texts of the shows as white in DW, but black by default when it is online

Hey everybody.

So when I code my text and change the color of white, it still works when I see it in my browser by clicking f11.

The problem comes when I upload my Web site to a server such as webs.com, most of the text will be suddenly turn back default black...

Here is the my site hosted on server free webs.com: http://dentalwebsite.webs.com/

As you can see, under the header welcome to Smile Again Center dental,

the text of the paragraph appears black, but when I see in dremweaver and mode of f11, it is white (what I want)

Thank you, my html code and Css style page follows below.


" < html xmlns =" http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml ">

< head >

< name meta = "keywords" content = "" / > "

< name meta = "description" content = "" / > "

< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"

New dentistry < /title > < title > smile

< link href = "style.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" media = "screen" / > "

"< script type =" text/javascript"src="jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js "> < / script >

"< script type =" text/javascript"src="jquery/jquery.gallerax-0.2.js "> < / script >

< style type = "text/css" >


background-image: url(images/grey%20wallpaper%202.jpg);

background-repeat: repeat;


< / style >

< / head >

< body >

< div id = "header-wrapper" >

< div id = "header" >

< div id = "logo" >

< img src = "images/smile" again thanks black / >

< / div >

< / div >

< / div >

< div id = "page" >

< div id = "page-bgtop" >

< div id = "page-bgbtm" >

< div id = "content" >

< div >

< div id = 'Gallery' >

< div id = "Gallery-bottom" > < img src = "<?" PHP bloginfo ('template_url');? "> / images/img06.png" alt = "" width = "600" height = "340" class = 'exit' / > < / div > "

< div id = "Gallery-bgthumb" >

< ul class = "thumbnails" >

< li > < img src = "images/IMG 3075 updated the size.jpeg" / > < /li >

< li > < img src="images/Chair.jpg"/ > < /li >

< li > < img src = "images / 2.png team" / > < /li >

< li > < img src = "images/Img 3607 notice" / update the > < /li >

< /ul >

< br class = "clear" / >

< / div >

< / div >

< script type = "text/javascript" >

$('#gallery').gallerax ({}

outputSelector: ".output", / / output switch

thumbnailsSelector: '.thumbnails li img', / / selector of thumbnails

Bland: 'fast', / / Transition speed (fast)

navNextSelector: '.nav li a.navNext', / / selector ' Next'

navPreviousSelector: ".nav li a.navPrevious" / / selector "Precedent".


< /script >


< / div >

< div class = "post" >

< h2 class = "title" > < a href = "#" > welcome to Smile Again dental Center < /a > < / h2 >

< class p = 'meta' > < / p >

< div class = "entry" >

< p > to Smile Again we are committed to help patients of all ages achieve optimal dental health. We strive to make our offices a comfortable Environment where you will be sure to leave our office with your concerns addressed and a treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs < /p >

< p > < / p >

< / div >

< / div >

< / div >

< h3 > <!-end #content->

< / h3 >

< div id = "sidebar" >

< ul >

< div style = "" clear: both; "> < / div >"

< li >

< h2 > smile! < / h2 >

< p > we love to see our patients smile! < /p >

< /li >

< li >

Categories of < h2 > < / h2 >

< ul >

< li > < a href = "index.html" > home < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "about.html" > about us < /a > < /li > "

< li > < a href = "services.html" > Services < /a > < /li > ""

< li > < a href = "location.html" > < /a > < /li > office location ""

< li > < a href = "contact.html" > contact us < /a > < /li >

< /ul >

< /li >

< li >

< h2 > < / h2 >

< /li >

< li >

< h2 > doctor guernazi Aswaad < / h2 >

< ul >

< li > < img src = "images/DrTallal jpeg.jpg" / > < /li >

< /ul >

< /li >

< /li >

< /ul >

< / div >

<!-end #sidebar->

< div style = "" clear: both; "> < / div >"

