PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT works not as you wish

Hi all

I created a procedure where in I am trying to generate an error message saying "Table is missing from the database" when an id (2617804) is passed. To ensure that there is no such thing as the name of the table, then instead of the error is handled by OTHERS WHEN I want to be manipulated by my own error message and however which is a failure as well as control passes to 'OTHERS'.

Can someone help me?

Here is the code:



  * Global Public Variables for error handling
  g_vProgramName VARCHAR2(30):= 'CNZ017';
  g_vProcedureName VARCHAR2(30);
  g_vTableName VARCHAR2(30);
  g_nSqlCd NUMBER;
  g_vErrorMessage VARCHAR2(2000); 
  * Global Public Variables
  --Type declarations for GetCtnData procedure
  TYPE g_tVCArrayTyp IS 
  g_tVarcharArray g_tVCArrayTyp;

  TYPE g_tTblIDsTyp IS 

  PROCEDURE GetCtnData(p_nInCtnPubCntlID IN ctn_pub_cntl.ctn_pub_cntl_id%TYPE
  , p_tOutVarCharArray OUT g_tVCArrayTyp
  , pCount OUT NUMBER);

Package body:


  -- Local Variables
  XMLdoc xmldom.DOMDocument;
  root_node xmldom.DOMNode;
  child_node xmldom.DOMNode;
  child_elmt xmldom.DOMElement;
  leaf_node xmldom.DOMNode;
  elmt_value xmldom.DOMText;

  vStrSqlQuery VARCHAR2(32767);
  nKiloByteLimit NUMBER(6) := 30000;

-- Private Procedures 
  *NAME : BuildCPRHeader
  *INPUT : 
  *OUTPUT : 
  vpublishHdr VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;

  XMLdoc := xmldom.newdomdocument;
  root_node := xmldom.makeNode(XMLdoc);

  child_elmt := xmldom.createElement(XMLdoc, 'PUBLISH_HEADER');
  child_node := xmldom.appendChild (root_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
  child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (XMLdoc, 'SOURCE_APLCTN_ID');
  elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (XMLdoc, 'CTN');
  leaf_node := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
  leaf_node := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));

  child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (XMLdoc, 'SOURCE_PRGRM_ID');
  elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (XMLdoc, g_vProgramName);
  leaf_node := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
  leaf_node := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));

  child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (XMLdoc, 'SOURCE_CMPNT_ID');
  elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (XMLdoc, g_vPackageName);
  leaf_node := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
  leaf_node := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));

  child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (XMLdoc, 'PUBLISH_TMS');
  elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (XMLdoc, TO_CHAR(dCurrentDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
  leaf_node := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
  leaf_node := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));

  xmldom.writetobuffer(XMLdoc, vPublishHdr);

  RETURN vPublishHdr;
  END BuildCPRHeader;

PROCEDURE GetCtnData(p_nInCtnPubCntlID IN ctn_pub_cntl.ctn_pub_cntl_id%TYPE, 
  p_tOutVarCharArray OUT g_tVCArrayTyp, 
  pCount OUT NUMBER)
  vTblName ctn_pub_cntl.table_name%TYPE;
  vLastPubTms ctn_pub_cntl.last_pub_tms%TYPE;
  l_clob CLOB;
  nLength PLS_INTEGER;
  noffset PLS_INTEGER;
  table_not_found EXCEPTION;
  PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(table_not_found, -00942);
  SELECT table_name, last_pub_tms
  INTO vTblName, vLastPubTms
  WHERE ctn_pub_cntl_id = p_nInCtnPubCntlID;
  RAISE no_data_found;

  vStrSqlQuery := 'SELECT * FROM ' || vTblName
  || ' WHERE record_update_tms <= TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(vLastPubTms, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')'
  || ' AND rownum < 2'
  || ' ORDER BY record_update_tms'

  l_clob := DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXML(XMLctx);
  l_clob := REPLACE(l_clob, '<?xml version="1.0"?>', '');

  l_clob := '<?xml version="1.0"?>' || CHR(13) || CHR(10)
  || '<PUBLISH> ' || CHR(13) || CHR(10)
  || BuildCPRHeader
  || '<PUBLISH_BODY> '
  || l_clob
  || '</PUBLISH_BODY> ' || CHR(13) || CHR(10)
  || '</PUBLISH>';

