Object required 'salt '.


I am trying to recreate the following script in vbScript: http://forums.Adobe.com/message/4173641

The code below is what I hjave so far, but for now, I get an error described in the title of this discussion. This happens in the loop to the method "moo".

Any light on this?

Thank you.

EDIT: even when I do this 'set salt = currDoc.Selection ()' he gives me an empty error?

set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")

set docPreset = CreateObject("Illustrator.DocumentPreset")
With docPreset
   .DocumentTitle = "tmpPortfolio"
   .DocumentColorSpace = 2
   .DocumentRasterResolution = 3
   .DocumentUnits = 8

   .NumArtboards = 12
   .ArtboardRowsOrCols = 4
   .Width = 841.89
   .Height = 595.28
End With

appRef.Documents.AddDocument "AiDocumentColorSpace.aiDocumentCMYKColor", docPreset

dim tmpDocumentLayerState
tmpDocumentLayerState = unlockHideLayers(appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio"))

dim arrFiles(0)
arrFiles(0) = "C:\scripts\testfiles\testing\LW - BOT3.ai"
set currDoc = appRef.Open(arrFiles(0))

dim currDocumentTitle
dim currNumArtboards
dim currDocumentLayerState
dim ABsInfo()

currDocumentTitle = currDoc.Name
currNumArtboards = currDoc.ArtBoards.Count
currDocumentLayerState = unlockHideLayers(currDoc)
ReDim ABsInfo(currNumArtboards - 1, 1)


For i = 1 to currNumArtboards
   ABsInfo(i - 1, 0) = currDoc.artboards(i).artboardRect
   ABsInfo(i - 1, 1) = currDoc.artboards(i).name

   currDoc.selection = nothing
   currDoc.artboards.setActiveArtboardIndex(i - 1)

   dim sel
   sel = currDoc.selection

   moveObjects sel, appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio")

Function unlockHideLayers(doc)
   dim layerCount
   layerCount = doc.Layers.Count
   dim layerState()
   redim layerState(layerCount - 1, 1)
   For i = 1 to layerCount 
      set iLayer = doc.Layers(i)
      layerState(i - 1, 0) = iLayer.visible
      layerState(i - 1, 1) = iLayer.locked
      iLayer.visible = true
      iLayer.locked = false
   unlockHideLayers = layerState
End Function

Sub moveObjects(sel, destDoc)
   for i = 1 to sel.length
      'dim newItem
      'newItem = sel(i).duplicate destDoc.Layers(sel(i).layer.name), "ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND"
End Sub

OK, I got my work in script

Where can someone find it interesting, it's here:

For a small part on http://forums.adobe.com/message/4173641

The purpose of this script is to create a portfolio for a collection of work plans (in my case with the barcode).

First you give the number of work plans, the number of passes and page size. If your file's destination has a portfolio of empty beginning

Then you let the script read in a CSV with the passes: styleId. imgoutline; imgabnumber; imgarticle; imgbarcode

Everything is automated, it will now open each file have one by one and

-all work plans side by side under your boot configuration, one line per file have duplicate.

-correspond to the description and the barcode to the artboard, given the number of the artboard

PS my work plans have a fixed size of 600 x 600

set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
appref.UserInteractionLevel = -1

dim numArtboards, artboardRowsOrCols, presetWidth, presetHeight, errMessage
numArtboards = 12
artboardRowsOrCols = 4
presetWidth = 841.89
presetHeight = 595.28
errMessage = ""

set docPreset = CreateObject("Illustrator.DocumentPreset")
With docPreset
   .DocumentTitle = "tmpPortfolio"
   .DocumentColorSpace = 2
   .DocumentRasterResolution = 3
   .DocumentUnits = 8

   .NumArtboards = numArtboards
   .ArtboardRowsOrCols = artboardRowsOrCols
   .Width = presetWidth
   .Height = presetHeight
End With

appRef.Documents.AddDocument "AiDocumentColorSpace.aiDocumentCMYKColor", docPreset

dim tmpDocumentLayerState
tmpDocumentLayerState = unlockUnhideLayers(appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio"))

dim fs, objTextFile, arrStr
set ArrReaderLines = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
set ArrReaderLinesStyles = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")

set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objTextFile = fs.OpenTextFile("C:\Book1.csv")
Do while NOT objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
   arrStr = split(objTextFile.ReadLine,";")

