SOAP binding on MQ transport carrier

Hi all

I would like to know if products OSB and SOA Suite 11g supports the SOAP binding via MQ transport. If so, how should we do it?

Kind regards


We used to have a configuration of "foreign JMS provider" on Weblogic, connected to the installation of MQ.

Then OSB could read and publish the SOAP (or other) messages from the queues of MQ (mapped to the JMS queues) with proxies JMS and biz JMS services.

Is that what you are looking for?

Vlad @

Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    Hi all

    I have a business service that inserts a record into DB and returns no response. So, I created a service proxy with custom WSDL file and forward the request to the company. And in my custom WSDL file I have different inputs and outputs, but when I call the proxy service I always get the message request an answer!
    What I am doing wrong?

    Here are the files:

    WSDL file
              <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
         <wsdl:message name="InsertSMSRecordInput_msg">
              <wsdl:part name="SMSRequestBody" element="sms:SMSRequest"/>
         <wsdl:message name="InsertSMSRecordOutput_msg">
              <wsdl:part name="SMSResponseBody" element="sms:SMSResponse"/>
         <wsdl:portType name="InsertSMSRecord_ptt">
              <wsdl:operation name="sendSMS">
                   <wsdl:input message="tns:InsertSMSRecordInput_msg"/>
                   <wsdl:output message="tns:InsertSMSRecordOutput_msg"/>
         <wsdl:binding name="sendSMS-binding" type="tns:InsertSMSRecord_ptt">
              <soap:binding style ="document" transport=""/>
              <wsdl:operation name="sendSMS">
                   <soap:operation soapAction="sendSMS"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="SMSRequestBody"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="SMSResponseBody"/>
         <wsdl:service name="InsertSMSRecord-service">
              <wsdl:port name="InsertSMSRecord-port" binding="tns:sendSMS-binding">
                   <soap:address location="http://localhost:7001/SMSService/Proxy_Services/sendSMS"/>
    File InsertSMSRecord.XSD
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified"
       <xs:element name="SMSRequest" type="SMSRequestType"/>
       <xs:complexType name="SMSRequestType">
             <xs:element name="SYSTEM_ID" type="xs:string" nillable="false"/>
             <xs:element name="USER_ID" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
             <xs:element name="PRIORITY" type="xs:int" nillable="true"/>
             <xs:element name="MESSAGE" type="xs:string" nillable="false"/>
             <xs:element name="MOBILE" type="xs:string" nillable="false"/>
             <xs:element name="LANGUAGE" type="xs:string" nillable="false"/>
             <xs:element name="SHORT_CODE" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
       <xs:element name="SMSResponse" type="SMSResponseType"/>
       <xs:complexType name="SMSResponseType">
               <xs:element name="Status" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
               <xs:element name="errorType" type="xs:string" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>
               <xs:element name="errorDescription" type="xs:string" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>

    And here is a sample of the input and the output I get:*.

    Any help is appreciated...
    Thank you...

    In fact, this is how it works. You will need to replace the contents of $body with the XML response necessary. OSB returns the contents of $body as at the end of the treatment.

    . / * means everything inside the current node. So, if you specify 'body' in the variable field, then. / * means everything inside the variable 'body '.

    Kind regards

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    < style: = 'document soap binding '.
    transport = "" / >


    < soap: address location = "jms://host:7041/contextPathName/serviceUriName? URI = queueName"/ >

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Harsha,

    Is quite easy to define soap headers in a response message soap envelope. No need to use handlers either. Please find the link that would be useful below.

    You must use the WebParam property and set the modes for messages (IN, OUT, INOUT) and you can pass multiple values JAX WS service using "".

    Please find the sample and put interfaces implement the Web service for the same.


    @WebMethod (operationName = "GetItemDetails", action = "")

    Public Sub getItemDetails)

    @WebParam (name = "ItemCandListServiceMessage", targetNamespace = "", partName is "ItemRequest" mode = Mode.IN) ItemCandListServiceMessageCmplxType itemRequest,.

    @WebParam (name = "ItemServiceMessage", targetNamespace = "", partName is "ItemResponse" mode = Mode.OUT) owner itemResponse,.

    @WebParam (name = "ItemSOAPHeader", targetNamespace = "", "ItemSOAPHeader" = partName, header = true, mode = Mode.INOUT) holder itemSOAPHeader)

    throws ItemFaultMessage



    public void getItemDetails (ItemCandListServiceMessageCmplxType itemRequest, door itemResponse, door itemSOAPHeader) throw {ItemFaultMessage}

    itemResponse.value = objectFactory.createItemServiceMessageCmplxType ();

    itemSOAPHeader.value.setRequestId ("response");

    itemResponse.value = itemServiceBean.getItemDetails (itemRequest, itemSOAPHeader.value, itemResponse.value);




    Version of DB

    Oracle Linux 6.2 OS

    UTL_HTTP package

    I'm consuming a webservice to sample using UTL_HTTP and SOAP_API package borrowed from Tim Hall. Here's the code.

