To find the Top most parent SQL

How to find the top most parent SQL. I want to avoid the hierarchical query that shows a high cost to run. Please suggest alternative options to find the parent

Maybe (when having multiple hierarchy trees) to be adapted to your needs

Select empno, I

from (select empno, I


where empno = 7876


hierarchy of reference on (select employee empno,

Manager Mgr



dimension (employee)

measures (Manager)

main main_model

size of (0 I)

measures (empno)

rules iterate (100) until (empno [iteration_number + 1] is null)


EmpNo [iteration_number + 1] = hierarchy.manager [empno [iteration_number]]



where empno is not null

order by I desc

7839 3
7566 2
7788 1
7876 0



Tags: Database

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    Try something like this

    $vm = Get-VM -Name TestVM$object = $vm.ExtensionData$parent = Get-View $object.Parent
    while($parent -is [VMware.Vim.Folder] -and $parent.Name -ne "vm"){    $object = $parent    $parent = Get-View $object.Parent}$object | Select @{N="VM";E={$vm.Name}},    @{N="Top Folder";E={$object.Name}} 
  • Find the top 3 travellers per year

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    The output should be as follows:
    Flight Year   Route ID    Frequent Flyer   Flight Count
    2005               001              1001              5
    2005               001              1002              3
    2005               001              1003              3
    2005               002              1004              7
    2005               002              1005              5
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    2006               001              1002              7
    2006               001              1003              5
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    Script for table
    INSERT the Script for the table
    -- 1001: 5; 1002: 3; 1003: 3; 1004: 1, 1005: 1
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1001','001',to_date('01-JAN-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1001','001',to_date('01-FEB-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1001','001',to_date('01-MAR-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1001','001',to_date('01-APR-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1001','001',to_date('01-MAY-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1002','001',to_date('01-JAN-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1002','001',to_date('01-FEB-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1002','001',to_date('01-MAR-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1003','001',to_date('01-APR-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1003','001',to_date('01-MAY-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1003','001',to_date('01-JUN-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1004','001',to_date('01-FEB-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1005','001',to_date('01-MAR-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    -- 1001: 1; 1002: 0;  1003: 0, 1004: 7; 1005: 5
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1001','002',to_date('31-JAN-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1004','002',to_date('31-JAN-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1004','002',to_date('28-FEB-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1004','002',to_date('31-MAR-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1004','002',to_date('30-APR-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1004','002',to_date('31-MAY-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1004','002',to_date('30-JUN-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1004','002',to_date('31-JUL-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1005','002',to_date('30-APR-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1005','002',to_date('31-MAY-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1005','002',to_date('30-JUN-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1005','002',to_date('31-JUL-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1005','002',to_date('31-AUG-05','DD-MON-RR'));
    -- 1001: 1; 1002: 7;  1003: 5, 1004: 0; 1005: 0
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1001','001',to_date('01-JAN-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1002','001',to_date('01-FEB-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1002','001',to_date('01-MAR-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1002','001',to_date('01-APR-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1002','001',to_date('01-MAY-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1002','001',to_date('01-JUN-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1002','001',to_date('01-JUL-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1002','001',to_date('01-AUG-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1003','001',to_date('01-APR-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1003','001',to_date('01-MAY-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1003','001',to_date('01-JUN-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1003','001',to_date('01-JUL-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1003','001',to_date('01-AUG-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    -- 1001: 0; 1002: 0;  1003: 1, 1004: 1; 1005: 11
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1003','002',to_date('31-JAN-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1004','002',to_date('28-FEB-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1005','002',to_date('31-JAN-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1005','002',to_date('28-FEB-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1005','002',to_date('31-MAR-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1005','002',to_date('30-APR-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1005','002',to_date('31-MAY-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1005','002',to_date('30-JUN-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1005','002',to_date('31-JUL-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1005','002',to_date('31-AUG-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1005','002',to_date('30-SEP-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    insert into flights (freq_flyer_id,route_id,flight_date) values ('1005','002',to_date('31-OCT-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into FLIGHTS (FREQ_FLYER_ID,ROUTE_ID,FLIGHT_DATE) values ('1005','002',to_date('30-NOV-06','DD-MON-RR'));
    Thanks in advance!


