String bounded to the listview

I have a property string delimited in a qml which I want to display in the form of a simple list in qml.

I tried arraydatamodel without success.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you


Looks like OP is having 2 numbers, or is not quite explain his problem. Since the original post, I thought the same thing as @radwon and believed that OP wanted to build a dataModel off delimited string. But her reply, I think he's trying to access this delimited string of its ListItemComponent, which cannot be done directly, but need to access from its ListView using ListItem.view

Here is a screenshot of the official ListView docs indicating that

Maybe the OP maybe specify exactly what he must do.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    This was probably picked several times on the forum, but I'm going crazy with research and try to do things with my code.

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     Picker {
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        title: "Select Feed"
        dataModel: XmlDataModel {
         source: "models/blackberry.xml"
          pickerItemComponents: [
              PickerItemComponent {
                    type: "rsslink"
                    content: Container {
                    layout: DockLayout {
                         Label {
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                             text: pickerItemData.text
                             textStyle {
                                  base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SubtitleText
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            //Load the selected feed
    } // Picker

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                ListView {
                    id: myListView
                    // Associate the list view with the data model that's defined in the
                    // attachedObjects list
                    dataModel: dataModellist
                    layout: StackListLayout {}
                    listItemComponents: [
                        ListItemComponent {
                            id: header
                            type: "header" //"item"
                            //custom components used instead of standardlistitem
                            Container {
                                Label {
                                    id: emptytextheader
                                    text: ""
                        ListItemComponent {
                            id: item
                            type: "item" //"description"
                            Container {
                                layout: DockLayout {}
                                //custom components used instead of standardlistitem
                                Container {
                                    id: itemdetails
                                    Label {
                                        id: title
                                        text: ListItemData.title
                                        //textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                                        multiline: true
                                        textStyle.color: Color.Cyan
                                    Label {
                                        id: pubdate
                                        text: ListItemData.pubDate
                                        textStyle.color: Color.create("#ff00c200")
                                        textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.XSmall
                                    Label {
                                        id: description
                                        text: ListItemData.description
                                        textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.Small
                                        multiline: true
                                        textStyle.color: Color.Yellow
                                        maxHeight: 130.0
                    onTriggered: {
                        var feedItem =;
                        var page = detailsPage.createObject();
                        if (rssmobileEnabled == "y")


    "var rssMobileEnabled" declares a local variable, is not available in onTriggered.

    Declare it as a property instead:

       property bool rssMobileEnabled
       (or 'property string' if it's a character)

    reference it without prefix "var":

    rssMobileEnabled =...

    You can also declare the property on another element (not necessarily higher level) and reference it by id:


  • "Index was outside the bounds of the array"


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    When I try to deploy a new virtual machine or to change the settings, I get a message saying "Index was outside the bounds of the array".

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    At the moment I have installed:


    version 4.0.0

    Generation 5044850


    version 4.0.0

    Generation 496403

    vSphere is installed on a computer, Windows 8.

    And the logfile viclient says:

    2013-07-21 16:55:33.103 [viclient:SoapTran] invoke Start 38, RetrieveContents on PropertyCollector: ha-property-collector []. [Appellant: VirtualInfrastructure.PropertyRetriever.InvokePropertyGet]

    [viclient:SoapTran] 2013-07-21 16:55:33.118 invoke RetrieveContents on PropertyCollector 38 finish: ha-property-collector [] - series: 0.001, server: 000.024

    [: ShowExcp] 16:55:35.879 2013-07-21 System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Indeksen var utenfor matrisegrensen.

    ved VMware.CustomControls.NumericUpdownEx... ctor()

    ved VMware.CustomControls.DiskCapControl.InitializeComponent)

    ved VMware.CustomControls.DiskCapControl... ctor()

    ved VpxClient.VMConfig.BWzVDiskCapPage.InitializeComponent)

    ved VpxClient.VMConfig.BWzVDiskCapPage... ctor (TocWizard myBoss)

    ved VpxClient.VMConfig.NWz... ctor (NWzModes m)

    ved VpxClient.Common.UiCommands.VirtualMachine.NewOrImportVM (import Boolean, forceVmtn Boolean, entity, Service iService ManagedEntity)

    Stack trace:

    at VirtualInfrastructure.Utils.Log.Trace (String, String, traceCategory)

    to VpxClientCommon.Util.Dialogs.ShowException (IWin32Window, String, Exception)

    at VpxClientCommon.Util.Dialogs.ShowException (Exception)

    VpxClient.Common.UiCommands + VirtualMachine.NewOrImportVM (ManagedEntity, Boolean, Boolean)

    at VpxClient.GettingStarted.HostHtmlView.CreateVM)


    at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run)


    Thomas Isaksen


    Have you checked this post?

