To display all the rows and columns in proper alignment

My Question is when I want to display several lines recoreds must divides several times and display recoreds are combersome to understand, so please give me the solution to this problem.
When this query is executed, a row is available in several lines after this issue under some poster line lines are displayed.
Thank you!

E.Empno EmpNo,
E.Ename EmpName,
E.Job EmpJob,
E.HireDate EmpHireDate,
E.Deptno Empdeptno,
NVL ((TO_CHAR (E.Comm)), "Not like") EmpComm,.
E.Sal EmpSal,
E.Sal + NVL(E.Comm,0) EmpTotalSal,
E.DEPTNO EmpDeptno,
ED. DNAME EmpDname,
ED. Loc EmpDeptLoc,
. Grade EmpSalGrade,
NVL ((to_char (M.empno)), 'supereme') Mgrno,.
NVL ((to_char (M.ename)), the auth ') MgrName,.
NVL ((to_char (M.HireDate)), "Not assigned") MgrHireDate,.
NVL ((to_char (M.SAL)), "Not assigned") MgrSal,.
NVL ((to_char (M.comm)), 'not applicable') MgrComm,.
NVL ((to_char (M.SAL + NVL(M.comm,0))), "Not assigned") MgrTotalSal,.
NVL ((TO_CHAR (E.HireDate - M.HireDate)), 'Bishop no assign') Seniorindays,.
NVL ((to_char ((to_char(SYSDate,'YYYY')-to_char(M.HireDate,'YYYY'))-(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYY')-TO_CHAR(E.HireDate,'YYYY'))), "No Assign mgr") MgrSeniority,
NVL ((to_char (to_char(sysdate,'YYYY')-to_char(M.HireDate,'YYYY'))), "No available Mgr") MgrExpInYear,.
NVL ((to_char (E.SAL - M. SAL)), "Not assigned") EmpAndMgrSalDiff,.
NVL ((to_char (M.DEPTNO)), "not assigned") Mgrdeptno,.
NVL ((TO_CHAR (MD. DNAME)), "sup has no Bishop") MgrDeptName,.
NVL ((TO_CHAR (MD. (Loc)), "Sup has no Bishop") MgrDeptLoc,.
NVL ((TO_CHAR (MS. Grade)), 'Sup has no Bishop') MgrSalGrade
EMP, Emp, Dept ED Dept MD, MS SalGrade M, SalGrade'RE
WHERE M.Empno (+) = E.Mgr AND E.Deptno = ED. DEPTNO (+) AND
M.Deptno = MD. DEPTNO (+) AND
M.Sal MS. it (+) AND SM. HiSal (+) AND
E.Sal BETWEEN YOU. It (+) ARE. HiSal (+)

---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------- -------------- ------------- -----------
---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------
--------------------- ----------------------------------------
7839 not KING PRESIDENT November 17, 81 10 no Comm 5000 5000 28 10 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK 5
s supereme auth not give not give not there don't give
No mgr assign No. available Bishop not to dispose of not assigning overtime is not mgr
SUP is not Bishop Sup is not mgr

---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------- -------------- ------------- -----------
---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------
--------------------- ----------------------------------------
7788 ANALYST SCOTT April 19, 87 20 No. Comm 3000 3000 22 20 RESEARCH DALLAS 4
7566 JONES 2 April 81 2975 Not applicable 2975
6 28 25 20 RESEARCH

Published by: user12252618 on December 9, 2009 11:07

all pages
fixed lines
Set trimout

If it's in a file then

all pages
SETL lines
Set trimspool

or to start... * Plus_FAQ #How_does_one_disable_SQL.2APlus_formatting.3F

Tags: Database

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    Wednesday, April 18, 2007 21:01:38 + 0000 (UTC), "Mr.Ghost".

    > A friend of mine advised me to put my whole site on the mode of disposal as its
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    Your friend won't. Don't listen to him any more. Mode of disposal creates
    very fragile and rigid code pauses at the first opportunity.


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    You can ask your question in the office | Excel Forum because it is not really a problem of Windows XP performance and maintenance.

