topic of onTriggered in listview


I need to

I have a listview on the list of all my image

It's my listitemcomponent:

WebView {
     id :web
     preferredWidth: 200
     preferredHeight: 150
     url : ListItemData.imageThumbnailURL
onTriggered: {
                var item =
                if (item){
                    //What should i do here?

It's my webview that the bigone

                id : itemimage
                //url : image ? image["imageThumbnailURL"] : ""

It is what should show

the small images located on the right side is my: listitemcomponent

the big picture which is on the left side is WebView

If I hit one of my list on the right, it will automatically go to enlarge

What should I do in 'onTriggered '?

Thank you

You can change the URL used by your WebView something like this:

itemimage.url = item.whateverVariableHoldsTheURL

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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  • onTriggered retail Info (LISTVIEW)


    Sorry to ask again

    I want to show the details of my promo

    It's my main QML

    NavigationPane {
               id : nav1
               onPopTransitionEnded: page.destroy()
            Page {
                Container {
                        title: "Promo"
                    ListView {
                        id: listViewDemo
                        dataModel: GroupDataModel {
                            id : prm1
                            grouping: ItemGrouping.None
                        listItemComponents: [
                            ListItemComponent {
                                type: "promo"
                                Container {
                                    layout: StackLayout {
                                        orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                                    WebView {
                                        preferredWidth: 150
                                        preferredHeight: 90
                                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                                        url : ListItemData["ImageLink"]
                                    StandardListItem {
                                        title: ListItemData["promoID"] + "." + ListItemData["Title"]
                                        description: ListItemData["Description"]
                                        leftMargin: 30
                                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center  
                        function itemType(data, indexPath) {
                            return "promo";
                    onTriggered: {
                            var promo =;
                            var promodetail = promocontent.createObject();
                   = promo;
                attachedObjects: [
                    DataSource {
                        id: serviceDataSource
                        source:                                  ""
                        type: DataSourceType.Json
                        onDataLoaded: {
                    ComponentDefinition {
                        id : promocontent
                        source : "PromoContent.qml"
                onCreationCompleted: {

    It's my promodetail

    Page {
        property variant promo;
        Container {
            id: container1
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
            topPadding: 50
            WebView {
                id : imageview
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                url: promo["ImageLink"]
                preferredWidth: 400
                preferredHeight: 400
            Label {
                textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BigText
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
            Label {
                textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SubtitleText
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center

    the following error message are

    url: promo["ImageLink"]

    He can't call my main.qml

    any suggestion?

    Thank you

    In some cases, your promo property can be "undefined" after you press page. Because it is not yet assigned. You can avoid this if you check the property on your page.
    For example:

        property variant promo: null
            layout: DockLayout{}
            leftPadding: 20
            rightPadding: 20
            topPadding: 20
                id: label
                horizontalAligment: HorizontalAligment.Center
                /* In some cases will be the text empty. Because promo property is not yet assigned*/
                text: promo.Description

    See the simple example. You have two options to avoid ownership promo "undefined".
    1. replace the text property of the label with this
    text: promo? Promo. Description:
    2. signal property promo label definition
    onPromoChanged: if (promo) label.text = promo. Description

    My English is bad, so I hope you understand what I mean. Maybe someone who has good English can specify my 'answer '.


    You can also find 'Data passing between the QML pages' for more information

  • ListView Access of ListItemComponent context action onTriggered model

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                ListView {
                    id: listView
                    dataModel: model
                    listItemComponents: ListItemComponent {
                        content: StandardListItem {
                            contextActions: ActionSet {
                                actions: ActionItem {
                                    title: "Delete"
                                    onTriggered: {
                                        //ListItem.view.model .... doesn't work

    When the user chooses to delete a line, I would like to access the listview model and remove the line given. But I can't get my hands on the model (as it is now defined as attached property).

    Docs say:

    ListItem.view - The ListView in which this item is visible. The item is in a context separate from the ListView, so any symbols from the ListView context that are to be accessible from items must be placed as dynamic properties on the ListView

    But to be honest I don't understand what I need to do to make it work (ie. have access to the parent listView.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Oh, I would do this without falling back into C++ code. I know how to solve this problem with c ++.

    Thank you

    You must reference it in your ListItemComponent ListItem:

  • To access the instance of the ListView onTriggered event ListItemComponent


    I'm pulling out my hair with this!

