Position of phase in the HTML document

Hi, today I started with Adobe Edge animate.

Now I have my first question:

I included the Adobe Edge animation like this in my html document:

<! DOCTYPE html >

< html >

< head >

< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 ">"

< meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE = Edge" / >

< title > unnamed < /title >

<! - execution of adobe Edge - >

< script type = "text/javascript" charset = "utf - 8" src = "index - 1_edgePreload.js" > < / script >

< style >

.edgeLoad-EDGE-5136256 {visibility: hidden ;}}

< / style >

<! - end of Runtime adobe Edge - >

< / head >

< body style = "margin: 0;" padding: 0; ">

< div id = 'Stage' class = "EDGE-5136256" >

< / div >

< / body >

< / html >

The scene is 500 x 250 pixels and the position should be x = 130 and y = 150.

But the animation is left on top, how do I set the position?

Thank you

Jan K.

I could solve the problem!

First of all, it should focus the animation:

SYM.$("stage"). CSS({"margin-left":"auto","margin-right":"auto"});)

Then, you must set the scene background transparent color!

After that you need to do step top (you add spacing up to the height and move everything down..)

If you have space left, you can expand the width and move everything to the right.

And now it's on the right position.

But all in all, many thanks for your help!

Tags: Edge Animate

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        StringBuffer raw = null;
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            if (!fconn.exists())
            os = fconn.openDataOutputStream();
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    catch(Exception ex)

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    After reflection, you might be able to do this using handleResourceRequest, but there will be two phases:

    (a) in phase, you override this, call great for get the stream, then save the stream to disk

    (b) in the loading phase, will provide you with the disc in form of data flow.

    Try typing just BrowserField in the search box, there are a number of KB articles that deal with such things.

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    Thank you!

    If you mean by html documents, web pages, you can install a pdf print driver in xp and print these documents in the form of pdf.   You can bing for printers pdf free.

    If microsoft office word installed, then you have probably two additional methods already installed.

    under the file menu option in your i.e. browser, you should be able to select 'Edit with the word' or select print preview, then print the Web page of the printer microsoft xps document.

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    M Arie.

    affect your button instance (in the properties panel after you select your button) a name and use that name in the Panel shares:

    yourbutton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, f);

    function f(e:MouseEvent):void {}

    navigateToURL (new URLRequest ("map.html"), "youriframe")


  • Stripping all the HTML of a CLOB

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    Running Oracle on AIX...

    We have a table that stores the HTML document fragments in a clob. I have a requirement to convert them into plain text / (remove all the HTML tags) for sending in a body of text/plain e-mail.

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    Basically, creating a text index Oracle CLOB column and appellant with true ctx_doc.filter assigned to the parameter 'plaintext '.

    I noticed in the example of Tom, he uses the filter by default, based on the docs, NULL_FILTER, which applies to any filtering. I tried the example in my dev box, creating the text index on the CLOB column without parameters.

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    create table filter ( query_id number, document clob );
    create table demo
      ( id            int primary key,
        theclob       clob
    create index demo_idx on demo(theClob) indextype is ctxsys.context;
    Insert into DEMO
       (ID, THECLOB)
       (1, '<html><body><p>This is a test of <strong>ctx_doc.filter</strong> and plaintext filtering.</p></body></html>');
    exec ctx_doc.filter('demo_idx',1, 'filter',1, true);
    The code above does not convert html to plain text...

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    drop index demo_idx;
    create index demo_idx on demo(theClob) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('filter ctxsys.inso_filter');
    exec ctx_doc.filter('demo_idx',1, 'filter',1, true);
    Above script returns string "this is a test ctx_doc.filter and filtering of plain text.

    ORacle documentation does not specify any special filter parameter that needs to be fixed... I was wondering, am I missing soemthing here... or, better yet, if there is a better solution to my problem. ;-)

    Thank you


    This is a brute force method.

    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> create table demo
      2    (id       int primary key,
      3       theclob   clob)
      4  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> insert into demo values (1,
      2    '

    This is a test of ctx_doc.filter and plaintext filtering.

