Deleting an old thread

A mod can please remove the following thread? Or, at the very least, delete the official names in the upper part and the response after the second answer? I deleted the e-mail program and he want to come back. In addition to many years old and useles

When you try to uninstall a program, I get an error 1316

I tried to remove the toolbar Ask and my system. I have been using the control panel. I get an error 1316. What is this error and how can I accomplish my task?

ICloud on USB backup

I have a ton of files in my iCloud I want to save it on a USB key. How can I go to iCloud on a flash drive without having to download the documents one at a time?

The firefox plugin checker does not work, how to fix?

My Java Applet in Firefox after installation is not updated. I erased the file pluginreg.dat and which did not help. I have a screenshot showing that it is functional and installed Oracle.

After the last update my firefox went from Dutch to English.

I've updated before and the program was and remained in Dutch. However, with the last update it turned to English.I can't get it back in Dutch. Please advice. homepage does not display images, only red, Firefox 4 blocks

I had to reformat my hard drive due to a bad virus, and everything worked correctly before that. The operating system is Windows XP Pro SP3, completely up to date. I've updated to Firefox 4. My home page works fine, but when I go to yaho

15 - f039wm: BIOS does not detect hard drives until it performs a diagnostic search

I was handed a 15-f039wm laptop to watch and I recognized immediately the hard drive was bad, complete failure - no detection and would not pass the built-in diagnostics. I have removed the drive from the laptop and confirmed that the car was bad on

Help: malfunction of the music player

Hey Etrix here: having a bit of a problem. Its the native music player application. See, it stops playing after about 3 mintuea in. It os not added to my list of auto complete. The only thing I can have dysturbed isi put an end to the service of the

phone just for was 1-321-747 - 3486.message I had won $1,000 target gift card.

I sent a text message that I have won something, but when going on the internet to make a claim, the website does not exist. What should you do in a case like this?

He had to get rid of updates have been installed more than once

I have a big problem with my updates. I was checking my story update and apparenty more updates, I already have, have been installed more than once. is there a way I can get rid of copies updates that have already been installed? they occupy a lot of

How can I remove a connection from network Local to my computer?

I have a connection to local network on my computer (XP Service Pack 3 operating system).  I had this connection turned off for awhile and I also removed the ICON on the desktop for this connection.  For many months, I noticed in the Log Viewer/syste

How to draw the symbol of the avalanche diode in multisim?

Hi all I include a symbol for the network of diodes in multisim. SP0503BAHT, can someone offer you please how to draw it? I am very new to multisim. Thank you

Dell Dimension 3000 mysterious starts.

I have a Dell Dimension 3000 running Windows XP Home Edition. He suddenly began to automatically start shortly after midnight each day.

Register paretoLogic drivercure

Saya having nomor registry paretoLogic driverCure

WiFi disconnects every 1-2 minutes

Once I have signed to the internet and open a page, IE email, news, etc., my wireless connection is lost and goes back on saying wireless connection is now connected, what is happening every 1-2 minutes

Installation of McAfee security on Windows XP

I'm an XP user and cannot install McAfee security.  Error message: DMS Setup [1] is not a valid Win 32 application. How to install McAfee Security properly?

Photo cd

I put a cd in the optical drive media image, and nothing happens, it doesn't let me see what the disk.

Is there a way to make the NAS200 act as a drive in my computer

Not sure if this has been discussed here yet. I have a NAS200 connected to my router and I can access through my web browser without problem. I was wondering if there is a way to make it act as a player that is in my computer. It is to say give it a

Photosmart 6515, product = CQ761A: How can I change my preferences task analysis.

When I first set up the device, I was given a lot of choices for how I wanted to scan different tasks at work, where I tried the files go, if I wanted to color or black and white, that resolution, all that. What I have now, is a utility program "HP"

What is a "locked" file

When running an analysis of file, many files have been listed as "file locked" so not tested.  What is and how to unlock these files.