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    Simple example:

    {To ListView

    ID: myListView

    dataModel: myDataModel

    layout: {FlowListLayout}
    type: 'imageItem.


    onTriggered: {}

    It's easy

    var point = (row);

    BUT HOW to ACCESS the GalleryImages instance for the row?



    I'm sure it's really simple, but have been hitting my head against it for 2 days!


    your variable 'point' reference the underlying data in the datamodel - it does not refer to the list Visual element (i.e. ListItemComponent).

    You need to move your manager in the ListItemComponent - and probably change in notecard or anything that supports your component of GalleryImages.

  • ListView onTriggered event to push a new page

    Currently, I started to learn and develop applications for bb10. I saw troubled when wants to push a new page when click the item in the listview.

    ListView {
                dataModel: XmlDataModel {
                    source: "model.xml"
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "listItem"
                        StandardListItem {
                            title: ListItemData.title
                            description: ListItemData.subtitle
                            status: ListItemData.status
                onTriggered: {
                    var new_page = nextpage.createObject();
                attachedObjects: [
                    ComponentDefinition {
                        id: nextpage
                        source: "newqml.qml"

    The code that I use, I expect to get to the newqml.qml, then click on any point on the listview however is not doing. How can I change the code to obtain the result.

    and if I want it open different page each item in listview how does?

    Thanks in advance.


    I'm new on this, but I have a tip that could help: create a new project, select stunts, then on the models page, select ListView.

    This will automatically create a default list that automatically connects your article to an ItemPage.qml of a second!

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    The above is possible? I have a list of RSS, I would like to know is there a way I can do onTrigger go to the last column in my listView.

    Thank you

    How can I get the number of items in dataModel?

    It depends on dataModel type you use, see the documentation for the corresponding classes.

    For ArrayDataModel and GroupDataModel:

    var n = dataModel.size () / / or dataModel.childCount (0) - number of students in first section

    Row is a table where the first number is the section and the second is stored in the section.

    Something like this should work:

    var dataModelSize = listViewId.dataModel.size(); // or listViewId.dataModel.childCount(0)if (dataModelSize > 0)
      var lastRowNumber = dataModelSize - 1
      listViewId.scrollToItem([0, lastRowNumber], ScrollAnimation.Default);

    Replace the listViewId with the id of your ListView.

    If this does not work, please copy - paste your current code and errors that appear in the papers (as appropriate).

  • Action on multiple selection ListView onTriggered

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    I'm having a problem on how to perform the action on these several items though.

    Documentation,, does not show how to perform the action when several items to the listview are selected.

    Does anyone know how to make measurements on multiple items? i.e. remove it from the list, get the text of each article, changes to the user interface, etc.


    Have you seen Battambang sample? I remember well, it can perform operations on several list items:

  • WebView ListView data Page

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    Here is the code:

        actions:  [
            ActionItem {
                title: qsTr("View")
                imageSource: "asset:///icons/actions/view.png"
                onTriggered: {
                    var page = htmlPage.createObject();
                    page.url = "";
    import bb.cascades 1.2
    Page {
        property string  url
        id: htmlPage
        Container {
            preferredWidth: Infinity
            preferredHeight: Infinity
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
            WebView {
                id: webView
                settings.background: Color.Black
                url: url
           Label {
               text: url
               textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.XXSmall

    I tried a lot of different things without success. Anyone have this type of process work?

    All of a sudden, it came to me.

        property alias url : webView.url
  • Mark the selected item in a listview

    Hello experts,

    So, I need to show a selected list item by placing a checkmark next to him (into the cell). What a cell can be selected. So does anyone have a solution that can be shared? Or some advise how this can be done properly. I would be very grateful.

    Hello everyone.

    I did the following. In onTriggered in a listview control, I've added these 2 lines:

    select(indexPath, true);

    That's all.

  • ListView grid change to list dynamically

    Dear developers

    I have a listview that is represented by a grid. But I want a menuaction to change the schedule to the list and vice versa. But it seems more difficult, so I thought. My griditems are different then my listitems. For those who must change too.

    That's what I have so far but I'm stuck to be honest.