    -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- Name         :
    -- Author       : Tim Hall
    -- Description  : SOAP related functions for consuming web services.
    -- License      : Free for personal and commercial use.
    --                You can amend the code, but leave existing the headers, current
    --                amendments history and links intact.
    --                Copyright and disclaimer available here:
    -- Ammedments   :
    --   When         Who       What
    --   ===========  ========  =================================================
    --   04-OCT-2003  Tim Hall  Initial Creation
    --   23-FEB-2006  Tim Hall  Parameterized the "soap" envelope tags.
    --   25-MAY-2012  Tim Hall  Added debug switch.
    --   29-MAY-2012  Tim Hall  Allow parameters to have no type definition.
    --                          Change the default envelope tag to "soap".
    --                          add_complex_parameter: Include parameter XML manually.
    --   24-MAY-2014  Tim Hall  Added license information.
    -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TYPE t_request IS RECORD (
      method        VARCHAR2(256),
      namespace     VARCHAR2(256),
      body          VARCHAR2(32767),
      envelope_tag  VARCHAR2(30)
    TYPE t_response IS RECORD
      doc           XMLTYPE,
      envelope_tag  VARCHAR2(30)
    FUNCTION new_request(p_method        IN  VARCHAR2,
                         p_namespace     IN  VARCHAR2,
                         p_envelope_tag  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'soap')
      RETURN t_request;
    PROCEDURE add_parameter(p_request  IN OUT NOCOPY  t_request,
                            p_name     IN             VARCHAR2,
                            p_value    IN             VARCHAR2,
                            p_type     IN             VARCHAR2 := NULL);
    PROCEDURE add_complex_parameter(p_request  IN OUT NOCOPY  t_request,
                                    p_xml      IN             VARCHAR2);
    FUNCTION invoke(p_request  IN OUT NOCOPY  t_request,
                    p_url      IN             VARCHAR2,
                    p_action   IN             VARCHAR2)
      RETURN t_response;
    FUNCTION get_return_value(p_response   IN OUT NOCOPY  t_response,
                              p_name       IN             VARCHAR2,
                              p_namespace  IN             VARCHAR2)
    PROCEDURE debug_on;
    PROCEDURE debug_off;
    END soap_api;
    -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- Name         :
    -- Author       : Tim Hall
    -- Description  : SOAP related functions for consuming web services.
    -- License      : Free for personal and commercial use.
    --                You can amend the code, but leave existing the headers, current
    --                amendments history and links intact.
    --                Copyright and disclaimer available here:
    -- Ammedments   :
    --   When         Who       What
    --   ===========  ========  =================================================
    --   04-OCT-2003  Tim Hall  Initial Creation
    --   23-FEB-2006  Tim Hall  Parameterized the "soap" envelope tags.
    --   25-MAY-2012  Tim Hall  Added debug switch.
    --   29-MAY-2012  Tim Hall  Allow parameters to have no type definition.
    --                          Change the default envelope tag to "soap".
    --                          add_complex_parameter: Include parameter XML manually.
    --   24-MAY-2014  Tim Hall  Added license information.
    -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    g_debug  BOOLEAN := FALSE;
    PROCEDURE show_envelope(p_env     IN  VARCHAR2,
                            p_heading IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    FUNCTION new_request(p_method        IN  VARCHAR2,
                         p_namespace     IN  VARCHAR2,
                         p_envelope_tag  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'soap')
      RETURN t_request AS
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      l_request  t_request;
      l_request.method       := p_method;
      l_request.namespace    := p_namespace;
      l_request.envelope_tag := p_envelope_tag;
      RETURN l_request;
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    PROCEDURE add_parameter(p_request  IN OUT NOCOPY  t_request,
                            p_name     IN             VARCHAR2,
                            p_value    IN             VARCHAR2,
                            p_type     IN             VARCHAR2 := NULL) AS
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      IF p_type IS NULL THEN
        p_request.body := p_request.body||'<'||p_name||'>'||p_value||'</'||p_name||'>';
        p_request.body := p_request.body||'<'||p_name||' xsi:type="'||p_type||'">'||p_value||'</'||p_name||'>';
      END IF;
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    PROCEDURE add_complex_parameter(p_request  IN OUT NOCOPY  t_request,
                                    p_xml      IN             VARCHAR2) AS
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      p_request.body := p_request.body||p_xml;
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    PROCEDURE generate_envelope(p_request  IN OUT NOCOPY  t_request,
                                    p_env      IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) AS
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      p_env := '<'||p_request.envelope_tag||':Envelope xmlns:'||p_request.envelope_tag||'="" ' ||
                   'xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">' ||
                 '<'||p_request.envelope_tag||':Body>' ||
                   '<'||p_request.method||' '||p_request.namespace||' '||p_request.envelope_tag||':encodingStyle="">' ||
                       p_request.body ||
                   '</'||p_request.method||'>' ||
                 '</'||p_request.envelope_tag||':Body>' ||
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    PROCEDURE show_envelope(p_env     IN  VARCHAR2,
                            p_heading IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) AS
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      i      PLS_INTEGER;
      l_len  PLS_INTEGER;
      IF g_debug THEN
        IF p_heading IS NOT NULL THEN
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('*****' || p_heading || '*****');
        END IF;
        i := 1; l_len := LENGTH(p_env);
        WHILE (i <= l_len) LOOP
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(SUBSTR(p_env, i, 60));
          i := i + 60;
        END LOOP;
      END IF;
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    PROCEDURE check_fault(p_response IN OUT NOCOPY  t_response) AS
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      l_fault_node    XMLTYPE;
      l_fault_code    VARCHAR2(256);
      l_fault_string  VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_fault_node := p_response.doc.extract('/'||p_response.envelope_tag||':Fault',
      IF (l_fault_node IS NOT NULL) THEN
        l_fault_code   := l_fault_node.extract('/'||p_response.envelope_tag||':Fault/faultcode/child::text()',
        l_fault_string := l_fault_node.extract('/'||p_response.envelope_tag||':Fault/faultstring/child::text()',
        RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, l_fault_code || ' - ' || l_fault_string);
      END IF;
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    FUNCTION invoke(p_request IN OUT NOCOPY  t_request,
                    p_url     IN             VARCHAR2,
                    p_action  IN             VARCHAR2)
      RETURN t_response AS
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      l_envelope       VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_http_request   UTL_HTTP.req;
      l_http_response  UTL_HTTP.resp;
      l_response       t_response;
      generate_envelope(p_request, l_envelope);
      show_envelope(l_envelope, 'Request');
      l_http_request := UTL_HTTP.begin_request(p_url, 'POST','HTTP/1.1');
      UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');
      UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Length', LENGTH(l_envelope));
      UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'SOAPAction', p_action);
      UTL_HTTP.write_text(l_http_request, l_envelope);
      l_http_response := UTL_HTTP.get_response(l_http_request);
      UTL_HTTP.read_text(l_http_response, l_envelope);
      show_envelope(l_envelope, 'Response');
      l_response.doc := XMLTYPE.createxml(l_envelope);
      l_response.envelope_tag := p_request.envelope_tag;
      l_response.doc := l_response.doc.extract('/'||l_response.envelope_tag||':Envelope/'||l_response.envelope_tag||':Body/child::node()',
      RETURN l_response;
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    FUNCTION get_return_value(p_response   IN OUT NOCOPY  t_response,
                              p_name       IN             VARCHAR2,
                              p_namespace  IN             VARCHAR2)
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      RETURN p_response.doc.extract('//'||p_name||'/child::text()',p_namespace).getstringval();
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    PROCEDURE debug_on AS
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      g_debug := TRUE;
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    PROCEDURE debug_off AS
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      g_debug := FALSE;
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    END soap_api;
    show_envelope(l_envelope, 'Response');
      l_response.doc := XMLTYPE.createxml(l_envelope);
      l_response.envelope_tag := p_request.envelope_tag;
      l_response.doc := l_response.doc.extract('/'||l_response.envelope_tag||':Envelope/'||l_response.envelope_tag||':Body/child::node()',
      RETURN l_response;
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    FUNCTION get_return_value(p_response   IN OUT NOCOPY  t_response,
                              p_name       IN             VARCHAR2,
                              p_namespace  IN             VARCHAR2)
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      RETURN p_response.doc.extract('//'||p_name||'/child::text()',p_namespace).getstringval();
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    PROCEDURE debug_on AS
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      g_debug := TRUE;
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    PROCEDURE debug_off AS
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      g_debug := FALSE;
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    END soap_api;

      l_request   soap_api.t_request;
      l_response  soap_api.t_response;
      l_return    VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_url          VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_namespace    VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_method       VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_soap_action  VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_result_name  VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_url         := '';
      l_namespace   := 'xmlns=""';
      l_method      := 'ws_add';
      l_soap_action := '';
      l_result_name := 'return';
      l_request := soap_api.new_request(p_method       => l_method,
                                        p_namespace    => l_namespace);
      soap_api.add_parameter(p_request => l_request,
                             p_name    => 'int1',
                             p_type    => 'xsd:integer',
                             p_value   => p_int_1);
      l_response := soap_api.invoke(p_request => l_request,
                                    p_url     => l_url,
                                    p_action  => l_soap_action);
      l_return := soap_api.get_return_value(p_response  => l_response,
                                            p_name      => l_result_name,
                                            p_namespace => NULL);
      RETURN l_return;