-- l_clob := '<' || vTblName || '/>';

  nLength := DBMS_LOB.getlength(l_clob);
  nCount := CEIL(nLength / nKiloByteLimit);

  noffset := 1;
  IF (nCount > 0) THEN
  FOR i in 1 .. nCount LOOP
  p_tOutVarCharArray(i) := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(l_clob, nKiloByteLimit, noffset);
  noffset := noffset + nKiloByteLimit;

  pCount := nCount;
  WHEN table_not_found THEN
  RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'Table is missing from the database');  
  WHEN no_data_found THEN
  CTNAPP_COMMON.write_log(g_vPackageName, g_vProcedureName, NULL,'INFORMATIONAL','XMLTOSAP');
  --WHEN too_many_rows THEN
  -- CTNAPP_COMMON.write_log(g_vPackageName, g_vProcedureName, NULL,'FATAL','XMLTOSAP');
  WHEN others THEN
  CTNAPP_COMMON.write_log(g_vPackageName, g_vProcedureName,NULL, 'ERROR','XMLTOSAP');
  END GetCtnData;

and now, to call my own procedure:


l_tOutVarCharArray SANDEEP_XMLXTRACT.g_tVCArrayTyp;

nCount NUMBER(5);


 SANDEEP_XMLXTRACT.GetCtnData(2617804, l_tOutVarCharArray,nCount);

When in 2617804 is an id that has a table name called 'sandeep' and this 'sandeep' is passed dynamically (such as there might be a table of someother name in the future) in the variable vStrSqlQuery.

Can anyone let me know where I am going wrong. I tried a small prototype with PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (which worked successfully) before generating the error for the production program manager.

@Solomon and Jarkko: thanks for explaining things in detail and why this code is redundant. I'll remove it. As for the original question, it is now fixed. I spent just "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE vStrSqlQuery;" after "vStrSqlQuery" and that fixed the issue. He went immediately to the error handler I wanted him (WHEN table_not_found THEN) as opposed to "When OTHERS" Finally the issue is fixed. Thanks a lot for everyone taking the time. Very much appreciated.

Tags: Database

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    Normally, you just have to disable SmartSense or PalmCheck Control Panel of Synaptics - but from what I've seen, it seems no longer works for Windows 10 versions of this driver.

    You may be able to work around this problem as follows.

    First, download the Synaptics driver on the link below and save it in your downloads folder.

    Version of the Synaptics driver

    Disable your wireless card (should be f12 ).

    Open Control Panel, open programs and features, right click on the Synaptics driver and select uninstall.

    When finished, restart the laptop.

    When windows rebooted, open your download folder and re-run the installer of Synaptics - when it is finished, restart the laptop.

    Open the Synaptics settings panel, disable SmartSense or PalmCheck , then check if the touchpad works now with a key on the keyboard is pressed.

    If so, turn on your wireless card and use the utility on the following link to prevent Windows 10 to update automatically the Synaptics driver.

    Kind regards

    DP - K

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    Hi all

    Here's the scenario: I have an iteration of the external, in this iterator, a table and a PanelGroupLayout are generated; the PanelGroupLayout displayed or not displayed depends on a property in backing bean which is a hash table and touch which is based on the attribute of the external iterator, so access to the current item in the hash through table

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    < tr:iterator var = "item" varStatus = "status" value = "#{bk_myBackingBean.subQuestions}" lines = '0' > ' "

    < tr:panelBox > <!-block test to check how to access the hastable value is OK->

    < tr:outputText value = "#{item.questionNumber}" / >

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    < trh:rowLayout >

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    < label > < tr:outputText value = "#{item.questionLetter} #{item.description}" / > < / label >

    < / trh:cellFormat >

    < trh:cellFormat columnSpan = "2" inlineStyle = "padding: 0 0 10px 50px" styleClass = "alignleft" >

    < tr:panelGroupLayout layout = "horizontal" >

    < tr:selectBooleanRadio id = "Q2No" group = "question2 #{status.index}" text = "" autoSubmit = "true" inlineStyle = "border-width: 0px; »

    valueChangeListener = "#{bk_myBackingBean.QuestionChangeListener} '"

    binding = "#{bk_myBackingBean.dependent.medicalData.q2NoRdos [item.questionNumber]}" "


    < f: attribute = name value = "#{item.questionNumber"questionNumber"}" / > "

