Tag tag and instancebegineditable instancebegin asymmetrical errors

Hi people, for some reason any today each page I create based on my model gives me one of the two errors above.

On this page I said there is a unbalanced tag InstanceBegin in line 1: first Queenstown Lakefront Restaurant and place of service

I can see that this line is duplicated " <!-InstanceBegin template="/Templates/slider4.dwt ' codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked = 'false'-> but it cannot remove within the page as it is grayed and this text does not appear in my model, so how do I fix this error?

And on this (and some other) page first Queenstown Lakefront Restaurant and place the function I get error in line 31 it is a label of InstanceBeginEditable inside the editable region.

In the source of the page in my browser, it looks like this:

<!-InstanceBeginEditable name = "doctitle"-->

<title >first Queenstown Lakefront Restaurant and place the function < /title >

"<meta name="description content= "restaurant Steak and seafood, in Queenstown NZ, with great views, great list of wines and friendly service. "First is also an ideal place for functions, conferences and weddings in Queenstown, New Zealand." />

"<meta name="keywords" content="queenstown, New Zealand, function venues, wedding location, restaurant, group meals, queenstown nz menu, steak of queenstown, queenstown nz seafood, otago New Zealand pinot, sauvignon white, cocktails, craft beer"/ >

<!-[if lt IE 7] > < class = "oldie ie6" html > <! [endif]-->

<!-[if IE 7] > < class = "ie7 oldie" html > <! [endif]-->

<!-[if IE 8] > < class = "ie8 oldie" html > <! [endif]-->

<!-[if gt IE 8] > <!-->

<html class= "" >

<! - InstanceEndEditable - >

BUT in my opinion of code in DW, it looks like this:

<!-InstanceBeginEditable name = "doctitle"-->

< title > first Queenstown Lakefront Restaurant and place the < /title > function

<! - InstanceEndEditable - >

Something is getting corrupted in the download process. I can solve this problem?

Thanks in advance for the advice.


If your widget will not work with a modern type of doc HTML5, it's time to find a new widget. The one you have is outdated.

Nancy O.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    It will start the computer in safe mode with network and see if the error occurs or not.

    Method 1 : start in safe mode with networking

    Click on the link to get an idea on how to start the computer in safe mode with networking:


    If it does not error then we are going to perform a clean boot.

    Method 2 : run the clean boot

    Click on the link to get an idea and perform the clean boot:


    Method 3 : check the startup items

    Click on the following link to see how to remove items from the start:


    Let us know if the problem is solved or not.

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    Table Base: temp_XML

    XML_ID NOT NULL NUMBER (28) - auto-increment using the sequence

    Sample XML: Includes all the brands mentioned in the common procedure below.

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "US-ASCII"? >

    "< event xmlns ="http://xmlextrac.test.com/object">."