   If(not ArrReaderLinesStyles.Contains(CStr(arrStr(0)))) Then
      If(IsNumeric(arrStr(0))) Then
      End If
   End If

   dim obj
   set obj = New ReaderLines
   obj.propIdStyle = arrStr(0)
   obj.propImgOutline = arrStr(1)
   obj.propImgAbNumber = arrStr(2)
   obj.propImgArticle = arrStr(3)
   obj.propImgBarcode = arrStr(4)
   ArrReaderLines.Add obj
   set obj = Nothing
set objTextFile = Nothing
set fs = Nothing

dim destDocRowNumber, destDocColNumber
destDocRowNumber = 0
destDocColNumber = 0

set charStyleA = appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").CharacterStyles.Add("tmpCharStyleA")
With charStyleA.CharacterAttributes
   .Size = 36
   .TextFont = appRef.TextFonts.getByName("MyriadPro-Regular")
End With
set charStyleB = appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").CharacterStyles.Add("tmpCharStyleB")
With charStyleB.CharacterAttributes
   .Size = 88
   .TextFont = appRef.TextFonts.getByName("CodeEAN13")
End With
set parStyle = appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").ParagraphStyles.Add("tmpParStyle")
With parStyle.ParagraphAttributes
   .Justification = 2
End With

for each itrIdStyle in ArrReaderLinesStyles
   dim currDocLayerState
   dim currDocTitle
   dim currDocNumArtboards
   for each itrObj in ArrReaderLines
      if(CStr(itrIdStyle) = CStr(itrObj.propIdStyle)) then
         set currDoc = appRef.Open(itrObj.propImgOutline)
         currDocLayerState = unlockUnhideLayers(currDoc)
     currDocTitle = currDoc.Name
     currDocNumArtboards = currDoc.ArtBoards.Count

     destDocRowNumber = destDocRowNumber + 1
         destDocColNumber = 0

         exit for
      end if

   For i = 1 to currDocNumArtboards
      currDocABname = currDoc.artboards(i).name
      currDocABrect = currDoc.artboards(i).artboardRect
      currDoc.selection = null
      currDoc.artboards.setActiveArtboardIndex(i - 1)

      set destDocAB = appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").artboards.add(currDocABrect)
      Select case Len(destDocRowNumber)
         case 1
            destDocAB.name = "00" & destDocRowNumber & "_" & currDocABname
         case 2
            destDocAB.name = "0" & destDocRowNumber & "_" & currDocABname
         case 3
            destDocAB.name = destDocRowNumber & "_" & currDocABname
      End Select

      dim leftMeas, topMeas, rightMeas, bottomMeas, spaceHeight, txtHeightA, txtHeightB
      spaceHeight = 20
      txtHeightA = 50
      txtHeightB = 100

      ''''set start point
      destDocABrect = destDocAB.artboardRect
      leftMeas = destDocABrect(0)
      topMeas = destDocABrect(1)
      rightMeas = destDocABrect(2)
      bottomMeas = destDocABrect(3)
      destDocABrect(0) = 0 'LEFT
      destDocABrect(1) = 0 'TOP
      destDocABrect(2) = destDocABrect(2) - leftMeas 'RIGHT
      destDocABrect(3) = destDocABrect(3) - topMeas 'BOTTOM
      appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").artboards(appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").artboards.count).artboardRect = destDocABrect

      destDocABrect = appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").artboards(appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").artboards.count).artboardRect
      bottomMeas = destDocABrect(3) - ((numArtboards / artboardRowsOrCols) * presetHeight) - (destDocRowNumber * (600 + spaceHeight + txtHeightA + txtHeightB))
      topMeas = destDocABrect(1) - ((numArtboards / artboardRowsOrCols) * presetHeight) - (destDocRowNumber * (600 + spaceHeight + txtHeightA + txtHeightB))
      rightMeas = destDocABrect(2) + (destDocColNumber * (600 + spaceHeight))
      leftMeas = destDocABrect(0) + (destDocColNumber * (600 + spaceHeight))
      destDocABrect(3) = bottomMeas 'BOTTOM
      destDocABrect(1) = topMeas 'TOP
      destDocABrect(2) = rightMeas 'RIGHT
      destDocABrect(0) = leftMeas 'LEFT
      appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").artboards(appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").artboards.count).artboardRect = destDocABrect

