Show data concatenated with another column labels

Dear all,

Want to show the data label concatenated with the value axis of legend or any other



Hello Mustafa,

Maybe you can start with this:



Tags: Business Intelligence

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    Hi 3051369,

    Glad it worked.

    Could you please mark this question as answered?

    Thank you


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    You are not providing any version of the database, sample data or table desc, but anyway: #49518312679214

    Something like:

    create or replace function is_num
    (p_str in varchar2)
    return number
      return to_number(p_str);
      when others then return null;

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    ----- ----------
    6 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
    Verstreken: 00:00:01.32
    MHO%xe> desc bla
     Naam                                      Null?    Type
     ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
     MY_VARCHAR                                         VARCHAR2(5)
     MY_NUMBER                                          NUMBER(5)
    MHO%xe> select * from bla where is_num(my_varchar) is not null;
    ----- ----------
    Verstreken: 00:00:01.73
    MHO%xe> update bla
      2  set my_number  = is_num(my_varchar)
      3  where is_num(my_varchar) is not null;
    3 rijen zijn bijgewerkt.
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    ----- ----------
    11111      11111
    22222      22222
    33333      33333
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    Maximum number of characters for each line, including the newline character,
    for this file (minimum 1, maximum value 32767). If not specified, Oracle
    provides a default value of 1024.

    Defines how much you can read or write to a single call. I have to loop through the clob object and I write a pieces of 1024. So there is no limit to how much she can write. Just test it, IT will WORK!

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    There is no ability to filter these pages.

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    Select 1 103, 'tom1' from dual
    Select 2 101, 'tom2' from dual
    Select 2 104, 'tom3' from dual
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    1 101
    2 102
    1 105
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    Or store the input in a temporary table values and use IN

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    from t
    where  (id, num) in (
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                                    from your_temp_table

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    Hi all

    create table xxc_abc (col1 , dept_id number number);

    create the table xxc_bbb (col2 number,sa_dept_id number);

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    insert into xxc_abc values (2,11)

    insert into xxc_abc values (3,12)

    insert into xxc_bbb values (20.10)

    insert into xxc_bbb values (20,11)

    insert into xxc_bbb values (20,12)


    xxc_abc a.,

    xxc_bbb b

    where a.dept_id = b.sa_dept_id

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    a.Col1 b.col2

    ---------  --------

    1 20

    2 20

    3 20

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    a.Col1 b.col2

    ------- ------

    1 20

    2 20

    3 20

    Thank you

    Post edited by: Rajesh123 added Test cases in the main Thread

    Select the number you want to


    xxc_abc as

    (select 1 col1, 10 dept_id in union double all the)

    Select 2,11 Union double all the

    Select double 3.12


    xxc_bbb as

    (select col2 20, 10 sa_dept_id union double all the)

    Select 20,11 Union double all the

    Select 20,12 double


    Select col1, col2, cnt_all, cnt_not_null, cnt_unique

    from (select a.col1, b.col2,

    Count (*) on cnt_all (b.col2 partition).

    Count (a.Col1) on cnt_not_null (b.col2 partition),

    Count (distinct a.col1) on cnt_unique (b.col2 score)

    xxc_abc a.,

    xxc_bbb b

    where a.dept_id = b.sa_dept_id


    where least (cnt_all, cnt_not_null, cnt_unique) > 1

    order by col1

    1 20 3 3 3
    2 20 3 3 3
    3 20 3 3 3



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    Column 0                      1                           2                                  3                           4

    12345 qwer asdf 12qwe tjhrtyert

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    Yes, you can, but for this you generate links in your query itself

    select COL2
    , case
          when COL1 = 'A' then
          end as "col_heading"
    from table_name

    Kind regards


  • How do rotate on a date and see the sum of the value of another column


    I searched through the forum and cannot find a query similar to my question feels so post this new thread.

    First of all, it is probably useful indicating that I am using Oracle 10 g.

    I have a table that is used to store the details of the booking (essentially a booking system) and I would use this data to display the details of the customers stay on one line.