    Office | Excel

    Also, providing specific information may help to get a faster response or better, such as the version of Office or Excel? version of Windows XP? Home, Pro, 32-bit or 64-bit.

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    I had a look, and here's what I came with. Whenever you add a row or column, you are chnaging the expression of som that allows to add the next row or column. I added a loop around each call to add the columns/rows as needed.

    Is that what you're looking for? See the attached file


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    CMD-SHIFT-g is quite a search function. It allows you to enter the path of the folder you want to open. What you think "seeks" the current folder is really thin path. If you enter no previous path information, it looks in the current working directory to the folder name you typed in the dialog box.

    You can set the default search starting location in Finder preferences. I have mine for current folder. Looks like you might prefer "search this Mac".

    Typing in the search field in the Finder will search the contents and filename. It will offer to search for chips to match types he concludes.

    If you just want to search for files and folders, but no content file, then use cmd-ctrl-shift-f to search by name (you can adjust this shortcut to the system preferences keyboard).

    If you don't get the results of your research, then perhaps your Spotlight index is corrupt.

    Featured: how re-indexing of folders or volumes - Apple Support

    If this does not work for you, try to find any fileor EasyFind

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    -Function and procedure implementations
    PROCEDURE create_files IS
    CURSOR c_tbls IS
    SELECT * FROM tbl_list;
    l_sql VARCHAR2 (4000);
    -To loop through all the tables
    FOR tbl IN c_tbls LOOP
    l_sql: = "DECLARE" | «C_tbl_recs CURSOR IS» | ' SELECT * ' |. '
    'FROM ' | tbl.schema_name | '.' || tbl.table_name | '; ' ||
    ' t_tbl_rowtype c_tbl_recs % ROWTYPE; ' || "START" |
    "FOR rec IN c_tbl_recs LOOP |
    ' FOR col IN (SELECT column_name ' |)
    "FROM dba_tab_cols" |
    "Owner WHERE ="' | " tbl.schema_name | '''' ||
    ' AND table_name = "' | tbl.table_name | '''' ||
    ORDER BY column_id) LOOP '.
    *' dbms_output.put(col.column_name ||) '',''); ' || * "END OF LOOP; dbms_output.put_line('''); END LOOP; ' ||
    ' END; ';
    -dbms_output.put_line (l_sql);
    dbms_output.put_line (SQLERRM);

    Is this what you are looking for?
    (it took a few minutes)

    create or replace
    package some_proc is
    procedure create_files;
    PACKAGE BODY some_proc
      -- Function and procedure implementations
    PROCEDURE create_files
      CURSOR c_tbls
        SELECT * FROM tbl_list;
      CURSOR c_cols (p_table_owner VARCHAR2, p_table_name VARCHAR2)
        SELECT column_name
        FROM all_tab_columns
        WHERE owner   =p_table_owner
        AND table_name=p_table_name
        ORDER BY all_tab_columns.column_id;
      l_sql     VARCHAR2(32000);
      separator VARCHAR2(1):=';';
      --Loop through all tables
      FOR tbl IN c_tbls
        dbms_output.put_line('TABLE: '||tbl.schema_name||'.'||tbl.table_name);
        l_sql := 'DECLARE ' ;
        l_sql := l_sql|| '  CURSOR c_tbl_recs IS ' ;
        l_sql := l_sql||'    SELECT * FROM ' || tbl.schema_name || '.' || tbl.table_name || '; ' ;
        l_sql := l_sql||'    linenr number:=1; ';
        l_sql := l_sql||'BEGIN ' ;
        l_sql := l_sql|| ' FOR rec IN c_tbl_recs LOOP ';
        FOR c IN c_cols(tbl.schema_name,tbl.table_name)
          l_sql:=l_sql ||' if linenr=1 then  dbms_output.put('''||c.column_name||''||separator||'''); end if; ' ;
        END LOOP;
        l_sql :=l_sql||'  dbms_output.put_line(''''); linenr:=linenr+1; ';
        FOR c IN c_cols(tbl.schema_name,tbl.table_name)
          l_sql:=l_sql ||' dbms_output.put(rec.'||c.column_name||'||'''||separator||'''); ' ;
        END LOOP;
        l_sql:=l_sql||'  end loop; ';
        l_sql:=l_sql||'  dbms_output.put_line(''''); ';
        l_sql:=l_sql||'  dbms_output.put_line(''''); ';
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql;
      END LOOP;
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    Thank you very much in advance.