    < data xmlns = "" >

    < object >


    < unit > TLAS < / unit >

    < unit > ATLAS < / unit >

    < / units >

    < receiverNetworks >

    < receiverNetwork > ABSAZAJ0XXXX < / receiverNetwork >

    < / receiverNetworks >

    < correspondentIds >

    < correspondentId > #SWF - ABSAZAJ0XXX < / correspondentId >

    < / correspondentIds >

    < comment >

    < comment / >

    < comment / >

    < comment / >

    < comment / >

    < / comment >

    < memo >

    < memo > 28 < / memo >

    < / memos >

    < tuxedoPriority > 20 < / tuxedoPriority >

    sender <>Mike < / sender >

    < typeReseauId > Message < / typeReseauId >

    < maxRetry > 4 < / maxRetry >

    < msgSecuLevel > CBA < / msgSecuLevel >

    < quantity >

    < amount > 12 < / amount >

    < amount > 34 < / amount >

    < amount > 56 < / amount >

    < / amounts >

    < currencys >

    < currency > $ < / currency >

    < currency > EUR < / currency >

    INR < currency > < / currency >

    < / currencys >

    < msgDateVal > ARST123 < / msgDateVal >

    wder < direction > < / direction >

    < eventType > 113 < / eventType >

    < date > 1407431619 < / date >

    < eventDate > 1407431624 < / eventDate >

    < management > R < / direction >

    < msgRef > R950140807AB6CBE < / msgRef >

    < format > SWF < / size >

    < type > 950 < / type >

    R950140807AB6CBE < WALL > < / WALL >

    < bankingPriority / >

    FSDS < field.20 > < / field.20 >

    < texteType > FSS < / texteType >

    < applicationCode > OHS < / applicationCode >

    < company > KETH < / company >

    < endFct > MOE < / endFct >

    < rate > BAM < / flow >

    < subtype / >

    < text > DQo6MjA6R0wxNDA4MDcwMDA1MTMNCjoyNTo3M == < / text >

    < msgHeaders > ezE6RjAxTE9ZRE5MMjBCWFhYMDAzMjAw = < / msgHeaders >

    < msgTrailer > ezU6e0NISzpEOUFFRUNCN0NBQTl9e1RORzp9fQ == < / msgTrailer >

    < / object >

    < / data >

    Procedure: This works very well for a few xml record and fails for some.

    CURSOR c1
    SELECT * FROM temp_XML;

    c1_cur c1% ROWTYPE;

    bamdata_sql VARCHAR2 (3000);
    d_text VARCHAR2 (3000);
    d_msgHeaders VARCHAR2 (3000);
    d_msgTrailer VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_text VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgHeaders VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgTrailer VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_eventType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_amount number (28.2).
    x_currency VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_state VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_units VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    X_TYPE VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_receiverNetworks VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_bankingPriority VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_applicationCode VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_processCounter VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_obsolescence VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_maxRetry VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_retries VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileSize VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_endFct VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_subType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_field20 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_sequenceNumber VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_requestorDn VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_responderDn VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_SWIFTNetService VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_transfertRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_nonrepudiation VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_transfertInfo VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileDesc VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_transfertDesc VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_logicalName VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_signIndicator VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_critId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_inFapId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_deliveryNotif VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comments VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgSecuLevel VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_dates VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_tuxedoPriority VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileDest VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_stkMsgPDEId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_EMTId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_LTRcptSyno VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_LTRcpt VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_LTEmis VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_flow VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_FINCopy VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgDateVal VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_eventDate VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_typeReseauId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_inFapSeq1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_inFapSeq2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_direction VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_priority VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ack VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_format VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_mur VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_TexteType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_creatingUser VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileinfo VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_company VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_language VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ackText VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_jaxbRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_jaxbElt VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memos VARCHAR2 (3000);
    xmlid number (28);
    x_msgRef1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgRef2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgRef3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgRef4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_sender VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_amlBehavior VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ownerServiceId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentName VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentCity VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentCountry VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentNetworkAddr VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_tested VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentNetwork VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_validatedPercentage VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_nbOfValid VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_requestRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_notifQueue VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_requestType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_secBpid VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_queue VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_receiverCode VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_receiverInd VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_validFlag VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ownerId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_dn VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_RMAOurBic VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_RMACorrespondentBic VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_RMAService VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileMsgRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    date of x_ext_date;
    x_correspondentAddress VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgrefs varchar2 (3000);
    d_ackText varchar2 (3000);
    ackText varchar2 (3000);
    date of x_extdate;


