Reg: Preloading in the Oracle client.

Hi Experts,

What exactly is the concept behind the 'prefetch' in the Oracle client.

My understanding - is the number of records retrieves customer data base and throws it to the user.

Read a few posts on AskTom



But still I got some doubts-

1. you want to understand the concept in detail as network round trips, data packets, etc.

2. a scenraio - say my query will generate 158 K records, and I put my line Prefetch = 3500 to my client. It will be really beneficial? The customer while recovery displays the current state as "go get... records of 2002...". 3003, 4004... etc.

Why get it 1,000 records, while I put the 3500.

Please notify.

Thank you and best regards,


(on Oracle / SQL client Tools)

Imagine the most stupid possible implementation (in a perspective of network traffic)

The client sends a request to the database (1 trip)

The client then requests the first line

Oracle executes the request well enough to find the first line, which returns to the client (1 trip)

The client then requests the following line

Oracle executes the request well enough to find the first line, which returns to the client (1 trip)


Repeat 158 000 times, until the last line is read

As a round trip network is, in the best cases, the order of 10 milliseconds, it would mean that 158 000 back and forth network would consume seconds 1580 or about 26 minutes just networking air before adding in time for Oracle to generate results or the customer to do something with the results.

Table extraction generally reduced this problem by allowing the client to fetch more than 1 row with each round trip.  If you pick 100 lines at once, you have need of round-trips of 1580, which would take 15.8 seconds in our environment of hypothetical return of 10ms.  If you get 1000 rows at a time, you have 158 network trips that would take 1.58 seconds.  But, of course, is not really as simple as that.  Network packets are not arbitrarily size so the lines you are great and go look for these lines, the packages more you exchange which makes extraction individual times more.  This means that network fetch load reduction is almost certainly less linear on a reasonable range of fetch sizes - maybe the example of 100 line passes 30 seconds on fetch of network load and the sample line of 1000 passes 10 seconds.  As with anything, you want to compare in your environment with your data to see where your application gets the best performance.

As for what the customer is displayed, it is a question for the customer.  I guess the customer is written to view independent progress of the fetch size.


Tags: Database

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    Here is the content of the journal

    ParamFile using: C:\client\install\oraparam.ini

    Monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors.    4294967296 real past

    The command line to decompress:

    "C:\client\install\unzip - qqqo... \stage\Components\oracle.jdk\\1\DataFiles/"*.jar ' d 'C:\Users\ravi\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2013-12-20_10-07-45PM"INFO: loading data from: jar:file:/C:/Users/ravi/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2013-12-20_10-07-45PM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml

    INFO: Loading jar:file:/C:/Users/ravi/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2013-12-20_10-07-45PM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml beanstore

    NEWS: Restoration of class jar:file:/C:/Users/ravi/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2013-12-20_10-07-45PM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml oracle.install.driver.oui.ConfigCmdMappings

    INFO: Loading Xml Bean store beans. [BeanStoreName:config - data]

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    INFO: Development of the property id: in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: platformcmdmap in bean: configcmd

    NEWS: Development of the property: configcmds in bean: configcmdmappings

    INFO: The inventory exists: false

    INFO: Application bean plant

    NEWS: Increased

    INFO: No global condition found definition.

    INFO: Build the flow graph

    Information: State AutoUpdatesOptionsUI

    Information: State UpdatesListUI

    NEWS: State finishupdates

    INFO: Build the flow graph

    NEWS: State Loaded init

    NEWS: State installModeDecider

    NEWS: State clientInstallType

    NEWS: State autoupdatesDecider

    NEWS: State clientInstallMode

    Information: State AutoUpdatesOptionsUI

    Information: State UpdatesListUI

    NEWS: State supportedOSCheck

    NEWS: State productLanguage

    NEWS: State getOracleHome

    NEWS: State prereqExecutionDecider

    NEWS: State checkPrereqs

    NEWS: State postPrereqs

    INFO: Loaded summary statement

    NEWS: State clientCustomInstall

    NEWS: State schedulerAgent

    NEWS: State mtsDialog

    NEWS: State Loaded configuration

    NEWS: State Loaded finishing

    INFO: Connection between States

    NEWS: State [AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]: route = NO_AUTO_UPDATES; to = supportedOSCheck

    NEWS: State [AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]: route = success; to = UpdatesListUI

    NEWS: State [UpdatesListUI]: route = success; to = supportedOSCheck

    NEWS: State [autoupdatesDecider]: route = AUTO_UPDATES_DISABLE; to = supportedOSCheck