    Here's one way:

    WITH     got_r_num   AS
         SELECT    EXTRACT (YEAR FROM TRUNC (flight_date, 'YEAR'))
                                                AS flight_year
         ,       route_id
         ,       freq_flyer_id
         ,       COUNT (*)                   AS flight_count
         ,       RANK () OVER ( PARTITION BY  TRUNC (flight_date, 'YEAR')
                                       ,             route_id
                                 ORDER BY      COUNT (*)     DESC
                          )                  AS r_num
         FROM      flights
         GROUP BY  TRUNC (flight_date, 'YEAR')
         ,            route_id
         ,       freq_flyer_id
    SELECT    *     -- or list all columns except r_num
    FROM       got_r_num
    WHERE       r_num     <= 3
    ORDER BY  flight_year
    ,            route_id
    ,            r_num

    If there be a tie (in other words, if 4 or more people, some with exactly the same number of flights, all can to be in the top 3 for a given year and the road) then the above query will include all the contenders for the top 3. For example, if you add one more line of your sample data:

           values          ('1009',         '002',    to_date('30-NOV-2006','DD-MON-YYYY'));

    Now, who are the top 3 flliers for 2006 on road '002'? Obviously, "1005" is one of them, but there is a tie of 3 - way for second place: '1003 ', '1004' and ' 1009' have exactly 1 flight, and all have equal calim to be in the top 3. Why would you exclude one of them, ratehr than the other two? The query above includes all the.
    If you want to ensure that not more than 3 rows are included for the whole year and the road, and then add the columns of tiebreaker to analytical ORDER BY clause and/or use ROW_NUMBER instead of RANK.

    This is called a Query Top - N , because you're gathering of N (N = 3 in this case) from the top of an ordered list.

    Published by: Frank Kulash, December 17, 2012 12:52

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    We're troubleshooting an issue of storage and I'm looking for a better way to find virtual machines that consume disk peformance.  If I had a wish list, the script would be the 'top 10' VMs with the highest disk throughput and the e/s in the last 24 hours.

    Such a script exist?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    You can try the following one liner

    Get-VM | Select Name,
           E={($_ | Get-Stat -Stat disk.usage.average -Start (Get-Date).adddays(-1) | Measure-Object -Average -Property Value).Average}} | `
         Sort-Object -Property AverageIO -Descending | Select -First 10

    This example uses the metric of disk.usage.average but you can easily use any of the other measures related to the disc.


    Blog: LucD notes

    Twitter: lucd22

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    Is the a file where I can find a journal all the sql has to run on the database?

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    Thank you

    You know the date and time where the problem statement has been executed? If so, try this:

    whole flax 10000
    Select to_char (LAST_ACTIVE_TIME, ' ' HH24:MI:SS MON-DD-YYYY), SQL_FULLTEXT from v$ sql by LAST_ACTIVE_TIME;

  • algorithm to find the top of the parabola

    Use case: mower rejection of common-mode using a programmable potentiometer

    Problem: The performance of each circuit varies greatly and you are looking for best value (lowest CMRR) gives erroneous results. The performance seems to be relatively flat on some circuits, straight on others. Launching in the middle range of the potentiometer and moving upwards or downwards, I compare the measured value after the change of the potentiometer to the last measured value. By doing this I can get for the lowest CMR.

    Setup: entry wave sign 5V 60 Hz on both positive and negative of a differential ADC. The potentiometer is cut and reduces common-mode noise. Go away and the common-mode noise increases.

    Question: I would like to use adjustment curve to calculate the shape of the performance of the CMR. Take several steps (no more than 10 then I hope). Get the x y (x = 0 to 1023 trim adjustment potentiometers, Y = amplitude of the measured signal common-mode). Find the vertex.

    Is this possible and can someone point to an example.  I have not found one.

    A parable is a second order polynomial curve.  The Summit must be the peak value.  The general polynomial to maintain your data. The Coefficients of the polynomial outputs to calculate the location of the tip with a DAB of analytic geometry.

