Repaint issue with vertical field Manager.

Hi all

I have a verticalfieldmanager in which I am dynamic addition of different fields. I created a chat screen where, inside, I have a custom textfield and the VFM containing fields, being added dynamically. By default, focusing on optimization of resources remains to the first item added, even if I go on adding items.

So I am moving the focus to the last item added and then back to textfield, after you add each item dynamically, until the vertical scroll of the last element added. But here when I try to scroll to the first item added, optimization of resources are not properly displayed either a small part of the element remains at the top of the optimization of resources, when I scroll to the top. I call invalidate on the optimization of resources after the addition of the element.

Will you please tell me what needs to be done because it is a crucial issue. I enclose a picture showing the problem.

Thanks in advance...


You have the problem of page layout. give some leeway to shape up, down, left, right. Check it out.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    My application has a screen. On this, I add a Senior Manager vertical field. I add new labelfields dynamically to this vertical field Manager.  When I give the text in the constuctor of the etiquette field, each of them is the fine display. But when I tried to draw the text to the painting, it does not appear.

    Here is my code...

    vfm = new VerticalFieldManager(VERTICAL_SCROLL | FOCUSABLE);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                index = i;
                LabelField labelField = new LabelField() {
                    protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    //                  super.paint(graphics);
                        graphics.drawText(displayString[index], 0, 0);

    Please help me find a solution.

    First of all, stop saying that it is VerticalFieldManager who has done something bad for you. It has nothing to do with it.

    You use the index in your LabelField painting method. Use paint value is the current value of the index at the time of the painting. Painting happens way after you have created all your LabelFields, when the index stopped to change and has the last value of the loop variable (in your case, it's 3).

    This, as well as LabelFields width zero (that you seem to have supported) so are the problems of your original code. Store the value of i in your LabelField somehow if you insist on using the table values. If only check out you them once and do not change them, consider creating your LabelFields with the text from this displayString table.

    Even better: as you do not use the LabelField paint, why not create a custom field received a text and paint your smileys and all? Of course, you have to implement available as well, but it's useful even when your smileys will take a different width than the corresponding symbols.

    To summarize: your current approach is bad. Take a step back, work on the design, and then implement.

  • Need help with this Vertical field Manager? It scrolls to the low n!

    I created a vertical field Manager

    public class BGManager extends VerticalFieldManager{
        public BGManager() {
        public void paint(Graphics graphics)

    I added to my screen, then I added fields in addition to this.

    It works fine, but the Manager starts to scroll down when the focus is on the last field and I'm trying to scroll down.

    He does not stop to the last topic.

    How can I fix?

    Take a look at this thread. It addresses exactly your problem with solution:

  • problem with the vertical field Manager / vertical scroll


    I've set up a screen which makes use of a vertical field Manager by using the following code:

    class Main_Menu extends MainScreen {
        public class FixedWidthButtonField extends ButtonField{
            private int width;
            FixedWidthButtonField( String label, int Width){
                super( label, Manager.FIELD_HCENTER);
                width = Width;
            public int getPreferredWidth(){
                return width;
        public Main_Menu() {
            setTitle(new LabelField ("Main Menu Screen", Field.FIELD_HCENTER));
            setStatus(new LabelField ("Breakout Game ©", Field.FIELD_HCENTER));
            VerticalFieldManager backgroundManager = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.USE_ALL_WIDTH|Manager.USE_ALL_HEIGHT|Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL)
                protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
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            FixedWidthButtonField instructionsButton;
            FixedWidthButtonField topScoresButton;
            FixedWidthButtonField quitButton;
            playButton = new FixedWidthButtonField("Play",(Display.getWidth() / 2) - 80);
            instructionsButton = new FixedWidthButtonField("Instructions",(Display.getWidth() / 2) - 80);
            topScoresButton = new FixedWidthButtonField("Top Scores",(Display.getWidth() / 2) - 80);
            quitButton = new FixedWidthButtonField("Quit",(Display.getWidth() / 2) - 80) {
                protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time)
                    return true;

    The problem I have is that the screen scrolled down to see the empty space after the final touches, and I can't seem to overcome this problem and prevent additional scrolling. I just want the ability to scroll the 4 buttons and have a blue background on the entire screen.

    Thank you

    Just quickly, so watch migth have wrong, but if you have a good overview of this very useful article:

    I think you will find that you need to add the following at the beginning of your screen manufacturer:


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      VerticalFieldManager vfm = new VerticalFieldManager(VERTICAL_SCROLL|VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR) {
    protected void sublayout(int w, int h) {
        super.sublayout(480, Math.min(240, 360)); 
    for(int i=0; i< contacts.length; i++)
    //Contacts is an array of my custom component. I am just calling it
    contacts because it basically is a list of contacts.

