Problem of setting a value for the hidden item click on the button with processes action or pl/sql dynamic

Apex 4.1

Oracle 11g

I have a page which consists of a main and several sub-regions area.  I have a pl/sql process in after the header SET_DISPLAY(:P400_DISPLAY:='MAIN';))

Three subregions have a contional show where P400_DISPLAY = STORE.  It works in the hiding of the sub regions.

Now, I want to change the value P400_DISPLAY to the STORE to show the subregions when I hit a button.

I tried to create a dynamic action for the click on the Add button, but get the following error:

The selected button uses a model of 'button' that does not contain the #BUTTON_ID substitution string #.

I went to the models and found:

Substitution strings


Substitution strings are used in sub models to reference the value of the components. This report details use of string substitution for this model.
Substitution string Referenced De Description
#LINK #.YesModelTo be used in an attribute "href".
#JAVASCRIPT #.NO.To be used in an "onclick" attribute
#LABEL #.YesModelButton label
#BUTTON_ATTRIBUTES #.NO.The attributes button
#BUTTON_ID #.NO.ID generated button will be ID either the static button if defined, or if not will be a generated ID internally in the format 'B ' | [Internal ID of the button.

I then tried to create a page process, pl/sql,: P400_DISPLAY: = 'STORE '; If the button is pressed.  The action of the button is submit page. However, it does not change the value of P400_DISPLAY and the subregions are hidden.

Suggestions please on how to fix the template or change the value of P400_DISPLAY?

The question of the root, it's that, even if you change the value of the element of your page, it is not visible to other areas of the page until it is in the session. Thus, any other action based on the value of the element of your page. the visibility of a control, a report based on the value of the item, etc. will be affected by changing the value of the item page until it has been changed in the session. Even after that, items are stored in the session, then you must do something to influence the revalued value. To see the effect of this, observe that your page will load and assesses the value of the element of your page, it sees which is the "MAIN" and mask areas. However, he didn't reassess after that.

Then; your choices for this value set at the session are send the page, or use JavaScript to set the value in the session. If you use the latter, you will have to do extra work to make visibility tests be re - run, so, let's stick with the submit method.

What you did above sounds correct to do this but, there are a lot of decisions, that you might have done that may have caused things to do not occur in the correct order.

First of all, we will confirm that what I describe above is your problem. From the development environment, load the page, click on the button to change the value and submit. Now, click on the link marked the Session. He is always at HAND? If the answer is "Yes"; That's your problem.

Let's start with your calculation after the header. You set it to * only * run if the current value of the element of your page is null? If this isn't the case, it's your problem.

Load the Page-> Item set to 'Hand' by calculation-> click on the button--> Item set to STORE-> Submit-> Page Load-> point by calculating the value 'hand '.

See the problem?

Assuming that's not the question, you have created a branch to the same page, right? What is your process for the branch point? Is it * after * Validation, computation etc.? Because if not, you are not changing the value before that didn't get to submit.

I bet that's the first question, but take a look at these.

See you soon,.


Tags: Database

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    article P1_SELECTED_ROW_ID is about to "view only".
    If you replace this 'hidden' and unprotected, it should work.

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    Good luck, Erik-jan

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    Thank you all,

    I was able to solve this problem in action appellant and here is the code snippet

    actionListener = "#{bindings." CreateInsert.execute}"action =" #{testBean.getSalesPeople} ' "

    partialSubmit = "true" / >


    public void getSalesPeople() {}

        Links DCBindingContainer = (DCBindingContainer) BindingContext.getCurrent () .getCurrentBindingsEntry ();
        UserInfoBean userBean = (UserInfoBean) JSFUtils.getManagedBeanValue ("userBean");
        DCIteratorBinding quoteIter = bindings.findIteratorBinding("SalesQuoteView1Iterator");
        RowSetIterator quoteRSIter = quoteIter.getRowSetIterator ();
        RowKeySet rowKeySet = m_SalesQuoteTbl.getSelectedRowKeys ();
        If (rowKeySet! = null & rowKeySet.size () > 0) {}
            Iterator rksIterator = rowKeySet.iterator ();
            The list rowKey = (List) ();
            Key = (Key) rowKey.get (0);
            Line currentRow = quoteRSIter.getRow (key);
            currentRow.setAttribute ("Sales", userBean.getStrUserName ());

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    com.greensock.easing import. *;

    var currentTool:MovieClip;

    Btn1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onToolClick);
    btn2.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onToolClick);
    btn3.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onToolClick);
    btn4.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onToolClick);

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    currentTool = as MovieClip;
    If (currentTool is btn1)
    { (mc1, 3, {alpha: 1}); (mc2, 3, {alpha: 0}); (mc3, 3, {alpha: 0});
    ElseIf (currentTool == btn2)
    { (mc2, 3, {alpha: 1}); (mc1, 3, {alpha: 0}); (mc3, 3, {alpha: 0});
    ElseIf (currentTool == btn3)
    { (mc3, 3, {alpha: 1}); (mc1, 3, {alpha: 0}); (mc2, 3, {alpha: 0});
    else {}


    If your buttons are movieclips, then you can assign a number to each, and allows to treat interpolations more generically...

