To access the inside loops key/value pairs

According to the docs of Shopify, liquid allows access to key/value pairs in for loops, as follows:

{% for item in hash %}   {{point [0]}}: {{point [1]}} {% endfor %}

This does not work in the liquid renderer in British Colombia; the output of the key/value tags are empty. Here is an example of using the always available this.urlculture global object:

{   ...   {"urlculture": {"ModuleName": "urlculture", "culture": "EN"},...}

{% for obj in this.urlculture %}

{{ obj | json }}
Key: {{obj [0]}}
Value: {{obj [1]}}
{% endfor %}

This is the result I get:

  "Key": "moduleName",
  "Value": "urlculture"


  "Key": "culture",
  "Value": "EN"


Access by name (such as {{ obj.Key }} ) also fails.

Am I missing something, or is this all just not yet implemented?

Also, why isn't the nice formatting illustrated in this visible post editor in the current post code?

Thank you, Robert.

This was a great find. And you'll be happy to learn that we have set and it will work in the next version (unfortunately the hotfix does not update today, we have deployed on the beta version).

You will then be able to do things like:

{% for getParam in globals.get %}
{{getParam[0]}} = '{{getParam[1]}}'
{% endfor %}


Tags: Business Catalyst

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    Hi Experts,

    I have a DB table has columns of more than 50.

    I question this table, it should only return one line at any time. as sqldeveloper below image.

    here, I need to build block pl/sql-query, Discover the column in the table as a key and query result as values.

    Eg:     Key                         -  Value

    TASK_EVENT_ID - 1765


    ... etc until all of the columns in my table.

    Experts please comment on that point, appreciate your help on this.

    Thank you


    Here is an approach using DBMS_SQL to iterate over the columns of key / value to assign... (Little code snipped for brevity)

    create or replace procedure (task_expired)

    v_store_id in full,

    v_task_action_id in full,

    v_job_id in full



    -[SNIP code...]

    v_sql VARCHAR2 (4000): = ' select * from my_table where PK = 123';  -Your SQL here!

    v_v_val VARCHAR2 (4000);

    v_n_val NUMBER;

    v_d_val DATE;

    v_ret NUMBER;

    c NUMBER;

    d NUMBER;

    col_cnt INTEGER.

    f BOOLEAN;

    rec_tab DBMS_SQL. DESC_TAB;

    col_num NUMBER;

    vAsString VARCHAR2 (4000);


    -[SNIP code...]

    Message_properties. CORRELATION: = "EDF_EVENT";

    MSG: = SYS. AQ$ _JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE. Construct();

    Msg.set_string_property ('queueName', ' shipping/csi_cth');

    Msg.set_string_property ('MODE', 'CR8');



    d: = DBMS_SQL. Execute (c);

    DBMS_SQL. DESCRIBE_COLUMNS (c, col_cnt, rec_tab);

    1.col_cnt J


    CASE rec_tab (j) .col_type


    DBMS_SQL. DEFINE_COLUMN (c, j, v_n_val);      -Number

    WHEN 12 CAN

    DBMS_SQL. DEFINE_COLUMN (c, j, v_d_val);      -Date


    DBMS_SQL. DEFINE_COLUMN (c, j, v_v_val, 2000);   -Else treat as varchar2




    v_ret: = DBMS_SQL. FETCH_ROWS (c);

    WHEN OUTPUT v_ret = 0;

    1.col_cnt J


    -Fetch each column to the correct data type based on coltype

    CASE rec_tab (j) .col_type


    DBMS_SQL. COLUMN_VALUE (c, j, v_n_val);

    vAsString: = to_char (v_n_val);

    WHEN 12 CAN

    DBMS_SQL. COLUMN_VALUE (c, j, v_d_val);

    vAsString: = to_char (v_d_val, ' DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');


    DBMS_SQL. COLUMN_VALUE (c, j, v_v_val);

    vAsString: = v_v_val;


    Msg.set_string_property (rec_tab (j) .col_name, vAsString);




    DBMS_AQ. ENQUEUE (queue_name-online 'cbus.aqjms_common',

    Enqueue_options => Enqueue_options,

    Message_properties => Message_properties,

    Payload-online msg,

    Msgid => Message_handle);

    dbms_output.put_line ('00 Msgid =' |) Message_handle);


    -[SNIP code...]