    NEWS: State [autoupdatesDecider]: route = AUTO_UPDATES_STATE_SKIP; to = supportedOSCheck

    NEWS: State [autoupdatesDecider]: route = success; to = AutoUpdatesOptionsUI

    NEWS: State [checkPrereqs]: route = success; to = summary

    NEWS: State [clientCustomInstall]: route = TO_ENDCUSTOM; to = prereqExecutionDecider

    NEWS: State [clientCustomInstall]: route = TO_ORAMTS; to = mtsDialog

    NEWS: State [clientCustomInstall]: route = TO_SCHEDULERAGENT; to = schedulerAgent

    NEWS: State [clientInstallMode]: route = UPGRADE_NO; to = clientInstallType

    NEWS: State [clientInstallMode]: route = UPGRADE_YES; to = getOracleHome

    NEWS: State Condition [clientInstallMode]: route = incompatible; to = clientInstallType

    NEWS: State [clientInstallType]: route = ic_no; to = autoupdatesDecider

    NEWS: State [clientInstallType]: route = ic_yes; to = getOracleHome

    NEWS: State [getOracleHome]: route = ICHOME_SELECTED; to = prereqExecutionDecider

    NEWS: State [getOracleHome]: route = INVENTORY_NO; to = prereqExecutionDecider

    NEWS: State [getOracleHome]: route = INVENTORY_NO_CUSTOM_YES; to = clientCustomInstall

    NEWS: State [getOracleHome]: route = INVENTORY_YES; to = prereqExecutionDecider

    NEWS: State [getOracleHome]: route = INVENTORY_YES_CUSTOM_YES; to = clientCustomInstall

    NEWS: State [getOracleHome]: route = NON_ICHOME_SELECTED; to = autoupdatesDecider

    NEWS: State [init]: route = DOWNLOAD_UPDATES_ONLY; to = AutoUpdatesOptionsUI

    NEWS: State [init]: route = success; to = installModeDecider

    NEWS: State [installModeDecider]: route = UPGRADE_IMPOSSIBLE; to = clientInstallType

    NEWS: State [installModeDecider]: route = UPGRADE_POSSIBLE; to = clientInstallMode

    NEWS: State [mtsDialog]: route = success; to = prereqExecutionDecider

    NEWS: State [postPrereqs]: route = CUSTOM; to = clientCustomInstall

    NEWS: State [postPrereqs]: route = NON_CUSTOM; to = summary

    NEWS: State [prereqExecutionDecider]: route = executeprereqs; to = checkPrereqs

    NEWS: State [prereqExecutionDecider]: route = ignoreprereqs; to = summary

    NEWS: State [productLanguage]: route = UPGRADE_ROUTE; to = prereqExecutionDecider

    NEWS: State [productLanguage]: route = productlanguage_yes; to = getOracleHome

    NEWS: State [schedulerAgent]: route = TO_ENDCUSTOM; to = prereqExecutionDecider

    NEWS: State [schedulerAgent]: route = TO_ORAMTS; to = mtsDialog

    NEWS: State [setup]: route = success; to = finishing

    NEWS: State [summary]: route = success; to = configuration

    NEWS: State [supportedOSCheck]: route = success; productLanguage =

    NEWS: State [AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]: route = NO_AUTO_UPDATES; to = finishupdates

    NEWS: State [AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]: route = success; to = UpdatesListUI

    NEWS: State [UpdatesListUI]: route = DOWNLOAD_UPDATES_FINISHED; to = finishupdates

    INFO: Successfully built the stream

    INFO: Bean opening stores of which beans can be loaded

    INFO: Loading beanstore from a given input stream

    WARNING: Failed to create the xml for the key:CommonProgramFiles(x86) tag

    WARNING: Failed to create the xml for the key:ProgramFiles(x86) tag

    INFO: Translating the external format in raw format

    INFO: Loading the beans of flow data

    INFO: Loading the beans in Bean store properties. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]

    NEWS: Development of the property: ClientInstallSettings in bean: ClientSetupBean

    NEWS: Development of the property: oracle_install_autoupdates_myOracleSupportCredentials in bean: AutoUpdatesInstallSettings

    NEWS: Development of the property: oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxySettings in bean: AutoUpdatesInstallSettings

    NEWS: Development of the property: AutoUpdatesInstallSettings in bean: ClientSetupBean

    NEWS: Development of the property: CentralInventorySettings in bean: ClientSetupBean