    FOR C1_CUR IN C1


    eventType, amount, currency, State, units, correspondentId, sender, receiverNetworks, bankingPriority, applicationCode, processCounter.
    obsolescence, maxRetry, reminders, fileSize, endFct, xsubType, field.20, sequenceNumber, requestorDn, responderDn, SWIFTNetService, non-repudiation,
    transfertRef, transfertInfo, fileDesc, transfertDesc, logicalName, signIndicator, critId, inFapId, deliveryNotif, comment1, comment2, comment3, comment4,
    Memo1, memo2, memo3, memo4, msgSecuLevel, dates, tuxedoPriority, fileDest, stkMsgPDEId, EMTId, LTRcptSyno, LTRcpt, LTEmis, flow, FINCopy, msgDateVal,
    eventDate, typeReseauId, inFapSeq1, inFapSeq2, direction, priority, ack,
    msgRef1, msgRef2, msgRef3, msgRef4, amlbehavior, correspondentName, ownerServiceId,
    correspondentAddress1, correspondentAddress2, correspondentAddress3, correspondentAddress4,
    correspondentCity, correspondentCountry, correspondentNetworkAddr, tested,
    correspondentNetwork, validatedPercentage, nbOfValid, requestRef, notifQueue,
    requestType, secBpid, xqueue, receiverCode, receiverInd, validFlag, ownerId, dn, RMAOurBic, RMACorrespondentBic, RMAService,
    fileMsgRef, format, xtype, wall, TexteType, creatingUser, fileinfo,
    company, text, xlanguage, ackText, msgHeaders, msgTrailer, jaxbRef, jaxbElt)
    x.eventType, x.amount, x.currency, x.state, x.units, x.correspondentId, x.sender, x.receiverNetworks, x.bankingPriority, x.applicationCode, x.processCounter,
    x.obsolescence, x.maxRetry, x.Retries, x.FileSize, x.endFct, x.xsubType, x.Field20, x.SequenceNumber, x.requestorDn, x.responderDn, x.SWIFTNetService, x.nonRepudiation,
    x.transfertRef, x.transfertInfo, x.fileDesc, x.transfertDesc, x.logicalName, x.signIndicator, x.critId, x.inFapId, x.deliveryNotif, x.comment1, x.comment2,
    x.comment3, x.comment4, x.Memo1, x.memo2, x.memo3, x.MEMO4, x.msgSecuLevel, x.dates, x.tuxedoPriority, x.fileDest, x.stkMsgPDEId, x.EMTId, x.LTRcptSyno,
    x.LTRcpt, x.LTEmis, x.flow, x.FINCopy, x.msgDateVal, x.eventDate, x.typeReseauId, x.inFapSeq1, x.inFapSeq2, x.direction, x.priority, x.ack,
    x.msgRef1, x.msgRef2, x.msgRef3, x.msgRef4, x.amlbehavior, x.correspondentName, x.ownerServiceId,
    x.correspondentAddress1, x.correspondentAddress2, x.correspondentAddress3, x.correspondentAddress4,
    x.correspondentCity, x.correspondentCountry, x.correspondentNetworkAddr, x.tested,
    x.correspondentNetwork, x.validatedPercentage, x.nbOfValid, x.requestRef, x.notifQueue,
    x.requestType, x.secBpid, x.xqueue, x.receiverCode, x.receiverInd, x.validFlag, x.ownerId, x.dn, x.RMAOurBic, x.RMACorrespondentBic, x.RMAService,
    x.fileMsgRef, x.format, x.xtype, x.mur, x.TexteType, x.creatingUser, x.fileinfo,
    x.Company, x.Text, x.xLanguage, x.ackText, x.msgHeaders, x.msgTrailer, x.jaxbRef, x.jaxbElt

