The JavaFX class hierarchy

I have a question about the architecture of the JavaFX class. In fact, she should follow the pattern of composite named design looking for this way somehow.

However if I want to draw the composite model of the JavaFX package I find myself sort of this way:

It seems that I can add children to buttons or labels. It was also possible with SWING. Why it has not been repaired? Is this a feature? On the other side window and the steps are now outside the model. In fact, they should be Parents I think. Why is it designed this way?

Hope someone can enlighten me upward. Thank you very much for your answers in advance.

> Actually it must follow the model of composite named design somehow.

I think you are trying to simplify things.

The JavaFX scene graph is a composite structure, but its design is subtler than a model composite vanilla.

The basic concept of the presentation of JavaFX is a scene graph.  A scene contains a node tree, which forms the scene graph.  Any node that is not a leaf is a parent.  The parent base has a public method getChildrenUnmodifable and a protected getChildren method.  This means that you cannot add outwardly new nodes to a Parent unless you provide additional APIs.  The only thing that can add children to the mother is the Parent or the subclass of the Parent.  So, there's some cache information to go on.

Some subclasses that act like editable containers expose their list of children to be publicly editable.  Usually, this is done by providing a public getChildren method.  A component, which is the root layout manager class, so in general, you can change the children of any pane layout is an example of such a class.  Conversely, if you have something that does not expose its getChildren method publicly, then external components cannot directly change the children of this thing.

Region and the control are examples of nodes that extend from Parent and do not provide a public API getChildren.  As a button is a control, if you can not directly change her children through the public API.  The only way to change the control's children is to provide your own skin or to use additional modifier of APIs that control could provide.  For example, a button can have a chart, you can set the button and thus provide an arbitrary node or node tree to the button.  However, that is not quite the same Exhibitor getChildren button, because the graph is just a node, and layout in the button can be handled by the button through the display of the content of the button setting.

OK, so JavaFX should not have had this complexity.  He could really go for a simpler approach where everything is a node, there are only a few types of nodes and HTML node types are not extensible example.  But he did not do this.  Instead, he went for a more detailed breakdown of the nodes of types, with each type supported by an object model providing State and functionality.  It's just a different approach.

> It seems that I can add children to buttons or labels.

Have you tried to do this by calling getChildren on one of them to get the list of children so you can change?  I bet that you could not do.

> Window and steps are now outside the model.

Yes, they are not part of the scene.

All this is just a metaphor for the theatre.  Imagine that you go to the theater to watch Romeo and Juliet.  You sit in your Chair and watch the scene, the curtain has just unveiled the first scene.  The scene contains a background (a square of city to Verona in Italy), some accessories (swords and a fountain) and actors (nobles) who move and speak and go away.  These things in the scene are the nodes of the scene.  The curtain goes down and another scene appears, then again and another scene.  Finally, you arrive at the scene of the balcony where Romeo climbs the wall to join Juliette.  Whenever the curtain goes down, a new scene is assembled, and when the curtain rises the new scene appears.  All the time, the scene never changes.  This isn't a part of the scene.  The scene is the scaffolding in which many different scenes will appear.

Tags: Java

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    This is normal. Includes many represent functional modules, as do classes. Using a controller by include, we support encapsulation, which is important from the point of view OOD.

    However, if you want to share includes controllers between and you use JavaFX 2.1, you could use a custom controller factory to return the same instance of controller for each document FXML in your hierarchy.

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    If you just want to set a style, you should probably use CSS classes to style. If indeed, you need get a reference to the element (for example, to call a method on it), you can use fx:id. ID values are automatically mapped to the fields in your controller, but you can also access their values via FXMLLoader #getNamespace () or #lookup (String) Node.

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    You can get the event source of the object passed to your event handler event:


    In your controller:

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    Breakdown_test.lvlcass (data: test number, 3D, timestampresults)

    ... 28 another test

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    You have it backwards autour.

    The data that is common belongs to the parent class, not the class of the child.

    Data that are not common may not be processed by the parent class and must be transformed by the child class.

    You don't need to CREATE truly dynamic shipping screws for a common data type.  If you just don't set the VI at all, it will be called the parent instance.


