Potential problems with bulk assigned DN ranges

Nobody knows possible problems with loading up to say unassigned 100 DN at the Complutense University of MADRID (8,6) with all the parameters number of directory but not assigned to a device?

The end of the game here is that we have a few 100 DIDs that are reserved for different reasons (diff ILA or for a client) that we loaded in the system, so they are reserved and no one is going to try and use them (the idea being someone will add a DID this description will fill and they know they need to enter a different DID).

I can even send to the unit, but don't think it's important because they are all NEW DIDs that were never sold or announced.

Our team of engineers seems to think that this will cause a problem such as call manager will be under heavy load constantly trying to figure out what devices attached to these DNs unassigned.  I say no because they have never been assigned to a device are are essentially a placeholder.

This would cause a problem?

If so - how guys do you manage your DIDs unused in call manager - it seems terribly archaic to manage a spreadsheet with unused DID we rely on the entire team through the world to update when they make changes when we have essentially a database (Manager call) here to do it for us!


This will not cause any problems and can be performed without risk. In addition you can make the inactive DNs if you prefer.


Tags: Cisco Support

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  • Potential problems with copy_table_stats.


    I have a table with the DDL below containing a huge number of records.









    CALL_P_01122015 PARTITION VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE (' 2015-12-01 00:00:00 ',' SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ',' NLS_CALENDAR = GREGORIAN ')),

    CALL_P_02122015 PARTITION VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE (' 2015-12-02 00:00:00 ',' SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ',' NLS_CALENDAR = GREGORIAN '))

    CALL_P_03122015 PARTITION VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE (' 2015-12-03 00:00:00 ',' SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ',' NLS_CALENDAR = GREGORIAN '))


    We collect statistics for the 1st of the score of the month.



    ownname = > 'CALL. "

    tabname = > 'CALL_DTL ',.

    partName = > "CALL_P_01122015"

    estimate_percent = > 1,


    Cascade = > TRUE,

    degree = > 15);



    And the stats will be copied in the rest of the partitions of the month.


    DBMS_STATS.copy_table_stats (ownname = > 'CALL')

    tabname = > 'PMS_CALL_DETAIL ',.

    srcpartname = > 'CALL_P_01122015 ',.

    dstpartname = > 'CALL_P_02122015');




    DBMS_STATS.copy_table_stats (ownname = > 'CALL')

    tabname = > 'PMS_CALL_DETAIL ',.

    srcpartname = > 'CALL_P_01122015 ',.

    dstpartname = > 'CALL_P_03122015');




    DBMS_STATS.copy_table_stats (ownname = > 'CALL')

    tabname = > 'PMS_CALL_DETAIL ',.

    srcpartname = > 'CALL_P_01122015 ',.

    dstpartname = > 'CALL_P_04122015');





    Could someone advise if there could be potential problems with the copy of his stats?

    What I see, HIGH_VALUE and LOW_VALUE are the same for every single partition for the SQL below:

    Select nom_partition, HIGH_VALUE, LOW_VALUE from dba_part_col_statistics where table_name = column_name 'CALL' IN ("MSN");

    Will this result in CBO plan fetching suboptimal on SQL running on the table with predicate such as MSN and EVENT?

    Please suggest me resolution approaches.

    Thank you!!


    It will depend on (among other things), how use you it as a predicate and unique how the column is.

    If you try to filter using predicates of beach in function with a range outside the stats then the CBO will be predicate weak cardinalities and therefore will promote the access of the index and nested loops which leads to this.

    If you are filtering on equality predicates and the key is unique there should be no problem really.

    It will depend also on whether the request knows which partition will be scanned, otherwise it will use global statistics, which will be probably the same as a partition, but they could easily change if you were to collect stats on any other partition.

    You have an environment you can use a test and see approach?