    NEWS: Development of the property: OCMSettings in bean: ClientSetupBean

    INFO: Loading Xml Bean store beans. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]

    NEWS: Development of the property: ClientInstallSettings in bean: ClientSetupBean

    NEWS: Development of the property: oracle_install_autoupdates_myOracleSupportCredentials in bean: AutoUpdatesInstallSettings

    NEWS: Development of the property: oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxySettings in bean: AutoUpdatesInstallSettings

    NEWS: Development of the property: AutoUpdatesInstallSettings in bean: ClientSetupBean

    NEWS: Development of the property: CentralInventorySettings in bean: ClientSetupBean

    INFO: Set value for the ClientSetupBean bean

    INFO: Loading the beans in Bean store properties. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]

    INFO: Loading Xml Bean store beans. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]

    INFO: Closing bean stores that the beans can be loaded

    INFO: Save views of workflow

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI: null uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI added to view Type register with the key as [points]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI: null uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI added to view Type register with the key as [SummaryUI]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI: null uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI added to view Type register with the key as [SetupUI]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI: ProductLanguageUI uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI added to view Type register with the key as [ProductLanguageUI]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.ivw.client.view.CustomInstallGUI: null uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.CustomInstallGUI added to view Type register with the key as [CustomInstallUI]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.ivw.client.view.SchedulerAgentGUI: null uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.SchedulerAgentGUI added to view Type register with the key as [SchedulerAgentUI]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI: null uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI added to view Type register with the key as [InstallLocationUI]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI: null uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI added to view Type register with the key as [InstallTypesUI]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallModeGUI: null uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallModeGUI added to view Type register with the key as [InstallModeUI]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.ivw.client.view.FinishGUI: null uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.FinishGUI added to view Type register with the key as [FinishUI]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.ivw.common.view.AutoUpdatesOptionsUI: AutoUpdatesOptionsUI uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.AutoUpdatesOptionsUI added to view Type register with the key as [AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.ivw.common.view.UpdatesListUI: UpdatesListUI uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.UpdatesListUI added to view Type register with the key as [UpdatesListUI]

    INFO: Add view [type: viewId oracle.install.ivw.common.view.FinishUpdatesUI: FinishUpdatesUI uiType: null]

    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.FinishUpdatesUI added to view Type register with the key as [FinishUpdatesUI]

    INFO: Values of initial configuration properties:




    AutoUpdatesInstallSettings oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.AutoUpdates





    CentralInventorySettings oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.CentralInve


    ClientInstallSettings oracle.install.ivw.client.bean.ClientInsta



    FROM_LOCATION C:\client\install\... /stage/Products.Xml

    INSTALL_TYPE InstantClient

    MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD * protégés of value, is not to be connected *.


    OCMSettings oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.OCMSettings







    PROXY_PWD * protégés of value, is not to be connected *.




    fake b_schedulerAgentSelected

    fake oracle_install_LaunchNetCA

    true oracle_install_NoMigration

    fake oracle_install_RACInstall


    oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxyPort 0

    oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxySettings oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.HttpProxySe


    oracle_install_autoupdates_myOracleSupportCredentials oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.MyOracleSup


    fake oracle_install_autoupdates_selected

    fake oracle_install_client_upgrading


    oracle_install_db_InstallEdition EE



    INFO: Start the Oracle Client Setup

    INFO: Launch of the execution of the movement in INTERACTIVE mode

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    INFO: End all ends tasks in the init State

    INFO: Waiting for the tasks of achieving all forked to the init State

    INFO: Forked all the tasks are completed to the init State

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: The execution of action to the init State

    INFO: Completed the implementation of the action to the < init > State

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Moved to declare < init >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Validation of the notice to the < init > State

    INFO: Finished view validating State < init >

    INFO: Validation State < init >

    WARNING: Posting disabled for the init State

    INFO: Completed state validating < init >

    Information: Success of audit course

    NEWS: Control from State to State < clientInstallMode >

    INFO: Successfully verified a State to < clientInstallMode >

    NEWS: Updated Condition in correspondence with the State < clientInstallMode >.

    INFO: Redirect to road < match >.

