Reading and writing a file

I'm trying to read and write to a file so that I can store a string array and a double in my application, but I came out a few problems; Firstly when I put my path in the constant path he will say that the file is not there never be (so I have to force the issue and when the application requests a file I have to browse and add files), secondly when I run the program and it reads in the file it does not display the strings or double immediately instead , I must hit the submit button and what they finally, finally arrive when I reset my values in the .txt files and put in my thong and double and press on submit table jumps in one place and starts at index 1 (array [1]) if anyone can help I would appreciate it a lot.

Here is my code:

That's what I wanted to say on the structure of the event and it should take your second problem.  I don't see the third one.  I saw no flicker, but I have a slight vision problem which means I do not waver.  So he can sparkle.  Or maybe not.

Tags: NI Software

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    There are several options how read file - ODBC, excel on a fly--> conversion to CSV excel (if you have 11.2 and you want to use tables external preprocessor),... I put (I think all) of the options on my BLOG

    Writing in excel is delicate because there is no direct way of Oracle, here are a few tips

    1 JAVA - you can create java stored procedure, I did not test this, but it's probably doable

    2. XML Excel format - you can use UTL_FILE and writing to XML Excel can read

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    Try to set the "group name" entry on «TDMS read» If you write more than one group, you can use "View the contents of the DDHN" in order to get a list of groups.


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    What I notice here, aside from using sloppy cluster error, is that both references are open in the file - one for writing data and the other for recovery data. Is this a good practice? is it necessary or one reference supports the reading and writing? Is this a possible source of problems?



    You can do the same thing with a single file reference.

    The issue of not being able to see the data that was written after the reading of reference has been opened is known for having refnums to open in two different processes, but not in the same executable or VI.


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       private void writeFile(String data, String filePath)
                FileConnection conn = (FileConnection),Connector.READ_WRITE);
                if (!conn.exists())
                    Dialog.alert("No File Present Click to Create");
                OutputStream out = conn.openOutputStream();
                byte[] b = data.trim().getBytes();
                String sb = new String(b);
                System.out.println("Bytes to String: " + sb);
                if(sb.length() == 0 )
                    System.out.println("String length is zero");
                    System.out.println("String length is not zero" + sb.length());
                    System.out.println("Cannot write to this file");
                System.out.println("File Size is : "+ conn.fileSize());
            catch(Exception io)
                test.setText("Exceptino Thrown from File" +io);
        private String readFile(String filePath)
                FileConnection fconn = (FileConnection), Connector.READ);
                if (fconn.exists())
                    InputStream input = fconn.openInputStream();
                    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    int j = 0;
                    while(( != -1) {
                    byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();
                    String output = new String(data);
                    System.out.println("Output" + output);
                    return output;
                    System.out.println("File does not exist");
                    return null;
            catch (Exception ioe) {
               System.out.println("Error:   " + ioe.toString());
               return null;

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    It is incredibly baroque and inefficient code for a simple job; be happy that you do not claim credit for it.

    A problem may be that the FileConnection in writeFile is not closed. I would rewrite the mess like this (leaving a part of the diagnostic output):

    private void writeFile(String data, String filePath) {  data = data.trim();  OutputStream out = null;  FileConnection conn = null;  try {     conn = (FileConnection),Connector.READ_WRITE);    if (!conn.exists()) {      conn.create();    }    OutputStream out = conn.openOutputStream();    // it might be advisable to specify an encoding on the next line.    out.write(data.getBytes());  } catch (Exception io) {    test.setText("Exception Thrown from File " + io);  } finally {    if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) {}    if (fconn != null) try { fconn.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) {}  }}
    private String readFile(String filePath) {  String result = null;  InputStream input = null;  FileConnection conn = null;  try {    fconn = (FileConnection), Connector.READ);    if (fconn.exists()) {      input = fconn.openInputStream();      byte[] bytes = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(input);      // it might be advisable to specify an encoding on the next line.      result = new String(bytes);    } else {      System.out.println("File does not exist");    }  } catch (Exception ioe) {    System.out.println("Error: " + ioe.toString());  } finally {    if (input != null) try { input.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) {}    if (fconn != null) try { fconn.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) {}  }  return result;}
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    Kind regards

    The solution is described in "27.8 Using programmatic view objects from other Sources of data" in the doc you mentioned. If you use programmatic EO/VO you can do almost what you what to store data. We use xml for some data (but always store in the DB) and read it.


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    write to file2.txt only the analysis section in my where statement.
    I don't know if it's possible, but any guidance will greatly appreciate!

