PSE13 installed in the correct folder

I installed PSE13 in my laptop using 8.1 windows 64-bit.  I found that it is installed in "Program Files" rather than "Program Files (x 86)".  Is this a problem, or it won't work properly where ever it is?  If it must be moved - how?

No error, this is the place to install 64-bit applications. The older 32-bit versions were installed in "Program Files (x 86)". "

Tags: Photoshop

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    Hello andy04,

    Thank you for visiting the website of Microsoft Windows Vista Community.

    Try to install as an administrator.  Right click on the installer and select run as administrator.

    This should solve your problem.

    Let us know if these steps solve your problem.  I hope the information is useful.

    Kind regards

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    Have you tried to reinstall the Plugin package once?

    Refer to Digital Imaging Crawlspace Jeff Tranberry | Adobe Digital Imaging tid - bits, served in a dirty ashtray.

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    Kind regards


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    Teknogods is the source of the problem, not the game of basic or Windows.

    When using mods, that you'd better ask your question on the Teknogods or similar modding forum.


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    Should my fellow engineer some friendly advice?

    [BTW, he used NEITHER CVI occasionally, especially with other languages]

    Thank you ALL

    Scott Youngren with CVI 8.1.x

    Hi Scott,.

    Even if we are aware of them or not, most programs use System32 as their destination of DLL.

    I myself wouldn't mind too much about.

    Have you seen this document?

    You can install to a different location and use the PATH environment variable where you can not convince that system32 is ok.

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    In my base of 8.1 Win I don't have this option.

    I made this change, in this way:

    1. Control Panel > user accounts > change user account control settings > never notify
    2. Run > RegEdit:
      Set the key to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Microsoft-Windows-CurrentVersion------policies------system------EnableLUA to 0.
      On this option read about it here:

    Thank you

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