    of temp_XML t, XMLTABLE (XMLNAMESPACES ('http://xmlextrac.test.com/object' as "ns0"), ' / ns0:event' )
    eventType varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, eventType' DEFAULT NULL,
    amount number (28.2) path data/object/amounts"."
    currency varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, currencys, currency' DEFAULT NULL,
    VARCHAR2 (3000) path "data/object / / state of ' DEFAULT NULL, State
    units varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/units' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/correspondentIds' DEFAULT NULL,
    sender varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, sender' DEFAULT NULL,
    receiverNetworks varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/receiverNetworks' DEFAULT NULL,
    bankingPriority varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/bankingPriority' DEFAULT NULL,
    applicationCode varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/applicationCode' DEFAULT NULL,
    processCounter varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/processCounter' DEFAULT NULL,
    obsolescence varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/obsolescence' DEFAULT NULL,
    maxRetry varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/maxRetry' DEFAULT NULL,
    attempts to varchar2 (3000) "data/object/attempts" DEFAULT NULL path,.
    size of the file varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/fileSize' DEFAULT NULL,
    endFct varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/endFct' DEFAULT NULL,
    xsubType varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/subtype' DEFAULT NULL,
    field.20 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/field.20' DEFAULT NULL,
    sequenceNumber varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/sequenceNumber" DEFAULT NULL,
    requestorDn varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/requestorDn' DEFAULT NULL,
    responderDn varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/responderDn' DEFAULT NULL,
    SWIFTNetService varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/SWIFTNetService' DEFAULT NULL,
    non-repudiation varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/repudiation' DEFAULT NULL,
    transfertRef varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/transfertRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    transfertInfo varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/transfertInfo' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileDesc varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/fileDesc' DEFAULT NULL,
    transfertDesc varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/transfertDesc' DEFAULT NULL,
    logicalName varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/logicalName" DEFAULT NULL,
    signIndicator varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/signIndicator' DEFAULT NULL,
    critId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/critId' DEFAULT NULL,
    inFapId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/inFapId' DEFAULT NULL,
    deliveryNotif varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/deliveryNotif' DEFAULT NULL,
    COMMENT1 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, subject, comments, comment [1] "DEFAULT NULL,
    comment2 varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, subject, comments, how [2]' DEFAULT NULL,
    comment3 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/observations/comments [3]" DEFAULT NULL,
    comment4, varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, subject, comments, comment [4] "DEFAULT NULL,
    Memo1 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/memos/memo [1]" DEFAULT NULL,
    Memo2 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/notes/Notes [2]" DEFAULT NULL,
    memo3 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/memos/memo [3]" DEFAULT NULL,
    MEMO4 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/memos/memo [4]" DEFAULT NULL,
    msgSecuLevel varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgSecuLevel' DEFAULT NULL,
    Date varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/date' DEFAULT NULL,
    tuxedoPriority varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/tuxedoPriority' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileDest varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/fileDest' DEFAULT NULL,
    stkMsgPDEId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/stkMsgPDEId' DEFAULT NULL,
    EMTId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/EMTId' DEFAULT NULL,
    LTRcptSyno varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/LTRcptSyno' DEFAULT NULL,
    LTRcpt varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/LTRcpt' DEFAULT NULL,
    LTEmis varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/LTEmis' DEFAULT NULL,
    flow varchar2 (3000) PATH "/ object/data flow ' DEFAULT NULL,
    FINCopy varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/FINCopy' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgDateVal varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgDateVal' DEFAULT NULL,
    eventDate varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/eventDate" DEFAULT NULL,
    typeReseauId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/typeReseauId' DEFAULT NULL,
    inFapSeq1 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/inFapSeq1' DEFAULT NULL,
    inFapSeq2 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/inFapSeq2' DEFAULT NULL,
    direction varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, direction' DEFAULT NULL,
    priority varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/priority' DEFAULT NULL,
    ACK varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/ack' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef1 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [1] "DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef2 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [2] "DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef3 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [3] "DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef4 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [4] "DEFAULT NULL,
    amlBehavior varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/amlBehavior' DEFAULT NULL,
    ownerServiceId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/ownerServiceId' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentName varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/correspondentName' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress1 ' object/data/correspondentLine1Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress2 ' object/data/correspondentLine2Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress3 ' object/data/correspondentLine3Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress4 ' object/data/correspondentLine4Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentCity PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentCity' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentCountry PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentCountry' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentNetworkAddr PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentNetworkAddr' DEFAULT NULL,
    tested VARCHAR2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/tested' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentNetwork PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentNetwork' DEFAULT NULL,
    validatedPercentage PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/validatedPercentage' DEFAULT NULL,
    nbOfValid PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/nbOfValid' DEFAULT NULL,
    requestRef VARCHAR2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/requestRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    notifQueue PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/notifQueue' DEFAULT NULL,
    requestType PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' data/object/requestType' DEFAULT NULL,
    secBpid PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/secBpid' DEFAULT NULL,
    xqueue PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' data/object/tail' DEFAULT NULL,
    receiverCode PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/receiverCode' DEFAULT NULL,
    receiverInd PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/receiverInd' DEFAULT NULL,
    validFlag PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/validFlag' DEFAULT NULL,
    ownerId PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' data/object/ownerId' DEFAULT NULL,
    DN VARCHAR2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/dn' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of RMAOurBic ' object/data/RMAOurBic' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of RMACorrespondentBic ' object/data/RMACorrespondentBic' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of RMAService ' object/data/RMAService' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileMsgRef PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/fileMsgRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    ackText varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/ackText' DEFAULT NULL,
    format varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object / ' DEFAULT NULL,
    xType varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/type' DEFAULT NULL,
    Wall varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/wall' DEFAULT NULL,
    texteType varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/texteType' DEFAULT NULL,
    creatingUser varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/creatingUser' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileInfo varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/fileInfo' DEFAULT NULL,
    VARCHAR2 (3000) path ' data/object/society' DEFAULT NULL, the company
    VARCHAR2 (3000) text ' data/object/text' DEFAULT NULL path.
    xLanguage varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/language' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgHeaders varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgHeaders' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgTrailer varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgTrailer' DEFAULT NULL,
    jaxbRef varchar2 (3000) PATH ' info/jaxbRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    jaxbElt varchar2 (3000) PATH "jaxbElt/info") x
    where t.XML_ID = c1_cur. XML_ID and t.status =' no;

