Static class to change TextField


I'm doing a static class that will change the text in a TextField inside a SWF file.

In this case, I have a MovieClip with a TextField with a message inside. I want to be able to make a class that gives this TextField and a message, what will change in the button.

Certainly that I forget something obvious, I get the correct trace messages, but the textfield object disappears. The original text is 'Start' and I want to change cela 'OK '. For now I just want to change the text, but then I want to be able to change the text format.

So far, I have this:



import flash.display.MovieClip;

SerializableAttribute public class ChangeTextField extends MovieClip


public void ChangeTextField(_textField:Object,__text:String):void {}


public static void change(_textField:TextField,__text:String):void {}

trace ("CHANGETEXTFIELD" + _textField); Return to 'start '.

_textField.text = _text;




In another class, I loaded the SWF and its contents is inside a MovieClip so that I can reference it. To edit the text in the TextField I would do something like:

ChangeTextField.change (okButton.normal.label_tx, "OK");

trace (okButton.normal.label_tx. (Text); Returns "OK".

By the messages trace, all that does what it is supposed to do, but the object TextField disappears.

Any idea?

See you soon.

If you see all traces of planned, make sure that your policy is incorporated.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Any ideas why this would generate an internal error - referring to a static class function in the constructor of this class parameter signature?

    Test case (on as follows:
    SQL> create or replace type TMyObject is object(
      2          id      integer,
      3          name    varchar2(30),
      5          static function DefaultID return integer,
      6          static function DefaultName return varchar2,
      8          constructor function TMyObject(
      9                  objID integer default TMyObject.DefaultID(), objName varchar2 default TMyObject.DefaultName()
     10          )return self as result
     11  );
     12  /
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace type body TMyObject is
      3          static function DefaultID return integer is
      4          begin
      5                  return( 0 );
      6          end;
      8          static function DefaultName return varchar2 is
      9          begin
     10                  return( 'foo' );
     11          end;
     13          constructor function TMyObject(
     14                  objID integer default TMyObject.DefaultID(), objName varchar2 default TMyObject.DefaultName()
     15          )return self as result is
     16          begin
     17         := objId;
     18         := objName;
     19                  return;
     20          end;
     22  end;
     23  /
    Type body created.
    SQL> declare
      2          obj     TMyObject;
      3  begin
      4          obj := new TMyObject();
      5  end;
      6  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06550: line 0, column 0:
    PLS-00801: internal error [phd_get_defn:D_S_ED:LHS]
    If static class functions are removed from the manufacturer and applied to the place inside the body of the constructor, it works without error. Similarly, you can call the constructor with the functions of the static class as parameters, without causing an internal error.
    SQL> create or replace type TMyObject is object(
      2          id      integer,
      3          name    varchar2(30),
      5          static function DefaultID return integer,
      6          static function DefaultName return varchar2,
      8          constructor function TMyObject(
      9                  objID integer default null, objName varchar2 default null
     10          )return self as result
     11  );
     12  /
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace type body TMyObject is
      3          static function DefaultID return integer is
      4          begin
      5                  return( 0 );
      6          end;
      8          static function DefaultName return varchar2 is
      9          begin
     10                  return( 'foo' );
     11          end;
     13          constructor function TMyObject(
     14                  objID integer default null, objName varchar2 default null
     15          )return self as result is
     16          begin
     17         := nvl( objId, TMyObject.DefaultID() );
     18         := nvl( objName, TMyObject.DefaultName() );
     19                  return;
     20          end;
     22  end;
     23  /
    Type body created.
    SQL> declare
      2          obj     TMyObject;
      3  begin
      4          obj := new TMyObject();
      5  end;
      6  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> declare
      2          obj     TMyObject;
      3  begin
      4          obj := new TMyObject(
      5                          objID => TMyObject.DefaultID(),
      6                          objName => TMyObject.DefaultName()
      7                  );
      8  end;
      9  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Had a look on and turned toward the top of the specific remarks concerning the use of the static class functions in the signature of the constructor parameter. Known issue? Any other solution in addition to the above?


    There is a bug: ""Bug 8470406: CREATING an OBJECT INSTANCE FAILS WITH the ERROR PLS-00801 IN 11 GR 1 material ", it shows the behavior in 11 g but not to the point 10.2." It gives exactly the symptoms you see also, move to the body and it works. But he gave no solution/patch.

    Herald tiomela

  • public static class

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    I know that inner classes can only be static.
    Please answer soon...