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
    - <wsdl:definitions xmlns:s="" xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:http="" xmlns:mime="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tm="" xmlns:soapenc="" targetNamespace="" xmlns:wsdl="">
    - <wsdl:types>
    - <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
    - <s:element name="test">
    - <s:complexType>
    - <s:sequence>
      <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="myVal" type="s:string" /> 
    - <s:element name="testResponse">
    - <s:complexType>
    - <s:sequence>
      <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="testResult" type="s:string" /> 
    - <wsdl:message name="testSoapIn">
      <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:test" /> 
    - <wsdl:message name="testSoapOut">
      <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:testResponse" /> 
    - <wsdl:portType name="AxServiceSoap">
    - <wsdl:operation name="test">
      <wsdl:input message="tns:testSoapIn" /> 
      <wsdl:output message="tns:testSoapOut" /> 
    - <wsdl:binding name="AxServiceSoap" type="tns:AxServiceSoap">
      <soap:binding transport="" /> 
    - <wsdl:operation name="test">
      <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" /> 
    - <wsdl:input>
      <soap:body use="literal" /> 
    - <wsdl:output>
      <soap:body use="literal" /> 
    - <wsdl:binding name="AxServiceSoap12" type="tns:AxServiceSoap">
      <soap12:binding transport="" /> 
    - <wsdl:operation name="test">
      <soap12:operation soapAction="" style="document" /> 
    - <wsdl:input>
      <soap12:body use="literal" /> 
    - <wsdl:output>
      <soap12:body use="literal" /> 
    - <wsdl:service name="AxService">
    - <wsdl:port name="AxServiceSoap" binding="tns:AxServiceSoap">
      <soap:address location="" /> 
    - <wsdl:port name="AxServiceSoap12" binding="tns:AxServiceSoap12">
      <soap12:address location="" /> 

    I get the following error.




    ERROR on line 1:

    ORA-20000: a: ActionNotSupported - the message with Action

    & apos;' Cannot process at the

    the receiver due to a mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher ContractFilter. This is perhaps due to

    a contract mismatch (incompatible between sender and recipient shares) or a link/security

    incompatibility between the sender and the receiver.  Verify that the sender and receiver have the same

    contract and the same link (including safety requirements, for example, Message, Transport, None).

    ORA-06512: at "OPERATIONS. SOAP_API', line 130

    ORA-06512: at "OPERATIONS. SOAP_API', line 163

    ORA-06512: at "OPERATIONS. MYTESTFUNCTION', line 25

    Thank you for your support.

    Post edited by: saam001


    Finally, it worked.

    I write the code of the other work to take advantage.

        l_request   soap_api.t_request;
        l_response  soap_api.t_response;
        l_return    VARCHAR2(32767);
        l_url          VARCHAR2(32767);
        l_namespace    VARCHAR2(32767);
        l_method       VARCHAR2(32767);
        l_soap_action  VARCHAR2(32767);
        l_result_name  VARCHAR2(32767);
        l_url         := '';
        l_namespace   := 'xmlns=""';
        l_method      := 'test';
        l_soap_action := '';
        l_result_name := 'testResult';
        l_request := soap_api.new_request(p_method       => l_method,
                                          p_namespace    => l_namespace);
        soap_api.add_parameter(p_request => l_request,
                               p_name    => 'myVal',
                               p_type    => 'xsd:string',
                               p_value   => myvalParam);
         l_response := soap_api.invoke(p_request => l_request, p_url     => l_url, p_action  => l_soap_action);
    l_return := soap_api.get_return_value(p_response  => l_response, p_name => l_result_name, p_namespace => l_namespace);
      RETURN l_return;
  • call the service wsdl (XSD) using util_http package web

    Hi expert,

    I have a request to call a WebService using sql, pl This is the web content as? wsdl :

    normally the WSDL file contains Saopaction url etc, but I don't know how to write a pl sql (using the utl_http package) if it is xsd, and I am a newbie to webservice, any idea?

    Thank you




    "< xsd: complexType name="getReport">"

    < xsd: SEQUENCE >

    "" < xsd: Element name= "ReportName" " nillable="true" type="string"/ >"

    "" < xsd: Element name= "password" ' nillable= "true" type= "string"/ > "

    "" < xsd: Element name= "region" " nillable="true" type="string"/ >"

    "" < xsd: Element name= "Perm.Prog" ' nillable= "true" type= "string"/ > "

    "" < xsd: Element name= "Perm.Status" ' nillable= "true" type= "string"/ > "

    "" < xsd: Element name= "Issue.St.Date" ' nillable= "true" type= "string"/ > "

    "" < xsd: Element name= "Issue.End.Date" ' nillable= "true" type= "string"/ > "

    "" < xsd: Element name= "Exp.St.Date" ' nillable= "true" type= "string"/ > "

    "" < xsd: Element name= "Exp.End.Date" ' nillable= "true" type= "string"/ > "

    "" < xsd: Element name= "Perm.Owner" ' nillable= "true" type= "string"/ > "

    "" < xsd: Element name= "SortBy" " nillable="true" type="string"/ >"

    "" < xsd: Element name= "Direction" ' nillable= "true" type= "string"/ > "

    "" < xsd: Element name= "IsCurrent" " nillable="true" type="string"/ >"

    "" < xsd: Element name= "IsFuture" ' nillable= "true" type= "string"/ > "

    "" < xsd: Element name= "IsExpired" " nillable="true" type="string"/ >"

    "" < xsd: Element name= "isArchved" ' nillable= "true" type= "string"/ > "

    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >

    < / xsd: complexType >


    "< s0:binding name="ReportSrv"' type="s1:ReportSrv">

    "< s2:binding style="document"" transport= ""/ >

    "< s0:operation name="getReport">"

    < s2:operation / >

    < s0:input >

    "< s2:body use="literal"/ >"

    < / s0:input >

    < s0:output >

    "< s2:body use="literal"/ >"

    < / s0:output >

    < / s0:operation >

    < / s0:binding >

    "< s0:service name="ReportSrvService">"

    "< s0:port link="s1:ReportSrv"' name="ReportSrvPort">


    The easier (and better) is to use XMLTABLE.

    But given that the data is in a text() node shipped, it must be done in two steps:

    (1) extraction and analysis of the report document

    (2) the document shredding in columns and relational rows report

    Assuming that the answer is in an XMLType variable (or column), say 'xml_response', you can do it like this:

    select x2.*
    from xmltable(
             '' as "env"
           , default ''
         , '/env:Envelope/env:Body/getResponse/return'
           passing xml_response
           columns report_xml  clob path '.'
         ) x1
       , xmltable(
           passing xmlparse(document x1.report_xml)
           columns RecordNumber     number path 'RecordNumber'
                 , Submitted_by_CCM varchar2(10) path 'Submitted_by_CCM'
                 , Data_action_code varchar2(10) path 'Data_action_code'
                 , VID              varchar2(10) path 'VID'
                 , Name_of_the_v    varchar2(10) path 'Name_of_the_v'
                 , Flag_of_the_v    varchar2(10) path 'Flag_of_the_v'
                 , r_number         number       path 'r_number'
         ) x2 ;
    ------------ ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ------------- ------------- ----------
               0 cty              null             null       test1         cty                 1221
             210 cty              null             null       test2         cty               978287
  • BEA-380000 bad request when calling ASMX

    There is an asmx web service published in IIS 7.5 running correctlly when invited another c# application but I'm "BEA-380000: Bad Request" while I test the proxyservice in the Console of the OSB.
    I did it for other projects in OSB, I did the same basic steps (referenced by BusinessService referenced by ProxyService WSDL).
    Y at - it some problem or a specific configuration in the OSB should I worry when I am using ASMX or IIS 7?

