Title bar on app

I am trying to create a simple application that displays a web page in webworks.

It works very well in ripple, but not in the Simulator. Is there a title bar with a close button.

How to hide the title bar? Also, the splash screen does not appear at the beginning.

    version="" id="test">   


By default, there is no content that is added to an application. You will need to manually delete the DOM elements for the title bar of the source. If you do not know where in the source that is the title bar, you could create a debug version and allows to directly investigate the source Web Inspector.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Anyone else run into this? I tried to create a new user and the same problem happening. It happens not on all windows, but on most.

    I'm sorry, but when I click on this image, I don't see all roses hatching around the word 'Back' at all.  Here is my screenshot of your screen printing:

    There is absolutely nothing.  :-\

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    By help on Reddit:

    This bug deleted dynamism (blur effect) in 44: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1161565 the patch has been raised and then to 43.
    You should be able to bring back vitality by using a custom stylesheet:

    1. TitleBar {}
     -moz-appearance: -moz-mac-vibrancy-light

    You can also get dark shine using - moz-mac-dynamism-black

    Here is a similar workaround: http://apps-reviewed.blogspot.com/2015/01/make-firefox-translucent-in-os-x.html

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    I appreciate any idea and can provide more information if necessary.

    The application was developed using v10.0.0.

    Embarrassing... There is a SetPanelAttribute() that deals with this problem; ATTR_TITLEBAR_VISIBLE.

    Can't believe I forgot that.

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    Thus, for example:

    A - title bar of the page = 'A Page '.

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    Then I go to Page C, page title bar of is displayed and the title bar of Page C push through it

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    After many hours of trying, I found a work around for the issue.

    delete titleBar;
    titleBar = new TitleBar(TitleBarKind::Segmented);

    I erase and reset a title bar blank for my page before you push on another page with a different title bar title bar that was sticking.

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    Thank you!

    Currently, there is no good in the title bar to make custom like foursquare.

    If you want to do like foursquare you carete custom control using containers and imageview.

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    I already gave up to use something similar to setTitle and have a horizontalFieldManager added to my request before I add a vertical Manager.  First, I added a label to my horizontal Manager field and that works fine, but when I tried (to test) to add an ObjectChoiceField he appeared on the next vertical row, not next to my text.  I'm quite lost when it comes to customize aspects of the UI of my BB apps.

    I suspect that the problem here is that, by default, the ObjectChoiceField will use the entire width.  You should limit its width, by substituting the layout and getPreferredWidth for the ObjectChoiceField.  Memory, a LabelField, will ask only for the width it needs.

    Here is an example that puts a DateField and an ObjectChoiceField in the title area.  I hope you can rework to meet your requirement.

    HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager();
    hfm.add(new DateField("Some Text: ",  System.currentTimeMillis(),
                    DateFormat.getInstance(DateFormat.TIME_DEFAULT)) {
        public int getPreferredWidth() {
            return 150;
        protected void layout(int width, int height)  {
            super.layout(getPreferredWidth(), height);
    hfm.add(new ObjectChoiceField(" ",new String[]{"some", "text"} ));
  • Update the title bar or something when NFC Message received (HELP!)

    I send you a message using NFC. I want to update the title bar title whenever my application receives a message. Code does not work.

    I use the example of receiver NFC of GitHub with some modifications.

    Any ideas why it does not work? In addition, no idea where I would add code to trigger another method, as soon as the new payload is received?



    /* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013  BlackBerry Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    #include "NfcReceiver.hpp"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char **argv)
        Application app(argc, argv);
        // localization support
        QTranslator translator;
        const QString locale_string = QLocale().name();
        const QString filename = QString::fromLatin1("nfcreceiver_%1").arg(locale_string);
        if (translator.load(filename, "app/native/qm")) {
    //! [0]
        NfcReceiver nfcReceiver;
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(&app);
        qml->setContextProperty("_nfcReceiver", &nfcReceiver);
    //! [0]
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();
        //set objects
        TitleBar* tb = new TitleBar();
        tb = root->findChild("titleBar");
        return Application::exec();