    Edit: Note that you may need to do checks to make sure that your data has not generated any curve as a parable.


  • to find the location of PL/SQL, stored PROCEDURE in the database


    This is the detail I have the executable of the Application Developer program simultaneous


    Short name NPSTALEDDTLS

    Application of human resources

    Execution of PL/SQL, stored procedure method

    Name of file execution NAPESCO_STAFF_LEDGER_DTLS

    I would like to know how to view and change this procedure, where it is stored

    kindly help


    This seems to be a custom package. To display the source of the simultaneous program ' PL/SQL Stored Procedure', please refer to (Note: 455582.1 - where can I get the whole "stored procedure" Pl/Sql Source file on the current program?).

    Thank you

  • Find the top level element in SQL

    Hi all
    I have a table with the following format. item_id, sup_item_id and a few other columns.

    And that's the real problem:
    We have parts (elements) mounted in designed, says let cars for example. also is it a tyre_1 element with car_A, car_B and car_C have entries in the table like this
    item_id sup_item_id
    tyre_1 car_A
    tyre_1 car_B
    tyre_1 car_C

    but sometimes we are small element in someother element, then it goes to the main product. For example, we adjust wire_1 in circuit_1 which then goes to car_A and car_B. This number can have any levels and wire_1 can be in any number of circuits.
    If the data table will be like this
    item_id sup_item_id
    wire_1 circuit_1
    wire_1 circuit_2
    circuit_1 car_A
    circuit_1 car_B

    You can identify high most of the elements in the table because they have no value in the sup_item_id field.
    item_id sup_item_id

    so, I want to write a sql to discover all the elements of highest level of the page for a given part. Can someone help me with this.

    I think that's what you're looking for
    "Rim_1", I took as a point of entry

    with data as
    select 'bolt_1' item_id,'rim_1' sup_item_id from dual union all
    select 'rim_1' item_id,'tyre_1' sup_item_id from dual union all
    select 'tyre_1' item_id,'frame_1' sup_item_id from dual union all
    select 'frame_1' item_id,'car_1' sup_item_id from dual union all
    select 'rim_1' item_id,'car_2' sup_item_id from dual union all
    select 'car_1' item_id,null sup_item_id from dual union all
    select 'car_2' item_id,null sup_item_id from dual
    select item_id from data where sup_item_id is null
    start with item_id = 'rim_1' connect by item_id = prior sup_item_id;

    Thank you

  • How to find the best log of SQL in the responses of the OBI?

    While I have an error by a request of the OBI in answers page, the error message in the result tab is usually not very useful, as:
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P:OI2DL65P
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 27005] Unresolved column: "Sales Facts Current Month"."Amount Sold (000) Current Month". (HY000)
    SQL Issued: {call NQSGetQueryColumnInfo('SELECT "Sales Facts Current Month"."Amount Sold (000) Current Month", "Sales Facts"."Amount Sold", Calendar."Calendar Month Desc", Calendar."Calendar Month Name", Products."Prod Category" FROM SH')}
    SQL Issued: SELECT "Sales Facts Current Month"."Amount Sold (000) Current Month", "Sales Facts"."Amount Sold", Calendar."Calendar Month Desc", Calendar."Calendar Month Name", Products."Prod Category" FROM SH
    I then go to the Session Monitor and click the view log. By doing so, sometimes, I got the complete sql statement. It is good and I can understand the problems. Sometimes, I have things like:
    -------------------- SQL Request:
    SET VARIABLE QUERY_SRC_CD='Report',SAW_SRC_PATH='/shared/sh/Learn';SELECT Times."Calendar Month Name" saw_0, Times."Calendar Month Desc" saw_1, Products."Prod Category" saw_2, Salesfacts."Amount Sold" saw_3, REPORT_SUM(saw_3 BY saw_0, saw_1), REPORT_SUM(saw_3 BY ) FROM SH WHERE (TOPN(Times."Calendar Month Id",40) <= 40) AND (Channels."Channel Desc" = 'Direct Sales') ORDER BY saw_1, saw_0, saw_2
    +++Administrator:13290000:1329000f:----2009/09/29 09:18:33
    -------------------- General Query Info:
    Repository: Star, Subject Area: SH, Presentation: SH
    +++Administrator:13290000:1329000f:----2009/09/29 09:18:33
    -------------------- Cache Hit on query:
    Matching Query:     SET VARIABLE QUERY_SRC_CD='Report';SELECT Times."Calendar Month Name" saw_0, Times."Calendar Month Desc" saw_1, Products."Prod Category" saw_2, Salesfacts."Amount Sold" saw_3 FROM SH WHERE (TOPN(Times."Calendar Month Id",40) <= 40) AND (Channels."Channel Desc" = 'Direct Sales') ORDER BY saw_0, saw_1, saw_2
    Created by:     Administrator
    It is not enough that the selected tables are not entirely clear on. It appears like it find OBI the sql in the cache and process the request entirely.