    The wsdl for my asmx service is:
    < wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap = "" xmlns:tm = "" xmlns:soapenc = "" xmlns:mime = "" xmlns:tns = "" xmlns:s = "" xmlns:soap12 = "" xmlns:http = "" xmlns:wsdl = "" targetNamespace = "" >
    WSDL: < types >
    < s:schema elementFormDefault = "qualified" targetNamespace = "" >
    < s:element name = "ObterDadosCliente" >
    < s:complexType >
    < s:sequence >
    < s:element minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "1" name = "user" type = "s:string" / >
    < s:element minOccurs = "1" maxOccurs = "1" name = "ativarTrace" type = "s:boolean" / >
    < s:element minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "1" name = "xmlRequest" type = "s:string" / >
    < / s:sequence >
    < / s:complexType >
    < / s:element >
    < s:element name = "ObterDadosClienteResponse" >
    < s:complexType >
    < s:sequence >
    < s:element minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "1" name = "ObterDadosClienteResult" type = "s:string" / >
    < / s:sequence >
    < / s:complexType >
    < / s:element >
    < / s:schema >
    < / wsdl: types >
    < name of the WSDL: message = "ObterDadosClienteSoapIn" >
    < name of wsdl: part = element "parameters" = "tns:ObterDadosCliente" / >
    < / wsdl: message >
    < name of the WSDL: message = "ObterDadosClienteSoapOut" >
    < name of wsdl: part = element "parameters" = "tns:ObterDadosClienteResponse" / >
    < / wsdl: message >
    < name of wsdl: portType = "AplicacaoExemploIISoap" >
    < name of wsdl: Operation = "ObterDadosCliente" >
    < wsdl:documentation = "" xmlns:wsdl > Dado um client Código, retorna seus dados. < / wsdl:documentation >
    < message wsdl: Input = "tns:ObterDadosClienteSoapIn" / >
    < message wsdl: output = "tns:ObterDadosClienteSoapOut" / >
    < / wsdl: Operation >
    < / wsdl: portType >
    < name of binding wsdl: Binding = "AplicacaoExemploIISoap" type = "tns:AplicacaoExemploIISoap" >
    < soap binding transport: = "" / >
    < name of wsdl: Operation = "ObterDadosCliente" >
    < soap: operation soapAction = "" style = "document" / >
    WSDL: input >
    < use of soap: body = "literal" / >
    < / wsdl: Input >
    < wsdl: output >
    < use of soap: body = "literal" / >
    < / wsdl: output >
    < / wsdl: Operation >
    < / wsdl: Binding >
    < name of binding wsdl: Binding = "AplicacaoExemploIISoap12" type = "tns:AplicacaoExemploIISoap" >
    < soap12:binding transport = "" / >
    < name of wsdl: Operation = "ObterDadosCliente" >
    < soap12:operation soapAction = "" style = "document" / >
    WSDL: input >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" / >
    < / wsdl: Input >
    < wsdl: output >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" / >
    < / wsdl: output >
    < / wsdl: Operation >
    < / wsdl: Binding >
    < wsdl:service name = "AplicacaoExemploII" >
    < name of wsdl: port = "AplicacaoExemploIISoap" binding = "tns:AplicacaoExemploIISoap" >
    < soap: address location = "http://localhost/testeLibWs/AplicacaoExemploII.asmx" / >
    < / wsdl: port >
    < name of wsdl: port = "AplicacaoExemploIISoap12" binding = "tns:AplicacaoExemploIISoap12" >
    < soap12:address location = "http://localhost/testeLibWs/AplicacaoExemploII.asmx" / >
    < / wsdl: port >
    < / wsdl:service >
    < / wsdl:definitions >

    In the tester console, my request is:

    < soapenv:Envelope = "" xmlns:soapenv >
    < xmlns:soap soap: Header = "" >
    < / soap: Header >
    < soapenv:Body >
    < xmlns:lib lib: ObterDadosCliente = "" >
    <!-in option: - >
    string of < lib: user > < / lib: user >
    false < lib: ativarTrace > < / lib: ativarTrace >
    <!-in option: - >
    < lib: xmlRequest >
    < ObterDadosClienteRequest >
    < CodigoCliente > 2 < / CodigoCliente >
    < / ObterDadosClienteRequest >
    < / lib: xmlRequest >
    < / lib: ObterDadosCliente >
    < / soapenv:Body >
    < / soapenv:Envelope >

    And the answer is:
    < soapenv:Envelope = "" xmlns:soapenv >
    < soapenv:Body >
    < soapenv:Fault >
    soapenv:Server < faultcode > < / faultcode >
    < faultstring > BEA-380000: bad request < / faultstring >
    < detail >
    < con xmlns:con: fault = "" >
    < con: errorCode > BEA-380000 < / con: errorCode >
    < con: reason > bad request < / con: reason >
    < con: location >
    < con: node > RouteTo_bs < / con: node >
    pipeline response - < con: path > < / con: path >
    < / con: location >
    < / con: fault >
    < / details >
    < / soapenv:Fault >
    < / soapenv:Body >
    < / soapenv:Envelope >

    Demand for entry you use is certainly not compatible with the WSDL and hence the error.

    I tried to use the soapUI WSDL file and when I validate your request with the WSDL, it fails with the error below:

    Line - 1: envelope @ is not valid a substitution or a document valid envelope @

    The namespace is incorrect. You can try to create a new sample application using soapUI which conforms to WSDL.

    Thank you

  • How to create fault policy?