    My code example:

    Utl_file.file_type inFile;
    OutFile utl_file.file_type;
    buffer VARCHAR2 (30000);
    -Open a file to read
    InFile: = utl_file.fopen ('TEST_DIR', 'mytst.txt', 'r');
    -Opens a file for writing
    OutFile: = utl_file.fopen ('TEST_DIR', "Out.txt", "w");

    -Check the file is open
    IF utl_file.is_open (InFile) THEN
    -lines in the file in loop
    UTL_FILE.get_line (InFile, buffer);
    -Write to out.txt
    UTL_FILE.put_line (OutFile, buffer, FALSE);
    UTL_FILE.fflush (outfile);

    END IF;
    UTL_FILE.fclose (INFILE);
    UTL_FILE.fclose (outfile);
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20099, "UTL_FILE Unknown Error");
    END my_app2l;


    According to the code should work-

       infile              utl_file.file_type;
       outfile             utl_file.file_type;
       buffer              VARCHAR2(30000);
       b_paragraph_started BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- flag to indicate that required paragraph is started
       -- open a file to read
       infile := utl_file.fopen('TEST_DIR', 'mytst.txt', 'r');
       -- open a file to write
       outfile := utl_file.fopen('TEST_DIR', 'out.txt', 'w');
       -- check file is opened
       IF utl_file.is_open(infile)
          -- loop lines in the file
                utl_file.get_line(infile, buffer);
                IF buffer LIKE 'foo%' OR b_paragraph_started
                   --write to out.txt
                   utl_file.put_line(outfile, buffer, FALSE);
                   b_paragraph_started := TRUE;
                END IF;
                IF buffer LIKE '%ZEN'
                   b_paragraph_started := FALSE;
                END IF;
                WHEN no_data_found THEN
          END LOOP;
       END IF;
          raise_application_error(-20099, 'Unknown UTL_FILE Error');
    END my_app2l;

    What I've done here is added a new Boolean variable. Loop in each iteration after reading one line, we check if the line starts with "foo". If yes then set the Boolean variable and writing out the startup file until we get a line that ends with "ZEN." That way even if there are several paragraphs in an input file starting with foo and ending with ZEN, then those should get copied to the output file.

    Hope this helps,


  • Location of buttons and writing a file

    Attached are two files which are compressed (house.fla and house1.fla).

    I'm new to ActionScript 3. I create a button (s) using Flash CS3 and programming in ActionScript 3.0 that are on top of a background image of a kitchen that contains various elements of people use in a kitchen.

    The goal is to have the module to navigate through a timeline where the user can view information about each of the elements in a kitchen (refrigerator, microwave, stove, etc.)

    I created 5 buttons with the same name as the button instance:






    I created a layer of the tag that will contain boxes with information about each item. I want the user to read and close (Panel) and the module to return to frame 1 when the user has finished reading the Info Panel.

    When I used the code to get the first button to work (Microwave_btn):


    import the classes so we can make in our movie

    import flash.display. *;
    import *;

    var btn:Microwave_btn = new Microwave_btn;
    addChild (btn);

    btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, Trace);
    Trace function (event: MouseEvent): void {}
    trace ("Microwave!");


    Two microwave buttons appeared. Whoever worked appeared in the upper left corner of my step, and it worked. But my original button has not invoked

    the Trace function.

    What should I do to get the button to function properly and to position correctly on the scene?

    How can I integrate and start writing my file to the 5 keys work correctly on the stage?

    For now, it's probably best not to worry about creating a class file and just get a code works for you in the timeline panel.  First, assign the instance name "btn" to the key that you have already placed on the microwave oven.  Then reduce your code to the following and place it in frame 1 (or those surrounding the btn is in)...

     btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Trace); function Trace (event:MouseEvent): void {      trace("Microwave!"); }

    Please do not start a new assignment, whenever you can not get the answers offered works for you.  You will frustrate yourself as well as those trying to help you.  kGlad will be able to help out you if you stay with the poster to help you get started.

  • Reading and writing VISA function

    Hi all

    I am trying to record data from Server series (which has 16 ports) through com ports (I use total 7 ports).

    Here, I'd understand the VISA service.

    Question 1

    If I want to just save data (from the server), can I still write VISA function to read from COM1?


    Can I just use VISA based only on read and read the string of com port data?

    Question 2

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    How to cut data type string in different reading (different record like the tension, the ammeter reading and on/off switch)?

    Please advise...

    Question 1 – it depends on what is the other end of the serial port. If it's broadcasting data all the time, a reading is all you need. If she needs a command to send you information, then you will need both. Look at the definition of communication protocol for what you are trying to read.