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Container {
        property bool isGrid: true
        ListView {
            id: listView
            dataModel: channelListVM.otherDataModel
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
            layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                spaceQuota: 1.0
            layout: isGrid ? gridLayout : stackLayout
            listItemComponents: [
                ListItemComponent {
                    type: "gridItem"
                    GridItem {
                        contextActions: ActionSet {
                            actions: [
                                ActionItem {
                                    title: qsTr("Favorite")
                                    imageSource: "asset:///img/bb_action_favorites.png"
                                    onTriggered: {
                ListItemComponent {
                    type: "listItem"
                    MyListItem {
                        contextActions: ActionSet {
                            actions: [
                                ActionItem {
                                    title: qsTr("Favorite")
                                    imageSource: "asset:///img/bb_action_favorites.png"
                                    onTriggered: {
            function itemType(data, indexPath) {
                if(isGrid) {
                    return "gridItem";
                return "listItem";
            attachedObjects: [
                StackListLayout {
                    id: stackLayout
                GridListLayout {
                    id: gridLayout
                    columnCount: 3
                    horizontalCellSpacing: 10.0
                    verticalCellSpacing: 10.0
                    cellAspectRatio: 1

    And when I change the isGrid true or false, it amends the provision but it seems that the UI is not updated. How can I fix without working with 2 ListViews and hide/show them about the property?

    Thanks in advance

    Since you're using the itemType function you do not require a change in your database. However, given that you match the layout of your choice of item type, you will need to notify the ListView that its cache is no longer valid. If ListView will not selection of the type of return until you load a new element in its cache.

    To do this, you just have your DataModel emit a signal after you change your property to isGrid. This is done via DataModel::itemsChanged. Since you want your entire list to rebuild, you want to give him the DataModelChangeType::Init.

    Code wise, you need to add this call:

  • Share images in listview


    I'm loading (included in the assets of the project) png images in a ListView. Then I want to trigger the framework of the call to share the selected image. And I want to let him choose what applications list. Is this the right way to go:

    ListView {
        layout: GridListLayout {}
        dataModel: XmlDataModel {
            source: "data.xml"
        listItemComponents: [
            ListItemComponent {
                type: "image"
                ImageView {
                    imageSource: ListItemData.imagePath
        attachedObjects: [
            Invocation {
                id: invoke
                query {
                    mimeType: "image/png"
        onTriggered: {
            var selectedItem =;
            invoke.uri = selectedItem.imagePath;

    Thanks for your help,

    OK sorry it works. I couldn't scroll because listview is initially another container.

  • Access to a component (ImageView) inside the ListView

    I have a ListView in which there is an ImageView. When any item is typed, I manage onTriggered Signal. At this signal, I want access the ImageView the ListItem that is typed. How to do this?

    I think that the best workaround is using your own object as a data model to the image property. Then you can change it in onTriggered signal just like that ListItemData.imageSource = newImageSource

    for example:

    // If you are using JSON add a new property which is a imageSource
    model.append({"name": "bla bla", "imageSource": "bla bla"})

    or write a derivered of QObject class as in this example

    but hope that you use GroupDataModel

    Another solution is to write your own function and use instead onTriggered

    for example (I like examples of the )

        function myOwnFunction(indexPath, imageView){
            var item =;
            if (item){
                // set new image
    // And access it from ListItemComponent
    ListItemComponent {
        type: ""
        Container {
            id: root
                root.ListItem.view.myOwnFunction(root.ListItem.indexPath, imageView)
  • How to load a Listview

    Hello I hope yo can help me.

    I m, creating an application in Spanish, so. I want to fill a listview and when I select some item, send row, call a qml and fill the other listview in this other qml. All this is done. except, I can filter the query to the data source.

    Hery my code

    hand. QML where I have a Navegationpane, then SegmentedControl and Lisview (myLVNuevo). When I select an item, I take the Id (selectedItem.IdLibro), I create and send another to the qml (bibliapage.qml). His works, in fact.

