Tecra M1 - SD cards with greater than 1 GB capactiy?

I have a Tecra M1, the SD card reader is limited to cards up to 1 GB of capacity.

Y at - it a software update available to enable higher capacity cards to be recognized?


It is a feature limited material and there is no update driver or software to improve the card reader. If your card reader is only able to read 1 GB SD cards. Probably 2 GB works too, but 4 GB and above are SDHC cards and it won't work.

Alternative using a card reader external that you can connect via the USB port. So it is possible to read the cards with a higher capacity. :)

Tags: Toshiba

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    For example:

    SELECT id, SCORE (1)
    of tab_docs
    WHERE CONTAINS (docs,' < query >)
    < textquery lang 'grammar' = 'CONTEXT' = > MARY
    < / textquery >
    < score datatype = "INTEGER" algorithm = "COUNT" / >
    (< / query > ', 1) > 0;


    ID - SCORE (1)
    1 - 100

    But there is 2431 occurrences of 'MARY' in this document on ID = 1

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    of tab_docs
    WHERE CONTAINS (docs,' < query >)
    < textquery lang 'grammar' = 'CONTEXT' = > JAMES
    < / textquery >
    < score datatype = "INTEGER" algorithm = "COUNT" / >
    (< / query > ', 1) > 0;


    ID - SCORE (1)
    1 - 87

    How can I do to count more than 100 events in this situation? Another way to solve the problem?

    Thank you in advance!

    Published by: user3779713 on 10/17/2010 18:58

    The following example uses a function to convert the clob BLOB, then extract the occurrences.

    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> create table tab_docs
      2    (id    number,
      3       docs  blob)
      4  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> declare
      2    v_docs  clob;
      3  begin
      4    for i in 1 .. 243 loop
      5        v_docs := v_docs || 'Mary ';
      6    end loop;
      7    insert into tab_docs values (1, utl_raw.cast_to_raw (v_docs));
      8  end;
      9  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> create index tab_docs_idx
      2  on tab_docs (docs)
      3  indextype is ctxsys.context
      4  /
    Index created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> create or replace function occurs_in_blob
      2    (p_blob in blob,
      3       p_text in varchar2)
      4    return number
      5  as
      6    v_clob       clob;
      7    v_occurs   number;
      8  begin
      9    dbms_lob.createtemporary (v_clob, true);
     10    ctx_doc.ifilter (p_blob, v_clob);
     11    v_occurs := (length (v_clob)
     12                - length (replace (upper (v_clob), upper (p_text), '')))
     13              / length ('Mary');
     14    dbms_lob.freetemporary (v_clob);
     15    return v_occurs;
     16  end occurs_in_blob;
     17  /
    Function created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> show errors
    No errors.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> select id,
      2           greatest
      3             (occurs_in_blob (docs, 'Mary'),
      4              score(1)) score
      5  from   tab_docs
      7             (docs,
      8              '
      9              MARY
     12            ', 1) > 0
     13  /
            ID      SCORE
    ---------- ----------
             1        243
    1 row selected.
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    vmkfstools - z /vmfs/devices/disks/vml.0100000000202020202057442d574d43315430343235393733574443205744 WD_RED_2.vmdk

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    Disk emulate a 512b sector size and I was wondering if this is likely to be part of my problem? I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem or could use directly attached cards raw device with greater than 2 TB disks?

    This problem has been resolved in the upgrade to ESXi6.

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  • Tecra 9000: SD card reader does not work with XP

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    I think that it would take a major surgery of the register or re-writing of drivers to move the address of memory used by the SD card device, I always work on this for now.

    Can someone support Toshiba or Toshiba Marketing explain to me why my Tecra T9100 has a "Designed for Windows XP and Windows 2000" sticker on it, when Toshiba does fully support XP on the 9000 series?


    [Edited by: admin]

    Hi David

    Unfortunately, I n t think that you will find here a Toshiba marketing person or other departments. It is ONLY a user to user forum.

    What you say, it is simply NOT true.

