OE error export to CSV format

Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5512 (with XP Pro SP3) will not export to a. CSV file. The error message "Error exporting the address book" shows every time. I tried to export a new file name and also to a. CSV file saved with Excel.

Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't work. Always to receive the same error message trying to export a new file or a .csv file that is saved on the desktop.

I am logged on as administrator so I hope this isn't a permission problem.

Just a thought and copied the file .wab Desktop on an old laptop. Ensuring that the export worked properly in the computer first, and he did. Then I renamed the files and tried to export the address book of office on the laptop, and it did not work. Which means there is probably something wrong with the office .wab.

Is that what you heard before?

Tags: Windows

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    I need this script to export to csv format, but I have problems to make it work.

    Notice-EEG - ViewType VirtualMachine-property name, Config.Hardware.Device, LayoutEx | %{

    $viewVM = $_; $viewVM.Config.Hardware.Device |? {$_-is [VMware.Vim.VirtualDisk]} | %{

    # for each device VirtualDisk, get some info

    $oThisVirtualDisk = $_

    # get the disk element LayoutEx, which corresponds to the VirtualDisk

    $oLayoutExDisk = $viewVM.LayoutEx.Disk |? {$_. {Key - eq $oThisVirtualDisk.Key}

    # get the FileKeys that correspond to the LayoutEx-> sort items of this VirtualDisk

    $arrLayoutExDiskFileKeys = $oLayoutExDisk.Chain |? {$_-is [VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExDiskUnit]}

    New-Object PSObject-property @ {} TypeName

    # Add the VM name

    VMName = $viewVM.Name

    # disc label, such as "disk 1".

    DiskLabel = $_. DeviceInfo.Label

    # the path to the data store for the file VirtualDisk

    DatastorePath = $_. Backing.FileName

    # the size provisioned to the VirtualDisk

    ProvisionedSizeGB = [Math]: tour ($_.) CapacityInKB / 1 MB, 1).

    # Get the file LayoutEx elements that correspond to the FileKeys for this LayoutEx disk and the size for items that are "diskExtents" (retrieved in the form of bytes, so convert to GB)

    SizeOnDatastoreGB = [Math]: round (($arrLayoutExDiskFileKeys | % {$_.)) FileKey} | % {$intFileKey = $_; $viewVM.LayoutEx.File |?} {($_. Eq - $intFileKey - button) and ($_.) Type - eq "diskExtent")}} | Measure - Object - size of the sum). Summary / 1 GB, 1).

    } # end new object

    } # end foreach-object

    } # end external foreach-object

    Capture all the output in a variable and send this variable in a CSV file.

    Something like that

    $result = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name, Config.Hardware.Device, LayoutEx | %{
        $viewVM = $_; $viewVM.Config.Hardware.Device | ?{$_ -is [VMware.Vim.VirtualDisk]} | %{
            ## for each VirtualDisk device, get some info         $oThisVirtualDisk = $_        ## get the LayoutEx Disk item that corresponds to this VirtualDisk         $oLayoutExDisk = $viewVM.LayoutEx.Disk | ?{$_.Key -eq $oThisVirtualDisk.Key}
            ## get the FileKeys that correspond to the LayoutEx -> File items for this VirtualDisk         $arrLayoutExDiskFileKeys = $oLayoutExDisk.Chain | ?{$_ -is [VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExDiskUnit]}
            New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                ## add the VM name            VMName = $viewVM.Name
                ## the disk label, like "Hard disk 1"            DiskLabel = $_.DeviceInfo.Label
                ## the datastore path for the VirtualDisk file            DatastorePath = $_.Backing.FileName
                ## the provisioned size of the VirtualDisk            ProvisionedSizeGB = [Math]::Round($_.CapacityInKB / 1MB, 1)
                ## get the LayoutEx File items that correspond to the FileKeys for this LayoutEx Disk, and get the size for the items that are "diskExtents" (retrieved as bytes, so converting to GB)            SizeOnDatastoreGB = [Math]::Round(($arrLayoutExDiskFileKeys | %{$_.FileKey} | %{$intFileKey = $_; $viewVM.LayoutEx.File | ?{($_.Key -eq $intFileKey) -and ($_.Type -eq "diskExtent")}} | Measure-Object -Sum Size).Sum / 1GB, 1)
            } ## end new-object    } ## end foreach-object } ## end outer foreach-object
    $result | Export-Csv "C:\report.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
  • Remove "< div" Excel file when exporting to CSV format

    I have a report has the following properties:
    Export of reports
    Activate the output CSV = > Yes
    Bind the Label = > export to CSV format

    but when I run the report and press the link, I get an excel sheet indicating the reeport data, but the problem is that the report began with
    < div id = "report_11749113153378136_catch" >, Iam if you're wondering how to solve the problem.
    Thank you
    Abdul Alkhateeb

    Published by: dtabed on March 18, 2009 07:58

    Hi Adam,.

