PHP includes the file is not read.

I made a php include file that contains all of the generic actions mail processing script.  When I deploy my page contact form with appropriately updated code and linking using the include() function code and then provide a path to the file, it does not work.  The end result is that I get an email to my account that I put in place must be sent to me as an alert if there is a problem reading the include file.  I'll give you the coding for the include file and the feedback form page:

Include a file code:

<? PHP
If (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) & & strpos ($_SERVER ['SCRIPT_NAME'],))
Inc.php')) "exit";
Remove characters from exhaust AFTER table
If (via PHP_VERSION < 6 & & get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {}
function stripslashes_deep ($value) {}
$value = is_array ($value)? array_map ('stripslashes_deep', $value): stripslashes ($value);
return $value;
$_POST = array_map ('stripslashes_deep', $_POST);
Suppose that there is nothing suspicious
$suspect = false;

create a model to identify suspicious phrases
$pattern = ' / content-Type. Bcc. Cc: / I ';

function to check suspicious phrases
function isSuspect ($val, $pattern and $suspect) {}
If the variable is an array, loop through each element
and pass it to the same function recursively
If (is_array ($val)) {}
{foreach ($val as $item)
isSuspect ($item, $pattern, $suspect);
else {}
If one of the suspicious phrases is found, the Boolean true value
If (preg_match ($pattern, $val)) {}
$suspect = true;

Check the array $_POST and suspicious content subdashboards
isSuspect ($_POST, $pattern, $suspect);
If (! empty($_POST['url'])) {}
$suspect = true;
If {($suspect)
$mailSent = false;
unset ($missing);
} else {}
treat the variables of $_POST
foreach ($_POST as $key = > $value) {}
assign a temporary variable and strip space if this isn't a table
$temp = is_array ($value)? $value: trim ($value);
so empty and if necessary, add to the $missing table
If (empty ($temp) & & in_array ($key, $required)) {}
return ($manquant, $key);
} else if (in_array ($key, $expected)) {}
Otherwise, assign to a variable of the same name as $key
${$key} = $temp;

validate email address
If (! empty ($email)) {}
Regex to identify illegal characters in the e-mail address
$checkEmail = ' / ^ [^ @] + @[^ \s\r\n\'";,@%]+$/';]
reject the e-mail address, if it does not
If (! preg_match ($checkEmail, $email)) {}
$suspect = true;
$mailSent = false;
unset ($missing);

go forward only if all OK required fields
If (! $suspect & & empty ($missing)) {}
Initialize the variable $message
$message = ";
loop in the $expected table
{foreach ($expected as $item)
assign the value of the current item to $val
If (isset(${$item}) & &! empty(${$item})) {}
$val = ${$item};
} else {}
If she has no value, set "not chosen".
$val = "not sΘlectionnΘe";
If a table, expand under chain comma-gap
If (is_array ($val)) {}
$val = implode (', ', $val);
Add the label and value to the message body
$message. = ucfirst ($item). ' ': $val\r\n\r\n ";

the length of the line is limited to 70 characters
$message = wordwrap ($message, 70);

Create the Reply-To header
If (! empty ($email)) {}
$headers. = "\r\nReply-To: $email";

Send it
$mailSent = mail ($ $subject, $message, $headers);
If {($mailSent)
$missing is more necessary if the email is sent, so unplugged it
unset ($missing); ECHO ('please contact Solutions Web common wealth');
? >
< ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / IN" "" > ""
" < html xmlns =" ">
< head >
< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; Charset = UTF-8 "/ >"
< title > Untitled Document < /title >
< / head >
< body >
< / body >
< / html >

Code of the feedback form page (with the code include line, note the path of the file that I used.  I do indeed follow the include file; process_mail. Inc.php in a folder include in the main public_html directory.  It should work.  "Maybe there is somethiing wrong with my code?) :

<? PHP
If (array_key_exists ('Send', $_POST)) {}
mail processing script
    $to = ' [email protected] '; / / use your own e-mail address
$subject = "contact form investigation."