  • having a weird problem with my assignment after incorporation of java


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    com.oracle.bpel.client.BPELFault: faultName: parts of {{http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/business-process/} selectionFailure}: {{summary = not valid for the type of part.}} When you perform the operation of the entitlement, the node THIS, IS, TEST is invalid. The node named in the error message was either null, or a node-set is empty, and it was not an instance of org.w3c.Element. Check the value of the node to the line number 795 is not null and is an instance of org.w3c.Element. } .

    I am using soa

    Can someone please help?

    -Thank you


    This is a bug and you will need to apply a patch for it.
    You can find explanations in Oracle Support Id ID 1194228.1.


  • Potential problems with access to 10g EUL with 4i discoverer desktop?

    Hi all

    We have recently upgraded to Discoverer 10 g of 4i and still have a number of computers of the users with the old 4i desktop client. They have the ability to access the 10g EUL using the 4i client and I would like to know of any potential problem with them doing so.

    Thanks in advance, and any comments would be greatly appreciated.

    A 4i Desktop cannot access a 10g EUL. When you did the upgrade you probably enriched by using the same schema, alias name of EUL.

    What's happened is that Discoverer 10 g installed a brand new 10g EUL in the same schema. 10 GB objects that all start with EUL5, the discoverer 4i objects while all begin with EUL4. The upgrade was non-destructive, which means that your old 4i posts clients and Desktop 10g clients can coexist, however they not have access the EUL even. 4i clients will connect to the old discoverer EUL 4 and your new or those connecting through a URL, will be connected to the 10g EUL. Any changes made in one as all new workbooks will not appear in the other.

    If you are satisfied with the upgrade, you must install Discoverer 10 g Desktop on any machine that still has access by computer, and then remove the installation 4i. If you want everyone to use a browser to connect you need to uninstall all versions of office 4i.

    In addition, if you have many versions of office you use is no longer, you should ask your Oracle sales representative if they will convert these licenses in other licenses for you. You paid good money for them and they are still valid as long that you have to pay the annual maintenance and support. Some sales representatives do not realize that it can be done.

    Hope this helps explain

    Best wishes

  • Problem with bulk collect

    HII All,
    I am facing a problem with in bulk collect unable to identify where my code is wrong. When I try to run the code below its getting hanged and thus leading to the end of the session. Please help me.

    Here I am providing examples of data.

       (FA_FAC_OS NUMBER(34,14), 
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (10000.00000000000000, 'FA000001', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (500.00000000000000, 'FA000005', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (-500.00000000000000, 'FA000008', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (600.00000000000000, 'FA000013', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (600.00000000000000, 'FA000018', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (700.00000000000000, 'FA000020', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (1200.00000000000000, 'FA000022', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
       (FA_FAC_OS NUMBER(34,14), 
         FAC_ID VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (10000.00000000000000, 'FA000001', 1, 3.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (10000.00000000000000, 'FA000001', 1, 2.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (10000.00000000000000, 'FA000001', 1, 1.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (500.00000000000000, 'FA000005', 1, 3.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (500.00000000000000, 'FA000005', 1, 2.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (500.00000000000000, 'FA000005', 1, 1.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (-500.00000000000000, 'FA000008', 1, 3.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (-500.00000000000000, 'FA000008', 1, 2.00);
    And my block of pl sql
    Set serveroutput on;
              vPkgCaId          r_dummy.ca_id%type          := 'CA2001/11/0002';
              vPkgSystemId     r_dummy.system_id%type     := 1;
              vPkgWrkFlg          r_dummy.WRKNG_CPY%type     :=  'C';
              type t_type is object
                                       v_FA_FAC_OS     r_dummy.FA_FAC_OS%type,
                                       v_FAC_ID     r_dummy.FAC_ID%type,
                                       v_SYSTEM_ID     r_dummy.SYSTEM_ID%type,
                                       v_ver_num     r_dummy_1.ver_num%type
              type t_col_tbl is table of t_type index by binary_integer;
              l_col_tbl     t_col_tbl;
              --fac_id,system_id,ver_num is composite primary key for CP_CA_FAC_VER
                        SELECT     fac.FA_FAC_OS,fac.FAC_ID,fac.SYSTEM_ID,ver.ver_num
                        bulk collect into l_col_tbl
                        FROM     r_dummy fac,r_dummy_1 ver
                        WHERE     fac.fac_id = ver.fac_id
                        and fac.system_id = ver.system_id
                        and fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                        AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                        AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                        START WITH fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                                  AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                                  AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg AND fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID IS NULL
                        CONNECT BY PRIOR fac.FAC_ID = fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID
                                  AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                                  AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg;
              forall i in 1..l_col_tbl.count
                   update     r_dummy_1 ver
                   set          ver.FA_FAC_OS           = l_col_tbl(i).v_FA_FAC_OS
                   where     fac_id                    = l_col_tbl(i).v_FAC_ID
                             and system_id          = l_col_tbl(i).v_system_id
                             and ver_num               = l_col_tbl(i).v_ver_num
    Please help me. I was able to do to help collect cursor instead in bulk, but think that bulk collect will result in better performance. Please suggest if my code needs no changes.