    What version of APEX are you running? I think that this has been fixed in 3.1.2. If you disable partial-page refresh, that should get rid of your problem.



  • Why do I get System.String [] when I export to CSV format instead of the data that I'm looing?

    I HAV a real simple script that pulls information about DNS configuration & my ESXi hosts routing settings. version of ESXi 4.1 is

    Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostNetwork | Select VMHost, VMKernelGateway, DnsAddress, DnsFromDhcp, hostname, domain name SearchDomain

    When I use the above script I get the result on the screen I want to see:

    $vmhost: MyHostDisplayName1


    DnsAddress: {,}

    DnsFromDhcp: false

    HostName: MyHostName1

    Domain name: MyDomainName.local

    SearchDomain: {MyDomainName.local}

    When I try to channel this output in CSV format, I find myself with a problem:

    Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostNetwork | Select VMHost, VMKernelGateway, DnsAddress, DnsFromDhcp, hostname, domain name SearchDomain | Export-Csv C:\VMHostDNSinfo.csv

    My CSV does not show the SearchDomain or the DnsAddress. How to replace the [System.Stinr] with a correct output?





    Host name

    Domain name




















    You must convert arrays to strings before exporting them one. CSV file. You can do this with the following script:

    Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostNetwork | `
    Select-Object VMHost, VMKernelGateway,
      DnsFromDhcp, HostName, DomainName,
      @{N="SearchDomain";E={[string]::Join(",",$_.SearchDomain)}} | `
    Export-Csv -Path VMHostDNSinfo.csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture

    Best regards, Robert

  • script to get the csv vm disk usage and export to csv format

    Hi all

    I am trying to create a script to get the use of disk for vm - space - free space and total disk space.

    I used this script that allows me to get the required result.

    but I need to edit the script for each cluster, VM he should get computers virtual cluster and check the vm disuage. and export of csv file

    $vms = import-CSV "C:\Cluster.csv".

    $outputfile = "c:\Diskusage.csv".

    SE connect-viserver VC-vcadmin username-password

    {foreach ($vm to $vms)

    Get - VM $vm.name | Where {$_.} PowerState - eq "Receptor"} | Get-VMGuest | Select the ExpandProperty - VMName disks | Select VMName, path, @{Name = "DiskCapacityGB"; Expression = {[math]: Round ((($_.))} {{((Ability) / 1 GB), 2)}}, @{Name = "DiskUsedMB"; Expression = {[math]: Round ((($_.))} Capacity - $_. {{((FreeSpace) / 1 MB), 2)}}, @{Name = "DiskFreeMB"; Expression = {[math]: Round ((($_.))} {{((FreeSpace) / 1 MB), 2)}} | Export-Csv - NoTypeInformation $outputfile}

    Viserver disconnect

    Joint the output file

    Veuileez help me in creating the script

    You can try like this?

    Connect-viserver VC -user vcadmin -password
    foreach($cluster in Get-CLuster){
        $outputfile = "c:\" + $cluster.Name + "-Diskusage.csv"    Get-VM -Location $cluster |
        Where { $_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" } |
        Get-VMGuest |
        Select VMName -ExpandProperty Disks |
        Select VMName, Path,
            @{Name="DiskUsedMB";Expression={[math]::Round((($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace)/1MB),2)}},
            @{Name="DiskFreeMB";Expression={[math]::Round((($_.FreeSpace)/1MB),2)}} |
        Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $outputfile}

    The script creates a CSV file for each cluster.

  • Export to CSV format without quotes

    When I export to CSV, I want to do without surrounding quotes data...

    I found other posts that confirmed this was not possible in SQL Developer 1.x, but I use the version - anyone know if it is possible in this version?

    Thank you

    Currently, there is no way to do this. However there was a feature presented in March 2008 request, asking this (among others); It is marked as "Accepted", but has only 3 votes. I suggest you add your vote to increase the chances it can get implemented at some point. The URL is http://htmldb.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=42626:39:1619641722802622:NO:P39_ID:10481.



  • Reports on multiple virtual centers and export to CSV format


    Does anyone know if possible a way for me to do the following in the following format.


    (1) report on multiple virtual centers

    (2) export results to CSV or Excel with a title between each virtual Center

    (3) the need for Virtual Center Cluster belongs, name of the Cluster, host number of ESX and number of virtual machines. (Additional information can be added to the report later).