    Everything works well for me except a way to get the correct field on the vertical field manager. So that I can

    Run it in a contact, and then reset the image.

    Can anyone help with this?

    Thank you

    I suggest that you give to your download manager - a reference to the contact that you update, if networking is done, you can refresh it.

    except if you develop for a device of some I would be careful with the absolute values like 480 btw

  • field label and text field editing in vertical field Manager

    Hi, am new to the blackberry development. Developing an application in which I placed the field label and modify the field in the Manger of two vertical field and place them in a horizontal field Manager, but when run the present I don't see the label text field I see am doin BB 4.7, following is my code

    LabelField name = new LabelField ("first name :")
    public void paint (Graphics g)
    Super.Paint (g);
    g.setColor (Color.BLACK);
    Do police = this.getFont (.derive(Font.DROP_SHADOW_RIGHT_EFFECT |)) Font.ENGRAVED_EFFECT, h);
    this.setFont (do);
    FirstName = new EditField ("Name", "", 25, EditField.FILTER_DEFAULT |) FIELD_RIGHT) {}
    {} public void paint (Graphics g)
    getManager () .invalidate ();
    Do police = this.getFont () .derive (Font.DROP_SHADOW_RIGHT_EFFECT |) Font.ENGRAVED_EFFECT, h);
    this.setFont (do);
    g.drawRect (6, 0, (int) (Display.getWidth()/1.8), getHeight());
    Super.Paint (g);
    HorizontalFieldManager hrMgr = new HorizontalFieldManager();
    final VerticalFieldManager vfMgr2 = new VerticalFieldManager();
    VerticalFieldManager vfMgr1 = new VerticalFieldManager()
    protected void sublayout (int width, int height)
    int w = (int) (Display.getWidth () - vfMgr2.getPreferredWidth () - 20);
    Field field;
    int fieldCount;
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;

    fieldCount = getFieldCount();
    int d = (int) ((Display.getWidth()/4.5));
    for (int i = 0; i)< fieldcount;="">
    field = getField (i);
    setPositionChild (field, x, y);
    layoutChild (field, w, height);
    y += field.getContentHeight ();
    setExtent (d, a);
    vfMgr1.add (Name);
    vfMgr2.add (FirstName);
    hrMgr.add (vfMgr1);
    hrMgr.add (vfMgr2);
    Add (hrMgr);

    The same a s job well if put a choice field of object instead of text edit field is I see the field and choice of subject field in a single line, but is not in the case of text editing field, please help me on this point, Thanhs beforehand.

    Thanks for your valuable reply Mr.simon,

    But I have reached my goal by adjusting the width of vertical field nursery and got a solution... These are the changes I made in my sublayout...

    protected void sublayout (int width, int height)
                    int w = (int) (Display.getWidth()/1.3);
    Field field;
    int fieldCount;
    int x = 10;
    int y = 0;

    fieldCount = getFieldCount();
                  int d = (int) ((Display.getWidth () / 3));
    for (int i = 0; i)< fieldcount;="">
    field = getField (i);
    setPositionChild (field, x, y);
    layoutChild (field, w, height);
    y += field.getContentHeight ();
    setExtent (d, a);

  • How can I display several rows using Horizonatal and vertical field Manager


    can someone tell me how I can layout my screen using HorizonatalFieldManager and VerticalFieldManager.

    I want to display the image and text as below:

    Image1 Text1

    Image2 Text2

    image3 Text3

    I have try several times but she can throw the exception of unacaught,.

    can u give me some examples like him.

    I also store image by default when the url does not contain any image

    It works with FlowField but it see as below:

    image1 image2 Text2 Text1

    image3, image4 Text4 Text3

    I don't want to, I want to show as first mention.

    now I work at bb jde 4.6 and I want to support 4.6 and later

    (1) are you IllegalStateException? It's normal if you try to manipulate anything on the screen of a non-event thread stack. If it is another exception, display the details here.

    (2) for your layout, you need a separate HFM for each pair of text-image. Like this:

    VerticalFieldManager vfm = new VerticalFieldManager(VERTICAL_SCROLL ...);
    for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
      HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager();
      hfm.add(new Label(text[i]));
      hfm.add(new BitmapField(image[i]));

    If you add all of this to a screen with "no argument" constructor (there VERTICAL_SCROLL by default), you can ignore the optimization of resources and add your HFMs directly on-screen.