    Select x.text, x.msgHeaders, x.msgTrailer in x_msgTrailer, x_msgHeaders, x_text of
    temp_XML t, XMLTABLE (XMLNAMESPACES ('http://xmlextrac.test.com/object' as "ns0"), ' / ns0:event' )
    text varchar2 (3000) PATH data/object/text"."
    msgHeaders varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgHeaders,"
    msgTrailer varchar2 (3000) PATH "object/data/msgTrailer.
    ) x
    where t.XML_ID = c1_cur. XML_ID;
    Select sysdate in double x_extdate;

    d_text: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (x_text)));
    d_msgHeaders: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (x_msgHeaders)));
    d_msgTrailer: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (x_msgTrailer)));
    -d_ackText: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (ackText)));

    EventType, amount, currency, State, units, correspondentid, sender, receivernetworks, bankingpriority,
    applicationcode, processcounter, obsolescence, maxretry, reminders, filesize, endfct, xsubtype, field.20, sequencenumber, requestordn,
    responderdn, swiftnetservice, non repudiation, transfertref, transfertinfo, filedesc, transfertdesc, logicalname, signindicator,
    critid, infapid, deliverynotif, comment1, comment2, comment3, comment4, memo1, memo2, memo3, memo4, msgseculevel, dates, tuxedopriority, filedest,
    stkmsgpdeid, emtid, ltrcptsyno, ltrcpt, ltemis, flow, fincopy, msgdateval, eventdate, typereseauid, infapseq1,
    infapseq2, direction, priority, ack, msgref1, msgref2, msgref3, msgref4, amlbehavior, ownerserviceid, correspondentname, correspondentaddress1, correspondentaddress2, correspondentaddress3, correspondentaddress4,
    correspondentcity, correspondentcountry, correspondentnetworkaddr, test, correspondentnetwork, validatedpercentage, nbofvalid,.
    requestref, notifqueue, requesttype, secbpid, xqueue, receivercode, receiverind, validflag, ownerid, dn, rmaourbic, rmacorrespondentbic, rmaservice, filemsgref,
    acktext, format, xtype, wall, textetype, creatinguser, fileinfo, society, text, xlanguage, msgheaders, msgtrailer, jaxbref, jaxbelt
    x_eventtype, x_amount, x_currency, x_state, x_units, x_correspondentid, x_sender, x_receivernetworks, x_bankingpriority, x_applicationcode, x_processcounter,
    x_obsolescence, x_maxretry, x_retries, x_filesize, x_endfct, x_subtype, x_field20, x_sequencenumber, x_requestordn, x_responderdn, x_swiftnetservice, x_nonrepudiation,
    x_transfertref, x_transfertinfo, x_filedesc, x_transfertdesc, x_logicalname, x_signindicator, x_critid, x_infapid, x_deliverynotif, x_comment1, x_comment2, x_comment3,
    x_comment4, x_memo1, x_memo2, x_memo3, x_memo4, x_msgseculevel, x_dates, x_tuxedopriority, x_filedest, x_stkmsgpdeid, x_emtid, x_ltrcptsyno, x_ltrcpt,
    x_ltemis, x_flow, x_fincopy, x_msgdateval, x_eventdate, x_typereseauid, x_infapseq1, x_infapseq2, x_direction, x_priority, x_ack, x_msgref1, x_msgref2,
    x_msgref3, x_msgref4, x_amlbehavior, x_ownerserviceid, x_correspondentname, x_correspondentaddress1, x_correspondentaddress2, x_correspondentaddress3,
    x_correspondentaddress4, x_correspondentcity, x_correspondentcountry, x_correspondentnetworkaddr, x_tested, x_correspondentnetwork, x_validatedpercentage,
    x_nbofvalid, x_requestref, x_notifqueue, x_requesttype, x_secbpid, x_queue, x_receivercode, x_receiverind, x_validflag, x_ownerid, x_dn, x_rmaourbic,
    x_rmacorrespondentbic, x_rmaservice, x_filemsgref, x_acktext, x_format, x_type, x_mur, x_textetype, x_creatinguser, x_fileinfo, x_company, x_text,
    x_language, x_msgheaders, x_msgtrailer, x_jaxbref, data_GTT_TEMP x_jaxbelt;