    It's my BankingFault.wsdl
    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
    < definitions targetNamespace = "urn: BankingFault".
    xmlns = "".
    xmlns:TNS = "urn: BankingFault".
    container = "".
    xmlns:SOAP = "".
    xmlns:MIME = ""
    xmlns:SOAP12 = "".
    xmlns:WEO = "" >
    < types >
    < xsd: Schema targetNamespace = "" urn: BankingFault / types ' "
    elementFormDefault = "qualified" / >
    < xsd: Schema >
    "< xsd: import, schemaLocation ="... /... "/ BankingFault.xsd".
    namespace = "" / >
    < / xsd: Schema >
    < / types >
    < portType name = "BankingFault" >
    < operation name = "registercustOperation" >
    < input message = "tns:Banlk_registercust" / >
    < output message = "tns:BankingFault_registercustresponse" / >
    < name fault = "registerfault" message = "tns:BankingFault_registerfault" / >
    < / operation >
    < operation name = "Reverttransaction" >
    < input message = "tns:BankingFault_RevertTransaction" / >
    < output message = "tns:BankingFault_RevertTransactionresponse" / >
    < signalisationdedefaut = "tns:BankingFault_RevertTransactionFault" name = "Reverttransactionfault" / >
    < / operation >
    < operation name = 'Transaction' >
    < input message = "tns:BankingFault_Transaction" / >
    < output message = "tns:BankingFault_TransactionResponse" / >
    < signalisationdedefaut = "tns:BankingFault_TransactionFault" name = "transactionfault" / >
    < / operation >
    < name of operation 'Createaccount' = >
    < input message = "tns:BankingFault_CreateAccount" / >
    < output message = "tns:BankingFault_CreateAccountResponse" / >
    < signalisationdedefaut = "tns:BankingFault_CreateAccountFault" name = "createaccountfault" / >
    < / operation >
    < operation name = "CheckTransaction" >
    < input message = "tns:BankingFault_checktransaction" / >
    < output message = "tns:BankingFault_checktransactionresponse" / >
    < signalisationdedefaut = "tns:BankingFault_checktransactionfault" name = "checktransactionfault" / >
    < / operation >
    < / portType >
    < name of message = "Banlk_registercust" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:registercust" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_registercustresponse" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:registercustresponse" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_registerfault" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:registerfault" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_CreateAccount" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:CreateAccount" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_CreateAccountResponse" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:CreateAccountResponse" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_CreateAccountFault" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:CreateAccountFault" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_Transaction" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:Transaction" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_TransactionResponse" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:TransactionResponse" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_TransactionFault" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:TransactionFault" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_RevertTransaction" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:RevertTransaction" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_RevertTransactionresponse" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:RevertTransactionresponse" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_RevertTransactionFault" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:RevertTransactionFault" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_checktransaction" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:checktransaction" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_checktransactionresponse" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:checktransactionresponse" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "BankingFault_checktransactionfault" >
    < name of part = "part" element = "weo:checktransactionfault" / >
    < / message >
    < service name = "BankingFault" >
    < name of port = "BankingFaultPort" binding = "tns:BankingFaultSOAP12Binding" >
    < soap12:address location = "" / >
    < / port >
    < / service >
    < connection name = "BankingFaultSOAP12Binding" type = "tns:BankingFault" >
    < soap12:binding style = "document".
    transport = "" / >
    < operation name = "registercustOperation" >
    < soap12:operation style = "document".
    soapAction = "urn: BankingFault / registercustOperation" / >
    < input >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" parts = "part" / >
    < / Entry >
    < output >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" parts = "part" / >
    < / output >
    < name fault = "registerfault" >
    < name soap12:fault = "registerfault" use = "literal" / >
    < / failures >
    < / operation >
    < operation name = "Reverttransaction" >
    < soap12:operation style = "document".
    soapAction = "urn: BankingFault / Reverttransaction" / >
    < input >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" parts = "part" / >
    < / Entry >
    < output >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" parts = "part" / >
    < / output >
    < name fault = "Reverttransactionfault" >
    < name soap12:fault = "Reverttransactionfault" use = "literal" / >
    < / failures >
    < / operation >
    < operation name = 'Transaction' >
    < soap12:operation style = "document".
    soapAction = "urn: BankingFault / operation" / >
    < input >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" parts = "part" / >
    < / Entry >
    < output >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" parts = "part" / >
    < / output >
    < name fault = "transactionfault" >
    < name soap12:fault = "transactionfault" use = "literal" / >
    < / failures >
    < / operation >
    < name of operation 'Createaccount' = >
    < soap12:operation style = "document".
    soapAction = "urn: BankingFault / Createaccount" / >
    < input >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" parts = "part" / >
    < / Entry >
    < output >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" parts = "part" / >
    < / output >
    < name fault = "createaccountfault" >
    < name soap12:fault = "createaccountfault" use = "literal" / >
    < / failures >
    < / operation >
    < operation name = "CheckTransaction" >
    < soap12:operation style = "document".
    soapAction = "urn: BankingFault / CheckTransaction" / >
    < input >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" parts = "part" / >
    < / Entry >
    < output >
    < soap12:body use = "literal" parts = "part" / >
    < / output >
    < name fault = "checktransactionfault" >
    < name soap12:fault = "checktransactionfault" use = "literal" / >
    < / failures >
    < / operation >
    < / binding >
    < / definitions >

    Here is my Bankingfault.xsd

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "windows-1252"? >
    < xsd: Schema container = "".
    xmlns = "".
    targetNamespace = "".
    elementFormDefault = "qualified" >
    < xsd: element name = "registercust" >
    < xsd: annotation >
    < xsd: documentation > a part of the sample < / xsd: documentation >
    < / xsd: annotation >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "custname" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "address" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "City" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "State" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "country" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "PIN code" type = "xsd: long" / >
    < xsd: element name = "contactnumbder" type = "xsd: long" / >
    < xsd: element name = "user name" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "password" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "emailid" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "registercustresponse" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "registercustresponse" type = "xsd: Boolean" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "registerfault" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "registererr" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "CreateAccount" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "accountno" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "user name" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "password" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "amount" type = "xsd: long" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "CreateAccountResponse" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "creditaccountresponse" type = "xsd: Boolean" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "CreateAccountFault" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "creditaccounterr" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "Transaction" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "accountnumber" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "user name" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "password" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "amount" type = "xsd: long" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "TransactionResponse" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "transactionresponse" type = "xsd: Boolean" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "TransactionFault" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "transactionerr" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "RevertTransaction" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "accountnumber" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "user name" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "password" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "amount" type = "xsd: long" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "RevertTransactionresponse" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "transactionresponse" type = "xsd: int" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "RevertTransactionFault" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "transactionerr" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "checktransaction" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "accountnumber" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "user name" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "Passover" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < xsd: element name = "amount" type = "xsd: long" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "checktransactionresponse" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "chectransactionresponse" type = "xsd: int" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: element name = "checktransactionfault" >
    < xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: element name = "checktransactionerr" type = "xsd: String" / >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: element >
    < / xsd: Schema >


    See the links below:

  • return value of Web service

    I have a web service and I am cfdumping the return variable, but I don't know how to get the value out.  That's what it gives me.


    the com.nextaxiom.www.soapservice.xsd1.APApprovalList object

    Name of the classcom.nextaxiom.www.soapservice.xsd1.APApprovalListMethods
    Method Return type
    Equals (Java.lang.Object)Boolean
    getDeserializer (java.lang.String, java.lang.Class, javax.xml.namespace.QName)org.apache.axis.encoding.Deserializer
    getSerializer (java.lang.String, java.lang.Class, javax.xml.namespace.QName)org.apache.axis.encoding.Serializer
    setAlertDate (java.lang.String)Sub
    setDescription (java.lang.String)Sub
    setInvoiceAmount (java.lang.Double)Sub
    setPaymentReferenceNumber (java.lang.String)Sub
    setUserName (java.lang.String)Sub
    setVendorName (java.lang.String)Sub

    If some of these fields I want, but I want the value: description, date of the alert, amt Bill, etc.  Can someone help me.  What should I do next to get the values?

    Here is my statement of CF and the WSDL file.

    Thanks for the help,


    Rely on the statement

    < cfinvoke

                                             webservice=" "

    method = "GetAPApprovalList' refreshwsdl = 'true '.

    returnvariable = "answer" >

    < cfinvokeargument name = value "UserName" = "DAVBRY" / >

    < / cfinvoke >

    < cfoutput > #response # < / cfoutput >


    <? XML version = "1.0"? >

    <! - automatically generated Hyperservice Business Platform, NextAxiom technology, Inc. 07/10/2011 - >

    " < definitions xmlns =" "

    Name = "BSAPrototype.APApproval.GetAPApprovalList"

    " targetNamespace = ' "

    ' xmlns:soap = ' "

    ' xmlns:tns = ' "

    " container = ' "xmlns:xsd1 =" " ">

    < types >

    " < scheme xmlns =" "

    " elementFormDefault ="qualified"targetNamespace =" ">

    < element name = "GetAPApprovalList" >

    < complexType >


    < element name = "UserName" type = "string" / >

    < / sequence >

    < / complexType >

    < / item >

    < element name = "GetAPApprovalListResult" >

    < complexType >


    < element maxOccurs = "unbounded".