  • Add a field to a manager internal vertical field (vertical field managers are nested) on a screen, will eventually call the sublayout of the screen. Can someone explain the mechanism of notification concerned?


    I have a screen with vertical field managers nested (that is the top of the screen on the display stack) when I add a field for the internal more vertical domain manager, I see that is called the method sublayout of the screen. I understand that we add a field to the vertical field manager and the screen currently, the State of the screen becomes so he made a layout, followed by the painting.

    But I want to know how the screen (or the user interface engine) will know that a field is added to one of its managers of content vertical field (is there a notification for this mechanism). I mean when I add a field to the Interior more vertical field Manager how will be the vertical field Manager that knows a level up to this topic, and finally how the screen also know this about and new provision itself. (The sequence of method calls etc... Will be useful)

    Again this is not breaking anything in my application and everything works as expected, but it will be useful if I can understand the underlying reasons for the above.

    This is my first Forum announcement ever, bear with my presentation (suggestions are welcome).



    each field can call getManager to check if it is added to another Manager. If a field is added to a manager that this Manager notifies its topmanager, it notifies its topmanager etc. until the highest level is reached.

  • Assign a spacing equal to the fields in the horizontal field Manager


    I add a number of vertical field managers to a horizontal field Manager. Each manager of vertical field has a text with an image under. The text varies in width images in each vertical field Manager seem to have a different amount of space between them. Is there a way to remedy this situation? Joined a raw image in the way that message on the screen. How can I get the same amount of space between each area of the rectangle?

    Thank you

    Here's some code that I received from one of the sessions at the last DevCon.  Should be useful.  Might help explain customer managers too.

     * Research In Motion Limited proprietary and confidential
     * Copyright Research In Motion Limited, 2009-2009
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.*;
    public class EqualSpaceToolbar extends Manager {
        private static final int SYSTEM_STYLE_SHIFT = 32;
        public EqualSpaceToolbar() {
            this( 0 );
        public EqualSpaceToolbar( long style ) {
            super( USE_ALL_WIDTH | style );
        protected void sublayout( int width, int height ) {
            int numFields = getFieldCount();
            int maxHeight = 0;
            // There may be a few remaining pixels after dividing up the space
            // we must split up the space between the first and last buttons
            int fieldWidth = width / numFields;
            int firstFieldExtra = 0;
            int lastFieldExtra = 0;
            int unUsedWidth = width - fieldWidth * numFields;
            if( unUsedWidth > 0 ) {
                firstFieldExtra = unUsedWidth / 2;
                lastFieldExtra = unUsedWidth - firstFieldExtra;
            int prevRightMargin = 0;
            // Layout the child fields, and calculate the max height
            for( int i = 0; i < numFields; i++ ) {
                int nextLeftMargin = 0;
                if( i < numFields - 1 ) {
                    Field nextField = getField( i );
                    nextLeftMargin = nextField.getMarginLeft();
                Field currentField = getField( i );
                int leftMargin = i == 0 ? currentField.getMarginLeft() : Math.max( prevRightMargin, currentField.getMarginLeft() ) / 2;
                int rightMargin = i < numFields - 1 ? Math.max( nextLeftMargin, currentField.getMarginRight() ) / 2 : currentField.getMarginRight();
                int currentVerticalMargins = currentField.getMarginTop() + currentField.getMarginBottom();
                int currentHorizontalMargins = leftMargin + rightMargin;
                int widthForButton = fieldWidth;
                if( i == 0 ) {
                    widthForButton = fieldWidth + firstFieldExtra;
                } else if( i == numFields -1 ) {
                    widthForButton = fieldWidth + lastFieldExtra;
                layoutChild( currentField, widthForButton - currentHorizontalMargins, height - currentVerticalMargins );
                maxHeight = Math.max( maxHeight, currentField.getHeight() + currentVerticalMargins );
                prevRightMargin = rightMargin;
                nextLeftMargin = 0;
            // Now position the fields, respecting the Vertical style bits
            int usedWidth = 0;
            int y;
            prevRightMargin = 0;
            for( int i = 0; i < numFields; i++ ) {
                Field currentField = getField( i );
                int marginTop = currentField.getMarginTop();
                int marginBottom = currentField.getMarginBottom();
                int marginLeft = Math.max( currentField.getMarginLeft(), prevRightMargin );
                int marginRight = currentField.getMarginRight();
                switch( (int)( ( currentField.getStyle() & FIELD_VALIGN_MASK ) >> SYSTEM_STYLE_SHIFT ) ) {
                    case (int)( FIELD_BOTTOM >> SYSTEM_STYLE_SHIFT ):
                        y = maxHeight - currentField.getHeight() - currentField.getMarginBottom();
                    case (int)( FIELD_VCENTER >> SYSTEM_STYLE_SHIFT ):
                        y = marginTop + ( maxHeight - marginTop - currentField.getHeight() - marginBottom ) >> 1;
                        y = marginTop;
                setPositionChild( currentField, usedWidth + marginLeft, y );
                usedWidth += currentField.getWidth() + marginLeft;
                prevRightMargin = marginRight;
            setExtent( width, maxHeight );
  • Does invalidate a field without a lock of the event, invalidate the field Manager?