    x_memos: = x_memo1 | » -'|| x_memo2 | » -'|| x_memo3 | » -'|| x_memo4;
    x_comments: = x_comment1 | » -'|| x_comment2 | » -'|| x_comment3 | » -'|| x_comment4;
    x_correspondentAddress: = x_correspondentAddress1 | » -'|| x_correspondentAddress2 | » -'|| x_correspondentAddress3 | » -'|| x_correspondentAddress4;
    x_msgrefs: = x_msgRef1 | » -'|| x_msgRef2 | » -'|| x_msgRef3 | » -'|| x_msgRef4;


    insert into donnees_xml
    (xml_id, x_ext_date, eventtype, amount, currency, State, unit, correspondentid, sender, receivernetworks, bankingpriority, applicationcode,
    ProcessCounter, obsolescence, maxretry, reminders, filesize, endfct, xsubtype, field.20, sequencenumber, requestordn, responderdn,
    swiftnetservice, non repudiation, transfertref, transfertinfo, filedesc, transfertdesc, logicalname, signindicator, critid, infapid,
    deliverynotif, comments, notes, msgseculevel, dates, tuxedopriority, filedest, stkmsgpdeid, emtid, ltrcptsyno, ltrcpt, ltemis, flow,
    FINCopy, msgdateval, eventdate, typereseauid, infapseq1, infapseq2, direction, priority, ack, msgrefs, amlbehavior, ownerserviceid,
    correspondentName correspondentaddress, correspondentcity, correspondentcountry, correspondentnetworkaddr, tested,
    correspondentnetwork, validatedpercentage, nbofvalid, requestref, notifqueue, requesttype, secbpid, xqueue, receivercode,
    receiverind, validflag, ownerid, dn, rmaourbic, rmacorrespondentbic, rmaservice, filemsgref, acktext, format, xtype, wall,
    textetype, creatinguser, fileinfo, society, text, xlanguage, msgheaders, msgtrailer, jaxbref, jaxbelt)
    (xmlid, x_extdate, x_eventType, x_amount, x_currency, x_state, x_units, x_correspondentId, x_sender, x_receiverNetworks, x_bankingPriority, x_applicationCode,
    x_processCounter, x_obsolescence, x_maxRetry, x_retries, x_fileSize, x_endFct, x_subType, x_field20, x_sequenceNumber, x_requestorDn, x_responderDn,
    x_SWIFTNetService, x_nonRepudiation, x_transfertRef, x_transfertInfo, x_fileDesc, x_transfertDesc, x_logicalName, x_signIndicator, x_critId, x_inFapId,
    x_deliveryNotif, x_comments, x_memos, x_msgSecuLevel, x_dates, x_tuxedoPriority, x_fileDest, x_stkMsgPDEId, x_EMTId, x_LTRcptSyno, x_LTRcpt, x_LTEmis, x_flow,
    x_FINCopy, x_msgDateVal, x_eventDate, x_typeReseauId, x_inFapSeq1, x_inFapSeq2, x_direction, x_priority, x_ack, x_msgrefs, x_amlbehavior, x_ownerServiceId,
    x_correspondentName, x_correspondentAddress, x_correspondentCity, x_correspondentCountry, x_correspondentnetworkaddr, x_tested,
    x_correspondentNetwork, x_validatedPercentage, x_nbOfValid, x_requestRef, x_notifQueue, x_requestType, x_secBpid, x_queue, x_receiverCode,
    x_receiverInd, x_validFlag, x_ownerId, x_dn, x_RMAOurBic, x_RMACorrespondentBic, x_RMAService, x_fileMsgRef, ackText, x_format, x_type, x_mur,
    x_TexteType, x_creatingUser, x_fileinfo, x_company d_text, x_language, d_msgHeaders, d_msgTrailer, x_jaxbRef, x_jaxbElt);

    Update temp_XML set status = 'Y' where XML_ID = xmlid;


    1.No. multiple tag will vary how to extract those and concatenate them into a single column. I assumed that his occrrence in 3 for example:

    Use the fn:string-join() function:

    path varchar2 (4000) of comments 'string-join(comments/comment, "-").