    The table has the following columns:
    Some example records could be:

    1                    201      13-JAN-2010        5                   1
    2                    202      13-JAN-2010        3                   2  
    3                    202      13-JAN-2010        4                   1
    4                    203      15-JAN-2010        2                   3
    On this basis I would like to display the output so that I can show a sum of the NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE reserved to per customer per day, as such:
    CUSTOMER_ID     13-JAN   14-JAN   15-JAN   16-JAN   17-JAN   18-JAN   19-JAN 
    201                   1       1        1        1        1        0        0
    202                   3       3        3        1        0        0        0
    203                   0       0        3        3        0        0        0
    I watched analytical functions in the documentation and several books of Oracle that I have, but have so far struggled to find how to make the performance desired. Even using the excellent response to the previous post on the forum, I got Re: how to count the occurrence of a date in a range I was not able to get a feasible request.

    Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

    Kind regards

    Published by: macmanxie on January 10, 2011 21:16


    macmanxie wrote:
    ... The suggested approach goes only to return a number if the DATE_OF_ARRIVAL corresponds to the date in the CASE statement, however I have the added complexity of wanting to show a count of all the days that the customer is booked, for, by making use of the NUMBER_OF_NIGHTS. I tried to use some of the examples provided on, for example:

    sum( CASE WHEN  TRUNC (arrival_date) between '01/13/2011' and TRUNC (arrival_date+no_of_nights) THEN nvl(no_of_people,0) ELSE 0 END) AS jan_13

    but this does not produce the desired result.

    You check if arrival_date is between January 13 and arrival_date + no_of_nights (as if the arrival date could all be posterior to the arrival_date + no_of_nights).
    Are not really interested in whether or not January 13 ib between arrival_date and arrival_date + no_of_nights?

    NVL ( SUM ( CASE
                    WHEN  TO_DATE ( '01/13/2011'
                           , 'MM/DD/YYYY'
                         )          BETWEEN  TRUNC (arrival_date)
                             AND       TRUNC (arrival_date) + no_of_nights
                 THEN  no_of_people
        , 0
        )          AS jan_13

    Always format your code. It is important to format your code if you are the only who who will ever read but it is even more important if you are posting on a forum like this and ask other people to read.
    Not to compare the DATEs in the strings; explicitly use a conversion function, like TO_DATE, above, where necessary.
    SUM (NVL (x, 0)) and
    NVL (SUM (x), 0) get the same results, but the latter is more effective. If you have 1000 lines, the first way is calling NVL 1000 times, but the second way is calling only once.

    If your previous thread
    Re: How to count the occurrence of a date in a range
    Gets you the right data, but it has one row for each distinct combination of customer_id and date, then you can switch it to a form that contains a line by the customer and another column for each date.

    If you need help, post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for some examples of data and outcomes from these data. The post you are trying better to a request, including a subquery that gets no cross-the raw table dynamic results.
    There will be a fixed number of columns in the output swing? If this is not the case, how do you deal with that? Which of these options in the thread I posted above)
    Re: County report and the sum of the number of rows by multiple columns
    ) is best for your needs? Than others is acceptable?

  • I have a column with two values, separated by a space, in each line. How to create 2 new columns with the first value in a column, and the second value in another column?

    I have a column with two values, separated by a space, in each line. How do I create 2 new columns with the first value in one column and the second value in another column?

    Add two new columns after than the original with space separated values column.

    Select cell B1 and type (or copy and paste it here) the formula:

    = IF (Len (a1) > 0, LEFT (A1, FIND ("", A1) −1), ' ')

    shortcut for this is:

    B1 = if (Len (a1) > 0, LEFT (A1, FIND ("", A1) −1), ' ')

    C1 = if (Len (a1) > 0, Member SUBSTITUTE (A1, B1 & "", ""), "")


    the formula of the C1 could also be:

    = IF (Len (a1) > 0, RIGHT (A1, LEN (A1) −FIND ("", A1)), "")

    Select cells B1 and C1, copy

    Select cells B1 at the end of the C column, paste

  • Formula that multiplies the value in each cell in a column with another cell


    is it possible to do a simple way?

    I need a formula that will multiply each cell in a column, one by one, with another cell. And then a way to fill the 32 raws and 12 columns.

    That's how I explain what I need simplified.

    G1 = ((chaque cellule de B1:B32, un par un) * E1) + (( B1:B32each cell, one by one) * E2) +...

    and then that again and again for coulumn 12.

    G1 to G12.

    G2 would be = ((chaque cellule de C1:C32, un par un) * E1) + ((each cell c1:C32, one by one) * E2) +... and so on...