< / div >

< / div >

< / div >

<!-end #page->

< div id = "footer" >

< p > Copyright (c) 2011 Sitename.com. All rights reserved. "Design by < a href ="http://www.freecsstemplates.org/"> Free CSS Templates < /a >." < /p >

< / div >

<!-end #footer->

< / body >

< / html >



Design by Free CSS Templates


Distributed for free under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License



margin: 0;

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do-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

do-size: 12px; a

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Padding: 26px 0 0 10px;

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make-style: italic;

color: #FCF2D9;


#logo a {}

border: none;

Background: none;

text-decoration: none;

color: #FCF2D9;


/ * Search * /.


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Width: 280px;

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#search - submit}

Width: 50px;

height: 23px;

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.meta {} .post

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do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

font size: 13px;

make-weight: normal;

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/ * Buffer * /.

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margin: 0;

padding: 0;


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margin: 0px 30px;

border-left: none;


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display: block;


padding: 0;

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padding: 0px 30px 20px 30px;

text-align: justify;


#sidebar a {}

border: none;


#sidebar a: hover {}

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color: #FFFFFF;

make-style: oblique;


/ * Calendar * /.

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Width: 100%;


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/ * Foot * /.

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do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.


#footer p {}

margin: 0;

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line-height: normal;

do-size: 10px;

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text-align: center;

color: #FFFFFF;


#footer a {}

color: #FFFFFF;


{#gallery - background

Width: 620px;

height: 360px;

margin-bottom: 10px;

background: #FFFFFF;



Width: 620px;

height: 120px;

background: #FFFFFF;




Width: 620px;

margin: 0 auto;


#gallery img.output


Width: 600px;

height: 340px;

padding: 10px 0px 0px 10px;


#gallery span.caption


display: block;

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#gallery span.caption2


margin: 1em 1em 0 0;

display: block;


#gallery ul.nav


Width: 100%;

list-style: none;

margin: 3em 0 0 0;

padding: 0;


Li ul.nav #gallery


margin: 1em 0 1em 0;

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#gallery ul.thumbnails


Width: 100%;

list-style: none;

margin: 0;

padding: 10px 0px 0px 6px;


#gallery ul.thumbnails li


margin: 1em 0 0.5em 0.5em;

float: left;


#gallery ul.thumbnails li img


Width: 128px;

height: 88px;

border: 6px solid #E6D9B7;

cursor: pointer;


#gallery ul.thumbnails li img.active


border: 6px solid #BDAF8C;


Add this to the bottom of your style.css file.  Save and upload to the server.

. Entry p {}

color: #FFF / * adjust color as required value * /.


For info n ° 1 you have tags before your statement of type of document (on the first line of HTML code).  It is to send your markup in Quirks Mode on some browsers.  Better to remove them.

FYI #2: it is better to delete the Workspaces folder & file names.

You can safely use underscores (filename) or hyphens (filename) but no spaces or other special characters.

Nancy O.

ALT-Web Design & Publishing

Web | Graphics | Print | Media specialists


Tags: Dreamweaver

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    What is the IP address that you have read?

    If it is 169.xxx.xx.xx then it is not an address valid IP connetion.

    Check the network configuration of your computer.

    Maybe this can help.

    Check the Device Manager for the entry of valid card of the wire.


    If there is no valid entry, remove any entry from fake and re - install the drivers for the wireless card.

    Check network connections to make sure that you have a Local Area Connection icon/entry, and that the properties of the icon (right-click on the icon) are correctly configured with the TCP/IPv4 protocol in the properties of network connections.


    Connect you to the menu of the router from a work computer and make sure DHCP is on, and it is configured to assign IPs which can cover the number of computers that are connected (a bit more will be even better).

    Turn off the computer and the router, reset the router and the computer.

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    Type Cmd in the search text box.

    Press Ctrl-Shift-Enter keyboard shortcut to run a command as administrator prompt.  Allow the elevation.