    It would be not so hard if I could just connect and report on all virtual centers and my results to export in this way.  However, each virtual server Center have a different purpose and that is how senior management wants to see the results.

    For example:

    VC3 VC1 and VC2 = service server environment

    VC4 and VC5 VC6 = service Workstation environments

    VC7 VC8 = environment of Cloud Computing Services

    What I would do is:

    (1) connect to the first 3 virtual centers and collect the above information.

    (2) I would like to create a title in the CSV or Excel named 'Standard Server environment summary'

    (3) then I would like to export these 4 columns with data for each cluster.

    Cluster is managed by this Virtual Center, the name of the Cluster, number # VM and ESX host

    I then unplug the 3 first virtual centres.


    (1) I would like to connect to the 3 next virtual centres

    2) add to the previous CSV or Excel with a title 'desktop environment summary.

    (3) export the same information as above in the CSV file

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Try something like this

    $vcenters = @{}
    $vcenters["Server Environment"] = @("VC1","VC2","VC3")
    $vcenters["Workstation Environment"] = @("VC4","VC5","VC6")
    $vcenters["Cloud Environment"] = @("VC7","VC8")
    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode Single -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
    $vcenters.GetEnumerator() | %{
      &{foreach($vc in $_.Value){
          $currentvc = Connect-VIServer -Server $vc      Get-Cluster -Server $currentvc | %{
            New-Object PSObject -Property @{
              "Cluster is managed by VC" = $currentvc.Name          Cluster = $_.Name          "# of ESX hosts" = @($_.ExtensionData.Host).Count          "# of VM" = Get-View $_.ExtensionData.Host -Server $currentvc |          %{@($_.Vm).Count} |          Measure-Object -Sum |          Select -ExpandProperty Sum        }
        }} | Select "Cluster is managed by VC",Cluster,"# of ESX hosts","# of VM" |  Export-Xls -Path C:\report.xls -WorksheetName $_.Name  Disconnect-VIServer -Server $currentvc -Confirm:$false}

    You will have to render the Xls export function.

    Simplest is to include in the script with the code above.

    The name of the group is reflected in the name of the worksheet, having a separate line would be a little more difficult.

  • export to csv format

    Import-Csv c:\temp\esx.csv | {foreach}

    SE connect-VIServer-Server $_. HV-user $user-Password $password

    $rootFolder = get-file-name root-folder-ha

    Get-VIPermission-Server $esx | where {$_.} Role - eq "Admin"} | Export-Csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture c:\xxx.csv > > > > >?

    Disconnect-VIServer-confirm: $false


    above is not... How to do things in exported xls?

    Thank you

    Something like that

    $report = @)

    Import-Csv c:\temp\esx.csv | {foreach}

    SE connect-VIServer-Server $_. HV-user $user-Password $password

    $rootFolder = get-file-name root-folder-ha

    $report += get-VIPermission-Server $esx | where {$_.} Role - eq "Admin"} |

    Select the entity, Principal, propagate, IsGroup

    Disconnect-VIServer-confirm: $false


    $report | Export-Csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture c:\xxx.csv

  • Inventory of record Export in CSV format


    I'm looking for a way to export the folders from the virtual computer inventory to a CSV file. Ideally, the list would include the path to the folder, the total number of VMS, vCPUs and RAM provisioned put in service. I would like the script to vCenter instead of by the datacenter or cluster.


    Path of the folder.          # VMs          |          # vCPUs |           RAM (GB)

    Cluster\Group1               1                              1                                   1

    Cluster\Group2               2                              1                                   2

    Any help is appreciated, thank you very much.

    Try something like this, it descends recursively the blue folder structure.

    Be sure to change the Datacentername!

    Function Get-FolderPath {}


    $Folder = get-view-Id $FolderMoRef

    If ($Folder.Name - don't 'vm') {}

    If ($Path - eq '-') {}

    $currentPath = "$Path $($Folder.Name)".


    else {}

    $currentPath = ' $Path\ $($Folder.Name).



    else {}

    $currentPath = "\"


    $vmIds = $Folder.ChildEntity | where {$_.} Type - eq 'VirtualMachine'}

    {if ($vmIds)}

    $vms = get-view-Id $vmIds

    New-object PSObject-property @ {}

    FolderPath = $currentPath

    '#VM' = $vms. County

    '#vCPU' = $vms | %{$_. Config.Hardware.NumCPU} | Measure-object-sum | Select - ExpandProperty sum

    "GB vRAM" = [math]: Round (($vms | % {$_.)) Config.Hardware.MemoryMB} |

    Measure-object-sum | (Select sum - ExpandProperty) / 1 Ko, 1).



    else {}

    New-object PSObject-property @ {}

    FolderPath = $currentPath

    '#VM' = 0

    '#vCPU' = 0

    "GB vRAM" = 0



    $folderIds = $Folder.ChildEntity | where {$_.} Type - eq "File"}

    {if ($folderIds)}

    $folderIds | %{

    Get-FolderPath-record $_-path $currentPath



    #  }


    $dcName = "DC".