    Question 2 - do you need to format. There are a lot of string screws on the palette of the string manipulation, not knowing how the string is formatted at all to start I can not give you advice more than that. An example of the way you write to file, and what you do with the data received can be useful... If the data is coming from a long series, if all goes well there are separators and a chain analysis helps you to highlight if you need to. If you read each port in turn and concatanting just a string, put a constant of the tab between them (available on the palette of strings), or no matter what other delimiter you want to use for that matter. Otherwise, if they are all in the field of fixed-length subset of string vi could be a way to go.

  • TSST corp CDDVDW TS-L633B stopped reading and writing

    I have a laptop Acer 4736Z with a TSST corp CDDVDW TS-L633B DVD - RW, so decide simply ceased to read and write DVDs and CDs. When I insert a blank dvd, it will ask me to burn files to it but when I do, it complements the habit and will the useless DVDs. When I insert CD or DVD, the drive does not read it more.

    Please help me on how to solve this problem.
    Thank you


    You have disk problems as the CD/DVD is actually 4 discs in 1 case (CD & DVD burning and)
    Playback of CD and DVD). So it is not unusual for parts from 1 or 2 to not work so that others do

    Burning at low speed, or by using the master could help. A CD/DVD cleaner might help.

    Brand of the CD or DVD drive can also be the problem. Low quality (cheap brands) are always problematic.

    CD/DVDs have a tolerance + - and your can read/write on the edge outside these discs
    tolerances. They may be delivered, but it is generally more economical to replace the disk.

    Several good info here:

    CD/DVD units

    Notes on the troubleshooting and repair of readers of compact disks and CD-ROM Drives


    This troubleshooting might not help if there are problems of alignment and wear it
    is worth it.

    Step 1: Please do all the same underneath if you did some before as is often total
    a process that solves the problem.

    Try this - Panel - Device Manager - CD/DVD - double-click the device - driver
    Tab: click on update drivers (this will probably do nothing) - then do a CLICK RIGHT to the road.
    UNINSTALL - REBOOT this will refresh the default driver stack. Even if the disc is not
    shown continue below.

    Then, work your way through these - don't forget the drive might be bad, could be a coward
    cable or slight corrosion on the contacts (usually for a laptop) and other issues.

    Your CD or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs - a Mr Fixit

    Try this fix manually if the Fixit 314060 does not work

    Your CD or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other
    programs - a Mr Fixit

    The CD drive or the DVD drive does not work as expected on a computer that you
    upgrade to Windows Vista

    When you insert a CD or a DVD, Windows Vista may not recognize the disc

    Your CD or DVD drive cannot read or write media - A Mr Fixit

    CD/DVD drive does not appear in Windows Vista, or you receive this error during the
    Setup Windows Vista after booting from the DVD (AHCI)
    Drive CD - R or CD - RW Drive is not recognized as a recordable device

    Hardware devices not detected or not working - A Mr Fixit

    Another possibility is that the cables are loose. Remove ALL power, then check
    in both ends of the cables. Remove and replace, do not just tight. For portable computers, you can
    Often, clean power and contacts data with a pencil eraser.

    Some DVD players do not use the Windows default drivers so check with the system
    Designer and manufacturer of device to see if there is a firmware or drivers for your drive if necessary.


    Step 2: You have disc problems as the CD/DVD is actually 4 discs in 1 case
    (Read burn CD & DVD and CD and DVD). It's not unusual for 1 or 2 parts to not
    function, while others do so correctly.

    Did you follow the Troubleshooting Guide for the reader who still does not work? There are
    some registry entries that do not fix the resolution of problems and those who 'could' be the

    Check with your system manufacturer Maker and device for these two possible firmware updates
    and the correct registry entries for your car.

    Here are the keys in my opinion, are those in question - for the subkeys of the CD/DVD drive
    of course there will be other subkeys in these keys. Do not forget to ask specific keys
    in question as well as the parameters.


    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\0001\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\IDE

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\ {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}


    You can probably find more info here and maybe even right for registry settings
    your CD/DVD from someone with the same drive model.

    Forums - a lot of expert real help

    CD/DVD units

    Use DevManView to locate the CD/DVD in the registry (be careful and do a prior Restore Point)
    nothing change) - find the DevManView device and then make a right click on it free in RegEdit.

    DevManView - free - an alternative to the standard Windows Device Manager,
    that displays all devices and their properties in flat table, instead of the tree viewer

    I hope this helps.

  • Why my drive hard Boot keep reading and writing for 20 minutes after the start?

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    10.10.5 OS version

    Model: Mac Pro

    ID: MacPro3, 1

    Processor: Intel Quad-Core Xeon

    Number of processors: 2

    Total number of cores: 8

    (Vivid RAM) memory: 8 GB

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Check and see what happens.   Could be something of a time Machine for Spotlight indexing to a process of runaway of an OS X or a bug in the application.

