strategy of conditional text for Pro and Express

I use robohelp 9 and could use a little sorting out my strategy of conditional text for an aid project.

* The project is a Pro and Express version

* The Pro version includes all the subjects of the project

* The Express version has a subset of subjects ranging from the Pro version

Given that all unmarked subjects are included in a conditional text version, I wonder if I should do the following:

* Mark all topics as 'Pro '.

* Add an additional tag to all express themes such as "express".

My expression of construction will be ' include express. "

The problem I have with this solution, is that I wonder if there is a solution simpler or easier than having first to mark all topics as 'pro '.

Is there a better way to solve this problem of conditional compilation?


I would think that it would be easier to simply determine what topics are only a part of the Pro version and those exclusion tag when you create the Express version.

See you soon... Rick

Useful and practical links

Wish to RoboHelp form/Bug report form

Begin to learn RoboHelp HTML 7, 8 or 9 in the day!

Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training

SorcerStone blog

RoboHelp EBooks

Tags: Adobe

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    It's the idea of this indicator - you all do your air conditioning in FM; set Show/Hide appropriate so that content of the FM, it's going to be spit on the generation HR help. Aspirate the content of FM in HR (Binder or import); generate help. Fact. You want a different set of things showing? Return to the FM band and put them there - update. Then go back to the HR and strength (if related) Update or create a new project & suck the content again (If importing).

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    thesoulartist wrote:

    I created my doc style source, conditional text (for a chapter number on the first page of each doc in my book file) which could be hidden when exported to ePub.

    It worked. Then I tried this hidden feature applied globally to all the docs.

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    Thank you


    Condition properties are not defined in paragraph or character styles.

    To add an existing condition in a file, you can use the menu load Conditions drop down group conditional text and choose a file in which the condition already exists. OR, you can use find: , research: all the files in the book and Format change: in . If your target documents have a single paragraph or a character style applied number of chapter on the first page of each doc, you would specify find what: and the shape of the change to the .

    Then, to set show/hide the condition property in the target, in the Panel menu files book fly-out > Synchronization Options, choose other > conditional text settings and synchronize some or all of the files in the book with the designated Style Source file.

    IOW, Synchronize adds conditions that exist in the Source of Style file for the target files and sets the display/hide properties from the State to those of the source of style. Conditions that are already applied to the content in the target files will behave according to the settings show/hide that are synchronized in the target files.


    Kind regards



    Peter gold

    Know-how ProServices

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    You might want to take a look at Matt Sullivan & Sarah O'Keefe book (edition Fundamentals - unstructured FrameMaker 11; Chapter 24) for some background information on the consequences of the use of the multiple conditional tags. Depending on what your choice (i.e. to hide or show content based on the condition tag), you can get in very complex situations with some items possibly requiring each combination of tags applied to prevent display (or display) as needed. Even with simple simple conditional tags, it can reach a very large number of unique tags required (mathematically, you are summing a series of combinations). For example, [as used in the Book], given a product in Light versions, Standard and Pro with specific online requirements & Print for Mac, Windows and Unix, there are 32 conditional tags applied correctly. If you have content that should appear in a few versions, it climbs easily up to 47 unique tags. You'd be better trying to herd a bunch of cats in a field of grass cat...

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    You could manually delete the conditions hidden from the files before the Save as MIF, by choosing the option remove all text hidden as well. If you want to completely automated, however, you need to perform some shows, in which case I would recommend setting your post-processing tool in order to recognize the conditional text correctly, rather than make FM do something which is less-than-optimal, IMHO.

    Your best bet of all would be to abandon the MIF format altogether and use a structured XML author, with which you can use for the conditional metadata attribute values. With this, you could also abandon the model of FrameMaker condition for a much more robust system of conditionalizing content tag. It would be more flexible and certainly easier to design the post-processing step, as there are many tools available for the treatment of XML metadata and the ability to analyze the attribute values is commonplace among them.


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    If you ignore the option 'Apply FrameMaker text building conditional Expression', RoboHelp will import all FrameMaker content with conditional text settings and allow you to build the expression (s) to different output options. It is a privileged way. However, if you're convinced you want to filter at time of importation, which is also allowed.

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    to make sure that I was not introducing anything with other languages.
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    Thank you

    The current version supports the white-space for a text box property and it is possible that the Web site uses spaces: pre instead of spaces: pre wrap.
    The former will prevent Firefox of text wrapping.

    You can check that out in the Inspector via the context menu.


    The white-space property is currently working on HTML < textarea > (bug 82711) elements.

    See also:

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    I use RoboHelp

    Reactive help works different from Multiscreen (it's easy!). See:

    With the help of reagents, you have only 1jeu of content for all devices. If you want 2 different CBT applied, you will need to create two outputs.

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    My question is, are at - it another way to merge several books and their tables of contents in one only book and table of contents, other than each chapter line-by-line reading and apply conditional text tags to associated content?

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    Thank you


    Post edited by: Rashmi gourn Hello... anyone? No help is available for conditional tagging in Framemaker, AFAIK. Wait for some sort of answer from the experts here... Kind regards

    Simply create a new book file that contains all the files (with the exception of the generated - including the table of contents). Then create the appropriate - including the TOC generated files. You can import the existing formatting from the relevant files generated in an other books.

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    I don't have any front-end text editor (such as FrameMaker) or I'd do it here. Dreamweaver can do this without complex workarounds or procedures not supported?

    Thank you very much.

    Mike the Newbie

    OK, that's fine. DW not conditionalization and I'll see if I can get what I need to do or find another approach.

    Thanks a lot for your help.


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