    name = "APApprovalList" type = "xsd1:APApprovalList" / >

    < / sequence >

    < / complexType >

    < / item >

    < complexType name = "APApprovalList" >


    < element minOccurs = '0' name = "User name" type = "string" / >

    < element minOccurs = '0' name = "AlertDate" type = "string" / >

    < element minOccurs = '0' name = "Description" type = "string" / >

    < element minOccurs = '0' name = "PaymentReferenceNumber" type = "string" / >

    < element minOccurs = '0' name = 'InvoiceAmount"type ="double"/ >

    < element minOccurs = '0' name = "VendorName" type = "string" / >

    < / sequence >

    < / complexType >

    < / schema >

    < / types >

    < name of message = "GetAPApprovalListRequest" >

    < item = "xsd1:GetAPApprovalList" name = "GetAPApprovalList" / >

    < / message >

    < name of message = "GetAPApprovalListResponse" >

    < item = "xsd1:GetAPApprovalListResult" name = "GetAPApprovalListResult" / >

    < / message >

    < portType name = "BSAPrototype.APApproval.GetAPApprovalListSoapPort" >

    < operation name = "GetAPApprovalList" >

    < input message = "tns:GetAPApprovalListRequest" / >

    < output message = "tns:GetAPApprovalListResponse" / >

    < / operation >

    < / portType >

    < name = "link BSAPrototype.APApproval.GetAPApprovalListSoapBinding" type = "tns:BSAPrototype.APApproval.GetAPApprovalListSoapPort" > "

    " < soap binding: xmlns:soap = ' "

    " style = transport"document"=" "/>

    < operation name = "GetAPApprovalList" >

    < soap: operation

    ' xmlns:soap = ' "soapAction =" urn:doc? in = GetAPApprovalList? out = GetAPApprovalListResult? path = BSAPrototype.AP Approval.GetAPApprovalList "/ > "

    < input >

    < use of soap: body = "literal" / >

    < / Entry >

    < output >

    < use of soap: body = "literal" / >

    < / output >

    < / operation >

    < / binding >

    < name = "BSAPrototype.APApproval.GetAPApprovalList service" >

    < port

    "Binding ="TNS:BSAPrototype.APApproval.GetAPApprovalListSoapBinding"name =" BSAPrototype.APApproval.GetAPApprovalListPort ">

    < address soap:

    ' xmlns:soap = ' "location =" " http://nextaxb:7777/NXAServer/NextAxiomServer "/>

    < / port >

    < / service >

    < / definitions >

    Sorry, I've been cfdump and cfoutput the #response # and off to see what each would give me.  In my code that I showed, I got probably the cfdump statement.

    I finally understand that.  I continued to play with tags tables to figure out how it was to store the data.  After a bunch of statements of table, I felt the structure.

    Thanks for the reply,


  • Error WSDLParser calling a web service

    I have a flex application that loads the data using several web services. With one of these services I encounter the following error:

    TypeError: Error #1009: Impossibile access has a property o a UN metodo di UN oggetto null re.
    to mx.rpc.soap::WSDLParser/
    to mx.rpc.soap::WSDLOperation/parseMessages()
    to mx.rpc.soap::Operation/
    to mx.rpc.soap::Operation/send()
    function /
    at mx.rpc.soap.mxml::Operation/send()
    hand /: onPreventivoConfirm()
    hand / __sectionAreaPersonale_confermaPreventivo)
    at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()
    to AreaPersonale /: doConfermaPreventivo()
    to AreaPersonale / __buttonConferma_click)

    The service is declared as:

    < mx:WebService
    ID = "richiestaNoleggioService".
    Service = "CarRentalProcessExport1_CarRentalProcessHttpService."
    port = "CarRentalProcessExport1_CarRentalProcessHttpPort".
    WSDL = '[...] "/ wsdl/CarRentalProcessExport1_CarRentalProcessHttp_Service.wsdl.
    useProxy = "false".
    showBusyCursor = "true".
    Concurrency "multiple" = >
    < mx:operation
    name = "richiestaNoleggio".
    result = "richiestaNoleggioResult ()" "
    Fault = "richiestaNoleggioFault ()" >
    < mx:request >
    < idNoleggio > < / idNoleggio >
    < / mx:request >
    < / mx:operation >
    < / mx:WebService >

    It is the WSDL for the service:

    < wsdl:definitions
    name = "CarRentalProcessExport1_CarRentalProcessHttp_Service".
    targetNamespace =" http://CarRental/CarRentalProcessInterface/Binding" > "
    < location = "" CarRentalProcess.wsdl wsdl: import ""
    namespace =" http://CarRental/CarRentalProcessInterface" / > "
    < name of binding wsdl: Binding = "CarRentalProcessExport1_CarRentalProcessHttpBinding."
    Type = "Port_0:CarRentalProcess" >
    < style: = 'document soap binding '.
    transport ="" / > "
    < name of wsdl: Operation = "richiestaNoleggio" >
    < soap: operation / >
    < name of wsdl: Input = "richiestaNoleggioRequest" >
    < use of soap: body = "literal" / >
    < / wsdl: Input >
    < / wsdl: Operation >
    < / wsdl: Binding >
    < wsdl:service name = "CarRentalProcessExport1_CarRentalProcessHttpService" >
    < wsdl: port
    Binding = "' this: CarRentalProcessExport1_CarRentalProcessHttpBinding" "
    name = "CarRentalProcessExport1_CarRentalProcessHttpPort" >
    < address soap:
    location =" http://wxp002:9080 / CarRentalWeb/sca/CarRentalProcessExport1" / > "
    < / wsdl: port >
    < / wsdl:service >
    < / wsdl:definitions >

    Call is made like this:

    richiestaNoleggioService.richiestaNoleggio.send (event.idNoleggio);

    Note that I'm able to correctly call this service with other guests, for example using soapUI.

    Thank you for attention
    Cosma Colanicchia

    Thanks batmitra... anyway, I just solved this problem. There were many things to correct, in order to make it work:

    (1) the call syntax, for this style of web service, must be
    var params: Object = new Object;
    params.idNoleggio = (value);
    richiestaNoleggioService.richiestaNoleggio.send (params);

    (2) the WSDL for the web service must declare out of service... This should be strictly required (in fact, this function does not return anything) but flex needs it to be explicitly set.


  • Flex with Oracle ESB Services

    Hi all

    I have a frustrating problem, call Oracle ESB of Flex services. I tried the two Flex 3 and 2.0 x.

    I have an ESB service that works fine with Flex and another who, when I try to call in Flex, results in the following error: "unrecognized binding style 'null'. Only 'Document' and 'rpc' styles are supported. »

    Two services of BSE have the WSDL generated by the Oracle system and they have similar 'features' (IE import a wsdl one other - namespace, it has generated this way) but they have different schemas.

    I can call two BSE since SoapUI services without any problem and also the Oracle test harness in their desks.

    The offending WSDL is lower (not that I think it's important that the other "good" looks a lot like what leads me to believe that the problem is on the side of Flex):-

    Ideas, suggestions, workarounds or ;-) much appreciated patch/patches.