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: The execution of action to the State installModeDecider

    INFO: Completed the implementation of the action to the < installModeDecider > State

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Moved to declare < installModeDecider >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Validation of the notice to the State < installModeDecider >

    INFO: Finished view validating State < installModeDecider >

    INFO: Validation State < installModeDecider >

    ATTENTION: Validation turned off for the installModeDecider of the State

    INFO: Completed state validating < installModeDecider >

    INFO: the inventory location isC:\Program

    INFO: the inventory location isC:\Program

    INFO: the inventory location isC:\Program

    Information: Road of audit UPGRADE_IMPOSSIBLE

    INFO: Get the view named [InstallTypesUI]

    INFO: estimated size for InstantClientinstall is 244,0

    INFO: estimated size for Administratorinstall is 1126.4000005722046

    INFO: estimated size for Runtimeinstall is 758.0

    INFO: View for [InstallTypesUI] is oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI@410c6406

    INFO: View initialization status < clientInstallType > < InstallTypesUI >

    INFO: InstallTypesPane installType is set to: InstantClient

    INFO: Completed initialization from the view state < clientInstallType > < InstallTypesUI >

    INFO: Displays the < InstallTypesUI > < clientInstallType >-state mode

    INFO: Finished poster mode < InstallTypesUI > < clientInstallType > State

    INFO: Loading view state < clientInstallType > < InstallTypesUI >

    INFO: Finished loading view state < clientInstallType > < InstallTypesUI >

    INFO: View location status < clientInstallType > < InstallTypesUI >

    INFO: estimated size for InstantClientinstall is 244,0

    INFO: estimated size for Administratorinstall is 1126.4000005722046

    INFO: estimated size for Runtimeinstall is 758.0

    INFO: Finished view location status < clientInstallType > < InstallTypesUI >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: The execution of action to the State clientInstallType

    INFO: Completed the implementation of the action to the < clientInstallType > State

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Moved to declare < clientInstallType >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Client install Type is defined in InstallTypeUI is: administrator

    INFO: Validation of the notice to the State < clientInstallType >

    INFO: Finished view validating State < clientInstallType >

    INFO: Validation State < clientInstallType >

    ATTENTION: Validation turned off for the clientInstallType of the State

    INFO: Completed state validating < clientInstallType >

    INFO: the passage of InstallTypesAction:

    INFO: Verification of course ic_no

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: The execution of action to the State autoupdatesDecider

    INFO: Completed the implementation of the action to the < autoupdatesDecider > State

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Moved to declare < autoupdatesDecider >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Validation of the notice to the State < autoupdatesDecider >

    INFO: Finished view validating State < autoupdatesDecider >

    INFO: Validation State < autoupdatesDecider >

    ATTENTION: Validation turned off for the autoupdatesDecider of the State

    INFO: Completed state validating < autoupdatesDecider >

    NEWS: Reading metadata C:\client\install\ shiphome... \stage\shiphomeproperties. XML

    INFO: Loading file:/C:/client/install/... beanstore/internship/shiphomeproperties. XML

    INFO: Translating the external format in raw format

    NEWS: Restoration of class file:/C:/client/install/... oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata/internship/shiphomeproperties. XML

    INFO: Loading Xml Bean store beans. [BeanStoreName:shiphome - metadata]

    NEWS: Development of the property: properties in the bean: shiphome-metadata

    Information: Success of audit course

    INFO: Get the view named [AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]

    INFO: estimated for [AutoUpdatesOptionsUI] oracle.install.ivw.common.view.AutoUpdatesOptionsUI [, 0,0,0x0,invalid,layout=java.awt.FlowLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=9,maximumSize=,minimumSize=, preferredSize =]

    INFO: View initialization status < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI > < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >

    INFO: Completed initialization from the view state < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI > < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >

    INFO: Displays the < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI > < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >-state mode

    INFO: Finished poster mode < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI > < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI > State

    INFO: Loading view state < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI > < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >

    INFO: Finished loading view state < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI > < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >

    INFO: View location status < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI > < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >

    INFO: Finished view location status < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI > < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: The execution of action to the State AutoUpdatesOptionsUI

    INFO: Completed the implementation of the action to the < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI > State

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Moved to State < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Validation of the notice to the State < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >

    INFO: Finished view validating State < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >

    INFO: Validation State < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >

    INFO: Completed state validating < AutoUpdatesOptionsUI >

    INFO: No updates will be downloaded or applied

    Information: Road of audit NO_AUTO_UPDATES

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: The execution of action to the State supportedOSCheck

    INFO: Completed the implementation of the action to the < supportedOSCheck > State

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Moved to declare < supportedOSCheck >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Validation of the notice to the State < supportedOSCheck >

    INFO: Finished view validating State < supportedOSCheck >

    INFO: Validation State < supportedOSCheck >

    NEWS: Audit environment target...

    INFO: Check if the IP address of the local host could be determined...

    INFO: Has completed an audit of the target environment.