  • What is the best way to move with esx3.5 vmtools key/value pairs?


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    The first method is through 'guestinfo' settings which can be adjusted in four ways:

    Add the variable of the vmx fileprompt.
    Set the variable manually on the client (using vmwareservice.exe - cmd "infoset");
    using vmware-cmd (vmware-cmd & lt; vm-cfg-path & gt; setguestinfo & lt; variable & gt; & lt; value & gt;)
    the use of vmcom.dll COM objects (seems to be deprecated in ESX 3.5)
    These variables are easily accessible on the client by running vmwareservice.exe - cmd 'info-get guestinfo.variablename '. However, I cannot find a convenient way (better based on powershell) of their definition of a scheduled task or service to VC area.

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    get - vm MyVMName | Game-CustomField-nameOfValue name-value DataToBeStored
    Unfortunately, I am unable to access these data in the comments, and indeed I do not know if this is possible. If this isn't the case, I guess my only recourse would be to write a tool to connect to Web services on the VC box with a low privilege account. I prefer not to do this because it means the network infrastructure implementation to point the guest to the right VC, development of custom etc permissions...

    So, my questions are:

    • Is it possible to define variables of guestinfo through VI Toolbox, running on the virtual circuit?

    • Is it possible to read customfields on the client, through the vmtools?

    • Or is there another method to make this key/value data exchange?

    You can add/edit entries in the VMX file like this

    $vm = get-vm  | Get-View
    $vmConfigSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
    $vmConfigSpec.extraconfig += New-Object VMware.Vim.optionvalue
    $vmConfigSpec.extraconfig[0].Key= "guestinfo"
    $vmConfigSpec.extraconfig[0].Value = "whatever"
  • How to programmatically Exchange data (key-value pairs) with operating system called?

    Hi all

    Is there a programmatic way to Exchange data (of the key-value pairs) with the guest OS?

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    We looked in the VirtualMachineConfigInfo.extraConfig property, but these key-value pairs are not accessible from the comments (at least this is what I know)

    any ideas?

    Thank you


    I think that it is better to use an environment variable or file to Exchange data with the guest operating system.

    If you really want the registry value,

    Good luck!

    Steve, author of the Open Source, VMware VI and vSphere SDK VI Java API

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    function invokeRemember (someTitle, someDate) {}
    BlackBerry.Invoke.Invoke ({}
    target: "sys.pim.remember.composer."
    Action: "bb.action.ADD."
    URI: "remember://notebookentry?title=" + someTitle + '& duedate =' + someDate;
    (}, onInvokeSuccess, onInvokeError);

    I think "Ivoking Basic Applications" page shows how to do this:

    It looks like you can send the following in the field of the URI:

    You can also add the following key-value pairs by adding a question mark (?) after the URI:
    duedate=<# SECONDS SINCE EPOCH>
    status=NotActionable, Completed, NotCompleted
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    Already tried with the below which fails with call javascript directly on the page html itself.


    <! DOCTYPE html >

    < html >

    < head >

    < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = windows-1252 "/ >"

    Home < title > < /title >

    < script type = "text/javascript" >

    document.addEventListener ("deviceready", callfeature, false);

    function callfeature() {}

    Alert ("callfeature called to map"); ("sni.gps.demo.locationFeature", function (req, res) {})

    Alert ("full gotoFeature");


    function (req, res) {}

    Alert ("gotoFeature failed with" + (res));


    Alert ("callfeature called to map closed");


    < /script >

    < / head >

    < body >

    Simple mobile Web Page < h1 > < / h1 > < form method = "get" >

    < input id = "ip1" name = "name" / >

    <!-a href = "mycustomurlscheme://somedata" id = "myurl" > map < / a->

    < button type = "button" id = 'mybtn' name = "gpsbtn" onclick = "callfeature ()" >

    go to the feature

    < / button >

    < / make >

    < / body >

    < / html >


    update to 2.1 MAF gives you , that can be added to HTML files the and remote access to the MAF since JavaScript API. Deepak mentioned "" and I can confirm it works HTML distance (and so it should be using local HTML). For the transmission of data, not sure whether the request URL object it. I would try here EL referencing a managed bean of application-scope defined in the scope of application (?). I tried beans controlled but so far has not tried to access the managed beans to a feature local or remote HTML using EL (although the EL is here)