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    Your mechanism to manage the css style classes is a good approach; I've used several times. I wonder why the style classes have been implemented as a list, instead of a game, but there may be cases of good use for the use of a list.

    In some cases you can also consider using CSS PsuedoClasses, which were presented in JavaFX 8. Here is a little easier to use, especially if you have two options. But a use case might look like:

    public class Message {
        public enum Status { NORMAL, WARNING, CRITICAL }
        private final ObjectProperty status = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(Status.NORMAL);
        private final StringProperty message = new SimpleStringProperty();
        // constructor, getters, setters, and property accessors....
    public Label createLabel(Message message) {
        PseudoClass warning = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("warning");
        PseudoClass critical = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("critical");
        Label label = new Label();
        message.statusProperty().addListener((obs, oldStatus, newStatus) -> {
            label.pseudoClassStateChanged(warning, newStatus == Message.Status.WARNING);
            label.pseudoClassStateChanged(critical, newStatus == Message.Status.CRITICAL);
        return label ;

    And then your css looks like

    .label:warning {
        -fx-text-fill: orange ;
    .label:critical {
        -fx-text-fill: red ;
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    -Status bar: To display information.

    [ |] See the image]

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    Kind regards

    Published by: user10311523 on 31-mar-2013 20:36

    Published by: m_ilio on 01-Apr-2013 05:40

    Instead of

     Parent root =  FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource(fxmlFile));


    FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource(fxmlFile));
    Parent root = (Parent) loader.load();
    MyControllerType controller = loader.getController();
    // now you'll need to keep track of the controller somewhere, maybe a Map

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    I do not understand what the function of the CSS Pseudo-classes 'top', 'right', 'bottom' and 'left' in a tab pane.

    They are related to the side property.
    The property side is where the tabs are placed with respect to the visible tab pane.

    If you do not use this property, you don't need to worry their about to much.
    The default value for the side is high, as the pseudo-class flaw that will be active.

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    CLAS class = ccl.loadClass ('com '' ' MyObject');

    com MyObjectSuperClass o1 = (com. MyObjectSuperClass) clas.newInstance ();

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    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: com. Com cannot be cast to MyObject. MyObjectSuperClass

    Help, please.

    821458 wrote:
    My requirement is the class MyObject needs to be loaded by my client class loader. If you say that let the superclass (MyObjectSuperClass) be in the class path and let the class system charge charger, then usually it be a problem

    No, it's exactly what you want.

    MyObject loaded by the custom class loader, its super class loaded by the system class loader, I will be able to cast then.

    Yes, you will be able to cast to the upper class, then.

    It is not similar to the statement "MyObject loaded by the class loader and custom class system are different and we cannot throw.

    No, it isn't. your confusion is due to the fact that you don't seem to understand that you can have a class hierarchy that spans the Chargers of classes. This should be obvious because each object hierarchy extends eventually object, which is always in the system class loader. Therefore, you can always convert any instance of any class loader "Object". in the same way, you can have MyObjectClass in your chargers personalized classes and MyObjectSuperClass in the system class loader. You can instantiate an instance of MyObjectClass to aid reflection on your custom class loaders and assign it to a reference of the type MyObjectSuperClass. This is how pretty much any plugin system is implemented (the API is in the 'main' class loader and the implementation is in a nested class or custom ClassLoader).

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    Hello. This program does what you want. You can probably find a better solution.

    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
    import javafx.application.Platform;
    import javafx.stage.WindowEvent;
    public class Simpleapp extends Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
            final File file = new File("flag");
            final RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
            final FileLock fileLock = randomAccessFile.getChannel().tryLock();
            System.out.print(fileLock == null);
            if (fileLock == null) {
            primaryStage.setTitle("Hello World!");
            Button btn = new Button();
            btn.setText("Say 'Hello World'");
            StackPane root = new StackPane();
            primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root, 300, 250));
            primaryStage.setOnCloseRequest(new EventHandler() {
                public void handle(WindowEvent arg0) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
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    Import javafx.application.Application;
    Import javafx.scene.Scene;
    Import javafx.stage.Stage;

