public static class

A method of variable or member of the Member are accessible without creating the object of a static class.
I know that inner classes can only be static.
Please answer soon...

Of course not: s

You can make the variable or static method, but then it is therefore more a member of the class.

Tags: Java

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    Since this is a static inner class, you must specify:

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    Your code would work if it were a non-static inner class.

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    class SingletonEnforcer)


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    singletonEnforcer is not necessary in the first example, and they could use one in the second example, if they wanted. With the help of the enforcer allows to raise an error in the constructor and say an error such as: singleton - use getInstance(); and using the initializer applies appropriate. In the second example, you can simply use the constructor and bypass the getInstance() method and no errors occur. They just leave it up to you, the developer, to use the getInstance(), method.

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    // Statics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private static Random _random;  To generate random numbers for dates and channels.
    private static ubyte [] _letters; To generate random strings.
    // Constants -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private static final int MIN_STRING_LENGTH = 3;   Minimum length for a random string.
    private static final int MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 10;  Maximum length of random string.
    public static
    _random = new Random();
    _letters = new ubyte [MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

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    But what is the reasoning behind the encapsulating the _random and _letters inside the {} public static?  Is it just a kind of shorthand for something else?

    Again, I apologize for what must seem like stupid question, but I don't want to jump on something that I think moight be crucial to understand.  Thanks in advance (again)!


    I don't see why initialization that you see in this class could not be done as you suggest.

    However, there are other situations where this isn't the case.

    For example not elegant and simple (there are other better ways to dong that), you can have a static value that identifies whether the device is a touch screen,

    If you have

    public static boolean IS_TOUCH_SCREEN;

    public as well as any other class can test this just by using .IS_TOUCH_SCREEN

    {public static

    String pattern = DeviceInfo.getDeviceName ();

    If [(model.startsWith("95"))

    IS_TOUCH_SCREEN = true;

    } else {}

    IS_TOUCH_SCREEN = false;


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    Thanks - Lindsay

    Exactly, that's what I was wondering - I found the answer according to the PhoneListener in the MIDlet . Now I store my UiApplication object in the running store and access them from the PhoneLister to publish objects on my main application via invokeLater.

    Thank you


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    Click Save, I can just walk them and save them in SQL.

    And all my classes can access them if necessary.

    Or is there a better way?

    See you soon

    Be more specific on what is YipeeClass and what he really needs. YippeeClass probably doesn't have access to all settings variables.

    For example, if YippeeClass is a point of view, he's probably just things it is designed to show. Provide you (getters/setters) properties on the view and then your main class for the Document (or better yet, a controller class dedicated) looked at the settings and fill in the properties of the display according to relevant parameters. Don't worry the Document class on how these parameters affect the view - it will be now responsible for displaying to translate the properties in any way (for example, to set the text of a text field). This is known as Dependency Injection.

    If the user interacts with the view in a way that impact parameters, send you an event to the view which is intercepted by a controller or the main document class and that class then will bring the necessary changes to the settings.

    Classes should always know the strict minimum necessary to accomplish all that they are directly responsible, and each class should be responsible for something.  I suggest you get the book associated with the links I posted: Actionscript 3 Design Patterns. At least she would give you a framework to think about such things.

  • Static class to change TextField


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    Certainly that I forget something obvious, I get the correct trace messages, but the textfield object disappears. The original text is 'Start' and I want to change cela 'OK '. For now I just want to change the text, but then I want to be able to change the text format.

    So far, I have this:



    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    SerializableAttribute public class ChangeTextField extends MovieClip


    public void ChangeTextField(_textField:Object,__text:String):void {}


    public static void change(_textField:TextField,__text:String):void {}

    trace ("CHANGETEXTFIELD" + _textField); Return to 'start '.

    _textField.text = _text;




    In another class, I loaded the SWF and its contents is inside a MovieClip so that I can reference it. To edit the text in the TextField I would do something like:

    ChangeTextField.change (okButton.normal.label_tx, "OK");

    trace (okButton.normal.label_tx. (Text); Returns "OK".

    By the messages trace, all that does what it is supposed to do, but the object TextField disappears.