  • Add key/value pairs to an ArrayList from a HashMap in

    I'm trying to create a HashMap, loop through this hash table, and finally, I try to create an ArrayList of key/value - of the HashMap pairs - containing, in its set of value, a parameter value. I know that maybe it's a little difficult to understand, so I provided my code to make sense what I'm trying to accomplish.
    package data;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class ProductInventory 
        private Map <String, ArrayList<String>> product;
        private ArrayList <String> buildProduct;
        private ArrayList <ArrayList<String>> addProduct;
        public ProductInventory()
            /** Set default values **/
            product = new <String, ArrayList<String>> HashMap();
            buildProduct = new ArrayList<String> ();
            addProduct = new ArrayList<ArrayList <String>> ();
            /** START - Create ArrayList for each item and add to HashMap**/
            ArrayList <String> c1 = new ArrayList<String>();
            ArrayList <String> c2 = new ArrayList<String>();
            c1.add("computer"); c1.add("Apple"); c1.add("iPad2"); c1.add("499.00");
            c2.add("computer"); c2.add("Asus"); c2.add("Zenbook"); c2.add("1449.00");
            ArrayList <String> tv1 = new ArrayList<String>();
            ArrayList <String> tv2 = new ArrayList<String>();
            tv1.add("television"); tv1.add("Panasonic"); tv1.add("Viera"); tv1.add("899.00");
            tv2.add("television"); tv2.add("Samsung"); tv2.add("Series 6"); tv2.add("1597.00");
            ArrayList <String> a1  = new ArrayList<String>();
            ArrayList <String> a2 = new ArrayList<String>();
            a1.add("audio"); a1.add("Bose"); a1.add("321 GS Series III"); a1.add("999.00");
            a2.add("audio"); a2.add("Onkyo"); a2.add("HT-S3400"); a2.add("329.00"); 
            /** END - Create ArrayList for each item and add to HashMap **/
            /** Add entrys to HashMap **/
        /** For the sake of this example, the productAttribute parameter will be equal to "computer"  **/
        public void setProducts(String productAttribute)
                for (Map.Entry <String, ArrayList<String>> entry : product.entrySet()) /** Loop through all entrys in the HashMap **/
                    for (String s: entry.getValue()) /** Loop through all values in HashMap**/
                        /** Add product attributes **/
                        if (s.equals(productAttribute))  /** Check to see if param exists in the value set**/
                           /** Add key to buildProduct ArrayList **/
                             /*Loop through values of the corresponding key and add to buildProduct*/
                            for (Iterator<String> i = entry.getValue().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                                    Object item =; 
                            /** Add buildProduct arrayList to product arrayList **/
                            break; /** Exit nested loop**/
    For the desired output, it can be assumed that the value of the productAttribute parameter is "computer."

    Output current of the ArrayList addProduct:
    Size of ArrayList: [2]
    Content of each element:
    [0] - (Size [10]
          [0] - "CMC769LLA"
          [1] - "Computer"
          [2] - "Apple"
          [3] - "iPad2"
          [4] - "499.00"
          [5] - "CUX31EDH72"
          [6] - "Computer"
          [7] - "Asus"
          [8] - "Zenbook"
          [9] - "1449.00"
    [1] - (Size [10])
         /**  It includes the exact same content as element [0] **/
    Desired output of the ArrayList addProduct:
    Size of ArrayList: [2]
    Content of each element:
    [0] - (Size [5])
          [0] - "CMC769LLA"
          [1] - "Computer"
          [2] - "Apple"
          [3] - "iPad2"
          [4] - "499.00"
    [1] - (Size [5])
          [0] - "CUX31EDH72"
          [1] - "Computer"
          [2] - "Asus"
          [3] - "Zenbook"
          [4] - "1449.00"
    I can't understand what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    You have defined buildProduct and then add to it.

    buildProduct = new ArrayList ();

    Do this assignment at the top of each loop so that a new ArrayList is allocated.