    Of course not: s

    You can make the variable or static method, but then it is therefore more a member of the class.

  • "new static class qualified."

    Hi all

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    public class FillTreeSet {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            RandomGenerator rg = new RandomGenerator();
            RandomGenerator.String rgs = String();   //throws the exception
    It's the RandomGenerator class:
    public class RandomGenerator {
        public static class String extends CountingGenerator.String {
            { cg = new Character(); }
            public String() {}
            public String(int length) { super(length); }
    And it comes to the CountingGenerator class:
    public class CountingGenerator {
        public static class String implements Generator<java.lang.String> {
            private int length = 7;
            Generator<java.lang.Character> cg = new Character();
            public String() {}
            public String(int length) { this.length = length; }
            public java.lang.String next() {
                char[] buf = new char[length];
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    buf[i] =;
                return new java.lang.String(buf);
    Thanks in advance.

    Since this is a static inner class, you must specify:

    new RandomGenerator.String();

    Your code would work if it were a non-static inner class.

  • error of static class

    I have a static class:

    package VO
    public class ArrayValues
    private static var instance: ArrayValues = new ArrayValues();

    nominal values will replace the first with English-language versions
    If the user clicks on "Spanish" they will be replaced with
    private var yesNoArray:Array = new Array('1','2');
    private var utilityArray:Array = new Array('1','2');

    public void ArrayValues()
    error ("ArrayValues is called by its instance");

    Public Shared function getInstance (): ArrayValues
    return instance;

    public function getYesNoArray (): Array
    Return yesNoArray;
    public void setYesNoArray(input:Array):void
    yesNoArray = entry;

    It is invoked here:

    import VOS. ArrayValues;
    import VOS. InputData;
    import VOS. InputLabels;

    public var saveData:InputData = InputData.getInstance ();

    168 public var getArrays:ArrayValues = ArrayValues.getInstance ();

    It generates this error:

    Error: ArrayValues is called by its instance
    to VO::ArrayValues() [C:\FSCalc\Flex\FSCalc\src\VO\]
    to VO: ArrayValues$ cinit)
    Global $init () [C:\FSCalc\Flex\FSCalc\src\VO\]
    components::InputForm() [C:\FSCalc\Flex\FSCalc\src\components\InputForm.mxml:168]
    in FSCalc / _FSCalc_InputForm1_i)
    in FSCalc / _FSCalc_Array6_c)

    What I am doing wrong?

    PS, it is normal to take almost 10 minutes a) go to your discussions, b) read a reply to a thread and c) come back to the normal discussion?  That seems excessive to me.

    If you try to reach singleton,

    Your manufacture should look like this,

    public void ArrayValues(access:SingletonEnforcer)

    If (access is nothing)
    error ("ArrayValues is called by its instance");


    a variable,

    public static private var _instance: ArrayValues;

    Public Shared function getInstance (): ArrayValues

    If (_instance is nothing)
    _instance = new ArrayValues (new SingletonEnforcer());
    return _instance;


    And another class in the same file,

    class SingletonEnforcer

  • Singleton and static class

    I found that some guy coded their static classes in their Flash programs such as this:

    package {}

    class SingletonEnforcer)


    package {}

    SerializableAttribute public class StaticClass extends EventDispatcher {}

    private static var _staticClass:StaticClass;

    public void StaticClass (singletonEnforcer:SingletonEnforcer) {}



    Public Shared function getInstance (): {StaticClass}

    if(_staticClass == null)


    _staticClass = new StaticClass (new SingletonEnforcer());


    return _staticClass




    And these days, I read some Flex project code as:

    package {}

    public class StaticClass {}

    protected public static var _instance:StaticClass;

    public void StaticClass () {}

    public static class


    public static void get () of the instance: {StaticClass}

    If (_instance == null)


    _instance = new StaticClass ();


    return _instance




    What is the difference between the two approaches? Why the SingletonEnforcer class is needed in the first case?
    Thanks in advance!

    singletonEnforcer is not necessary in the first example, and they could use one in the second example, if they wanted. With the help of the enforcer allows to raise an error in the constructor and say an error such as: singleton - use getInstance(); and using the initializer applies appropriate. In the second example, you can simply use the constructor and bypass the getInstance() method and no errors occur. They just leave it up to you, the developer, to use the getInstance(), method.

  • can we create a static class in actionscript 3.0

    Hi if yes please send me piece of code.

