text box (autoheight) do not behave as I expect

Hello - I have a text box (auto-hauteur) that the user must be able to enter 1000 characters in.

I want to see 10 lines of 100 characters each. Instead, once the user types in more than 100 characters, a horizontal scroll bar appears and the other characters are all on the first line.

I width and max set to 100 width and height to 100 and length of line 1.

How can I get text to wrap to the next line, once the 100 characters on the current line? (Like this text box I type right now!)

Thank you


Glad to hear it works in IE!

Try this CSS and see if it helps in FireFox...
Add under item > HTML table cell attributes



In fact, it doesn't seem to work... After watching it with Firebug, I see