Security question verification

You do not know if this is the right forum for my post, or if my problem can be resolved via the forums, but will post and see what happens.

I use a HP8 - 1280t, mem 8 GB, 1 TB hd, Intel i7, IE11, with Norton Internet security.

I just did a factory full recovery of my HP h8 - 1280t because of many problems. Now, I'm trying to find my computer 'normal' restore files, etc. All updates have been processed.

My problem is the following. When I tried to log-in to my cash account, after entering my username / password, the next window has been the issue of security. When I entered the right answer and you click on check, nothing happens, no matter how many times I

try. If I try to access the account on my laptop or an old computer, no problem. Audit travels and my account is in place.

Does anyone have an idea what could be causing my h8 do not treat responses and put me in my account?

If you need any additional info, please let me know.

P.S. This is the 1st time in over a year that I could access the HP Forums. Not being is not able to do was the "decisive factor" in the recovery made me.

It's just a shot in the water but when something like that happens to me often that it's a browser problem. On your laptop and an older computer (where you are not having this problem) are you using the same browser and version of the browser on the new machine?

Tags: HP Desktops

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