Solutions for XP Autorun problem

I saw three or four last messages complaining systems preinstalled with Windows XP where the AutoPlay function does not work. This occurs mainly with installation CD Autoplay works.

After looking around, I found the following ideas. Some of them have already been tried without success. I will update this post if a coherent solution is reported.

1. as described here, uninstall PowerDVD 7, then reinstalling, but do not install and fixes.
2. Remove upper and lower filters, use the interactive help that is described in this article.
3. try the Autoplay Repair Wizard.
4 activate the AutoPlay using TweakUI.
5. make sure that you are signed in as an administrator.
6. try this edition of registry (listed under Windows XP) or this other edit registry.

Tags: Dell Drives

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    • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; UK; RV: Gecko/2009060215 Firefox/3.0.11 WebMoney Advisor


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    Hi Mik

    As you know that it is not possible to find info on the next BIOS, especially if you want to have some information about the Linux operating system. Just wait and see if some forum users pointed out something on the subject.


    Hi guys,.

    IM pretty happy problem because I found the solution for my tx 1219 us wireless!

    First of all, my laptop started with wifi problems. Then, when I tried to start, nothing has been posted.

    I read a lot of posts on forums that talking about changing the motherboard by HP.

    I sent my knees to HP in Argentina - where i live - and they had sent me a budget with a «renewed» system map

    I was paying, so I pretend a new.

    Tired and frustrated on the HP customer service: they dosen´t recognize their mistake. They dosen´t give me GUARANTEE AND they pretend a lot of money for something refurbished!

    I found a post where a guy - now away for me is 'God' - explains how to fix this problem yourself! AND a lot of positions where other guys did, and they confirm that it works!

    Here's the method. Feel happy!

    This post is for the repair of the range of following HP laptop: tx1000, dv2000, dv6000, dv9000, with AMD processors and graphic chips from nvidia (6150go).
    Symptoms are more, wireless wireless card are running out, are repeatedly, the laptop, it does not ignite until several attempts and finally the laptop turns on but he did not have no image in the monitor, in some models, you listen to some sounds.

    The cause is excessive overheating of the GPU from nvidia, which has powered up to 100 degrees or but tends to fail the welds that unite it to the mother of the card.
    HP already admitted the existence of the failure in the design of the card, and extended 2-year warranty, so that if even you can demand but the desirable thing is to do, the method I describe is simple and has worked in 100% of those laptop with this problem, prefer all must do it under your own risk.

    Step 1. -It is necessary to compile the necessary material: this is a 1-cent American copper currency or a currency that similar thickness now about a 1/16 of an inch, or a piece with these features, but the copper. also we will need a table lamp with a halogen centre, or the one with the normal centres but it is 150W or but case is that it heats up a lot. disipadora thermal paste of what they take microprocessors (sold at any electronics store).

    step 2. -Once gathered our components, it is necessary to remove the mother card and remove the radiator so that they are exposed to the microprocessor and the nvidia chip.

    Step 3. -Now, we are committed to the lamp, started to warm up a while, in my case I have tapeworm a gun to measure temperatures and saw that it was 134 degrees, once it is hot we close set, but the thing at latest, the graphics chip, but on the other hand, where all the solder points are seen We leave about 5 minutes, which were both that I gave him, no doubt, it can be less, depending on the source of heat, once that done this we have pressed with the fingers with force the graphics chip (care, it will be hot), which will be expanded by heat welding is to merge.

    Step 4. -Now, we put a little disipadora in the room by both parties and we placed on the graphics chip and put the radiator and arm!

    It is with the intention of wrong correct dissipation system design since the heat produced by the chip is transferred to the coin in copper.

