if they bought before Sprint music store).

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    WTF @ Redlight?: From time to time (we can always do that, I'm not sure), the little red light at the top of my unit starts to blink even if I do not have a weak battery or not new messages. It first happened lastnight when a friend sent me 3 IMs at once. I had to reboot my device and I think that he is stopped. Earlier, it happened again (I had several new messages) and this time whenever my display is on, the light was red only flashes do not. It can always be like this now, but I'm not sure. My camera is in the other room and I'm too lazy to check xD. Why would he do that? How can I get him to stop?

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    Auto keyguard: I have EPIC hand-dial to people purse. In my view, it has a keyboard lock button in the dashboard of BlackBerry (that is the correct term for this?) But I want to get to the place where the keyboard auto-lock after a certain period of time. Is this possible? I saw somewhere about pressing the button mute will lock it... who is the top/center of the unit button?

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    Well, then, I think that... Think THAT that's all. I can change this highest position (if we are allowed to edit) to delimit what questions have been answered. I hope someone sees this soon enough, that I don't know how "living" these forums are.

    Thanks for looking, and I warned you... they have been the newbie questions! xD

    -Darky Delacroix

    Welcome to the SkippyTheWonder forums.

    SkippyTheWonder wrote:

    Good, please excuse my ignorance... guys xD

    I just bought two s BlackBerry Curve 8530 from Sprint. I'm pretty tech savvy, but there are some things about this phone, I can just enter in two or three days I got em:

    Deleting photos: Well, then I'm in my media folder, in the images. I selects a photo and press the BlackBerry button and select Delete. Then he said: it is read-only, and when I remove it, the icon is still there. I tried to turn on/off the device, and it's still there. Thought this one myself. I plugged it up to the Desktop Manager and all of a sudden all the photos I had taken appeared. I was also able to delete using the "BlackBerry" button and then "delete". It doesn't give me that read this option.

    Saving images: So, for some reason I can't save more photos. I don't know even how I saved the first 12 photos I have taken... but now it won't save any more. What the hell happened? xD I have a 2GB card in my phone... surely these 12 images didn't fill in this card... Thought this one myself. I plugged it up to the Desktop Manager and all of a sudden all the photos I had taken appeared.

    Buy ringtones: On my old phone LG, I used to buy ringtones RealTone Jukebox... where they had extracted from songs that I could download for a crazyhigh. Where can I buy the real music ringtones for BlackBerry? What I do myself?

    There may be an icon on the home screen of your camera to buy ringtones. Or you can open the browser and go to There is a link of ringtones that you can click

    Media moving to my PC?: I went through the music store of Sprint comes with my camera, and two purchased songs. I want to know if I can get these songs out of my BlackBerry smart phone and my PC. Also, if anyone knows what format they are in (if they bought before Sprint music store).

    It is recommended to buy a microSD card to store your multimedia files, if you run out of memory on your device.

    Depending on what OS is your BlackBerry tells you what size you can buy a microSD card. You can check under Options | Topic (will appear as Look at the table on the following link to see what size you can get -

    On the BlackBerry, go to Options | Media Media Card recommended parameters are:

    Media card support: WE

    Encryption mode: NO

    Mass storage support: WE

    Auto enable mass storage Mode when connected: YES

    Mass storage mode allows your BlackBerry to act as an extra drive when it is connected to your PC. It will appear as an extra drive letter in Windows Explorer. So you can just drag/release the multimedia files on your memory card

    WTF @ Redlight?: From time to time (we can always do that, I'm not sure), the little red light at the top of my unit starts to blink even if I do not have a weak battery or not new messages. It first happened lastnight when a friend sent me 3 IMs at once. I had to reboot my device and I think that he is stopped. Earlier, it happened again (I had several new messages) and this time whenever my display is on, the light was red only flashes do not. It can always be like this now, but I'm not sure. My camera is in the other room and I'm too lazy to check xD. Why would he do that? How can I get him to stop?

    Here is an article that describes the status of the LED

    If you want to disable the LED check this KB article

    Turn off the sound of the camera?: My camera makes the shutter of the camera, even when noise silence. Is there a way to stop this?

    Check out this post

    Auto keyguard: I have EPIC hand-dial to people purse. In my view, it has a keyboard lock button in the dashboard of BlackBerry (that is the correct term for this?) But I want to get to the place where the keyboard auto-lock after a certain period of time. Is this possible? I saw somewhere about pressing the button mute will lock it... who is the top/center of the unit button?