    Thank you

    Hi Julie,.

    There is not specifically a static class in Flex you can declare it at compile time. However, you can have static variables and methods in your class and you can call them by using the class name itself without creating an instance of this class.

    Here is the piece of code...

    package com.constants
    public class ConsumerMessageConstants
    public static const = "10000" UNABLE_TO_ENROLL_PLANS_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10001"; = MARITAL_STATUS_UPDATED_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10002" = ERROR_IN_EDITING_MARITALSTAUS_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10003" = SMOKER_STATUS_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const = '10004 '; PASSWORD_RESET_REQUIRED_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10005; = ADDRESS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10006; = UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_THIS_DEPENDENT_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10007; = EMPLOYEE_SALARY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10008; = ERROR_IN_EDITING_SALARY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10009; = PLEASE_SELECT_A_CONSIDER_PLAN_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10010" = YOU_MUST_CHOOSE_A_PLAN_COVERAGE_LEVEL_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10011" = PLEASE_SELECT_PLAN_TO_LOCK_PORTFOLIO_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10013" = NO_DATA_TO_DISPLAY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10014" = NO_PLANS_AVAILABLE_TO_ENROLL_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10015" = NO_PLANS_TO_BE_ENROLLED_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10016 = PASSWORD_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String."
    public static const "10017" = NEW_PASSWORD_AND_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_SAME_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10018; = YOUR_DATA_IS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10019" = HEALTH_PLAN_IS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const = '10020 '; HEALTH_PLAN_IS_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const = '10021 '; MONEY_PLAN_IS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10022; = MONEY_PLAN_IS_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const = '10023 '; PROTECTION_PLAN_IS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10024" = PROTECTION_PLAN_IS_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE_ID:String
    public static const "10025" = UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_PATHS_MESSAGE_ID:String

    Public Shared function func1 (): Void


    Public Shared function func2 (): Void

    public void ConsumerMessageConstants()

  • How to access the static class variable calendar / singleton?

    How can I access a timeline of a static class variable / singleton?

    You can pass any object to display list to your class when instantiating it.  all objects in the display list has a placement property that allows access to the stage and them you can use the correct path/name to your variable.

  • Static Classes &amp; events

    Can it only an instance of a class expedition event, or the static class can too?

    We have static class MyManager:

    package managers


    Import mx.rpc.CallResponder;

    import of services. MyDataService;

    Import valueObjects.MyValueObject;

    Public NotInheritable class MyManager


    public static var updateDataResult:CallResponder = new CallResponder();

    private static var myDataService:MyDataService = new MyDataService ();

    private static var myValueObject:MyValueObject = new MyValueObject();

    Public Shared function updateMyDataService (): void {}

    updateDataResult.token = myDataService.update (myValueObject);




    And the other class which calls:

    import managers. MyManager;

    MyManager.updateMyDataService ();

    MyManager.updateDataResult.addEventListener (ResultEvent.RESULT, resultReceived);

    and this event listener does not work.

    Hi Banditizm,

    Yes you can even send your static callResponders events, but I think that the difficulty you might face you cannot capture or listen to events sent.

    You can do something, you can send these events w.r.t. systemManager and also listen to these WRT events there.

    I mean your shipment to help call the event as below...

    systemManager.dispatchEvent (new Event ("dataLoadComplete"));

    And you can listen in your mxml or as .as file below...

    systemManager.addEventListener ("dataLoadComplete", onDataLoadComplete);

    Thank you

    Jean Claude

  • Problems by applying classes to my textfield.

    Hi all, good morning. I can't speak good enough how this forum has been so great for me. I learn so MUCH the actionscript. in any case, my problem is now referring to the css. I have a quotes.css already been loaded in the flash, how do I apply a class to a textfield, the code is below, but it works fine now.

    Could someone be good enough to help?