      ''''add text
      destDocABrect = appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").artboards(appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").artboards.count).artboardRect

      set rectRefA = appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").PathItems.Rectangle(destDocABrect(3), destDocABrect(0), 600, txtHeightA) 'y, x, w, h
      set txtFrameA = appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").textFrames.AreaText(rectRefA)
      set rectRefB = appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").PathItems.Rectangle(destDocABrect(3) - txtHeightA, destDocABrect(0), 600, txtHeightB) 'y, x, w, h
      set txtFrameB = appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").textFrames.AreaText(rectRefB)
      for each itrObj in ArrReaderLines
         if(CStr(itrIdStyle) = CStr(itrObj.propIdStyle)) then
            if(CInt(i) = CInt(itrObj.propImgAbNumber)) then
               txtFrameA.contents = CStr(itrObj.propImgArticle)
               charStyleA.ApplyTo txtFrameA.TextRange
               parStyle.ApplyTo txtFrameA.TextRange
               set txtFrameA = Nothing
                 set rectRefA = Nothing

                 if(not CStr(itrObj.propImgArticle) = "OUTLINE") then
                    if(validChecksum(CStr(itrObj.propImgArticle), CStr(itrObj.propImgBarcode)) = True) then
                       dim nettBarcode
             nettBarcode = CStr(itrObj.propImgBarcode)
             dim rawBarcode
             rawBarcode = Left(nettBarcode, 1)
             For bar = 2 to 13
                if(bar < 8) then
                   rawBarcode = rawBarcode & FirstSix(Left(nettBarcode, 1), bar, Mid(nettBarcode, bar, 1))
                   if(bar = 7) then
                      rawBarcode = rawBarcode & "*"
                   end if
                elseif(bar > 7) then
                   rawBarcode = rawBarcode & LastSix(Mid(nettBarcode, bar, 1))
                end if
             rawBarcode = rawBarcode & "+"
                       txtFrameB.contents = rawBarcode

                       charStyleB.ApplyTo txtFrameB.TextRange
             parStyle.ApplyTo txtFrameB.TextRange
                       txtFrameB.contents = errMessage

                       charStyleA.ApplyTo txtFrameB.TextRange
             parStyle.ApplyTo txtFrameB.TextRange
                    end if
                    txtFrameB.contents = ""
                 end if
                 set txtFrameB = Nothing
                 set rectRefB = Nothing
            end if
         end if

      bottomMeas = destDocABrect(3) - txtHeightA - txtHeightB
      destDocABrect(3) = bottomMeas 'BOTTOM
      appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").artboards(appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").artboards.count).artboardRect = destDocABrect

      ''''paste selection
      selectedObjects = appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio").Selection
      For j = 0 to UBound(selectedObjects)
         set topobject = selectedObjects(j)
         topobject.top = topMeas - 300 + (topobject.height / 2) 'TOP
         topobject.left = leftMeas + 300 - (topobject.width / 2) 'LEFT
         set topobject = Nothing

      destDocColNumber = destDocColNumber + 1

      set selectedObjects = Nothing
      set currDocABname = Nothing
      set currDocABrect = Nothing
      set destDocABrect = Nothing
      set destDocAB = Nothing
   set currDocLayerState = Nothing
   set currDocLayerState = Nothing
   set currDoc = Nothing

lockHideLayers appRef.Documents("tmpPortfolio"), tmpDocumentLayerState

set parStyle = Nothing
set charStyleA = Nothing
set charStyleB = Nothing
set ArrReaderLines = Nothing
set ArrReaderLinesStyles = Nothing
set docPreset = Nothing
set appRef = Nothing