    Key blackBerry?: Well, don't laugh, I know that I'm retarded. But, the key to the left of the beach towel... than the devil who called? He got the BlackBerry logo on it... is what he called the BlackBerry button? I know, I know, I'm retarded and could probably flip through the manual to figure it out... but still. I might as well ask now xD

    Called the menu button

    Choose the icons to display on the main screen: When I added an e-mail address, he put an icon on my main desktop, in the row of icons at the bottom of the screen. (where is my background image and all that). Can we choose the icons that we want to display on the main screen? I have really now, my calendar icon that I know that I use. I'd love to move the keyboard lock button here though... is it possible?

    If you select an icon, click the menu button and choose move. You can rearrange the icons. The icons in the top 5 on the list will be those along the boittom when not looking at the full home screen.

    Speaker?: How can I get speaker? xD

    Can try to hit the key ' $' as a shortcut to activate speaker. During a call, you can click the menu button and choose the speaker phone option in the menu

    Theme Studio (software, no associated device): Anyone used this? It is quite easy to use? I am tech savvy, but I don't want to just download a ton of programs on my PC that I won't use xD I'm working on the Desktop Manager and it takes forever. I want to make themes, but I'm curious to know how easy to use this program is... graduate to use design or if it would take a graph xD

    Not sure about that sorry.

    Well, then, I think that... Think THAT that's all. I can change this highest position (if we are allowed to edit) to delimit what questions have been answered. I hope someone sees this soon enough, that I don't know how "living" these forums are.

    Thanks for looking, and I warned you... they have been the newbie questions! xD

    -Darky Delacroix

  • Newbie question: to access the items in a locked file "kind of."

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    Look in the layer panel and see if the layers are locked. You can also check in tracks mode and see if there is really something out there, or if it has been saved as an image.

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    Hello everyone, quick newbie question. How can I quickly find all media in my imported files that are currently not used in my project? I want to delete them from the project.

    Thank you!

    First, go to the Edit menu > remove unused.

    Use with caution!


  • Newbie question - how to effectively check if photo is part of the selection

    Hi all

    Sorry for the newbie question, but I do not know how to solve, and I'm sure that there is a quick and easy answer to this:

    My goal is to get all the 'stack heads' (photos with Position 1 in batteries) selection ('photos' below).

    for I have, make photo in ipairs( photos )
    local date = picture:getFormattedMetadata("Filename")

    if Photo:getRawMetadata( "isInStackInFolder" ), then
    - Photo is in a stack
    local photoHeadOfStack = picture:getRawMetadata("topOfStackInFolderContainingPhoto")

    local stackPos = picture:getRawMetadata( "stackPositionInFolder" ), - get the position in the stack
    local photoHeadName = photoHeadOfStack:getFormattedMetadata("Filename")

    app:logVerbose(' Photo nb ^ 1, name ^ 2 is in a stack with the position ^ 3 ', i, date, stackPos"")

    if stackPos == 1 then
    - photo is the master of the battery
    stackTop[#stackTop+1] =photo
    app:logVerbose(' picture ^ 1 is the top of the stack ^ 2 ', date, #stackTop)

    -check if couple if it is correct
    elseif photos. photoHeadOfStack then
    app:logVerbose(' picture ^ 1 is in a stack, but not over the top. ") (Top of the stack already selected", date)

    stackTop[#stackTop+1] =photoHeadOfStack
    app:logVerbose(' picture ^ 1 is in a stack, but not over the top. ") Top of the stack ^ 2 - ^ 3 ", date, #stackTop, photoHeadName)


    In the if structure in the center of the Position in the stack control, if the Position is not 1, I would check if the photo to the stack ("photoHeadOfStack'") is part of the 'pictures '. I tried 'elseif photos.photoHeadOfStack then' and ' elseif photos [photoHeadOfStack] then ' but it doesn't work-> This elseif is never true even if 'photoHeadOfStack' part of the 'photos'.

    Any way to have this check done without checking the photos "manually"? (via e.g. a loop for)

    I'm sure that Lua offers this, but I do not know how...

    Thank you for your support!