    Re: An internal error has occurred in the vSphere Client. Details: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

    Kind regards


  • How to refresh the ListView

    I have try change item in the ListView. But ListView refreshed only after add a new point.
    How can I refresh the ListView?
    My code:
         public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception
         void buildForm(Stage stage)
              BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
              Scene scene = new Scene(root, 800, 650);
              items.add(new SimpleStringProperty("1"));
              items.add(new SimpleStringProperty("Line" + i));
              HBox buttons = new HBox();
              Button buttonChange = new Button("Change");
              buttonChange.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
                             public void handle(ActionEvent event)
                                  String value = items.get(0).get();
                                  if(value.length() == 1)
                                  //not refresh
              Button buttonAdd = new Button("Add item");
              buttonAdd.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
                             public void handle(ActionEvent event)
                                  items.add(new SimpleStringProperty("Line" + i));
              buttons.getChildren().addAll(buttonChange, buttonAdd);


  • Analyzes the string and extract the string delimiter


    Basic questions.  Is this possible with the scan of regular expression of the string to extract the string that are in the specified delimiters.  Here is an example:

    Name of the \\Name of the folder 1\Name to the folder 2\Name to the folder 3\File

    Chain analysis can produce the following by specifying the regular expression on the right:

    1 folder name

    Name of the folder 2

    Name of the folder 3

    File name

    I tried \\\%s\\%s\\%s\\%s but the %s stops on the first white space.

    Thank you


    RavensFan suggested the service appropriate for your condition, but you can also use an alternative, which is "spreadsheet of array of strings.

  • Transform a string that displays hex data in normal format, in a string that has the same data in hexadecimal format

    I have a string of arbitrary length - say, 1AB1C0 - normal format. I would like to have a function that takes this string in and generates the same accurate, but in hexadecimal characters. If the entry will read 1AB1C0 in the normal string format, and the output will read 1AB1C0 as a hexadecimal string.

    I'm doing this because I found that the terminal works better if I send the bytes string hexadecimal vs as an array of U8. Furthermore, I handle a lot of byte stream in my program and I find the chain tools less cumbersome to use against the array of bytes to analysis of analysis tools - however, they operate only on strings as they appear in normal mode. So I have reasons in different parts of my program to have the channel under conditions normal vs formats hexadecimal; but I can't understand anyway elegant remotely to cast from one to the other.

    CraigRem wrote:

    If the entry will read 1AB1C0 in the normal string format, and the output will read 1AB1C0 as a hexadecimal string.

    Well, you must sweep the bytes of the string formatting hexagonal two at a time for a digital U8 and then cast to a string. There are several ways to do it, here are the two possibilities. (Sure to use the correct representation as Mkae labels).

    (I still don't understand your reasoning why you need).

  • Doc XML to a string fails when the string length is greater than 512 bytes.

    I have been using the following code to write an XML string.  If the resulting string is lower to ~ 512 bytes, the string will be created, if > ~ 512 bytes, the routine does not create the string.  Assuming that the doc contains an XML document:

    Doc CVIXMLDocument = 0;
    HDoc MSXMLObj_IXMLDOMDocument = 0;


    cvistatus = CVIXMLSaveDocument (doc, 0, "Test1.xml");
    status = CVIXMLGetDocumentActiveXHandle(doc, &hDoc);)

    hRlt = MSXML_IXMLDOMDocumentGetxml (hDoc, & errInfo & strXml);

    The SaveDocument routine still works, the XML file contains the XML, regardless of their size.

    The Getxml routine creates only the XML string in strXml when the length of the string is lower to ~ 512 bytes.

    Does anyone have an idea of the problem?

    Because the string is very long, the ICB debugger cannot display. That's why I was wondering if you were trying to print using put or printf. Because the return value is 0 and the ERRORINFO is also stating the success, I would recheck the chain by printing it to the console or a file.

  • Index is outside the bounds of the array with bcs

    I used the bcs connection to connect to Sql server 2008 r2. I developed the code in visual studio 2010 with model. I tested with 3000 data that he was working.