    Type netsh winsock reset at the command prompt and press the Enter key.

    Do the same process to refresh the TCP/IP, just replace the command typed with.

    netsh int ip reset press Enter

    Restart the computer.

    Jack MVP-networking. EZLAN.NET

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    You can check if you have the XML files including Google's default search engine in the browser\searchplugins file in the Firefox program folder.

    If this isn't the case, then you need to reinstall Firefox.

    You can find the full version of the current version of Firefox 31.0 in all languages and for all systems operating here:

    Try to delete the file search.json and possible search - metadata.json and search.sqlite files in the profile folder of Firefox to reset the default search engines.

    Firefox will rebuild the file search.json from the default search engines in the folder "browser\searchplugins" in the Firefox program folder and the searchplugins folder in the Firefox profile folder.

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    Run ckdsk and SFC - no apparent problem


    This is probably not a Windows problem. It may be that in Word which is off.

    Typical questions might be:
    Word needs to be repaired
    Printer drivers are out of date
    Additional Word

    This happens with all Word documents, or only some?
    Can create you a new simple document, save it, and then watch the Preview? What is happening.

    There are a few quick things to do.

    1. open Word in safe mode. Click on START and type > run > press ENTER. Type > Winword.exe /a click OK. Open a doc and see if the problem still occurs. If it works correctly, it could be a supplement

    2. open Word. Click the Word icon, and then select Word Options at the bottom. Select the tab "resources" on the left. Click on diagnose right.

    3. update your printer drivers.

    Hope that helps

    Mark <> Microsoft Partner

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    With some networks, all is well, connected and has internet access.  In other places, like where I am now, I can connect to a network, but I can't access the internet.  I tried the long fix recommended on the community of Miscrosoft, start by entering cmd at the beginning and then dealing with IP addresses, but I kept getting "Media disconnected" and where he would have had this connection to the Local network #, or something else, I saw that anywhere.  He just said Local Area Connection * 12 because I remember and then was something like 00000000000000E at the bottom of the entry.  I also tried the method 2, use the control panel and the connection of LAN, but then 'properties' properties of it has not been highlighted, so I couldn't continue.  Windows 7 laptop.  Help!

    Thank you.


    I think I have solved it!  I use your method 1 and took the link to Microsoft Support.  Then, I used their method 2 (TCP/IP configuration settings), without success.  But I just had an intuitive idea, so I tried again, but do not click on the Local network connection, I clicked on the network, I try to use, Fairpoint-etc, went in and saw that Internet Protocol Version 4 was not set to automatically obtain DNS server address.  So I chose that, hoping that I didn't just kill my computer and voila!  Internet access is here!  We'll see if it stays.

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    2. Edge and update Muse
    3. cache trashed in Chrome
    4. copied the contents of the Edge project / step into a new project and saved as version cc2014
    5. republished on the entire site of Muse

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  • The drop shadow layer style angle setting back to default when reloaded into the new file

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    Screen Shot 2013-03-27 at 12.50.03 PM.png

    I saved it in a file .asl I could use later. When I loaded it in a different .psd file later that day there, some parameters have remained the same, but the angle back to 30 degrees to 120 degrees all on its own, as shown below.

    Screen Shot 2013-03-27 at 12.50.15 PM.png

    I just want to know how to keep the layer style settings I recorded in a file .asl return parameters when loading in a new .psd file.

    My systems settings are as follows:

    Photoshop CS6 extended Version 13.0 x 64

    Mac OSX 10.8.2 with 705,44 Go off 749,3 GB available

    The only other software I am running is Safari web browser

    This is my first time trying to save a layer style and use it in a .psd file different than the one I created in.