    1 buildProduct = new ArrayList () ;
    2. Add your 4 things using buildProduct.add
    3. Add buildProduct to your 'mother' object - addProduct.add (buildProduct);
    4. loop back to step 1 and create a new arraylist to the next set of elements

  • How to access the USB secure key on windows vista, I get the message that application 10004 could not find any JumpDrive Secure device connected to your system

    Original title: how access key USB secure Windows vista

    I have a lexar player sure to jump that I used with an old computer that has Windows XP.  I now have a new computer with Windows Vista and I can't access the secure part of the USB key.  When I try to access the part secure the USB key I have the following message "Application [-10004] could not find any JumpDrive Secure device connected to your system. Please make sure that your JumpDrive Secure device is inserted into a USB port".

    Of course, the USB key is inserted into the USB port.  If anyone can help find me a way to access the part secure the USB key I would appreciate it.  Thank you.

    Hi Jon0909,

    The error that you received can be for several reasons. I suggest you try the following steps:

    Method 1: Run the fixit available in the link below and check if that makes a difference

    Tips for solving problems of USB devices

    Method 2: This normal matter as a result of a conflict between the USB and other USB (Universal Serial Bus) connected to the computer.

    (a) disconnect all the external devices connected to the computer to expect the mouse and keyboard, check if your USB key works.

    (b) If this solves the problem, and then add back both devices until you discover the piece of hardware causing the issue.

    If the problem persists, you can contact the manufacturer of the device for any known issues

    Thank you, and in what concerns:

    Ajay K

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • To access the controls and their values in different JFrames and forms

    Hi all - is it possible to access controls and their associated information? For example, in my old .NET application, I got a form where users could enter usernames/people with disabilities and also preferences for the launch of other external tools. The user filled in the text boxes and made a few selections on combo boxes etc. - I then recorded in an ini file which is loaded at run time. Then from anywhere in the application I could do something like:

    Dim strUserName As String = frmUserSettings.txtUserName.Text//for username
    Dim optLocalorRemote as String = frmUserSettings.cmbLocalorRemote.SelectedItem.ToString () //for selected item in the drop-down list box
    Dim optSomeOption as Object = frmSomeForm.SomeControl.Value //etc etc...

    You can call any control in any form and obtain its associated variables and also call any method belonging to him in .NET or void. Is it possible to do in the frameworks for Swing? I did some research but can't seem to find the equivalent in Swing

    If it is not possible can then someone point me in the right direction on how to do it? Do I need to define a class and I then have to instantiate each control in the class and have the getters/setters or y at - it an easier way? I essentially have an obligation to access related information across different forms in the application

    I found this:
    But this seems to return the control names and no values?

    Thanks in advance for any advice or help - we appreciate it! :)

    Hello Matt,

    for what you do with files .ini, java provides the java.util.Properties class.
    To access the other JFrames and forms (JPanels), you pass a reference to this framework/Panel to the place (class or method) where you want to retrieve information from this framework/Panel.

    public class MyFrame extends JFrame {
      JPanel myPanel1= new JPanel(...);
      MyVeryOwnPanel mvop= new MyVeryOwnPanel(myPanel1,...);

    Now within mvop, you can look at what happened to myPanel1.


  • In the editor element name-value pairs

    I'll put up a datagrid control that must be, in some areas, an itemEditor displaying a combobox with the name/value pairs:

    < mx:DataGrid height = "100%" width = "100%" id = "dgTaxa" editable = "true" >
    < mx:columns >
    < mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "Codice" dataField = "taxonCode" width = "60" / >
    < mx:DataGridColumn id = "colFamily" headerText = "Famiglia" dataField = "family" width = "80" >
    < mx:itemEditor >
    < fx:Component >

    < mx:ComboBox width = '80' labelField = dataProvider = "{parentDocument.families"familyId"}" > "

    < / mx:ComboBox >
    < / fx:Component >

    < / mx:itemEditor >
    < / mx:DataGridColumn >
    < / mx:columns >
    < / mx:DataGrid >

    This combobox has a dataprovider, it is this one:

    public var family: ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([) collection
    {familyId:1, name: 'cactacee'},
    {familyId:2, name: 'Lily'}

    My problem is that I want to display name as labels of the combobox, but get familyId as combobox values to send to the Web service.

    Nobody knows how to help me?

    Thank you


    LabelField value = "name" and get the selectedItem.familyId

  • Key value pair relational table - cross tab / pivot out?