    I'd rather do it right SQL which is much faster that COLLECT in BULK

     UPDATE r_dummy_1 ver
        SET ver.FA_FAC_OS =
              SELECT fa_fac_os
                FROM (
                        SELECT fac.FA_FAC_OS,fac.FAC_ID,fac.SYSTEM_ID,ver.ver_num
                          FROM r_dummy fac,r_dummy_1 ver
                         WHERE fac.fac_id = ver.fac_id
                           and fac.system_id = ver.system_id
                           and fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                         START WITH fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                           AND fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID IS NULL
                       CONNECT BY PRIOR fac.FAC_ID = fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                     ) t
               WHERE t.fac_id = ver.fac_id
                 AND t.system_id = ver.system_id
                 AND t.ver_num = ver.ver_num
              SELECT fa_fac_os
                FROM (
                        SELECT fac.FA_FAC_OS,fac.FAC_ID,fac.SYSTEM_ID,ver.ver_num
                          FROM r_dummy fac,r_dummy_1 ver
                         WHERE fac.fac_id = ver.fac_id
                           and fac.system_id = ver.system_id
                           and fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                         START WITH fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                           AND fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID IS NULL
                       CONNECT BY PRIOR fac.FAC_ID = fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                     ) t
               WHERE t.fac_id = ver.fac_id
                 AND t.system_id = ver.system_id
                 AND t.ver_num = ver.ver_num
  • Problems with paying for full range

    Hello Adobe,

    It's been a while since I tried Photoshop and I took a few lessons on Illustrator. I complained on prices at the beginning, but now I use it and learn, that I'm starting to see it is worth the money.

    First time I paid for an annual rights Photoshop paid every month and now I have decided that I would give it a try for the full range for $49.99. So, today, I tried to pay for the full suite but payment is always under review due to a problem, I am writing to ask if everything is okay, since I didn't have the opportunity to cancel my previous plan to upgrade to the full range.

    Thanks in advance.

    Since this is an open forum, not Adobe support... you must contact Adobe personnel to help

    Chat/phone: Mon - Fri 05:00-19:00 (US Pacific Time)<=== note="" days="" and="">

    Don't forget to stay signed with your Adobe ID before accessing the link below

    Creative cloud support (all creative cloud customer service problems)


  • potential problems with executable files using VISA

    Hi, I have a LV 2012 SP1 source code developed under Windows 7. The source code uses VISA for serial communication. I built from this source code executables that work without problems on a PC with Windows 7.
    Now I use Windows 8 and build the executables from the same source code, I have used before. However, when you use the new executables (under Windows 8) on the same PC with Windows 7 as before, I get an error in the communication of VISA.