    It is probably of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

    Does invalidate a field without the lock of the event, invalidate the field Manager?

    In other words, if I cancel one or several fields individually, I see any changes made to the zone manager?

    Thank you.

    No, disabling the field does not affect the Manager. You must be confusing with disabling the Manager (repaint all managed fields) or make updateLayout field (including redispositions the display Assembly).

  • Error 907: This connection cannot be used with the VZAccess Manager

    original title: error message appear on my screen

    I get this error message appear on my screen every two seconds:
    "This connection cannot be used with the VZAccess Manager.

    Error 907 "


    Disable/remove your Verizon Wireless software or contact Verizon for help with this error. Posts like this occur generally when third-party utilities are used to manage connections and issues must be resolved by the Distributor, because they are often specific to that software.

    Verizon support suggest that you go in the Options Internet/Control Panel and on the Connections tab, check the option "never establish a connection" is selected.

    Good luck, Rick Rogers, aka "Crazy" - Microsoft MVP Windows help -

  • How to set horizontal scrolling to horizontal field Manager when fields are added using a loop for?

    The following code snippet contains a horizontal field Manager to which are added five buttons.

    1. I can't the value of horizontal scrolling to horizontal management Manager because of who I am not able to access the keys 4 and 5.

    2. usually, we put horizontal scrolling in the following way:


    3. so I also tried setting of horizontal scrolling in the following way

       container = new HorizontalFieldManager(Manager.HORIZONTAL_SCROLL|Manager.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR)
                    protected void sublayout(int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {
                        Field field = null;
                        int x = 0;
                        int y = 0;
                        int maxFieldHeight = 0;
                        int maxFieldWidth = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < getFieldCount(); i++)
                            field = getField(i);
                            layoutChild(field, maxWidth, maxHeight);
                            setPositionChild(field, x/*width-field.getWidth()*/,y);
                            maxFieldWidth = maxFieldWidth + field.getWidth();
                            System.out.println("field width"+field.getWidth());
                            System.out.println(" max field width"+maxFieldWidth);
                                maxFieldHeight = field.getHeight(); // height set of the first button since all components have the same height
                        System.out.println("final max field width"+maxFieldWidth);
                        setExtent(maxFieldWidth, maxFieldHeight);

    but it's not working.

    4 I found this property: (position) horizontalFieldManager.setHorizontalScroll; that contains the parameterioo where the post is supposed to be the new horizontal scroll position. I tried passing the coordinate x of horizontal field Manager, but it does not work. I should pass as a parameter position?

    HorizontalFieldManager container = new HorizontalFieldManager()
        protected void sublayout(int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
            Field field = null;
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;
            int maxFieldHeight = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < getFieldCount(); i++)
                field = getField(i);
                layoutChild(field, maxWidth, maxHeight);
                setPositionChild(field, x,y);
                    maxFieldHeight = field.getHeight(); // height set of the first button since all components have the same height
            setExtent(Display.getWidth(), maxFieldHeight);
    ButtonField button1 = new ButtonField("Button1");
    ButtonField button2 = new ButtonField("Button2");
    ButtonField button3 = new ButtonField("Button3");
    ButtonField button4 = new ButtonField("Button4");
    ButtonField button5 = new ButtonField("Button5");

    Need your valuable comments and suggestions. Please help me.

    I think that there is a bug in the sublayout (your HorizontalFieldManager 0 mode.  Given that the code did what I think WHAT HFM will do anyway, I recommend that you try to do this with a standard HFM, using this style:


    Let us know how you go.

    When I have more time I'll explain the bug, but if you want to investigate something, be aware that the maximum size that you can use in setExtent are the values that are passed to sublayout.  Compare the width as you try to define in setExtent whose width is increased.

