Receptive Drop Down Menu issues

I am having some problems with my sensitive menu drop-down.  I'm doing a line with 2 separate menus that appear next to each other.  The left side is usually a menu and the right side is social media links.  I have it running with 2 big questions.  First of all, I can't seem to get my (black) go to the entire page.  It stops between 2 menus.  Secondly, when I shrink down to a size phone browser and replace the menu by a drop down menu, my images (I use images instead of text so that I can use a specific font) develop to adapt the space.  I want them to appear as the size appropriate and that the drop-down menu to be right next to the links of social media.  Here is a link to the page so you can see what I mean.  My HTML and CSS are below.  Thank you.



< html >

< head >

< meta charset = "UTF-8" >

< title > J.Rad < / title >

< link type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" hand. CSS"/ >

< meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, original scale = 1.0" >

< / head >

< body >

< header > < img src = ' Background-Images/sick-Fantasy - Banner.png "alt ="Image of the banner"> < / header >

< div id = 'menu' >

< nav id = "nav" role = "navigation" >

< a href = "#nav" title = "Show navigation" > < img src = ' Images/Background-Menu.png' alt = 'Menu' > < / a >

< a href = "#" title = "Hide navigation" > < img src = ' Images/Background-Menu.png' alt = 'Menu' > < / a >

< ul >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = "Images/Background-News.png" alt = "News" > < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = "Background-image/Bio.png" alt = "Bio" > < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = "Background-image/Tour.png" alt = "Tower" > < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = "Background-image/Store.png" alt = "Store" > < /a > < /li >

< li >

< a href = "/" aria-haspopup = "true" > < img src = 'Media.png-Background-Images' alt = 'Media' > < / a >

< ul >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = "Background-Images/Music.png" alt = "Music" > < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = "Background-image/Photos.png" alt = "Photos" > < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = "Background-image/Videos.png" alt = "Vidéos" > < /a > < /li >

< /ul >

< /li >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = "Background-image/Contact.png" alt = "Contact" > < /a > < /li >

< /ul >

< / nav >

< nav id = "social" role = "navigation" >

< ul >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = "Background-image/Instagram.png" alt = "Instagram" > < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = "Background-image/YouTube.png" alt = "YouTube" > < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = 'Background-Images/Twitter.png' alt = 'Twitter' > < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "/" > < img src = "Background-image/Facebook.png" alt = "Facebook" > < /a > < /li >

< /ul >

< / nav >

< / div >

< div class = "clearfix" > < / div >

< div id = "container" >

< article id "left column" = >

It's the session of the left for the main content column

< / section >

< id side = "right column" >

< div class = "widget_iframe" style = "display: inline-block;" width: 100%; height: 185px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; "" > < iframe class = "widget_iframe" src = " & amp; posted by = _ artist_420387 & pwc [design] = custom & pwc [background_color] = % 23000000 & pwc [size] = adjustment" width = "100%" height = "100%" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" > < / iframe > < div class = "footer_branding" style = "margin-top:-5px; font-size: 10px; do-family: Arial; "> < / div > < / div > < br / >

< div class = "widget_iframe" style = "display: inline-block;" width: 100%; height: 185px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; "" > < iframe class = "widget_iframe" src = " & amp; posted by = _ artist_420387 & pwc [design] = custom & pwc [background_color] = % 23000000 & pwc [size] = adjustment" width = "100%" height = "100%" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" > < / iframe > < div class = "footer_branding" style = "margin-top:-5px; font-size: 10px; do-family: Arial; "> < / div > < / div >

< / side >

< / div >


< / footer >

< / body >

< / html >


@charset "UTF-8";

/ * CSS document * /.