    The error is: property node (arg 1) in .vi VISA set up a Serial Port (Instr)

    Once again: 1. executables built under Windows 7 work on a PC under Windows 7

    2. executables built under Windows 8 will not work on a Windows 7 PC (error VISA)

    the source code is the same

    Suggestions, which could be at the origin of this are most welcome.

    An EXE that uses the VISA must be the VISA installed runtime.  It is like not having not drivers for your program.  Create a Setup program using the similar project about how you made an EXE file.  Include the exe in the installation program and under additional installers choose the software that is required by the EXE.  This will usually include the runtime LabVIEW and VISA.  From 2013 the additional installers will try to predict the software needed by the EXE.

  • Problem with the assignment of functions to the keyboard. Help, please!


    I'm trying to get the help of the keys on the keyboard to control the navigation of the timeline. I use the code AS3 work the first time, but a little crazy then past and stops working for some reason any. You are supposed to be able to navigate along the timeline with the arrow keys (go back)

    I'm sure there is an easy solution to this problem but I am new to AS3 and it cannot know.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    See you soon.

    Code on the first frame of the timeline (left label)


    stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, f1_KeyDownHandler_3);

    function f1_KeyDownHandler_3(event:KeyboardEvent):void


    switch (event.keyCode)


    Case Keyboard.LEFT:


    gotoAndStop ('Center')



    Case Keyboard.RIGHT:


    gotoAndStop ('left')





    Code used on the fifth framework of timeline (Center label)


    stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, f1_KeyDownHandler_2);

    function f1_KeyDownHandler_2(event:KeyboardEvent):void


    switch (event.keyCode)


    Case Keyboard.LEFT:


    gotoAndStop ('left')



    Case Keyboard.RIGHT:


    gotoAndStop ('right')





    Code used on frame timeline tenth (good label)


    stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, f1_KeyDownHandler_3);

    function f1_KeyDownHandler_3(event:KeyboardEvent):void


    switch (event.keyCode)


    Case Keyboard.LEFT:


    gotoAndStop ('Center')



    Case Keyboard.RIGHT:


    gotoAndStop ('left')





    You must remove the earphone prior actions such as:


    stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, f1_KeyDownHandler_1);

    function f1_KeyDownHandler_1(event:KeyboardEvent):void

    switch (event.keyCode)

    case Keyboard.LEFT:

    stage.removeEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, f1_KeyDownHandler_1);
    gotoAndStop ('Center');


    case Keyboard.RIGHT:

    stage.removeEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, f1_KeyDownHandler_1);
    gotoAndStop ('left');




  • Problem with BULK collect and variable of Table type

    Hi all
    I defined a record type and then set an index - by table of this record type and in bulk has collected the data as shown in the code below. All this was done in an anonymous block.

    Then when I tried to set the record as an object type and not the above activities type, I got the below error:

    ORA-06550: line 34, column 6:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00947: not enough values
    ORA-06550: line 31, column 4:
    PL/SQL: SQL statement ignored

    Could you help me get the result of the first scenario with record type defined as an object?
    /* Formatted on 2009/08/03 17:01 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
       TYPE obj_attrib IS TABLE OF num_char_object_1
       obj_var   obj_attrib;
       TYPE num_char_record IS RECORD (
          char_attrib   VARCHAR2 (100),
          num_attrib    NUMBER
       TYPE rec_attrib IS TABLE OF num_char_record
       rec_var   rec_attrib;
       SELECT first_name,
       BULK COLLECT INTO rec_var
         FROM employees
        WHERE ROWNUM <= 10;
       FOR iloop IN rec_var.FIRST .. rec_var.LAST
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (
             'Loop.' || iloop || rec_var (iloop).char_attrib || '###'
             || rec_var (iloop).num_attrib
       END LOOP;
       SELECT first_name,
       BULK COLLECT INTO obj_var
         FROM employees
        WHERE ROWNUM <= 10;
    Here's the code for num_char_object_1
       char_attrib   VARCHAR2 (100),
       num_attrib    NUMBER

    Welcome to the forum!