  • verticalmanager down in the vertical scrolling Manager


    I have created custom components that extend a class that implements verticalfieldmanager

    These classes contain a number of areas for example a label a textfield, another label and image

    I get a list of these objects (vertical field managers that contains several components) and add each of them to another manager of vertical in the main screen

    My problem is when the scrolls to screen through my list of vertical management focus is moved to the first active item in the Manager so when you exceed the first couple and the screen needs to access you will only see the first item in the component. I want to be able to scroll the main Manager until the end of the component, but still leave the focus in the first element. How can I do this?

    Looks like you want to have a field in short but be able to scroll through the other VerticalFieldManager.

    You can override navigationMovement to the screen and setVerticalScroll for certain VFM, but she will break habitual movement of development on the screen (the other side effects are possible). You want to do?

  • Anyone know of any compatibility issues with Windows 8 and RV series routers?

    I have a small network with a laptop computer, Windows 8, Windows XP desktop computer and a network MyBookLiveDuo storage device. I have sharing enabled between these devices. Everything worked well on a network switch. I replaced the switch with the RV110W VPN Firewall Router to add better security to my network before I have expand it. Since then, I have a laptop Windows 8 intermittent connectivity while the connectivity of the XP desktop computer shows no problem.

    On the laptop Windows 8 I ran network troubleshooting, and he complained that two devices on the network are (NAT) network address translation and the symptoms he describes is what I see. Problem is that I don't have a network Analyzer to look at the network in more depth. I looked online for the RV110W documentation and if NAT is listed as one of the characteristics, there is no discussion in the documentation on how to manage this feature in the router.

    I can connect to the Windows 8 laptop from Office XP and access shared content. I can connect to the Duo since Office XP without difficulty. However, except when they reappear periodically under the heading of my network in Explorer on the laptop Windows 8, I can't access the Office XP or the Duo of the laptop Windows 8. Curiously, however, I have a part of the Duo mapped as a network drive on the laptop Windows 8 and I can access it even when everything else has gone. Also, the interface of management for the Duo appears on the laptop Windows 8 and I can access the Duo to manage. Only, I can't access the shares on the Duo. Then all of a sudden they reappear under network in the file Explorer and I can then access. I think it must have to do with NAT, but I can't find anything out about it.

    If it's something I can turn on the router long enough to see if the problem goes away I would like to try, but I can't find it in the documentation, and I can't find it when I look aroiund in the management interface.

    The fact that I am not having the form of the XP desktop computer problem makes me think that a compatibility issue with Windows 8. Does anyone know if Windows 8 did anything with NAT? I try to get help from Microsoft Technical Support, but their level 1 tech told me to call Tech Support Pro when they open later this morning. Support cat Cisco won't open until Monday at 09:00.

    Also, throughout this connection problem Internet from the laptop through the router is never interrupted. It's strictly connectivity with other devices on the internal network that comes and goes.

    Hi Gregg,

    NAT must not play unless your applications on the internet. The "port Internet" or "WAN port" is a NAT port that converts your public IP address from ISP to your LAN subnet addresses. NAT allows multiple computers on a network to use 1 public IP address.

    If your devices are connected to the Ether "LAN ports" they are not affected by NAT unless they are Web applications. 4 'LAN ports"are 2 layer switch ports. This means that all local requests are forwarded by the switch ports.

    This device did replace exactly? The XP computers, DUET and window 8, make these products using the static IP address or you allow the RV110 to assign an IP address automatically? What IP address you are using on the LAN of the RV110?

    Please mark replied messages useful

  • SX 20 with Cisco Call Manager

    Dear team,

    If I add the SX20 with Cisco Call Manager, do I need to install the software cmterm - s52010tc6_2_1.cop.sgn the SX20. If this isn't the case, then what I have to do, I can see only administrator external field in my SX20, where I gave my callmanager IP address but it is not save.



    In order to save the SX20 in CUCM you for CUCM version 8.6.2 or later, and your SX20 must be running TC5 version or a later version.

    This file you mentioned, cmterm - s52010tc6_2_1.cop.sgn, is just a upgrade file that you install on CUCM, so that CUCM can update your point of SX20 endpoint automatically. But you can upgrade your SX20 manually using the file s52010tc6_2_1.pkg.

    To get help on how to register to CUCM SX20, take a look at these guides with the name "administer endpoints TC on CUCM". The Guide according to the version of CUCM you run:

    I hope this helps.


    Paulo Souza

    My answer was helpful? Please note the useful answers and do not forget to mark questions resolved as "responded."

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