Function unlockUnhideLayers(doc)
   dim layerCount
   layerCount = doc.Layers.Count
   dim layerState()
   redim layerState(layerCount - 1, 1)
   For i = 1 to layerCount
      set iLayer = doc.Layers(i)
      layerState(i - 1, 0) = iLayer.visible
      layerState(i - 1, 1) = iLayer.locked
      iLayer.visible = true
      iLayer.locked = false
      set iLayer = Nothing
   unlockUnhideLayers = layerState
End Function
Sub lockHideLayers(docOut, layerStateOut)
   dim layerCount
   layerCount = docOut.Layers.Count
   For i = 1 to layerCount
      set iLayer = docOut.Layers(i)
      iLayer.visible = layerStateOut(i - 1, 0)
      iLayer.locked = layerStateOut(i - 1, 1)
End Sub
Function validChecksum(nettArticle, nettBarcode)
   '12 = 1, 11 = 2, 10 = 3 etc
   dim oddEven, odds, evens
   odds = 0
   evens = 0
   for ind = 12 to 1 step - 1
      oddEven = ind Mod 2
      if(oddEven = 0) then
         odds = odds + Mid(nettBarcode, ind, 1)
         evens = evens + Mid(nettBarcode, ind, 1)
      end if

   dim resultA, resultB, resultC
   resultA = (3 * odds) + evens
   resultB = (3 * odds) + evens
   oddEven = resultB mod 10
   Do Until oddEven = 0
      resultB = resultB + 1
      oddEven = resultB mod 10
   resultC = resultB - resultA
   if(CInt(resultC) = CInt(Mid(nettBarcode, 13, 1))) then
      validChecksum = True
      errMessage = "NaB - " & nettBarcode & " CSum=" & resultC
      validChecksum = False
   end if
End Function
Function FirstSix(prefixDigit, suffixDigitIndex, suffixDigit)
   dim useTable
   useTable = "A"
   Select Case prefixDigit
      Case 1
         Select Case suffixDigitIndex : Case 4, 6, 7 : useTable = "B" :  End Select
      Case 2
         Select Case suffixDigitIndex : Case 4, 5, 7 : useTable = "B" :  End Select
      Case 3
         Select Case suffixDigitIndex : Case 4, 5, 6 : useTable = "B" :  End Select
      Case 4
         Select Case suffixDigitIndex : Case 3, 6, 7 : useTable = "B" :  End Select
      Case 5
         Select Case suffixDigitIndex : Case 3, 4, 7 : useTable = "B" :  End Select
      Case 6
         Select Case suffixDigitIndex : Case 3, 4, 5 : useTable = "B" :  End Select
      Case 7
         Select Case suffixDigitIndex : Case 3, 5, 7 : useTable = "B" :  End Select
      Case 8
         Select Case suffixDigitIndex : Case 3, 5, 6 : useTable = "B" :  End Select
      Case 9
         Select Case suffixDigitIndex : Case 3, 4, 6 : useTable = "B" :  End Select
   End Select

   dim useChar
   useChar = "NaN"
   Select Case suffixDigit
      Case 0
         Select Case useTable : Case "A" : useChar = "A" : Case "B" : useChar = "K" : End Select
      Case 1
         Select Case useTable : Case "A" : useChar = "B" : Case "B" : useChar = "L" : End Select
      Case 2
         Select Case useTable : Case "A" : useChar = "C" : Case "B" : useChar = "M" : End Select
      Case 3
         Select Case useTable : Case "A" : useChar = "D" : Case "B" : useChar = "N" : End Select
      Case 4
         Select Case useTable : Case "A" : useChar = "E" : Case "B" : useChar = "O" : End Select
      Case 5
         Select Case useTable : Case "A" : useChar = "F" : Case "B" : useChar = "P" : End Select
      Case 6
         Select Case useTable : Case "A" : useChar = "G" : Case "B" : useChar = "Q" : End Select
      Case 7
         Select Case useTable : Case "A" : useChar = "H" : Case "B" : useChar = "R" : End Select
      Case 8
         Select Case useTable : Case "A" : useChar = "I" : Case "B" : useChar = "S" : End Select
      Case 9
         Select Case useTable : Case "A" : useChar = "J" : Case "B" : useChar = "T" : End Select
   End Select
   FirstSix = useChar
End Function
Function LastSix(suffixDigit)
   dim useChar
   useChar = "NaN"
   Select Case suffixDigit
         Case 0
            useChar = "a"
         Case 1
            useChar = "b"
         Case 2
            useChar = "c"
         Case 3
            useChar = "d"
         Case 4
            useChar = "e"
         Case 5
            useChar = "f"
         Case 6
            useChar = "g"
         Case 7
            useChar = "h"
         Case 8
            useChar = "i"
         Case 9
            useChar = "j"
   End Select
   LastSix = useChar
End Function