    * Hello World!
    public class App
    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args)
    System.out.println ("Hello World!");
    Application.Launch (ApplicationToLaunchJavaFX.class, null);

    ApplicationToLaunchJavaFX - the stage to display (javafx code)

    SerializableAttribute public class ApplicationToLaunchJavaFX extends Application

    public void start (steps) riser Exception {}
    stage.setTitle ("Helllllllooooo");
    internship. Show();


    POM. XML

    < project xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "".
    xsi: schemaLocation = "" >
    < > 4.0.0 modelVersion < / modelVersion >

    < groupId > com A < / groupId >
    mavenproject1hellowworld < artifactId > < / artifactId >
    < version > 1.0 - SNAPSHOT < / version >
    jar of < package > < / packaging >

    < name > mavenproject1hellowworld < / name >
    < url > < URL >

    Properties of <>
    < > < / > UTF-8
    < / properties >

    < dependency >
    < dependency >
    JUnit < groupId > < / groupId >
    JUnit < artifactId > < / artifactId >
    < version > 3.8.1 < / version >
    < range > test < / scope >
    < / dependence >

    < dependency >
    com.Oracle < groupId > < / groupId >
    JavaFX < artifactId > < / artifactId >
    < version > 2.0 < / version >
    < scope > system < / scope >
    < systemPath > C:\Program Files\Oracle\JavaFX 2.0 SDK/rt/lib/jfxrt.jar < / systemPath >
    < / dependence >

    < / dependencies >
    < / project >

    This pom has managed to create a click to run jar for me.

  • final in the inner class

    I am trying to manually do a drawing similar to this program

    However, I'm running in final questions and internal classes.

    "size of a local variable is accessible from the inner class; must be declared final.

    He wants me to do either in SIZE or full size. However, once final, I can't change the variable.

    I have often used the variable in a loop for to assign a value (although perhaps it was a bad practice?) but I don't know the best way to handle this.

    Any suggestions?
    Thank you!

    int SIZE = 1; //somewhere else
            for( int size = 0 ; size < 5 ; size++){
                  Circle circle = new Circle(D/Padding);
                  circle.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>(){
                      public void handle(MouseEvent me){
                          SIZE = size;
    I'm well aware that's not necessarily something specific to javafx, but more a general java programming failure.
    I also know that the mouseadapter is an anonymous class and can only access the final.

    I'm just looking for some suggestions on how to better fit this.

    Published by: namrog on July 5, 2011 10:51

    Published by: namrog on July 5, 2011 10:59
    int SIZE = 1; //somewhere else
            for( int size = 0 ; size < 5 ; size++){
                  final int size1 = size;
                  Circle circle = new Circle(D/Padding);
                  circle.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler(){
                      public void handle(MouseEvent me){
                          SIZE = size1;

    And Yes, it is a question of Java, not specific to JavaFX.


  • Error "Failed to initialize the raid class" on Equium A100

    Hello peeps

    I seem to have a problem re install the Vista 32 bit product supplied with my A100 - 02L recovery disk. I get a message "unable to initialize the raid class."

    Any ideas of what the problem may be Pls?

    Hi Bfab,

    When you get this error message exactly? You see that at the end of the installation during installation or recovery?

    I used the disk recovery from my laptop, very often, but never had a problem with it. It s still works correctly.
    If recovery disk doesn't work, it could be a malfunction of the equipment.

    Have you tested a normal disc of Microsoft Vista too?

  • Watch does not recognize the weight class as exercise-how can you add the duration of activity manually because none of the presets eg elliptical etc. is appropriate. Also does not count calories for example 35 when the rest of the group is around 500

    Look does not recognize the weight class as exercise-how can you add the duration of activity manually because none of the presets etc for example elliptical is appropriate and therefore do not count toward the daily goal. Also does not count calories for example 35 when the average of the others in the group is around 500.


    When you use the application of the training session, choose the type of activity that best fits your business. For anything else - like weight - select the other category.

    During the follow-up of one year to the next helps:

    • Activity app will credit the ring of progress of exercise with one minute for every minute of the workout.
    • Active calories will be based on the data recorded by the heart rate sensor or a brisk walk, whichever is greater.