    The Tecra 9000 was delivered with 3 different OS.
    It was delivered with Windows XP Pro, W2k and Win98. You can order all the images of this Toshiba home Toshiba service partner. That's why Tecra 9000 does support Windows XP!
    Tecra 9100 has been bundled with Windows XP and Windows 2000 and also supports Windows XP!

    Of course, there are different models with a different hardware configuration, but all supports Windows XP.

    I put t know why you get this error message or why you cannot use the SD card, but I guess you don t use the image of Toshiba. That's why you installed your operating system isn't properly. Because you are a newbie you don t know the Toshiba all the driver installation must be done in the right order and all Microsoft QFEs must be installed also.

    As you can see you must pay attention to many important things if you want to manually install the operating system.

    Good day

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    In help I saw that Labview provides a description of ASCII that pour values ranging up to ' 127.

    What do I need to do?

    LabVIEW 6.1

    Windows XP


    I want to read a byte with a maximum value of 127, but Labiew reurn arround 27 value

    How do I do?

    Rigid wrote:

    Thanks for your help. I'm not changing lyke I understand (my English is poor quiet...)

    I have another program that communicate with the instrument. I know byte (6) must be greater than 18 (greater than 7F actually).

    But with Labview, I'm only 18.

    While it might be higher than 18 x, an I8 is signed, and therefore it cannot be greater than x7F - it has a range of-128 to 127. A U8 is not signed, and it's why he has a range from 0 to xFF. However, x 18 is the same if you treat as signed or not signed. I don't see how LabVIEW can read a wrong value on the serial port. Are you sure you're looking at the correct byte? Your code shows that you split the chain twice. Are you sure that you do this properly?

    Given that you use on Windows you can recheck the chain received using PortMon. Allows you to see what is actually received by the driver for the serial port on Windows.

    P.S. I actually meant the whole byte function.

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    I tried using the Get-NetowrkAdapter cmdlet, but could not get the desired results.

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    Thank you

    Hello, AGFlora-

    Of course, you can do this with the standard as cmdlets:

    ## using standard cmdletsGet-VM | Select Name, @{n="NumNICs"; e={(Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $_ | Measure-Object).Count}} | ?{$_.NumNICs -gt 1}

    Or, if you want to get the results a little (or a lot) more quickly, you can use the cmdlet Get-view as:

    ## fast-like, using Get-ViewGet-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name,Config.Hardware.Device | Select Name,@{n="NumNICs"; e={($_.Config.Hardware.Device | ?{$_ -is [VMware.Vim.VirtualEthernetCard]} | Measure-Object).Count}} | ?{$_.NumNICs -gt 1}

    Those are both by selecting the names of virtual machines and their number of network cards.  Then you can direct this output to Export-Csv, ConvertTo-HTML, what you like.  What to do for you?

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  • Increment Dt start with day greater than the Dt at the end of the year Prev in Pro * C

    Morning people and greetings from Toronto.

    I'm trying to change a Pro * C program. Since ages I touched a Pro * C program but I have made an attempt for her. I would probably need some help andhopefully is the right forum I could nto seem to find any section decicated Pro * C programs.

    Here's what its supposed to do. I'm supposed to check if a Start Date of overlap between the start dates and dates from the end of the previous year, and if so, I'm supposed to assign one day Start Date greater than the Date of the end of the previous year.

    I have a control panel that stores records for start date and end Date for each year. Here's what I have for 2010.