Class ReaderLines
   Public propIdStyle
   Public propImgOutline
   Public propImgAbNumber
   Public propImgArticle
   Public propImgBarcode
End Class

Tags: Illustrator

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    It is an enum:



    The unit of measure.

    The value that you are looking for is

    MeasurementUnits.INCHES 2053729891

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    Okay, if the method I posted elsewhere does not work, it's a very good start. To the breakpoint of 500px, make sure that all your images will be sitting all the way up to 320px. Disable the responsiveness for images in this breakpoint and re-everything manually configure as if your page has actually been 320px. Things will be move and fall off line. It's normal. You just set it again. If absolutely necessary, use only "responsive width and height. The screenshot of your smaller breakpoint looks like a good start, just move things where they should be. You have to pretend that your page is already 320px wide. It's hard, and you may need to make a few calls difficult design for this size. For example, your development of the logo image may have to be three lines instead of two, you may have to your palette as a single column for the mobile version. For example, you can create a single column for the palette image, hide the original at this breakpoint, drop in your version of single column and hide it in all other breakpoints. You could also create three individual images, one for each color and reposition manually through breakpoints, or you could paste the inline in a container of text to 100% width, whereas they would be automatically reposition.

    To store the text, I recommend having both versions of each of your paragraph styles. The first version will be for larger screens, and the second will be for smaller screens. This will reduce "reunification" that you like your text re-size fields. If you are already starting to panic everything little how the text is, open the SMS app on your phone, and take a look at a few texts. Keep your text at least this size and you should be fine. Another thing that might help for the breakpoint mobile puts your text to 100% width containers, further reducing the groupage. The spacing Panel to set the padding.

    Pinning, helps to maintain the position of the elements in the whole of breakpoints. Use the PIN on the right box; He would maintain a position of an element relative to its container. This is particularly useful for keeping items that need to be centered drift during resizing viewport.

    Delicate design is not as plug-and-play as many people think; It's all going to mean a lot more work, but the end result will be much easier to read and better suited to mobile devices as a static image. I actually have not even my mobile stop set to fluid, only items that require it are defined to be reactive.

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    Sounds like a good option for you would be to Snippets.


    There are several articles


    Best way is to select your group and drag and drop in a folder on your hard drive - once it - rename them to something meaningful.

    -You can use Creative Cloud to store assets.



    OR the library panel plain old http://indesignsecrets.com/fun-indesign-libraries.php

    How to create and manage libraries Adobe InDesign | DCPL

    There are 3 ways to achieve what you want to do.

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    Here is the code:

    HashMap<Person, BookEntry> phonebook1 = (HashMap<Person, BookEntry>)ois.readObject();
    Here is the warning of compilation, why? I did cast an object to a HashMap < person, including > with the
    code above.
    found   : java.lang.Object
    required: java.util.HashMap<Person,BookEntry>
                                    HashMap<Person, BookEntry> phonebook1 = (HashMap<Person, BookEntry>)
    1 warning
    Thank you in advance for your help!


    ER * wrote:
    You said "generic manufacturers cannot verify if the cast is valid, so a warning is issued. U could tell me where you found this info

    When a method object as value of return and you cast to a class in generic form, the mechanism of generic drugs is powerless to determine if this font will fly or not. But I don't know that it is described more eloquently somewhere in the JLS.

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    They knocked over the y-axis. But you can unreverse it and get back to what you are accustomed.

    To change the origin of the rule (and the direction of the Y axis) in CS5 are the same as in CS4 and earlier versions, you can:

    0) close down Illy (you can change the closed preferences with Illy file);

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    (2): find and replace the following two bits of code:

    /isRulerOriginTopLeft 1 > /isRulerOriginTopLeft 0 (replace the 1 with a 0)

    /isRulerIn4thQuad 1 > /isRulerIn4thQuad 0 (replace the 1 with a 0)

    This is a global change, so you no longer have to do it once (just like you can cancel it once).

