tool to convert the data to a script

I have a list of posts with the following data
EmpNo, name, date of birth
12345, kala, August 25, 1960
23456, anugraha, 05-mar-1991
34567, marie agegee, July 1, 1984

I want to send this data to another area where the staffing table exists with the same structure.
That's why I need script like the following file

Insert in the values of staff (12345, "kala", August 25, 1960 "");
Insert in the values of staff (23456, 'anugraha','05 - mar - 1991 "");
Insert in the values of staff (34567, "marie agegee", July 1, 1984 ');

I can run this script to load data into this new personal table under different domain.

Transaction every day, I want to create this script file and store it in different domain.

Y at - it a facility to convert my data as above the script file instead of write procedures using cursors.

In Oracle SQL Developer, you can right-click on a table and export data as INSERT queries, among other formats.

Thank you


Tags: Database

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    Yes, as David said, with local Tracker2Mask mode, you can move individual points mask with track points of the tracker item AE.

    See this tutorial:

    Tracker2Mask - advanced functions and local change mask | mamoworld

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    Event e = eventList.createEvent ();
    e.addString (Event.SUMMARY, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, "The Gym");
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    Thank you

    2 options:

    (1) use a Calednar object, use the methods of 'set' associated with it to set the year, month, day, etc. (not to mention the January is month 0) and then get the Date in that and then the time from the Date.

    (2) format your date so that it is acceptable to HttpDateParser and the race that against your date string.

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    @StartYY AS VARCHAR(4),    
    @EndYY AS VARCHAR(4),    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentNumber] VARCHAR(9), '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ( '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [company_code] VARCHAR(50), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [mine_policy_no] VARCHAR(50), '     
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Annl_premium] NUMERIC(28, 2) '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT AgentName, AgentNumber, AgentRank '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM [SUMYOLAP0001].aetnaildb.dbo.agentprofile'+ @ProfileYYYYMM +' AgtProfile '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE (LEN(agentnumber) = 5 and (left(agentnumber,1) between ''0'' and ''8'' or left(agentnumber,1) = ''A'')) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND (Amname not like ''%COMPANY%'' OR Amname not like ''%DIRECT%'' OR Amname not like ''%MARKETsmp%'') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND agencynumber not in (''ILS'',''PLS'',''99999'') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND LEFT(agencynumber,2) not in (''CD'',''DR'') AND LEFT(agencynumber,3) <> ''DIR'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND RIGHT(RTRIM(agencynumber),2) not in (''CD'',''DR'') AND RIGHT(RTRIM(agencynumber),3) <> ''DIR'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND companycode = ''IL'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INSERT INTO @tblmineSurrender '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT company_code, mine_policy_no, Annl_premium '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM odsmine_policy '    
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     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''IL'',''AL'') '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND cont_status = ''S'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND YEAR(effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +' AND '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT @CompSurrenderCount = COUNT(1), @CompSurrenderAP = SUM(Annl_premium) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM @tblmineSurrender S '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN odsagent_role R '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON S.company_code = R.company_code '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND S.mine_policy_no = R.mine_policy_no '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN @tblAgentNumber A '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON R.servicsmpagent_code = A.AgentNumber '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INSERT INTO @tblmineInforce '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT company_code, mine_policy_no, Annl_premium '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM odsmine_policy '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'All'    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''IL'',''AL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''' + @CompanyCode + ''') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND cont_status = ''I'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND YEAR(effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +' AND '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT @CompInforceCount = COUNT(1), @CompInforceAP = SUM(Annl_premium) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM @tblmineInforce I '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN odsagent_role R '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON I.company_code = R.company_code '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND I.mine_policy_no = R.mine_policy_no '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN @tblAgentNumber A '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON R.servicsmpagent_code = A.AgentNumber '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SET @CompAvgCount = ROUND(ISNULL(@CompSurrenderCount,0) * 100 / ( ISNULL(@CompSurrenderCount,0) + @CompInforceCount),2) '     
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SET @CompAvgAP = ROUND(ISNULL(@CompSurrenderAP,0) * 100 / ( ISNULL(@CompSurrenderAP,0) + @CompInforceAP),2) '     
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' DECLARE @tblODSmine_Policy TABLE '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ( '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentName] VARCHAR(255), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentNumber] VARCHAR(9), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentRank] VARCHAR(10), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Company_Code] VARCHAR(4), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [mine_Policy_No] VARCHAR(10), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Cont_Status] VARCHAR(1), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Annl_Premium] DECIMAL(15,2), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [No_count] NUMERIC '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ) '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = 'INSERT INTO  @tblODSmine_Policy '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' SELECT DISTINCT AgtProfile.AgentName, AgtProfile.AgentNumber, '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AgtProfile.AgentRank,mine.company_code, mine.mine_policy_no, mine.cont_status, mine.Annl_Premium, 1.0 as no_count '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' FROM @tblAgentNumber AgtProfile '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' INNER JOIN [SUMYOLAP0001].aetnaildb.dbo.COMAGH COMAGH '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON AgtProfile.AgentNumber = COMAGH.AHAGTN '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND (AHAMNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''' OR AHUMNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''' OR AHAGNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''') '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'ALL'    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND AHCO IN (''AL'',''IL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND AHCO = ''' + @CompanyCode + ''' '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' INNER JOIN odsagent_role Role '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON AgtProfile.AgentNumber = Role.servicsmpagent_code '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' INNER JOIN odsmine_policy mine '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON Role.company_code = mine.company_code '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND Role.mine_policy_no = mine.mine_policy_no '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.cont_status IN (''S'',''I'') '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'ALL'    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.company_code IN (''AL'',''IL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.company_code = ''' + @CompanyCode + ''' '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND YEAR(mine.effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +'  AND  '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = 'SELECT AgentName, AgentRank, AgentNumber, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(INT,SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END)) AS Surrrender_Count, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(INT,SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''I'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END)) AS InForce_Count, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) AS SurrenderAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''I'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) AS InForceAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CASE WHEN count(*) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,2),(SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END) * 100 / count(*))) END AS AgtSurrenderCount, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CASE WHEN SUM(Annl_premium) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,2),(SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) * 100 / SUM(Annl_premium))) END AS AgtSurrenderAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(varchar(100),@CompAvgCount) AS CompAvgCount, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(varchar(100), @CompAvgAP) AS CompAvgAP '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' FROM @tblODSmine_Policy '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' GROUP BY AgentName, AgentRank, AgentNumber '    
    EXEC (@SQLStr1 + @SQLStr2 + @SQLStr3)    
    --PRINT (@SQLStr1 + @SQLStr2 + @SQLStr3)    