    /* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013  BlackBerry Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    #include "NfcReceiver.hpp"
    //! [0]
    NfcReceiver::NfcReceiver(QObject *parent)
        : QObject(parent)
        , m_messageRecords(new bb::cascades::QVariantListDataModel()),
        tb(new bb::cascades::TitleBar())
        // Create an InvokeManager
        bb::system::InvokeManager *invokeManager = new bb::system::InvokeManager(this);
         * The signal invoked(const bb::system::InvokeRequest&) is used for applications.
        bool ok = connect(invokeManager, SIGNAL(invoked(const bb::system::InvokeRequest&)),
                          this, SLOT(receivedInvokeTarget(const bb::system::InvokeRequest&)));
    //! [0]
    //! [1]
    void NfcReceiver::receivedInvokeTarget(const bb::system::InvokeRequest& request)
        // The data contains our NDEF message
        const QByteArray data = request.data();
        // Create out NDEF message
        const QtMobilitySubset::QNdefMessage ndefMessage = QtMobilitySubset::QNdefMessage::fromByteArray(data);
        // Fill the model with the single records
        for (int i = 0; i < ndefMessage.size(); ++i) {
            const QtMobilitySubset::QNdefRecord record = ndefMessage.at(i);
            QVariantMap entry;
            entry["tnfType"] = record.typeNameFormat();
            entry["recordType"] = QString::fromLatin1(record.type());
            entry["payload"] = QString::fromLatin1(record.payload());
            entry["hexPayload"] = QString::fromLatin1(record.payload().toHex());
        emit messageReceived();
        //set titlebar title // this is failing... :(
    //! [1]
    bb::cascades::DataModel* NfcReceiver::messageRecords() const
        return m_messageRecords;
    void NfcReceiver::setTitle(){



    /* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013  BlackBerry Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    namespace bb { namespace cascades { class Application; }}
     * @brief A helper class that encapsulates the code to receive a NDEF message.
    class NfcReceiver : public QObject
        // A property to make the received NDEF message records available to the UI
        Q_PROPERTY(bb::cascades::DataModel* messageRecords READ messageRecords CONSTANT)
         * Creates a new NFC receiver object.
         * @param parent The parent object.
        NfcReceiver(QObject *parent = 0);
        // This signal is emitted whenever a new NDEF message has been received
        void messageReceived();
    private Q_SLOTS:
        // This slot is invoked whenever the InvokeManager detects an invocation request for this application
        void receivedInvokeTarget(const bb::system::InvokeRequest& request);
        // SET TITLE
        Q_INVOKABLE void setTitle();
        // The accessor method of the property
        bb::cascades::DataModel* messageRecords() const;
        // The model that contains the records of the received NDEF message
        bb::cascades::QVariantListDataModel* m_messageRecords;
        bb::cascades::TitleBar* tb;

    hand. QML


    /* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013  BlackBerry Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Page {
        titleBar: TitleBar {
            id: t
            objectName: "titleBar"
            title: "awesome"
        Container {
            layout: StackLayout {
                orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
            // The background image
           /* ImageView {
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                imageSource: "asset:///images/background.png"
            //! [0]
            // The list view that shows the records of the received NDEF message
            ListView {
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                dataModel: _nfcReceiver.messageRecords
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: ""
                        Container {
                            preferredWidth: 768
                            leftPadding: 10
                            rightPadding: 10
                            Field {
                                title: qsTr("tnf type")
                                value: ListItemData.tnfType == "0" ? qsTr("Empty Tag") :
                                       ListItemData.tnfType == "1" ? qsTr("Well Known Type") :
                                       ListItemData.tnfType == "2" ? qsTr("Media (MIME)") :
                                       ListItemData.tnfType == "3" ? qsTr("Uri") :
                                       ListItemData.tnfType == "4" ? qsTr("External") : ""
                            Field {
                                title: qsTr("record type")
                                value: ListItemData.recordType == "Sp" ? qsTr("Smart Poster") :
                                       ListItemData.recordType == "T" ? qsTr("Text") :
                                       ListItemData.recordType == "U" ? qsTr("Uri") :
                                       ListItemData.recordType == "Gc" ? qsTr("Generic Control") :
                                       ListItemData.recordType == "Hr" ? qsTr("Handover Request") :
                                       ListItemData.recordType == "Hs" ? qsTr("Handover Select") :
                                       ListItemData.recordType == "Hc" ? qsTr("Handover Carrier") :
                                       ListItemData.recordType == "Sig" ? qsTr("Signature") : ""
                            Field {
                                title: qsTr("payload")
                                value: ListItemData.payload
                            Field {
                                title: qsTr("hex")
                                value: ListItemData.hexPayload
            }//end listview
                id: parsedText
                text: ""
                textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.XXLarge
                textStyle.color: Color.Black
            //! [0]


    I'm just trying to help here. What does not work is I looked at your code and I looked at my code and I do not have a reference point on what parts do what...

    I want to respond in a tough manner and does not help when I'm obviously confused on the implementation and the instructions are not clear. The documentation is written for someone who has already worked with NFC and protocols, not beginners wishing to implement NFC functionality in the application.