    Start date = 8 May 2010 '; End date = may 12, 2011 'year =' 2010 From now the previous record in the table 1 (where the new record is supposed to be inserted) has a record that looks like this:
    DOC_ID     NAME               YEAR         START_DATE     END_DATE
    999999     Mary Poppins      2009         03-May-2009      08-May-2010
    Now, based on the control table, the Start Date for 2010 coincides with the Date of the end of 2009. In this case, I would need to move the start date = may 9, 2010 "(Date of end + 1)

    Here is my ProC program in hand
    /* Include Headers */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <math.h>
    /* Define constants */
    #define  nullterm(string) string.arr[string.len] = '\0';
    /* SQL Host Variables */
    exec sql begin declare section;
    exec sql include sqlca;
     varchar   ctrl_start_date[11];
     short     ctrl_start_date_ind;
     varchar   ctrl_end_date[11];
     short     ctrl_end_date_ind;
     varchar   end_date[11];
     short     end_date_ind;
     int       exist_end_date_flag;
     short     exist_end_date_flag_ind;
    exec sql end declare section;
    /* Function Prototypes */
    void check_date_overlap();
    void main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* Coding starts here */
    void get_ctrl_dates()
     exec sql
      select  to_char(trunc(ctrl_start_date),'YYYY/MM/DD'),
      into    :ctrl_start_date :ctrl_start_date_ind,
              :ctrl_end_date  :ctrl_end_date_ind
      from    control_tb
      where   current_yyyy = :year_number;
       if (strcmp( (char *)run_mode.arr,"N")==0)
        create_person_rec(); /* This will insert record into person_tb table */
    void check_date_overlap()
     exist_end_date_flag = 0; /* assume he does not have a record */
     exec sql
      select count(*), end_date + 1
      into   :exist_end_date_flag exist_end_date_flag_ind,
             :end_date :end_date_ind
      from   person_tb
      where  doc_id = :doc_id
      and (( :ctrl_start_date between start_date  and end_date ) or
           ( :ctrl_end_date   between start_date  and end_date ) or
           ( start_date between :ctrl_start_date  and :ctrl_end_date ) or
           ( end_date   between :ctrl_start_date  and :ctrl_end_date ))
      and    year_number = (:year_number - 1)
      group by end_date
      having count(*) = 1;
      /*** Error Check Routine goes in here ***/
      /* Overlapping of dates; Set the Start Date equal End Date + 1 to avoid overlap */
      if (exist_end_date_flag == 1)
       print_to_err_file("The Start Date is overlapping with a previous period.",0);
    } /* check_date_overlap */
    Here would be my question:

    My question is, should the SQL above be written like this instead?
    void check_date_overlap()
     exist_end_date_flag = 0; /* assume he does not have a record */
     exec sql
      select count(*), end_date
      into   :exist_end_date_flag exist_end_date_flag_ind,
             :end_date :end_date_ind
      from   person_tb
      where  doc_id = :doc_id
      and (( :ctrl_start_date between start_date  and end_date ) or
           ( :ctrl_end_date   between start_date  and end_date ) or
           ( start_date between :ctrl_start_date  and :ctrl_end_date ) or
           ( end_date   between :ctrl_start_date  and :ctrl_end_date ))
      and    year_number = (:year_number - 1)
      group by end_date;
      /*** Error Check Routine goes in here ***/
      /* Overlapping of dates; Set the Start Date equal End Date + 1 to avoid overlap */
      if (exist_end_date_flag == 1)
        /* Is this even correct or would I have to do a strcpy?.
            Also note that I am overwriting ctrl_start_date which
            was fetched earlier in get_ctrl_dates() */
       ctrl_start_date = end_date + 1;
       print_to_err_file("The Start Date is overlapping with a previous period.",0);
    } /* check_date_overlap */
    Published by: Raj404261 on June 10, 2009 11:21

    You can put your code between the {code}

    your code...


  • Reading a file of OS with size greater than 32 KB line

    Hi experts,

    I have a PL/SQL function that reads a file generated by a product of part 3 - Windows product displays a single line of text. I intend to read the file into pieces of 32K, do some string manipulation and copy into a CLOB that I spend for further processing. He eventually embeded in a CLOB containing WordML and output to a file. The CLOB is not saved in the database.

    I use UTL_FILE for work, FOPEN and GET_LINE. However, this operation fails for files with more than 32K characters in the line. Is there another way I can read the file?

    Obviously I can do processing on the file outside the Oracle to divide it into smaller lines, however, this will affect performance.