    1. the scrap code.
    2. get the specification of the requirements of business origin.
    3. learn PL/SQL.
    4. write the PL/SQL code to meet the requirements of the company.

  • convert the data that are not text

    create table x as
    (line_1 varchar2(10))
    INSERT INTO x  VALUES ('001165899', '0506', 'ZIP1003', 'ABC', 'xyz')
    It is the source table, it transforms (to meet the requirements of the company) to another table where column line_1 is converted to a data type of number, and all the data in the column of line_1 which is the text are converted to-1.

    user628919 wrote:
    How the hyphen may be replaced for the data where it grows in different places within the data.

    The solution needs to keep other rules - convert to_number, text-1 column, ignore nulls (see below)-, more remove the hyphen of digital data.

    to_number(regexp_replace(line_1, '.*\D.*', '-1'))

    As Vivek L, complete with a convenient link for documentation, said "replace should work.

    to_number(regexp_replace(replace(line_1, '-'), '.*\D.*', '-1'))


  • Open or convert the .dat files

    How to open image files that have a file extension ".dat".  I have Windows Vista and most of the photo files are .jpg, .gif

    You may be able to view the .dat file if you rename in .jpg.

    Also... the free software IrfanView can be able to open the file:

    (FWIW... it's always a good idea to create a system)
    Restore point before installing software or updates)

    IrfanView and IrfanView plugins
    (scroll down a bit for the download links)
    (Download plugins too)

  • Oracle: Use LEFT OUTER JOIN, but convert the data to an external list

    Hello, all,.

    I know it can be done; I just don't remember how I got it done, oh there are so many years.

    Assumes that the tables exist for groups and individuals.  People can belong to several groups.