    Copper is an excellent conductor of heat and thus provide the heatsink of makes, initially was clearly a very small between the radiator and the chip and when warm itself does not transfer not warmth to any party since not thanks to the air, it can, but the copper coins made this work


    Message edited by Wendy on 30/04/2009 21:02

    Please see the procedure on YouTube

    Message edited by Wendy on 30/04/2009 21:02

  • E3000 with the same problems on & more here, but no expert solution for the 2 main problems

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    My touch 1 Maxtor (from the approved list) is connected and playing now you see me & now you don't game.  If I ever try to import or to export any image file or music, the Communication goes & then sometimes will return its own. Working with Game Consoles, when something begins to work intermittently, then it is a hardware problem or software with the device.  It is not a user error, when it worked fine before.

    SOLUTION?:  This is why we are all here. Thanks to a landmark of expert for the same problem that many of us have?

    How about this solution. Why not let all E3000 owners send there wireless routers is not working towards a credit for a new operating model nice. I think that we would all save a lot of headaches & get rid of 25% of all calls for help on this forum.

    Thank you for your attention,


    PS. Please give us/me expert advice on how to solve the problem.  If nobody knows the answer, then Cisco/Linksys looks really bad for selling a router high of $$$, being touted for the games and files sharing multimedia home & it only at this stage.  If it should be recalled, will bring up by all means, or come up with a fully functional firmware.

    Thanks again & hope to hear news good & productive, cause I am so tired of playing with this E3000 & will more than likely stay away from your product for any & all future purchases, no matter where you are ranked (E3000 was 3rd & best prices of the top 3 when I bought it).

    Well, I'm here, not having heard an assumption about my problem, but to get an opinion of experts & solution to my problem, but also all other users of the same or very similar problems.

    I am now a HAPPY 'Belkin N600 DB' owner for only $79.99 @ Wal-Mart/Radio Shack. This new does much more than the Cisco E3000 wireless router & even changed my Modem 100 MB (green) flow out of 1000 GB (Amber Light).

    So, so HAPPY now!


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    Make sure you have the latest network adapter drivers fron toshiba

    and if windows update is at the origin of the problem change how to get updates to uncover the problem update

    When you have found the issue, a right click on it then invited uac then hide

    read the information on the link below

    Download updates but let me choose whether to install them - if you select this option, Windows will download the updates on your computer, but not install them automatically. If you want to install updates, then you must install them manually. You should only select this option if you have a reason to not install updates automatically. Only advanced users should use this option.

    Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them - if you select this option, you'll be alerted when there are new updates available for download and install. You can then choose to download and install the updates that you want. This option should really be reserved for people who know exactly which updates they need, or those who have little access to the Internet.

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    When I turn on the system of his displayiing on the moniter as NTLDR missing. Please give me the solution for this problem


    NTLDR is not used for installation of Vista, it's a vestige of WinXP / 2K. If it is listed as "missing", then your boot sector is damaged and must be repaired. The steps are described here:

    Good luck, Rick Rogers, aka "Crazy" - Microsoft MVP Windows help -

  • Premiere Pro is mess up my audio/video synchronization. Use Handbrake really the only solution for this problem?

    Premiere Pro is mess up my audio/video synchronization for the images that I downloaded from my iPhone 6 s + (.) MOV files). The files play fine, but once that I put them in Premiere Pro, the audio falls slowly behind the video, probably to cause "variable frame rate." phone I've seen other threads where people had the same problem, and the universal response, I saw was freeware download called 'Handbrake' to convert the frame rate of variable to fixed... but is not sit right with me.

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    Hi Christafarian,

    Premiere Pro is mess up my audio/video synchronization for the images that I downloaded from my iPhone 6 s + (.) MOV files).

    You wouldn't be the first. I'm sorry.

    The files play fine, but once that I put them in Premiere Pro, the audio falls slowly behind the video, probably to cause "variable frame rate." the phone

    I found:

    • If you pull the iPhone in a well-lit environment, it records at a constant speed.
    • In lighting challenged environments, you get images image variable rate.

    I've seen other threads where people had the same problem, and the universal response, I saw was freeware download called 'Handbrake' to convert the frame rate of variable to fixed... but is not sit right with me.