     NavigationPane {
                id: navpaneBible
                Page {
                    Container {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                        leftPadding: 30
                        topPadding: 30
                        rightPadding: 30
                        bottomPadding: 30
                        SegmentedControl {
                            id: sgfavorites
                            Option {
                                id: option1
                                text: "Antiguo"
                                selected: true
                            Option {
                                id: option2
                                text: "Nuevo"
                            onSelectedOptionChanged: {
                                if (selectedOption == option1) {
                                    myLVNuevo.visible = false;                          
                                } else if (selectedOption == option2) {
                                    myLVNuevo.visible = true;                        
                        // The contact list filter input
                        TextField {
                            id: txtBuscar
                            hintText: qsTr ("Buscar...")
                            // onTextChanging: _addressBook.filter = text
                        ListView {
                            id: myLVNuevo
                            dataModel: gdmNuevo
                            listItemComponents: [
                                ListItemComponent {
                                    type: "item"
                                    StandardListItem {
                                        title: ListItemData.IdLibro + ". " + ListItemData.NombreLibro
                            onTriggered: {
                                 if (indexPath.length > 1) {
                                     var selectedItem =;
                                     var contentpage = pageDefinition.createObject();
                                     contentpage.idlibro = selectedItem.IdLibro;
                                     contentpage.texto = selectedItem.NombreLibro;
                    attachedObjects: [
                        GroupDataModel {
                            id: gdmNuevo
                        DataSource {
                            id: dtNuevo
                            // Load the data from an SQL database, based on a specific query
                            source: "asset:///sql/MyBiblia.db"
                            query: "select IdLibro, NombreLibro, Testamento from Libros Where Testamento = 'Nuevo' order by IdLibro DESC"
                            onDataLoaded: {
                                // After the data is loaded, insert it into the data model
                        } // end of DataSource
                    onCreationCompleted: {
                } // end of Page

    But then when the page is loaded, is not load or filter by property string idlibro. Becuse the query in the data source is idlibro.

     import bb.cascades 1.4
    import 1.0
    import bb.cascades.datamanager 1.2
    Page {
    property string idlibro;
    property alias texto: lblNombre.text;
        titleBar: TitleBar {
            id: titlebar
            title: texto
        Container {
            id: bibliapagina;
            Label {
                id: lblNombre
                text: texto //qsTr("Pagina de la biblia") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
            ListView {
                id: myLVCapitulos
                dataModel: dm //gdmCapitulos
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "item"
                        StandardListItem {
                            title: ListItemData.Capitulo
                            description: ListItemData.Versiculo
                            status: ListItemData.IdVersiculo
                onTriggered: {
                    if (indexPath.length > 1) {
                attachedObjects: [
                    GroupDataModel {
                        id: gdmCapitulos
                    DataSource {
                        id: dtCapitulos
                        // Load the data from an SQL database, based on a specific query
                        source: "asset:///sql/MyBiblia.db"
                        query: "select ('Capítulo ' || IdCapitulo) as Capitulo, IdVersiculo, Versiculo from CapitulosVers Where IdLibro = " + lblNombre.text + " GROUP BY IdCapitulo ORDER BY IdCapitulo DESC" 
    onDataLoaded: {
                onCreationCompleted: {


    ITS important to say, its fine words is a set a query without params. example (select * from CapitulosVers Where idlibro = 1).


    I did the solution...

    in the second .qml, just before closing the page, put this:

     onIdlibroChanged: { dtCapitulos.query = "select ('Capítulo ' || IdCapitulo) as Capitulo, IdCapitulo, IdVersiculo, Versiculo from CapitulosVers Where IdLibro = " + idlibro + " GROUP BY IdCapitulo ORDER BY IdCapitulo DESC" dtCapitulos.load();
     onCreationCompleted: {
  • using a drop-down list to power a listview

    I try to get a drop-down list selection (newOption) to fuel a sql query to get more information in a listview. The drop down menu works ok, but the list is empty. My dosent sql query recognize newOption and therefore does not feed listview.

    Please could you help me with the query syntax. Thank you.

    My code is below.  If I replace '+' "' + newOption +" ' with a sql table entry, IE 'the cradle', then the listview works very well.

    import bb.cascades 1.2
    import 1.0
    import 1.0

    ID: infoPage

    {Of container
    text: "Info Page".
    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
    horizontalAlignment: P

    {Drop-down list
    ID: dropdown

    {To ListView
    ID: apiaryList
    dataModel: dataModel

    type: 'point '.
    ID: apiaryItem

    Title: ListItemData.apiary_name
    Description: ListItemData.apiary_location
    status: ListItemData.apiary_id
    } / / end of ListItemComponent

    onTriggered: {}


    ID: dataModel2
    ID: optionFactory
    Option {}
    DataSource {}
    ID: dataSource2
    Source: "sql/hood_apiary.db.

    query: "SELECT * FROM Apiary ORDER BY apiary_name".

    onDataLoaded: {}
    dataModel2.insertList (data);