    You should be collecting objects in bulk, something like

    SELECT NUM_CHAR_OBJECt_1  (first_name,
       BULK COLLECT INTO obj_var
         FROM emp
        WHERE ROWNUM <= 10;
  • HP Pavilion DV6-6c35dx: potential problems with OS driver install the new hard drive?

    I want to spend the hard drive of my laptop, but my laptop did not come with recovery discs. I buy a full copy of Windows 7 Professional, but I did save it... because when everything has failed, I guess. If I'm able to reinstall Win 7 Home or if I have to install Win 7 Pro, how can I be sure to reinstall all drivers HP (p. ex., trackpad, meaning cool, beats audio, etc.) for my machine? It is best to download the drivers before you install the new hard drive and have them ready on a flash drive. or is there an easier way? Thank you.

    I personally prefer the new OEM installation & then get required drivers to download for HP support for your laptop model.

    It is slower and more difficult to do if it is not too well known, but the end result is much better.

    If your system has flaws you should try to fix first, but better long-term results come from clean install generally.

  • Problem with dynamic assignment FORM value

    Hi all

    I'm moving some coldfusion form variables to a page different cfm.

    < cfset tNom = ' #form.taskName # ' >
    < cfset sBy = ' #form.submittedBy # ' >

    < name of the form = "emailback" action = "emailFB.cfm" method = "post" > "
    < input type = "hidden" name = "tNameC" value = "#tName #" >
    < input type = "hidden" name = "sByC" value = "#sBy #" >
    < input name = "submitQ" type = "submit" value = "Submit work" > < / make >

    On the emailFB.cfm page:

    < cfoutput > < strong task >: < facilities > #form.tNameC # < / cfoutput > < br / >
    < cfoutput > < strong > submitted by: facilities > #form.sByC # < / cfoutput > < br / >

    Output on the emailFB.cfm page is:

    Task: #tName #.
    Submitted by: #sBy #.

    Is someone can you please tell me how I can change the value in form.taskName and form.submittedBy to emailFB.cfm page.

    Thank you very much in advance,


    Posted by: cfdoogan
    Remove sharps in your cfset and make sure you have around variables cfoutput tags in hidden entries.

    Not quite.

    The first page should look like THIS works...

  • Problems with wireless connection in Windows

    I've already updated my adapter wireless windows 7, but every time I have to leave the room where I placed my router... the connection is lost. may there is a problem with wireless my laptop range... Please help me I don't know much about this kind of things computer b. Please send me a direct link so that I can solve the problem
    OT: Network network adapter Ethernet NIC wireless networking device


    Internet connection issues are more often caused by disconnected cables or by routers or modems that do not work correctly. I suggest you try the steps from the following link:

    Why can't I connect to the Internet?


  • Problem with the bulk loading IOM account to AD

    Hi all

    I'm doing a loading block account for AD in IOM. I followed all the steps in the oracle documentation.

    I entered the user in the format of CSV file data. Data in the example are given below:

    Primary data in the Table:
    TWoods, Tiger, Woods, "' 22 ~ CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com", B000004, 104 "
    TCruise, Tom, Cruise, "" 22 ~ CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com ", B000005, 105"
    WSmith, Will, Smith, "' 22 ~ CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com", B000006, d149e9add00198469b1ebef579911024 "

    Data in the Child Table:
    TWoods, ' 22 ~ CN = users, CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com ".
    TCruise, ' 22 ~ CN = users, CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com ".
    WSmith, ' 22 ~ CN = users, CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com ".

    All of these users are already available in both IOM and AD. I am trying to establish links between these users through loading bulk. I am able to load bulk account using the IOM bulk load utility. After loading bulk accounts, when I go to the tab the user resources, I see a user resource AD for the respective users with the status 'Configured'.