* {

margin: 0;

padding: 0;



height: 100%;

background-attachment: fixed;

background-image: url(Background-Images/Sick-Fantasy-Background.png);

background-position: top center;

background-size: coverage;


{to header

overflow: auto;

background-size: coverage;

background-image: url(Background-Images/Rust-and-Foamy-Blood-Texture.png);

background-position: center;


header img {}

display: block;

margin: auto;


IMG {}

Max-width: 100%;


div {}

Width: 100%;

background-color: #000000;

background-size: coverage;




Width: 70%; / * 1000 * /.

position: absolute;

background-color: #000000;

background-size: coverage;


#nav > a


display: none;


#nav li


position: relative;


#nav li a


display: block;


#nav li a: active


background-color: #996600! important;


#nav duration: after


display: inline-block;

position: relative;


/ * top-level * /.

#nav > ul


background-color: #000000;

margin-left: 25px;


#nav > ul > li


float: left;

list-style: none;


#nav > ul > li > a


height: 100%;


#nav > ul > li: hover > a.

#nav > ul:not (: hover) > > a


background-color: #996600;


/ * second level * /.

#nav ul li


background-color: #e15a1f;

display: none;

position: absolute;


#nav li: hover ul


display: block;


#nav li: not (: first-child): hover ul




#nav li ul a



#nav li ul li a: hover,

#nav li ul:not (: hover) one


background-color: #996600;




float: right;

background-color: #000000;

background-size: coverage;


#social > a


display: none;


#social li


position: relative;


#social li a


display: block;


#social li a: active


background-color: #996600! important;


#social duration: after


display: inline-block;

position: relative;


/ * top-level * /.

#social > ul


background-color: #000000;

margin-right: 25px;


#social > ul > li


float: right;

list-style: none;


#social > ul > li > a


height: 100%;


#social > ul > li: hover > a.

#social > ul:not (: hover) > > a


background-color: #996600;



Clear: both;

Display: block;


#container {}

Max-width: 960px;

Width: 960px;

margin-top: 10px;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;

low-margin: auto;



Width: 590px;

float: left;

Background: #0000FF;

padding: 5px;

margin: auto;



Width: 350px;

float: left;

padding: 5px;

margin: auto;



Clear: both;

Display: block;


footer {}

background-color: #000;

background-size: coverage;


@media screen and (max-width: 959px) {}


Width: 100%;


#header {}

Width: 100%;


#container {}

Width: 100%;



Width: 60%;



Width: 30%;


IMG {}

Width: 100%;



@media screen and (max-width: 640px) {}



Width: 50%;

position: relative;


#nav > a



#nav:not (: target) > a: first-of-kind,.

#nav:target > a: last-of-type


display: block;


/ * top-level * /.

#nav > ul


display: none;

position: absolute;


#nav:target > ul


display: block;


#nav > ul > li


float: none;

list-style: none;


/ * second level * /.

#nav ul li


position: static;




Width: 100%;

margin: 0;

padding: 0;



Width: 100%;

margin: 0;

padding: 0;



@media screen and (max-width: 300px) {}

#header {}

Width: 100%;

background-size: coverage;


#container {}

Width: 100%;




#nav img {}

Width: inherit;


Tags: Dreamweaver

Similar Questions

  • List drop-down menu issues

    This site,, when you hover over the menu nav and a drop-down list is displayed, if you move you mouse back to the main nav and immediately down, drop-down the menu moves to the left of the page.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    I can see the same thing at my end as well. Please remove the third-party widget and embedded in the page html codes, then check if the problem persists. If withdrawal of third party widgets and integrated codes do not help then please share with me .muse file so that we can take a look to find the root for you cause.

    You can share the download link for the file with me by sending a private message. For this you'll have to hove on my profile picture and click the message button.

    Kind regards


  • Receptive Drop Down Menu Help Needed

    I'm working on a reagent drop-down list of an example that I found online.  I don't know much about css or html, but I don't have much the way I want, but need a little help to reach my goal of end of market.

    The code below is what I have so far.  Colored and flat background is replaced by gradient background images, but for now I'm just using colors to show what I'm trying to achieve.

    I have two questions, that I can't understand.