    After that I change the data of 50,000 records
    It is giving error

    MethodInstance with name "ReadList" on the entity (external content Type) with the name "Entity" in the Namespace "Entity.BdcModel1" unexpected failure. The failure occurred in the "ReadList" method defined in the class "Entity.BdcModel1.EntityService" with the message "Index was outside the bounds of the array.".

    Update status DocuSign envelopes
    0 x 0
    0 x 0

    View in Web browser
    _layouts/VisioWebAccess/VisioWebAccess.aspx? ListGuid = {ListId} & ItemId = {ItemId} & DefaultItemOpen = 1
    0 x 0
    0 x 1
    File type

    Details of compliance
    JavaScript:commonShowModalDialog ('{SiteUrl} /_layouts/itemexpiration.aspx?ID= {ItemId} & list = {ListId} ',' Center: 1; dialogHeight:500px; dialogWidth:500px; resizable: Yes; status: no location: No.; menubar:no; help: No. ', function GotoPageAfterClose (pageid) {if (pageid == 'hold') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+'/_layouts/hold.aspx?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'}); return false ;} if (pageid == 'audit') {STSNavigate (unescape (decodeURI ('{SiteUrl}')) +'/_layouts/Reporting.aspx? Category = audit & backtype point = & ID = {ItemId} & list = {ListId} ");" return false ;} (Si_(pageid_==_'config') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+'/_layouts/expirationconfig.aspx?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false ;}}, null); Returns false;
    0 x 0
    0 x 1

    Change in the browser
    /_layouts/FormServer.aspx? XsnLocation = {ItemUrl} & harvested = browser & Source = {Source}
    0 x 0
    0 x 1
    File type

    Change in the browser
    /_layouts/FormServer.aspx? XmlLocation = {ItemUrl} & harvested = browser & Source = {Source}
    0 x 0
    0 x 1

    Change in the browser
    /_layouts/FormServer.aspx? XmlLocation = {ItemUrl} & harvested = browser & Source = {Source}
    0 x 0
    0 x 1

    Change in the browser
    /_layouts/FormServer.aspx? XmlLocation = {ItemUrl} & harvested = browser & Source = {Source}
    0 x 0
    0 x 1

    Change in the browser
    /_layouts/FormServer.aspx? XmlLocation = {ItemUrl} & harvested = browser & Source = {Source}
    0 x 0
    0 x 1

    View in browser
    0 x 0
    0 x 1
    File type

    View in browser
    0 x 0
    0 x 1
    File type

    View in browser
    0 x 0
    0 x 1
    File type

    Set Version History
    JavaScript:SP. USER INTERFACE. ModalDialog.ShowPopupDialog ('{SiteUrl} /_layouts/DocSetVersions.aspx?) List = {ListId} & ID = {ItemId} ")"
    0 x 0
    0 x 0

    Send in the other place
    JavaScript:GoToPage('{SiteUrl}/_layouts/docsetsend.aspx? List = {ListId} & ID = {ItemId} ")"
    0 x 0
    0 x 0

    I do the connection for the 15 million documents. So please advise me on the connection of BCS.

    Thank you


    Your Windows question is better suited in the TechNet forums. You can follow the link to your question:

  • Specific text of color in the listview element


    I have in my application:

      ListView {
            id: myListViewAya
            dataModel: dataModelAya
            listItemComponents: [
            ListItemComponent {
                    type: "item"
                    id: listItemComponent_Aya
               Container {
                  // background: Color.create("#75b5d3")
                   Label {
                       textStyle.color: Color.Blue
                }// end of Container
            } // end of ListItemComponent 
            ] // end of listItemComponents list
    }end of ListView 

    I want the text 'label_Aya' (the second element in the listview) and all other elements of color in 'red '.


    Please help me

    Thank you very much

    as it works well:

      ListView {
            id: myListViewAya
            dataModel: dataModelAya
            listItemComponents: [
            ListItemComponent {
                    type: "item"
               Container {
                id: listItemComponent_Aya
                  // background: Color.create("#75b5d3")
                   Label {
                textStyle.color:(listItemComponent_Aya.ListItem.indexPath[1] == 1) ? Color.Red : Color.Blue
                }// end of Container
            } // end of ListItemComponent 
            ] // end of listItemComponents list
    }end of ListView

    Thank you thank you thank you...

  • Scrolling of the ListView in the end does not work

    Hi, when creating completed page, I add items to listview and scrolltoposition (end, smooth) but it does not work. How can I auto-scroll down entering the page?

    It's almost a year, but it was the first match in google for my problem.