    You can find the folder as described in moving the folder.

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    I need to create a set of objects based on a definition of an XML file (obtained from the server) and add them to my scene.

    I understand how to create the object using getDefinitionByName (and limitations on classes that need to be referenced to be loaded into the SWF file).

    But some objects require parameters for the constructor, and others do not. The XML code can pass easily in required parameter information, but I can't figure out how to create a new object with a dynamic set of arguments (something similar to the use of the Function.Call method of (obj, argsArray).)

    For example, I need something like this works:

    var MC = new (getDefinitionByName (str) as class). call (thisNewThing, argsArray)

    Currently, it is that I can get:

    MC var = new (getDefinitionByName (str) as class)(static, list, arguments)


    I think what Dave is asking is a little different.

    He is eager to know how to call the constructor of an object dynamically (when he knows that the number of constructor arguments when running).

    This class I will do it, but seems to be a hack:

    s http://code.Google.com/p/jsinterface/source/browse/trunk/source/core/AW/utils/ClassUtils.a? spec = svn12 & r = 12

    See the "call" method, which has first counts the number of arguments and then calls one of the "n" construction methods based on the number of constructor args.

    I have yet to find a clean way of AS3 to do ala things 'call' however.


  • The following error has been made a while ago, but don't know how to find out if a solution has been found?

    Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8' object required /include/SiteSecurity.asp

    This is for the next Web security. It's the only one that shows this error and I have a dozen of bookmarks. I contacted the company and they have any problems to an end and my link is: http://www.nextwebsecurity.com/Contact.asp.

    I tried to use the Opera browser and am still getting the same error.

    Can it be fixed and why it doesn't work no more (stopped working in early December, 2012) and I used to volunteer for this site.

    What is the error, and what you do to get the error? I need more details

  • Constants in the calculation Manager

    Hello, is there a way of constant output in calculation Manager?  I tried to generate a value, but I get an error (object required: 'CurrCalculationValues').

    Specifically, I want the molecular weight of carbon output.  Since it is a constant 12,011 g/mol, that I do not see how to set the value to use in other calculations.  I don't want to enter the constant in each calculation that uses it as an input, I prefer to use the dependency.  (There are other constants which are a little more complicated than this one).

    I guess I can sum up my question like: "How you use constant OUTPUT calculations as INPUTS to other calculations channel."

    Hi Russell,

    I recommend that you export each constant to a property attached to the root level, group or channel (depending on which is most appropriate based on the scope of the constant).  Then, you can reference this property as an input in the subsequent calculations.

    Brad Turpin

    Tiara Product Support Engineer

    National Instruments

  • Assistant to use error

    I use tiara on several PCs, but have encountered a problem with a fresh install on a computer that has strict security settings. It is also running Win XP 64 bit. I don't know if or the other is relevant-, but thought I would mention it.

    The immediate problem is the Assistant of use of text. When I start it and then click on any text based datafile (including Example.csv), it generates a very simple mistake:

    "Use closing due to year assistant error."

    Use Excel Wizard is also broken - although I don't need right now. The error generated when I click on the exemple.xls file might be an idea of why the use wizard appears broken in general. Here is what I get:

    Error in (Line129, column: 3):

    Error in (line 122, column: 5):

    SOUTH event context:

    Dialog_EventInitialize (...)

    BtFileName_EventClick (...)


    Object required: 'OcxDataPluginProperties.X '.


    Thank you


    Looks like an OCX is not correctly registererd.

    Please try to run the following command with administrator privileges:

    regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles% (x 86) %\National Instruments\Shared\USI\bin\EasyPluginConfigurator.ocx".

    If the environment variable "ProgramFiles(x86)" is not used in Win XP 64 bit, just replace it with the 32 bits of your program folder path files.

    Please let me know if this is enough.

  • How can you fill ListBox with channel group name dynamically?

    I built a GUI in the 'View' pane that acts as a large table of contents. At the top of the GUI, there is a list box I want to dynamically fill with Group channel names loaded in my data portal (internal data). I can't generate the necessary code to do this. Currently, I use a ListBox control. Can I use an EnumListBox instead?