    1. How can I get a bottom border on my submenus without the borders of the middle (do not know how to describe the) which are made by the top border?  If I apply a border of 1px solid black border environment become 2px.
    2. Full screen, I want the bottom nav to be blue so that it matches the background of the menu bar when the screen becomes smaller.  However, when I try to apply the color blue, then all submenu items get on the blue background of the smaller size of the screen and I want only the menu bar above to be blue on smaller screens.  Also, is there a way to apply the Burger to the Menu bar on smaller screens?

    Hope that makes sense and thanks for any help!

    <! doctype html >

    < html >

    < head >

    < meta charset = "utf-8" >

    < meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE = edge, chrome = 1" >

    < meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, original scale = 1" >

    < title > reagent Dropdown Menu < /title >

    < style >



    do-size: 22px;

    line-height: 32px;

    color: #ffffff;

    margin: 0;

    padding: 0;

    dressing: break-Word! important;

    do-family: Arial, without serif.


    .toggletop, [id ^ = fall] {}

    display: none;


    . Toggle, [id ^ = fall] {}

    display: none;


    {of NAV

    margin: 0;

    padding: 0;

    background-color: #000;


    NAV: after {}

    content: "";

    Display: table;

    Clear: both;


    NAV ul {}

    float: left;

    padding: 0;

    margin: 0;

    list-style: none;

    position: relative;


    NAV ul li {}

    margin: 0px;

    display: inline-block;

    float: left;



    NAV a {}

    display: block;

    padding: 0px 25px;

    color: #fff;

    do-size: 12px;

    line-height: 30px;

    text-decoration: none;



    NAV ul li ul li: hover {}

    background: Red;



    NAV a: hover {}

    background-color: red;



    Li: hover NAV > a, #nav li {}

    background-color: red;



    NAV ul ul {}

    display: none;

    position: absolute;

    top: 30px;


    Li: hover nav ul > ul {}

    display: inherit;


    NAV ul ul li {}

    Width: 170px;

    float: none;

    display: list item;

    position: relative;

    background-color: #555;

    border-right: 1px solid black;

    border-left: 1px solid black;

    border-bottom: 0px solid black;

    border-top: 1px solid black;


    NAV ul ul ul li {}

    position: relative;


    left: 170px;

    background-color: #555;


    li > a: after {}

    content: "+";


    li > a: only the child: after {}

    content: ";


    / * Media Queries

    --------------------------------------------- */

    @media all and (max-width: 860px) {}

    #logo {}

    display: block;

    padding: 0;

    Width: 100%;

    text-align: center;

    float: none;


    . Toggle + a.

    .menu {}

    display: none;



    display: block;


    background-color: blue;

    padding: 0px 25px;

    color: #FFF;

    do-size: 12px;

    line-height: 30px;

    text-decoration: none;

    border: none;


    . Toggle {}

    display: block;

    background-color: #000;

    padding: 0px 25px;

    color: #FFF;

    do-size: 12px;

    line-height: 30px;

    text-decoration: none;

    border: none;



    background-color: red;



    [id ^ = fall]: checked + ul {}

    display: block;


    NAV ul li {}

    display: block;

    Width: 100%;


    NAV ul ul .toggle,

    NAV ul ul a {}

    padding: 40px 0;


    NAV ul ul ul a {}

    padding: 0 80px;


    NAV a: hover,

    NAV ul ul ul a {}

    background-color: #555;


    Li: hover NAV > a, #nav li {}

    background-color: red;



    NAV ul li ul li .toggle,

    NAV ul ul a {}

    background-color: #555;


    NAV ul ul {}

    float: none;

    position: static;

    color: #ffffff;


    NAV ul li: hover ul > ul.