    OK, I think I understand what you're saying. The problem is that it does not show the left pane with a smartcut.

    Here's a tip. Add a button of 'Service '. Add "Information Toggle Pane" as the service.

    When you click the button that will open the left handle in HTML view panel. You will then see row and column and you should be able to switch the dimensions as needed. I just tested and it works.

    hope that helps.

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    How can I do this SIMPLE?

    Hi Darrell h...,

    Looks like you can use the function "autoindexing. Take your value and connect it to your loop, it will be a default autoindexing. Right-click on the last tunnel of output and select Create indicator, the result is your table.

    It will be useful.


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    I have a table of 24 rows and column 24 giving me a total of 576 items. How can I get the row and column of a particular element in a table in LabView. For example if I write to item 127 How can I get the column and line item 127 is located.

    Kind regards


    Hi Marion,.

    Maybe just need to find the right "address" element in your 2D table?

    Use something like this:

    Maybe you have to out of line & column according to your numbering scheme...

  • Sortable rows and columns

    Is it possible to drag and drop the rows and columns of a multicolumn script to rearrange them. If this isn't the case, it would be appropriate.

    Please write to us.

    We do not expect to support mobile in an AV Scripts columns because they are only 2 columns fixed in script format.

    If you create a script to multiple columns and click on a column heading, you will end up by selecting the contents of that column. Press CTRL-X to cut this column, then press CTRLV to paste the column somewhere before an existing column.

    This should solve your problem.


    Anubhav Rohatgi

    Senior product manager

  • I just started using my new iMac 27 "and in Mail, I can't find the setting to display a column that shows the number of emails in each folder.  Mavericks, I had this column.  I have checked all the menus and preferences and search online.

    I just started using my new iMac 27 "and in Mail, I can't find the setting to display a column that shows the number of emails in each folder.  Mavericks, I had this column.  I have checked all the menus and preferences and search online.

    Click the triangle next to the Inbox to view the Inbox for each account. Then select the desired mailbox and the information will be displayed in the upper part.

    You are entitled to 90 days telephone support from Apple. Try to contact them.

    Apple Support contact

    Apple Support by email or chat

    Contact Apple Support - phone

  • Display all the fields in a column


    I have a standard report and on the one hand of the columns (status), I have 3 domains. lets say 'won', 'lost', 'draw' with their respective w, l, d codes displayed in the report.
    When I try to insert a new record, it displays only the 'draw' (d) case. the other two cases also get inserted but does not appear on the report. the research too does not detect the other two.

    How can I get the other two fields also appear in the cloumn (status) on the report on the home page.

    Thank you

    With a dynamic lov, you want your column display or "D" is the name (which is meaningful to the user) and the column back or 'R' is the one that will be the value stored in the database column.

    So, you can

    D     R
    Draw  D
    Won   W
    Lost  L

    I don't know why the Select list that displays on the form (using the dynamic LOV) displays all the values that are output when you run the same query on the DB schema.

    Maybe try to create an another NEW LOV in APEX shared components and see how it goes?


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    Hello world

    How to get the string (specified by row and column) of txt file with labview


    As far as I know, a text file has no column.  Be more specific.  Do you mean something like the 5th word on line 4, where the words are separated by a space, and lines are separated by a newline character?  You can read from the spreadsheet String function and set the delimiter to a space.  This will produce a 2D channels table.  Then use the table to index and give the line number and column number.

  • Write multiple rows and columns of the worksheet

    Is it possible to write several rows and columns of the spreadsheet, with the ability to add data to the file and create a new file if it does not exist?
    I tried to write to table vi, but I couldn't make it work.
    It won't let me write several lines in the same column.
    Can someone please give me an example?
    Thanks in advance.

    If you want to use the tab character (\t) as the delimiter, then check the txt file.  Then Excel will open as you wish.

    If you want to keep the csv extension, then use comma (,) as a separator.

Maybe you are looking for