    INFO: Completed state validating < supportedOSCheck >

    Information: Success of audit course

    INFO: Get the view named [ProductLanguageUI]

    INFO: View for [ProductLanguageUI] is oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI@3295a253

    INFO: View initialization status < productLanguage > < ProductLanguageUI >

    INFO: Completed initialization from the view state < productLanguage > < ProductLanguageUI >

    INFO: Displays the mode < ProductLanguageUI > < productLanguage > State

    INFO: Retrieving available languages...

    INFO: Finished poster mode < ProductLanguageUI > < productLanguage > State

    INFO: Loading view state < productLanguage > < ProductLanguageUI >

    INFO: Finished loading view state < productLanguage > < ProductLanguageUI >

    INFO: View location status < productLanguage > < ProductLanguageUI >

    INFO: Finished view location status < productLanguage > < ProductLanguageUI >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    INFO: End all ends tasks to the productLanguage State

    INFO: Waiting for the tasks of achieving all forked the productLanguage State

    INFO: Forked from all tasks are completed to the productLanguage State

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: The execution of action to the productLanguage State

    INFO: Completed the implementation of the action to the < productLanguage > State

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Moved to declare < productLanguage >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: The languages in which the product will be installed are [en]

    INFO: Validation of the notice to the < productLanguage > State

    INFO: Finished view validating State < productLanguage >

    INFO: Validation State < productLanguage >

    WARNING: Posting disabled for the productLanguage of the State

    INFO: Completed state validating < productLanguage >

    INFO: Verification of course productlanguage_yes

    INFO: Get the view named [InstallLocationUI]

    INFO: View for [InstallLocationUI] is oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI@55f49969

    INFO: View initialization status < getOracleHome > < InstallLocationUI >

    INFO: the inventory location isC:\Program

    INFO: Completed initialization from the view state < getOracleHome > < InstallLocationUI >

    INFO: Displays the < InstallLocationUI > < getOracleHome >-state mode

    INFO: Finished poster mode < InstallLocationUI > < getOracleHome > State

    INFO: Loading view state < getOracleHome > < InstallLocationUI >

    INFO: Finished loading view state < getOracleHome > < InstallLocationUI >

    INFO: View location status < getOracleHome > < InstallLocationUI >

    INFO: Finished view location status < getOracleHome > < InstallLocationUI >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: The execution of action to the State getOracleHome

    INFO: Completed the implementation of the action to the < getOracleHome > State

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Moved to declare < getOracleHome >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Validation of the notice to the State < getOracleHome >

    INFO: Finished view validating State < getOracleHome >

    INFO: Validation State < getOracleHome >

    Personal information: Name of the prereq file: oracle.client_Administrator.xml

    INFO: refDataFile: C:\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Administrator.xml

    INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false

    INFO: InstallAreaControl exists: false

    NEWS: Audit: NEW_HOME

    NEWS: Audit: COMP

    NEWS: Audit: COMP

    NEWS: Audit: COMP

    NEWS: Audit: COMP

    NEWS: Audit: COMP

    NEWS: Audit: COMP

    NEWS: Audit: COMP

    NEWS: Audit: COMP

    NEWS: Audit: ORCA_HOME

    NEWS: Reading metadata C:\client\install\ shiphome... \stage\shiphomeproperties. XML

    INFO: Loading file:/C:/client/install/... beanstore/internship/shiphomeproperties. XML

    INFO: Translating the external format in raw format

    NEWS: Restoration of class file:/C:/client/install/... oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata/internship/shiphomeproperties. XML

    INFO: Loading Xml Bean store beans. [BeanStoreName:shiphome - metadata]

    NEWS: Development of the property: properties in the bean: shiphome-metadata

    INFO: the inventory location isC:\Program

    INFO: the inventory location isC:\Program

    INFO: Retrieve ASM Cluster File System information...

    INFO: the inventory location isC:\Program

    INFO: the inventory location isC:\Program

    INFO: estimated size for Administratorinstall is 1126.4000005722046

    INFO: Access path is: == > C:\Users\ravi\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2013-12-20_10-07-45PM\jdk\jre\bin; C:\Windows\System32; C:\Windows; C:\Windows\System32; C:\Windows; C:\Windows\System32\Wbem; C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;.