    Li: hover nav ul > ul {}

    display: none;


    NAV ul ul li {}

    display: block;

    Width: 100%;


    NAV ul ul ul li {}

    position: static;


    @media all and (max-width: 330px) {}

    NAV ul li {}

    display: block;

    Width: 94%;


    < / style >

    < / head >

    < body >

    < nav >

    < label = 'drop' class = "toggletop" > Menu < / label >

    < input type = "checkbox" id = 'drop' / >

    < ul class = "menu" >

    < li > < a href = "#" > home < /a > < /li >

    < li >

    <!-first place->

    < label = "drop-1" class = "toggle" > Services + < / label >

    < a href = "#" > Services < /a >

    < input type = "checkbox" id = "drop-1" / >

    < ul >

    < li > < a href = "#" > 1 Service < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "#" > Service 2 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "#" > Service 3 < /a > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < /li >

    < li >

    <!-first place->

    < label = "drop-2" class = "toggle" > Products + < / label >

    < a href = "#" > < /a > Products

    < input type = "checkbox" id = "drop-2" / >

    < ul >

    < li > < a href = "#" > product 1 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "#" > product 2 < /a > < /li >

    < li >

    <!--deuxieme pane dropdown - >

    < label = 'drop-3' class = 'toggle' > more products + < / label >

    < a href = "#" > more products < /a >

    < input type = "checkbox" id = "drop-3" / >

    < ul >

    < li > < a href = "#" > more products 1 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "#" > more products 2 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "#" > more products 3 < /a > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < /li >

    < /ul >

    < /li >

    < li > < a href = "#" > Support < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "#" > < /a > < /li > Customer Service

    < li > < a href = "#" > contact us < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "#" > about us < /a > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < / nav >

    < / body >

    < / html >

    Last child has worked.  I'm getting closer.

    Thank you!

  • Unable to create the new tab using '+' or ctrl T or the drop down menu.

    By clicking on '+' in the tab bar, using ctrl T or the drop down menu of the file menu new tab does NOT create a new tab. New tabs created only if clicking a link creates one.

    Uninstall the toolbar Ask and it should work again. There is a compatibility issue with the Ask and Firefox toolbar that prevents the opening of new tabs.

  • I have a new MacBook Pro 13 "." When you click on almost ANYTHING, I get a drop-down menu, rather than the simple task. This includes a link to closing a window, writing a message of openness. Whatever it is. I've updated to 10.11.2.

    I have a new MacBook Pro 13 "." When you click on almost ANYTHING, I get a drop-down menu, rather than the simple task. This includes a link to closing a window, writing a message of openness. Nothing, including the drafting of this issue. A screenshot is included. I've updated to 10.11.2.

    Thank you!

    Bill Koechling

    Is it possible that you accidentally tap the touchpad with 2 fingers?

    Try to go to the preferences system-> Trackpad-> point & click and disable the "Secondary click" item Or change one option other than water from the tap 2 fingers.

  • The drop down menu moves to the top instead of the bottom.

    I see a new kind of problems with PCMCIA. When I click on something that should give me a drop-down list, he sometimes "drops up to." It's like a Venetian blind in the sense opposite, I have my mouse programmed for single-click operation and simply maintained sometimed the muse button pressed for about one second "locks the drop in place. This is a minor annoyance, but it's always a surprise when a drop down menu "drops up to" when he has to stay down.

    I am rnning Win7 HP Pavilion PC onan; Any thoughts?

    Original title: remove the drop menus-doen - as if they were d 'ropping save '.

    Hi jcgiglio,


    Thanks for sharing this information with us.


    Glad to know that you were able to resolve the issue. Feel free to contact the Microsoft community for issues related to Windows in the future.

  • Some element of the third level drop-down Menu is invisible

    APEX 4.2

    Oracle 11i

    area type: list

    list template: drop-down menu

    Requirement: I created the menu list with level 3 model, but found that some element of the third level is invisible, sometimes, someone has experienced this problem?

    How can I show the whole issue?

    Better compliance

    Yong Huang wrote:

    Thank you very much, you are right, it worked when I changed the target type of URL without a target.

    But the new problem is that cannot save changes implemented which target URL, it was recovered on the page target type in the application to the next time. How do I do? Like a menu, I have to put the page number to the target.

    and why target page type the application cannot show normally?

