Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', image1, line 27 1084: syntax error: expected rightbrace before _01_010.

I need help with this code please!

Stop_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToPauseVideo_3);

function fl_ClickToPauseVideo_3(event:MouseEvent):void


Assets/01_01_010.Fla.pause ();


Play_Btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToPlayVideo_3);

function fl_ClickToPlayVideo_3(event:MouseEvent):void


Assets/01_01_010.fla. Play();


Restart_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToPauseVideo);

function fl_ClickToPauseVideo(event:MouseEvent):void


Assets/01_01_010.fla. Seek (0);


Tranz_Btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToPosition_3);

var fl_TF_3:TextField;

var fl_TextToDisplay_3:String = "FEMA mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as long as nation, we work together to build, maintain, and improve our ability to prepare, protect, respond, to recover from and mitigate all risks.»

FEMA mitigation efforts may reduce risks associated with the events of potential dangers are underway. This course focuses on the operations of FEMA risk mitigation joint offices, which are established after a disaster declaration to focus on mitigation of the effects of future risks of the State affected by the disaster. « ;

function fl_ClickToPosition_3(event:MouseEvent):void


fl_TF_3 = new TextField();

fl_TF_3.AutoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

fl_TF_3.background = true;

fl_TF_3.border = true;

fl_TF_3.x = 200;

fl_TF_3.y = 100;

fl_TF_3.text = fl_TextToDisplay_3;

addChild (fl_TF_3);


each line with a slash has a problem.

1. all paths/filenames must be enclosed in quotes.

2. I don't see any reason, you need to reference a fla in actionscript

3. you could certainly not apply actionscript as play (), pause () and seek() methods to a fla.

Bottomline: you have almost certainly incorrect references to what appears to be an instance of the flvplayback component.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Based on what you show here is a hug from final missing... everything in the end.

    You send messages AS2 code in AS3 forum.  If you continue to have a problem, to repost in the AS1/2 forum.

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    1 if (> 202 and _ymouse502 _ymouse) { }

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    There is no keyword 'and '.  Use the double ampersand:

    if(Whatever && whateverelse)

    p.s. it no 'or' either.  use a double pipe (backslash uppercase) |

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    public class ActionScriptTest extend MovieClip {}

    public void ActionScriptTest() {}



    private function init (): void {}

    var bookTitle:String = 'Bases '.

    trace (bookTitle);




    Try to use "extends" instead of "extend".

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    function fl_ClickToGoToWebPage_2() {} ("!") ("rub / c1faw", "_blank");


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    This should work for a publication of html5, but not for a swf file

    to a swf file, you must use actionscript, not javascript is the javascript code.

    Use the externalinterface class call javascript in html file swf or navigateToURL incorporation

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    internship. Align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

    stage.addEventListener (Event.RESIZE, updateSize);
    stage.dispatchEvent (new Event (Event.RESIZE));

    myBackground.x = 0;
    myBackground.y = 0;



    function updateSize(e:Event)

    myBackground.width = stage.stageWidth;
    myBackground.height = stage.stageHeight;

    myContent.x = stage.stageWidth/2 = myContent.width/2;
    myContent.y = stage.stageHeight/2 = myContent.height/2;

    I get the error "cannot assign to a reference no valeur.*."

    Well, you need to determine what you want to be the basis for defining the sizes and assign each separately.

    You cannot: "something = an equation = an equation" that you have

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  • Syntax errors 1084. Very basic.

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    var paddlepos:int = paddle.x.position

    framework integrated; (paddlepos > 253)
    paddle.x.Postition = 253;

    The errors are:

    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', image1, line 28 1084: syntax error: expected rightparen before leftbrace.
    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', image1, line 27 1084: syntax error: expected leftparen before the semicolon.

    Help would be very useful. Thank you.

    There should be no semicolon after if.

  • Location tempInit (what is this?) Syntax errors 1084 &amp; 1086 in the lines that do not exist.

    I get the following errors:

    tempInit, line 2801084: syntax error: expecting identifier before true.

    tempInit, line 2801086: syntax error: expecting semicolon before point.

    tempInit, line 3761084: syntax error: expecting identifier before false.

    tempInit, line 3761086: syntax error: expecting semicolon before point.

    I don't know where tempInit is the place and I know not where lines 280 or 376 are because I have only 111 lines of ActionScript!  I don't know where to start.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Well, OK.  The problem was that I had named case of a seizure of text field 'true' and 'false '.


  • 1084 XML syntax error


    This is my first post on the forum and I am a new to Flash.

    I got an error that I can't seem to understand the problem on my own, I read through some of the errors 1084 but still could not understand

    I'm me ' 1084: syntax error: expected rightparen before colon "on this line: myXML = new XML(;

    And here's the whole code:

    var loader: URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    loader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);

    var myXML:XML;          Variable that contains the XML class

    function onLoaded (e: Event): void {}

    myXML = new XML(;


    Loader.Load (new URLRequest ("names.xml"));

    trace (myXML);

    Thanks in advance

    Cordially Sakujin

    I discovered the mistake, after that I got a help from a friend who did was a colon instead of a conference after XML (; instead of XML(

    Thank you to everyone who has visited my post.

  • AS creation on a layer actions and frame 1 of the main timeline

    / * Set up files, this program works 'actions are directly fixed on the buttons.
    the instance names:

    The clip of ball is a simple animation that bounces a ball up and down, I dragged an instance of the latter staging and added ball_mc.stop; for a layer actions, I created in the main time line.

    I added the following to the start_btn * /.
    {We (Release)}
    This.ball_mc. Play();

    I added the following to the stop_btn
    {We (Release)}
    This.ball_mc. Stop();

    This program works. I simply press the start and stop buttons. And the clip ball_mc instance
    symbol start / stop when I press buttons.

    / * I'm trying to access the same buttons through the main time line. I have put all my actionscript on frame 1 of the layer and the same 'a layer called actions' layer actions. Here is the code I tried, but the ball_mc will not start or stop. Here's the code I used: * /.

    This.ball_mc. Stop();
    This.start_btn.onRelease = function() {}
    This.ball_mc. Play();
    This.stop_btn.onRelease = function() {}
    This.ball_mc. Stop();

    I hope that I'm not asking something as stupid, I tried just about everything I could. That's why I ask your help now.

    Thank you

    remove the 'this' (s) of your codes:

    ball_mc. Stop();
    start_btn.onRelease = function() {}
    ball_mc. Play();
    stop_btn.onRelease = function() {}
    ball_mc. Stop();

    'this' inside a function can refer to the object assigned to the function.

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