    However, the problem is when I try to update any user information through the process of the object resource AD shape, this not updated for AD. An exception mentioned below can be seen in newspapers. Looks like the loading block creates a map that can be seen from front end, but in fact, he is not pointing the user to the AD. Am I missing something? Help me!

    "Current execution LOCKUNLOCKADADAMUSER
    Target class = com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > <>=
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks: unlockADUser: the user could not unlocked >
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < =.
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < = start the Stack Trace = >
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks: unlockADUser >
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < String index out of range:-1 >
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < Description: String index out of range:-1 >
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range:-1
    at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1931)
    at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1904)
    at com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks.unlockADUser (unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks.lockADorADAMUser (unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    to com.thortech.xl.adapterGlue.ScheduleItemEvents.adpADCSLOCK_UNLOCKUSER. LOCKUNLOCKADADAMUSER (adpADCSLOCK_UNLOCKUSER. Java:163)
    at com.thortech.xl.adapterGlue.ScheduleItemEvents.adpADCSLOCK_UNLOCKUSER.implementation(adpADCSLOCK_UNLOCKUSER.java:61)
    at com.thortech.xl.client.events.tcBaseEvent.run(tcBaseEvent.java:196)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.runEvent(tcDataObj.java:2492)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcScheduleItem.runMilestoneEvent(tcScheduleItem.java:2919)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcScheduleItem.eventPostInsert(tcScheduleItem.java:553)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.insert(tcDataObj.java:604)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.save(tcDataObj.java:474)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcOrderItemInfo.eventPostUpdate(tcOrderItemInfo.java:374)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.update(tcDataObj.java:664)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.save(tcDataObj.java:508)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcTableDataObj.save(tcTableDataObj.java:2906)
    at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcFormInstanceOperationsBean.setProcessFormData(tcFormInstanceOperationsBean.java:710)
    at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcFormInstanceOperationsBean.setProcessFormData(tcFormInstanceOperationsBean.java:426)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfEJB.setProcessFormDatax (unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:310)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:182)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:149)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.doProceed(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:131)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.invoke(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:119)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.jee.spi.MethodInvocationVisitorImpl.visit(MethodInvocationVisitorImpl.java:37)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.injection.EnvironmentInterceptorCallbackImpl.callback(EnvironmentInterceptorCallbackImpl.java:54)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.jee.spi.EnvironmentInterceptor.invoke(EnvironmentInterceptor.java:50)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(ExposeInvocationInterceptor.java:89)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.doProceed(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:131)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.invoke(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:119)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:204)
    to $Proxy341.setProcessFormDatax (Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfEJB_h6wb8n_tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfRemoteImpl.__WL_invoke (unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.SessionRemoteMethodInvoker.invoke(SessionRemoteMethodInvoker.java:40)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfEJB_h6wb8n_tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfRemoteImpl.setProcessFormDatax (unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.invoke(RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.java:85)
    to $Proxy178.setProcessFormDatax (Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    at org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:307)
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:198)
    to $Proxy337.setProcessFormDatax (Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfDelegate.setProcessFormData (unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.UserDefinedFormAction.editForm(UserDefinedFormAction.java:2033)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    at org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction.dispatchMethod(DispatchAction.java:269)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcLookupDispatchAction.execute(tcLookupDispatchAction.java:133)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcActionBase.execute(tcActionBase.java:894)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcAction.execute(tcAction.java:213)
    at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.servlet.ExecuteAction.execute(ExecuteAction.java:58)
    at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.AbstractExecuteAction.execute(AbstractExecuteAction.java:67)
    at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.ActionCommandBase.execute(ActionCommandBase.java:51)
    at org.apache.commons.chain.impl.ChainBase.execute(ChainBase.java:191)
    at org.apache.commons.chain.generic.LookupCommand.execute(LookupCommand.java:305)
    at org.apache.commons.chain.impl.ChainBase.execute(ChainBase.java:191)
    at org.apache.struts.chain.ComposableRequestProcessor.process(ComposableRequestProcessor.java:283)
    at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1914)
    at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(ActionServlet.java:463)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:727)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:821)
    to weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ ServletServiceAction.run (StubSecurityHelper.java:227)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:300)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(TailFilter.java:27)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:57)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.security.CSRFFilter.doFilter(CSRFFilter.java:78)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:57)
    at oracle.iam.platform.auth.web.PwdMgmtNavigationFilter.doFilter(PwdMgmtNavigationFilter.java:122)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:57)
    at oracle.iam.platform.auth.web.OIMAuthContextFilter.doFilter(OIMAuthContextFilter.java:108)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:57)
    to oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter$ 1.run(JpsAbsFilter.java:111)
    at oracle.security.jps.util.JpsSubject.doAsPrivileged(JpsSubject.java:313)
    at oracle.security.jps.ee.util.JpsPlatformUtil.runJaasMode(JpsPlatformUtil.java:413)
    at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter.runJaasMode(JpsAbsFilter.java:94)
    at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter.doFilter(JpsAbsFilter.java:161)
    at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsFilter.doFilter(JpsFilter.java:71)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:57)
    at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(DMSServletFilter.java:136)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:57)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(RequestEventsFilter.java:27)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:57)
    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun (WebAppServletContext.java:3715)
    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ ServletInvocationAction.run (WebAppServletContext.java:3681)
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:120)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:2277)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:2183)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1454)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:209)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:178)
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < = end of stack memory trace = >
    Target class = com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks
    "# SessionContainer:valueUnbound: expired Session of the name of the event is: Xellerate.Session.