    This is because (at least in the example you provided) to two factors:

    • A 'feature' the theme 21 Pull Down Menu model list, which seems to be so designed as not to display a link to the current page. The current definition of model sublist will render an image of separator rather than the list entry/link:

    • Your entries of the list all link to the same page.

    So to determine which model of list item to apply using the list input parameter current that current page is the target by default, APEX motor sees all of the entries in the form of links to the current page and presents them by using the current model sublist list item template as a separator.

    All of your entries of the list really related to the same page? If so, why is this? What you trying to do? There may be other ways to address the issue that you have not considered.

    If you really must use a dropdown menu with multiple links to the same page here, then there are two options:

    • Continue to use the list template Pull Down Menu provided, but put in place a framework of Expression PL/SQL or SQL query to determine the current list entry.
    • Create a copy of the Pull Down Menu model list and change the current model sublist definition so that the list entry appears in fact.
  • Drop-down menu used with anchor on the long table of data links


    I have a page on our site where we used a drop shape with anchor tags to let the visitor easy access to specific locations within a long table of data on the same page. Recently, I noticed that the anchors are walking around is no longer the tags in the page but only the beginning of the table anyway. I don't know if over time a few additional codes may have been added to the page that is not in conflict with the form of drop down menu, or if it's something else. I've been agonizing about this for awhile now and unable to fix. I'm hoping a new set of eyes will revisit the issue. the url is

    Thank you

    Looks like there are a good number of errors html on this page, some of them have to do with using the code of the named anchor.

    Looks like you have placed the anchors between the openingand the child of the opening. Content cannot go there, move them in theTags and see if that helps.

    It could be something else however, html errors are one of the main causes of the problems of display/functionality. Visit the validator to to clean up your errors. If you work with the code clean and correctly positioned anchors, after return and we can take a closer look.

  • How to Add Drop Down Menu selection of city?

    How is the best way to add a Drop Down Menu selection town on my website next MyCITY logo?  This page should be selection on Los Angeles (arrow icon w next to him), but I need 4 other choices in the city.  It must fall down, like RESTAURANTS, with an arrow.  Not sure what the best way to address the issue.

    Thanks, Tammy

    Looking for a list of shape selection?

    Nancy O.

  • Manipulation of Drop Down Menu problem

    Hi, I have a dropdown Menu code AS2 as follow, this code is applied to a buttonOne onstage and next picture in the buttonOne is the menu that * not stop(); to any image in the movie button.

    onClipEvent (enterFrame) { / / If the mouse IS on the menu... }

    If (this.hitTest (_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { / / If the menu is NOT completely open }

    If (this ._currentframe < this ._totalframes) {}

    nextFrame();        / / go to the next section of the menu opening sequence


    { } else { / / If the mouse is NOT on the menu }

    If (this ._currentframe > 1) { / / If the menu is NOT completely closed }

    prevFrame();               / / reading of the previous image in the menu opening sequence



    *on the image next, I a buttonUp and a film Text1, buttonUp code such as follow-up:


    onEnterFrame = function () {}

    Text1._y-= 4 ;}    If Text1 would be upward when you press.


    {We (Rollout)}

    delete this.onEnterFrame;


    NOW *, what I need is to make the buttonOne to function as a press the button instead of the button Rollover and pressed, next image will remain on stage, even when the mouse away (I will apply a button close the window afterwards).

    My problem is now, can I change the first part of the code:

    {We (Press)}

    gotoAndStop (2);  or something like that


    While put stop();  on the two images in the movie, but doing this would remove the functionality on

    onEnterFrame = function () {}

    Text1._y-= 4 ;}

    If Text1 move not at all if there is a stop(); applied to the current image. I tried some methods but none doesn't work, tried to look on the web, but all of the tutorials I found are all drop-down menu type rolling.

    problem solved... instead of apply the we (press) on the film, simply create another button and call stop here to resolve the issue


    Thank you for reading

  • The Drop Down Menu number of Excel spreadsheets?