    For this project, you're probably stuck with transcoding with Handbrake or another method not Adobe. Our coders simply do not handle variable frame rates.

    Uses 3rd party freeware really the only solution for this problem?

    With Premiere Pro and this project, you have no other choice. For future projects, look into purchasing a high end video camera application where you can shoot at a constant rate regardless of the stage lighting.

    Video editing software Adobe Professional-grade not really have the ability to solve this problem? If so, what should I do to prevent all Premiere Pro ruin all my pictures to import?

    If you like Premiere Pro to support variable frame rates, please create a feature request. Otherwise, I hope my tips will help you in the future.

    Thank you

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    I found a problem when converted from pdf to excel in Arabic or Hebrew, it gives me the right sentences overturned left from left to right...

    you have a solution for this problem?

    Known problem (I submitted the bug a few years report - also applies to export to Word, PowerPoint, etc.) for that (unfortunately) there is not yet a date, release or resolution plan.


  • Known problem is there a solution for this?

    I get this message when trying to open Photoshop CS4.

    Fatal error - component missing

    / Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Version Cue CS4/Client/4.0.0/VersionCue.framework

    Is there a solution for this problem? Now CS4 is not usable


    You just need to re - install again.

    Here is the link to download the CS4 products:



  • I searched for a solution for the problem I was on Win 7 Pro Service Pack 1 in the links on an open Adobe Acrobat file will not open in my browser Firefox 33.0.2. The error I get is "Acrobat could not run the web browser.  Unknown error. (123).

    I want a solution for the problem I was on Win 7 Pro Service Pack 1 in the links on an open Adobe Acrobat Pro 10.1.12 file will not open in my browser Firefox 33.0.2. The error I get is "Acrobat could not run the web browser.  Unknown error. (123).

    You can try a repair of your Acrobat installation. Maybe, at least it's a start toward a solution.

  • Can someone solve or give me a solution for this problem...?

    Hello world!

    Can someone solve or give me a solution for this problem...?

    We used two folders Source & Finalwork. We get image Source folder and path of silo put & moved to Finalwork folder.

    Is it possible to check if the two colors of Embedded images folder profile identical or not.


    Could you elaborate what you mean by that

    We get image Source folder and path of silo put & moved to Finalwork folder.

    Perhaps with a screenshot to illustrate the task?

    // 2012, use it at your own risk;
    #target photoshop
    var theFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("select source folder");
    if (theFolder) {
    var theFiles = theFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|tif|eps|psd)$/i)
    var theOtherFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("select target folder");
    if (theOtherFolder) {
    var theOtherFiles = theOtherFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|tif|eps|psd)$/i)
    var missingFiles = new Array;
    var unmatchedProfiles = new Array;
    // work through files;
    for (var m = 0; m < theFiles.length; m++) {
              var check = false;
              var theFile = theFiles[m];
    // find name of the same name;
              for (var n = 0; n < theOtherFiles.length; n++) {
                        var theOtherFile = theOtherFiles[n];
    // if one is found;
                        if ( == {
                                  check = true;
                                  var oneFile =;
                                  var otherFile =;
    // check profiles;
                                  if (oneFile.colorProfileName == otherFile.colorProfileName) {
    // collect umages with unmatched profiles;
                                  else {unmatchedProfiles.push(theFile)};
    // collect missing files;
              if (check == false) {alert ("hahaha");missingFiles.push(theFile)}
    // alert of problems;
    if (unmatchedProfiles.length > 0) {
    alert ("the corresponding files for these do have a different color space:\n"+unmatchedProfiles.join("\n\n"));
    if (missingFiles.length > 0) {
    alert ("these files miss corresponding ones:\n"+missingFiles.join("\n\n"));
    ////// get psds, tifs and jpgs from files //////
    function getFiles (theFile) {
        if (\.(jpg|tif|psd|pdf|)$/i)) {
            return true

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