    I have a Table of KVP and the structure is ID, Key, Value and this is the sample values...

    Table with values

    ID, Key, Value
    1, AGE GROUP, 10
    1, TRAVEL, Y
    2, AGE GROUP, 20
    2, TRAVEL, N

    I want to turn it these date like below (output)

    1, TRUE, 10, Y
    2, FALSE, 20 N

    I read on analysis crossroads/pivot - but not able to make a query that can give me the output above. The structure of the table cannot be changed...! My bad.

    Is it possible in sql, to do my output to look like above?

    It is possible if you know all the possible values for the KEY:

    with t as (
               select 1 id,'STATUS' key,'TRUE' val from dual union all
               select 1,'AGE GROUP','10' from dual union all
               select 1,'TRAVEL','Y' from dual union all
               select 2,'STATUS','FALSE' from dual union all
               select 2,'AGE GROUP','20' from dual union all
               select 2,'TRAVEL','N' from dual
    select  id,
            max(case key when 'STATUS' then val end) status,
            max(case key when 'AGE' then val end) age,
            max(case key when 'AGE GROUP' then val end) "AGE GROUP",
            max(case key when 'TRAVEL' then val end) travel
      from  t
      group by id
    ---------- ------ ----- --------- ------
             1 TRUE         10        Y
             2 FALSE        20        N

    If you are on 11g, you can use the PIVOT, but again, he must know the columns resulting from the outset.

    Another thing, you could do is to return a list CSV key of all the values in a column using STRAGG (or LISTAGG if you are on 11.2), hierarchical queries, XML or WM_CONCAT without papers.


  • How to access the inside movieclip with AS3


    I have a problem to access inside the movieclip I mean child MovieClip

    the code is here

    var myMovie:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    addChild (myMovie);

    var myChild:Sprite = new Sprite();

    myMovie.addChild (myChild);

    var nextChild:Sprite = new Sprite();

    myChild.addChild (nextChild);

    now I want to acess the next child and I use following

    (myMovie.myChild.nextChild) .addEventListener (MouseEvent.Click, onChildClick);

    function onChildClick(evt:MouseEvent):void


    trace ("last child is clicked");


    Thank you

    When you create dynamic content, using the notation by point does not work and you must use... getChild methods if you want to access it through the parents.  However, you should not need to do since you already have a direct reference to the object...

    nextChild.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onChildClick);

    function onChildClick(evt:MouseEvent):void


    trace ("last child is clicked");


    You probably might have realized this when you implement this line (assuming it worked)...

    myChild.addChild (nextChild);

    With the approach of targeting parent, wouldn't you have tried to use... myMovie.myChild.addChild (nextChild);?

    and 'Click' should be 'CLICK '.

  • To access the old and new values for alert trigger

    Dear all,

    I have a table ABC, when the user to back-end data updates must be inserted in table XYZ.

    And an alert must draw with OLD and NEW values.

    Can someone help me to achieve this goal.

    Thank you

    Thanks, SY, I didn't think about such a scenario!

    See you soon,.

    Vijay Sehgal.

  • How to read file(key-value) in OSB properties?


    I have a scenario in which I have to read a few properties(key-value) in a file. Former entire code was developed in java and it is easy to read the java properties file.
    But now I need to implement this in OSB and performance is a crucial element in this project.

    I followed DVM approached defined in and

    But it did not work. I have hundreds of properties (key-value pairs) to read and must transmit it to the service of the company and with the intervention of the proxy service.

    What is the best approach for this (can't go to db call performance being very critical)?

    Thank you

    Hello Francois,.

    XPath in the action assign OSB should be like -

    $DVMVar / ns1:rows[1]/ns1:row[1]/ns1:cell[1]/text()

    where DVMVar is the content below -




    Kind regards

  • Unable to access the local network with VPN with some ISPS


    We have a VPN Remote Access IPSEC with an ASA5505. Install VPN it correctly but can not access the inside or the ASA to my office.

    But at home with another Internet service provider, it works! You can access inside.

    We are trying with other ISP and it works with 2 and does not work with the other 2!

    Office we also have an ASA5505, but we have another VPN other sites that work properly.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you and sorry for my English.


    ISAKMP nat-traversal crypto

    That should do the trick! Please rate if this can help.

Maybe you are looking for