list fields should
$expected is array ('name', 'email', 'phone', 'Comments');.
Set required fields
$required = array ('name', 'email', 'Comments');
create an empty array for all the missing fields
$missing = array();
create additional headers
$headers = "from: Caleb Wright < . " [email protected] > \r\n";
$headers. = "content-Type: text/plain;" charset = utf-8\r\n ";
$headers. = "cc: " [email protected] '; 
If (! empty ($email)) {}
$headers. = "\r\nReply-To: $email";
$process = '.. / includes/process_mail. Inc.php';
If (file_exists ($process) & & is_readable ($process)) {}
include ($process);
} else {}
$mailSent = false;
mail ("$ ' server problem","$process cannot be read", $headers);
? >
<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / IN" "" > ""
" < html xmlns =" ">
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< name meta = "description" content = "" Common Wealth Web Solutions: Web development, Graphic Design, Media Consultant, Community Engagement "/ >"
< name meta = "keywords" content = "' Common, wealth, Web, Design, graphic design, development, interactivity, services, fla sh, php, javascript, ajax, professional Solution, Caleb Wright, Peter Wallis, artist, video, multimedia, production, search engine optimization, SEO, video production design" / > "
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< title > Common Wealth Web Solutions: < /title > Contact form
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a: link {}
Color: #00F;
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GA var = document.createElement ('script'); GA.type = ' text/javascript '; GA. Async = true;
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< / div >
< div class = "AccordionPanel" >
< div class = "AccordionPanelTab" > Services < / div >
< div class = "AccordionPanelContent" >
< p > < a href = "Services_Web Design.php" title = "Home" > Web Design < /a > < /p >
< p > < a href = 'Design.php of Production' video > video Production Design < /a > < /p >
< p > < a href = "SEO.php ' > Search Engine Optimization < /a > < /p >" "
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "AccordionPanel" >
< div class = "AccordionPanelTab" > about us < / div >
< div class = "AccordionPanelContent" >
< p > < a href = "AboutCaleb.php" > Caleb Wright < /a > < /p > ""
< p > Coming Soon... < /p >
< /P > < p > Peter Wallis
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "AccordionPanel" >
< div class = "AccordionPanelTab" > Contact < / div >
< div class = "AccordionPanelContent" >
< p > < a href = "Contact Form.php" > form < /a > < /p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< p > < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "content-2" >
< div class = "content wrap" >
Contact us < h1 > < / h1 >
<? PHP
If ($_POST & & isset ($missing) & &! empty ($missing)) {}
? >
< class p = 'WARNING' > please fill in the missing elements indicated. < /p >
<? PHP
} else if ($_POST & &! $mailSent) {}
? >
< p > < strong > your message has been sent. Thanks for choosing Web Solutions common wealth.
< facilities > < / p >
<? PHP}? >
< p > < / p >
< form action = "<?" PHP echo $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF'];? ">" method = "post" name = 'Contact us' class = "content-wrap" id = "contact us" >
< fieldset > < class legend = "AccordionPanelContent" > contact information < / legend > < p >
< label for = "name" > < span class = "fieldname" > name: </span >
<? PHP
If (isset ($missing) & & in_array ('name', $missing)) {? >}
< span class = "WARNING" > please enter your name < span > <? PHP}? >
< / label >
< label for = "name" > < / label >
< span id = "sprytextfield1" >
< input name = "name" type = "text" class = "textInput" id = 'name '.
<? PHP if (isset ($missing)) {}
"' echo ' value =" ".htmlentities ($_POST ['name'], ENT_COMPAT, ' UTF - 8' UTF - 8') .e. '" ';
} ? >
/ >
</span > < / p >
< class p 'fieldname' = >
< label for = "email" > Email:? PHP
If (isset ($missing) & & in_array ('email', $missing)) {? >}
< span class = "WARNING" > enter your e-mail < span > <? PHP}? >
< / label >
< input name = "email" type = "text" class = "textInput" id = "email".
<? PHP if (isset ($missing)) {}
"' echo ' value =" ".htmlentities ($_POST ['email'], ENT_COMPAT, ' UTF - 8' UTF - 8') .e. '" ';
} ? >
/ >
< /p >
< p >
< label class "phone" = "fieldname" = > phone: < br / >
< / label >

< input name = "phone" type = "text" class = "textInput" id = "phone".
<? PHP if (isset ($missing)) {}
"' echo ' value =" ".htmlentities ($_POST ['Telephone'], ENT_COMPAT, ' UTF - 8' UTF - 8') .e. '" ';
} ? >
/ >
< /p >
< / fieldset >
< p > < / p >
< fieldset >
< class = "AccordionPanelContent" legend > how can we help you? < / legend >
< label for 'Comments' = > < br / >
<? PHP
If (isset ($missing) & & in_array ('Comments', $missing)) {? >}
Please enter your feedback < span > <? PHP}? >
< / label >
< = 'comments' id = cols 'comments' textarea name = "100" rows = "5" > <? PHP
If (isset ($missing)) {}
echo htmlentities ($_POST ['comment'] ", ENT_COMPAT, ' UTF-8 ');
} ? > < / textarea >
< /p >

< p >
< input type = "submit" name = "send" id = "send" value = "Send comments" / >
< /p >
< id p = "website" >
website < label = 'url' >: < / label >
< /p >
< / make >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "content-bottom" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "footer" >
< p > < strong > common wealth Web Solutions < facilities >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
applesearch.init ();
< /script > < strong > © 2011 < facilities > < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
var Accordion1 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion ("Accordion1", {useFixedPanelHeights: false, defaultPanel:-1});
< /script >
< / body >
< / html >

The code immediately preceding is the code with php feedback form page.

Since your email is a failure I will assume the rest of your script works.  I'm looking specifically at these lines:

  $process = '../includes/';
    if (file_exists($process) && is_readable($process)) {

Things that must be confirmed here are that the path is right and it has the appropriate permissions.  Have you tried to delete this statement 'and' in your 'if' and see if those who operate independently.  I have a feeling that if the path is right that the file does not have the appropriate permissions on your server for access global read which would, "is_readable" fail and thus put an end to your script.