    Kind regards

    Hello Arun,

    Welcome to the forum.

    You can read a file directly in a CLOB

    FUNCTION getFile
         p_directory     IN all_directories.directory_name%TYPE
        ,p_filename      IN VARCHAR2
        v_bfile             BFILE;
        v_file              CLOB;
        v_error_out         INTEGER;
        dest_offset         INTEGER := 1;
        src_offset          INTEGER := 1;
        bfile_csid          INTEGER := 0;
        lang_context        INTEGER := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx;
        e_inconvertibleChar EXCEPTION;
        v_bfile := bfilename( p_directory,p_filename);
        dbms_lob.fileOpen( v_bfile, dbms_lob.file_readonly );
        dbms_lob.createTemporary(v_file, TRUE);
        dbms_lob.fileClose(v_bfile) ;
        IF v_error_out = dbms_lob.warn_inconvertible_char THEN
            RAISE e_inconvertibleChar;
        ELSIF v_error_out != 0 THEN
            RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'Unknown errornumber '||v_error_out,TRUE);
        END IF;
        RETURN v_file;
        WHEN e_inconvertibleChar THEN
            RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'Inconvertible charset',TRUE);
    END getFile;


    Published by: Marwim on 10.07.2012 17:24

  • How to make apdu.getBuffer () return buf which is greater than 133 bytes.

    {} public void process (APDU apdu)

    Byte [] buf = new byte [256];

    buf = apdu.getBuffer ();


    If (selectingApplet()) {}



    apdu.setIncomingAndReceive ();

    switch (buf [ISO7816. {} OFFSET_INS])

    case (byte) 0 x 01:

    It is my method of process. I have a command APDU length 200 bytes I want the buffer to read and store in a local byte array. However, apdu.getBuffer () only entering the first 133 bytes of data.

    According to javadocs:

    "The APDU object is owned by the Java Card runtime environment. The APDU class maintains a byte array buffer which is used to transfer incoming APDU header and data bytes as well as outgoing data. The buffer length must be at least 133 bytes (5 bytes of header and 128 bytes of data). The Java Card runtime environment must reset the APDU buffer before each new message received from the CAD. »

    Given the length of the buffer is greater than 133 bytes, why he declined the remaining bytes?

    I use jCardSim on NetBeans IDE, version 2.2.2 of the java card.

    Also, could someone explain to me what exactly does apdu.setIncomingAndReceive ()? My code is able to build/run with and without it.

    Thank you


    your code is not correct.

    never allow something outside the constructors and methods of customization that you know are called only once

    It will destroy your card as a 'new' allocates data to the eeprom.

    setIncomingAndReceive also toggle the protocol handler for receive mode (t = 1 and without contact, sends ACK in T = 0)

    then he makes the data available in the buffer

    the buffer is at LEAST 133 bytes, but it may be more

    If your command apdu contains more data, then these data are already in the buffer

    read the Lc offset to know the actual length.

    BTW, the comment of 'good practice' indicates that you use a code of example jcop as-is without understanding... I saw so many times!

    good luck, javacard is not as simple as java desktop... think "on-Board Unit 8-bit! You're not going malloc() in the main loop of arduino, right?

  • Tecra R10 - 10J - card reader does nothing

    Hello world

    I have a tecra R10 - 10 days with a Windows 7 32 bit installed. I installed the latest driver for the card reader (ricoh driver for Windows 7 32 bit). In my admin panel, it says that the SD reader is correctly installed.

    When I insert an SD (standard SD or SDHC) card it does nothing. I mean it doesn 't create a new icon in the control panel of my computer. I checked the battery management. The controller card is 'activated '. I also have the latest bios for TECRA R-10 10J.

    Any help?


    Which cards you are trying to insert? I have good experiences with SanDisk SD and SDHC cards. For my camera, I use San Disk Extreme III SDHC card. A high quality map which s and never had any problems with it.

    Also have you checked Windows Disk Manager? Maybe the card appears in the list but not also formatted.

