SSH keys are protected by a password that is supported for SSH tunnels?

Using SQL Developer 4.1 I get an error if I try to connect a SSH Tunnel using a private key that is protected by a password.

com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: privatekey: aes256-cbc is not available [B@2ef5d584
  at com.jcraft.jsch.KeyPair.load(
  at oracle.dbtools.raptor.ssh.RaptorFileIdentity.createIdentity(
  at oracle.dbtools.raptor.ssh.RaptorIdentityRepository.getRepository(


I don't see anywhere to enter the password; is it supported?

Thank you.

As Jeff said, pass phrases are supported. While your keyfile may require a password, is not what we shifted upward.

Instead, the problem is that the developer SQL does not support aes256-cbc. We don't specify as an algorithm of encryption supported by trying to open the SSH connection. If the key cannot be used. It is a bug, please add support for additional cryptographic algorithms beyond the default value OF THE used by ssh-keygen and other key generating default tools.

In the meantime, if you have a control on the generation of keys, you can try using a different encryption algorithm but preserving the password requirement. The only solution would be to create the tunnel outside the SQL Developer and then manually create connections that run through the tunnel.


SQL development team

Tags: Database

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