Problem with conditional as C2 map


I'm trying to map personal 2 based on the accounts of HFM target that starts by 1 * 2 * 3 *.

I have nothing in C2, but this should always refer to the account of the target and the result.

Any thoughts?

Thank you.

Dim HFMAcc
HFMAcc = varValues (14)

If left(HFMAcc,1) = "1" then
Result = "F99".
End if


1. ensure that mapped account before C2 (check the sequence Calc in page size)

2 assign a dummy value to C2 in the import format (Ex: DummyC2)

3. set source as * in the mapping


Tags: Business Intelligence

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    Control Panel - Device Manager - do a right-click on the two - UNINSTALL - REBOOT

    Nothing else to do, Windows will do the rest. And you can ignore the errors altogether if you want and
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    Hi twa.

    I had google around your sounndcard of motorcycle and has me filled. The firewire port should detect the card. Only, you can try to install the IEEE 1394 host controller driver. Next step would be to recover the laptop and try to use the FW port with a new high OS (OS recovery Toshiba) system. The cobblestones of this new configuration system laptop back to the default configuration.

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    Problem is that you are in LIVE view mode.  Switch to DESIGN view for working with image maps.

    What happened to the use of SVG for your tree?

    Nancy O.

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           sys_connect_by_path(start_date, '|'),
           LEVEL lvl
      FROM dates_q a
     CONNECT BY PRIOR end_date = (start_date - 1)

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    01.01.201410.01.2014| 1 JANUARY 141
    11.01.201420.01.2014| 1 JANUARY 14 | JANUARY 11, 142
    11.01.201420.01.2014| JANUARY 11, 141
    10.03.201420.03.2014| MARCH 10, 141
    21.03.201431.03.2014| MARCH 10, 14. MARCH 21, 142
    21.03.201431.03.2014| MARCH 21, 141
    01.04.201410.04.2014| MARCH 21, 14. 1 APRIL 142
    01.04.201410.04.2014| 1 APRIL 141

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           sys_connect_by_path(start_date, '|'),
           LEVEL lvl
      FROM dates_q a
     CONNECT BY PRIOR end_date = (start_date - 1)
     START WITH start_date = To_Date('01-apr-2014','dd-mon-yyyy');

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    01.04.201410.04.2014| 1 APRIL 141

    Just a line...!

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    Thank you


    P.S. - database is 10g R2.


    Thanks for the display of the data of the sample; It is very useful.

    What do you expect the result will be and why?

    LEVEL = 1 contains all rows that meet the condition to START WITH.  The rows that meet the condition

    start_date = To_Date('01-apr-2014','dd-mon-yyyy')

    in this case?  Only the line you actually obtained.

    LEVEL = N (where N > 1) contains all rows that meet the conditions regarding some FRONT CONNECT BY rank level = N - 1.  Since the only line level = 1 to end_date = To_Date('10-apr-2014','dd-mon-yyyy'), lines satisfy the condition

    End_date PRIOR = (start_date - 1).

    ? None.  End_date PREREQUISITE is April 10, while rows with start_date April 11 would fulfill this condition, there is no line on LEVEL = 2 and the query stops there.

    You would have expected this from your previous results.  The line with the start_date April 1 had no children in the previous application, so there no children in any application that has the same State of CONNECT BY.

    Maybe you meant the CONNECT BY condtion to be

    End_date = BEFORE (start_date - 1).

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    Thank you

    3.2.1 using


    I'm happy that it works.

    Can you please click on the buttons 'Correct' or 'Useful' to award marks.

    Thank you.


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    Map with divs

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    I also using tables instead recreated)
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    The fixed!
    When I put the

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    See you soon

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    end if;
    then return false;
    end if;
    else return TRUE;
    end if;

    And here is the PL/SQL that works (after adding a page to pre-fill rendering calculation: P950_NOTIFICATION_PRIMARY_ST with the value "NA")

    end if;
    then return false;
    end if;
    else return TRUE;
    end if;


    If P950_NOTIFICATION_PRIMARY_ST is a selection list that allows null values, then it is possible that the value is in fact % null and non-null. Try:

    if :P950_NOTIFICATION_PRIMARY_ST <> '%' || 'null%'

    ("null %" is actually converted to NULL, you must divide the string as above for the test)


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    I put in place this logic in the 'Mission to the mapping of object status' tab in the console Design.
    However, this change doesn't think. What is the best solution in this case?