    INFO: Completed state validating < getOracleHome >

    NEWS: InstallLocationAction to INVENTORY_NO

    Information: Road of audit INVENTORY_NO

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: The execution of action to the State prereqExecutionDecider

    INFO: Completed the implementation of the action to the < prereqExecutionDecider > State

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Moved to declare < prereqExecutionDecider >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Validation of the notice to the State < prereqExecutionDecider >

    INFO: Finished view validating State < prereqExecutionDecider >

    INFO: Validation State < prereqExecutionDecider >

    ATTENTION: Validation turned off for the prereqExecutionDecider of the State

    INFO: Completed state validating < prereqExecutionDecider >

    INFO: Verification of course executeprereqs

    INFO: Get the view named [points]

    INFO: View for [points] is oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI@5bdf59bd

    INFO: Initializing view < points > status < checkPrereqs >

    INFO: Completed initialization from the view < points > status < checkPrereqs >

    INFO: Displays the report < checkPrereqs > < points > view

    INFO: Finished poster mode < points > status < checkPrereqs >

    INFO: Loading view state < checkPrereqs > < points >

    INFO: Finished loading view state < checkPrereqs > < points >

    INFO: View location < points > status < checkPrereqs >

    INFO: Finished view location < points > status < checkPrereqs >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: The execution of action to the State checkPrereqs

    Personal information: Name of the prereq file: oracle.client_Administrator.xml

    INFO: refDataFile: C:\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Administrator.xml

    INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false

    INFO: In PrereqAction: CVU PREREQ LOCATION set to: C:\client\install/... / internship/CVU/cvu_prereq. XML

    INFO: Completed the implementation of the action to the < checkPrereqs > State

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    INFO: End all ends tasks to State checkPrereqs

    INFO: Waiting for the tasks of achieving all forked to the State checkPrereqs

    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for physical memory task in the timesheet

    INFO: Creating CompositePrereqChecker Job Molok task free space

    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for task sheet space free: MYPERS:C:\Users\ravi\AppData\Local\Temp

    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for task sheet Architecture

    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for the special sheet environment variable: 'PATH '.

    INFO: CVU tracingEnabled = false

    INFO: The nodes are prepared for verification.

    INFO: *********************************************

    INFO: Physical memory: it is a precondition to check if the system has at least 128 MB (131072,0 KB) of total physical memory.

    INFO: Gravity: IGNORABLE

    INFO: OverallStatus: SUCCESS

    INFO: -----------------------------------------------

    INFO: Results of the audit for the node: MYPERS

    NEWS: Expected value: 128 MB (131072,0 KB)

    NEWS: Real value: 7.9276 GB (8312660,0 KB)

    INFO: -----------------------------------------------

    INFO: *********************************************

    NEWS: Free space: MYPERS:C:\Users\ravi\AppData\Local\Temp: it is a precondition to check if enough free space is available in the file system.

    INFO: Gravity: IGNORABLE

    INFO: OverallStatus: SUCCESS

    INFO: -----------------------------------------------

    INFO: Results of the audit for the node: MYPERS

    NEWS: Expected value: 130 MB

    NEWS: Real value: 233.0941 GB

    INFO: -----------------------------------------------

    INFO: *********************************************

    INFO: Architecture: it is a precondition to check if the system has a certified architecture.

    INFO: Severity: CRITICAL

    INFO: OverallStatus: SUCCESS

    INFO: -----------------------------------------------

    INFO: Results of the audit for the node: MYPERS

    NEWS: Expected value: 64-bit

    NEWS: Real value: 64-bit

    INFO: -----------------------------------------------

    INFO: *********************************************

    NEWS: Environment Variable: 'PATH': this test checks if the length of the 'PATH' environment variable does not exceed the recommended time.

    INFO: Severity: CRITICAL

    INFO: OverallStatus: SUCCESS

    INFO: -----------------------------------------------

    INFO: Results of the audit for the node: MYPERS

    NEWS: Expected value: 5119

    NEWS: Real value: 99

    INFO: -----------------------------------------------

    INFO: Forked all the tasks are completed at the checkPrereqs State

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Moved to State < checkPrereqs >

    INFO: Waiting for the completion of the operations in the background

    Full background information: Operations

    INFO: Validation of the notice to the State < checkPrereqs >

    INFO: Finished view validating State < checkPrereqs >

    INFO: Validation State < checkPrereqs >

    INFO: By default using that validator configured in the oracle.install.ivw.client.action.PrereqAction of class Action

    INFO: Completed state validating < checkPrereqs >

    Information: Success of audit course

    INFO: Get the view named [SummaryUI]


    learner1 wrote:

    Hi Nadia,

    I'm local Admin on my laptop infact I managed to install the misc other than the Oracle client software.