    The purpose of the list box should allow fast loading data which must be analysed in several sheets (also in the part of 'View') for comparison side by side rather than drag and drop data into each individual record.

    Any help would be appreciated,

    Thank you

    ~ Nathan

    Attached is a screenshot of the GUI I hope it helps.

    Hey Nathan--

    Have we met yet?  Don't think that I will remember to see you post on the forums of tiara so far (or remember you I meet someone named Nathan in person recently).  Welcome to the forums of tiara!

    There are a few things that you need to change about your code snippet-

    1. The reason why you get the error "object required: ' [string: 'filename']' is because the Set command expects that the right side of an expression returns an object (you define your variable to)."  In your case, you return a string (the name of a group), not an object.  Simply remove the Set command.

    2. The ListBox.Items.Add () method requires two parameters - the first is the text of the item to insert in the list, and the second is a value to assign to this point (you can do single).

    As a result, to more directly match your code snippet to the labour code, follow these steps:

    Dim listNum, names
    We = 1 to GroupCount
    Name = GroupName (listNum)
    Call selectData.Items.Add (names, we)

    Note that you can also use object programming oriented with the data object that represents the data portal, it is easier for you to avoid remembering variables such as GroupCount and GroupName DIAdem (that's me):

    Dim listNum
    We = 1 to Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Count
    Dial selectData.Items.Add (Data.Root.ChannelGroups (listNum). Name, we)

    Your project is looking great - let us know how we can continue to help and keep us updated!

  • NOR-USB 6008 Matlab Mac OSX

    Dear NOR-Experts,

    I wasn't sure which Board to post my question, so if this isn't the right place please accept my apologies. Be a too-unskilled computer user, I tried in vain to approach a converter A/D of NI USB-6008 of in MATLAB R2012b on a Mac OS 10.8.3 for quite a while.

    Searching through the internet (http://www.binghamsite.com/miscellaneous/matlab-mex-and-ni-usb), I learned that the General path to follow is to use the mex from MATLAB command to compile code written in C in the programs included by MATLAB. By following the instructions provided on this site, I ran mex - configure, edit the mexopts.sh file and was able to compile the file simple timestwo.c for test purposes.

    I then tried to do the same for the data acquisition example .c files provided with the package OR-DAQmx Base (3.6 v). I have been informed that mex objects require the inclusion of the header of NOR-DAQmx Base (NIDAQmxBase.h), so I tried to run

    MEX - I ' / Applications / National Instruments/NOR-DAQmx Base/includes ' acquire1scan.c

    Compilation fails producing a lot of information, I do not understand (see attached file). However, the error messages

    "Error: this platform is not supported, because long is not 4 bytes." or

    "Error: this platform is unsupported because int is not the same size as long."

    appear repeatedly. My Macbook uses an Intel Core i5 processor that is 64-bit, if this may have something to do with it.

    Any suggestions on how to get this race would be very appreciated.

    Thank you


    Hey, Robert,.

    I think that MATLAB 2012 for OS X is a 64-bit only application, which will not work with 32-bit data acquisition Base driver.  There may be older versions of MATLAB who have a 32-bit version on Mac OS X, it would probably work with the method described in your link.

    MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. other product and company names are the trademarks and trade names of their respective companies.

  • Any chance we can get confidence * WIFI networks?

    I like the feature to be on a Bluetooth device (in the car) and stas unlocked phone

    But what about when we are at home or at work, on a specific WIFI network? We might have this feature of this situation?

    I know that the bike will do things like reading the messages in 'at home', but this one is measured by GPS, funny, which is a little vague.

    Interesting idea - I guess the only problem I see is that it could be unpredictable

    -reliable bluetooth has a range of less - so trust is close to you. The object must also be involved, and there is more security because even 2 of the same BT objects require different pairings

    -Wifi has a range - you could curl upwards with a much larger radius of the unlocked device then you expect and someone could usurp wifi (same SSID and parameters) and possibly force an unlock when you do not expect.

    Not that someone could not force an unlock with BT if they got your BT device. Not that I'm against the idea - in fact, I like it. I would like to just to ensure that it was not less then ensure the authorized device BT

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