    $root = get-data center-name $dcName | Get-file-name "vm".

    Get-FolderPath - FolderMoRef $root. ExtensionData.Moref |

    Select FolderPath, "#VM", "#vCPU", "GB vRAM |

    Export Csv c:\vm-folder-report.csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

  • don't DIAdem no value in csv format

    Hi all! / Hola a todos

    I have a question regardin the TDM export process to csv... some of my channels have no values and in the moment to export without values I get an empty 'cell' is possible that instead of vacuum, I can add the NaN or no. values in the moment of the export? I use the command DataFileSave--> Call DataFileSave (FileNamePath, "CSV")

    Tengo una pregunta relacionada con el proceso exportar a TDM a CSV... Aalgunos MIS canales 'NO VALUES' tienen el momento exportar estas posiciones y me generan 'cells' vacias. Are alguna manera put Nan o No al momento exportar el fichero value? Estoy utilizando el comando DataFileSave--> Call DataFileSave(FileNamePath, "CSV")

    Thank you for all your help

    Gracias a todos por su ayuda

    There is no way to influence the epresentation of a NOVALUE, while exporting to CSV format, it will always be the cell empty.

    The only way around this is to use the Excel add-in to load the tdm/PDM file directly.

    This will create a "#NV" in Excel.



  • I would like to export my contacts in .csv format. All the instructions say to click on the export button in my toolbar, but...

    I don't have the option to export anywhere.  I do not use Windows mail... I mainly use Contacts to my iPhone sync.  I am running Vista Home Premium 64-bit.  I need to get my contacts in .csv format into an excel spreadsheet.  Can someone help me with this please?

    You can watch the Contacts folder / View / "Customize this folder" (it's in the queue, Edit, 'View', tools and help Menu bar).

    In contact properties page, verify that the folder uses the model of Contacts and not any other model such as "All items" etc.  With a bit of luck you should now see the options to import and export on the toolbar.

  • How to export my Contacts in Windows Mail (CSV format, for example)?

    How to export my Contacts in Windows Mail (CSV format, for example)?

    Thank you!


    See if that helps you.


    See you soon.

  • On a Mac ios10.10, using the online service export to PDF format, an error message appears, "year error occurred while trying to access services."

    Can you advise steps I might take now?  On a Mac ios10.10, using the online service export to PDF format, an error message appears, "year error occurred while trying to access services."

    Hi Ringdoc,

    Please see this: "Error has occurred when trying to access this service" when you sign in to Acrobat.com

    Let us know how it goes!



  • Export of string in csv format, keeping the commas and new lines


    I export the string to the csv format and have been removeing of new lines with commas as so

    thing.toString ().replace(/\n/g,_'').replace (',', ");

    How can I make this iwthout lose line breaks and commas? I can't have in atm as mess up the csv file.

    JSON is more 'transfer' information that can be gathered in number, string, array, object, etc format later.

    Excel can import CSV, but it cannot interpret the complexity of the information. Typically what you would do is serialize complex information with JSON, receive on the other side (where it is perhaps) and then to deserialize. After you are deserializing it using the capabilities of JSONs to put your information into what is was (numbers, strings, arrays, and object) it is up to you how you restructure the data to the format of your choice.

    Your original intent of preserving CSV is the best for Excel or OpenOffice Calc. You don't mention your intention. JSON would package these \n's (CRLF) for you.

  • Export the drive letter of windows and vmware number of hard disk in csv format


    is there a way to export to CSV, the windows drive letter (c:, d:, e:, etc.) and the number of disk hard vmware ("Disk 1", hard disk 2", etc.) to a csv file?

    Take a look at this document: http://communities.vmware.com/docs/DOC-12180

    It is based on the idea of Hugo Peeters', but it uses the Invoke-VMScript cmdlet and therefore does not require a network connection to work between the virtual machine and your station PowerCLI.

    Export is sent to the Out-GridView cmdlet, but it can be easily redirected to a CSV file by replacing the line:

    $DiskInfo | Out-GridView


    $DiskInfo | Export-Csv "C:\Script\VMDiskMapping.csv".

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