    Thank you.

    var tl:MovieClip =;

    var colnum:Number = 2;

    var xSpace:Number = 200;

    var ySpace:Number = eval ("column" + i);

    for (var i = 1; i < = 30; i ++) {}

    tl.createTextField ("column" + i, tl.getNextHighestDepth (), xSpace * ((i-1) /colnum), ySpace, 200, 3-0);

    .html TL ["column" + i] = true;


    tl.createTextField ("resultsField", tl.getNextHighestDepth (), xSpace, ySpace * Math.floor (i + um/colnum coln), 200, 30);

    resultsField.html = true;

    resultsField.html = true;

    This.createTextField("hello_txt",0,10,10,100,20) ("moeda", this.getNextHighestDepth (), 325,80,200, 30);

    var my_xml = new XML();

    elegant var = new TextField.StyleSheet ();

    Stylish.Load ("quotes.css");

    stylish.onLoad = {function (success:Boolean)}

    If (success) {}

    trace ("cssLoaded!");

    TL ["column" + i] = elegant .styleSheet;

    my_xml. OnLoad = {function (yes:Boolean)}

    If (Yes) {}

    var a: Array = [];

    for (var i = 1; i < = 30; i ++) {}

    RootNode = my_xml.firstChild;

    eval("column"+i).htmlText = "< class p 'normal' = >" + RootNode.childNodes [i] .firstChild + "< /p >"; "."

    a.push (Number (stripF (["Column" + i] TL. (Text)));

    moeda.htmlText = stripF(RootNode.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue);

    trace (column10._y);

    trace (column20._x);

    trace (resultsField.Text);

    trace (stripF(RootNode.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue));


    resultsField.htmlText = Moi (a);

    } else {}

    trace ("buahCol!");



    my_xml.ignoreWhite = true;

    my_xml. Load ("quotes.xml");



    function minF(a:Array):Number {}

    var min:Number = [0];

    for (var i: Number = 1; i >.) Length; i ++) {}

    If (a [i] < min) {}

    min = a [i];

    } else {}

    trace ("buahMin!");



    return min;

    function stripF(s:String):String {}

    Return s.split("").join("").split("\n").join("").split("\r").join("");


    you're not assign ownership of style sheet to your textfields.  use:

    kglad wrote:


    var tl:MovieClip =;
    var colnum:Number = 2;
    var xSpace:Number = 200;
    var ySpace:Number = eval ("column" + i);
    for (var i = 1; i)<=30; i++)="">
    tl.createTextField ("column" + i, tl.getNextHighestDepth (), xSpace * ((i-1) /colnum), yS pace, 200, 30);
    .html TL ["column" + i] = true;
    tl.createTextField ("resultsField" (tl.getNextHighestDepth), xSpace, ySpace * Math.fl oor(i+colnum/colnum), 200, 30);
    resultsField.html = true;
    resultsField.html = true;
    This.createTextField("hello_txt",0,10,10,100,20) ("moeda", this.getNextHighestDepth (), 325,80,200, 30);
    var my_xml = new XML();
    elegant var = new TextField.StyleSheet ();
    Stylish.Load ("quotes.css");
    stylish.onLoad = {function (success:Boolean)}
    If (success) {}
    trace ("cssLoaded!");
    for (var i = 1; i)<=30; i++)="">
    TL ["column" + i] = elegant .styleSheet;

    my_xml. Load ("quotes.xml");

    my_xml. OnLoad = {function (yes:Boolean)}
    If (Yes) {}
    var a: Array = [];
    for (var i = 1; i)<=30; i++)="">
    RootNode = my_xml.firstChild;
    eval("column"+i).htmlText ="

    "+ stripF (RootNode.childNodes [i].firstChild.nodeValue) +".

    a.push (Number (stripF (["Column" + i] TL. (Text)));
    moeda.htmlText = stripF(RootNode.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue);
    trace (column10._y);
    trace (column20._x);
    trace (resultsField.Text);
    trace (stripF(RootNode.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue));
    resultsField.htmlText = Moi (a);
    } else {}
    trace ("buahCol!");
    my_xml.ignoreWhite = true;

    function minF(a:Array):Number {}
    var min:Number = [0];
    for (var i: Number = 1; i > a.length; i ++) {}
    If (a [i]
    min = a [i];
    } else {}
    trace ("buahMin!");
    return min;

    function stripF(s:String):String {}

    Return s.split("").join("").split("\n").join("").split("\r").join("");

  • My static ip keeps changing, how can I avoid this happening?

    Recently, I noticed that whenever I put my static assignment a static ip address via the network and sharing Center for a change. DNS remains the same, but changing the address of subnet and gateway. This change prevents me from online games and gives me very slow internet speed. Can someone help me?

    Hello Busterwolf3,

    Thanks for posting in the Microsoft Answers forum!

    Try following the steps below to set a static IP address via the command prompt:

    (1) open an command prompt by right click and open asadministrator

    (2) the following command:

    netsh interface ip set address name = "Local network connection" static192.168.1.5 

    Your name of the interface will connect to the local network.