    Any idea?

    See you soon.

    If you see all traces of planned, make sure that your policy is incorporated.

  • Help with public static functions.

    Hey everyone, I worked on a problem for a while and have finally understood just wrong. Google is not helped me to find the right way, so I'm posting it here. I sort of understand what's wrong with my code, but I have no idea how to do right. I'm a total noob to AS3, this is my first project.

    I have a main FLA file called game.fla with nothing on the stage, starting with. The document class is (shown below). The main class is supposed to manage the switching between the preLoader, mainMenu and game itself. The preloader loads and the player must press play to go to the main menu. The main menu is controlled by, which adds event listeners for buttons game, instructions and credits. At the present time, instructions and credits just draw responses. When you click on play, I want to remove the mainmenu (not a problem with parent.removeChild (this)); and add the game. This is my problem comes in. I can't say parent.addChild (game), because honestly, I don't know how (I need to set a variable in hand or MainMenu and must it be public, static, etc?). Simplicity seems to be a function called initializeGame() that I could simply call of mainMenu. Problem: I have to do a static function, which doesn't let me use addChild, removeChild or any other variable that I create. Could someone please explain how I could do this job (even if it means change my structure. "I would be happy to learn a better way to deal with this kind of thing). Also, on a side note: if I can't use the static function with add or remove a child, can I optimize the effect later? I want later in my game, that I would need to call functions between classes, on a button click, for example, that affect the scene (or objects in the scene). Can I do it another way? For example, by clicking on an icon of the video game card clip, I would map the movieclip to load. A function that could be described seems the best way to do it, but I'm sure he can otherwise. Thank you much in advance. My code is below.


        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class Main extends MovieClip
            private var preLoader:PreLoader;
            private var mainMenu:MainMenu;
            private var game:Game;
            public function Main()
                preLoader = new PreLoader;
                addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, barLoading);
            private function barLoading(event:Event):void
                var total:Number = stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
                var loaded:Number = stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
                preLoader.loadingBar.scaleX = loaded/total;
                if (loaded==total)
                    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, barLoading);
                    preLoader.doneLoading.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doneLoading);
                    loaded = null;
                    total = null;
            private function doneLoading(event:MouseEvent):void
                preLoader.doneLoading.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doneLoading);
                mainMenu = new MainMenu;
            static public function initializeGame():void
                game = new Game;

        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class MainMenu extends MovieClip
            public function MainMenu()
                playGameButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playGameButtonFunction);
                instructionsButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, instructionsButtonFunction);
                creditsButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, creditsButtonFunction);
            private function playGameButtonFunction(event:MouseEvent):void
                playGameButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playGameButtonFunction);
                instructionsButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, instructionsButtonFunction);
                creditsButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, creditsButtonFunction);
            private function instructionsButtonFunction(event:MouseEvent):void
                instructionsButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, instructionsButtonFunction);
            private function creditsButtonFunction(event:MouseEvent):void
                creditsButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, creditsButtonFunction);

    In addition, anny comments on my coding habits and how to improve are welcome.

    in the hand

    var preloader: Preloader = new Preloader (();)

    preloader.addEventListener ("preloadCompleted", preloadCompletedF);

    in the Preloader, loading complete:

    this.dispatchEvent (new Event ("preloadCompleted"));

  • error of static class

    I have a static class:

    package VO
    public class ArrayValues
    private static var instance: ArrayValues = new ArrayValues();

    nominal values will replace the first with English-language versions
    If the user clicks on "Spanish" they will be replaced with
    private var yesNoArray:Array = new Array('1','2');
    private var utilityArray:Array = new Array('1','2');

    public void ArrayValues()
    error ("ArrayValues is called by its instance");

    Public Shared function getInstance (): ArrayValues
    return instance;

    public function getYesNoArray (): Array
    Return yesNoArray;
    public void setYesNoArray(input:Array):void
    yesNoArray = entry;

    It is invoked here:

    import VOS. ArrayValues;
    import VOS. InputData;
    import VOS. InputLabels;

    public var saveData:InputData = InputData.getInstance ();

    168 public var getArrays:ArrayValues = ArrayValues.getInstance ();

    It generates this error:

    Error: ArrayValues is called by its instance
    to VO::ArrayValues() [C:\FSCalc\Flex\FSCalc\src\VO\]
    to VO: ArrayValues$ cinit)
    Global $init () [C:\FSCalc\Flex\FSCalc\src\VO\]
    components::InputForm() [C:\FSCalc\Flex\FSCalc\src\components\InputForm.mxml:168]
    in FSCalc / _FSCalc_InputForm1_i)
    in FSCalc / _FSCalc_Array6_c)

    What I am doing wrong?