    Kind regards

    Nikki Gutierrez

    First thing you should do is update photoshop help > updates in in photoshop cs6, as many bugs have been fixed and your always on 13.0

    (not that your description is a bug, but version 13.0 had a lot of glitches that will drive you crazy when you meet one)

    Also, overall lighting can be different from one document to the other as you use global light selected in the drop shadow dialog box

    Layer > layer Style > Global light > corner

    See if uncheck Use Global light makes all the difference

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    In fact, I could solve this problem with Windows 8 and CS5.  PS, go to editing, preferences, performance, GPU, advanced and for your mode, switch to the base.  This has prevented that Flash for me.

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    Is there a way around this so the text message is displayed? I checked the option in the settings of electronic mail to only send a text version.

    Thank you

    Hi Mark,

    I think there are two options here.  1.) create a different header that does not include a link in line of sight.  (Or 2). Change the version of html with a simple resemblance of text gross (except that I would like to add a small fitness and links) that way if they click the link, they will see a formatted page.

    See you soon,.


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    The only way I know is to create a table that is set up as you like, then save the empty document as a template customized by using the menu item "file > save as template:

  • My Wacom Graphire4 graphics tablet works only with the pen pressure, OK in CS5 but not CS6...

    I am Windows 7 Professional 64 bit and still have the CS5 and CS6 64 bits loaded.  I've used my tablet with stylus Graphire4 with CS6 will detect all problems.  All of a sudden it only works with the pen pressure even if the stylus pressure is off.  I'm trying to use it as a mouse and frequently use shift/click when you change a mask.  I can do it no longer.  If I run CS5 the pen works as it should but not CS6.  When I first open the CS6 with visible brush the brush palette shows a hard brush, but when I open a file it turns into sensitive pressure without measure by me.  I have reset the brushes, re-installed the driver and finally downloaded a driver more but the problem persists.  Because it works very well in CS5 but not CS6 it must be a problem to Adobe.  It's very frustrating.  I enclose a composite image showing what happens to the CS6.  The right side shows what looks like the brush palette until I open a file.  The left side shows what happens when I open a file.   Even if I do not open a file and make changes within the brush palette, it immediately turns to pen pressure.  It's very strange.

    I would of course someone can provide information that could help.

    Kind regards... Ralph


    No answers, but in the meantime, I have come into contact with Adobe.  Problem has been resolved by phone.  Resolution is to delete the preferences file reopen CS6, date at which the PS automatically creates a new preferences file.  It was she, corrected a problem... Ralph

  • When iam on facebook, I try to play the game it says it loads but I can't play

    When iam on facebook, I try to play the game it says it loads but I can't play


    1. what browser do you use to play games online?

    2. the problem occurs only with Facebook games or any other game online?

    3 have there been any changes to the system until the problem occurred?

    4. What is the exact message displayed when the problem occurred?

    Please follow the steps in the Web site if you use Internet Explorer as default browser to play online games.


    Note: Reset the Internet Explorer settings can reset security settings or privacy settings that you have added to the list of Trusted Sites. Reset the Internet Explorer settings can also reset parental control settings. We recommend that you note these sites before you use the reset Internet Explorer settings

    I hope this helps.

  • the body of the text on my site shows as white on firefox, it is fine on IE and Safari... What's the problem?

    I have two sites that I updated it via dreamweaver. I didn't do any modification to one and all of a sudden I can't display the body text on one of the sites on Firefox, it should be blue and it come as white. The rest of the site is visible, including the text in the toolbars and hyperlinks. I can see on Safari and IE... any clues as to what could be wrong. My other site is not performed.

    You are missing a pound sign in your hex code of the color.

    . Body {}

    do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

    do-size: 12px;

    color: #002e54;


    Overall, you have quite a few code errors that require attention.

    98% browser problems are caused by invalid code.  See the links below for more details.

    W3C CSS Validator results for http://www.theinnonthepondnutfield.co.uk/ (CSS level 2.1)

    [Valid] Validation of the markup of http://www.theinnonthepondnutfield.co.uk/ - W3C Markup Validator

    Nancy O.

Maybe you are looking for