    2. how to set the value NULL if no tag is not present. Tag in XML record number can vary.

    You don't have anything specific to do in this case.

    Missing tags with a projection in the COLUMNS clause will produce a column NULL by default.

  • How to make new tags and color change it

    I would like to make new tags and change the color on the new tags, so I have a different color can you please help and tell me how it is done

    It is what explains how new, but you can use these 7 colors.

    OS X: Tags helps you organize your files - Apple Support

  • My tags and filters disappear when I migrate to another computer. How to get those back?

    I use Thunderbird to work, and I need to use several computers (desktop and laptop - Mac). I was able to successfully migrate everything by copying the profile folder, but the tags and filters exceed. The address book either, but I just use the import/export for this tool. I crept over all files filter, but it still does not. I manually create tags, but when I mark an e-mail on one computer, it won't label it on the other.

    Thank you, Diego. It turns out that the module does not work with the latest version, but this one does: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/tb-import-export-wind-li-port/?src=search

    I installed it and it picked up my filters and my color labels.

    Thank you!

  • Send my toolbar disappeared. Everything that I have unread, Favorites, contacts, Tags and attachment.

    My toolbar to send messages disappeared. The toolbar on the right shows only unread, Favorites, contacts, Tags and attachment. I was told to go to Options to be sure to send e-mail is checked, but I don't have an icon that indicates the Options.

    Rule of thumb. If something is missing from your view, go to the VIEW menu.
    The menu bar select View-Toolbars and the missing toolbar.
    Sending is on the Composition toolbar.

    You must be in a window of writing during this operation.

    If your menu bar is missing, also, press the alt key to make it appear.

  • Somehow the tag and search bookmarks in Safari?

    I imported all my favorites from Firefox. I lost all my tags and smart folders. Is there a way to mark or to search my favorites?

    Click the icon to the sidebar top left of the toolbar of Safari.

    Right below where you see this:

    Simply type your bookmark search keywords in the search field.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to tag Safari bookmarks, but you can create a folder of bookmarks in the bookmarks menu and then add bookmarks in this folder, and then drag this folder on the desktop. The Finder with automatically alphabetize bookmarks, then drag that folder back to Safari.

  • I want to sort my favorites by the introduction of new tags and to move the bookmarks in different tags; How can I do this?

    I recently bought my mac mini and I created my Firefox, but I do not see how to set up a new tags and ten move my favorites in the categories of the tag


  • How detect the NFC tags and features?

    Hi all

    Does anyone know how to connect with NFC Tag. I want to apply as if we put my phone blackberry on NFC tag while entering the call. So my request should end this call and send an sms to the caller.

    Please let me know if anyone has an idea about this Protocol of NFC tag. How detect the NFC tags and features?

    Thank you & best regards

    Neeraj Chauhan

    Hi Neeraj

    There is a code library and items at your disposal. An article is precisely tag reading and writing, and there is an application open source in our GitHub repo.

    See the next page for a list of all of our resources for NFC developers:




  • In any case to stop WMP using identification tags and simply use file names?

    I do not use DVD or CD more - for the most part, torn from my PC and streaming via WMP on my PS3/TV

    Only problem I have, is that I used the folder & file naming to organize all my media
    in fact I only use the view file on WMP
    but uses WMP ID tags where date and/or filename if not - that seems messy
    In any case to stop WMP using identification tags and simply use file names?
    Or at least WMP can be used to remove unwanted tags - mainly video?
    I tried to remove them one at a time that "seems" to work until I have re-catalog and tags miraculously reappear?

    Tri-pour those who have the same problem - I used Windows to remove the ID tags

    Open the window containing the media files > search * to reveal all the files (save you open folders one at a time)
    Folder view > Details
    Right-click on the column details bar / > more >
    Add the 'title' column (this will display the titles (tags) > OK)
    Sort by title window will consolidate all the videos that have set the title/tags
    Select all video files with titles
    Right click > properties > Details >
    Choose "Remove properties and personal information" > OK
    Choose "remove after this file properties.
    Check "Title" (multiple values) - careful not to tick/delete other important tags
    Take a few minutes depending on the number of files
    WMP shows now all my media by filename
  • Photo tags and dimensions appears in Solution Explorer.