    Now, this is going to populate the drop-down list while reiterating each
    the query data and adding one by one to the drop-down list
    using the optionFactory component to dynamically add definition
    New Options for the drop-down list
    for (var i = 0; i)< data.length;="">
    Create new Option
    var newOption = optionFactory.createObject)

    Set the text of the Option categoryfield (title of the drop-down list)
    newOption.text = data .apiary_name [i]
    Console.log ("newoption.text =" + newOption.text);

    Add the Option in the drop-down list
    DropDown.Add (newOption);

    ID: dataModel
    DataSource {}
    ID: dataSource
    Source: "sql/hood_apiary.db.

    string newOption property
    query: "SELECT * FROM Apiary, hive where apiaries.» [apiary_name] = ' "+ newOption +" ' AND Apiary. [apiary_id] = hive. [apiary_id] AND the hive. [apiary_id] is not null ORDER BY hive_id DESC'
    onDataLoaded: {}
    dataModel.insertList (data);

    onCreationCompleted: {}
    When the display of the list has been created, load the data into the listview
    and the drop-down list.
    dataSource.load ();
    dataSource2.load ();


    Hello Simon

    Thank you very much for your help, you have solved a problem I had for centuries.

    {Drop-down list
    ID: apiarydropdown
    Title: 'select the Apiary.
    onSelectedIndexChanged: {}
    var dropvalue = ("apiarydropdown.selectedIndex") .text;
    Console.log ("dropvalue has been changed to" + dropvalue);
    Console.log ("selectedIndex was changed to" + selectedIndex);
    dataSource.query = "SELECT * FROM Apiary, hive where apiaries.» [apiary_name] = ' "+ dropvalue +" ' AND Apiary. [apiary_id] = hive. [apiary_id] AND the hive. [apiary_id] is not null ORDER BY hive_id DESC'
    dataModel.clear () / / clears all previous listview view
    dataSource.load () / / load listview

  • How to upgrade an item in the ListView ListItemComponent


    I have a ListView that uses an ArrayDataModel and a ListItemComponent to display a list of items. One of the elements which is display is a photo that takes place is specified as a URI.  In some cases, this URI is empy and I need to go out and scratch a few location data in real time.  Within the netscrape2:nEffectuer slot, I am trying to take this new found data (URL location to the new location of the photo) and replace it in my ListView. ListItemComponent...

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance...

    Container {
                leftPadding: 10.0
                rightPadding: 10.0
                topPadding: 40.0
                ListView {
                    function scrapePicture( ExternalUrl, source, mListItemIndexPath )
                        console.log("Start Search scrapePicture(): " + ExternalUrl );
                        console.log("Start Search scrapePicture() Index: " + Index );
                        netscrape2.scrapeSite(ExternalUrl, source, mListItemIndexPath );
                    id: searchListView
                    dataModel: searchDataModel
                    listItemComponents: [
                        ListItemComponent {
                            id: listComponentSearchResultsListItem
                            type: ""    // I do this because its Array datamodel
                            SearchResultsListItem {
                                title: ListItemData.Title
                                pubDate: ListItemData.TimeStamp + " - " + ListItemData.Location
                                previewImage: ( ListItemData.PreviewImage == "" ) ? ListItem.view.scrapePicture( ListItemData.ExternalUrl, ListItemData.Source, ListItem.indexPath ) : ListItemData.PreviewImage
                    onTriggered: {
                        console.log("Invoke Second Page");
                        var feedItem =;
                        // invoke second page...
                    attachedObjects: [
                        ScrapeHttp {
                            id: netscrape2
                            onComplete: {
                                // this is where I want to replace the picture...
                                var data =;
                                console.log(" " + data);
                                data.PreviewImage = netscrape2.adImageURL;
                                console.log("netscrape2.data2: " + data);
                                listComponentSearchResultsListItem.ListItem.view.dataModel.replace(0, data);
                } // end of ListView

    Why all this way?


    The above code is only necessary when you want to access the data of ItemComponent, but you try to change DataModel.

    You must change the value in your DataModel, in your case, its ID is searchDataModel. No what you have to do is something like this in your onComplete:

    var tmpData =;
    tmpData.PreviewImage = netscrape2.adImageURL;
    searchDataModel.updateItem(indexPath, tmpData);

    Now I don't know what is ScrapeHttp, but it sounds like a weird way of this row.


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