    < / tr:selectBooleanRadio >

    < tr:spacer width = "5px" / >

    < tr:selectBooleanRadio id = "Q2Yes" group = "question2 #{status.index}" text = 'Yes' autoSubmit = "true" inlineStyle = "border-width: 0px; »

    onclick = "removedRequiredError (this.ID)" "

    valueChangeListener = "#{bk_myBackingBean.QuestionChangeListener} '"

    binding = "#{bk_myBackingBean.dependent.medicalData.q2YesRdos [item.questionNumber]}" "


    < f: attribute = name value = "#{item.questionNumber"questionNumber"}" / > "

    < / tr:selectBooleanRadio >

    < / tr:panelGroupLayout >

    < tr:panelGroupLayout layout = "horizontal" >

    < tr:outputLabel id = "Q2Error" value = "#{bk_myBackingBean.dependent.medicalData.questionErrors [item.questionNumber]}" "

    styleClass = "error" / >

    < / tr:panelGroupLayout >

    < / trh:cellFormat >

    < / trh:rowLayout >

    < / trh:tableLayout >

    "" < tr:panelGroupLayout layout = "default" inlineStyle = "#{bk_myBackingBean. dependent.medicalData.displayQ2Answers [item.questionNumber]}".

    I checked the value of #{item.questionNumber} is just out of view it in the interface user as described above and also I tried to exit with a value in the hashtable and it is successfully recover and displayed in the user interface. (Those who are in the < tr:panelBox > block above) and the hastable displayQ2Answers is of type < String, String >. So far so good, but when I tried to link in what follows the radios and the PanelGroupLayout, he throws NullPointerException. But if I tried to link explicitly radio to an item in the hash table instead to use the key "" EL:

    "Binding =" #{bk_myBackingBean.dependent.medicalData.q2NoRdos [Item.questionNumber]} '-> binding = "#{bk_myBackingBean.dependent.medicalData.q2NoRdos ['q2a']} '

    "Binding =" #{bk_myBackingBean.dependent.medicalData.q2YesRdos [Item.questionNumber]} '-> binding = "#{bk_myBackingBean.dependent.medicalData.q2YesRdos ['q2a']} '

    then the page is rendered with success.

    I'm pretty confused at this point: as you can see, when it relates to a hash table and hastable type < String, String >, I'm able to retrieve the element in the Hashtable using EL for 'key', but when the binded hastable is type of < String, CoreSelectBooleanRadio > or < String , CorePanelGroupLayout > (this is not shown in the above code segment), the link seems defective. I think with the exception of pouinter NULL can be caused by the initialization of the bound element, but when I replace the EL with the string for the key, as shown above, the page works. so apparently not caused by initialization

    . What follows is an overview of the data model, this is how I initialize the option button:

    public class MedicalInfo {}

    == getters and setters are defined but not shown here

    / / theare hash tables used to be linked to radio buttons

    Hashtable < String, CoreSelectBooleanRadio > q2NoRdos = new Hashtable < String, CoreSelectBooleanRadio > ();

    Hashtable < String, CoreSelectBooleanRadio > q2YesRdos = new Hashtable < String, CoreSelectBooleanRadio > ();

    / / these are the items that are stored in above hash for the actuall link tables

    private CoreSelectBooleanRadio q2aNoRdo = new CoreSelectBooleanRadio();

    private CoreSelectBooleanRadio q2aYesRdo = new CoreSelectBooleanRadio();

    and in the constructor, except for the hash for the binding tables:

    public MedicalInfo() {}


    q2NoRdos.put ("q2a", q2aNoRdo);

    q2YesRdos.put ("q2a", q2aYesRdo);



    Where could I have missed or done wrong? Any hint is appreciated!

    Thank you


    I'm pretty confused at this point: as you can see, when it relates to a hash table and hastable type of , I'm able to retrieve the element in the Hashtable using EL for 'key', but when the binded hastable is type of or (this is not shown in the above code segment) the link seems defective. I think with the exception of pouinter NULL can be caused by the initialization of the bound element, but when I replace the EL with the string for the key, as shown above, the page works. It is not caused by the initialization

    Well, #{number} is not resolved in the same phase as the 'binding' property ("compulsory" is resolved in the phase of restore view and variable "var" is resolved in the rendering phase).