    ') 3 / 1 row created. SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION no_html 2 (p_string IN CLOB) 3 RETURN CLOB 4 AS 5 v_string_in CLOB := p_string; 6 v_string_out CLOB; 7 BEGIN 8 WHILE INSTR (v_string_in, '>') > 0 LOOP 9 v_string_out := v_string_out 10 || SUBSTR (v_string_in, 1, INSTR (v_string_in, '<') - 1); 11 v_string_in := SUBSTR (v_string_in, INSTR (v_string_in, '>') + 1); 12 END LOOP; 13 v_string_out := v_string_out || v_string_in; 14 RETURN v_string_out; 15 END no_html; 16 / Function created. SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> SHOW ERRORS No errors. SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> SELECT id, no_html (theclob) FROM demo 2 / ID ---------- NO_HTML(THECLOB) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 This is a test of ctx_doc.filter and plaintext filtering. 1 row selected. SCOTT@orcl_11gR2>
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    She inserts an element "Firefox HTML document".

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    How to kill it. (Other than by a different default browser.)

    I see, you have created an order C:\windows\shellnew for .htm files.

    Poking around for where the description could come... Have you tried to rename (by default) or FriendlyTypeName under:


    to see if it works? And if so, how long it sticks?

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    Check under Tools | Options | Read and see if it is configured to read messages in plain text only.


  • Modify the HTML of the document of the rendered page and reload

    Currently I am loading a url into javafx through webengine.load (url). My requirement is to keep the style in tact with the original page. However, once the page is rendered, the fonts are not loaded, and I cannot increase the font sizes. I worked through the following steps to achieve this.

    1 Add a listener via the method getLoadWorker for web engine and recover the document object when the State is MANAGED.

    2 transform a html string that gives me the whole HTML code of the page in a string including the css.

    3. then I do a replacement on the part of css by the actual location of the font (absolute path url) files and reload the HTML through loadContent method.

    With that, I'm able to get properly loaded fonts.


    1. I find myself with an infinite loop when I use the "webEngine.loadContent (string," text/html")" inside the getLoadWorker method.

    2. I tried to do that, outside the method getLoadWorker before the webEngine.load (url) , but in this case the string replacement body html is coming as null.

    Any help on how to achieve this? Here is my code:

    webEngine.getLoadWorker () .stateProperty () .addListener (new ChangeListener < Worker.State > () {}

    String htmlBody = null;


    public void changed (ObservableValue <? extends Worker.State > observableValue, Worker.State prevState, Worker.State newState) {}

    To change the body of the methods implemented using file | Settings | Templates files.

    String htmlBody = null;

    int count = 0;

    If (newState == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED) {}

    browser.requestFocus ();

    Get the document of the engine object.

    Doc document = webEngine.getDocument ();

    try {}

    Transformer allows you to convert the object HTML from a string format top of page document.

    Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance () .newTransformer ();

    transformer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "no");

    transformer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.METHOD, "html");

    transformer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.INDENT, 'yes');

    transformer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF - 8");

    transformer.setOutputProperty ("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt} dash-amount","4" ');

    OutWriter StringWriter = new StringWriter();

    transform. Transform (new DOMSource (doc), new StreamResult (outWriter));

    StringBuffer sb = outWriter.getBuffer ();

    htmlBody = sb.toString ();

    Replace the attribute of the font family of the style section to the actual URL of the font used.

    htmlBody = htmlBody.replace ("font family: way", "font family: url (" ");

    Load the new HTML string to the engine.

    webEngine.loadContent (htmlBody, "text/html");

    } catch (Exception ex) {}

    ex.printStackTrace ();





    webEngine.load (url);

    Add the display of web pages to the scene

    getChildren () .add (browser);

    What is a single page load?

    If so, you should be able to solve the problem with


    just before calling

    webEngine.loadContent(htmlBody, "text/html");

    Otherwise, you may have to do something pretty ugly: for example, to have a "loadingTransformedHTML" that is false at the start flag. Then in your method changed (...) do

    if (newState == WorkerState.SUCCEEDED) {
         if (loadingTransformedHTML) {
              loadingTransformedHTML = false ;
         } else {
              // ...
              loadingTransformedHTML = true ;
              webEngine.loadContent(htmlBody, "text/html");
              // ...
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    < a href = "board.html" > < /a > Commissioners

    When I updated a URL and updated my HTML documents, all URLS have "library /" inserted:

    < a href = "Library/board.html" > < /a > Commissioners

    The library is the directory where I .lbi files, so it's logical, but it's totally false and break my site, of course.

    FWIW, my option of links to update in the preferences is set to the command prompt. I was invited never to have my links broken, what happened out of the blue.

    Any suggestion would be appreciated.


    It is not arbitrary at all - this is the way of DW to tell you that the links in your library file are poorly made.

    A library item should never have a link that does not begin by "..". /". This means that the links in your library item must be correct from the point of view of the library item (assuming that you have all of the non-bibliotheque files in the library folder, you should never have).