    I solved it by changing the orientation of my layout of the ListView and the sort order of my model.

    ListView {
        layout: StackListLayout {
            orientation: LayoutOrientation.BottomToTop
  • Highlight the item selected in the ListView

    Hello guys,.
    I have a list view and you want to highlight the element select when I click on it, for all clicked items.

    Thank you.

    esam_tec wrote:

    Hello guys,.
    I have a list view and you want to highlight the element select when I click on it, for all clicked items.

    Thank you.

    There are different ways to do


    in your container of ListItem:

    background: ListItem.selected || ? Color.Magenta : Color.Transparent

    in your onTriggered of the ListView:

    // select line
          , true)

    Remember, if your work has been done:

    // clear the selection
  • To access the values from the row outside the ListView ListItem


    I spent two hours browsing the forums and documentation with no chance of finding a solution on how to access the list item data from outside the listview.

    Let explain me my code. It is marked with I work and what does not work and its expected behavior.

    Should work behavior

    Tapping & getting data

    The arrayDataModel is filled with 4 rows. Firstly the list item, second item in the list... etc.

    • Tapping on the order of the day, label with the id of triggeredText displays the value of a threaded list item.
    • The index of the tapped icon appears in the label with the id of triggerredIndex.

    Incrementing Index using ActionItems onBar

    By pressing action items 'previous' and 'next', you can increment the index value to the label with the id of triggeredIndex. The order of the index is 0-4, even as total of the items in the list.

    How to extract data from the index when the value of triggeredIndex?


    The buttons at the bottom of the screen... Select 1, select the 2nd, 3rd Select should select indexes 0,1,2 of the list and display the value in triggeredText and triggeredIndex. They do not work.

    How did I pull the values when you click the buttons?

    import bb.cascades 1.3
    TabbedPane {
        id: root
        showTabsOnActionBar: false
        Tab {
            id: mainTab
            title: "Test List"
                Page {
                    id: mainPage
                    titleBar: TitleBar {
                        title: "List Traversal Test"
                    actions: [
                        ActionItem {
                            title: "Previous"
                            ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                            onTriggered: {
                                // get current selected index from list=
                                var currentIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text);
                                if(currentIndex <= 0){
                                    //do nothing already at first item
                                    // subtract 1 from index ( ci - 1) ?
                                    var newIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text) - 1;
                                    // show data from new selected index
                                    // ???
                                    // triggeredItem.text = XXX // the data
                                    // ???
                                    // triggeredIndex.text = X // the current index
                                    triggeredIndex.text = newIndex;
                        ActionItem {
                            title: "Next"
                            ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                            onTriggered: {
                                // get current selected index from list=
                                var currentIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text);
                                if(currentIndex == 4){
                                    //do nothing already at lastitem
                                // add 1 to index ( ci + 1) ?
                                var newIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text) + 1
                                // show data from new selected index
                                // ???
                                // triggeredItem.text = XXX // the data
                                // ???
                                // triggeredIndex.text = X // the current index
                                triggeredIndex.text = newIndex;
                        ActionItem {
                            title: "Clear"
                            ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                            onTriggered: {
                                // set current index to 0 (top item in list)
                    Container {
                        preferredHeight: maxHeight
                        layout: StackLayout {
                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
                            id: triggeredItem      // value of listitem from current index
                            text: "0"
                            id: triggeredIndex    // current index
                            text: "0"
                            onTextChanged: {
                                // set triggeredItem.text to contents of selected ListItem with same index
                                // STUCK HERE cannot access ListItem.dataModel(indexPath) from here....
                            ListView {
                                id: theList
                                objectName: "dalist"
                                dataModel: ArrayDataModel {
                                    id: theListModel
                                listItemComponents: ListItemComponent {
                                    StandardListItem {
                                        id: itemRoot
                                        title: ListItemData
                                onTriggered: {
                                    var si =;
                                    triggeredItem.text = "LIST ITEM CONTENT: " + si;  //set content when user taps on item
                                    triggeredIndex.text = "LIST ITEM INDEX INDEX: " + indexPath;  // set index when user taps
                                onSelectionChanged: {
                                onCreationCompleted: {
                                    //add some data to the listview
                                    theListModel.append("First List Item");
                                    theListModel.append("Second List Item");
                                    theListModel.append("Third List Item");
                                    theListModel.append("Fourth List Item");
                            layout: StackLayout {
                                orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                            text: "Select 1st"
                            onClicked: {
                            text: "Select 2nd"
                            onClicked: {
                            text: "Select 3rd item"
                            onClicked: {
                                //expected behaviour is to show data from Third List Item
                                // triggeredIndex.text = INDEX 3
                                // triggeredText.text = (DATA FROM THIRD LIST ITEM)
                                // THIS IS NOT WORKING ....
                                triggeredItem.text = theListModel.dataModel(3);

    Thank you and have a happy and healthy 2015!