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  • Mr. Fix it cannot fix the DVD/CD, reading and writing problem

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    Best regards

    Ramzi salameh


    Step 1: Please do all the same underneath if you did some before as it is often the set of operations which solves the problem.

    Try this double click Control Panel - Device Manager - CD/DVD - device - tab - click on update drivers (this will probably do nothing) - then RIGHT click the drive of the driver - UNINSTALL - REBOOT this will refresh the default driver stack. Even if the reader does not appear to continue below.

    Then work your way through these - don't forget the drive might be bad, might have a cable loose or slight corrosion on the contacts (usually for a laptop) and other issues.

    Your CD or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs - a Mr Fixit

    Try this fix manually if the Fixit 314060 does not work

    Your CD or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs - a Mr Fixit

    The CD drive or the DVD drive does not work as expected on a computer that you upgraded to Windows Vista

    When you insert a CD or a DVD, Windows Vista may not recognize the disc

    Your CD or DVD drive cannot read or write media - A Mr Fixit

    CD/DVD drive does not appear in Windows Vista, or you receive this error during the installation of Windows Vista after booting from the DVD (AHCI)
    Drive CD - R or CD - RW Drive is not recognized as a recordable device

    Hardware devices not detected or not working - A Mr Fixit

    Another possibility is that the cables are loose. Remove ALL power, then make sure that the cables at both ends. Remove and replace, do not just tight. For laptops, you can often clean power and contacts data with a pencil eraser.

    Some DVD players do not use the Windows default drivers so check with the system manufacturer and the manufacturer of the device to see if there is a firmware or drivers for your drive if necessary.


    Step 2: You have disc problems as the CD/DVD is actually 4 discs in 1 case (burn CD & DVD and CD and DVD read). Therefore, it is not unusual for 1 or 2 rooms with not so work that others do it properly.

    Did you follow the Troubleshooting Guide for the reader who still does not work? There are some entries in the registry that the troubleshooter does not solve, and those who "could" be the cause.

    Check with your system manufacturer Maker and device for possible firmware updates and the correct registry entries for your car.

    These are the keys in my opinion, are those in question - secondary-keys for the CD/DVD drive of course because there will be other subkeys in these keys. Be sure to ask specific keys involved as well as the parameters.


    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\0001\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\IDE

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\ {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}


    You can probably find more information here and maybe even registry settings correct for your CD/DVD from someone with the same drive model.

    Forums - much real experts help and hardware information

    I hope this helps.
    Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP<- profile="" -="" windows="" and="" devices="" for="" it :="" bicycle="" -="" mark="" twain="" said="" it="">

  • Adpaters file for reading and writing have stopped processing files of...

    I can't get rid of unexpected behavior in my BPEL process. Until two days ago the BPEL file adapter was successfully to query for files and reading, now all of a sudden the files are not read. However, the BPEL process is active.
    Also, I just finished writing the last piece for the main BPEL process, in which a file out (csv) is supposed to be written. The file for writing adapter is do invoke successfully as well as the processing activity is happening, but I don't see the file in the directory specified in the UNIX system?

    Any thoughts?

    Kind regards

    I think that the huge file would have been the cause. In, there are a few new methods for the management of large files.

    I don't know how to get the status of the agent of activation, as it is usually a process by thing. When I have problems with activation agent I increase levels of newspaper for the activating agent. This is done in the configuration tab in the BPEL, BPEL admin console in older versions, pre

    (1) it is the same process, but for outgoing, you use the outgoing file header. You can use an entitled to update the name of the file. Make sure that you add the variable to the invoke. Have you looked at the rejection for this Manager. Or is is a business logic that determines failure? This kind of thing can be done in the BSE.

    also the BSE headers

    (2) in the file adapter and ftp, there is this notion of a trigger file. It may be useful for you.

    see you soon

  • storage, reading and writing data to the file

    Hello world

    I am new to the Labview and his community.  Asked me to acquire data on the measurement of the pressure using Labview.  I could build the code and got it working, but when I look at my data that has been collected, there no stopping point.  I just spent a lot of time looking at the data in the place where it begins and where it ends.  The question I ask is how to create a code to read the pressure, storage, in memory until there finishes, collect data and then to write in a .csv file.

    I use the NI USB-6009 case and hook upwards to ai0 and ai4.  See the attached code so uncertain.

    I want to record 100 data points and the system stops after these collection.

    Thank you

    John H.

    You have a certain time which means your VI will continue to run until you press your button to stop the loop.

    The DAQ Assistant is already set to 100 samples.

    Just delete the while loop!

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