    Looks like a problem with the value of the UD_ADUSER_LOCKED field. Change to retry and value non-zero.

  • I am facing a problem with the beep.vi. I have a DAQ program, which acquired the signal and compare it to a threshold value. When a signal is out of range, a Visual and sound alarm has occurred. I use the VI beep.vi to generate the sound.

    I am facing a problem with the beep.vi.  I have a DAQ program, which acquired the signal and compare it to a threshold value. When a signal is out of range, a Visual and sound alarm has occurred. I use the VI beep.vi to generate the sound. Everything works fine except the sound alarm. It gives the table 1 d of type mismatch. I tried to fix this by placing it in a box structure. But it still does not work. If someone could help? Please find attached my VI. Best wishes to all visitors to the Forums of Discussion OR.

    Ihab El-Sayed

    published here: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Playing-sound-based-on-exceeding-a-threshold-value-1D-array-data/m-p...

  • Problems with the news in bulk Api v2.0

    I recently started using the new bulk Api 2 in order to synchronize the activities of return. However, I came across a couple of major problems with some of the returned data.

    Referencing the docs:


    1. The bounceback, subscribe and unsubscribe activities do not allow a ContactId field to use, while doing other activities. This information must be available, as you can get it from the api REST and Insight reporting. The EmailSend type allows more contact IDs, but it lacks documentation.
    2. Do return the activities of bounceback hard rebounds, not soft. Why? There are also no information that describes the reason for the bounce back for example. "mailbox unavailable" (that you fall into the other api)
    3. There is a serious bug in the information coming back from bouncebacks. Instead of the e-mail address of the recipient, I get the sender e-mail address ([email protected]) on some issues. This effectively makes it unnecessary because without the right email address or id of contact, there is no way, this goes back to original recipient.

    I'm hoping someone will be able to give an overview of these issues. Any help would be with recognition has.

    Thank you

    James Franklin


    TJ fields-Oracle

    Hi James,

    Regarding your questions about activities:

    (1) you are right that ContactId is not currently available to be included in these activities.  We are working on obtaining of their added in a later version.  Email address is available on these activities and can be used to link the activity to a specific contact.

    (2) currently only hard bounces are included.  We are working on adding soft bounces and the reason code in a future release.

    (3) it has not been reported previously, thanks for sharing.

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