    Btn1. Num = 1;
    btn2.Num = 2;
    btn3. NUM = 3;
    btn4. NUM = 4;

    function onToolClick(me:MouseEvent):void {}
    currentNum = .num MovieClip (me.currentTarget);
    for (var i: uint = 1; i<5;>
    if(i == currentNum) {} (this ["mc" + String (i)], 3, {alpha: 1});
    } else {} (this ["mc" + String (i)], 3, {alpha: 0});

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        BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
        OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("CreateWithParams");
        // here I calculate and set the needed params
        // ...
        Object result = operationBinding.execute();
        if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
          return null;
        return null;

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    Thank you



    Let me first tell you that our code is activity masking errors (the cache instead of working on them).

    1. If (! operationBinding.getErrors () .isEmpty ()) {}
    2. Returns a null value.
    3. }
    4. Returns a null value.

    This means that you do not check the errors at all. You must at least print a log with the error message, you receive, if you get one!

    To solve your problem, you override the method prepareForDML() of the entity or entities in question. You can calculate and set the necessary attributes until they get engaged in the doDML(). Do not use doDML() because it is too late in the life cycle.


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    Hi all

    I am facing a problem in passing multiple values in the loop settings for.



    tab type is table of NUMBER;



    Select the COLLECT LOOSE pr temp_tab pr_id;

    I'm in 1.TEMP_TAB. loop of COUNTING

    PR_ID: = temp_tab (i);

    end loop;



    pr_id = 234578

    in the example above, I'm only a value as an out parameter. but I send you PR_ID of the loop.
    why I don't get all the values that the parameters.please offer a solution for me.

    Thank you my friend.

    More clarification, let's look at your code...

    -- create a procedure and have a single numeric out variable
      -- declare a type as an array of numbers
      type tab is table of NUMBER;
      -- declare a varianble of that array type
      -- query all the values from the table into the array
      select pr_id BULK COLLECT INTO temp_tab from pr;
      -- loop through each value in the array
      for i in 1..TEMP_TAB.COUNT loop
        -- set the value of the single OUT parameter, OVERWRITING any previous value it has
        PR_ID := temp_tab(i);
        -- loop around to the next value
      end loop;
      -- end the procedure with the final value of PR_ID
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    Hi kevin7frg,

    You can go to "file > create > scanner > configure presets PDF»

    The dialog box that appears, you can choose 8.5 X 11 as the default width and height of PDF pages to scan.

    Hope that helps.

    Kind regards

    Ana Maria

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    < $dprDefaultValue = # active.xWebSites$ >

    Y at - it something I am doing wrong? Incorrect syntax?

    Thank you!!

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    "To identify the ID of an article or a website, open the page to check content on the content server and click Browse next to the"Section of the Web Site." In the window choose the Web Site Section, select your Web site and notice the ID in brackets next to each section (Figure). »

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    DEU-00014: invalid value for the setting, "include".

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    I'm sure that the limit is 4000 characters, but there are fairly simple workaround.

    Create the table my_tabs (a varchar2 (30));
    insert into my_tabs values ('your_table_name');
    Repeat this step for each of your 200 tables

    include = TABLE: "in ((SELECT from MY_TABS)) '"

    You may need to mess you with the quote, but the value you were using is just an expression. It is only by using a different expression.


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      Field                      value  
      created by             :APPL_USER
      creation_date         SYSDATE
      last_updated_by     :APPL_USER
      last_update_date    SYSDATE
      item1                     value1
      item2                     value2
    I am currently using calculation-> after presents... then when we create/update a record... these computaion takes place and the default value for the inserted values get... THIS WORKS PERFECTLY WELL.

    I want to know... If this approach is fine OR we can have a better approach to achieve...?

    Thank you


    I think it's good if it fits your need.

    But why you have these fields in the form?
    created by: APPL_USER
    last_updated_by: APPL_USER
    last_update_date SYSDATE

    The user can enter the ones?
    I thought that those who are to audit and I would fill those drop with trigger in the database.
    So that you get the same "correct" values if you need to manipulate the data with example of sql client

    BR, Jari

  • Can set the default value in the field with the rule

    I have a rule to set the xWebStartDate to dateCurrent(), but it does not work. I disabled all other rules, so there is no conflict. This rule is only to try to fix the date of xWebStart, nothing else.
    'Use the activation of rule condition' is checked. I selected 'Action of use' and 'check in Selected. I have added the xWebStartDate field and I have a default custom
    < $dprDefaultValue dateCurrent () = $ >
    Thus, it is for content that already exists and someone is to check in a new revision.
    I know that my rule works, because I added the dDocAuthor field and set it to "infOnly" and that works. This problem occurs if the action is updated also. But for check-ins again, I put the xWebStartDate to dateCurrent successfully.

    Update: it's existing content, which already has a xWebStartDate. The rule must replace the existing value.

    Edited by: ironarm February 1, 2013 17:58

    In your case, you cannot use default value for the new revisions, because your content is already a value for the metadata field.

    (1) change your rule
    (2) on the general tab, check "Use activation Condition rule" and click Edit
    (3) in 'Edit Activation Condition' window, click on the tab "side effects".
    (4) add the following...

    <$if isCheckin $> [[%or you can also use (IdcService and IdcService like "CHECKIN_SEL_FORM")%]]
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    I use Labview 8.5.1 and have a few entries button and zipper-type on my front. How can I set some of them having specific (as opposed to zero) default values when the VI is executed?

    Thanks for the help

    The default value for the type of slide of entry (or button).

    Right-click on the control.

    Select "Operations on the data" > "default to the current value of doing."

Maybe you are looking for