        --[[ This code creates "stackTops", an array of LrPhotos that are the
        tops of all the stacks containing photos in the array
        "photos". ]]
    stackTopSet = {}
    for _, photo in ipairs (photos) do
        local stackTop = photo:getRawMetadata ("topOfStackInFolderContainingPhoto")
        if stackTop ~= nil then stackTopSet [stackTop] = true end
    stackTops = {}
    for photo, _ in pairs (stackTopSet) do table.insert (stackTops, photo) end
  • Newbie question: how to extend in unallocated disk in a VM XP?

    Hi all:

    This is a newbie question, but looking for answers only left confused me...

    I have VM Fusion (v2.0.6) running on a MAC (OS X - Snow Leopard) with an XP VM. When the XP VM has been implemented, it has been implemented with 20 GB hard drive space. I used VM Ware Virtual Machine settings to increase the disk space of 50 GB. (I left the "pre-allocate disk space' and 'divide into 2 GB files' options unchecked.) I don't have any snapshots during execution/implementation.

    However, my current XP VM flashing me alerts "low disk space" - I see only about 1 GB of free 20 GB (I don't see the 40 GB listed in 'My Computer'). When I use the Services of management of disk in XP, I see a disk 0 20 GB System Partition with 30 GB of unallocated space.

    How can I extend the current Parition (System) in the space of 30 additional GB? And do I have I done this to begin with?

    Thanks in advance!

    Take a look at: resizing of the ramdisks with step by step Instructions

  • [Newbie question] How is-13:00 or by e-mail a link of Dell on the Community Council?

    [Newbie question] How is-13:00 or by e-mail a link of Dell on the Community Council?

    Once I click on a name of Dell link to access their profile. Currently, I don't see a where clause to send a private email Message. What Miss me? Thank you.

    A screenshot of the view that I see when I click on the link Dell profile is attached.

    My apologies, unlike most of us, DELL-Lorna M does not accept private messages. You will have to send him directly.

  • NFS Newbie question

    Sorry for the newbie question.

    I have a small test system I try to enable NFS on.  Very low indeed. Basically just a little sin, the switch, the pc and esxi (3.5u4) box.

    all devices are on the same subnet. ESX is single hosted to the switch. (I know, bad practice to use the interface of mgmt for storage, but just try to keep things simple for this)

    I tried to create a second instance of vmkernel with a different ip address on the same subnet, but the GUI yelled at me.  I tried to find a way to enable NFS on the existing management interface, but could not find a way to do it. I googled around and I saw that I need to create a vmkernel another example to enable NFS.

    So the question is, is it possible to have a box unique esx hosted with NFS, mgmt and storage enabled without VLANing it?  Am I missing something obvious?

    Thank you


    Yes it is possible as mgmt have already vmkernel, you could simply add network (same subnet) storage & you have not need to allow anything else on ESXi.

    Just go to configuration-> storage-> add storage

    vcbMC - 1.0.6 Beta

    Lite vcbMC - 1.0.7

  • Newbie question re: 'break' a path

    Hello... Sorry for the newbie question... I imported this vector image in Illustrator CS5:

    5-3-2012 10-42-59 PM.jpg

    I want to isolate each of the children, so I can use the live paint to color to each child a different color.

    I can do this:

    5-3-2012 10-48-56 PM.jpg

    But I want every child to be a different color. And it's all a way.

    Thank you.

    I find the tool knife difficult to control unless it is a straight line, but you can draw a path and with the selected path only, choose object > path > divide objects below. The image below shows a path that I draw pretty closely with the pencil tool. You can also correct and refine tracks selected by drawing the wire segments of them using the pencil tool and all in using it, holding that alt will smooth the path. To control how the pencil tool behave click twice on the tool in the tool box and it will display a window with options.

    However, in this case, most likely I'll do it in another way.

    First of all, copy the path and paste it at the front 5 times (for 5 children). While the path top of the stack is still selected, change the color of it with the color for the first child, and then using the pencil tool as described above, correct the path to limit it to the silhouette of the first child. The red line on the image below shows where I've drawn with the pencil tool to limit the upper path for the first child. Important during the correction of the paths with the pencil tool is to begin and end the segment based on the original path, or if you start or finish too far from the path, you will create a new path instead of correct that you selected. After correcting the path for the first child, you can select the following path and continue as it fix the paths for each child. Alternatively, instead of paste all roads at the beginning you can stick behind or in front after having corrected the path for each child. Also, except for children at the ends, he must correct the path for other children with both hands. The advantage of this method in the first (with dividing the items below) is that you can move and the path of each child space independently and the hands will look always complete.

Maybe you are looking for