    Your help will be greatly appreciated.

    I ran and got this:

    asset:///main.qml:161: TypeError: Result of expression 'theList.dataModel' [bb::cascades::ArrayDataModel(0x1091a838)] is not a function.

    But it works[3])

    But this isn't the solution, you have a more serious problem. You select a value, you trigger. If you add this in onTriggered you select it (and you can see that it changes color when it is selected).;

    If you want to use option to deselect, !theList.isSelected(indexPath));

    And if you want to have that one chose this


    Inside the button 'Select the 3rd point' allows to select programmatically[2]);

    It works but I'm not sure what you're trying to do

  • How to apply filters to the Listview created using GroupDataModel?


    I have created a listview with groupdatamodel, now I want to apply filters for listview. How to do this?

    Please help me. (As looking for contacts)

    Kind regards

    Naresh Kodumuri.


    I found the solution for the application of filters to the listview.

  • [Explanation necessary] Clears the listview data and fill it again with new data


    I correctly filled a listview in c ++, data analysed and does interesting things with it. However, I am drunk stumbling, unable to find a way delete and repopulate my display of the list...

    Question 1:


    1. How can after I insert data in the list view, I clear the list data and run again the same method (init) who populated the list view with the data in the first place?

    Here are the docs that I referenced and I don't understand how to implement the methods in my code.

    QList - clear() method

    Using the data access Code, example

    GroupDataModel - Clear()


    Here is my code - filling of the display of the list of C++ and display of data in a ListView.


    MyApp::MyApp(bb::cascades::Application *app)
    : QObject(app){
        // create scene document from main.qml asset
            // set parent to created document to ensure it exists for the whole application lifetime
            QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
                AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();
                //grab references
                list_view = root->findChild("listView");
                // set created root object as a scene
                mNetworkAccessManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
                bool result = connect(mNetworkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(requestFinished(QNetworkReply*)));
                 Q_UNUSED(result);                 json = new QFile("data/file.json");
    void MyApp::init(){
        QNetworkRequest request = QNetworkRequest();
         // i call some service here
    void MyApp::requestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply){
        qDebug() << reply->error();
        qDebug() << reply->errorString();
        if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
            qDebug() << "No error";
                    QByteArray data = reply->readAll();
                    if (!json->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) {
                        qDebug() << "Failed to open file";
            bb::data::JsonDataAccess jda;
            QVariantMap results = jda.loadFromBuffer(data).toMap();
                    QVariantList lst = jda.loadFromBuffer(data).toList();
                GroupDataModel *m = new GroupDataModel();
                       if(list_view) list_view->setDataModel(m);


    // Tabbed pane project template
    #ifndef MyApp_HPP_
    #define MyApp_HPP_
    namespace bb {
    namespace cascades {
    class Application;
    namespace bb {
    namespace data {
    class Application;
     * @brief Application pane object
     *Use this object to create and init app UI, to create context objects, to register the new meta types etc.
    class MyApp: public QObject {
        MyApp(bb::cascades::Application *app);
        virtual ~MyApp() {
        void init();
    private slots:
        void requestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply);
        QNetworkAccessManager *mNetworkAccessManager;
        QNetworkRequest *request;
        QFile *json;
        bb::cascades::ListView *list_view;
    #endif /* MyApp_HPP_ */

    hand. QML

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Container {
                            background: Color.White
                            ListView {
                                id: listView
                                preferredHeight: maxHeight
                                objectName: "listView"
                                listItemComponents: [
                                    ListItemComponent {
                                        type: "item"
                                        Container {
                                            Container {
                                                Label {
                                onTriggered: {
                                    console.log("selected_index: " + indexPath)
                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    Question 2:

    How reference to the ListView object with the name "listView" in different parts of the MyApp.cpp file? Is there anything else I should add to the header file to make the accessible listView?

    Question 3:

    What happens when you call the clear() method? How the data model is affected? How the user interface is affected? What happens in memory?

    Question 4:

    How do you verify that the data in the list has been deleted so that you can go ahead and fills again with new data? What is the cheque that I perform?

