Question on the side of page


I am just learning inDesign, running CS5 7.0.3 for now.

I have a newsletter design 10 page that I work with, a being of reason 1 and 10 to the left of the page.   Everything is lining up in the Panel Pages excel page 6 & 7.  6 is aligned under the rights, and 7 to the right of page 6.

I tried to move the pages to make sure that they line up properly but being unsuccessful.

The questions are:

(1) what I have done to cause this?

(2) how can I fix it.

Thank you.

You have somehow disabled allow pages mix. Check in the pages Panel menu.

BTW, being a beginner in InDesign, please consider buying the best book on the market for beginners Visual Guide of Sandee Cohen of QuickStart.

The best $20 you spend.


Tags: InDesign

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    bump #2

    + 1). Adding the ADF Page Flow within the reach of the technology for a project automatically adds ADF Faces. If I try to eliminate ADF Faces of the scope of technology, it automatically deletes the flow of Page of ADF as well. +

    ADF task flows have to ADF Faces e around. Not sure this is documented somewhere, but I hope it's

    (2) no idea about it

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    Hey Woody,

    Change to use ordinary malloc / free for the memory management in a private (in DB 4.3, 2005) environment was an improvement in the net return. One of the reasons are that allocateurs system are more sophisticated than the code shared Berkeley DB used to use for managing memory (our code has improved in this area in the meantime).

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    Kind regards
    Michael Cahill, Oracle Berkeley DB.

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          (LOAD_BALANCE = yes)
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    SID's ancient mechanism of the sqlnet. EM allows you to do so by an option button, but all other oracle tools are now using the mechanism of the Service only as the new standard that is used when the client tries to connect to the server. SID asks that the service must be available on this ony node where you try to connect without additional installation as failover, load balancing services in order to provide you with. So I would say you respect the service mechanism only and as far as I know, there is no way to put a SID by using the Oracle networking tools.

    On services, you read this book.,

    This would explain why the concept of Service is better!


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    For your safety, you must do a lot of software updates. You may be holding back for some reason any. Let us know what it is because there may be a fix or workaround now.

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    To update your Adobe PDF and Shockwave Flash plugins and check for other obsolete plugins, you can use this page:

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    Well, there are of many Satellite Pro M70. It s a great series.
    But for example Satellite Pro M70-110 has a PCMCIA Type II slot.
    You can use the different PCMICA card in this slot. But they must be compatible.
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    Have you read this statement ? It explains how to set the registry value:

    If the REG_SZ useDefaultTimer does not already exist, you must create it under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\CVI Run-Time Engine\cvirte. "" This can be done navigate to the appropriate folder, and then click Edit "New" string value. Then, click on means the name of the new value created, select Rename, and then specify useDefaultTimer as the name. Finally, double click on the name and specify the value True or False.

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    Try the following...

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    The Zoom option can also be accessed from
    your at the bottom status bar.

    John Inzer - MS - MVP - Digital Media Experience - Notice_This is not tech support_I'm volunteer - Solutions that work for me may not work for you - to proceed at your own risk

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