    Based on this kind of response, I'll just leave NFC functionality out of my application.

  • a variable repository display in OBIEE analysis title bar

    Hi all

    I use OBIEE11.1.1.7.Recently, I imported a RPD Essbase cube that includes a variable substitution. By default are variable substitution became referential dynamic variable in RPD.

    How to display these referential dynamic variables in the title bar for the OBIEE report analysis?

    Also when I create a calculated item by using these variables, the calculated item is not displayed in the report.

    I created a variance column ("Server: app:db:variableA '-' Server: app:db:VariableB '), and this variance column is not coming in the report.

    Please suggest!

    Thank you


    Try to place @{biServer.variables ['NQ_SESSION.]} {[USERS ']} in your title exactly bar as I put it here. It's a standard predefined variable that comes with OBIEE who must return the user name of the logged-on user.

    It's the correct syntax to use, so if it works then replace ' NQ_SESSION. The USER ' with your name of the variable.

    This test will determine if the problem is in your syntax to reference to a variable, the variable itself or the bar title in which you place it.

    Let us know the result

    Thank you


  • How to enter text in the title bar of the Bridge window?

    I see that Bridge displays in the title bar, the name of the selected folder or the name of collection in the content window. I need to retrieve this name. IE FF, it would be easy: document.title; in Bridge, it is undefined. In the old days, I would use Windows APIs, handle, to get the info on the window. There must be more easy way. If not, how to call the Windows API bridge JavaScript?

    You can get the current folder...

    Alert (App.document.presentationPath);

    It's all in the help files.

  • Title bar in flex

    friends I am developing application windowed with flex builder 3. In this, I don't know how to remove the title bar with enlarge and reduce, and close button. I need the application as Panel.

    I put the property showtitlebar = false; It does not work. Once again, it shows the bar of Titus.

    How to remove the title bar of the application.

    It's urgent.

    In the AIR-file app.xml, set systemChrome to None:


    You may need to implement to move and resize manually:


    Then in the WindowedApplication, use a Panel container width / height 100%.

    If this post answers your question or assistance, please mark it as such.

  • want to title bar of FF to get the color... just like you bird 38 on Win10 1511

    Just installed Win10 1511, and finally, the title bar of the active window gets coloured again (if you turn it on, I did immediately).

    Thunderbird 38 colors the area behind his legs and the background of the inactive tabs, leaving the active tab with a white background.

    Firefox 42 has resulted in some way a real title bar which appears once again (Yes, tweaking active browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar / disables it) and the title bar is the right color when active, white does not, but lie beneath the tabs.

    I like the behavior in Thunderbird 38. How he do in Firefox?

    Kept looking. I've tried various keywords. Finally found the solution.

  • The title bar does not appear, it is not a menu option view

    I remember I once a title bar above the horizontal list of tabs, which shows the title of the currently opened tab. But it is not there now; and there is no option in the menu 'View' (which is, I think that I've seen it before) to add. What happens, and how to get the title bar back?

    You have this option on Mac in the palette to customize?

    You can enable or disable switch title bar via the "Title bar" button at the bottom left in the palette to customize window.

    Make sure that you run not Firefox mode full screen (press F11 or Fn + F11 to toggle; Mac: Command + SHIFT + F).

  • How can I stop Firefox change my title bar?

    It's frustrating and time - there must be something I've missed to make it stop. With each and every update - Firefox decides I want really different buttons in my bar tools/title bar. It's just crazy, if I wanted the Hello button I would add it. Even with all the other buttons it think I want. How can I stop?

    The title bar is disabled by default. Please provide a screenshot of [with an arrow to] that you refer.


    It is best to use a compressed image type like PNG or JPG to save the screenshot and make sure that you do not exceed a maximum file size of 1 MB.
    Then use the Browse .... button below the Post a Reply text box to upload the screenshot.
  • Strange (Chinese) characters displayed in the title bar

    From last 3-4 days I get some strange Chinese characters on top of the title bar or open tabs. They can not be selected by mouse and arrow sometimes (like enter key) is indicated on each tab.
    It's random, means that there is not any special condition when they appear.

    I have reset (all) Firefox, authorized cash, remove all the unknown, having no other than adobe pdf (not compatible) extension.

    I checked for anything installed within the last few days, but there is nothing installed despite updates windows and Firefox (34.0)
    I use windows 8.1. Please check the screenshot for exactly the problem.

    Did you disable or uninstall the McAfee SiteAdvisor?

    The extension of McAfee SiteAdvisor has been reported to cause problems with Chinese characters (CJK) text on the tabs, so that you can disable this extension.

    See also these SUMO son:

Maybe you are looking for