    Hello world

    I have this piece of code:

    drop table x;

    seq_x sequence of fall;

    create table x)

    number of x_id

    x_name varchar2 (20)


    create the seq_x with 1 sequence;

    Insert x (x_id, x_name)



    "Any name');


    Then I run this query:

    Select * from x;

    And I get this output, where we see clearly, that this x_id is not starting with 1 as required:

    SQL > select * from x;


    ----------     --------------------

    2 any name

    ... WHY?...

    Thank you...

    From 11 g Oracle presents the delayed segment creation. Now, by default, when you create table only metadata are created but not segment. So when the question you first insert it calculates to be inserted phrases, NEXTVAL in your case, and insert insiders who will fail internally since there is no segment. Oracle catches the exception, cancel the instruction work, creates the segment and re - starting to insert. NEXTVAL = 1 is lost. If you create the table with SEGMENT CREATING IMMEDIATE first inserted row will have the value 1 of the generated sequence.


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    The main parts of my index.html for the extension that defines one of the buttons is:

    < button class = "CLASS BUTTON" id = "ID of the BUTTON" role = "BUTTON" > BUTTON NAME < / button >

    I then added a function to the event listener for the button (see below) who works on the search for the name of the id of the button:

    < script type = "text/javascript" >

    document.getElementById('BUTTON_ID').addEventListener ("click", onClickButton, false);

    function onClickButton()


    var imageFile = new File("C:/FOLDER/FILENAME.png");

    docRef = (imageFile);


    < /script >

    This piece of Javascript above falls in this part here:


    imageFile var = new File ("FILENAME.png");

    docRef = (imageFile);


    For some reason any image does not open the button click on with the bit above the script, but if I run this code snippet in isolation by running the following in the ESTK the PNG file opens perfectly fine in Photoshop

    #target photoshop

    imageFile var = new File ("FILENAME.png");

    docRef = (imageFile);

    I tested the event listener and the onClick and everything seems to be fine here because if I replace the part of the script with a simple alert illustrated under the button returns a new window with the current alert text:

    < script type = "text/javascript" >

    document.getElementById('BUTTON_ID').addEventListener ("click", onClickButton, false);

    function onClickButton()


    Alert ("you pressed me");


    < /script >

    If anyone has information as to where I have gone wrong here it would be great that I don't immediately see the wood for the trees.

    Thank you.

    Hi Chris,

    you mix JSX and JS, and it won't work.

    The Virtual Machine that interprets JS is the Google V8 engine, belonging to the CEF (integrated framework chrome - the HTML group container).

    The Virtual Machine that interprets JSX (Extendscript) belongs to Photoshop.

    If you say that the V8 " (imageFile)" he has simply not understand.

    JSX code should belong to the JSX file, like:

    function openImage(imageName){ File(imageName));

    and in the JS, you need to:

    function onClickButton() {
      var csInterface = new CSInterface();
      csInterface.evalScript("openImage('C:/FOLDER/FILENAME.png')", function(res) { console.log(res); }

    I hope this helps.

    Davide Barranca


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    Kavik wrote:

    Fine thank you. I took the quotes. I definitley left in when I made the change. I also changed the path to the css file.

    The stll tabs do not work in Explorer. I restarted to make sure it wasn't a cached page I saw. I use Explorer 8.

    Thanks again for you help. Other thoughts?


    If the path is correct for the .js file tabs work. I tested myself.

    The above said path your index.html file is in a different folder in the folder root of your site and that the SpryTabbedPanels.js file is in the folder SpryAssets which lies directly in the folder root of your site. If that's where your files it will work. Of course I don't know what you've been hanging out and let down but do it is the best way to break all the links.

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    I am using the FireFox--CreateProfile to create a new profile to a different windows account (for example connect as administrator while trying to create a new windows profile account 'demo') of the order. This will in fact fail because all files are created (lack profile.ini and etc...). However, when I tried to create a new profile directly under the logged in windows account (e.g. login you as demo while trying to create a new profile for the demo), the command works successfully.

    I can confirm that this is due to the limitation of the command that Firefox is unable to create a new profile under a different windows account?

    Yes - each logon user account gets its own file profiles.ini and - CreateProfile only works for the current logon user account.