    Unfortunately, there are administrators in Windows, then there are administrators.  Apparently not all administrators are created equal.  Don't ask me to explain, I do not understand myself, I just know that this is a truth.  Still a reason more I learned to avoid Windows I get chances.

    «My mom always says that Windows is like a box o ' chocolates.»  (With apologies to Tom Hanks).

  • Version of the Oracle client

    Anyone help Pls!
    How to check the version of the oracle client installed on my local pc (windows xp)?
    I went to start all programs, I can see oracle 10g, 81,92 on my pc.
    At the command prompt, I entered sqlplus /nolog it shows the version, but they say it's the version of the server.

    If we are talking about an Excel spreadsheet with a macro in VB using ODBC to connect to the Oracle database, which ODBC driver are you using? Assuming you are using one of the ODBC Oracle driver path is irrelevant. The driver name should include the name of the Oracle House (that is to say, the ODBC driver will be named 'Oracle in OraHome92' If you use the ODBC driver in the Oracle home "OraHome92" which, no doubt, would be the home Oracle 9.2 (if there are multiple Oracle homes on the machine with the same version of the Oracle client or if you chose the default names for your Oracle homes that do not include the version number , you can search the registry - that is to say the path of specific directory for a particular Oracle home HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST. INI\Oracle in OraDb11g_home1\Driver will be the full path to the SQORA32. DLL which corresponds to the ODBC Oracle driver OraDb11g_home1 hospitality Oracle on my machine - but that is probably farther in the herbs you want to go). If you use the (long) since depricated Microsoft ODBC driver for Oracle, then the PATH comes into play because this driver is not consistent stream.


  • Most recent version of the Oracle client version is compatible with the low version

    Most recent version of the Oracle client version is compatible with the Oracle DB low version

    Client Oracle version should be compatible with DB?

    Yes - see on Oracle (ID 207303.1) support compatibility table

  • How to find if the Oracle client is installed or the server is installed.


    How to find if the Oracle client software is installed or server software is installed on a linux machine.

    Thank you.

    Check the output of 'opatch lsinventory.

    If its database, the output would be as follows.

    Installed products of higher level (1):

    Oracle Database 10g

    For the customer, it would be

    Installed products of higher level (1):

    Client Oracle

  • How to start to use the Oracle client to access the database?


    Hello. I just installed Oracle Client (Instant Client) in the directory/home/myOracle/Oracle_Client.
    But I don't know how to start and configure the client to access Oracle database.

    Can all folk tell me how to start to use the Oracle client to access the database?

    user8860348 wrote:

    Hello. I've successfully used Oracle SQL Developer. But I want to know how to use the Instant Client.

    Can any folk tell me how to use the Client then just install it?

    I guess you're hurting understand the definition of Client instant, there isn't a tool or application or tool GUI as a sql developer or another that you can start using. It's just client installed with the minimum characteristics
    If you want to use the right application tool install sql developer in your instant client or simply running sqlplus

    See you soon

  • Check if the Oracle Client is 64-bit Mode


    I have a bit of Windows Server 2008 x 64 with Reporting Services x 64 bit.

    I have a relationship with oracle connection. First, I installed (, but in Reporting Services, I get the following error: "trying to load the Oracle client libraries threw BadImageFormatException. This problem occurs when you run with the 32-bit Oracle components customer installed 64 bit mode"

    Then I installed (, but I have the same problem.

    How to check if Oracle Client runs in bits of x 64 or x 86?


    It is not a 32-bit or 64-bit 'mode', you have the client client software or 64 bit 32 bit.

    The first thing to do is to check the process in the Task Manager to confirm if it is 32-bit or 64-bit (32-bit to a * 32 next to the process name).

    Regarding the inspection of a facility of the customer trying to tell if it's 32-bit or 64-bit, I don't know one other surefire way knowing what you have installed. You can consult the register, a 32-bit home will be located in HKLM > software > WOW6432Node > Oracle, considering that a 64-bit home will be in HKLM > software > Oracle and then you can check the path to the House to try to deduce if it is 32 bit or 64 bit depending on the location of the dll.

    If you have 32-bit and 64-bit client installed, I don't have a good top of my head that may cause for why you will get this error. The OS does a good job of loading the 32-bit dll for 32-bit processes and 64 for 64.

    Are two homes in your PATH environment variable? Did you restart the application or restart after the addition of a new home?

    You can use tools such as Process Explorer or Process Monitor to see what dlls are loaded (or attempted to be loaded).