    The Red address will be your static IP address.

    Blue will be your subnet mask.

    The Green series of numbers will be your default gateway.

    If you please, after back and let me know if this helps J

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think

  • Instance of the static class.

    I'm working on my database helper class. My need is to have a single instance of this class in the application. In the development of cascades of BB that we create an object of the class to access its functions in another class and qml, we must have the class as an attached object so that we can call the method it contains the ID said. But I don't want my instance of the database class to be created every time I want to call a helper class database work, but only the first time when the user connects to the application. I want this forum to be available throughout the application. Please do advice if you have solved this problem successfully. Any bit of code is also welcome. Thanks in advance.

    1. no idea. try to create a new class, it works there?
    2. I use setProperty with the instance method

  • How can I make a static png (without changing the scale e proportion) in the header?

    I tried and tried, but still I can't do. It is probably possible, but I did not find yet.

    I think you need to set the size of the pixel based in the layout tab... by default would be auto or % base and will scale with the page... Then down on the Advanced section change fixed it and change all values into pixel based as well... You need a fixed unit of measure or it will always try to resize...

  • By using the date class to change the alpha of an object depending on the time (GMT)


    I'm trying (and evil) to get my head around AS3 and build a flash webpage. I have 2 layers in the timeline, each containing a clip corresponding to the size of the page with instance names backgroundDay and backgroundNight.

    What I'm wanting is for the background to change to the day and night, so that from 18:00 to 06:00 backgroundDay alpha becomes 0 to show backgroundNight behind.

    I've been scouring the internet and haven't found anything, so if anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

    Thank you very much


    Yes, you could use a timer. Something like this:

    var t:Timer = new Timer (1000);
    t.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, timerHandler);

    t.Start ();
    function timerHandler(event:TimerEvent)
    var d: Date = new Date();
    backgroundDay.alpha = (d.hoursUTC > 5 & d.hoursUTC)< 18)="" 1="" :="">

  • ClassCastException when all seeded java class is changed

    Dear Sir

    I'm working on some changes on iProcurement ShoppingCartPG.
    I have the JDeveloper project into and can run the ShoppingHomePG and the CheckoutSummaryPG of JDeveloper.
    The problem is - as soon as I include the controller for one of these pages, for example, and make one more small change here, just add an empty line or put any System.out.println("***"); statement, I get an error

    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: java.lang.ClassCastException

    (full stack below). What's wrong?

    Thank you.


    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: java.lang.ClassCastException
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperException(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperException(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperInvocationTargetException(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAUtility.invokeMethod(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAUtility.invokeMethod(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModuleImpl.invokeMethod(
    at oracle.apps.icx.por.common.webui.ClientUtil.getPorSystemInfo(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageLayoutHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAPageLayoutBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.form.OAFormBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OABodyBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
    in OA. jspService(OA.jsp:34)
    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    to EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$ (
    # # 0 in detail
    at oracle.apps.icx.por.common.server.SystemInfoHelper.getPorSystemInfo(
    at oracle.apps.icx.por.common.server.SystemInfoAMImpl.getPorSystemInfo(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAUtility.invokeMethod(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAUtility.invokeMethod(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModuleImpl.invokeMethod(
    at oracle.apps.icx.por.common.webui.ClientUtil.getPorSystemInfo(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageLayoutHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAPageLayoutBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.form.OAFormBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OABodyBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
    in OA. jspService(OA.jsp:34)
    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    to EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$ (
    at oracle.apps.icx.por.common.server.SystemInfoHelper.getPorSystemInfo(
    at oracle.apps.icx.por.common.server.SystemInfoAMImpl.getPorSystemInfo(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAUtility.invokeMethod(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAUtility.invokeMethod(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModuleImpl.invokeMethod(
    at oracle.apps.icx.por.common.webui.ClientUtil.getPorSystemInfo(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageLayoutHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAPageLayoutBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.form.OAFormBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OABodyBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.processRequest(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
    in OA. jspService(OA.jsp:34)
    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    to EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$ (

    Hi asmirnov,

    If I'm not mistaken, I believe that this happens because all the controllers of iProcurement page extend a common controller 'base', and the call to super.processRequest () should make reference to something on ShoppingHomeCO... check the controller you change for a declaration of estate and follow the hierarchy to find the dependence.

    Best thing to do, however, would be to create a POT with the flow of any iProcurement you change, for example, (and everything underneath, including the server packages and webui), then you are more secure.


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