  • loading html document stored on the local hard drive using the 'flash' button

    Hello! I use adobe cs 5.5 flash (action script 3), and I need to load an html document into my hard drive using the 'flash' button I tried navigateToURL (thanks kglad). Here is the code:

    quizstart_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, arithmeticlesson);

    function arithmeticlesson(event:MouseEvent):void


    navigateToURL (new URLRequest("file:///C:/quiz/truequiz.html)", "_blank");


    But I want to play my flash file to the other computer. In order to access the truequiz.html, I'll make a folder named quiz to C:\.

    How can I load this html file to other computers without creating a folder to C:\? Sorry for the dumb questions. I'm new coding. Thanks in advance!

    Is there another html file that includes the swf file?  If so, it is in a different folder, then you need to adjust the path so that the swf file target html file as if it were in the same folder as the html page that incorporates.

    Are other than that, you getting any kind of error message from security to try to link to the page in this way?

    I really enjoyed my visit here.  We went in February, the coldest time of the year, and when I got my mother-in-law apologized for the cold, it was then that I was just there dripping with sweat.  Where I am now (upper NY) it is-10 degrees...  If here and there, I'd be a temperature controlled indoor environment.

  • Missing spaces between words after you import the Word document in RoboHelp HTML version 8

    I created a document + 400 pages in Word 2007 and it imported in RoboHelp 8 (HTML, not RoboHelp for Word). Many places, the space between a bold Word and a word not fat is no longer there. I would like to avoid having to go through all of the HR document to replace the spaces manually. Not imported correctly?

    Seems perfect, works terribly...

    Things to consider:

    • Chances are, the different treatments of space are due to the question of if the space was included in bold the word in MS Word.
    • In addition, as Word files contain a large part underlying the binary code (macros and others), your security settings may or could be don't play well with the word stuff.
    • You import the Word file from a network location, or your local computer? Network traffic may be partially import impact, too.

    Bottom line? You will probably need to clear any formatting in the Word file and redo the formatting correctly. To test this, cut a few pages into a new Word file, clear and redo the formatting in Word, import file in another project HR the Word and see what results you get.

    To clear the formatting:

    1. Select text.
    2. On the home tab, in the group policy , click clear formatting.
    3. Redo formatting, making sure to do not format the spaces.

    Good luck


  • In the XML document HTML tags

    I have an application that loads an XML file information and displays in a dynamic text box. Which works very well. Now, I want to add tags HTML of the information contained in the XML file for the dynamic text box will format. If I add html right:

    < Answer1 > Earth, < b > < /b > air, fire and water. < / Answer1 >

    I get a null value in the text box. If I encode

    < Answer1 > Earth, & gt; b & lt; Air & gt; / & lt; fire and water. < / Answer1 >

    It then displays

    Earth, the < b > < /b > air, fire and water.

    No help on how to code html embedded in an XML document, so a dynamic text box using the html code?

    Thank you.

    Just use CDATA tags around your HTML values, for example:

    air, fire and water.]] >


  • Is it possible for the html code must be loaded automatically in a html document?

    I use DreamWeaver (CS5.5) what I'm looking for is two 2 things:

    Most Web pages are always formatted, header, Navigation, content and footer. Usually the header, Navigation and footer are identical from one page to the other in the Web site, as this either two 2 Paag or 2,000 pages.

    It would be nice if there was an HTML tag or a JavaScript procedure that would allow the designer to create a series of html pages containing only one of the elements of page, header, navigation or footer and after testing power import this code in a page that is being developed, as you can do an excerpt.

    I know I could create the code and test it and then copy and paste into each of the new pages being created.

    What would be the ideal, is the html tag as the link tag that would automatically import the code tested in the new page, as is done with css, so that the designer or the encoder should create and test this code once.

    obvisouly integration test to be performed.

    To add to the answer of Preran, you could also consider using php includes. Look here for an example: http://www.tizag.com/phpT/include.php

    The only change is your .html .php file extension. You can then let your server handle the analysis of PHP. Note that so that PHP runs on your local system (development), you must (Windows) WAMP or MAMP (Mac).

    WAMP: http://www.wampserver.com/en/

    MAMP: http://www.mamp.info/en/

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    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <p><div>A child of the first paragraph.</div></p>
    <p>The second paragraph.</p>

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    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head></head><body>
    <p></p><div>A child of the first paragraph.</div><p></p>
    <p>The second paragraph.</p>

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