    PS, it is normal to take almost 10 minutes a) go to your discussions, b) read a reply to a thread and c) come back to the normal discussion?  That seems excessive to me.

    If you try to reach singleton,

    Your manufacture should look like this,

    public void ArrayValues(access:SingletonEnforcer)

    If (access is nothing)
    error ("ArrayValues is called by its instance");


    a variable,

    public static private var _instance: ArrayValues;

    Public Shared function getInstance (): ArrayValues

    If (_instance is nothing)
    _instance = new ArrayValues (new SingletonEnforcer());
    return _instance;


    And another class in the same file,

    class SingletonEnforcer

  • can we create a static class in actionscript 3.0

    Hi if yes please send me piece of code.

    Thank you

    Hi Julie,.

    There is not specifically a static class in Flex you can declare it at compile time. However, you can have static variables and methods in your class and you can call them by using the class name itself without creating an instance of this class.

    Here is the piece of code...

    package com.constants
    public class ConsumerMessageConstants
    public static const = "10000" UNABLE_TO_ENROLL_PLANS_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10001"; = MARITAL_STATUS_UPDATED_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10002" = ERROR_IN_EDITING_MARITALSTAUS_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10003" = SMOKER_STATUS_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const = '10004 '; PASSWORD_RESET_REQUIRED_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10005; = ADDRESS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10006; = UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_THIS_DEPENDENT_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10007; = EMPLOYEE_SALARY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10008; = ERROR_IN_EDITING_SALARY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10009; = PLEASE_SELECT_A_CONSIDER_PLAN_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10010" = YOU_MUST_CHOOSE_A_PLAN_COVERAGE_LEVEL_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10011" = PLEASE_SELECT_PLAN_TO_LOCK_PORTFOLIO_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10013" = NO_DATA_TO_DISPLAY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10014" = NO_PLANS_AVAILABLE_TO_ENROLL_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10015" = NO_PLANS_TO_BE_ENROLLED_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10016 = PASSWORD_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String."
    public static const "10017" = NEW_PASSWORD_AND_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_SAME_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10018; = YOUR_DATA_IS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10019" = HEALTH_PLAN_IS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const = '10020 '; HEALTH_PLAN_IS_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const = '10021 '; MONEY_PLAN_IS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10022; = MONEY_PLAN_IS_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const = '10023 '; PROTECTION_PLAN_IS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10024" = PROTECTION_PLAN_IS_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10025" = UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_PATHS_MESSAGE_ID:String

    Public Shared function func1 (): Void


    Public Shared function func2 (): Void

    public void ConsumerMessageConstants()

  • Static Classes &amp; events

    Can it only an instance of a class expedition event, or the static class can too?

    We have static class MyManager:

    package managers


    Import mx.rpc.CallResponder;

    import of services. MyDataService;

    Import valueObjects.MyValueObject;

    Public NotInheritable class MyManager


    public static var updateDataResult:CallResponder = new CallResponder();

    private static var myDataService:MyDataService = new MyDataService ();

    private static var myValueObject:MyValueObject = new MyValueObject();

    Public Shared function updateMyDataService (): void {}

    updateDataResult.token = myDataService.update (myValueObject);




    And the other class which calls:

    import managers. MyManager;

    MyManager.updateMyDataService ();

    MyManager.updateDataResult.addEventListener (ResultEvent.RESULT, resultReceived);

    and this event listener does not work.

    Hi Banditizm,

    Yes you can even send your static callResponders events, but I think that the difficulty you might face you cannot capture or listen to events sent.