    Kind regards

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
    "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "< definitions targetNamespace =" " xmlns =" " xmlns:tns =" " xmlns:ws =" " xmlns:http =" " xmlns:plt =" " xmlns:esb =" " xmlns: XS =" " xmlns:soap =" ' xmlns:wsdl = ' " xmlns:import =" "> "
    "" "< import namespace = ' ' location = ' / BSE/slide/ESB_Projects/Application1_BPMRS_DVM/WWS2BPMRS_rsGe tDVMlist.wsdl" / > "
    < connection name = "__soap_rsGetDVMlist_execute_ppt" type = "tns:execute_ppt" >
    "" "< soap binding: xmlns:soap = '" style = "document" = transport "" / > "
    < name of operation = "run" >
    "" < xmlns:soap soap: operation = ' " style ="document"soapAction ="execute"/ >
    < input >
    "" < xmlns:soap soap: body = ' " use ="literal"/ >
    < / Entry >
    < output >
    "" < xmlns:soap soap: body = ' " use ="literal"/ >
    < / output >
    < / operation >
    < / binding >
    < connection name = "__esb_rsGetDVMlist_execute_ppt" type = "tns:execute_ppt" >
    < esb:binding / >
    < name of operation = "run" >
    < esb:operation event-name="WWS2BPMRS.rsGetDVMlist.execute"/ >
    < input / >
    < output / >
    < / operation >
    < / binding >
    < service name = "ESB_rsGetDVMlist_Service" >
    < name of port = "__esb_rsGetDVMlist_execute_ppt" binding = "tns:__esb_rsGetDVMlist_execute_ppt" >
    < / port >
    < name of port = "__soap_rsGetDVMlist_execute_ppt" binding = "tns:__soap_rsGetDVMlist_execute_ppt" >
    "" "< xmlns:soap address: soap =" " location = ' / WWS2BPMRS/event/rsGetDVMlist" / > "
    < / port >
    < / service >
    < plt:partnerLinkType name = "execute_pptLT" >
    < plt:role name = "execute_pptProvider" >
    < name plt:portType = "tns:execute_ppt" / >
    < / plt:role >
    < / plt:partnerLinkType >
    < / definitions >

    It seems that I finally found the answer - doh!

    You will notice in the WSDL file that precedes, there are 2 links "__soap_rsGetDVMlist_execute_ppt" and "__esb_rsGetDVMlist_execute_ppt". It seems that Flex has trouble deciding that one to use. The order in which they appear in the generated WSDL varies, and it seems that Flex chooses also varies (it can be one of first or second). To sum up, from time to time, Flex chooses to use the connection without SOAP! (I speak only using MXML here of course).

    To work around this problem, I saved the WSDL of BSE and in a file stored in the Oracle Application Server document space. I then removed the section linking BSE (link name = "__esb_rsGetDVMlist_execute_ppt") and the port which refers (port = "__esb_rsGetDVMlist_execute_ppt" name). Point the URL of WSDL Flex at this new location of WSDL and it works every time.

    You may think a better way to proceed would be to use the new Web Services in Flex 3 Import Wizard. Sounds good and uses axis 2 under the hood. It also allows you to choose which link to use (now we're talkin'!). Except there is a problem with it, it seems to generate the structure of incorrect data for the request! He wants to send one of the tags in twice (ie the same nested tag), which of course the web service rejects as invalid. I tried some jiggering things around without result for awhile, then I didn't want to spend a moment more to solve a problem Adobe seems to have left - oh well, next version Adobe!
    Without knowing the details, I can't help but wonder: - in the code generated under axis 2, he mentions "modified by Adobe" - would things worked better that they were * not * changed axis 2? It is hoped that the mods should integrate with Flex builder and nothing more.

    I hope that Adobe addresses these problems, such as referring to things in this way raises questions of SOA governance terrible! Now we must follow what services use the various WSDL files separate and keep the WSDL separate sync any changes should be to services they represent.

    SOA' happy ing!
    Aussie Greg

  • missing namespace for the parameters in the web service call

    We try to call a web service developed by Java & XFire. The WSDL is valid for WS - I Basic Profile and it works very well with SoapUI. The query generated automatically by SoapUI is the following:

    "" "" "< soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = ' ' xmlns: your =" " xmlns:tes1 =" "> "
    < soapenv:Header / >
    < soapenv:Body >
    < your: parameters >
    < a >
    < tes1:id > 44444444444445 < / tes1:id >
    < tes1:b >
    < tes1:id >? < / tes1:id >
    < / tes1:b >
    < /a >
    < id >? < /ID >
    < / your: parameters >
    < / soapenv:Body >
    < / soapenv:Envelope >

    When we put this in Flex, what we are seeing is that the namespace for the parameters element is missing. We see it in the proxy logs. The server receives this message and parameters is not in namespace, so the server complains that the parameters is missing. We can reproduce this exact behavior by removing namespace in the query with SoapUI.

    The question is why flex removes namespace for the element parameters?

    We use the literal to the WSDL document, and I paste below. We have been stuck on this for over a week, so if anyone has any suggestions I would be eternally grateful. Thank you

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
    < wsdl:definitions
    ' xmlns:SOAP =' "
    ' xmlns:TNS =' '
    ' xmlns:WSDL =' '
    "container =" "
    name = "test8".
    targetNamespace ="" > "
    WSDL: < types >
    < xsd: Schema
    "targetNamespace =" "
    xmlns:Q1 ="" > "
    < xsd: import
    schemaLocation = "Test8.xsd."
    namespace ="" > "
    < / xsd: import >

    < xsd: complexType name = "fooRequestType" >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: ELEMENT
    name = "a".
    Type = "Q1:A" >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: ELEMENT
    name = "id".
    Type = "xsd: String" >
    < / xsd: element >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: complexType name = "fooResponseType" >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: ELEMENT
    name = "b".
    Type = "Q1:B" >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: ELEMENT
    name = "id".
    Type = "xsd: String" >
    < / xsd: element >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: Schema >
    < / wsdl: types >
    < name of the WSDL: message = "fooRequest" >
    < wsdl: part
    name = "parameters".
    Type = "tns:fooRequestType" / >
    < / wsdl: message >
    < name of the WSDL: message = "fooResponse" >
    < wsdl: part
    name = "parameters".
    Type = "tns:fooResponseType" / >
    < / wsdl: message >
    < name of wsdl: portType = "Test8" >
    < name of wsdl: Operation = "foo" >
    < message wsdl: Input = "tns:fooRequest" / >
    < message wsdl: output = "tns:fooResponse" / >
    < / wsdl: Operation >
    < / wsdl: portType >
    < wsdl: Binding
    name = "Test8SOAP".
    Type = "tns:Test8" >
    < soap binding:
    style = "document".
    "transport =" " / >
    < name of wsdl: Operation = "foo" >
    WSDL: input >
    < use of soap: body = "literal" / >
    < / wsdl: Input >
    < wsdl: output >
    < use of soap: body = "literal" / >
    < / wsdl: output >
    < / wsdl: Operation >
    < / wsdl: Binding >
    < wsdl:service name = "Test8" >
    < wsdl: port
    Binding = "tns:Test8SOAP."
    name = "Test8SOAP" >
    "" < soap: address location = ' ' / >
    < / wsdl: port >
    < / wsdl:service >
    < / wsdl:definitions >

    the XSD containing A and B:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
    "" "" "" < scheme xmlns = "" targetNamespace = ' ' xmlns:tns = ' ' elementFormDefault = "qualified" >

    < name complexType = 'A' >
    < element
    name = "id".
    Type = "string" >
    < / item >
    < element
    name = "b".
    Type = "tns:B" >
    < / item >
    < / sequence >
    < / complexType >

    < complexType name = "B" >
    < element
    name = "id".
    Type = "string" >
    < / item >
    < / sequence >
    < / complexType >
    < / schema >

    The solution seems to be that Flex doesn't support unwrapped no literal document. Flex only supports rpc literal or literal wrapped document. This seems to be because flex adds the name of the xml message method and in the unpacked literal document there is no message name in the soap message.