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    Hi guys. I had created originally from my application using the 0.9.3 sdk and had no problems. I submitted my app and it was approved, but now I'm trying to re - submit with 0.9.4 and I even can't deploy on the Simulator. I get this error message:

    Deployment failed: send request to launch...
    Info: Action: launch
    Info: Launch of PocketPhotoOrg.debug.testaG90b09yZy5kZWJ1ZyAgICA...
    Info: done

    Also, I get this error message when I run it on the desktop:

    VerifyError: Error #1014: class qnx.pps:PSChannel could not be found.

    to test2 / ___test2_MobileApplication1_creationComplete () [/ users/AP_Photography/Documents/Adobe Flash Builder Burrito Preview/test2/src/test2.mxml:6]
    at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent() [E:\dev\hero_private_beta\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
    to mx.core::UIComponent / set initialized() [E:\dev\hero_private_beta\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
    at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation() [E:\dev\hero_private_beta\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
    at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiationCallback() [E:\dev\hero_private_beta\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]

    Could someone tell me why this is happening? I already had 3 approved applications. It's the first time I met this problem and all my other apps went well with 0.9.4 signature and all.

    Try to uninstall previous app and install from scratch. If you try to deploy your signed application which you did with 0.9.3 to 0.9.4 sim does launch?

  • Fonts Typekit works not when you access the site through go daddy domain forwarding.

    Let me start by saying that I am a complete nube. I have a limited knowledge of the terminology and the way that the web works but I'm learning. I have CC, has created a site for a friend and used a typekit fonts. I downloaded the site to my hosting account as a "subdomain" of my website to test and everything seemed to work very well. Once I felt that everything was ready to launch, I went to my account of go daddy friends and did his estate on the site. The site loads very well and all the fonts appear ok except one typekit fonts that I used. When you access the site directly (as a subdomain on my site, example: I see typekit fonts in all its glory, however when accessing the site of the field pointed no name, no typekit fonts. Very confused. I was under the impression that the two methods to access the site will take you to the same place and yet they net of different results. Any help would be appreciated.

    Hey Danny,

    Web of Typekit fonts are served only for the specified domains to publish on time. You need to specify explicitly field of your friend when the site is published.

    The website URL (s) on the ground in the Upload FTP host and export as HTML dialog boxes take in charge several entries separated by commas as in, www,

    I hope this helps.


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    Please try to hell sound HDMI playback devices

    Right click on the speaker icon,

    Select playback device

    Click with the right button on HDMI sound

    Disable it.

    Kind regards.

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    I have a hp and dell. I went back two of them to the original os. I have the discks for each of them. However, the dell has a disc to reload the drivers. All I have with the CV is the operating system, Documentation CD and CD of Diagnostics and restore hp more cd. I put restore plus CD first, then reloaded the operating system. I don't think that all drivers have been downloaded because I can not connect to internet. Any help with this?

    Please visit HP Support & software, enter your computer HP model number and click search for drivers Windows XP download.

  • FieldChangeListener works not when you press the button

    The following code creates a popupscreen and creates two buttons.  I install a FieldChangeListern for buttons. How is it, nothing happens when I press one of the buttons?

    DialogFieldManager Manager = new DialogFieldManager();
    manager.addCustomField (new ButtonField ("Button1", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK));
    manager.addCustomField (new ButtonField ("Button2", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK));

    PopupScreen myPopupScreen = new PopupScreen (manager);
    FieldChangeListener BtnListen = new FieldChangeListener() {}
    ' Public Sub fieldChanged (field field, int context) {}
    System.out.println (Field.ToString ());
    ButtonField myBtn = field (ButtonField);
    myBtn.setLabel ("changed");
    manager.getField (0) .setChangeListener (BtnListen);
    manager.getField (1) .setChangeListener (BtnListen);
    UiApplication.getUiApplication () .pushScreen (myPopupScreen);

    I don't think that the first custom field of a DialogFieldManager's field 0. You are better off adding your buttons like this:

    ButtonField button1 = new ButtonField("Button1", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);ButtonField button2 = new ButtonField("Button2", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);button1.setChangeListener(BtnListen);button2.setChangeListener(BtnListen);manager.addCustomField(button1);manager.addCustomField(button2);

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  • Create fill-able on certificate fields

    Hi... I created a certificate of 11wx8.5h pdf in illustrator CC... and now need to create "to fill the fields" for the customer to type in the names and other perhaps acrobat or word... my question is... what program do I use to create these fields?

  • VMnet1 and 8 does not appear in Windows 7 connection to the home network

    Can someone help me please, I'm new on a virtual machine, I installed VM 9 and degraded to 7 as well, but in two time I am not able to see vmnet1 and vmnet8 in my windows 7 (cards) host machine network connections, I can see that these are present in