Can you test those and after return?

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    Hi kadesigns,

    Step 1: You can follow the steps mentioned in the article below, which deals with a similar question

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    Hi boneyardwolf,

    1. where are the photos?

    2. you have any third-party photo editing software?

    3. what type of files you want to change?

    You can check the following link and try the steps suggested by Marilyn - Support Engineer Moderator Wednesday, March 4, 2009 04:47 and see if it helps to solve the problem

    Hope this information is useful.

    Jeremy K
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit ourMicrosoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    Install the fixit from article KB2258121 (fixit #50461).

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    Hey sam1502,

    Let me know what happens if you copy files from the USB on your desktop, then open it in Reader.

    If the error persists, then try to disable the Protected Mode under ' Edit > Preferences > (protection) "and see if that helps.

    Let me know.

    Kind regards

    Ana Maria

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    1. what changes have been made to your computer before the problem?
    2. the problem occurs on a particular file?
    3. What is the format of the file you want to play in Windows Media Player?

    You may encounter this error message for the following reasons:

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    (b) the file might have been encoded with a codec that is not supported by Windows Media Player. If this is the case, Windows Media Player cannot play the file.

    Windows media player will play only the files and videos only if it supports this type of file.

    Please see the bottom of the article that gives you information on the types of media files that supports Windows Media Player.

    If the files are not supported by Windows media player, then you will need to use a few players from third party that supports this file format.


    Using third-party software, including hardware drivers can cause serious problems that may prevent your computer from starting properly. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the use of third-party software can be solved. Software using third party is at your own risk.

    See the link below for more information on the codec.

    Codecs: Frequently asked questions

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    Captivate 5

    I have

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    Any help is appreciated

    Captivate Error.jpg


    See if the link below will help you.

    Click here to see

    See you soon... Rick

    Useful and practical links

    Captivate wish form/Bug report form

    Certified Adobe Captivate training

    SorcerStone blog

    Captivate eBooks

  • Copy the file on CD - read-only?

    Windows XP

    When copying files (Word and Excel) to a CD - are the files once on support are automatically marked read-only. The files are not reported as such on the disk. This creates unnecessary confusion from people I pass the CD to.

    Is - this "drop automatically read-only' XP 'feature' which can be turned off?

    My Windows 7 computer does not change the flag in this way.


    It is by design. The files on the CD-ROM must be copied to the HDD to the other machine and then the read-only attribute can be removed.

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    Hi void 1337,

    Follow the suggestions below for a possible solution:

    Method 1: I suggest that you put the computer to boot and then try to install the game and check to see if it helps:

    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7

    Note: After troubleshooting, be sure to set the computer to start as usual as mentioned in step 7 in the above article.

    Method 2: You can also follow the link and check if it solves the problem:


    Error message when you install a Microsoft game or a mapping program

    You can also view the article mentioned below to learn more:

    Microsoft games: InstallShield Error Messages

    If the above mentioned methods do not work, then post your request in the age of the forum of the empire for further assistance:


    Let us know if that helps.

  • Since the update, I can't open a JPEG file: "Could not complete your request because the file was not found."

    My subscription to creative cloud updated Photoshop the other day. My iMac is running 10.8.5. Ever since this update, I can't open a JPEG file and get a message indicating "could not complete your request because the file was not found." I'm sure it's related to the update, but how can I cancel it and get things to normal?  (do not include your email)

    Post edited by: Eugene Fornario title should be brief, but descriptive.  No personal information in post.


    Please refer to this article error: 'File not found' when opening JPEG files and try the workaround provided.

    Let us know if that helps.

    Kind regards


  • Since the last update installed, I can not open my older files.  I get the error message that the file is not found.  Installation remove my old files?

    Since the last update of Adobe Reader XI installed I can shoot to the top of the list of all my files on the SHOW ALL option, but when I try to open my old files, I get the error message that the file is not found.  The update to remove all my old files?  Is there anyway I can locate, then open them?

    You can use Windows or Macintosh to search all PDF files and start to bring together them.

  • When you try to put the graphic in the library «the file may be read-only...» »

    Hi all

    I thought that I try the new tools of the CC library.

    But when I want to place a symbol in a library, I get this warning:

    "The file may be read-only or another user can open. Please save the document under a different name or in a different folder. »

    The symbol is on a whole new document, created and recorded by me, and there is no one else around me.

    The funny thing is only economy/add the colors of this symbol in the library is no problem at all.

    Reserving the document does not resolve this issue.

    So what's going on/false?


    Thanks the Apple community, I solved this problem.

    Yes, I can add assets to any CC library!

    It has everything to do with permissions.

    This response to my post on the Apple Forum has resolved:

    A link to this post

    Why Adobe can't happen at such a response?

Maybe you are looking for

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  • compression of old files

    Hi team - this may seem stupid, but I can't understand... How to compress old files on the computer?  Or when he de-FRAC it itself automatically, the computer is automatically? Thanks - Dave