    Is there a way I can force return OBI demand? Is there a way to get OBI newspaper the complete sql statement? This way I can copy the SQL to SQL * more and find exactly the problem

    Thank you.

    Physical SQL is not visible because it hits the cache.
    You can:
    (1) clear RPD physical cache and run the query again.
    (2) copy the SQL logic, go to web Admin - number SQL - paste the SQL logic, then just change a setting or two, so it does not hit the cache. For example, to change a filter to Jan Feb... or just add a dummy column initially as select 1 or select 'a'... .rest of sql even.

    in this way, you can avoid hitting the cache and see the sql code (at the bottom of the results - view the journal)

    Make sure that you have enabled the option to cache presentation server and define the level of logging to 4 or more to see the details.


  • How to find the sid, serial # for sql in v$ sqlarea


    10 gr 2
    in order to dig the session that runs particular sql
    say querying v$ sqlarea and get sql_id
    now how to map at the session of v$

    Look at the v$ active_session_history and dba_hist_sqltext and you should be able to find what you are looking for, if you have the possibility of using these views.

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    Y at - it a command that displays the users that use the most bandwidth? Or I need a 3rd party app that monitors the pipe? I basically am noticing a spike in bandwidth consumption from time to time and have no way to easily identify the culprit. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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  • DENSE_RANK and find the top three rows return regardless of their rank.

    Oracle Database 10 g Express Edition Release - product


    I have the following problem;

    Dense_rank using I've categorized the trees in a plot of height.

    Now I need to filter the first three records by parcel based on the position of the trees, it's complicated by the fact that sometimes two or three of the three tallest trees have the same height.

    Records that I want to use for the parcel number 90001 are tree numbers 4, 5 and 3.

    Records that I want to use for the parcel number 31000 are tree numbers 4, 5, and 3, but rather the number 2 shaft is included.
    select distinct plot_number
         , tree_number
         , tree_height
         , dense_rank() over (partition by plot_number order by tree_height desc)ht_rank
      from tst_rank
      order by plot_number, ht_rank asc
    ----------- ----------- ----------- -------
          31000           4          10       1 
          31000           5          10       1 
          31000           3           3       2 
          31000           2           2       3 
          31000           1           1       4 
          90001           5          20       1 
          90001           4          10       2 
          90001           3           3       3 
          90001           2           2       4 
          90001           1           1       5 
     10 rows selected 
    The dense rank function allows me to classify the trees, but then it has accomplished its purpose. The following query is an example of what I want to do - but - I need to access the 3 early accounts after the rankings were made, so the following query is not going to use the collation.
    select plot_number
         , max(decode(ht_rank, '1', tree_height*100)) ht_1
         , max(decode(ht_rank, '2', tree_height*100)) ht_2
         , max(decode(ht_rank, '3', tree_height*100)) ht_3
    from (select distinct plot_number
               , tree_number
               , tree_height
               , dense_rank() over (partition by plot_number order by tree_height desc)ht_rank
            from tst_rank
           order by plot_number, ht_rank asc
     group by plot_number
    ----------- ---- ---- ----
          31000   10    3    2 
          90001   20   10    3 
    But I want to see;
    ----------- ---- ---- ----
          31000   10   10    3 
          90001   20   10    3 
    Anyone have some ideas of what I could do to get there?