    It took a lot of time to understand this, partly because we did not know exactly what is wrapped meant (there is no option in Eclipse WTP for her, no way to verify no wrapped with a tool, etc.). If Flex said that she did not support unpacking literal document we would have saved ourselves a week or two.

  • OSB with Workshop for Weblogic 10.3?


    I have a simple WebService deployed on weblogic server and the WSDL for the same service is lower.
    Now my question is, I tried to create the service proxy service wsdl web. I selected the Browse button and chose this webservice to consume, and I get the following error.

    What may be the possible cause?

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF - 8"? > <!--published by JAX - WS RI at Version of the Rotary is Oracle JAX - WS 2.1.3-07/10/2008 08:41 PM (bt). --> <! - generated by JAX - WS RI at Version of the Rotary is Oracle JAX - WS 2.1.3-07/10/2008 08:41 PM (bt). --> < definitions xmlns:soap = "" xmlns:tns = "http://services/" container = "" xmlns = "" targetNamespace = "http://services/" name = "MailingListServiceService" >
    < types >
    < xsd: Schema >
    < xsd: import namespace = "http://services/" schemaLocation = " XSD = 1"/ >
    < / xsd: Schema >
    < / types >
    < name of the message "getCustomers" = >
    < name of part = "parameters" element = "tns:getCustomers" / >
    < / message >
    < name of message = "getCustomersResponse" >
    < name of part = "parameters" element = "tns:getCustomersResponse" / >
    < / message >
    < portType name = "MailingListService" >
    < operation name = "getCustomers" >
    < input message = "tns:getCustomers" / >
    < output message = "tns:getCustomersResponse" / >
    < / operation >
    < / portType >
    < connection name = "MailingListServicePortBinding" type = "tns:MailingListService" >
    < soap binding transport: = "" style = "document" / >
    < operation name = "getCustomers" >
    < soap: operation soapAction = "" / > "
    < input >
    < use of soap: body = "literal" / >
    < / Entry >
    < output >
    < use of soap: body = "literal" / >
    < / output >
    < / operation >
    < / binding >
    < service name = "MailingListServiceService" >
    < name of port = "MailingListServicePort" binding = "tns:MailingListServicePortBinding" >
    < soap: address location = "" / >
    < / port >
    < / service >
    < / definitions >


    Thank you

    Published by: Rahul Juneja on June 18, 2009 14:40

    Hello Rahul,

    Have you tried the bulk import option in the workshop / Service Bus Console for the WSDL? Generally, it takes in charge the dependent resources

    For bulk importing, you can:
    a from the Publisher:
    1. Select a project, then a folder > right click > select Import > Oracle Service Bus - the URL resources
    2. give the URL of the WSDL file (I guess it would be (WSDL), a resource name and select WSDL in the menu drop-down
    3. click on next / finish. I believe that the editor made introspection, find dependent resources (if exists it, see additional comments below) and the products are imported into the environment
    b. in the OSB Web Console
    1 start a session
    2 go to create new resource and select bulk imports. Rest of the process remains the same

    In addition, you can also check:

    a. if the document referred to in the import declaration xsd is available. To do this, your development environment, open a web browser and type the URL (IE. xsd = 1). If it is accessible, you can save it for a manual SEO, in the case where the import bulk does not work
    b. check if the resulting XSD file has any other instructions for import, referring to some other schemes. In this case, you may need to repeat the exercise for all load patterns, until you have covered the list.

    Thank you best regards &,.

  • An ESB Service for publication in the register of Service Oracle

    Hello world

    I'm trying to publish a service of BSE in the registry but get an error message.

    My BSE WSDL is as follows:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF - 8"? >
    < definitions xmlns = "" xmlns:plt = "" xmlns:soap = "" xmlns: XS = "" xmlns:wsdl = "" xmlns:import = "http://com.Chris.soaworkshop/esb" xmlns:http = "" xmlns:esb = "" xmlns:ws = "" xmlns:tns = "http://com.Chris.soaworkshop/esb" targetNamespace = "http://com.Chris.soaworkshop/esb" >
    < import namespace = "http://com.Chris.soaworkshop/esb" location = "http://LONCBELL:7777/esb/slide/ESB_Projects/SOAWorkshop_DeptESB/DeptESB.wsdl"/ > "
    < portType name = "DeptESB" >
    < operation name = "FindByDeptNum" >
    < input message = "tns:DepartmentNumQueryMessage" / >
    < output message = "tns:DepartmentsMessage" / >
    < / operation >
    < / portType >
    < connection name = "__esb_FindDepartments_DeptESB" type = "tns:DeptESB" >
    < esb:binding / >
    < operation name = "FindByDeptNum" >
    < esb:operation event-name="Chris.SOAWorkshop.Departments.FindDepartments.FindByDeptNum"/ >
    < input / >
    < output / >
    < / operation >
    < / binding >
    < connection name = "__soap_FindDepartments_DeptESB" type = "tns:DeptESB" >
    < xmlns:soap: soap = "" binding style = transport "document" = "" / >
    < operation name = "FindByDeptNum" >
    < xmlns:soap soap: operation = "" style = "document" soapAction = "FindByDeptNum" / >
    < input >
    < xmlns:soap soap: body = "" use = "literal" / >
    < / Entry >
    < output >
    < xmlns:soap soap: body = "" use = "literal" / >
    < / output >
    < / operation >
    < / binding >
    < service name = "ESB_FindDepartments_Service" >
    < name of port = "__soap_FindDepartments_DeptESB" binding = "tns:__soap_FindDepartments_DeptESB" >
    < xmlns:soap address: soap = "" location = "http://LONCBELL:7777 / event/Chris/SOAWorkshop/departments/FindDepartments" / >
    < / port >
    < name of port = "__esb_FindDepartments_DeptESB" binding = "tns:__esb_FindDepartments_DeptESB" >
    < / port >
    < / service >
    < plt:partnerLinkType name = "DeptESBLT" >
    < plt:role name = "DeptESBProvider" >
    < name plt:portType = "tns:DeptESB" / >
    < / plt:role >
    < / plt:partnerLinkType >
    < / definitions >

    But I get the following error:

    Error code: INVALID_WSDL
    Message: WSDLException: faultCode = INVALID_WSDL: PortType '{http://com.Chris.soaworkshop/esb} DeptESB' is duplicated.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you


    I suspect something to do with the __esb link no http. I'm not the PM of BSE, but try to set the includeESBBinding property = false endpoint in the Republika Srpska, as described below to remove.

    See t

  • BSOD 3 times play Broken Sword 5 on Steam.

    OT: BSoD


    During the 2 days my PC broke down with BSoD 3 times. So far, it crashed while he was playing Broken Sword 5 on Steam. I tried to scan my PC for malware and viruses, but I have not found anything.

    Please help.

    Here is the link to the dumps and data MSInfo32.! 115 & authkey =! AGYn7P7aRKJ63iY & ithint = file %2 c

    Thanks in advance.


    Log name: System
    Source: Server
    Date: 15/06/2015 14:40:44
    Event ID: 2505
    Level: error
    Computer: Claude-PC


    The server could not bind to the transport \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{22BFAE15-2316-439B-9C7C-AEE616097EE9} because another computer on the network has the same name.  The server could not start.

    This report indicates that you have two computers on the same network with the same name. You need to rename a so that they are not incompatible.

    Select Start, Control Panel, system, and then click change settings (to the right of the window), the computer name tab and click the Edit button. Change the name in the computer name box, and then click OK.

    Change the name of your computer:

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