    You can do something, you can send these events w.r.t. systemManager and also listen to these WRT events there.

    I mean your shipment to help call the event as below...

    systemManager.dispatchEvent (new Event ("dataLoadComplete"));

    And you can listen in your mxml or as .as file below...

    systemManager.addEventListener ("dataLoadComplete", onDataLoadComplete);

    Thank you

    Jean Claude

  • public static nat/global vs

    Excluding an access list, what is the difference between:

    NAT (inside) 1 net (outside) 1 global net


    static (inside, outside) 1 net

    Thank you.

    in static reality must be combined with the access list for a two-way communication... You are right in a sense that

    public static nat/global access-list =

    Basically, the rule is that the traffic is allowed more high to low infterface of default security


    from the lowest to the highest security of communication you need an access as well as the STATIC list

    Thank you


  • public static problem (inside, outside)

    I use a PIX to isolate a subnet to a corporate network.

    inside is the corporate network

    outside is not approved LAN

    A single user in LAN not approved need to go to a specific set of IP addresses in

    And all other users can browse the Internet via downstream

    proxy server to talk to the corporate proxy server

    It works fine,

    Why I can't use the static suite for this

    public static (Interior, exterior) netmask 0 0

    problem is that I have to continue to add each ip address static statement such as

    public static (Interior, exterior) netmask 0 0

    public static (Interior, exterior) netmask 0 0

    public static (Interior, exterior) netmask 0 0

    public static (Interior, exterior) netmask 0 0

    Unfortunately this site VIEW use different IP addresses in the subnet, everyday

    Is any limitation of this ststic command at the low security access

    interface high security by using the static command

    Hi, I don't know, but the problem may be in the netmask in your static instruction,

    It must be or so because it is a network and not a host.

    hope this helps.

  • Public static political static NAT in conflict with NAT VPN

    I have a situation where I need to create a VPN site-to site between an ASA 5505 using IOS 7.2 and a Sonicwall NSA4500. The problem arises where the LAN behind the Cisco ASA has the same subnet an existing VPN currently created on the Sonicwall. Since the Sonicwall cannot have two VPN both run on the same subnet, the solution is to use policy NAT on the SAA as well as for the Sonicwall, the new VPN seems to have a different subnet.

    The current subnet behind the ASA is (The Sonicwall already has a private network virtual created for another customer with the same subnet). I try to translate it to The peer LAN (behind the Sonicwall) is The ASA relevant configuration is:

    interface Vlan1


    access extensive list ip outside_1_cryptomap allow

    list of access VPN extended permit ip

    public static (inside, outside) - list of VPN access

    card crypto outside_map 1 match address outside_1_cryptomap

    In addition, there are other static NAT instructions and their associated ACLs that allow certain traffic through the firewall on the server, for example:

    public static tcp (indoor, outdoor) interface smtp SERVER smtp netmask

    The problem is this: when I enter the static strategy statement NAT, I get the message ' WARNING: real-address conflict with existing static "and then it refers to each of the static NAT statements reflecting the external address to the server. I've thought about it, and it seemed to me that the problem was that policy NAT statement must be the first statement of NAT (it is the last one) so that it is run first and all traffic destined to the VPN to the Sonicwall (destination tunnel would be properly treated. If I left him as the last statement, then the other static NAT statements would prevent a part of the network-bound traffic to be correctly routed through the VPN.

    So, I tried first to my stated policy NAT upward in the ASDM GUI interface. However, moving the declaration was not allowed. Then I tried to delete the five static NAT statements that point to the server (an example is above) and then recreate them, hoping that would then move up the policy statement NAT. This also failed.

    What Miss me?


    I assumed that we could have changed the order of the 'static' , the original orders, but as it did not work for some reason any then it seems to me that you suggested or change, that I proposed should work.

    I guess that your purpose was to set up static political PAT for the VPN for some these services, then static PAT of public network access, then static NAT to policy for the rest of the network in-house.

    I guess you could choose any way seems best for you.

    Let me know if get you it working. I always find it strange that the original configuration did not work.

    Remember to mark a reply as the answer if it answered your question.

    Feel free to ask more if necessary


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