    See you soon

    Create script to replicate my problem;
    -- drop table tst_rank;
    select distinct plot_number
         , tree_number
         , tree_height
         , dense_rank() over (partition by plot_number order by tree_height desc)ht_rank
      from tst_rank
      order by plot_number, ht_rank asc
    select plot_number
         , max(decode(ht_rank, '1', tree_height)) ht_1
         , max(decode(ht_rank, '2', tree_height)) ht_2
         , max(decode(ht_rank, '3', tree_height)) ht_3
    from (select distinct plot_number
               , tree_number
               , tree_height
               , dense_rank() over (partition by plot_number order by tree_height desc)ht_rank
            from tst_rank
           order by plot_number, ht_rank asc
     group by plot_number
    Published by: benton on 9 October 2012 14:45


    SQL> select plot_number,
      2         max(decode(rn,1,tree_height)) h1,
      3         max(decode(rn,2,tree_height)) h2,
      4         max(decode(rn,3,tree_height)) h3
      5  from(
      6  select plot_number,tree_height,
      7         row_number() over(partition by plot_number order by tree_height desc) rn
      8  from tst_rank)
      9  group by plot_number;
    PLOT_NUMBER         H1         H2         H3
    ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
          31000         10         10          3
          90001         20         10          3
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    Thank you
    A H E E R X

  • How can I find the top row of a single table, split among several images in each image.

    Hi all.

    Thanks in advance.

    You can browse all the cells in a row column * and ask the first insertion of a text on his cell point user.user parentTextFrames [0].

    If the ID value has changed, the cell is in a different text frame. As well as its line.

    CC-2015, it might be a little different, because we have a new type of cell: CellTypeEnum.GRAPHIC_TYPE_CELL (not insertionPoints pave the way).

    You can also:

    Reproduce all text blocks in history, in that the table is sitting and control for unique tables in duplicates.


    * edit

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    I have the following problem, I have a table with the following data

    Parent child
    101 201
    102 202
    201 301
    202 302
    301 401
    301 403

    Now I need to write a select query to find the top most parent of the given child, that is to say that I gave my input like 201 302 and 403 so my output should be

    Parent child
    101 201-> (201 is the son of 101)
    102 302-> (302 is the child of 202, 202 is the child of 102)
    101 403-> (403 is the child of 301, 301 - > 201, 201-> 101)

    Thanks for your help,

    Hi, Raj,

    Welcome to the forum!

    Whenever you have any questions, post your examples of data in a form that people can use to recreate the problem and test their solutions.
    For example:

    CREATE TABLE     table_x
    (       parent     NUMBER (4)
    ,     child     NUMBER (4)     PRIMARY KEY
    INSERT INTO table_x (parent, child) VALUES (101, 201);
    INSERT INTO table_x (parent, child) VALUES (102, 202);
    INSERT INTO table_x (parent, child) VALUES (201, 301);
    INSERT INTO table_x (parent, child) VALUES (202, 302);
    INSERT INTO table_x (parent, child) VALUES (301, 401);
    INSERT INTO table_x (parent, child) VALUES (301, 403);

    A WITH clause that, as Whithat posted, is also good.

    Always tell what version of Oracle you are using. This is particularly important with parent-child problems, because each version since Oracle 7 has had significant changes in this area. The following query will work in Oracle 10 (and more).

    SELECT      parent
    ,      CONNECT_BY_ROOT child     AS child
    FROM      table_x
    WHERE      CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF     = 1
    START WITH     child     IN (201, 302, 403)
    CONNECT BY     child     = PRIOR parent

    If you have Oracle 9, then you cannot use CONNECT_BY_ROOT, but you can get the same information from SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH.

    The output of this product, in light of the data from the example above, is:

    `   PARENT      CHILD
    ---------- ----------
           101        201
           102        302
           101        403

    I guess that's what you wanted, and that the other things you posted your results (such as "---> (201 is the son of 101)"), just explained.
    The explanation is very useful, but clearly what you want really to the exit, and what is just your comments.

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