    I'm having a problem with Windows 7 Ultimate x 64.  When I go to the folders that contain the types of image files (jpeg, gif, png, etc), Windows Explorer no longer displays their rating, tag and dimension information.

    To highlight what Miss me, here is an image showing an example of Windows Explorer, dealer tags, ratings and dimensions:


    All I see right now is the file name, type, size, and date of creation/modification.

    Anyone has a suggestion to fix this please?  All files must be re-registered?

    Any help would be accepted with gratitude.

    See you soon...

    I restored my computer from a backup image that solved the problem, but if someone is able to make a suggestion as to what may have caused the problem, it would be great :)

  • My tags and labels will remain with the images when I move them to a new computer?

    I want to assure you that if I take the time to enter the tags and labels for my images, these data will move with the images of my next computer.


    I would ask you to view the query in the forum of photo gallery for more assistance.



    Thank you.

  • Tags and Notes in a single CSV file export

    I'm trying to export tags and notes in to a CSV simple change of batch and importation in vCenter.  I have a script to export tags and I can export notes, but I want to make in a single operation and to a simple CSV file.  Here's the current code, I use and please forgive me for not crediting the original creator, I built this script I don't remember!  I have a Notes column in the CSV file resulting, but he is empty...  Thanks in advance.


    Current script:

    If (-not of $DefaultVIServer.IsConnected) {}

    SE connect-VIServer "vcenter.server" - Credential (Get-Credential $_.) User name)


    $tagCat = @)

    $tagTab = @ {}

    foreach ($tag in (Get-TagAssignment)) {}

    $tagCat += $tag. Tag.Category.Name

    $key = $tag. @entity.name

    {if ($tagTab.ContainsKey ($Key))}

    "$val = $tagTab.Item ($key)"


    else {}

    $val = @ {}


    $val. Add ($tag. Tag.Category.Name, $tag. Tag.Name)

    $tagTab [$key] = $val


    $tagCat = $tagCat | Sort-Object-Unique

    $tags = foreach ($row in ($tagTab.GetEnumerator () |)) Sort - Object - property key)) {}

    $VMName = $row. Key

    $VMNotes = get - VM $VMName | Select-Object - ExpandProperty Notes

    $obj = new-Object-property PSObject @ {}

    Name = $row. Key


    $tagCat | %{

    $obj | Add-Member-Name $_-value $row. Value [$_]-MemberType NoteProperty


    $VMNotes | %{

    $obj | Add-Member-name 'Notes' - value $row. $VMNotes - MemberType NoteProperty




    $tags | Export Csv tags.csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

    Try like this

    If (-not of $DefaultVIServer.IsConnected) {}

    SE connect-VIServer "vcenter.server" - Credential (Get-Credential $_.) User name)


    $tagCat = @)

    $tagTab = @ {}

    foreach ($tag in (Get-TagAssignment)) {}

    $tagCat += $tag. Tag.Category.Name

    $key = $tag. @entity.name

    {if ($tagTab.ContainsKey ($Key))}

    $val = $tagTab.Item ($key)


    else {}

    $val = @ {}


    $val. Add ($tag. Tag.Category.Name, $tag. Tag.Name)

    $tagTab [$key] = $val


    $tagCat = $tagCat | Sort-Object-Unique

    $tags = foreach ($row in ($tagTab.GetEnumerator () |)) Sort - Object - property key)) {}

    $VMName = $row. Key

    $VMNotes = get - VM $VMName | Select-Object - ExpandProperty Notes

    $obj = new-Object-property PSObject @ {}

    Name = $row. Key


    $tagCat | %{

    $obj | Add-Member-Name $_-value $row. Value [$_]-MemberType NoteProperty


    $obj | Add-Member-name 'Notes' - $VMNotes - MemberType NoteProperty value



    $tags | Export Csv tags.csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

  • Mucow put the code between the &lt; / body &gt; tag and &lt; / html &gt;

    How can I put jquery inbetween the end body tag and put an end to the html in a mucow tag, not sure if im able to do this muse as pleaae help thanks

    It would be useful:


    Thank you


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