    Note, however, that the heart rate sensor is likely to give better results for the workouts that involve rhythmic (for example running) rather than the irregular movements.

    More information:

    Use of the workout on your Apple Watch - Apple Support

  • With the help of the child in the executable class

    I'm kinda stuck and don't know how to solve and could not find a solution online.

    I have a parent class and its children to the class. The child class only overrides a method, but not the run method. I want to compile the executable project, where the run method is called, but the class type is the child, not parent. How to do this?

    I tried three things, but all in vain:

    (1) in the build properties when I select start VI the run method of the parent, I get in the executable the parent, not the child's class class. It's logical. However, I couldn't find the option to use the child as a type's class.

    (2) when I add the run method of the child class and appeal to parents, I get two windows pop up. The run of the parent and the child method. Too many. Even if for the class child run method (see below the block diagram of a child, red run method's parent), I put not to show the façade when it is called in the properties of VI.

    (3) when I tried with a separate VI calling the run method of the parent class, but the class type is the child, I get the façade of this separate VI and the run method of the parent. See below (Blue class is child, red of parent).

    In both cases 2 and 3, I chose to put the checkbox 'See the façade when it is called' a FAKE, but still the front panels appear.

    Someone don't know either: i) the use in the executable version of the options to generate an executable when a different class method is used, or ii) when you compile an executable file with a certain start VI, to not show this starting VI?

    I understand if I say "you want to configure the RUN method of the class as 'start-up VI' in the EXE file, but it should run the RUN method for a child object"?

    If this is correct, your third approach is the right one. This new boot VI is often used as 'Splash Screen' that covers the task of a demon "spawning" for your application.

    You must simply close this VI once it's over. This can be done using VI server on its own front panel functions.

    hope this helps,


  • Substitution of the class, how to create the child class and then the base class

    I started to write a program for a DMM smart, that the problem is all versions of DMM greet the change company communication.

    My idea is to write a child class for each version, DMM and each Subvi child will replace the Subvi base class.

    My problem is, I first want to create a child class and after I see everything is working, start creating the base class. in this way, I'll see if think the right way.

    My question is

    How can I create a child class and then create the base class and configure the Subvi class of the child to be the substitution of the base class?

    I tried searching in the property of the class, but I don't see anything.

    Thank you

    This can be done and I did on occasion.

    You create the base class with the methods of dynamic distribution, you need (Connector components must be identical to those of the class of the child).

    Set then the legacy of the class inherits this base class.  If your method is defined as a dynamic distribution method in the parent, you will probably now have some errors (unless your method of child was already DD, in which case you might be OK already).

    To change the inheritance of a class, right-click on the properties of the class in your project, and then select Properties.  According to me, the tree of estate is at the lower end of the property.  Click on the 'legacy of change' (or something similar) to choose the class from which you now want to inherit.

  • Summary of functions (two entries) for classes of brother with a dynamic distribution of entry: the static entry retains the type of the parent class.

    Suppose that in a hypothetical example, I have a superclass (number) with two children (real and complex) classes.

    I would define a function of sum for these classes, using dynamic distribution.

    Real or complex would have its own method of the sum (VI) which would be subject to various operations, such as the real and complex numbers are different.

    As I understand it, the normal way to proceed in OOP is for each of these methods to have an entry of dynamic distribution and a static entry of its own type.

    Problem: Labview doesn't let me do this!

    I first define an input method dynamic-shipping dummy for the numberof the parent class, but only the first entry can be dynamic-Envoy while the other is statically typed as number.

    Then, when I create override methods in my two children classes real and complex, the second entry (static) remains under the number (the type of the parent class). This is not fair, because then I can't access the private data of the child class of type real or complex that will be connected to the second input (static).

    What is the solution to this problem (usually)?

    I think that, in LVOOP, you use only a dynamic terminal or a static terminal to the terminal object.

    You can have several other terminals, but all the dynamics VI (methods with the same name) must have the same API (terminals).

    If you have to understand your preferred mode to pass, use multiple terminals, not used by each method, or use a cluster that contains all the numbers to pass (real or complex, both of which are not used in each method) or you can try a Variant, as shown.

Maybe you are looking for