    It would take weeks to do this manually.

    It is, for me, very complicated and my brain can not understand.

    very grateful for the help with this one.

    Thank you



    I can't imagine the structure of your table according to your descriptions, but formulas would be very simple if you calculate:

    G1 = (B1*E1 + B2*E1 + ... + B32*E1) + (B1*E2 + B2*E2 + ... + B32*E2) + ...
       = (B1 + B2 + ... + B32) * (E1 + E2 + ...)

    For example,.

    Table 1 (excerpt)
    B1  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    B2  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    B3  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    B4  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    C1  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    C2  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    C3  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    C4  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    E1  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    E2  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    E3  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    E4  =RANDBETWEEN(0,5)
    G1  =SUM(B1:B32)*SUM(E)
    G2  =SUM(C1:C32)*SUM(E)

    * Table is designed with numbers v2.

    Kind regards


  • script process of sorting (with several column data) and average (some other column data)


    I had a lot of help from my log of the bus data, previously.

    My interest now is to sort them according to certain values of the column and then get an average result of them.

    Given that the tiara doesn't seem to support the triage function after loading data, it seems to be a difficult issue for me;

    It would be useful that I can get all related index/approach/function/Council to do this kind of script.

    I've attached a file excel for example.

    In the first "raw" sheet, there are rows of raw data with column names of "year, month, day, ID, ID2, point, condition.

    Actual data had many more columns, but I simplified it for convenience.

    What I try to do is, with the entry (from DialogBox or simply a script as a variable; I can do this) 'year' and 'months' (e.g.: 2015, 6).

    to get the resulting data sheet 'expected results '.

    The result is sorted by value 'ID' and 'condition '. 'Condition' is 0 or 1, then the average of the values of 'point' for each ID and the condition is obtained.

    Group for the 'condition' of 2 will be the average of the results of the 'condition' 0 and 1 (collection of data). (So there are always three groups: for 'condition', 0, 1, and 2.)

    Currently, 'ID' includes 12345 and 54321, but there may be more values, too.

    "Num" column is the number of files RAW allows to get the average for the corresponding 'year-month-ID-condition'.

    Is there an effective approach or the function that you recommend?

    I think that you may need more details for example data, so please do not hesitate to ask me.

    Thanks in advance.


    The interactive part to modify data in DIAdem is collected in the 'ANALYSIS' left aon tab.

    The second entry, 'Functions of channel' contains 'Values of Channel sorting' method.

    To automate this process, it is possible to use the macro recorder in the tge script module.

  • By mistake I replaced a photo with another file. The miniature shows always the original photo - is anyway I can get the original of this thumbnail image?

    By mistake I replaced a photo with another file.  The thumbnail still shows the original image.  Is there anyway I can retrieve the original of this thumbnail image?

    When a file overwrites (replaces) another... the original is gone.

    This happens usually when the replacement file has the same file name
    as a file exists and that you answer Yes when the dialog box asks you if you
    replace file a file b.

    What are the exact steps you used when the file has been replaced and
    This software has been involved?

  • How to share data in the tables ' User_ * ' with another schema

    I want to share the data in the table WHERE USER_SEGMENTS with another schema. If I create a view and grant select on the view, when the other schema queries the view data are identical to themselves querying the SYS.user_segments table directly.
    create view sys_user_segments as select * from sys.user_segments;
    grant select on sys_user_segments to A;
    My guess is that the SYS.user_segments table is a view based on the current user.

    Is there a way to share such data without creating a copy of the table?

    Oracle: 10g

    Thank you

    If the ADMINISTRATOR is concerned about B access to DBA_SEGMENTS (or by creating DBA_SEGMENTS views that belongs to a user who has access on top and then grant access to this view of B), it seems pretty crazy allow that kind of database connection.

    If you create a database link belonged to B that connects to A, B is, in substance, given any privilege that has exercises. But it is done in a very, very dark which will no doubt be neglected in the future when someone gets a check. He'll be sitting here to wait that someone (accidentally or intentionally) Decides to exploit the security hole and do something that is causing a problem (by removing all data from a table, grabbing all the sensitive data in a table, etc.). Risks of this almost certainly far, far* far * outweigh the risks of even leaving B to obtain direct access to DBA_SEGMENTS.


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