    Kind regards

    Once the resource is implemented, you can only have three status

    Enabled, disabled and removed

    You can do it, commissioning or any other

    These status shows the status of the resource. Now, once the user get configured how it can be provisioning (failed). Perhaps some update fails, what does not mean that the user is not put into service.

    Yes, you can do work around that Gyan has suggested to you


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    2. in the report link column I put the value of the branch of current page number
    3. on the Cancel button on the destination in the brach to Page page, I have user & branch

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    I also tried below


    Did you miss the point at the end:



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    I'm becoming so whenever you click on the object it reduced opacity of 10% every time if it gets to 10% and he clicked again, it remains at 10% instead of going to 0

    I managed to do it keep going down into the fine opacity that I don't know the code to prevent it to go lower. That's what I have so far

    function fadeOut(e:MouseEvent):void {}

    instrument.Alpha-=. 1;


    If (instrument.alpha <. 1) {}

    instrument.Alpha =.1

    } else {}

    instrument.Alpha-=. 1;


    Oops, that should be:

    function fadeOut(e:MouseEvent):void {}

    instrument.Alpha = Math.max(.1,instrument.alpha-.1);


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    When using google maps via Firefox, after asking a place which is not the General section of North America who comes up regularly, the firefox screen becomes white with a narrow banner at the top. A message appears in the lower right corner that says something on display drivers having had a problem, but now have been recovered. However, the display is not recover and the message of the banner is that Firefox is not responding. When I go to restart Firefox if I'm about to restore, the page is still frozen.
    I don't think there is a problem with my computer because it doesn't happen if I used to go to google maps, then G-cards works normally.
    This phenomenon didn't happen before the last update Google or Firefox. I used Fiefox for some years and also Google Maps on previous computers and on this one and not had it before.
    It is a relatively young computer (Asus EeSlate 121) less than a year. I have used Firefox since I bought it and until recently had no problem with Google Maps.

    I solved it myself, after the 'note' that was FF/Mozilla, just as I finished my message, commenting on what it was that my system was, I wnnt back to check my plug-ins, etc. I downloaded the latest Java, the TWO 32-bit AND 64-bit versions and latest Firefox.
    Now everything works.
    Thank you

  • Slate 7 voicetab: problem with Google Maps.

    Friends, long since I've updated my tab to Kitkat of JellyBean, I have a problem with Google maps. Whenever I use Google maps, it freezes the tab at some point and then I have to restart the tab. I updated the app several times and restored too. A tab reset but still having the same problem. What should I do to prevent it? At the moment I use 'maps', but I need to use Google maps. Please give notice to fix the problem.

    Hi there @Mono45

    Welcome to the Forums of HP Support! It's a good place to find the help you need, so many other users, the HP experts and other members of the support staff. I understand that your 7 Slate freezes on you when you try to run Google Maps. I'm happy to help you with this.

    I would recommend that you go well following linked page from above and in the section on the use of "find the solution that fits...." ' article 'an apps constantly reply on your HP Tablet.

    HP tablets - tablets hangs or freezes (Android KitKat, Jelly Bean)

    If it works for you, please mark this message as a solution.

  • Problem with Google Maps blackBerry Smartphones?

    Hi, I'm having a lot of problems with the Google Maps download.

    I just got my blackberry a couple of weeks, and google maps is a feature that I really need.

    I have download it without problems, and then when I opened the application I can search for a place with no trouble.

    However, I can't find any more places. If I enter another address, I get the 'getting directions' screen and he's looking for hours and hours. Finally, I just delete the program and reinstall it if I want to search for another location.

    Why should I do this? Is there something wrong with my phone?

    Upgrade to the latest OS:

    See the link below for download and simple installation instructions.

    Make a backup of your device first, using Desktop Manager > backup. Close the office at the end Manager.

    1. download the OS files to the PC then install on the PC by running (double click) the downloaded file.
    2. go in c:\program files Research in motion\apploader and delete the file named "vendor.xml."
    3. plug in the BB and double-click on "Loader.exe." It is located in the same place as the above vendor.xml file.

Maybe you are looking for

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