  • PCI cards with USB 3.0 or eSATA for a Mac Pro 2006 (1,1)

    Hello, Apple people!

    I got my hands on a Mac Pro 2006 earlier from a friend. I used it as a BESTIAL Server (seriously, this thing is not so much as breaking a sweat even when I throw it the more difficult task.) I love this machine) since I got it, and I think I want to do the updates. My plan so far is to get multiple mounting OWC to pick up the second drive Bay currently vacant DVD and install two 120 GB Samsung 850 EVO drives in RAID 0, while using the real HARD disk bays for a RAID 10 array (nested RAID: two RAID 1 arrays brought together in a RAID 0 array) of four 2 TB red WD drives and use two 250 GB hard drives currently in the machine in an external case in a matrix RAID 1 for backup. I'm pretty happy on this issue.

    My question concerns what interface to use for external drives of 250 GB. I can use:

    • USB 2.0 currently on the machine
    • FireWire 800 currently on the machine
    • a PCIe USB 3.0 card
    • a PCIe card with eSATA

    That we will get the faster speeds? I know that, theoretically, eSATA would get faster speeds (6 Gbps eSATA vs 5 Gbit/s USB 3.0 vs 800 Mbps, Firewire 800 vs 480 Mbps USB 2.0), however I know also (maybe?) that the Mac Pro I have only has grooves in v PCIe 1.1, with a (supposed) 250 MB/s maximum data transfer rate. would this bottleneck a PCIe USB 3.0 or eSATA card not worth?

    Note: don't worry all "Mac compatibility" with PCIe cards (or the table RAID scheme I mentioned). I am running Ubuntu Server (64 bit) on the machine, and given that the Linux kernel supports much more conductive than Mac OS X, I probably don't need to look at all the other drivers. This issue is specific to the hardware capabilities of the Mac Pro.

    Probably the most simple installation, you can do is to install the eSATA extender cable adapter.

  • Make cards with Photo

    Is it possible to order more than one card, with different pictures, to save shipping costs?  If so, how?


    each product is an order separated - only multiple copies on a single product can be ordered in a single order


  • relaxation led when the value is greater than

    Hey everybody! I have to do a project and im stuck because I'm a noobler with regard to labview. I'm using labview 6 and got to watch the pressure and temperature of a reactor in time. I need to create a system in which if a value is greater than it triggers an alarm (perhaps led can show it) or is less than a certain limit. I mean it should trigger an alarm when the temperature or pressure is beyond 100 and less than 10. And after that to generate a text document in which it is specified the time and date at which these values were exceeded. I also use randomly generated values. Can I get help please? I'm not manage it by myself)

    Line and force. as Norbert said.

    You won't get much sympathy on overloaded around here.  Three things occurred to me that I read your messages:

    1. You will be in trouble when you get a job if you think that you will be not always charged.
    2. If I help you, you'll probably end up working for me and I still have to do your homework.
    3. You'll be fine.  Engineers outsource their work all the time.

  • Read/write file binary change greater than 128 bytes.

    Hi all, maybe a strange question, but I'm scratching my head on this one. There is undocumented behavior in the function of read/write binary file, where U8 a value greater than 128/0 x 80 get automatically converted to 0x3F value?

    I try to use LabVIEW to generate a binary file custom that we'll load in an EEPROM, so all data in the binary file is stored as values of U8. I have a "template" file, and eventually I'll take the logic implemented to replace the fields with the data from the true value. However, I am struck by the anomaly that when I just read the file in LabVIEW and then réécrirait, all the values 0x80 and more are truncated to 0x3F value. Has anyone seen this before, and is there a solution?

    I noticed writing the value 0 x 80 directly to one generates a binary file (such as a U8) 0 x 90, 0 x 70 being written in the binary file. It is also rather undesirable, as it adds additional bytes in the bytestream, and the bytes of EEPROM must be in exact locations.

    Join your data file.

    This program is to give the images below?  Are you sure that LabVIEW is to write the bytes differently?  I really doubt that.

Maybe you are looking for

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