    I would also like to know how you manage multiple views of lists and data sources in your applications. Best practices or ideas?

    Thank you

    I was able to clear the listview with the following code, if anyone is interested.

    listView.dataModel = null

    The dataModel must be set to "null".

  • How to refresh the Listview after adding a new item


    I have the following list:

     ListView {
                                        id: channelsList
                                        dataModel: categoryModel
                                        listItemComponents: [
                                            ListItemComponent {
                                                type: "item"
                                                StandardListItem {
                                                    title: // Channel name
                                                    imageSource: ListItemData.imageFile
                                                    id: channelItemId
                                                    contextActions: [
                                                        ActionSet {
                                                            //title: contentView.title
                                                            ActionItem {
                                                                title: "Add to Favorites"
                                                                onTriggered: {
                                                                    console.log( + " will be added to the Favorites");
                                                                    //categoryModel.addFavorite(, ListItemData.imageFile,;
                                                                    channelItemId.ListItem.view.viewTriggered(, ListItemData.imageFile,;
                                        onTriggered: {
                                                var chosenChannel =;
                                                console.log("indexPath: " + indexPath);
                                                var playingPage = playpagedef.createObject();
                                                playingPage.chname =;
                                                playingPage.cid =;
                                        attachedObjects: [
                                            // The bucket categoryModel is a non visible object so it is set up as an attached object.
                                            // The categoryModel itself is a QListDataModel defined in categorymodel.h and registered
                                            // as a type in the creation of the application.
                                            CategoryModel {
                                                id: categoryModel
                                                // The path to the JSON file with initial data, this file will be moved to
                                                // the data folder on the first launch of the application (in order to
                                                // be able to get write access).
                                                jsonAssetPath: "models/channels.json"
                                                // The filtering is initially set to "Category 1" to show category channels
                                                filter: label.text
                                            ComponentDefinition {
                                                id: playpagedef
                                                source: "PlayingPage.qml"
                                        function viewTriggered(name, imageFile, id)
                                            categoryModel.addFavorite(name, imageFile, id);

    and the categoeymodel.h is as follows:

    #ifndef _CATEGORYMODEL_H
    #define _CATEGORYMODEL_H
    using namespace bb::data;
    // The category categoryModel is based on the QListDataModel template, which in turn
    // implements the abstract DataModel class.
    typedef bb::cascades::QListDataModel CategoryListModel;
    /* CategoryModel Description:
     * CategoryModel class for the Category List application, the data categoryModel
     * reads and write from a JSON file that keeps all item data
     * for the list.
    class CategoryModel: public CategoryListModel
    Q_PROPERTY(QString filter READ filter WRITE setFilter NOTIFY filterChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString jsonAssetPath READ jsonAssetPath WRITE setJsonAssetPath NOTIFY jsonAssetPathChanged)
         * Constructor that sets up the recipe
         * @param parent The parent Container, if not specified, 0 is used
        CategoryModel(QObject *parent = 0);
        QString filter();
        void setFilter(const QString filter);
        QString jsonAssetPath();
        void setJsonAssetPath(const QString jsonAssetPath);
        void filterChanged(QString filter);
        void jsonAssetPathChanged(QString jsonAssetPath);
    public slots:
        void addFavorite(QString channelName, QString channelImageFile, int channelId);
        bool jsonToDataFolder();
        // Property variables
        QString mFilter;
        QString mJsonAssetsPath;
        QString mJsonDataPath;
        // A list containing all data read from the JSON file
        QVariantList mData;
        //Invocation variables
        bb::cascades::Invocation* mInvocation;
    #endif // ifndef _CATEGORYMODEL_H

    My problem is that the listview is not get automatically updated when a new item is added to the datamodel (a favorite channel is added). I have to exit the application and restart to see the updated list.

    categoryModel.addFavorite(name, imageFile, id);

    categoryModel.clear ();

    does not work. I get:

    Asset: / / / hand. QML:180: TypeError: result of expression 'categoryModel.clear' [undefined] is not a function.

    I would like to know how to achieve using approach "more correct".

    QListDataModel does not expose its internal storage directly. It is possible to reconstruct the map by performing an iteration in a loop (with the help of data() and size() methods), the dataModel entries:

    but I don't see how this could help. If the filtered data is changed, it must be merged with the original sort data.

    Why the original approach has not worked?

    I could not understand from the description appearance of the interface user, please post a screenshot if possible.

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