    SELECT g.groupName, p.lastName || ', ' || p.firstName as fullName
    FROM groups g LEFT OUTER JOIN groupPersonAssociation gpa ON gpa.groupID = g.groupID
                  LEFT OUTER JOIN person p ON p.personID = gpa.personID
    ORDER BY g.groupName, fullName

    This gives us:

    Group One          Alpha, Daniel
    Group One          Bravo, Charles
    Group One          Charlie, Chuck
    Group Two          Beta, Alpha
    Group Two          Delta, Bonnie
    Group Three        Echo, Bunny
    Group Three        Golf, Samuel
    Group Three        November, Stan

    How word the SQL to get the data as:

    Group One          Alpha, Daniel | Bravo, Charles | Charlie, Chuck
    Group Two          Beta, Alpha | Delta, Bonnie
    Group Three        Echo, Bunny | Golf, Samuel | November, Stan



    I finally thought to it.  I was using incorrect keywords on Google.

    SELECT g.groupName, LISTAGG(p.lastName || ', ' || p.firstName,' | ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY g.groupName) "fullName"
    FROM groups g LEFT OUTER JOIN groupPersonAssociation gpa ON ggpa.groupID = g.groupID
                  LEFT OUTER JOIN person p ON p.personID = gpa.personID
    GROUP BY g.groupName
    ORDER BY g.groupName, fullName  

    Just in case someone else is going through this same desire.



  • Function to convert the Date?

    Hai Experts,

    I need to write a function,

    Input to the function will be a date format.

    If I give the date in DD/MM/RR format the return value must be DD/MM/RR HH24

    If I give the date format as MM/DD/RR the return value shall be MM/DD/RR HH24

    The function may return multiple lines.

    Kind regards


    No need for a function. This will do:

    Select decode (, ' DD/MM/RR", to_char (sysdate, ' HH24 JJ/MM/RR ')," DD/MM/RR", to_char (sysdate," DD/MM/RR ' "),"invalid format") of ;

  • Convert the date of "MON/dd/yy" format to "LUN/yy '.

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    Can someone help with a useful answer, thank you

    woof777 wrote:
    I know there is probably a load of questions already on it, but I can't find a simple simple explanation with examples on how to change the date format "MON/DD/YY" in month/year format "LUN/YY '.

    Can someone help with a useful answer, thank you

    The DATE data type have No. format, & can be presented with TO_CHAR sort

    SQL> select to_char(sysdate, 'MON/YY') from dual;
  • Convert the data to uppercase (upper/lower case text

    I have data in the field as
    ABERCHROBIE FITCH - like this

    I want to change all the data in the field, as
    Aberchrombie Fitch - first letter should b in the capital and all the remaining letters should be in small.

    FITCH-> Fitch
    Concat (Upper (Left(columname,1)), LOWER (SUBSTRING (columnname OF 2 for LENGTH (columname)))

    ABERCHORMBIE FITCH Aberchrombie - Fitch

    AMERICAN EAGLE-> American Eagle

    can someone help me change the first letter to the capital and the remaining letters to small

    Published by: user12255470 on October 18, 2010 18:49


    under fx, apply the formula: LOWER (your column)---> the result which is "abercrombie fitch.
    now go to "Properties of the column" and select "additional formatting" options > check "Use CSS Custom Style" & put the style according to

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    In my application, I have a single field. Here the user can select the date by using the calendar dropdown.

    While sunmitting the PDf I want to spend the date like this format 2010-02-20 T 00: 00:00.00 - 00:00

    everyone is to have an idea.



    Try this... Language is FormCalc.

    A hidden text field and place the code in the output of the Date below field event.

    Replace Date() and Time() below with the appropriate field values.


    = Concat (Num2Date (Date (), "YYYY-MM-DD"), "T", Num2Time (Time (), 'HH'));

    Thank you


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    Reminders in activity Task Assign.

    Please find the ppt for more information.

    Please help us in this regard.

    Thank you


    Drag a SetValue component and add assignments (see the screenshot to the assignment)

    Repeat the same thing for hours and minutes


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    Please help me through this.

    Thanks in advance

    in my knowledge base, I found a link to a similar question:

    I did not try the search for forums - have you?

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    Those who precisely?

    Also, I can't convert my RAW files from my Canon D 760. Can anyone help?

    Devices supported by Camera Raw

    The 760D has been first of all fully supported in Camera Raw 9.0.

    Download and install Camera Raw 9.1.1 which is the latest version of Camera Raw, which is compatible with the CS6.

    In Photoshop, click Help > updates.

    Check if the correct version is installed in Photoshop by

    Mac: Photoshop > about Plug-Ins > Camera Raw

    Win: Help > about Plug-Ins > Camera Raw

    If this update mechanism is not working, try to manually install Camera Raw 9.1.1

    Camera Raw installation of Adobe Photoshop CC and CS6 program

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