    Trying to open an Excel file created by my boss in number. There a few in drop-down menus, (pictured below) and they will not display correctly. Many prefer using numbers than Excel, anyone know of any tricks to make this menu drop-down appear in numbers as in Excel?

    In numbers, they simply appear not at all. Help, please! Thank you

    In Excel, you can automatically fill a drop-down list with values within a specific range of cells through 'Data Validation '.

    Numbers have no drop-down menu, but it doesn't have a Menu called data format.  It is easy to populate a drop-down list with values manually; Select the cells that contain different values which you want to make a choice and format on the Shortcut Menu. The result will be something very similar to your screenshot.

    But in doing so fully automatic as in Excel is not currently possible in number.

    Numbers provides an attractive work environment, but if you frequently need to exchange documents with your boss and your boss uses Excel, then better use Excel.


  • Dictation commands drop-down menu is empty.

    MacBook Pro (mid-2012), El Capitan 10.11.6

    In the preferences of accessibility, dictation, dictated orders, all orders are selected.

    Dictation & speech preference, dictated, dictated increased use is selected.

    Dictation is 'On '.

    When I click on the microphone at the top of the screen icon and select "Show dictation commands" menu drop-down is empty.  Yesterday, the drop down menu list all orders of the dictation.

    How to fix and what did wrong?

    Tom TX

    -Try to reset memory NVRAM/PRAM and SMC

    MacIntel: Reset of the controller (SMC) system management

    Subject of memory NVRAM and PRAM

    -Try to start safe mode

    OS x: what is Safe Boot, Safe Mode?

    -Start to recovery and repair the startup disk

    OS X: on OS X Recovery - Apple Support

    -If it is repairable reinstall the OSX

    How to reinstall OS X on your Mac - Apple Support

    -If you do not have a backup using disk utility to restore the internal drive to an external drive, so that you can try to recover the data.

    Format the boot disk and then do a fresh install of Mac OS x

  • Drop-down menu of Firefox address bar Sporatically stops working

    I had this problem for about a year and some parts of the year are worse than others, and now, according to the latest update of Firefox, this problem is at its absolute worst.

    The drop-down menu in the address bar of Firefox sometimes stops displaying my newest and popularly seen the websites that I have visited. Whenever I have updated Firefox, the problem goes away and he used to stay at the gap to end of weeks in a row, but now the drop stops working almost whenever I close Firefox after this last update a few days earlier.

    This problem persists in the Mode of Firefox safe and apparently appears randomly any plugins/extensions I can I have installed/enabled.

    I am at a complete loss here and would appreciate any help because this drop in the address bar is one of my favorite features in any browser, and it becomes annoying to have to reinstall the plugins more (when I use the Sync feature to reinstall the plugins, the problem is even worse).

    For problems with the file places.sqlite (bookmarks, historical) database, you can check in the Firefox profile folder.

    If the extension of Maintenance of places cannot repair the database places.sqlite file remove all places.sqlite files in the Firefox profile folder to rebuild the database places.sqlite latest JSON Firefox backup in the folder bookmarkbackups.

  • Music drop down menu setting

    After installing windows 10, I have to use the drop-down menu music to choose my location of library or folder.  Previously on windows 7, the default music would show my albums., is this a change with windows! 0 I change it?

    You use the same version of iTunes, or have you updated that as well?

  • How can I open Web sites that I put in the drop-down menu when I click on the blue arrow to the menu drop-down

    I have windows XP. I use for my homepage. I entered the sites I want to go to every day. These sites are in the drop-down menu when I click on the blue arrow down. When I click on any one of these sites, they are not open. What can I do to fix this.

    Your user agent shows you are running Firefox in compatibility mode for Windows 98 (NT 4.10).

    • User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 4.10; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0

    Make sure that you are not Firefox running in compatibility mode.
    You can open the properties of the desktop Firefox shortcut via the context menu and check under the tab "compatibility".
    Make sure that all items are disabled in the tab "Compatibility" in the Properties window.

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