    It will be useful,

  • the provider is not compatible with the version of the oracle client


    I have the Oracle 10 g database in my production server *(windows 2000 server SP4) * and I use ODAC 11 g ( for the connection of the .net code database.

    During execution of the code, I get the following error: the vendor is not compatible with the version of the Oracle client.

    But the same code works file in my system *(windows xp SP2) dev *.

    Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you!


    Thanks for the information.

    One point that we have several versions of Oracle on the prod server. This can be a reason?

    Yes, if an older version of the client is first in the system path. Can you verify the system path and confirm if an older version of the client is in the path before the version?

    Thank you


    Edit1: See also the comments of Alex on DllPath here:

    Issue of ODP.Net

    Published by: Mark Williams on July 30, 2009 18:01

  • Doubt w.r.t. the Oracle client installation


    We will install oracle client. We use oracle net services to configure essbase with the help of oracle, which is installed in the other database server. That is why we are installing oracle client.

    Now my question is during the installation exactly customized including all the checkboxes should I check. There are a lot of items displayed in the installation window. I want to know what should I check to install only oracle net services.

    Help, please.

    Go to the Administration of Oracle Client installation. Then copy the TNS server entry and paste it to the customer.

    Start access, the database of the customer.

    Kind regards


  • Installing the Oracle Client - not found registry keys

    Hi all!

    I'm trying to change a setting for an environment variable in an oracle client installation.
    The problem is that in the path, that I found in the oracle.key file, there is no registry entry... so I can't change the environment variable.

    How can it be possible? Where can I find variable parameters?

    I not have the client installed, so I don't know what happened during the installation.
    The machine running Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x 64) and the version of Oracle Universal Installer is the

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    The only explanation I have is that someone messed with the registry.


  • Question about the Oracle Client software

    Good afternoon

    The following statement appears in the day 2 DBA OBE for Chapter 4:

    You must first install the Oracle database client software, which includes the Oracle Net software.

    I downloaded the instant client, installed and everything works fine. However, the instant client does not include the Oracle Net software. I searched for a 'no snapshot' customer ;) he would understand, but did not find these clients. I tried to start the complete installation (downloaded from the Oracle site) and there is no option to install the client only.

    Question: There is another client that includes the Oracle Net software as described in the OBE? If Yes, where is it?

    Thank you for your help,


    Yes, the "full" client package is available in the downloads / database and has a name like this:

    Oracle Database 11 g Release 2 ( Client for Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

    (and of course is available for different platforms)

  • The Oracle Client installation


    I need to install Oracle client on a Windows Server. However, I have the basic version customer oracle

    It comes to a customer's requirement. I can download the patch 10.2. 0.4 of metalink for customer install.

    Yes, you will need to download the pach defined for the server of Oracle database that you can also use to upgrade the Oracle database Client.

  • Installing the Oracle client

    Hi all

    Our database is and db Server Windows 2003 server.

    The oracle in our web server customer is thus One of our improved applications must ODP.NET in Oracle 11 g client. If the developer offers to install this component in a new Oracle home (directory). And then we have to copy tnsnames.ora file of 10g to 11g Home House in order to make all the apps work.

    My questions are:

    Do you see any problems in this kind of arrangement?

    Can we install 11g ODP.NET in existing 10g Oracle home?

    What is the best practice in this respect?

    Thank you very much


    Separate Oracle homes always.
    Do not try to install in the same House Oracle two products different.
    You won't have any kind of problems that you just need to be careful when you want to use one version or another, cause of Global Variables of Enrinoment can cause a bit of confussion but nothing serious.

    If you will not use the 10g version, why don't you withdraw and have onlye the 11g?


  • The version of the Oracle Client.


    sqlplus scott/tiger@orcl

    SQL * more: version - Production on Thu Mar 17 15:18:45 2010

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production 64-bit
    With partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

    As you can see above the user is connected to oracle database 10g using the oracle 11 client.

    Now, I want to know the version of the client either 32-bit or 64-bit using sql Reqest.

    Kindly help on that.

    Thanks in advance.

    Can you pls how can we display the version of the client on the window?

    SQL> host wmic OS get OSArchitecture
  • I need to install the Oracle client until I can use Oracle SQL Developer?

    Hi all

    I used to use the PL/SQL Developer to connect to the Oracle server, and before it can work, I have to install Oracle on my PC client.

    So I wonder to know if I use Oracle SQL Developer, what I have to do the same thing? If not, why?

    Thank you very much.

    Hello Serge,

    you don't need a client. Developer SQL uses JDBC to connect.


Maybe you are looking for

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